Leaf District


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As Gyoken navigated the dense forest of the Forest of Death, his two tomoe Sharingan vigilantly scanned for any chakra signatures that could betray the presence of his sensei's hounds or any other potential threats. His keen ninja instincts kept him alert, ready to react at a moment's notice. The peaceful rustle of leaves was suddenly shattered by a distant crashing sound, drawing his attention sharply towards its source. 'The noise came from over there,' Gyoken thought, his body instinctively tensing as he prepared for what might come next.

About 10 meters from where the sound originated, a loud voice called out, "GYOKEN! YOUR HOKAGE HAS ASKED ME TO SEEK YOU!" The voice was unmistakable in its clarity and direction. With his Sharingan activated, Gyoken could see the figure who called out to him, yet he chose to focus on the stranger's chakra signature rather than his physical appearance, suspecting a trap.


Remaining concealed behind dense foliage, Gyoken silently positioned himself behind a tree only 7 meters away from Yugo. His mind raced, piecing together his next move, 'This must be one of sensei's tricks,' he concluded. Without revealing his position, Gyoken quickly attached a flash bomb to a kunai, hurling it towards a branch directly above Yugo. The kunai struck trrue, embedding itself into the wood before detonating,landinging just fast as Gyoken threw it, and unleashed a sudden, blinding light designed to obscure Yugo’s vision.


Simultaneously, Gyoken formed the necessary hand seals with practiced ease, channeling his chakra to transform his spit into a unique jutsu: a flaming ball of hair shaped like a mouse engulfed in flames. As soon as the flash bomb erupted, the fiery mouse darted towards Yugo, its speed nearly matching the suddenness of the light, giving Yugo barely any time to react or escape the incoming fiery assault. Gyoken’s strategic placement and timing of the attack were calculated to press the advantage, aiming to overwhelm Yugo before he could regain his senses from the blinding light.


Location: Hokage Mansion -> Forest of Death
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gyoken
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


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Yugo was slightly tense in the world of shinobi even in an age of peace but his eagerness to proceed with his mission overwhelmed such concerns as he scans the area looking for signs of the individual the Hokage had told him about before the glint of an object in motion caught his eye. There was no time to think only the blur of instinct as Yugo's arms rise the immediate response of his body to the assumption that the weapon was aimed at him as his left arm crosses forming a horizontal line over his chest to protect his solar plexus and heart as his right arm simultaneously shifts to a vertical pose crossing his left arm and positioned to provide some cover for his throat and part of his face his body. However the defensive pose would not stop the kunai's purpose an unexpected burst of bright light near point blank from the young genin searing his left eyes vision in blinding wight and leaving his right eye bleary due to the partial shade his cross-guard pose had provided but regardless the searing flash could only be indicative of an intent to attack as Yugo's body begins to act making use of the conditioning and muscle memory ingrained through his taijutsu. He drops from a standing pose to a dropping into a kneel like knee strike the branch below him with surprisingly precise force shattering it and causing the Genin to drop letting the barely perceived bolt of mouse shaped fire to streak and shallowly glance over his right shoulder.

Yugo's mind was a haze like static and motion rather than cohesive words his concentration on self restraint slightly disturbed as the faintest hints of markings spreads covering the left side of his face and darkening the sclera of that eye. As his body continues the genin trusting his brutal instincts as his hand swipes to clutch onto the falling branch beside him as he launches it like a javelin adding a spin with the twist of his wrist to increase the impact as it hurtles in the direction Yugo guessed to be the origin of the thrown Kunai. As he is falling Yugo would rake his heel along the tree letting it rip and break away the bark slowing his descent as Yugo swiftly clutches a handful of the makeshift bark shrapnel waiting for signs of movement watching with his blurred right eye's vision and supplementing it with the instincts that come so natural to his bloodline. "You want blood rather than words...so be it" His words were low and growling as Yugo decided even if this was some manner of surprise attack he intended to get answers without using the body warping transformation attributes of his bloodline only his physical prowess and instinct.

Location: Hokage Mansion -> Forest of Death
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gyoken
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


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In the dense canopy of the Forest of Death, Gyoken's Sharingan meticulously traced the execution of his strategy. As the blinding flash detonated, it momentarily disoriented the unknown genin—identified only by his reflexive duck and cover response. Gyoken noted the genin's swift reaction to break a branch with his knee to swiftly drop and evade the impending fiery attack, a testament to his unexpected physical prowess.

Despite Gyoken's initial projectile missing its direct target, the Uchiha was quick to adapt.The engulfed fire mouse, initially a single flaming entity, split into several smaller, fiercely burning spheres as it whizzed past Yugo's shoulder. These balls of fire pursued their target relentlessly, their design to explode upon impact. The proximity and sheer unpredictability of the modified jutsu left little room for Yugo to fully escape unscathed. As the flames found their mark, they erupted into a sizable explosion, crafting a crater in the forest floor. The force of the blast was substantial enough to send Yugo hurling through the air, his skin scorched by second-degree burns. The shockwave from the explosion would likely disorient him, tampering with his inner ear and throwing off his balance, inducing dizziness and vertigo.

Capitalizing on the chaos and Yugo's impaired state, Gyoken executed his next move with tactical precision. He swiftly embedded two kunai in the branch where he previously perched—one attached to a flash bomb and the other to an explosive tag, rigged to detonate with a specific hand seal. Simultaneously, he launched another kunai toward the ground near Yugo, which upon impact, released a cloud of purple, mysterious odorless powder. This powder mixed with the black smoke from the explosion, further obscuring vision and complicating Yugo's ability to pinpoint his assailant.

With the battlefield now clouded in smoke and confusion, Gyoken moved stealthily. Adopting a low, panther-like stance, he leaped from his original position to a new branch, some 10 meters away in the opposite direction of his last thrown kunai. This maneuver was designed to mislead Yugo about his true position, turning their confrontation into a strategic game of cat and mouse—a game Gyoken was well-versed in and ready to dominate.


Location: Hokage Mansion -> Forest of Death
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gyoken
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

Throughout history, the game of cat and mouse had been an inevitable clash between predator and prey—both in the natural world and as a metaphor for the uncertain fate of the Uchiha brethren. Beneath the dense canopy of foliage, concealed within the embrace of shadows, lurked not only the feline-like warrior but also the enigmatic ruler of the rattus rattus—the one whispered about in hushed tones as "The Rat King."

Perched securely in a vantage point far from immediate danger, Tenbo of the Uchiha remained motionless, an unseen spectator to the unfolding battle. His presence was ghostly, his breath quieter than the whispering wind, his scent carried away by the shifting currents, ensuring his existence went unnoticed by those locked in combat. Yet, despite his outward stillness, his influence was anything but absent. Through his unparalleled abilities and dominion over the verminous legion, he bore witness to every movement, every clash, every drop of blood spilled in the chaos below.

Surrounded by three of his most trusted rat companions, he remained vigilant, an unseen orchestrator in the dark. The battle raged on before him, but Tenbo neither spoke nor moved. He simply watched, calculating, waiting—his silence more profound than any words he could utter.


Location: Hokage Mansion -> Forest of Death
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gyoken -> Tenbo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​



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The blinding flash had certainly had a fair effect but Yugo's instincts were not to be underestimated as his left right eye thanks to his defensive pose had provided a degree of shade protecting his vision in that eye a detail that would give him the opportunity to react. The narrow miss of the initial bolt of unusual flame before it split into an array of scattered shots but the needed time to change direction from the miss let Yugo's javelin toss of the branch hurl forward certainly unlikely to hit but with a monstrous spiraling force that would twist and warp the foliage. Yugo kept his eye forward but could hear the shift of the incoming firebolts knowing he didn't have much time as he tosses the bag he had as well as the fistful of shredded bark letting them preempt the explosions before they could make full direct impact the water bottle in his bag would dull the explosion from a fiery catastrophe into a blunted burst of steam.

Yugo would seek to make use ot the blast, the steam and the opening forged in the canopy by his javelins toss watching the treeline with his one blurry eye until motion undefined but present enough to estimate position revealing itself. The unseen opponent making a move demanding a counter. With a powerful stomp against the bark at his feet Yugo's body blurs with Electrical current his 'Overdrive' blaring with as much chakra as he could funnel into it to add to the impact of his stomp sending him hurtling below where the figure was on the opposing tree aiming to slam his knee and cause a split in the tree hoping to dislodge and unbalance his foe as his left hand grips into the tree's now broken lumber and pivots using his training in Taijutsu to position himself prepared to launch upward or perform a sweeping attack if his foe draws near while his right hand reaches for the Kunai the Hokage had given to him.

Location: Hokage Mansion -> Forest of Death
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gyoken -> Tenbo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


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Gyoken crouched low, hidden in the dense foliage as his sharingan tracked Yugo’s every move. His breath was steady, and his focus unwavering. The series of flaming balls of hair he had released had followed their target, streaking through the air with terrifying precision. Gyoken watched intently as they homed in on Yugo, who was attempting to flee dodge. The instant the flames made contact with the bark nearby, an explosion erupted, sending shards of debris scattering in all directions. Yugo's form was hit with the flaming balls of hair as well causing multiple explosions, each collision sending ripples through the air as fiery bursts of energy scattered, burning and scorching as they went.

Despite Yugo’s attempts to counter the flames with regular water, the chakra-infused fire proved too potent. The water couldn’t even begin to absorb the heat before it was instantly vaporized, leaving no trace. Gyoken grinned slightly, knowing his chakra-enhanced flames were effective against any conventional attack. The explosions continued to reverberate through the area, leaving minor and treatable burns across Yugo’s body. The force of the blasts was enough to send him flying backwards, tumbling through the air and crashing into the ground roughly ten meters away. The shockwave from the impact disrupted Yugo’s equilibrium, causing a disorientation as his inner ear was rattled. His sense of balance was compromised, and with one of his eyes already blind, the dizziness was amplified to a near incapacitating degree.

"Perfect," Gyoken murmured under his breath, his sharingan flickering in his eyes as he assessed Yugo’s condition. The dizziness had created an opening, but Gyoken was cautious. This was no ordinary fight, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down. As Yugo staggered, trying to regain his senses, Gyoken took action. From his hidden position, he discreetly released a puff of purple, odorless powder into the air, subtly spreading it around his opponent.

Yugo, still reeling from the explosions, attempted to push forward in a desperate attempt to counterattack. He lunged at a nearby tree with the intent of striking at Gyoken’s hiding place. However, the dizziness clouded his senses, and without changing his chakra to sensory mode, he failed to pinpoint Gyoken’s position accurately. Instead, he slammed his knee into the base of a tree, causing the trunk to splinter and crack under the force. The tree wobbled, then toppled over, crashing loudly into the ground. Gyoken’s eyes flicked toward Yugo’s position. “His strength is incredible,” he whispered to himself, observing the sheer power Yugo was capable of, even in his impaired state. However, Gyoken knew he couldn’t risk getting close for a direct confrontation. Up close, Yugo was far too dangerous.

He continued to play his game of cat and mouse, retreating further into the shadows as he watched his opponent struggle with the effects of his disorienting tactics. With his sharingan still active, Gyoken could see the faint outlines of the chakra signatures of entities that weren’t directly involved in the fight. These presences weren’t strangers to him, but they were cloaked in mystery. “We’re being watched,” Gyoken muttered, his sharp instincts telling him that something more was at play here. Gyoken couldn’t shake the suspicion that the test he had been sent on wasn’t as straightforward as he had initially believed.


Location: Hokage Mansion -> Forest of Death
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gyoken -> Tenbo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member
A nest of snakes slithered throughout the forest with a hint of curiosity, their bodies adorned with what appeared to be platinum-white scales. The baggage sleeve rested against the surface of a fresh tree, allowing the snakes to return to their home. The cautious snake focused all its attention on the strangers, who seemed to be observing it for some reason—a thought surfaced with a venomous tinge. "How curious," the young snake thought. It appears that the serpent rests in a unknown burrow.


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The cat hid in silence, mimicking a mouse—its stealth resembling that of its quieter prey. Yet, even in concealment within the dense forestry, it still bared its fangs, ready to strike. Tenbo was amused. The flames conjured by the young Uchiha were impressive, surging with force and intensity. Paired with the layering of an odorless poison mist, the lad was weaving a sinister trap for his unsuspecting foe.

Throughout the landscape roamed Tenbo’s servants, some hailing from the lineage of Nezumi, while others were members of the population who pledged their loyalty to him and his kin. Due to Nezumi’s authority and his unwavering subservience to the enigma, they followed Tenbo’s commands with absolute obedience. They observed from various corners of the field, effortlessly relaying information and remaining keenly aware of anything unnatural in the area—such as the platinum-white scales that slithered through the terrain, seeking to remain unnoticed.
"It would be most unfortunate if Gyoken still fails to grasp restraint. I’m certain that’s why he failed the exams. In this world, power without skill leads to death, and skill without control leaves one exposed. I’ll observe a little longer—perhaps this may yet prove promising."


Location: Forest of Death
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gyoken -> Tenbo > ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


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WIthin the Forest of Death as Gyoken was involved in a situation involving a visitor from another village Kokezaru and his faithful companion Ryuzaru hopped from branch to branch easily making their way through the forest as if it was second nature to him. For a place called the Forest of Death there was less of a sense of danger from the plants and wildlife for Kokezaru and more a sense of homeliness as it reminded him of home on the Island. As he hopped from branch to branch he periodically focused his unique sense of smell on seeking out and tracking chakra and decerning their strength. While he had never really dealt with Ninken before he knew if they were even half a skilled as the Monkey's on the island he'd not be able to track them easily.

"We gotta hurry and reach the big tree before the hounds catch us," said Kokezaru as they continued their journey completely oblivious to the situation involving Gyoken due to the immense nature of the forest. "Kid you they ain't trying to catch up their hunters they've probably already caught us and are waiting to strike. Its the instincts of a predator so be on your guard," said Ryuzaru as he kept a watchful eye on their surroundings.


Location: Konohagakure 44th Training Ground [Forest of Death]
Posting Order: Yaju Inuzuka -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Kokezaru Sarugami
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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The weight of the situation slowly began to settle on Gyoken’s shoulders, and a sense of dread washed over him. His breathing grew shallow as he stood still, his mind racing through the events that had just transpired. The attack—his attack—had been reckless, a foolish mistake. It was then that Gyoken realized the person he’d just struck wasn’t one of Yaju’s hounds disguised with the Transformation Technique as he initially believed. No, it was Yugo, an ally, someone who had called out to him. The realization struck hard, like a slap to the face, and his stomach churned in panic. "Lord Inoka... Sensei Yaju... neither of them will even get the chance to punish me if this guy kills me," Gyoken muttered to himself, his voice low and shaky as he glanced nervously at Yugo. "I attacked him first, and now I’ve awakened something with monstrous strength. I’m totally dead... maybe if I apologize—" His words faltered as a deep, sinking feeling clawed at his chest. He knew this was bad. He hadn’t even used his jutsu at full capacity yet, and he could feel that Yugo—this mysterious opponent—was not someone he could defeat easily. Despite his doubts, Gyoken knew he had to act quickly, and somehow find a way to de-escalate the situation before it spiraled further out of control.


Taking a deep breath, Gyoken made his decision. He would reveal himself. His fingers trembled slightly as he stepped out from the cover of the trees, his eyes locked onto Yugo, trying to read his next move with the sharp focus of his activated two tomoe Sharingan. “I give up. Please forgive me!” he called out desperately, hands raised in a gesture of surrender. His voice was strained, filled with fear, but also a sense of remorse. He couldn’t let his mistake lead to something worse. Gyoken’s heart pounded in his chest as he watched Yugo closely. His Sharingan continued to track Yugo’s every movement, anticipating another strike. If his opponent attacked again, Gyoken would need to act fast.

"My sensei is training us, and we were told to survive in here... but, speaking of us," Gyoken continued, the anger suddenly welling up within him as his frustration with Kokezuru boiled to the surface.

"That bastard Kokezuru left me!"
The shift in Gyoken’s tone was immediate—what started as a genuine apology quickly morphed into a scathing accusation. The anger at his teammate—at being abandoned in such a moment—overpowered his regret for attacking Yugo. His Sharingan eyes flickered briefly as he took in the surrounding chakra signatures, his senses tingling. Something was off. The forest felt different, more oppressive, as if something—or someone—was lurking in the shadows.

“I can’t figure it out,” Gyoken muttered under his breath, eyes scanning the dense trees and foliage. The chakra signatures around him were numerous, some faint, others overwhelming. “There’s something else here... but I can’t quite pinpoint it.” His heartbeat quickened as the sensation of unease grew stronger. His mistake, his anger, and his confusion were all beginning to converge into a feeling that something far more dangerous than just Yugo was about to make itself known.


Location: Hokage Mansion -> Forest of Death
Posting Order: Gyoken -> Tenbo -> Yugo (Optional) -> Akitsuki (Opitonal) -> Kokezaru Sarugami -> Yaju Inuzuka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 1-3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​