Leaf District





Signature of his chakra began to change as he emitted nothing but anger and furry—towards the man who sought to eliminate, mentally he was distracted. He knew what he needed to do at this time to ensure his goal was successful, the insertion of his chakra would make even the blind be able to tell who was beneath the mask. It was something Shijo had done on purpose—somewhat very calculative of him. At a simple glance his eyes were within the regular tomoe formation, spiralling and inspecting the very degree of his father analysing everything but his eyes. Fascinating enough not many knew why there was bad blood between the two, well why exactly did Shijo hate his old man. His direction was now infact the will of Tenbo who stood at the pinnacle of the root. As Tenbo seemed to have begun to walk towards an undisclosed area, the young man simply followed, whilst making a simple tiger seal. Releasing the effect of any possible Genjutsu within the room if any was ever cast. He was someone who keenly spoke to that Ninja Art, and knew it was well within the ability of the Uchiha to cast a Genjutsu easily.

His figure would then release his seal which would also see a crow with eyes similar to his appear upon his shoulder as he flanked his master. There the crow sat upon his shoulder as he walked through the confines of a darkish and shadowy hallway.

“Master, should I begin the festivities? Or do you still want their cooperation ?”

As the crow began squawking and mucking within a low pitch, the Uchiha would just allow him to depart from his shoulder to the very midst of UMC headquarters. But why? It was part of the plan which was about to be executed? Only time will tell as behind each door was feather left behind and constant auditorial sound generated at a peak pitch. There was nothing one could do but kill this winged creature to stop the sound, sound which was louder and louder, sound which created an annoyance to the very ears itself. Through his eyes, the crow followed along as he had map out of the building from his time being the captain of the Uchiha Police. He knew every crease and corner of the building and wanted to spread his influences throughout the UMC headquarters.

Deep down, Shijo cared more for his clan than many thought. He alluded a lot of times that he was not pleased with the direction of the landscape which the Uchiha was taking. Especially within the watchful eyes of Mirai Uchiha. It was the purpose he would fulfil just by a word by Tenbo Uchiha. With every ounce of his being he wanted to move up and grab power so he could deal with his father at a later date. He knew it was not the time now, especially since he possessed the Mangekyou Sharingan. The revered eyes of the Uchiha clan belonged to three members, probably four, as there were always rumours of Mirai Uchiha also having it also. This interested Shijo so much and he felt the way to power was through the Uchiha accepting him as their new Lord. Intriguingly, his attention was never taken off the goal at hand and what it meant for Tenbo Uchiha, his master.

Location: UMC
Posting Order: Mujin Uchiha → Ichijo Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha → Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​




Yaju’s hounds stood hairs on end giving way to the palpable tension in the air itself. It didn't take long before the sun painted the sky a shade of orange. Effectively paving the way for the imminent night sky that was beginning to encroach on their would be gathering of the minds. Yaju’s demeanor hadn’t shifted at all in fact his heart still raced at the possibilities and outcomes that were often ever present within battle. His tongue traced across his blackened canines as he listened to Yudoka speak and then to Satoma’s own words. He almost wanted to laugh in both of their faces given he circumstances however the time for laughter was far from now and as he observed the situation in its entirety he wasn’t exactly fond of the aforementioned circumstances. It was as if Satoma had no regard for optics at all and as far as Yudoka was concerned in Yaju’s eyes they were both foreigners. He could at least smell a faint whiff of the Tsuchikage’s presence on the young woman and after taking in the scents of the village as a collective he knew she was at least supposed to be here given everything pieced together. However in regards to Satoma he was effectively a true foreigner. He had done nothing but posture himself as a threat to the villages sanctity by having his serpent present and even Yudoka had made it known that Yaju was in fact just doing his job so he wouldn’t be calling off the hounds anytime soon. Having the smell didn’t do much aside from show him that one had potentially simply tried to conceal themselves amongst the masses. Simply put, this man had put himself on a pedestal for attention by having the serpent out and subsequently acting the way he had to an allied shinobi. Yaju’s rebuttal was one of relative disinterest as he spoke with his typical stern tone.

“Unfortunately bub, you’ve painted a target on your back for summoning a giant serpent in a public space. So unfortunately Yudoka is right, I'm just doing my job regardless of how you smell.”

Jujin’s posture didn’t shift at all but his nostrils flared alongside all of the other hounds in Yaju’s pack. Their noses already heightened to the minute changes of the environment but more over the smell of an additional body joining the fray albeit some distance away. It was the very reason Yaju was in charge of the sensory division in the first place despite the fact that he was looking to keep to himself like that of a hermit. His collective skill as a shinobi was a testament to that. Yaju was in the category of old men in a profession where individuals die young giving way to the idea that perhaps with time anything was possible. His head rested in the palm of his hand and his chakra swirled within his being with each thump of his heart. Yaju’s speech would inevitably continue leaving a palpable tension in the air.

“If that's going to be a problem, you’ll just be arrested here and now. Then you can sort it out with the Hokage after.”

Yaju wasn’t moved by the man’s stern tone in the least. Yaju was one of the oldest Jonin in the village, let alone one of the oldest shinobi. This meant in his eyes talking to the young man that stood before him was like talking to a child who had just gone for their first swim. His posture hadn’t shifted at all, keeping his head nestled in the palm of his hand as he spoke. Perhaps things would blow over and the individual would take the hint. However, had they opted to not comply Yaju and company was more than poised to handle the situation with haste.


Location: Wooded Area within Konoha
Posting Order: Yudoku → Satoma Yaju → Daimaru
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll





Mujin could feel Tenbo's emotions, it carried weight. A dense layer of hatred covered every word in Tenbo's voice. Even though it could be said that it was a poisonous tone, it still calmed Mujin. His eyes narrowed and he started to gain control over his emotions. He straightened his composure and turned to face the turmoil that was their shared mental space. Mujin thought about his next words in silence for a short while. If Tenbo had set his heart on this goal to usurp the Uchiha Clan, and remove Mirai, there was little Mujin could do to stand in his way. The Divine Covenant seal would see that Mujin and Tenbo could not harm one another without serious harm to themselves.

With a building trail of thick tears, Mujin would close his eyes and smile at Tenbo, reciting a version of an old poem they knew as children.

"Beneath the full moon's gentle gleam,
I dream, a child once more, it seems,
Wrapped in warmth, nostalgia's light,
In that embrace, all feels right.

Yet, as dawn breaks, the dream slips away,
Leaving behind a lonely sway,
A tear falls, like morning dew,
And with it, the dream bids adieu."

Mujin would walk to his brother and reach for him in an unfamiliar embrace. Clenching Tenbo's shoulder Mujin hugged his brother. Backing away slowly but keeping his hands on Tenbo's shoulders, he would look towards him sighing deeply before wiping his face and nodding a single time.

"I will not stand in the way of your path, but I can not watch it either. My dream here has died, I want you to follow yours. "
Mujin would let his hands fall from Tenbo's shoulders with a smile. Pushing his hands into his pockets, Mujin would look off towards a seemingly endless expanse. " I think it's time for me to resume my training, and for that, I must ask a favor. "

Outside of their mental conversation, Mujin would be seen pulling a cigarette from his pocket and bringing it to his mouth. A lighter reached up as he lit it. Inhaling and exhaling a large cloud of smoke. It swirled and plumed away from Mujin's silhouette as Ichijo trailed behind ever still. They seemed to be having an evening stroll through the wooded paths during the setting of the sun. Mujin closed his eyes as he continued smoking and continuing his mental dialogue with Tenbo, Ichijo was likely there as well now if he bothered to enter at all.

"I would like to head out of the village on good terms to avoid necessary attention. Is there any way you can levy some advantage and make sure I have a prolonged mission outside the District? I would like to go on a prolonged leave of absence from the village. I can send back information I discover in the world as I travel it. Maybe Shijo as ANBU Captain could help in that regard. I would like to plan on leaving as soon as possible if it can be helped. If you can not help in this regard, I understand. I have done little and less to be asking favors of you."

In the waking world, Mujin would open his eyes and look back at Ichijo, Smiling, nodding, and casually smoking his cigarette away from his old teacher. There was much going on in the district this evening, Mujin wanted a break from it all, a real break. One where he may learn information to help guide him through the awakening of his Sharingan's new powers. Mujin knew he would need Ichijo to help guide him once more.

Holding his cigarette to his lips, his hand hovering over the lower part of Mujin's face, he took a final drag before pinching out the end of the cigarette and throwing the remaining filter into a trash bin next to the path they walked on.


Location: Konoha Forest
Posting Order: Mujin Uchiha → Ichijo Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha → Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Staff member




"You are to return to the Hyuga Clan and become the Hyuga Lord. Do not return unless this matter has been accomplished. We will need your influence in the times ahead. Do what you must to see this through..."

The order from Lord Tenbo was unlike anything Takashi had ever received before. Throughout his career, Takashi had never hesitated to carry out Tenbo’s commands, no matter how dangerous or morally wrong the missions might have been. Whether it was espionage, silencing rogue shinobi or training new recruits, he had always obeyed without question. But this time was different. This wasn’t just another mission. Tenbo wanted Takashi to reclaim the title he had forsaken in the past. The mantle of leader of the entire Hyūga clan. Now however he was being ordered to reclaim it, no matter the cost. “As you command.” Takashi answers Tenbo as he rises from one knee, bowing deeply to Tenbo before turning away and sprinting into the dense forest, leaving the two Uchiha behind. Running through the thick forest, Takashi continues to get further and further away from the meeting place. Running in the direction of the village but more specifically, the Hyūga district.Once he felt sufficient distance between himself and Tenbo, Takashi released his chakra suppression. Allowing chakra to flow freely once again and with that release, he begins to feel light as a feather with each step. His speed increases with every step until he reaches his full speed.

Once he got closer to the village, he begin using the body flicker technique. His form vanishing from sight as he accelerated with every step. To anyone who might glimpse him, he was nothing more than a blur. Even those which tries to sense his chakra would struggle to track his movements or pinpoint his destination. Upon reaching the outskirts of the village would Takashi run up on one of the nearby buildings. Moving himself up to the very rooftop of it with ease. The layout of the rooftops provided an ideal route, allowing him to navigate above the bustling streets of Konohagakure undetected. Takashi moves silently like a shadow above the people by leaping silently from rooftop to rooftop. Knowing that he couldn’t stay in his ANBU gear for much longer without attracting unwanted attention.

Spotting a more hidden rooftop slightly removed from the busiest part of the village. He lands quietly and his feet make barely a sound. He pauses for a moment and activates his Byakugan to survey the area and ensure that no one could see him. The rooftop is shielded by the taller buildings around it, creating a hidden spot among the buildings. Satisfied with his choice of location Takashi reached up and slowly removed his mask. Feeling the warmth of the sun on his face once again. His hands moved swiftly as he unbuckled the straps of his armor and removing the gray armored vest and other protective gear. Rolling the uniform into a tight bundle to efficiently minimize its size. From the weapon bag on the side he produced a small scroll. Placing the Root uniform onto the rooftop, Takashi pressed his hand over it, channeling a small burst of chakra into the scroll. In a puff of smoke, the uniform vanished, safely sealed away within the scroll. He quickly tucked the scroll back into the bag, ensuring it was securely hidden. Afterward he pulled on his regular attire, a tight white shirt that clung to his form, offering freedom of movement. He then re-tied his long hair back securing it with a simple band, completing the transformation from a Root member to a regular civilian of Konoha. "This will have to do for the moment." He whispers, ready to continue his mission with his new appearance.


Standing on the edge of the rooftop, overlooking the bustling village. Taking a moment to gather himself before looking down to the street below him. The same streets of the village which continue to buzz with life, unknowing to the silent transform that had just occurred above their heads. With a final glance at the busy streets below, Takashi walks off the edge of the rooftop. With a fluid motion leaping motion he lands lightly on the ground as just another face in the crowd. Now dressed as just another villager, Takashi began his walk home towards the Hyūga district. The usual laughter and chatter of the village faded into the background as his focus remained fixed on the path ahead. The closer he got, the more distinct the district became. The traditional buildings of the Hyūga clan contrast with the rest of the village. Elegant, imposing, and stayed true to their theme with many households. The large gate marking the entrance to the district stood before him, guarded by two members of the clan. When Takashi approached the two Hyūga clan members, they straightened up and recognized him immediately. Their eyes, the unmistakable pale Byakugan, showed a mixture of respect and curiosity. They stepped forward, bowing deeply in unison, their hands held at their sides in a gesture of deference. "Welcome home, Takashi-sama!" One of them said, his voice steady. "What brings you back to the Hyūga district?" And the other guard added. "It is an honor to see you return. How can we be of service?"

