Leaf District


Staff member
"So you awaken."

The man spoke with an air of detached observation. An unfamiliar yet eerily familiar design emerged from the darkness, shrouding the entire figure until he shifted to the side, offering only a fleeting glimpse of the Uchiha's face. The expression was devoid of any trace of sadness, revealing a stoic calmness. His eyes met Mujin’s with a habitual intensity, surfacing a new connection between master and student. "To think you would be the first before Tenbo," he murmured. He had managed to recover Mujin before anyone could exploit his genes, thanks to the Uchiha members working at the hospital who retrieved him on the orders of the Uchiha. In the background, the sounds of water and distant crows created an atmospheric backdrop, painting the scene in shadow. This darkness served as a stage, allowing their eyes to convey the thoughts and inner turmoil that might be churning within the Uchiha before him.​
"I can tell your destiny..."
The man continued but halted himself in the process to correct his mistake.
"no... destinies .. are becoming separate once more."
The Uchiha’s face, partially illuminated, hinted at a deeper goal; the man’s voice, heavy with concern, amplified his disbelief at the sight of the Mangekyo Sharingan appearing once again after all this time. His casual remark about Mujin's precedence over Tenbo suggested a disruption in the balance between the brothers.

"You're better off not revealing those newly unlocked eyes of yours."
The Uchiha continued, his gaze unwavering. His usual Sharingan resurfaced, overwriting the previous design with the usual three tomoe. This change seemed almost deliberate, as though he were trying to conceal the true nature of his eyes. He dragged the curtains across the windows, revealing that the room was decorated with the Uchiha Clan's symbol and that the view outside showed buildings within the Uchiha Complex. The location was revealed to be a Uchiha hideout within the Uchiha Complex, where Mujin was tended to by Uchiha members who kept it a secret, ensuring he remained connected to the IV machine. These IVs managed his nutritional needs and maintained his strength while he remained in a coma.​
Location: Uchiha Hideout within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Ichijo-> Mujin
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





Nothing but silence, the darkness of the room was only separated by the partial face of Uchiha, Ichijo. He was speaking to Mujin, only in riddles and half statements like he usually does. The activation of the Mangekyo Sharingan, was like a drug, however. So as Ichijo speaks to Mujin, he does nothing except lift his right hand to his face and hold his eye sockets in his palm. The words entered Mujin's ears and left as they came.

" You can stop being so cryptic now, My old Sensei. I understand the burden of these eyes more than you might assume me too."

Mujin would remove his hand and then look towards Ichijo meeting the same intensity of his own eyes. Slowly unraveling his Mangekyo into his usual three-tomoe Sharingan. He would then reach into his pocket and retrieve a cigarette and lighter. Setting it in his mouth and sparking it, a deep inhale as if it was his first breath in ages. He would speak through gritted teeth and a fog od smoke.

" What's our next move, and what are we doing about the people who thought it wise to murder Uchiha clansmen? I do care not about Tenbo and Mirai's ambitions, I feel my coming-to-awakening has shifted my goals. "

Mujin would inhale and exhale again, the partial face of Ichijo becoming obscured by smoke.

" For now all I feel is hatred for those who would dare cross our goals."

By our goals, of course, Mujin meant Ichijo and Mujins, This statement alone would reveal to Ichijoi that the genjutsu Mujin placed on himself was now dissipated. He was for what would have been the first time in over twenty years, speaking to Mujin in his full mental capacity, and not a self-inflicted handicap he placed upon his mental state. Mujin took his left hand and moved it through his hair, pushing it back and revealing his face. He would then tie it up much like Ichijo does. The room was only dimly lit by the abstract glow of their crimson eyes.

" And... What of my brother, Mugen's eyes? Hnn? I would like to request them at your behest. "

Mujin would stand now, the strength in his body returning. He would walk to the window where Ichijo had thrown back the curtain of. The Uchiha complex. A wave of pity washed over him. He was thankful for their care of his needs and would see to it the ones who had handled him were given anything they needed.

" Ichijo, Has it dawned on you that... "

Mujin would stop short, the endorphins rushing through his brain from the activation of the Mangekyo were still fresh, Mujin felt unstoppable at this moment. He would blow smoke out once more before chuckling and turning to look at Ichijo once more.

" Throughout heaven and earth, we alone are the honored ones. "

Another chuckle escaped Mujin, not one of mockery, one of realization.


Location: Konoha Forest -> Uchiha Hideout within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Mujin -> Ichijo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Kokezaru Close Up Small.png


As the two Uzumaki conversed about all manner of things related to their clan and heritage the young monkey boy couldn't help but feel a little left out. So to kill some time he decided he might try and curb the slight feeling of hunger that had begun to build up by grabbing a bite to eat and with that thought, out of seemingly nowhere Kokezaru would holding a fresh peach. He would start taking bites out of the peach all the while listening to the conversation as the Uzumaki who had chosen to be their new sensei finally introduced himself as Tentai before he would remove the strange mask he wore. Following this Tentai and Otaru would seemingly reach the end of their one on one as Tentai would ask Kokezaru himself what he'd like to be taught.

"Nice to meet ya properly Tentai sesnei. The names Kokezaru Sarugami, but Monkey Brat sounds pretty funny," said Kokezaru not at all bothered by being called a brat as he's heard nastier nicknames back home on Monkey Island, but after giving his own introduction he would quickly realise that he was asked a question which he still hadn't answered. "Oh right, before I get off topic again you were asking me a question. The question was what do I wishb to learn," said Kokezaru as he took a small pause to think before speaking again. "Well sensei the thing is I'm not to sure what I wanna learn but I've heard the Uzumaki are good at sealing so it might be fun to learn a little bit about sealing and stuff because you know I got this cool just where i throw fireballs at people. The only issue is people don't like to stand still and let them hit so I've been tryna work on having them chase people. Do you think I could do that with seals," said Kokezaru finally finishing off what he wanted to say to Tentai who was probably not going to be the happiest about the boys reply, but the the thing is that he's simply young and not sure on where he wanted to take his skills. All he knew is he really wanted to get this homing fireball idea sorted out.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Otaru Uzumaki > Tentai > Kokezaru Sarutobi
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)

Skip Points: II


Staff member

The man glanced at the student with an expression that was both sorrowful and calming, his lips forming a subtle curl. It was as if something had tugged at his heart, though the sentiment was obscured from plain view. Only the perceptive gaze of the Legendary Mangekyo Sharingan could discern the true depth of his emotion. The tension in his face and body clearly signaled that he was mourning the loss of another Uchiha. There was an underlying sense of remorse in placing himself and other Uchihas in positions of power at such a significant cost—a goal he still sought to fulfill in the future.

"A death of an Uchiha is a great loss," he said, his voice vibrated with a sadness. "Especially when it is a child from the same bloodline that produced Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha." He paused, closing his eyes to let the grief stir within his heart. It was difficult for him to be moved by anything, even losses connected to the Uchiha Clan. Memories of Mugen Uchiha surfaced in his mind, a fleeting vision of the young Uchiha that was now gone.​

"There’s nothing surprising about it, Mujin. The Uchiha Clan has always suffered at the hands of others. Especially in a village that allows this kind of treatment to be cultivated. If it was a Senju, or a Uzumaki. They will grieve, make a show of it. But when a Uchiha dies they shoves it aside."
His words dripped with a curse, designed to arouse anger and grief in Mujin over the loss of his brother. Just as the fledging seeks to acquire the Sharingan of Mugen Uchiha - one that he himself had admitted couldn't be found as it was nothing left of the Uchiha - all it was just a puddle of flesh melted like candle wax. "Lost. Mugen's corpse was nothing but a puddle of flesh, almost as if it was melted by something. Mugen died a horribly way, along with the Sharingan." His words was bold, even painting a image that it could have been a cause of fire... or anything else.

"Mujin, have you ever wondered why the Uchiha Clan is blessed with such eyes only after experiencing great loss?" he continued, his tone heavy with curiosity. "It’s so that we can avenge our love. That’s why I made the decisions I did. I appointed Tenbo Uchiha as the leader of the Root, hoping to transform Konoha’s darkness into a weapon for the Uchiha Clan." The darkness seemed to reach for him from the ground, reflecting the endless void of grief and hatred within his heart—an sensation Mujin might recognize within himself.

"I also appointed Mirai Uchiha as my successor to lead the Uchiha Clan," he said vaguely turning his head to see the expression of Mujin, "with the hope that she will carry the strong bloodline that will produce clan leaders with connection to the bloodline of Sasuke Uchiha or Shin Uchiha in order to woven a new destiny for the Clan under a new leader."

"Yet, I haven't done anything for you. I'll make up for that but"

He paused, turning his head to the windows once more.​

"The real question is. Are we going to allow our clan to be exploited and thrown away like a used garbage?"
The man gazed through the window, observing the scene outside. In the Uchiha Clan's playground, children were engaged in a lively game of tag, their laughter and shouts filling the air. Their joyous play painted a picture of innocence and vitality, unlike the darkness representing loss and grief that dwelled in the room where Ichijo and Mujin were. The sight of these young Uchihas, carefree and full of life, served as a reminder of what they had to do to protect the light.

Location: Uchiha Hideout within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Ichijo-> Mujin
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Staff member

His blue eyes looked upwards towards the older man, dumbfounded on what the man was pondering. He was in serious contemplation, and the wide-eyed boy looked up with curiosity. As the mans large hand placed upon Otaru's shoulder, he felted a warm embrace. He was too unsuspecting to take it as a threat, and believed it to be camaraderie or familiarity. After all, he wanted to learn from the towering Uzumaki whose physical frame seemed to be postured finely. It was without a doubt, that he was powerful, well beyond what Otaru could comprehend.

Suddenly, Otaru's irises became nonexistent, and his large white veneer-like teeth became the forefront of his face. He reacted in complete shock, to come to know, so suddenly that the man before him was now replacing the prior Hokage and highly esteemed clan lord Ketsugo of the Uzumaki Clan. He had no reason to doubt the man, considering the presence he felt earlier. Conscious of his own incomplete observation through the minds eye, he was able to detect immense power prior. To think, a refined sensor of the Minds Eye could delve further and discover more only further astonished him. Ketsugo Uzumaki, a god to the members of the Uzumaki Clan, was replaced by Tentai Uzumaki. He had bitten down on his teeth, the clench causing a grinding sound from it, and his opposing hand reaching to grasp onto Kokezaru to help him maintain his composure. Otaru was not simply greeted by another Uzumaki, he wasn't greeted by just any clan lord, he was confronted by the successor of Ketsugo Uzumaki.

"More than impressive!" He declared in shock. "I do wish to pioneer a new style, an art form which combines Fuinjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu!" After stating this, he couldn't believe Kokezaru could speak so calmly to Lord Tentai.

Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Otaru Uzumaki > Tentai > Kokezaru Sarutobi
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Staff member


Still running and jumping over low-hanging branches, Takashi headed straight towards the meeting place to see Lord Tenbo. His thoughts raced all over in his mind, what happened to Mugen, who did it, how would Tenbo react? With the Hyuga's precious kekkei genkai arriving in the clan's household, would Takashi be able to deliver them to his superior? These were just a fraction of the thoughts swirling in his mind at the time. However the sound of Shijō's voice interrupted his thoughts for a split second. “So this is another one of our hideouts, isn’t it?” the young Uchiha asked. When Takashi set his foot down on the mossy ground below, he turned his head slightly back towards Shijō. Without looking him in the eyes, just enough to show that he now has his attention. "Things are not always what they seem.’’ It was a simple answer, but it didn't give Shijō a direct answer to his question. Even with the seals placed on him by Tenbo himself, could Takashi not yet fully trust the newest recruit.

A faint gust of wind blew over him as he turned his gaze forward once again. Even without his Byakugan activated at the moment, Takashi could almost see what awaited them mere seconds away. Standing there, exuding an aura of authority and calm, was Lord Tenbo and his cloak moved slightly in the wind, his eyes were sharp as ever. When they arrived at the location to meet him, Takashi saw none other than Tenbo himself, who had either just arrived or had been awaiting their arrival. Takashi's heart pounded as he and Shijō emerged from the forest. Without uttering a word, Takashi dropped to one knee right in front of Tenbo. In one hand, he held a scroll tied with a rope. "Mission accomplished, Lord Tenbo. We found the man you looked for.’ Takashi said clearly, his voice steady. His head remained bowed towards the ground, avoiding direct eye contact with Tenbo was something Takashi had been trained to do. Not just out of respect but out of the many hours of training with Mugen in the past has taught Takashi to avoid the powerful gaze of the Sharingan.

Location: Root Private Location (A 48)
Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2






Mujin stood and smoked silently watching Ichijo, as he watched Mujin.
"A death of an Uchiha is a great loss," Mujin detected a hint of genuine sadness there. " Especially when it is a child from the same bloodline that produced Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha."

Mujin watched as Ichijo physically showed his grief over the loss of Mujin and Tenbo's brother. Still, a part of Mujin understood and accepted that only the loss of the bloodline deeply affected the man before him. Muji had his memories back, he suddenly knew of all he had done in the past, the over three hundred missions he had been on, the war tactics that were now compiled in his brain, and the ability to be an assassin.

"Nothing is surprising about it, Mujin. The Uchiha Clan has always suffered at the hands of others. Especially in a village that allows this kind of treatment to be cultivated. If it was a Senju or a Uzumaki. They will grieve, and make a show of it. But when a Uchiha dies they shove it aside."

Mujin's grip on the window seal tightened at these words. Mujin knew it was the truth Ichijo spoke. He turned to look out the window, looking the children playing on the swing, reminding him of his two brothers when they were kids. Remembering the efforts he went through to keep himself and Tenbo from ever having to turn on one another, the efforts to keep Mugen a secret to never be used against them. Would Tenbo remember Mugen as a brother or another cog in the Uchiha machine? " You aren't wrong, the Uchiha have always been used as tools and treated as such. Kept sharp enough and close by when the leaf needed an end to a threat, but also blunt and dull enough to never cause an uproar in the political state of the district. I remember learning of the ancient histories, and the genocide of our people. I don't know why it happened, but it feels like it will happen again if nothing is done. You are right, in telling me this information, for I can not stand idly by and allow the gears to turn without my own being involved. " Mujin looked at Ichijo as he answered his question about Mugen's eyes.

"Lost. Mugen's corpse was nothing but a puddle of flesh, almost as if it was melted by something. Mugen died a horribly way, along with the Sharingan."

Before Ichijo finished speaking, Mujin had turned to face the man of legend among the Uchiha. Mujin's sharingan watching every facet of the man's body language, the details of the wrinkles in his smile lines, and the amount of perspiration if any secreting from his pores. Ichijo's words were bold indeed, yet Mujin already knew there was a lie being told among these words. It was something Mujin was a master in, the detection of falsehoods among words and body language. " I know you have your plans and agenda, even now, so it's not surprising you don't trust me fully... But, try to avoid lying to me about my brother. You're good, I can't tell what the lie is and that disturbs me, but I know you told me a lie just then. If we are to move forward in this together, we have to be honest with each other. So, instead of harboring feelings about it, I will allow this lie to be told, and trust you know what you are doing with it. We shouldn't know everything, in case one of us is captured and tortured. Ichijo was good, So good that Mujin wanted to believe him. Yet if there was even a residual trace of Mugen's chakra left... Mujin would allow this lie to be told to him.

Ichijo changed the subject again;

"Mujin, have you ever wondered why the Uchiha Clan is blessed with such eyes only after experiencing great loss?" The words Ichijo spoke now caused a pain to stir in Mujin's heart.

"It’s so that we can avenge our love. That’s why I made the decisions I did. I appointed Tenbo Uchiha as the leader of the Root, hoping to transform Konoha’s darkness into a weapon for the Uchiha Clan."

" No, never have I wondered about these things, but I am curious. I would like to know more about our histories. If I am to use my new abilities to win a war that will come in time, I must return to training, This time as your peer." Mujin replied.

"I also appointed Mirai Uchiha as my successor to lead the Uchiha Clan," Ichijo looked at Mujin as he said this; " with the hope that she will carry the strong bloodline that will produce clan leaders with connection to the bloodline of Sasuke Uchiha or Shin Uchiha to weave a new destiny for the Clan, under a new leader." Mujin understood clearly what Mirai's role was, but ROOT? Mujin had never heard this term before, quickly amassing the general idea that it was a secret corps of shinobi that had been under their feet this entire time, form the context clues of this new information and how Tenbo had been acting as of the last two years.
" I understand Mirai's role in this, and I assume to understand what Tenbo is up to now. So this is no worry to me, I understand their jobs. "

Mujin would look back to Ichijo, Nothing on Mujin's face gave away any emotion. So he was to be a breeder for the clan to gain these traits that Ichijo sought for a decent leader. It's only fair that was the case, Mujin had resigned his life as a shinobi to the shadows being a house husband, yet even he didn't think of the future where he and Mirai would have children. It made sense.
" Yet, I haven't done anything for you. I'll make up for that but—"

Mujin also looked back towards the window, the reflection of their Sharingan glowing against the pane of glass.

"The real question is. Are we going to allow our clan to be exploited and thrown away like used garbage?"

Mujin's cigarette ashed and the cherry went out, it was at the filter. The smell of burning tobacco and paper lingered around the two men. Throwing the cigarette into an ash tray on the window seal, Mujin would sigh deeply.

Mujin pulled another cigarette out, lighting it once more. Smoke filtered up into the room as he thought about what to say next.

" No, i don't think we are going to allow it. When do we leave. "

Location: Konoha Forest -> Uchiha Hideout within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Mujin -> Ichijo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll




Yaju looked to Inoka with a modicum of disappointment painted on his face. The girl that was sitting before them was a victim but that wasn’t Konoha’s way. In his eyes it meant if she went down fighting, she didn’t go down fighting hard enough. He was among some of the oldest shinobi in the village and likely the most seasoned veteran among his compatriots. However that didn’t stop him from having moments like this where his frustration with the situation as a whole were minimal but his expression gave nothing but disappointment. In passing his tongue trailed across his teeth before making the audible sound of ‘tsk’. He responded to Inoka’s apology like a father scalding his kids for misbehavior.

“Why are you apologizing? Its not like you’ve slighted me personally.” He chuckled to himself before giving Inoka a hearty pat on the back with enough force to move Inoka’s feet just a little. After doing so he tucked his hands into the pocket in his shirt and tuned back into their mental conversation.

Yaju’s voice trailed along even in his mentalscape as he spoke with Inoka. “That's what makes me so good at my job y’know?” Yaju wasn’t the type to be inherently boastful about his endeavors but even he knew very few people could out maneuver let alone outsmart an Inuzuka’s sense of smell. Between Inoka and himself they were likely some of the village's best intelligence gatherers to date. In the waking world both the hounds that accompanied him were now sitting at his side, their diligent gaze still fixated on the woman in question. The mental conversation between Yaju and Inoka continued. “Speaking of being informed, how’re those kids Suzaku wanted to pawn off on me? They dead yet?”
Location: [Intelligence Division Headquarters]
Posting Order: Inoka/NPC ->Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Staff member
A chuckle could be heard once more, as it was clear that his attempted deception had been discovered by his student—or perhaps by his familial instinct. Either way, this lie was told in a manner that he himself couldn’t fully comprehend. "The truth is, there's nothing to lie about, beside the puddle of flesh Mugen's corpse were retrieved by Tenbo's people." The Uchiha paused, changing the topic once more. The memories of those witnesses showed someone placing the jar in front of your house; however, just a second later, the jar vanished as if it had been displaced." He continued, maintaining the expression on his face, which made it clear that he wasn’t afraid of the newly awakened Uchiha's power. "It might be a message or it could contain Mugen's Sharingan. Even I don’t know much about that, even with my so-called foresight." A chuckle escaped the ancient Uchiha, whose eyes perceive and even foresee untold futures—true to his reputation as Ichijo of the Foresight for his seemingly unconnected knowledge of the future. In truth, it was a power of Ichijo's Mangekyo, allowing him to reverse time within his domain and act on future knowledge as if it were foresight. For a brief moment, Ichijo glanced over at Mujin, curious to know what abilities Mugen might be blessed with.

"When they tried to recall what happened when the jar disappeared, there was only a gap—a sort of void—in their memories." He maintained control of the conversation, leading to a potential discovery that there might be a second participant opposing whoever did this to Mugen. There was too much information that could be disorienting to those trying to make sense of things. As Mujin replied to his question with the expected answer from an Uchiha who truly has his people's well-being in mind, 'Good' is what Ichijo thought at the time.

"We'll have to talk to the only one who will truly align with us."
The man closed his eyes as the words were uttered, but who could he be referring to? He turned away from the windows and made his way toward the door. There were only a few Uchiha and people he truly trusted with his entire plan—including his own family, where there was no true loyalty, only respect. Even though he had revealed to Mujin the truth behind appointing his students to positions of power, he had still not disclosed the truth about the usage of his other Mangekyo Sharingan and its unforeseeable impacts on the Village itself.

Who could it be?

What could be?

Could it be Gyoken?




It can't be either one of them

Right. It was him. It only could be him.
"Tenbo Uchiha, subduer of the Darkness."
The Subduer of the Darkness (闇の征服者, "Yami no Seifukusha")

Ichijo uttered.
The Uchiha's Sharingan gleamed with its piercing gaze in the darkness as he approached the wooden door. He placed his hand on the doorknob, turned it to the left, and pulled the door open, expecting Mujin to follow suit. Mugen's death triggered an unforeseeable change, igniting a powerful ember. Could it be that the Uchiha Clan will fan this flame?
Location: Uchiha Hideout within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Ichijo-> Mujin
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





Mujin's eyes remained closed for the duration of Ichijo's explanation. He knew what needed to be done now, and if he had to be the one who had to bear the burden of the future, he would. Sticking his cigarette into the ashtray, Mujin would listen to words of Ichijo as a student, again.

Sighing before allowing his hair to be tied back similarly to Ichijo and Tenbo, Mujin would make a kind-hearted face at the mention of his brother.

" Can't wait to see the look on his face when I show up with you. Come on then SEnsei, let's go learn what we can. "

Watching Ichijo open the door and trail out, Mujin follows suit. Where they were going was up to Ichijo, as Mujin was blind, when it came to the mysteries of ROOT. Mujin's demeanor although nonchalant was not to be mistaken for carefree, there was entirely more on his shoulders than before his mental break. This time, however, he didn't care. The power coursing through Mujin at this point made him feel unstoppable, and he was eager to find out what he could before going off to train this new power.

" TEnbo isn't that much of a fool, after all, Hnn. "


Location: Konoha Forest -> Uchiha Hideout within the Uchiha Complex.
Posting Order: Mujin -> Ichijo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
