Leaf District


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Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.


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In the heart of the Hokage mansion, the atmosphere was thick with tension and the sharp scent of imminent change. Inoka's voice, usually calm and measured, rose sharply for the first time in the presence of Suzaku, echoing through the grand halls. "Master Suzaku, I don't understand why you're being so rash. The village still needs you!" he protested, his eyes blazing with a mix of confusion and concern. Outside, a platoon of Konohagakure shinobi, dressed in the standard village uniform, moved quietly and efficiently, carrying stacks of papers and personal belongings out of the mansion. They avoided making eye contact, their focus solely on their task, a silent testament to the gravity of the moment.
Suzaku, unfazed by the outburst, responded with an unsettling smirk that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Now that you've got it out, I've made up my mind, Inoka. The paperwork has already been submitted, and the decision to appoint you as Hokage, discussed amongst the village elders, has been approved. There is no one more trustworthy than you. You'll do great, Lord Inoka," he declared, his voice resonating with a confidence that belied the joviality of his laughter.

Inoka's expression remained stony, his heart not nearly as light as Suzaku's demeanor suggested it should be. "This isn't funny. How could you abandon Konoha, especially after the Shadow World attack? This is not a logical decision. When you appointed me as your assistant, it was to help you make the best decisions for the village, and this is not one of them," he countered, his frustration mounting.


Suzaku's laughter faded, and he met Inoka's gaze squarely. "I've seen how ingenious you are on and off the battlefield, but right now you're acting like a dumbass, Inoka. I have not the power to protect and fight evil at once. I am a destroyer. I burn things to a crisp; that is my destiny. You, on the other hand, are a natural-born leader. You're the best sensory shinobi I know, and the jutsu you've mastered are formidable. I question if I'd win against you each time. Trust me, you're ready. I'll visit every now and then, but as of right now, I am tired of waiting and pretending to be a politician. I'm ready to kill whoever the leader is of this so-called Shadow World. Wish me luck, kiddo," he added, clapping Inoka on the back as he moved past him toward the door.

Inoka's fists clenched tightly, the veins on his forehead standing out starkly as he struggled with his emotions. "As Hokage, I order that you sta..." He began to issue an order as Hokage, but his words caught in his throat as Suzaku vanished, his presence fading so completely that not even a whisper of his chakra remained detectable.

Turning to face the now silent office door, Inoka found himself looking at a platoon of shinobi who had previously been moving Suzaku’s belongings. They were now kneeling, their heads bowed in respect. "Welcome Lord Hokage," they intoned in unison. As the shinobi addressed him, Inoka felt the weight of Konoha's legacy settle upon his shoulders. One of the jonin stepped forward, ceremoniously wrapping a distinguished Hokage coat around Inoka's waist. Another carefully placed the iconic Hokage hat upon Inoka's head, marking the official transition of leadership. In that moment, Inoka was transformed not only in attire but in spirit, embodying the role of Hokage with a renewed sense of duty and resolve.

Ayame Uzumaki stepped forward from the group, her face bright with an encouraging smile. "Hokage Inoka, I've ordered all the shinobi to come join us to celebrate your promotion. Also, it’d be a good time to let them know about the Shinobi Alliance unified squads, so they aren't taken by surprise when teamed up with shinobi outside of Konohagakure."

The weight of his new title settling on his shoulders, Inoka nodded slowly, acknowledging both the honor and the immense responsibility that came with it. As he took his first steps toward leading Konohagakure, the voices of his shinobi filled the room, a stirring blend of loyalty and anticipation for the future.


Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka/Ayame -> Based on who arrives in order
Post Time Limit (PTL): 1 to 2 Days.
Skip Points: lII​



A while back…

With a swift, fluid motion, Sentaro flash-steps onto the rooftop of one of Uzushiogakure's towering structures, his feet barely making a sound as he lands. His body moves with the grace and speed of a seasoned shinobi, his red hair streaming behind him like a comet’s tail. He pauses for only a split second, his piercing green eyes locking onto his next target—a nearby building just a few strides away. With a confident smirk, he springs into action, leaping effortlessly across the gap. The wind rushes past him, tousling his hair and tugging at his orange jacket as he soars through the air. His landing is flawless, toes touching down lightly on the edge of the roof before he pushes off again, propelling himself toward the next structure in a continuous, seamless motion. "Heh!" he exclaims, his voice carrying a mix of exhilaration and satisfaction, enjoying the thrill of darting from rooftop to rooftop, feeling the strength and agility coursing through his body.

Each leap is calculated, each landing is precise, as Sentaro navigates the rooftops of Uzushiogakure with the confidence of someone who has done this a thousand times. The village below becomes a blur, and for these fleeting moments, he feels truly alive—unburdened by anything but the pure freedom of movement and the wind on his face.

Sentaro leapt down from the rooftop, landing smoothly on the ground below with a soft thud. As he straightened up, he casually placed his hands behind his head, his arms relaxed, exuding an air of carefree confidence. A huge grin spread across his face, his green eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Man! I can’t wait to start doing missions as a ninja now!” he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement. The thought of finally putting his training to the test in the real world filled him with a rush of adrenaline. His moment of enthusiasm, however, was quickly interrupted as three of his Uzumaki peers approached him from the side. Their expressions carried a mix of arrogance and mockery. The leader of the trio, a boy with an arrogant smirk plastered across his face, stepped forward. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Uzumaki who can’t even do a proper seal.” he sneered, his tone dripping with condescension. “Man, what kind of Uzumaki can’t do seals, huh? Am I right, guys?”

The two boys flanking him erupted into laughter, their snickers echoing in the alley. They were clearly enjoying the chance to gang up on Sentaro, using the clan’s expectations as a weapon to belittle him. Sentaro’s grin faltered for just a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. He knew his weaknesses in sealing jutsus made him a target for ridicule, but he wasn’t about to let these taunts break his spirit. He kept his hands casually behind his head, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at the three of them, a playful yet defiant glint flickering in his gaze. "Yeah, yeah, I don’t need any seals to kick your asses!" Sentaro shot back, his grin turning into a cocky smirk. He stood his ground, hands still resting behind his head, radiating confidence. His eyes locked onto the leader of the group with a bold, unwavering stare, a hint of challenge in his voice. "So, you guys want to test that theory, or are you just gonna keep flapping your gums?" “Boys, let’s teach this failure a lesson!” the leader sneered, spurring the largest of the trio into action. The bigger boy lunged forward, his fist aimed directly at Sentaro's face with a powerful swing. But Sentaro, quick on his feet, effortlessly sidestepped to the right, narrowly avoiding the punch. In one fluid motion, he countered with a solid punch to the gut, driving his fist deep into the boy’s abdomen. The impact sent the larger boy staggering backward, gasping for air as he clutched his stomach. However, before Sentaro could press his advantage, he suddenly felt a cold, metallic grip tighten around his body. Chains, marked with glowing seals, wrapped around his arms and torso, binding him in place. The leader stood a few paces away, hands outstretched, having activated a sealing jutsu. "Hehehe, let’s mess him up real good, fellas!" he cackled, a cruel smile spreading across his face. With Sentaro immobilized, the three boys closed in, fists flying as they began to beat him relentlessly. Sentaro tried to break free from the chains, but each attempt only made them tighten further. Blow after blow rained down on him, pain flaring up with every strike. Still, he gritted his teeth, refusing to cry out.

After roughing him up for a while, the trio began to realize that their blows weren’t having the effect they had hoped for. Sentaro’s well-built physique, hardened by years of relentless training and intense conditioning, absorbed much of the punishment. Though bruised and battered, he stood firm, his body weathering their attacks with surprising resilience. Frustrated by their lack of real damage, the boys eventually grew tired and decided they had enough. With a dismissive wave, the leader undid the chains binding Sentaro, letting them clatter to the ground. "Heh, y’know, you’d make a pretty good punching bag." he sneered, a mocking grin on his face. "Maybe focus on that—you might actually find a career there." He punctuated his insult with a rude gesture, flipping Sentaro off before turning away. The trio walked off, their laughter echoing down the street as they left Sentaro standing there, bruised but not broken, his eyes burning with a quiet determination. Sentaro wiped the blood from his nose and lips with the back of his hand, his expression hardening. “Tch... whatever, jerks!” he muttered under his breath, his voice filled with defiance. Despite the beating, his spirit remained unshaken. His green eyes blazed with resolve as he straightened up, determination etched across his face. “I’ll prove to them—and everyone else—that I can be a great shinobi!” he vowed, his fists clenching tightly, already plotting his next steps to rise above the doubt and mockery.

Suddenly, Sentaro’s eyes caught sight of a figure approaching—the Uzumaki Lord, Tentai... his rival! A rush of adrenaline surged through him as he recognized the familiar stance and commanding presence. With a cocky smile spreading across his bruised face, Sentaro casually placed his hands behind his head. “Heh, 'bout time you showed up, old geezer!” he taunted, his tone light but filled with a competitive edge. Hearing that Tentai is going to bring him to Konoha, Sentaro eyes widen. This is the first time he’ll ever leave Uzushiogakure, yes! This is what he wanted to go on missions and to push himself further as a shinobi and fighter! ‘’ALRIGHT!’’

After a long travel, Tentai and Sentaro finally made it to Konoha, his eyes widen, looking at the tall buildings and the variety of people. ''Woah, this is Konoha? It's awesome!''

Having been in Konoha for nearly a week, Sentaro took every opportunity to explore the village and discover all the unique places it had to offer. Among the bustling streets and hidden gems, he stumbled upon a chicken wing restaurant that instantly became his favorite spot. The savory aroma, the crispy wings, and the lively atmosphere made him feel right at home. It was the perfect place for a red-headed ninja like him—somewhere he could unwind, enjoy great food, and soak in the new experiences of Konoha.​
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A yawn could be heard alongside the bustling, viridescent trees, which generated a gentle aroma of the forest, painting the image of being engulfed by a beautiful mix of scents from several plants and trees. Even the ground contributed to the sensation that came with the sunrise. The sunlight touched the surface of the village, with the heat and brightness signaling a beautiful morning. The cloak rustled against the gentle breeze, which carried the scents of—well, everything wonderful. It was clear that the environment was much different from his home country, which was usually engulfed in scents of saltwater and ocean. "Great... That was a busy week." The Uzumaki continued to groan as his back cracked while stretching on the patio. It was evident that he had just woken up from his slumber. Behind him was a giant window door that revealed a beautifully decorated room with two beds, and a television showcasing a report on the new Hokage Inoka—almost as if it were gossip, preparing the people for what could be a new beginning for Konohagakure. Though it was clear that the news wasn’t reaching his ears, as he appeared to be focused elsewhere. "Where the hell is the kid?" He raised an eyebrow as he continued to stretch. "Don't tell me he's up to something no good... We’re supposed to head out to the Hokage Building to talk to Hokage Suzaku." He muttered under his breath as he closed his eyes. "Let’s see where the kid is..." The Uzumaki utilized his Sensory Abilities to track down the chakra signature of his student from Uzushiogakure, Sentaro Uzumaki.

The man vanished in the blink of an eye using the Body Flicker Technique and arrived behind Sentaro, who was now eating a wing or two. "Found ya." His hand gripped the back of Sentaro’s shirt, almost displaying his absurd strength, lifting him above the seat. "You know we were supposed to get ready to see the Hokage soon, right?" Tentai said, his eyes narrowed in disbelief. Sentaro was one of the students under Tentai's wing who had accompanied him to visit Konohagakure. Although Sentaro was unaware of the true intention behind their visit, and seemed indifferent to it, he was clearly taking advantage of the trip to enjoy a mini vacation.

"Besides. Didn't we have breakfast for free at the Hotel?" He murmured, as he glanced upon the food Sentaro ordered.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Suddenly, Sentaro felt a firm grip on the back of his shirt, yanking him up from his seat, where he was munching on some good wings. “Huh? Hey, let me go!” he exclaimed, already recognizing the familiar presence behind him. As he was lifted into the air, he turned to see none other than Tentai, the Uzumaki Lord, with a knowing smirk on his face. “Oh yeah! I totally forgot we were supposed to see the Hokage, ahaha.” Sentaro said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. His face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement as he recalled their earlier plan. “Yeah, but that was supposed to be for breakfast. Now I’m having a snack.” Sentaro added with a playful grin. Despite his hearty appetite, Sentaro's rigorous daily training and high metabolism kept him in shape, preventing him from becoming chubby despite his love for good food.

Sentaro was buzzing with excitement at the prospect of meeting the Hokage. After all, the Hokage was the top leader of Konoha, the strongest individual in the village, and the figurehead of its shinobi strength. It was a thrilling opportunity for him to be in the presence of such a prominent figure.

As they made their way toward the Hokage’s office while still being carried by the back of his shirt, Sentaro turned to Tentai with a curious glint in his eye. “So, why exactly are we meeting him again?” he asked, his enthusiasm barely contained. His mind raced with possibilities, eager to find out what kind of mission or special task awaited him under the guidance of the village's most esteemed leader.​


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An eye twitched at the playful words of Sentaro, laced with a hint of carefreeness in each letter. Tentai continued to walk out of the store, his free hand tossing a few bills to the waiter. His other hand maintained a firm grip on Sentaro’s shirt as he walked across the village, dragging Sentaro along like a sack, which drew giggles and chuckles from the women around them. It was clear that they were more impressed with Tentai's strength. On the other hand, it was evident that he was embarrassing Sentaro in front of the girls his age, causing Tentai's eyes to appear indifferent.

"Sentaro," he continued, "let's just say it's to give the Hokage information and a present." A smirk appeared on his face, hinting at something more significant. "It's regarding those creatures, kid," he whispered. If Sentaro had paid attention to recent events, he would know that there had been an attack by creatures from the darkness who had kidnapped thousands of civilians and shinobi, making it clear that it was not something to be taken lightly. "Yeah, those. It’s about that," Tentai said as he approached the gate, retrieving his visitor pass, which Suzaku had given him a week ago to visit the Hokage.

And what do you know? A week of waiting had passed, though it wasn't without merit. Tentai had used the time to instruct Otaru and Kokezaru on how to use the scrolls and had even spent additional time teaching Otaru how to use the Uzumaki Fuinjutsu, which made him quite proud of their progress. He was directed by one of the staff to wait in the waiting room located next to the Hokage's office, though it was clear that many shinobi were moving in and out. Still, Tentai remained patient as he continued to converse with Sentaro regarding his progress on the Sturdy Fist.

"Say, Kid." He continued. "Did you figure out how to use the Sturdy Fist yet?"

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



"...I’m not going to be offered up as a sacrifice, am I?
" Sentaro thought nervously, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. Despite his usual bravado, the thought of being used as a bargaining chip made him uneasy. More than that, though, he was deeply embarrassed by being carried around like a child in front of everyone. The stares and whispers of passersby only added to his discomfort.

When Tentai mentioned presenting a ‘gift’ to the Hokage, Sentaro couldn’t help but feel a shiver down his spine. There was something about Tentai's demeanor that sometimes made him seem intimidating. However, he quickly shook off the unsettling thought. It was probably nothing as drastic as he imagined; it was just his overactive imagination running wild.

As Tentai elaborated on the matter, revealing that the discussion was about the recent kidnapping of thousands of civilians and shinobi by mysterious creatures, Sentaro's expression shifted to one of grave concern. The gravity of the situation brought a serious edge to his demeanor. “It’s about that… well, good thing you’ve got one of the best shinobi here!” he said, referring to himself with a mix of confidence and determination. Despite his earlier nerves, Sentaro was ready to rise to the challenge and prove his worth in the face of such a dire situation. When the topic of learning the Sturdy Fist style came up, Sentaro's confidence was unmistakable. “You bet I did!” he responded with a wide grin. “Maybe after all this, you and I can spar a few rounds, yeah?” His enthusiasm was palpable, eager not just to showcase his new skills, but also to challenge Tentai to show him what he is made of.


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A moment after the child claimed to be one of the best shinobi, Tentai glanced at him with amusement, causing him to chuckle. It was almost as if they were a master and student—well, of course, they were. At least in Sentaro’s eyes, however, he perceived Tentai as something entirely different. Could it be that Tentai sees something in Sentaro that the child himself does not? Who knows the truth except Tentai, especially as protests and jealousy arose from children Sentaro’s age who envied the position of the Uzumaki Lord's students. "Well... that might be true," Tentai murmured, his hand caressed tentai's chin in amusement. "But we shouldn’t underestimate the might of someone who seems weak, especially when they have a reason to protect." A grin appeared on the Uzumaki’s face, almost as if he were referring to the Will of Fire, or perhaps Ashura’s Ideal, which could be inherited by those in Konohagakure and Uzushiogakure. After all, the Will of Fire is an ideal that originates from Ashura Otsutsuki, the progenitor of the Senju and Uzumaki Clans.

"Perhaps after this, we can have a spar or two, though don’t get too cocky," the Uzumaki chuckled as he placed Sentaro in an empty chair positioned against the wall, next to a magazine featuring an older, seductive Hyuga woman that might attract the attention of a curious child like Sentaro. On the other hand, Tentai pulled a snack from under his sleeves, which appeared to be endless—though it was soon clear that it was sealed along with other food that Sentaro might like.

"Do you want a snack? It’s a BBQ-flavored chip," Tentai said as he extended his hand holding the chip as he sat next to Sentaro, his eyes closed. To outsiders, it might seem amusing, almost as if a father were spoiling his child with snacks.


Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Sentaro Uzumaki > Tentai
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Sentaro raised an eyebrow when he heard Tentai talk about never underestimating someone weaker, especially when they have someone to protect. The concept seemed a bit foreign to him; he had never been in a real life-or-death situation where he had to defend someone he truly cared about. The weight of such words didn’t quite land. "I’m not sure what’ya mean, geezer. But whatever you say." he replied, his tone casual and dismissive. His eyes squinted slightly as he took a seat in the empty chair nearby, leaning back with his hands folded behind his head, giving off a laid-back, almost indifferent air.

As he settled in, something on the table caught his attention. Suddenly, his right eye popped open, and he noticed a magazine lying partially hidden beneath some papers. Its cover displayed a series of suggestive poses featuring sexy Hyuga woman, their expressions seductive. “O-ohh… uh…” he mumbled, a bit flustered as he scratched the side of his forehead, his mind momentarily distracted. He glanced around to see if anyone was watching, contemplating whether he should take a quick peek or pretend he hadn’t seen anything at all. The temptation was there, but he wasn’t sure if it was worth the risk. "Well... if Tentai doesn’t mind... guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek, ehehe!" Sentaro chuckled to himself, his curiosity getting the better of him. He grabbed the magazine and flipped it open, his eyes instantly widening at what he saw. His nose started to bleed as he took in the images. "Woah! These babes got some nice curves!" he blurted out, unable to contain his surprise. "Who knew you were such a perv to have these, Tentai!" he teased, grinning mischievously, ''It's obvious these are yours!'' His amusement was obvious, and he half-expected Tentai to swat the magazine away at any moment. "BBQ chips? Never had 'em, but sure!" Sentaro replied with interest, reaching into the bag and grabbing a handful. He tossed a few into his mouth, crunching down with a loud munch. "Oh wuw, thus stuff is really guud!" he exclaimed through a mouthful of chips, his words slightly garbled but his enthusiasm clear. His eyes lit up, clearly enjoying the new flavor, as he reached for another handful.​
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The ever-shifting tides of the shinobi world forced its inhabitants—both warriors and citizens alike—to adapt constantly. This unpredictable yet persistent influence of shadowy forces had become a ceaseless reality. The leader of Root, recognizing the growing threat to his very existence, knew it was time to act. His ambitions required that the shadowy realm be dismantled; failure was not an option.

Before the members of the shadows, shrouded in darkness, stood a figure of respect—the enigmatic Uchiha. His Sharingan flared to life, its crimson glow piercing through the dim room, casting an eerie light on the faces of those gathered. He addressed the Root members, his voice cutting through the silence with a commanding presence. In the heart of the meeting, he revealed his growing influence within the Uchiha Clan, a ripple effect from the mysterious disappearance of Mirai Uchiha. He spoke of loyalists—clan members who had sworn fealty to him. If he were to claim the mantle of clan leader, many within the Uchiha would stand behind him. He told them of Ichijo and Mujin, suggesting they would do well to align with him. His leadership, he promised, would serve as a useful proxy for their dealings both within the Leaf Village and beyond.

Once the meeting concluded, he swiftly relocated himself, ensuring he wouldn't miss the crucial order that had been relayed.

After some time had passed, the enigmatic Uchiha arrived at the residence, perfectly dressed for the occasion. His eyes remained closed, a serene smile gracing his face as he, like the others, waited with quiet anticipation. The room was filled with tension and excitement, and finally, the door opened. All in attendance turned to welcome the new Hokage.

Unlike many who expressed their excitement openly, he remained silent, his smile unchanged. He was deep in thought, already contemplating the future under the new leader—Inoka, the Mind Weaver, also known as the Information Incubus. Now, more than ever, aligning himself with Inoka was crucial to his ambitions. With Shibuki strapped to his back, he had come prepared, knowing that with the nation's leader now in place, he would be treated accordingly and granted opportunities to further his political dealings.

At the back of the room, Tenbo stood, waiting patiently for the boisterous crowd to settle into silence.


Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Inoka > Tenbo > ???
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