Takashi’s gaze remained ahead, his face was unreadable to the two. Not slowing down his pace at all as he walked past the two, his silence speaking louder than any words could. His focus solely on the towering structure at the heart of the district, the main building where the most revered members of the Hyūga clan stayed at. The guards exchanged a brief uncertain glance but made no move to stop him. They knew better than to question him or try to stop him. When he continued down the stone-paved path, the familiar surroundings of his childhood came into view. The well kept gardens, the gentle curves of the buildings and the quiet disciplined atmosphere all felt both familiar and distant to him just like a memory long buried. Takashi’s thoughts were like a wild storm of emotions but his outward appearance remained calm and controlled. He had one goal in mind, one destination that mattered more than anything else in this moment. Re-claiming the title as the head of the Hyūga clan and following the orders from his master. As Takashi got closer to the main building, the weight of his heritage and his duty and the expectations placed upon him pressed down even harder. The towering doors stood before him and without hesitation Takashi reached out, pushing the heavy door open. He stepped inside, the familiar scent of aged wood filling his senses. He could see the people of the clan’s most respected members gathered together. They had been expecting him, though they did not know what his return would bring to the clan. Takashi paused for a brief moment, his gaze sweeping over the room. Then without a word he takes one forward before saying out loud to everyone presence. " I am here to reclaim my rightful title as head of the family!" The silence after him is felt throughout the room but does not last long. What breaks the silence is none other than Hayate Hyūga. Next to Takashi in line to lead the clan and also Takashi's younger brother, his resemblance to a younger Takashi is uncanny. At least in appearance only but their thoughts and lives have been anything but different from each other.


"Big brother, you can't do that.. I am the next head of the family and you already left us once. " Hayate stated and the elders looked at the young Hyūga. He had a good point and they all knew that, even Takashi himself did but he had an order to fulfill. 'Do not return unless this matter has been accomplished.' The order of Tenbo still echoed in his head and Takashi’s gaze quickly shifted towards Hayate. Coming off from Takashi would be pure bloodlust, also known as murderous intent towards his younger brother. "Who are you to stand in my way, Hayate? Do you have the strength to stop me?!" Hayate's eyes slowly moved down when Takashi raised his voice towards his younger brother. Takashi's s shifted towards the others in the room before he continued. " Do any of you have the strength to stop me?!" Takashi’s murderous intent would quickly affect the people around him, paralyzing them with fear for a brief moment.

His gaze moved over the faces of those who had guided and protected the clan for generations. He could see their years of wisdom in their faces and the weight of their authority in the stillness with which they regarded him. Takashi drew a deep breath and centering himself before he spoke towards everyone in the room. " Elders of the Hyūga clan" Takashi began and his voice was steady and resolute. “I stand before you today, not as a request but as a declaration of my intent to reclaim the title of the head of this family, a title that carries the weight of our legacy and the future of our clan." He paused and allowed the gravity of his words to settle in the room. "For too long I have walked a path that distanced me from the responsibilities and traditions that bind us as a family. But in that time I have seen our world from a different perspective. One that has shown me both the strength and the vulnerability of our clan. I have seen the respect we command but also the challenges that threaten to undermine it." Takashi’s Byakugan moved from one elder to another, looking straight into their own pair of pale white eyes. “I now understand that being the head of the Hyūga clan is not simply about holding power or preserving tradition, it is about adapting to the changing world while maintaining the core of who we are. It is about leading with both strength and wisdom, ensuring that our clan not only survives but thrives.” His presence is commanding as he continues. "Under my leadership, I vow to uphold the honor and integrity of the Hyūga name. I will ensure that we remain a pillar of strength in Konohagakure, a clan that is both feared and respected. We will not allow our traditions to be ruined, nor will we allow our enemies to see us as weak or divided. Instead we will stand united and our Byakugan sharper than ever, our resolve unbreakable." Takashi's voice became louder and filled with the certainty of his decision. “This clan has always been a beacon of power and reputation and under my guidance, we will continue to shine even brighter. I ask for your support not out of entitlement but out of a shared desire to see our clan reach new heights, to see our legacy endure through the ages." Takashi would then lower his voice as his tone softened but no less firm. "I see now what must be done. I am ready to lead and to protect our clan, to honor our ancestors and to guide the next generation to a future where the Hyūga name is spoken with the respect it deserves. I ask you to stand with me, to trust in my vision and together we will ensure that the Hyūga clan remains a force that commands respect and admiration in the eyes of all." With that all said, Takashi bowed deeply to the elders, a gesture of both respect and confidence in the path he had chosen.

When Takashi rose from his bow and the silence in the room was heavy with the weight of his words. The elders with their stern gazes and unreadable expressions exchanged glances. Finally, the eldest among them, a figure whose hair had long since turned white with age but whose eyes still burned with the intensity of the Byakugan, stepped forward.

“ Takashi ” The elder’s voice was gravelly yet clear. “Your words carry the weight of a leader who has seen the world beyond our walls and has returned. But the path you chose in the past did distancing yourself from the clan and it was not one we fully understood, yet we respected it. Now, you return with a desire to lead and to guide the Hyūga into a future that honors our past while embracing the changes that come with time. This is no small task but you have shown us that you are willing to bear this burden.” Takashi’s gaze remained steady as the elder spoke. He could feel the shift in the room and the cautious acceptance that was beginning to take root among them. It wasn’t mere words that would win them over but it was the resolve that Takashi knew he must show every day from here on out.

The elder continued speaking towards Takashi “To lead the Hyūga is to carry not just the weight of our legacy but the expectations of our people. We have guided this clan through many trials and we will not step aside lightly. But if you are truly prepared to take on this responsibility, to uphold the honor of the Hyūga. While taking on the challenges that lie ahead, then you will have our support.” Takashi would take a deep breath before answering the elder. “I do not take this lightly. I understand the gravity of what I am asking and I am prepared to prove my dedication to our clan. I have returned not just to reclaim a title but to ensure that the Hyūga clan remains strong and respected in the years to come.”

The room remained silent for a moment longer. Finally, the elder nodded slowly. “Very well. The Hyūga clan will support you, Takashi. But know this, your leadership will be tested and your resolve will be challenged. We will watch and we will guide as we have always done and the decisions you make from this day forward will shape the future of the Hyūga. Make them wisely.” Takashi bowed again as a gesture of respect. “I will not fail you or the Hyūga clan.” With a final look at the elders and a glance at Hayate, Takashi turned and walked toward the door. Each step felt heavy as the weight of his decision settling in. He gently pushed the door open and as it closed behind him, a breeze brushed against his face, almost as if his old-self was welcoming him back. He paused for a moment, letting the wind blow through his hair as he looked around the familiar Hyūga district. "What's next?" he quietly wondered. With a clear goal in mind, Takashi began walking toward his own house in the district.



Location: Root Private Location (A 48) → Hyuga District

Order: Takeshi Hyuga → ??

Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2



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In the secret meeting area, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation and the weight of unspoken intentions. The Uchiha, seated in his customary chair, maintained a stillness that spoke volumes. His gaze, sharp and penetrating, seemed to cut through the veneer of discussions around him. Almost as if he were truly free from the illusions imposed by society or a collective group desiring a specific outcome. While the rest of the group may debate their next moves—strategizing, weighing risks, and crafting plans—the Uchiha’s thoughts were consumed by a singular, personal objective. His mind was fixated on a future incident he anticipated, one that he felt required drastic intervention.

His arms rested on the table as he listened to Mujin's desire, with it promoting potential voices to come out in the room. His thoughts, however, diverged sharply from theirs. He was solely concerned with achieving his personal goal in response to a future incident. His eyes, holding the truth behind his actions, which he used to preserve and redirect events toward a favorable outcome. His silence contradicted the internal whirlwind of calculation and foresight; while the group's strategies might evolve, his own path was already set in his mind, shaped by both foreign experience and foresight. His eyes darted to the left, as if scanning the environment, expecting only Mujin, Tenbo, and himself to be present. This was a delicate topic to discuss, given the secretive nature of the Mangekyo Sharingan legend.
Location: Uchiha Gate within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Mujin Uchiha → Ichijo Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha → Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Staff member


The metaphorical tears cascaded down in torrents, drenching everything in their path, shrouding the two brothers in the cold embrace of foredooming death. Each drop seemed to carry the weight of their sorrow, soaking the realm with despair. As Mujin's turbulent emotions slowly ebbed, the downpour softened, as if the sky itself mirrored his inner turmoil. When Mujin finally closed his eyes, the heavens answered with a deafening roar. A jagged bolt of lightning split the sky, its blinding light momentarily freezing the scene, before it struck the water's surface with an earth-shaking crash, turning the darkened landscape into a fleeting spectacle of light.

The force of the strike sent water exploding upwards, the droplets suspended in the air like a constellation of sorrow, each one a mirror to the pain shared by Mujin and Tenbo. The very atmosphere seemed to twist and writhe, the illusion of reality bending under the strain of the brothers' agony. It was as though the storm itself had become a living entity, a reflection of their internal chaos.

Tenbo, who had been sitting stoically atop the torii gate, was gone in the blink of an eye, his form vanishing as the searing light of the lightning faded back into darkness. As Mujin’s voice cut through the still air, another presence, Yami no Seifukusha, emerged upon the water's surface, its form as elusive as a shadow in the night. When Mujin finished his poem, his heart heavy with unspoken words, he reached out and wrapped his arms around Tenbo. To anyones surprise, Tenbo, usually so reserved, returned the embrace, his arms tightening around his brother. The tears that had been streaming down Tenbo’s face did not cease, but the anguished cries that had once filled the air were now silenced. And as Mujin continued, the truth became undeniable—fate, in all its cruel inevitability, was beginning to tighten its grip.

Outside the confines of this makeshift realm, Tenbo remained acutely aware of the surrounding environment. The palpable emotions of his subordinate, Shijo, were easily discernible through his actions, revealing his true identity despite any attempts at concealment. Yet, Tenbo found himself devoid of the emotional capacity to concern himself with this lapse in discipline. His gaze shifted to the crow perched nearby, its keen eyes mirroring the same ocular prowess that Shijo possessed. Tenbo gave a subtle nod in response to Shijo's question. It was time to initiate the plan he had orchestrated for the clan's future. Every moment was precious now, as the clock ticked down towards the inevitable confrontation with Mirai of the Uchiha Clan. The crow, understanding the silent command, took flight, its wings cutting through the air as it sped toward the direction of the UMC headquarters.

Within the mental space with Mujin.
"You wish to leave? I suppose I can aid you."
The tears on his face dried up.
A coldness over took him.
"For me to aid you in this... You must help me first. We will discuss further with master Ichijo."

Within the private quarters of the Uchiha, Tenbo sat at a round table desk, expected to be joined by Mujin and Ichijo. Anticipating for Shijo, his anbu to stand guard outside the door.

"I despise this world, and I intend to reshape it to my will. My plans are already in motion; I've initiated a significant shift within the political landscape of this village. But this is just the beginning. I won’t stop until my vision is realized, and you both will be instrumental in helping me achieve it." The enigma declared. "Before we delve into the details, Master Ichijo, there's something you need to explain. It appears that Mujin and I have stumbled upon a power that you, too, possess. Tell us everything you know."

Location: Uchiha Gate within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Mujin Uchiha → Ichijo Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha → Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

The Uzumaki pondered as he rested his chin against his left hand, almost curious about what he might have missed mentioning before his departure. His long white cloak fluttered in the air as his mask appears to be attached to the arm - being tied up by the ropes around his arm sleeves - designing to hold tools through it. Some could say he contains mini scrolls within his cloak, decorated by subtle yet cautious preparations representing Tentai's mind state. It was here that Kokezaru's answer that had determined his final destination; being that of the Hokage's office. For a moment or two, it was clear that one could see his expression being a pretended one as he was rather active in his bodily mannerism; being painted as a dramatic person. It was here that Otaru replied, that resulted in Tentai slamming his palm with a clasped fist - almost an a-ha moment. He had failed to explain what was the tools and what it can do truly, along with what happen when they reach a roadblock.

"Oh yeah! My bad, you’re right. Otaru!" He continued, running his hand through the back of his head as his eyes moved down at the children. "So, where do I begin..... Right. They work by providing lessons in a step-by-step order. Each step will prompt you with instructions to perform a specific task, such as refining your chakra control, creating a certain formula, and more."
He paused, his eyes continued to wander off. "How do I explain this part..."

"It’s kind of like a digital book, except it functions like a computer, allowing you to navigate through all the lessons. However, you can't skip ahead. It has the ability to detect whether you’ve actually met its expectations before moving on to the next step; it's like a living device that'll teach you. Of course those aren't powerful as it only stores a couple techniques, fitting your request - you should've seen the genuine one."

The Uzumaki smiled a bit as he looked at Otaru, who appeared to be more cautious and inquisitive, a trademark of what a Uzumaki ought to be. But what did he meant by the genuine one which stores techniques and memories? Could it mean something when he looked at Otaru?

"If you hit a roadblock, it will remind you of the task with clear instructions. Also, it has failsafes to prevent unauthorized use—only you two are authorized. Don't let anyone else handle them, as they’re prototypes. They’ll be officially released to the public at Nagi Academy." The Uzumaki exhaled, simply out of exasperation as he didn't take a moment in between the words as his bodily manner was almost as if he was running out of air. "Whhhhew." Tentai whispered.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Tentai > Kokezaru Sarutobi > Otaru Uzumaki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II





Certainly, the Uchiha clan were known for their powerful Sharingan and formidable abilities, which was deeply entangled in a web of power struggles and internal conflicts. The titles of "Uchiha Lady" or "Uchiha Lord" might have carried a certain mythical allure, but they were rooted in the harsh realities of clan political wars. Even those who weren't part of the central branch of the clan, which was often seen as the most powerful and influential, were still drawn to the allure of power and the potential to rise within the ranks.

However, with Shijo’s desire for power came with its own set of challenge(s) which was him being caught up in the clan's internal conflicts, unable to fully control the clan’s destiny. The power struggle within the clan may intensify, with members constantly vying for position and influence. Shijo weighed the moment carefully, knowing that his greatest opportunity was near. His ultimate goal was within reach, and with the absence of Mirai Uchiha, who was now stalking the outskirts of the village, created an opening that he could not ignore at all. But who could truly anticipate his other move? As an elite ANBU, he was a master of stealth and strategy, an unparalleled tracker who needed neither eyes nor obvious signs to sensory to see the paths before him.

His senses were finely tuned to the world around him, able to pick up on the slightest disturbances in the air, the faintest shifts in energy especially what was not here in present time. As the Queen had left her castle, the knights of the round table would gather, leaving him to guard the door. Now with very shadows as his allies, concealing his presence was not an option. Anyone within the building would feel his chakra, some who were within the room and even the ones who sat dormant to thought and insights. He was within the mind like a precious predator with his mind as labyrinth as his plans of contingencies much like the likes of his Master Tenbo Uchiha. Each one meticulously crafted for this exact moment especially against a woman who was considered the Lady of the Uchiha. He didn't just follow her movements—he predicted them, understanding the subtle patterns that others couldn't even perceive probably not his master but he was the one to try to deceive

His opponent might have been a powerful adversary, but out here, away from the heart of the village, the balance shifted. The hunter became the hunted, and in this game of shadows, only one would emerge victorious. He knew the time was now. Every step, every breath was calculated. The village might sleep unaware of the looming storm, but he was wide awake, ready to strike when the moment was perfect.

In some context, the titles of "Uchiha Lady" or "Uchiha Lord" were more than just ceremonial—they were symbols of authority, influence, and the perilous path that came with it which he wanted to claim. The struggle for power within the Uchiha clan would be a reflection of the broader conflicts that would shape the destiny of Shijo Uchiha, forever. It needed to be done, the initial crow being summoned was just the catalyst to many chain of events which was going to be central in the whole struggle within the clan. With the disappearance of the clan lady. Shijo wasn't interested in waiting for the mantle to be passed down by tradition or inheritance, he craved it now. He intended to seize it by force, with a cold determination that few could rival in the clan. His ambition was fueled by a deep reservoir of knowledge to defeat his father. .
Many within the clan were unaware of the extent of his cunning, blinded by the belief that his succession would follow the usual path as per who was predestined. Though Shijo was different—his eyes saw more than just the surface. He understood the intricate dynamics of power, the secrets buried within the clan's history, and the weaknesses of those around him. His approach was devoid of warmth or sentiment; it was clinical, calculated, and as cold as his own thoughts.

In Shijo's mind, power was not something to be inherited; it was something to be taken and he knew it was time to cease it. Without his knowledge and the strength of the Uchiha's soul behind him, he was prepared to do whatever it took to cement his place in the Uchiha folklore history. His vulture made a subsong, with a mixture of melody and croos which were followed by endless falling feathers which worked upon one sick sense, and the other by noise. It was followed by the multiplication of sound and sounds sung by the crow which was simply systematic arithmetic, a sound of screeching which can be heard even for minutes, it was by sight and of ears. A loop, with a friendly reminder that many Uchiha had not trained their eyes like his had not gained the knowledge he had through the years. As young as he may seemed his reputation had been known, it seemed to have not faltered because of lack of practice, he honed his art very perfectly till he was able cross many T’s and placed many dots. It was calculative to the point maybe it would escape the eyes of the others especially since they were dead focus on speech now and not the outer disturbance, Though it was not nearly as impressive as impressive of the its layers, layered Genjutsu was something he did a lot especially if it was not something outside of his knowledge with crows. It used two major factors of ninja art, deception and perception. The eyes can't keep up with what it can't see whilst the ears can't stop hearing what its hearing. It was quiet a twist of epic proportion something that those who had not uniqueness to conquer and fight a Genjutsu which was structured like this would just fall to cohesiveness of the tactics.

The subsong was dramatic as the corridors seemed to be infected by its reach, for only those who sat not to hear it would not have and those willing to accept the cost of Genjutsu, it was their choice to override its eternal stranglehold upon their livelihood. It was somewhat unbearable to know, his control was so strict as it took a simple, tiger seal to see the multiplication of his crow which he had a telepathic connection with. It made the mockery of the subsong seem louder and more vulgar with praise as feathers recycled within the air apparent to the eyes as they fell upon its sights. It was a double whammy— equal to a relatively easy outcome. The stress was never on the youthful Uchiha who sat not within the outskirts of room but on the divine outside of the room, still connected to what was inside as he was not just mere Uchiha but a highly skilled sensory shinobi at that too.

Falling of the Clan, was simply something many of the Uchiha before sought not to happen to the prestigious clan like the Uchiha. The illustrious Shijo sought to advocate change, in his own way. Deepening his clutches not only on the clan but on his goal to strike his father at any time. Ichijo stood as the pinnacle of his wrath, nothing was for certain when it came to his hate towards his father. The hate was great, but he should be grateful that they must clash even for the sake of the clan.

"Soon very soon i shall seek control of this clan." He said within himself acknowledging the heartful conquest he sought to achieve.

Location: Uchiha Gate within the Uchiha Complex/ Crow(s) within the Corridors
Posting Order: Mujin Uchiha → Ichijo Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha → Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​





Watching as he spoke, Mujin nodded to Tenbo until the shifting of their mental landscape changed into one of a hardwood floor with traditional screen doors, a table appearing out of thin air adorned with chairs.

Mujin followed Tenbo over to the table and sat down in one of the chairs. This mental meeting room only had three chairs, so he assumed Tenbo and Ichijo would take the others.
Once seated Mujin would look over to Tenbo; " Depending on what it is, I might be able to help you. I do not need this world anymore, I wish to travel it and learn more about myself and my true nature. So if this involves me with the shinobi world then i might be inclined to say no and take my chances on my own."

Mujin would look over to Ichijo and then back to Tenbo and then outside one of the mentally created windows.

" So whatever it is, please, Don't ask anything unreasonable of me. "


Location: Konoha Forest
Posting Order: Mujin Uchiha → Ichijo Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha → Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





Hanawa plants a soft kiss on her little sister’s forehead before gently ruffling her hair “I’ll see you later after training” she smiled at her before turning her back and started walking towards the door, pausing as she looked at the direction of her father’s room, it was still early in the morning, she lets out a soft sigh as she decided to let him sleep in, she turned her gaze back to her sister “wake father up in an hour, would you Hiashi?” “yes, O nēchan” her little sister replied.

Hanawa smiled as she turned the door knob, stepping out and closing the door behind her. She takes a deep breath to inhale and exhale as she started walking in the street of Hyuga compound, her bow secured tightly between her left arm and her side of her body, humming to herself as she strolled along towards the training ground, wind blows her hair as she steps into the open space, wooden archery targets laid out in the field, scattered in different distances and some hidden in the forest, she drops her bag on the ground, she stretches her arms up, intertwines her fingers as she sways her arms left to right then releasing her fingers, squatting down on her left knee as she stretches her right leg out then switches to the other side repeating the same movement before she stands up again, yielding her bow, taking a deep breath before she starts to sprint into the field whilst channeling her chakra flow as well as taking control of her breathing, a low humming sound melody echos as she manipulates the shape of her chakra into an arrow, coming to a halt as she holds her bow with her left hand and draws the chakra arrow and the bowstring with the right, releasing the arrow with a buzz sound as she fires it onto her first target, watching it pierce through the blue line, she moves onto the next, forming another arrow as she calms her breathing, pulling the string back, her eyes fixed on the target as she releases the arrow watching it as it goes through the red line. She smiles to herself as her gaze fixes on the other targets farther in distance, repeating her technique until her arrows go through the yellow bullseye. Panting softly as she nods her head and mutters between her breath “not bad”. Knowing her training is not done yet, she activates her Byakugan, focusing on her field of vision into the forest scanning the area until the final target appears within her range, it must be at least 4 kms away, she straightens her posture, humming sound echos again as she forms one last chakra arrow and pulls on the bowstring, locking her eyes on the target whilst infusing her arrow with her wind chakra nature and release the arrow, watching it fly in rapid speed causing strands of her hair to move around as it goes through tree branches with buzzing sound, shaking them up until it reaches the target’s bullseye, knocking it over to the ground. Hanawa deactivates her Byakugan, resting her hand on her right hip whilst closing her eyes momentarily, forming a smirk on her face as she stands in silence before making her way back. Hanawa’s growling stomach breaks the silence “guess it’s time for breakfast” she mutters as she bends down to collect her tool bag, swings it over her shoulder and holds her bow, making her way back to Hyuga compound.

Location: Hyuga Compound
Posting Order: Hanawa Hyuga
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll