
Yaju sat like a king on his throne watching the figure at work. There was something about the fool hardy nature of children that brought a slight twinge of irritation to his mind. He wasn’t one to pull them from their folly as that was merely the nature of humanity. A trial by fire until either the body or the spirit breaks whatever came was the thing that measured the might of a man, let alone a shinobi. Yaju sat proud amidst his four legged throne and with that he observed the figure working the technique and yet he remained unimpressed not because it was experimental but merely because there was a lack of confidence. Yaju knew very well experimentation without confidence was nothing more than a pipe dream hoping for a miracle. He now sat with one hand propping up the heavy crown that was his head. His lips parted in response to Inori’s own rebuttal and it was akin to a father uplifting his child in hopes that they might accomplish the feat they set their eyes on.
“You sound so eager for someone hoping for a miracle, I’ll let you continue.”
Yaju said this and trailed his tongue over his teeth hidden by his lips. This was soon followed by a whistle and in doing so the same set of bestial eyes that had been watching the figure work sauntered from the shadows. This was none other than one of Yaju’s smaller hounds known as Seijaku, a malinois loyal to yaju in ways some could only hope to have manifested in a human. The hound sat on his haunches with his head tilted to the side providing a look of curiosity as he sat between Inori and Yaju both. The dogs back was turned to Inori as he worked and his eyes were locked with Yaju’s own. It was almost as if they were mimicking the same ways of communication of the Yamanaka, silent and effective beyond rapport. The dog approached amidst their silent conversation and Yaju seemed to speak to him in a tone only the dog could perceive. The dog seemed to understand amongst the operation of Inori it merely skulked from view and back into the shadows only accompanied by a near silent puff of smoke as it faded from view. Yaju sent Seijaku to retrieve the same kids he had been forcibly put in charge of. Okami Kitsune, Gyuken Uchiha, and Kokezaru Sarugami. It would take time but when Seijaku inevitably found them they would find his image was not that of a dog but rather Yaju himself standing tall over each of the boys and his lavender hues piercing as it looked upon them. The hound disguised as its master wouldn’t speak but instead would point them in the general direction of intelligence division.
Current Location: Konoha Intelligence Division Building
Posting Order: Inori - Yaju Aburame (Be advised this isn't a strict posting and can post as frequent as you like)
Posting Time Limit: 1 - 2 Days
Skip Points: 3