Leaf District


Owner and Founder
Staff member

As the hustle and bustle of Leaf Shinobi clad in their standard uniforms intensified within the confines of the office, Inoka observed the inadvertent jostling of Hyūga Hanawa. Stepping in deftly, he positioned himself as a shield, his back to the onrush of bodies, ensuring Hanawa was spared further unintended brushes. His presence alone prompted the passing shinobi to tread more carefully, their awareness heightened by the proximity of their new Hokage. Hanawa's response to his introduction was gracious and respectful. “Pleasure is all mine, Lord Hokage,” she said, offering a bow that matched her words before adding, “Congratulations on your promotion, the attire fits you well,” with a warm smile that seemed to stir something unfamiliar within Inoka.

Feeling an unusual surge of warmth, Inoka's heart raced—a sensation so foreign that he briefly wondered if it were some trick of genjutsu, only to realize it was genuine nervousness, a rare visitor to his usual composure. Instinctively, his hand crept under his hat, scratching at his scalp in a bid to settle his nerves. Taking a deep breath, his peppermint breath filled the space between them as he attempted to regain his poise."You're too kind, Hanawa. I appreciate the compliments and you being here. I know that we're both busy but I was wondering if you..." he began, his voice trailing off as a young voice pierced the growing din around them.

“I’m here to become a great shinobi—and someday, I’ll be a leader that people can acknowledge!” exclaimed Sentaro Uzumaki, a student from Uzushiogakure, full of youthful enthusiasm and ambition. Hanawa's attention shifted to encourage the young Uzumaki, and Inoka was quick to add his support, "Cheers to that!" which prompted a supportive uproar from the leaf shinobi.

Trying once more to recapture the moment, Inoka continued, "As I was saying, I was wondering if you..." His voice was again drowned out by the increasing chatter around them, with comments about another recently promoted shinobi, Takashi Hyūga, sparking excitement among the crowd as he and his Hyuuga clansmen entered the room. Turning his attention back to Hanawa, Inoka found himself caught in the gaze of her crystalline eyes, his face flushing a deeper shade of red.


Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame → Tenbo → Hanawa Hyūga → Tentai → Sentaro → Takashi Hyūga (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII​





As both of their attention shifted to cheer on the young student’s enthusiastic statement, Hanawa shifted her focus back to hokage as she was completely oblivious to what he was trying to say to her earlier “my apologies Lord Hokage I didn’t -" "As I was saying, I was wondering if you..." he said at the same time, realizing they talked over one another, Hanawa laughed awkwardly as she tugged a strand of her hair behind her ear.

As the uproar chatter seemed to quiet down, Hanawa glanced again at sentaro and his master sitting in the office. Momentarily after the quietness of the room seemed to fade into an uproar chatter with the arrival of Takashi Hyuga , Hanawa’s childhood friend, and the rest of clansmen.

Hanawa turned her focus back to Inoka “I better get off your hair” she smiled awkwardly “Congratulations again” she bowed one last time to show her respect before she turned her back around to make her way to Takashi, her left arm waived up highly in the air “Takashi you finally made it” her figure getting lost between the crowd as she walked away.

Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame → Tenbo → Hanawa Hyūga → Tentai → Sentaro → Takashi Hyūga (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII


Staff member

The Uzumaki stared at the child for a brief moment as it was clear that Sentaro was feeling a bit down as he continued to assure him in his bodily behavior, almost as if he was swatting the bullies away in the air. “Don’t worry about that!” He continued, he continued to pat his head. “Look. I did know about those — which is why whenever I got time to travel, I always took you out on trips” He continued. “I enjoyed our times training, traveling learning about things”

He continued, albeit his expression was a bit hesitant. “That’s only a temporary fix because each time we come back. It get worse and worse for you, right?” He paused, allowing Sentaro to take in the conversation as the child suddenly remembered the bullies’ word about picking him out of mercy. The truth? Tentai didn’t pick him out of anyone because he saw something in him — he just thought a child like him with this drive and spark could be useful than the children that had been bullying him — something that may be noticed in the bullies, allowing them to act out and attack Sentaro in response. On the other hand, the Hyuga's gaze met his, creating a sensation of something wrapping around him. Something about the woman seemed familiar, though it was unclear what that might be. This caused him to hold his gaze, maintaining a cool demeanor, almost as if he were greeting her through his expressions.


Suddenly, Sentaro declared his goal, which resembled that of a yellow-haired, loudmouthed knucklehead from the past which attracted his attention in that moment — causing his head to turn away to face Sentaro.

“Ha!” The Uzumaki exclaimed, as he couldn’t help but to be proud of his willpower. “That stubbornness of yours will help you in the long shot, if I could do it so can you.” He uttered, almost admitting that he once was as stubborn and still is when it comes to his own desires which came off as selfish. It was the very reason why he was considered a wandering Village Head — a man unshackled by the politics and strength of others — to himself nobody could control him; least that’s what appeared to be the case. His stubbornness allowed him to wander outside Uzushiogakure to search for the lost descendants of the Uzumaki Clan that had been scattered throughout the world, establishing the Spiral Council which is mostly filled with elders in line and has intense loyalty to Tentai, considering him as the Pinnacle of the Uzumaki Clan — if nobody could beat him he is the only answer.

Still, Tentai’s focus never wavered as he paid attention to the environment and even to the two particular people who had piqued his interest, both personally and potentially. Though he was slightly concerned about the approach of the new Hokage, he managed a soft chuckle while keeping his hand on Sentaro's head. “Say, you see that?” he whispered, glancing at Sentaro from the corner of his eye. “Let’s do formation R.” He murmured, his head was positioned next to Sentaro, expecting Sentaro to understand the plan. The plan was to distract the man with barrage of questions. This was one of the formations they had used during their travels to Tanzaku Quarters—a place known for its numerous casinos and venues not suitable for children, with him often surrounded by women and alcohol. Don't get him wrong—he just happens to have a good source of information from drunks and women who have heard things; it's how he keeps track of things throughout the world.

The Uzumaki stood up from the chair and made his way toward the new Hokage with a sense of purpose. He anticipated that the Hokage would be approached by Sentaro, who was likely to have approached the new leader with a barrage of questions regarding his appearance, or something random. It was a common occurrence for Sentaro, much like other inquisitive children, to seek out people in influential positions for answers, driven by curiosity and a desire to fulfil their curiosity.

"Don’t bother the Hokage, Sentaro," he murmured, his cloak fluttering as it moved between the departing Hyuga and the Hokage. The Hyuga, in turn, moved away from the group to join her cousin, Takashi Hyuga.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
Last edited:



Sentaro couldn’t help but notice the sudden appreciation and encouragement in the eyes of a Hyuga woman as he spoke about his dream to become a great leader someday. Her supportive cheer was contagious, and soon enough, the other shinobi around him, including the Hokage himself, began cheering him on. The unexpected surge of support made his cheeks flush a faint red, and he let out a light-hearted chuckle, feeling flattered by the attention. "Oh wow… ehehe. Ninjas here are pretty cool." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.


He wasn't used to this kind of positive reaction—usually, he either got ignored or dismissed—but now, he was feeling on top of the world. The warmth of their encouragement filled him with confidence. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you guys down, that’s a promise!” he said, a determined grin spreading across his face as he raised his fist in the air. The energy in the room seemed to shift, and Sentaro could feel the weight of their belief in him. Then, Tentai’s words hit him—his sensei praised his stubborn will, saying it would take him far, just as it had taken Tentai. Sentaro puffed up with pride, feeling not only proud of himself but also of being Tentai’s student.

"Hehe, well, I’ll keep climbing as far as I can!" he responded confidently. But then Tentai leaned in, lowering his voice as he mentioned Formation R. Sentaro knew exactly what that meant. He let out a quiet sigh, his mind immediately catching on to the reason behind it. "Geesh, I already know why he’s making me do this. When it comes to chicks, sensei sure does act different sometimes." he thought, shaking his head slightly but still wearing a smirk. Sentaro stood up from his chair, letting out a breath before walking toward the Hokage, a smile plastered on his face. "So, you’re the Hokage, huh?" he started, tilting his head slightly in curiosity. "That means you’ve gotta be the strongest in this village, right? You know, me and you should spar sometime! I bet I could give you a good fight!" His eyes gleamed with excitement as he spoke, his usual cocky attitude slipping back into place. "Oh, and by the way," he added quickly, "when do I get to go on missions? I’m ready to start doing ninja stuff already, y’know!" Sentaro's enthusiasm was infectious, his eagerness for action practically buzzing off him as he stood before the village leader. Then hearing Tentai shouted, don't bother the hokage, only made him bother him more. Although, he knows this was part of the plan, so he continued on with the act. ''Yeah, yeah! Anyway, You got green eyes like me! That's pretty cool.''


Staff member
A faint smile lingered on the enigmatic face of the Uchiha. His keen eyes swept across the room, noting the reactions of those around him—some pleased with the promotion, others quietly questioning Inoka's competence due to his youth. However, the Uchiha was far too wise to let something as trivial as age lead him to underestimate anyone. Considering Inoka's level of intelligence, as well as surveillance capacity and alignment with additional military forces, would inevitably result in the root having to be more careful.

A few people nearby caught Tenbo's attention, particularly the two red-headed shinobi aside from Ayame. Unbeknownst to him, their names were Tentai and Sentaro. His ears tuned into their conversation as they discussed the current state of affairs. While Tenbo knew little about the Uzumaki Clan, he was aware of Ayame's remarkable abilities. Aligning a member of her clan with the Root would be a monumental achievement. Tenbo listened briefly to Sentaro's words before his attention shifted elsewhere—to the entrance of the Hyuga Lord, Takashi. With a subtle nod in the man's direction, Tenbo acknowledged him without uttering a single word. He repositioned himself.

"Hmm... I didn't take you for the shy type Lord Hokage. Maybe just ask her out on a date?"
Tenbo's voice cut through the air from just behind Hanawa, abruptly interrupting the moment. It seemed unintentional, as he scratched his head absentmindedly, curiosity evident in his demeanor. How would Inoka react? How would Hanawa respond? He genuinely wondered as he added his voice to the ongoing conversation. Standing just two feet behind Hanawa, the group’s proximity was notably close.
Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame → Tenbo → Hanawa Hyūga → Tentai → Sentaro → Takashi Hyūga (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII​


Owner and Founder
Staff member

Inoka chuckled awkwardly, realizing that both he and Hanawa had accidentally talked over each other. As more shinobi flooded into the office, maintaining Hanawa's focus became increasingly challenging. Caught off-guard by Tenbo's sudden intrusion into their conversation, Inoka managed to mask his annoyance with his customary, beaming smile—a facade he maintained even in the most challenging times. There was a brief, palpable silence between him and Hanawa, which felt much longer than it actually was. Just as Hanawa bowed and offered her congratulations, she merged into the bustling crowd before Inoka could finish his earlier thought. He sighed, feeling as though he had missed a crucial opportunity. His inner consciousness, Inner Inoka, berated him on a mental level: "You're such a loser," it chided, causing Inoka to feel smaller, consumed by self-disappointment, in doing so he re-directed his disappointment towards Tenbo. "You seem to always stick your nose where it doesn't belong, huh, Tenbo?" Inoka commented politely, still maintaining his smile despite his dislike for Tenbo, whom he knew often acted out of self-interest rather than for the village's good, the sword attached to his back being the most obvious evidence to this claim.

Turning his attention away, Inoka greeted Sentaro and his mentor Tentai with a warm genuine smile. "An honor to finally meet you, Sentaro. I've only read about you. With Lord Uzumaki as your teacher, you're in excellent hands," he expressed, making sure his gaze shifted between Sentaro and Tentai to include both in the conversation. Sentaro's youthful enthusiasm broke through, "So, you’re the Hokage, huh? That means you’ve gotta be the strongest in this village, right? You know, me and you should spar sometime! I bet I could give you a good fight!" Inoka paused thoughtfully before replying, "Well, to be honest, Sentaro, I'm unsure if I am the strongest, this room is filled with skilled shinobi. But I believe that every shinobi has their weaknesses, and I've always managed to exploit that in battle, which has allowed me to defeat opponents who might outrank me." He then offered a piece of advice, lightly tapping Sentaro's forehead, "Train this as well," suggesting the importance of mental acuity in battle.

Inoka continued to smile, keenly observing Tentai’s and Tenbo's reactions as he engaged with the young Uzumaki, subtly gauging their responses to his interaction with Sentaro.


Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame → Tenbo → Hanawa Hyūga → Tentai → Sentaro → Takashi Hyūga (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII​





Moments Earlier

As Hanawa and Lord Hokage exchange awkward chuckles, She sensed a presence behind her followed by a voice interrupting their conversation "Hmm... I didn't take you for the shy type Lord Hokage. Maybe just ask her out on a date?" causing her body to shift a little to the right, turning her white pearly eyes to glance over at the Shinobi that she noticed earlier, who turned out to be Tenbo Uchiha, standing close behind her, exchanging curious glances between her and the Hokage, his remark almost taunting him, he lingered behind as if he was waiting for a reaction which caused her to raise an eyebrow, Hanawa regretted the fact that her first official interaction with the Hokage was as awkward as it was, she did not want him to be taken for as a mockery.

She turned towards Lord Hokage, bowed in respect and congratulated him once again then, turning her attention to Tenbo "if you are trying to be the wing man right now...then you have failed miserably" with a huff, she turned around swiftly causing her hair to sway from side to side as she walked away towards Takashi's direction waiving her arm to greet him, her cheeks blushing from embarrassment.

Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame → Tenbo → Hanawa Hyūga → Tentai → Sentaro → Takashi Hyūga (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII