Leaf District


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The tension was almost tangible as Inoka, locked eyes with Tenbo. His gaze was piercing, a silent testament to the weight of responsibility now resting on his shoulders. With a measured exhale, Inoka sought to steady his nerves, his mind racing through the annals of Konoha's history and the actions of its former leaders. Inoka’s thoughts drifted to Tobirama Senju, a brilliant shinobi whose legacy was tainted by his prejudiced policies towards the Uchiha clan, policies that sowed the seeds of dissent and tragedy within the village. He also pondered the tenure of Naruto Uzumaki—revered as one of the most powerful Hokage, yet whose leniency and deep bond with Sasuke Uchiha had led to significant consequences, including widespread chaos and destruction. These reflections on the past Hokage shaped his resolve not to repeat their mistakes. Another thought briefly dominated his reflections—the recent loss of Mugen Uchiha, a figure close to Tenbo. This event highlighted the ever-present curse of hatred that seemed to shadow the Uchiha, a legacy Inoka hoped to help mend for the sake of the village's future.

Snapping back from his reverie, Inoka finally spoke, his voice tinged with a blend of authority and empathy. "A friend, huh? Friends do not work against each other..." he started, letting the words hang in the air momentarily. "I heard about Mugen. I am sorry to hear that. We haven't seen eye to eye, but I'd hope his death showed you that there is an enemy greater than you and I." His words were sincere, a genuine expression of condolence and a call to unity in the face of common threats.

As Tenbo absorbed his words, Inoka moved towards his desk, the afternoon sunlight casting his figure in a stark relief against the backdrop of his office. The murmur of the gathered shinobi fell to a hush, anticipating his speech. Clearing his throat, Inoka began, his initial voice cracking under the weight of his new role, then steadying into a confident timbre. "I...sorry, this is all new to me. Master Suzaku appointed me as Hokage, and I'm still questioning his decision, but I've always made sure to do anything that advances and protects the village and I plan to continue to do that." He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in before continuing. "Recently, the Gokage met and discussed the global attacks each village has faced. Each village faced major losses. The Gokage all agreed that we would create unified teams hailing from each of the five nations, and send you out on missions to investigate and retrieve any information connected to the Shadow Realm. Konoha has won every battle due to its intel, and with me now as Hokage, I would like to know every minuscule detail. It's imperative that we work together—not for our selfish desires. There most likely won't be a world to come back to if we do not work together."

His voice, though firm, carried a sense of urgency that resonated with everyone present. It was a call to arms, an invocation of unity and vigilance. As Inoka concluded, he hoped the office would be filled with a renewed sense of purpose. The shinobi were now under direct orders of the Shinobi Alliance, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Current Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame → Tenbo → Hanawa Hyūga → Tentai → Sentaro → Takashi Hyūga → Hayate Hyūga
(Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Posting Time Limit: 1 - 2 Days
Skip Points: 3​


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The Mysterious Man's - Mind Mystical Palm Transmission Technique

In the dimly lit confines of the Interrogation building, a figure flickered into existence from the shadows, the soft glow of light green crystal eyes piercing through the darkness. Wrapped securely in an ebony scarf marked with intricate fuinjutsu seals disguising the summoner's chakra signature to its fabrication, so there is no connection, the figure's human appearance was but a carefully crafted facade—beneath lay a puppet, engineered to resemble a jonin of Konoha. The unique scent of flowers clung to it, potent enough to linger on anything it touched, hinting at the identity of its creator.

Approaching the motionless form of a Hanako Hyūga lying unconscious on the cold floor, the mysterious man moved with calculated precision, narrowing the distance between them. Its movements were smooth, almost too perfect, as it prepared to enact its assigned task. "Master Yaju, pardon the intrusion, my name is Inori" the masked man began, its deep unfamiliar voice devoid of any discernible emotion, yet respectful. "I was sent by Hokage Inoka to assist in practice and perhaps master a technique that might one day restore this woman's health."

His hands meticulously formed a rectangle, a specific sequence of hand signs rarely seen outside the most secretive circles of medical ninjutsu.
Channeling a surge of healing chakra, the jonin's aimed to direct this vital energy into the Hyuuga woman's body. The energy flowed from his hands, enveloping her in a soft, glowing aura that signified the healing process. It was an experimental technique, one that pushed the boundaries of medical ninjutsu by attempting remote healing—a method still unproven and highly complex.

As the mysterious jonin maintained its focus, sending steady waves of chakra into the woman's battered form, it remained uncertain whether the effort would yield success. The room held its breath and the woman's body surrounded by medical ninja to assist if the jutsu were a failure. Those in attendance were waiting to see if the Hyuuga would show any sign of recovery, a test of both the jonin's skill and the innovative technique it wielded.

Current Location: Konoha Intelligence Division Building
Posting Order: Mysterious Man - Yaju Aburame (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Posting Time Limit: 1 - 2 Days
Skip Points: 3