Leaf District





The streets of konoha is buzzing with lively hum of activity as Hanawa strolls through the village. Making her way to the building after being summoned to the Hokage’s office, possibly to meet Lord Inoka, new appointed Hokage as the news reported earlier in the morning. Whispers of the new hokage is audible around her as she continued strolling, anticipating for the new future of the village.

Hanawa’s fingers starts to tingle from excitement as they brush against the shinobi badge belt that’s secured tightly around her waist. Her gaze scans the shops from left to right, noticing the flow of traffic within the village, feeling the warmth of the sun against her pale skin as she brings her hand up to shield her eyes from brightness as she glances up to the hokage building, her steps fade to a stop as she takes a deep breath “this is it” she thinks to her self as she makes her way past the gates, every step she’s making is an important step towards her future as a shinobi. the humming sound of the lively village slowly fading behind her the further she walks into the pathway that leads to the doors of the building. Hanawa enters the hallway and follows the path that leads to the hokage’s office. She entered the room quietly, melding in as she notices all the other shinobi’s waiting patiently in silence, she tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear as she also stood amongst them, waiting, looking forward for what’s coming.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Hanawa Hyuga
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Staff member

The Uzumaki continued to listen to the chatter and the bustling movements of shinobi coming in and out—almost as if they were tasked with gathering in the Hokage's office. However, it didn’t matter to Tentai, as it didn’t concern him. Within the mental plane, Tentai spent his time exploring books that archived each piece of information gathered throughout his life, first as a student and then as the Uzumaki Lord. It was almost as if he was revisiting his past knowledge to sharpen his mind. The mental plane was exceptional in that even if a Uchiha peeked in, all they could see was a large library with countless books, making it difficult to discern or learn anything. Some compared it to a mental block employed by Nagato of the Uzumaki. Nevertheless, it was open to those who could enter his mental plane, though it would not be easy, as Tentai intended to make it difficult. This was also why he could conceal important information regarding the Uzumaki Clan. Outside the mental plane, Tentai appeared to be closing his eyes as if to catch more ZZZs, but he was more aware of what was going on in his environment.

When Sentaro uttered those words, Tentai’s hand quickly struck him on the head, almost as if to scold him for being mischievous. "Idiot," he continued, his eyes still closed. "Don’t look at things left on the table by strangers." Dismissing the accusation of being a pervert, his left eye opened slightly to see what Sentaro was looking at. It was a beautiful woman from the Hyuga Clan, which prompted him to clear his throat - with his cheeks flustered with embarassment. "Put it back where it was." The Uzumaki said, as soon as he noticed a couple of members of the Hyuga Clan beginning to appear in the hall, their presence adding a layer of secondhand embarrassment for Tentai. "Could this be an act of revenge for embarrassing him earlier?" he pondered. The Uzumaki’s thoughts swirled with suspicion as he observed Sentaro’s demeanor. It became evident that Sentaro lacked the cunning or subtlety to orchestrate such a scheme; the notion seemed almost implausible given Sentaro’s usual behavior. The Uzumaki's eyebrows furrowed in skepticism, his gaze sharp and assessing. He considered the possibility that Sentaro was just being plain dumb.

"Here's more snacks."
He said, continuing to give him a few more to distract him for the moment.

At the same moment, the appearance of a Uchiha and a Hyuga coincided with his left eye opening, capturing every image and mannerism. It was almost as if he were a bit curious—these individuals would later be revealed as Tenbo Uchiha and Hanawa Hyuga, respectively, who entered the Hokage's office. A "tch" could be heard as he continued to spend time within his mind, analyzing and gathering information to present to the Hokage, Suzaku—though he was unaware that there was a new Hokage. This would certainly be a surprise to Tentai, who claimed to be knowledgeable about everything—at least, that was his claim.


Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Sentaro's head jolted forward as Tentai smacked him upside the head, knocking some sense into him for reading the dirty magazine. Rubbing the back of his head, Sentaro clenched his teeth and shot a squinted glare at his sensei, half annoyed, half acknowledging that Tentai was right. He knew better than to be caught reading whatever was left on a table—especially something like this—at his age. "Yeah, yeah..." he grumbled, his voice tinged with embarrassment and resignation.

Deep down, Sentaro didn’t see it as paying Tentai back. He knew all too well how his sensei had a thing for attractive women with curvy figures; the old geezer could be a bit of a pervert at times. But then again... so could he. Sentaro couldn’t really criticize when he was just as guilty of sneaking a peek now and then. Maybe it was a case of ‘like sensei, like student.’ With a wry grin, he mentally shrugged it off, realizing he’d probably just follow in Tentai’s footsteps when it came to certain habits. Sentaro's eyes lit up with excitement when Tentai offered him more snacks. Without hesitation, he eagerly accepted, knowing full well he'd have to burn it all off in training later. But that didn’t bother him in the slightest. For now, he was more than happy to indulge, eagerly chowing down with a satisfied grin on his face. Each bite was a small moment of bliss, and he wasn’t about to pass up the chance to enjoy some tasty treats, even if it meant a tougher workout later. "Hm?" Sentaro muttered, noticing a hyuga woman walk past them. His eyes quickly darted to Tentai, catching the way his sensei's gaze lingered on her. A mischievous chuckle escaped Sentaro’s lips, amused by the sight. He considered teasing Tentai about it but decided against it—he’d had his fun already. Instead, he leaned back and focused on enjoying his BBQ chips, savoring each crunchy bite with a contented grin. Sometimes, it was better to just sit back and enjoy the moment.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours) Skip Points: II


Owner and Founder
Staff member

As the office buzzed with the arrival of more Leaf Shinobi, the weight of his new role as Hokage settled heavily on Inoka. He could feel the presence of others approaching, their chakra signatures flaring slightly with anticipation or anxiety. Through their telepathic link, Inoka addressed Ayame, a hint of reproach in his mental voice, "Dammit Ayame, you knew about Suzaku stepping down as Hokage, didn't you?" Her response came as a mental image, her grin wide and innocent, confirming his suspicion without a word. He sighed, resigned to the celebratory crowd surrounding his promotion, and here he was recently passing off his former position as leader of the Sensory Division to Inuzuka Yaju.

Despite the crowd, Inoka's attention was sharply drawn to a specific individual making their way through the throng. "Uchiha Tenbo," he noted silently, his expression morphing into the practiced, cheerful facade he often wore—a stark contrast to the intense scrutiny beneath. Tenbo was still carrying the Shibuki, the blast sword that Inoka had previously advised him to return when he was an advisor to Suzaku, but intended to demand he returns the sword as Hokage. The implications of its possession were not lost on Inoka, especially now with the precarious state of global affairs. He resolved to address the matter privately, considering the potential diplomatic fallout it could precipitate.

Just as he was mulling over this issue, his gaze landed on Hyūga Hanawa, and an involuntary warmth spread across his face. Drawn almost magnetically towards her, he stepped closer, reducing the distance between them amidst the noise of the gathering. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Lady Hanawa. How are you?" His voice was soft, deliberately pitched for her ears only, hoping to forge a connection amidst the chaos.

Simultaneously, his eyes briefly met those of Uzumaki Tentai, acknowledging the seasoned shinobi and his recent pupil, Sentaro Uzumaki, a transfer from the Whirlpool District. Each face in the crowd brought a new wave of responsibilities and reminders of the complex web of relationships he would now have to navigate as Hokage.


Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame -> Tenbo -> Hanawa Hyuuga -> Tentai -> Sentaro (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII​


Staff member

The Uzumaki continued to dwell within the mental plane as he wandered through the seemingly endless worldwide library—a testament to his hard work, represented by the countless collection of books. Though he had taken out two books through his sleeve, depicting the Sharingan and the Uchiha Clan's symbol respectively, the books were designed so that one could not sense their chakra unless they entered his mental plane and searched for them. A smirk appeared on his face as he placed the books on the shelf, which then moved on its own to another location—almost as if the library were alive. It was clear that the books contained copies of Mugen's chakra as well as the Sharingan itself.

Here, he was reorganizing the library to keep himself occupied while waiting for the Hokage, Suzaku. It might be ironic that Tentai wasn't aware of what had happened right before him, but this changed when his ears picked up on the background chatter: "Lord Inoka is now the Hokage." "Lord Suzaku left." "Inoka is the Hokage now." The Uzumaki opened his eyes once more, appearing amused by the sudden change. "To think Suzaku would leave... Could this be a sign of something awful, or something good?" he wondered.

Continuing to pay attention to his surroundings, he listened to the munching sound of his precious student, which led him to wonder about his other three students: Otaru Uzumaki, Kokezaru Sarugami, and Gyoken Uchiha. He wondered if they were doing okay or if they were still dealing with their own issues, as far as he knew. He also pondered what Gyoken's father might be like, recalling that when he first met Gyoken, the boy had approached him with a fearful expression reminiscent of someone he used to know. Suddenly, flashes of images appeared in his mind as he thought about Gyoken. A red-haired child, strongly resembling Gyoken but with red hair, surfaced in his thoughts.

"....." The Uzumaki looked down in silence, though his expression wasn't visible, as he appeared to be acting normally. Even his own student, Sentaro, wouldn't know that he was feeling a bit depressed. Maintaining the usual expression as he opened his mouth in response to Sentaro, placing his hand on the head as he looked onward at the group of Shinobi.

"Say, Sentaro," he continued, his tone light but with a hint of curiosity. "What did you think about the energy around here? Is it quite different from back home?" He asked, his gaze fixed on the child with an almost perceptive intensity. It was as if he were meticulously observing every nuance of Sentaro's reaction and behavior, trying to gauge whether the week had been a positive experience for him. The question seemed to carry an underlying concern, suggesting he was keenly interested in how the change of environment had affected the young boy.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Sentaro's ears perked up when Tentai called his name, drawing his attention away from the snacks. Turning to face his sensei, he listened carefully as Tentai asked for his thoughts on the energy in the room. Sentaro's expression shifted into a puzzled look, unsure of what Tentai was getting at. His green eyes scanned the room, taking in the scene unfolding before him.

The room was filled with the village's higher-ups, all gathered to congratulate the new Hokage. It was a surprise to Sentaro—he hadn’t even realized there was a new Hokage until now. He could see various council members, clan heads, and elite shinobi mingling, their faces set in polite smiles and their words laced with pleasantries. But something felt off to him.

"Well... it kind of seems a bit tense." he finally replied, his voice low and thoughtful. "Like they’re wearing masks to hide their true intentions." His eyes narrowed slightly as he observed their subtle body language—the stiff postures, the overly controlled expressions, and the occasional side glances exchanged among the guests. The air felt thick, like there was something unspoken beneath the surface of this celebration. This realization was all new to him, and the young red-haired ninja was beginning to grasp the complex web of politics and hidden agendas that existed in the world of shinobi leadership. "But some of the guys here do seem pretty happy about the change." Sentaro continued, his eyes shifting back to Tentai with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "But why’d ya ask, sensei?" He tilted his head slightly, trying to read Tentai's expression, sensing there was more to his question. Then another thought struck him, and he quickly added, "Oh, and by the way, you mentioned something about a gift for the Hokage? What did you mean by that?" His curiosity was piqued, and he couldn’t help but wonder what Tentai had in mind. Was it a formal gift, something symbolic, or was there more to it than met the eye? Sentaro leaned in slightly, eager to understand what Tentai’s intentions were.
Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours) Skip Points: II


Staff member

As soon as the child uttered something unexpected, though he was right, it wasn't the place to say it out loud as he laughed. "You need to stop watching those action movies, Sentaro," he continued, though he was more proud that the child was more attentive to his surroundings than he’d expected. After all, a child like him, as a student under Tentai, ought to be more aware of his environment, as it can be vital for his career as a shinobi. "Good that you noticed that," he whispered. "But no, I’m talking about the times you spend wandering around the village, using my money to buy food, and talking to the girls," he continued, almost heartily. "Don’t think I didn’t notice, did you?"

The man leaned back in his chair and looked at him. "Oh, you remembered that?" he said. "I thought you’d be so focused on the wings you didn’t get to eat." Tentai paused, his eyes closed. For a moment, he wasn’t sure what to say to Sentaro, as the gift was actually for him to spend time away from Uzushiogakure to make new friends who might not mock him for being an Uzumaki who wasn’t any good with seals. The culture and mindset back home were difficult to dismiss, as many children were quite prideful in their Fuinjutsu, looking up to the Legendary Ketsugo Uzumaki and, by extension, himself. It didn’t help that Tentai, then the Lord of the Uzumaki Clan, had taken on a student who wasn’t proficient in Fuinjutsu. "So, what did you think of the village? Pretty nice?" he continued, almost changing the topic as it was something that he will find out later.

"Not like how those kids bullied you back then? You think I didn’t know about that?"


Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



“Ehh! Well, y’know…” Sentaro began, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over him—especially when Tentai brought up the part about the girls. He’d tried talking to a few of them, but he lacked the charm to keep them interested. Most times, they’d either give him strange looks or find a reason to dismiss him quickly. He knew he had a lot to learn when it came to that kind of thing, but he tried not to dwell on it too much. Aside from his awkward attempts at socializing, his time in Konoha had been nothing short of amazing. The village was vibrant and bustling, far bigger than Uzushiogakure. There were countless stores, restaurants, and more manga than he could ever find back home. “Yeah, this place is amazing!” he said with a grin spreading across his face. “So much bigger than our village—more manga, and the wings here are so much better than the ones back home.” His eyes lit up just thinking about it, remembering the taste of the crispy wings he had come to love.

“The people here aren’t that bad, either,” he continued. “Really kind, actually! But...” His expression grew more thoughtful, and the light in his eyes dimmed slightly. “A lot of people here seem sad, like they’ve lost someone precious to them. And I’m thinking it has something to do with... ahem that thing.” He cleared his throat, his voice dropping to a more serious tone, referring to the mysterious creatures that had kidnapped thousands of civilians and shinobi. There was an undeniable weight in the air that hinted at unresolved grief and fear, a stark contrast to the otherwise lively atmosphere of the village.


Sentaro eyes widen, hearing about the time he was being bullied by those kids, he didn't expect Tentai to know about that. His expression became slightly sadden. He hated thinking about them, especially how badly they treated him. Still thinking about how horrible their acts were to him.

Sentaro's eyes widened at the mention of the time he was bullied by those kids. His expression grew somber, a shadow of sadness crossing his face. He hated thinking about them—the way they treated him, the pain they caused. The memories of their cruelty still stung, no matter how much time had passed. His mind drifted back to that day, and the vivid flashbacks began. He could still feel the blows: fists slamming into his face over and over again, the sharp pain coursing through him. The leader of the trio had him trapped in a chain seal, keeping him bound and helpless. The words they spat at him were as cruel as the punches. "Honestly... the only reason Tentai took you in as his student is because he pities you. You're such a loser. Your parents probably don’t even love you. You're a disgrace to the Uzumaki name. Do yourself a favor and just kill yourself. Maybe then, you’ll give the name Uzumaki some honor for a failure like you to ever been born into the clan." the leader sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

Sentaro’s eyes widened, and his body trembled with a mix of rage and pain. His teeth clenched tightly, a fire igniting in his heart. "Screw you!" he shouted back defiantly, blood dripping from his mouth. "So what if I can’t do Fuinjutsu? And yeah, I have a hard time paying attention in class, and my grades are slipping! But that doesn’t give you the right to treat me like this! Someday, I’ll become a far stronger shinobi than all three of you and become a great leader! I promise you that!" His defiance only seemed to fuel their hatred. The leader's face twisted with anger as he spat on Sentaro, his spit mixing with the blood and dirt on Sentaro's face. Then he kicked him again, over and over, each blow landing like a hammer. Sentaro could do nothing but endure, his body bruised and battered, but his spirit refusing to break. Even in those painful moments, he clung to his dream—to become someone great, someone who would prove them all wrong.

Sentaro found himself lost in a trance, the painful memories playing out in his mind like a dark, unwelcome movie. The taunts, the punches, the feeling of helplessness—they all came rushing back. But just as quickly as the memories surfaced, he forced them away, snapping himself out of it. "Yeah... well, screw 'em." he muttered, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. His eyes sharpened with determination, and his voice grew stronger. "I’m here to become a great shinobi—and someday, I’ll be a leader that people can acknowledge!" He spoke with conviction, his fists clenched tightly by his sides. No matter what had happened in the past, he wasn’t going to let it define him. Instead, he would use it as fuel to push himself further, to become someone worthy of respect.
Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours) Skip Points: II





Hanawa stood amongst the crowd, she couldn’t help but feel a bit out of place; being surrounded by shinobi whom are Jonin with big reputation, she turned her head to scan the crowd wondering if there’s any familiar faces, she notices her fellow Hyuga members standing at the opposite end of the room. Then suddenly, cheerful chatter erupted as the new hokage stepped into the room, other shinobi started to walk past her, feeling their shoulders brush against hers as she lingered back, waiting for her moment to properly congratulate him.

As hokage seemed to be fixated on a certain shinobi that was standing calmly at the back of the room, whom she later noticed was a Uchiha, his gaze moved to lock with hers, Hanawa could feel her cheeks blush as a smile curled from the corners of her lips, he stepped closer to her "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Lady Hanawa. How are you?" he said softly, his voice is warm and inviting “pleasure is all mine, Lord Hokage” she replied back softly, bowing her head in respect “Congratulations on your promotion, the attire fits you well” she smiles warmly at him.
At the same moment, Hanawa could hear munching sounds coming from somewhere behind her, Hokage’s gaze shifted from hers which prompted her to turn her head to look over her shoulder, her eyes meeting with the blue eyed shinobi who’s hand was rested against the kid’s head seated next to him *his student?* she thought curiously to herself, their vibrant crimson hair is unmistakably recognizable from those of Uzumaki clan.

Hanawa couldn’t help but notice the sad facial expression that is printed on the little kid’s face, wondering if he was alright as he seemed to be lost in thought, then suddenly, she heard him say with a loud voice "I’m here to become a great shinobi—and someday, I’ll be a leader that people can acknowledge!”. Although she did not know the context of their conversation, hearing those words caused her to giggle softly “you tell him, kid” as she clapped her hands together, cheering him on.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Inoka- Tenbo - Hanawa Hyuuga - Tentai -> Sentaro
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
Last edited:


Staff member



Now that Takashi has held the title of head of the Hyūga family for a few days, he has begun to adjust to the weight of his new responsibility. The family members, too, have been adjusting and their transition has gone better than expected. Could it be because Takashi was destined to lead the family from birth? Or is it simply that easy for the members to adapt—or is it pure acting on their part? However, it didn’t matter much right now whether their kindness and fellowship were genuine or not. Takashi will unite the Hyūga family under his leadership and guide them to a safe future with him as their head.

Standing inside the doors of the main house, Takashi observes several members of the clan before him. Each of them wears the classic headband with Konoha’s symbol on it and the green vest, the usual attire for Chūnin and Jōnin-ranked shinobi. “Listen up! We are called to a gathering to welcome the village's new leader. We will show that the Hyūga clan is proud of our village and that we are there for the Hokage and support him! Got it? If I see disobedience or disrespect, you will be held accountable by me.” As the head of the Hyūga clan, Takashi holds authority and responsibility over the clan and its members. He is responsible for maintaining their clan's traditions, managing internal matters and protecting their clan's interests. But being a jonin which works directly under the Hokage's leadership meaning that Takashi even as the clan head, takes orders from the Hokage when it comes to village matters.

They all shout out together 'Yes, Takashi-sama!' With a smile on his face, Takashi puts on his own green vest and ties his headband around his head. “Well, let's go and welome the next Hokage!” Afterwards, the doors from the house open and Takashi takes the lead by being the first to run out. As his foot crosses the threshold, he vanishes into thin air, as every shinobi does once they step outside. They use the body flicker technique to quickly move through the village. If people caught sight of them as they jumped over the rooftops, they would only be shadows along the ground below. Just over 30 shinobi jump along the village with the goal of arriving at the Hokage Building. Once they arrive at the building, Takashi takes the first step into the area. His eyes scan those who have already arrived, Tenbo is the first person he sees but chooses to stand a bit away from him. A little further on he sees Hanawa, a member of his clan but who seems to have arrived earlier than the rest of them.

Instead of stepping forward to stand in front of the others, Takashi remains in the background with several other Hyūga members. Their pale eyes stand out among the crowd of shinobi, and when the door opens, all their gazes shift directly to the man who steps out—none other than Inoka, the left-hand man of the former Hokage, Suzaku. The reactions among the clan were mixed as Suzaku had been a steadfast pillar and a man the clan deeply respected. Thus, there was respect for Inoka as well, though how he would lead as Hokage remained to be seen.

Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame → Tenbo → Hanawa Hyūga → Tentai → Sentaro → Takashi Hyūga (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII
