Leaf District


Staff member

A chuckle escaped the rosy-colored lips as a shine casted from the sunlight hovering them can be seen on the bottom lips as his teeth are revealed in such an aggressive manner, with him nodding his head in response. "It's always a exciting time to teach sealing jutsu to children like you!" He clasped his right hand and rested it against his chest, where the heart is located - resembling the famous Minato pose. "You can do it, Monkey Brat!" Tentai grinned, being surrounded by the bright lights of the Sun, embodies the ideal of the Uzumaki Clan it could be seen in the eyes of the children that he was painted as a sort-of heroic figure here to replace Ketsugo Uzumaki and support the people of Konohagakure, just like the previous Uzumaki Lord.

Just a moment ago, when he touched Otaru's shoulder, a seal was being imprinted onto the child. This incomplete mark was the result of a secret technique passed down from the Uzumaki Lord to his successors, intended to bless Otaru with access to what was considered an untold amount of knowledge regarding the Uzumaki Clan's Fuinjutsu; this includes the medical type. Although this knowledge was limited and regulated by a fragment of Tentai's consciousness sealed within Otaru, it would act as a mentor of sorts whenever Otaru sought to train—always available to be called upon. The seal was also incorporated with the summoning seal. It was the same matured seal that appeared on Tentai’s entire body, part of the colorless Canvas Arts of the Uzumaki Clan. This unmatured seal would grow and adjust according to the child’s upbringing, with its appearance reflecting the personality—whether it turned red, white, black, or even blue. Whatever happens next is up to Otaru.

And you're the first—well, new students of the Uzumaki Lord as well. Impressive for you, Otaru and Kokezaru!"
He paused in the middle of the sentence, correcting himself as he remembered making Gyoken his student just hours ago. "Say.... are you guys any good at reading and studyin'?" The man murmured, as his hand moved into a index finger gesture to point at the both boys in order of Kokezaru and Otaru. "I'm going to retrieve an scroll or two so you guys can study this, move a bit as it's a bit big." He continued, a grin can be seen on his face with his hands being clasped together to form a hand seal in order to summon something... But what could it be? During the summoning process, Tentai can be seen elsewhere in the Summoning Plane where a gigantic creature can be seen in the darkness with only its tusks and eyes being seen the soundless Tentai moved his lips attempting to form words - but one could not hear it as it was too far away from the reality. a part of an larger elephant in which caused a cloud of smoke to appear around the face. "Gah..." The Uzumaki said, as tears appeared on the face almost as if it was displeasing to summon this particular trunk that is now revealed to be originating from the seal on Tentai's tongue.


The trunks moved with a curious grace, as if each swaying motion was a deliberate act of sniffing out the new students' unique chakra signatures. This ritual seemed to be a way for the trunks to remember and acknowledge each student's presence. After a moment of inspection, the trunks released two scrolls, which was propelled into Tentai's hands in front of the students. These scrolls contained valuable information on chakra control and advanced sealing methods. One of the techniques detailed was the Enclosing Technique, a seal that had been taught in the Academy but with a significant improvement. Originally, this seal required a complex formula, but the Uzumaki Clan had refined it, simplifying the process and making it more efficient for sealing and unsealing; making it more readily available in the Nagi Academy for the Advanced Fuinjutsu Classes, which Tentai is now leading as its teacher. Once he retrieved the scrolls, the Elephant's trunk vanishes in blink.

"The blue one is yours, Otaru. The other one is for you, Kokezaru,"
The man continued, his eyes darting left and right. "These scrolls will provide you with individual lessons and tasks. When you complete each step, the scroll will indicate whether you succeeded. If so, it will proceed to the next lesson. Think of them as ultimate teaching scrolls for students under my tutelage. They also contain a seal that acts as a messenger; if you need me, I am always available to communicate through it." The man continued, almost prideful of what Uzushiogakure had accomplished. The scrolls were revealed to be the secret scrolls of Uzushiogakure, better known as the Endless Spiral Scrolls. Their failsafes prevent them from being exploited or used against their creators. Inside, the scrolls contain lessons tailored to the needs of the students: the blue scroll focuses on teaching basic medical fuinjutsu, while the other scroll provides Kokezaru with the ability to seal objects and create a timer mechanism that can be triggered without his command—akin to a grenade. Whatever the case is, it won't be a instanteous process as they must study and do the steps in the proper order.

"I almost forgot. Here!"
The man whispered as he searched his body and retrieved two golden hair bracelets, "Those are the proof that you are my students, and there might be others with them in the future; if you do. Treat them well!" resembling the ones in his own hair. He handed them to the students. What a generous master he must be—students would be lucky to have him as their mentor with all these gifts, right? "Is there anything else I have missed?" He rubbed his chin, causing his tongue sticks out as he recalls about his own situation - after all he didn't come to meet Otaru personally it was by a per-chance. "Hrmmm... Well, I have to go to the Nagi Academy, inorder to investigate a Uzumaki-related problem." He murmured, "And then I'll have to talk to the Hokage about Gyoken Uchiha, since he's the charge I'm assigned to take care of, by Lord Ketsugo. Is there any way you'd know where the Hokage is?" He continued. "You see, I got lost, ha!"


Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Tentai > Kokezaru Sarutobi > Otaru Uzumaki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II




The raikage sat in her office stewing in the essence of paperwork. The piles weren’t much higher than your average village textbook but it was likely her least favorite part of the job. He brow knit with focus as she stared into the sea of paperwork. Her seal of approval being slammed down every few pages or so to give her confirmation of the documents at hand. She was growing increasingly comfortable in her duties despite her tenure as the Raikage. The more she worked the more the pile shrank and as she shrunk another pile one of her own popped into her office. The figure in question was none other than Orihara, his mint green hair neatly tucked under his village headband fashioned in the style of a bandana. He rubbed the back of his head before he spoke to the Raikage, her gaze already fixated on the young man in question.
“Madam Raikage, I see I won’t have to pester you about getting through your paperwork but another matter of importance. I know the security of the village is important and you’ve already seen to it that our outside affairs are being handled but perhaps its time we reach out formally. See what could come of an interaction with other nations.”

The Raikage pondered for a moment her fierce gaze piercing through Orihara’s own often hidden eyes. Chika’s posture shifted from a laxed working position to that of a thinking one. Her hands formed a pyramid underneath her chin as she contemplated her bodyguards words. Perhaps he was right in his notion. She closed their borders for safety and yet that didn’t stop them from losing the sanctity of their land even for a moment. She pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement. She knew one couldn’t be at the top of the food chain without making a few sacrifices along the way. The raikage cleared a few papers from her desk revealing a slot in her desk. It was rudimentary but it was still functional. A screen emerged not long after flickering to life all the same. In time she would be met with the face of the Hokage. whom much like herself was seemed to be lacking a kage hat forgoing the formality as a whole to get things underway.
Location: [Raikage Office|Kage Offices]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō --> Kuro Yuki --> Chika --> Itami
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Staff member


Tenbo felt his patience wearing thin as he contemplated the successes of his recent endeavors. Now, it was time to embark on the next phase of his grand plan. He needed Mugen of the Uchiha by his side, which is why he had dispatched Takashi and Shijo to retrieve him swiftly. As Tenbo sighed and closed his eyes, he melded with the surrounding nature for a brief respite. Soon, the approach of his subordinates drew him back. Tenbo opened his eyes, their usual dark and gloomy intensity now tinged with suspicion. An uncharacteristic feeling gnawed at him, something sinister and hard to accept. Takashi's body language, however, was one of arrogance and confidence, indicating the mission had been a success. But what were the results? Tenbo, typically calm and composed, now showed a rare vulnerability, his spirit seemingly dulled by the thoughts racing through his mind. If his suspicions proved true, the implications would be profound and far-reaching.

His ears caught the words spoken by Takashi, gentle yet as ruthless as poison in one's cup. It was as if he had poured the cursed glass himself, delivering it to assassinate his leader. The taste of sudden and disheartening news carried a density and weight capable of crushing the strongest of wills. It sought to do just that to the enigma, and it would have succeeded. Upon hearing the distressing words, it felt as if his heart was crushed beneath the foot of a mammoth, and his brain skewered by a thousand nails. This shocking information forced the enigma to open his eyes, revealing the fully manifested three-tomoe Sharingan, pulsating with veins.

Takashi's words, soft yet insidious, slipped through the air with the precision of a dagger aimed at the heart. The enigma felt the weight of betrayal and the cold touch of despair creeping over him. It was as though Takashi had taken great care in crafting this verbal blow, ensuring it would deliver maximum impact. The news, unexpected and crushing, hit him like a tidal wave, threatening to drown his resolve.

His heart pounded against his ribcage, each beat echoing the intensity of his emotions. The weight of the revelation bore down on him, pressing his spirit into the ground. His mind, usually sharp and unyielding, now felt like it was being pierced from all sides, each nail a painful reminder of the gravity of the situation. This profound shock caused his eyes to snap open, the Sharingan in full display twirling, its tomoe spinning with a mixture of fury and clarity. The veins around his eyes throbbed, emphasizing the sheer power and emotion surging through him.
The Sharingan was evolving, transcending its prior limitations. He had previously resigned himself to fate, accepting that Mirai and the fellow Master of Death were two different sides of the same coin. Consequently, he had to confront her, a loss he bore with pride. This loss was undeniable and profound. None within the organization knew the connection Mugen had to Tenbo—they were blood brothers, bound by lineage. Mugen was granted an extraordinary level of trust and deeply understood Tenbo's ideals. Whether or not he was influenced by Mugin's Sharingan, Mugen always respected and followed Tenbo. As the Sharingan evolved, it surpassed its previous boundaries, revealing a new depth of power and insight. Mugen's respect for Tenbo was unwavering, and he followed him with a loyalty that was rare and profound.

He had lost a brother, but he had also lost an ally who supported his dreams and aspirations. Now, that was all gone. Surely, Takashi of the Hyuga clan must be jesting! The weight of this dual loss settled heavily on him. It wasn't just the absence of a blood brother; it was the void left by a trusted ally who believed in his vision. The dream they had shared, the aspirations they had nurtured together, now seemed to crumble into nothingness. The reality was almost too harsh to accept. Takashi, with his calm demeanor and piercing gaze, couldn't be serious. The Hyuga clan's reputation for stoicism and precision only made the situation more surreal. The enigma's mind raced, trying to grasp the enormity of the loss while simultaneously questioning the veracity of Takashi's words. This had to be some cruel joke, a twisted jest designed to test his resolve.
His resolve twisted and churned, revealing a new pattern to both Shijo and Takashi. With tears streaming down his face, he declared to Takashi, right after accepting the scroll, "You are to return to the Hyuga Clan and become the Hyuga Lord. Do not return unless this matter has been accomplished. We will need your influence in the times ahead. Do what you must to see this through..."

The weight of his words hung in the air, heavy with the gravity of the situation. His emotions, raw and unfiltered, painted a stark contrast to the steely determination in his voice. The tears on his face were not just for the brother he had lost, but also for the immense responsibility now resting on Takashi's shoulders. Takashi, may feel taken aback by the enigma's directive, as the enormity of the task ahead. Becoming the Hyuga Lord was no small feat, and it required a blend of political acumen, strength, and resolve. Yet, he knew this was not just a mission; it was a call to arms for the future they all sought to secure. Shijo may have observed this, and too he would be addressed.

"You aspire to become similar to me, but I aim for you to be greater, Shijo," he said, his voice cracking with a mix of emotion and determination. "I will strive to become or position you to become the Lord of all Uchiha. Let us go on our way." Despite the overwhelming grief and the monumental task, Tenbo managed to convey his belief in Shijo's potential. It was a moment of vulnerability, but also a testament to his deep-seated conviction and the unbreakable bond between his aspirations. Now with Mugen gone, others had to step up and fill his absence. He would allow them a brief moment to speak and respond, before traveling to the Uchiha Compound anticipating Shijo to follow.


Location: Root Private Location (A 48)
Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Yudoku falls forward off the tree, landing in a handstand and flipping upright. "What is with this village..?!" she yelled out loud as the young shinobi that was once infront of her, vanishes. "I'm here on one simple mission as a kunoichi from an allied nation and this is what i have to deal with?!!"
She turns quickly to face the giant snake that had suddenly appeared. Her bees, having been distracted from their own goal, make their way back and swarm around Yudoku.

"I am not familiar with a Leaf Shinobi who appears out of thin air with a giant snake like this! Identify yourself now."
Although she's only an ally, Yudoku has already seen the chaos that an unknown individual and their beasts can do to a village and couldn't help but be wary of this new person in front of her. Especially after such a "welcoming" hello that just left her on edge.
"I REPEAT, Who are you?"


Location: Leaf Village, Wooded Area within Village
Posting Order: Yudoku, Satoma
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Academy Student

Perched on the verge of the forest, with a flurry of questions assailing his senses as each tries to overpower the other like a tumultuous vortex, he finds himself questioning whether he is in a dream or not as 'Reiji' fled before his eyes. The stark surrealism of being sent to a completely different world, where he looks down at the village of what semms to be Konohagakure, is at once ‘dizzying’ and ‘dismaying’.

‘How the hell did I end up here?’ The question vibrates through his thoughts, the idea itself almost too unbelievable to comprehend. While his intention was to peer back into his past and discover the truth of what happened in his youth, it became apparent to him more that he is somewhere else entirely. Moments ago, his life was familiar – it was the way things are meant to, people he knew; his team; family; friends, and familiar patterns to life itself. Now, he stands on the edge of a place he recognises, with a sudden shift in reality, where something familiar becomes something no longer seen. The fish has been hooked, the dark waters ushering him into foreign waters. This was not the same 'Konohagakure' he knew. 'Why did this have to happen to me?’ It’s the ‘this’ that hurts. Suddenly one feels plucked out of the general flow of things, singled out, and it is an enormity, a weight on the chest. Even when it is a trivial misfortune, it seems arbitrary. What’s going on here? This Universe is whimsical, picking and choosing as it sees fit – Has it all been decided from the beginning? Or is someone choosing things for us? The arbitrariness is galling because it is meaningless – you’re required to play the game but don’t know the rules.

‘What do I do now?’ So the question mark hangs there. There is no clear way back, so the immediate future is a scary blank. What does he do in this new world now? Try to become part of the life of this alien Konohagakure? Look to leave, if he can? Every course of action promises its own perils, some more terrible than the next, making the anxiety of choice all the worse. ‘What did I lose?’ He keeps thinking about what his life was like before this happened, the people he knew, the commitments he made. He now pictures each of those pieces of life as a string, someone flipping a switch and breaking the string consciously, one by one. He is left with a knotted mess of strings to unravel. If the transition to new life comes with some deep unknowns, the loss of the known helps to make those unknowns scarier. What did he leave behind? What will he never see again?

All these questions hurtle through his mind as he stood upon Ryuga's head. However, he knows one thing. The situation he is in right now and who he appeared before is another Ninja. His eyes scanned her figured from above as he remained silent, seeing it as an opportune moment to question her before—

"I am not familiar with a Leaf Shinobi who appears out of thin air with a giant snake like this! Identify yourself now."

"I REPEAT, Who are you?"

Taken by surprise from what he perceived to be great displeasure, the young kunoichi bellowed at him in greater frustration… Satoma’s anxiety peaked. All the questions he had himself already carried enough weight. It’s in this moment of questioning that he must find the resolve to forge a new path, to face the unknown with a mixture of fear and hope, and to discover what lies ahead of him.

“Satoma.” He responded calmly, not wanting to give too much as his appearance alone spoke volumes, his headband on his arm, and his Jonin attire. Cocking his head to his side to take a closer inspection he couldn’t help but notice the colours of her attire and her bees. His hand raised to his chin, thinking, like finding more pieces to a missing puzzle only he could piece together. “You mentioned Leaf? So this is your Konohagakure?” he spoke below his tone, low enough that Ryuga could only hear. Ryuga’s head lowered instinctively as he felt the pattern of Satoma’s footstep inch closer to the tip of his snout, acting as a staircase to lower him to the ground. Ryuga remained silent, he didn’t respond and it was as if he pieced the pieces together quicker than Satoma did—like always. Yet Ryuga remained silent, and it was his silence which promoted the certainty that this indeed was a different reality and it was very much real.

“I see your bees, I see your outfit and If I am not mistaken, your colours tell me that you’re from Iwagakure. What is your name? Where is your headband?” he questioned her in a firm commanding tone while he stood a dozen paces before her.

He may have exhausted all the chakra in his seal, but Satoma’s natural reserves were never touched, and he began to subconsciously pour bits of his own back into the seal on-goingly. 'Is she a friend or foe?’ he ruminated while Ryuga snarled from behind him almost intimidatingly, even though he was in no mood for things to get messy. Her bee technique reminded him of an Aburame, like Reiji, who fled moments ago. If this reality followed the same rules as his own, she possesses all the traits of a Kamizuri, who hail from Iwagakure.



There was just something about this individual before her that put Yudoku off. Maybe it was the giant snake towering over us, within a village that's currently hosting an opening investigating on the beast attacks that have been occuring around all of the Hidden Villages. Maybe it was because she was so very close to death and just barely escaped with her life, the last time she stood infront of one of these fearsome looking beast.
However, Yudoku obliges out of common respect as a shinobi and pushes her bangs to the side with a single finger to show off the Stone symbol on her headband before her hair falls back into place.

"Yudoku" She knew one of a shinobi's strongest weapons was silence and she was not about to offer up any more information than needed. "You know.. I'm sure every sensory shinobi in this village is now aware of your presence here thanks to the amount of chakra you and your beast are projecting into the atmosphere right now. A huge, unknown spike of chakra is bound to set off alarm bells. If you're no enemy, I'd head my words and maybe ask him to leave before they get here."
Although she may look young, Yudoku was confident in the status she had built for herself as her clans leader and as a respected member of her village. She had no plans in leaving this individual unattended in the off chance that he was an enemy

Location: Leaf Village, Wooded Area within Village
Posting Order: Yudoku, Satoma
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll






Thoughts rattled around his thick skull as he stood in the whole of the intelligence division headquarters his mind wandered for a moment only to be pulled from his deep thought as the hounds that sat at his side came to a prompt stand. The other shinobi in the room taking a step back as they appeared to immediately be on edge, the hair on their backs standing tall accompanied by a low growl. Outside the headquarters and deep within the village a daisy chain of howls sounded throughout like a war cry but more importantly a call to arms. The German shepherd and doberman at his side shaking out their fur before their collective images had all gone up in smoke. Yaju and company left the internal structure of the intelligence division only to emerge among one of Konoha’s highest points. The hounds that accompanied him on his vantage point turned their muzzles to the sky and followed the pursuit of their unseen brothers. An thunderous howl escaped their location all the same nearly the entirety of Konoha would hear their call turning the heads of passersby without an iota of hesitation. The ghostly sound of hounds in the middle of the day was enough to put anyone on edge but moreover as these hounds turned their muzzles up to the sky they drank in the scents of everyone near and far. Yaju’s nose was doing the same as he stood comfortably between two of his companions their noses picking up on the subtle scents and their ears picking up on the subtle sounds. However the thing that stood out the most in the eyes of this prolific Inuzuka was the thing that touched on three of his senses all at the same time. Calling what befell his lilac hues an eyesore was an understatement even he knew Jujin wasn’t always welcome to roam the streets in his absence so his hounds did what they did best. They patrolled and Jujin often sat idle near Yaju’s own position but this warranted the massive hounds attention just as equally as it did his masters. The massive cane corso was the first to put out the call to its brethren at the smell of the yellow monstrosity that now tainted Konoha’s very essence.

The beast form comfortably standing out amongst Konoha’s wooded backdrop; it was exactly where Yaju and his hounds were heading next. Their images no longer secluded by smoke but merely a blur as he placed his index finger and thumb to his mouth pinching his tongue to unleash a whistle matched only by the howling winds at this current position amongst the village's points of zenith. The backdrop to his own image being that of the sun approaching eventide as he disappeared into its confines with nothing but a touch of body flicker to enhance his movements. In fact it would only take him a matter of seconds to reach the location of such a massive beast as its hulking form stood out as nothing more than a shining beacon amongst the greenery now being blanketed by the encroaching night. Their collective images would emerge just as quickly as they disappeared from their previous vantage point. This little gathering of Satoma and Yudoku went from a gathering of three to a gathering of ten. Yaju and each of his hounds emerged the shrouded greenery with no hesitation at all. Despite the yellow beast in question's massive stature Yaju was entirely unbothered. This was the untold reality of being an old man in a world where many died young. His blackened metal canine’s glistened in the god rays of the canopy above as the sun continued on its course into seclusion. His nostrils took in a momentary whiff of the surroundings ensuring it was just the the ten of them. Each of his hounds surrounding their position as he now sat on the back of Jujin his largest hound putting his stature well over the pair as even for a dog Jujin was rather large. His form only seconded by that of the beast before them both. The hound didn’t growl his eyes almost unnatural in their uncanny gaze. Yaju spoke with his own gravely tone looking down on the Senju that stood before him, his own voice interjecting on their conversation as a whole cutting off Yudoku.

“Too late!” Yaju chimed in with excitement on his breath before continuing with his hand pressed under his chin and his eyes looking through the tinted lenses of his glasses. “Listen bub, I can smell the leaf village on you but you definitely aren’t from around here. Would you mind putting that overgrown garden snake away if you wouldn’t mind. If you’re a friend you’re certainly doing a poor job about showing it. If you’re an enemy, well… That's a little less fortunate.” he said before descending into a combination of a scoff and a chuckle.

Yaju had just returned to the village himself, his bones and body well rested but his clothes slightly battered. If this young shinobi was indeed a member of the village that had lost his way, Yaju would be more than happy to set him on the straight and narrow. However if it was the opposite of that he was going to have to detain him or worse but this was more than that and he could tell. The hair on the backs of his hounds of varying sizes stood on edge not because they were simply ready to pounce but because there was something about their master's demeanor. His essence was oozing with the thrill of possibility, the hunt, and the potential crescendo of blood on soil. This was the beat of a wardrum like no other, Yaju was a seasoned veteran to say the least and his command over the beast at his beckon call was a sight to behold all its own. Had Satoma sought to strike out in this encounter he would be ready and so would the beast at his command who now encircled them all.

“So what’ll it be?” Yaju mused while awaiting the Senju’s response.

Location: Leaf Village, Wooded Area within Village
Posting Order: Yudoku, Satoma, Yaju
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll







The master was closing in on their location. His immense mystical presence was something which Shijo had become accustomed to, even now that he was around for such a brief time. As a sensory type, Shijo does not need a second whiff of chakra to detect even a shadow or a ghost. When Tenbo decided to move amidst them to simply just glance at the remains of Mugen Uchiha, something stirred up into him. What was already dark became colder, whatever it was seemed to have snapped within him. Shijo's eyes contacted Tenbo from sideways as he approached and he felt the sudden shift of energy that was being given off by Tenbo. However foul the chakra became was something that Shijo followed as well, he paid deep attention to it and the change the chakra had upon the total atmospheric pressure. Unlike many Uchiha before him he already knew what was coming for this sudden shift. There was nothing but evolution which followed this surge of murkiness and darkness.” Leaning more to the impending darkness would only bring forth eternal darkness.” Shijo said within himself, as his eyes now were fixated upon Mugen’s body.

The evolution of the eyes of the Uchiha came through traumatic events, this was no different for the likes of Tenbo who seemed to have advocated this disciple more than anyone else. It was like the love for a star pupil. Within the soul of the Uchiha known as Shijo this loss seemed to be miniscule as he still remained fixated on the death of father. It was this of course his major driving force of his own self-destruction. He was totally in control of his own destiny, only needing the guiding hands of his master to get to a position of power beyond his wildest dreams. Tenbo rage was set upon the unwelcoming words of Takashi. The Hyuga was now within the crossfire of their master's words himself. The words which were stirred up by rage and passion were directed to Hyuga with absolute conviction and discernment. Shijo stood aside looking at the body of Mugen Uchiha and now analyzing it with his very Sharingan which became apparently activated within the timeframe of Tenbo’s words.

Dictation of the master presented new beginnings for Takashi as well, even if it came off as stern and direct. It was a feasible way for the roots of the village to spread its coverage over the village. Unlike other groups, the shadows were their influence but now most which was within the dark was coming to the very light. Tenbo stood firm on his orders to Takashi but then had something for even Shijo himself who keenly absorbed the words as much as he could. It was for an equal power trip to that of Takashi to whom was told to seek out and become Hyuga Lord at all cost. Shijo’s was similar but with the assistance of Tenbo who seemed ready to embark from this destination to that very stage. Both enigmatic Uchiha walked through the vortex of darkness unseen and unheard of until.. Now, it was time for the Uchiha to have the same fate as the Hyuga were about to have.

“The seeds of dismay have been sowed, now the roots of change will bring forth a new flower.”

It was obvious this was something Shijo had dreamed of from the very start. There was nothing more he wished for than to take over. He believed the Uchiha had lost their way through the misguided efforts of the now Uchiha Lady Mirai Uchiha. He felt she was weakling within the plans of change and the direction in which the Uchiha clan was supposed to go. Now it was time for Tenbo to institute that change or purge upon the very clan that both had love. She would no longer play a role within the clans future endeavors especially with the revelation which was about to be upon the Uchiha Clan. It was time for the true Democratic figure to show himself, Shijo Uchiha was the candidate for such a change.

Location: Root Private Location (A 48) to UMC
Posting Order: Tenbo Uchiha →Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Kokezaru Close Up + Hairband Smaller.png


Kokezaru looked on as as the two continued to talk all the while Tentai would be casually reaching out towards Otaru. In the eyes of Kokezaru nothing really seemed off, but soon that would change, as out of nowhere upon Tentai's hand resting upon Otaru's shoulder the young Uzumaki would start grinding his teeth. The sight shocked Kokezaru as Tentai had seemed to be no threat to them, but before he could do anything for his friend the monkey brat as Tentai affectionately refereed to him would find his hand being clutched by Otaru who seemed to need the comfort of a friend. As soon as he found his hand being held by his friend Kokezaru would turn his head to face him placing his free hand on his buddy's shoulkder to let him know he had his back until the pain subsided and Tentai removed his hand.

With the pain gone Otaru would let his hand go and speak up answering their new sensei. Who in turn would follow up with a comment and expression that seemed to display the level of excitement he had for having a new crop of student who were as eager to learn as he was to train. Seeing his sensei like this made him happy, as he knew from the way Tentai spoke and carried himself that he would make these boys into great shinobi. "You can count on me," said Kokezaru in response to Tentai only moments before Tentai would follow up with their first lessonbas his student's which would be in the form of scrolls, but first they had to take a step back so Tentai could collect them.

Kokezaru had no idea what his sensei could be intending to do involving retrieving scrolls for them that needed such space, though upon seeing the hand seals that his sensei had begun to make it quickly clicked that he was attempting some sort of summoning jutsu. For Kokezaru summoning jutsu was something he was intricately familiar with due to his own usage of summoning to bring forth his Monkey companions., but as he looked on it became clear this wasn't any summoning jutsu he was familiar with as Tentai began to struggle as tear rolled down his face as a elephants trunk literally snaked it's way out of his mouth before producing two similar but different coloured scrolls.

"No way, that's so cool sensei!" yelled Kokezaru who was impressed by the crazy summoning technique that Tentai was using, but at the same he felt bad cause there is no way that summoning a elephant trunk from your mouth is going to be fun or comfortable. After the two scrolls had been produced from the trunk Tentai dissipated the summoning before speaking to the boys. It would turn out that these scrolls as Tentai explained weren't just any scrolls but instead they were the ultimate teaching scroll that perfectly detailed techniques and how one would go about learning them step by step. This wouldn't be the only gift that Tentai would give them as they would both recieve small golden hair bracelets which Kokezaru would take after putting the scroll into his pocket.

"You got lost? That pretty funny sensei, but if your look for old man Suzaku he would most likely be in his office. You just gotta follow the road that way till you reach Hashirama Avenue for which turn left down and follow it till you see a multi-story building with kids playing and training. That's the academy but the Hokages office is in there. Also before you go I want ya to know I'm gonna do my best to learn whats here so i can show you something cool when you come back," said Kokezaru cheerfully trying his best to give Tentai some solid direction all while fiddling with the hair bracelet to get it attached correctly.


Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Otaru Uzumaki > Tentai > Kokezaru Sarutobi
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)

Skip Points: II


Staff member

As the duo made their way out of the building, it was soon discovered that it was a regular store run by well-trusted elders posing as the owners. The storefront read "Uchiha Senbei," and although it appeared to be an ordinary shop attended by a horde of children, the owners, with their crimson gazes, were elders in their 60s. Despite their age, their prowess was exceptional, on par with your average Chunin.

"Hrnnn..." The man turned around as he stopped by the door to give the 'couple' a few Ryo for a bag of Senbei. "Did you want one, Mujin?" he asked, almost monotone, clearly pretending to be normal. He acted as if it were just a routine trip to get some snacks, continuing on with his student as they approached the compound's gate, which separated the Uchiha Complex from the outside, it was evident that this area was more heavily guarded. The gate was surrounded by fences and closely monitored by the watchful eyes of the Uchiha Patrol.
Location: Uchiha Gate within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Ichijo-> Mujin
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll