Leaf District


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The familiarity of the environment and his approach towards the children reminded him of a time in the past when he had encountered Ketsugo Uzumaki as a child—one with a mysterious origin. In that fleeting moment, Ketsugo saw a child who appeared injured, adorned in worn-out clothes that indicated a life of hardship before meeting his eventual mentor.

Returning to the reality.

"Did he use the Mind's Eyes of Kagura Technique?" Tentai thought. "Hrmm... though it's incomplete... He has potential."

A chuckle escaped the lips as the fledgling admitted that he had no right to bear the Uzumaki name, causing an unsettling sensation in the man. To them, the physical disappointment felt almost akin to a killing instinct, yet it wasn't paralyzing like typical dread. "And yet you claim you have no right to be an Uzumaki," the man said, pausing. His tone was subtle, laced with disappointment and an eerie calm. The environment around them seemed to echo the clash of ocean waves, creating a solemn atmosphere in which it persists.

"You're attuned to the spirals of the world just like me." He continued.

"Don't fret. I'll teach you how to be true to your lineage," the man assured. His eyes shifted to the side, catching sight of a Sarutobi. "Not to worry, you seem quite intriguing so I'll teach you something too." He smiled, as if finding whimsy in training not just his fellow Uzumaki but also a Sarutobi. Perhaps he sensed the uncertainty in the Sarutobi child, who attempted to remain composed despite the vulgar presence it might have won him over just a tidbit. The man continued to hover over them, his eyes remaining glued to the Uzumaki. Within a blink the Uzumaki vanished, only to reappear behind the children allowing the sound of oceans to dissipate along with the retracting intent of his. "How much do you know about the Uzumaki Clan and your lineage?" Tentai was curious about Otaru's knowledge of his own heritage and the power of the Uzumaki. He wondered if Otaru could be related to the late Karin Uzumaki or descended from the famous Naruto Uzumaki bloodline.

Lot of questions needed to be answered by the child.
Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Tentai > Kokezaru Sarutobi > Otaru Uzumaki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Okami immediately noticed that the flash bomb had ruptured his eardrums due to the distinct lack of ability to hear anything, the scent of his own blood, and the feeling of said blood running down the sides of his head from his ears and staining his silver hair red, though his incredible healing rate was already working to heal what it could. He had effectively been robbed of his auditory sense entirely unless he got help from a healer - something that their team lacked, which meant that he was down one of his sharper senses until they got to Sunagakure. Right now, however, all four of his remaining senses had gone haywire to the point he couldn't even think. He was dizzy, he could literally feel everything going on around him, and he could barely move. As it was, it was all Okami could do to lower himself to the ground and crawl under the seat, curling into a ball as he tried to regulate his breathing - he didn't dare open his eyes as he tried to force himself into a pseudo-hibernation state, his only coherent thought being that he was effectively out of commission for an undetermined amount of time. Due to his hearing (the sense he just lost) being just one among those that were on superhuman levels, everything had been thrown off balance on a level that would take him far longer to recover from than if he'd just had normal, perfectly human senses.

Even though Okami had a policy of testing every weapon he makes which included (but wasn't limited to) all manner of explosives at all kinds of frequencies, it was the environment itself that had ultimately done him in. This little room was much smaller than his own testing rooms back at the forge he had back on Ouza Island, nor was this glorified box equipped to prevent such things from happening. He was just now learning the hard way that these trains were NOT made with warfare in mind, and he would always remember to bring a pair of ear plugs with him from now on. He would also be sure to avoid using trains for travel as well where possible.
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Current Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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As Jin moved through the last Cabin of the Train, as things seemed to be getting more dire there would only be one conclusive thought that could alleviate the situation... Derailing the train. As this came into mind, there wouldn't be much time to respond to his team by reaching back to them, no the Tendo needed to act off his gut instinct. With his eyes glowing, he'd use his right hand to grip onto a metal pole for support as he point his left hand towards the wall of the cabin his index finger curling as strange red vessels surged throughout his index finger. As if the pressure building up would be devastating; with but a fluid split second motion, the index finger flicked out, the skin immediately turning a purple hue revealing that the bones inside had been broken by the sheer force behind the simple gesture, a sort of signal that would tie deeper into the Tendo's abilities as a Clan. With this sudden motion which to a normal person would be harmless but for the Tendo Jin whose eyes were active this would cause an intense pain to pulsate through his index finger as a dense air cannon is fired out simultaneously with the flick. The air cannon which deafened all noises around as it slammed against the metallic cabin's wall created enough force to completely throw the back cabin off the tracks of the railway. By doing so this would ultimately create a chain reaction forcing the weight of the train moving at 20 mph to destabilize as the back cabin pulled the train moving forward from the tracks sending it tumbling to its side. Though this swift action was based on a gut instinct, as Jin held on for dear life to the pole, those not secured by holding onto something or taking shelter under something would find themselves being thrown around the train as it crashes off the natural railway path. This would cause the chaos occurring to take a step up as civilians who were standing were thrown around suffering moderate damage from being slammed against the train's side but not killing anyone as the trains speed wasn't moving fast enough to cause grievous wounds or injuries; whilst at the same time allowing Jin to hand from the pole with his right arm as things settled from the derailing and top siding of the train, he'd let go as he landed on his feet, his face now visibly stricken with an intense pain as he slid his left hand into his coats pocket. As his eyes focused forth towards the cabins ahead, hoping that the Uchiha boy Gyoken would have had time to secure and protect the Diplomat, even having a small concern for the safety for the Kitsune Kid who shielded Jin and Gyoken. Knowing that the Kitsune would most likely chew him out for damaging the train and risking peoples health, Jin knew that in order for the mission to be a success, they needed to get the diplomat out of the train and to an open field, being stuck in a secluded cabin would only weaken their chances of success and as a result Jin had to do what was considered necessary.
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"All up to you Gyoken and Kitsune Brat. I hope you understand why I did this, you both need to get that diplomat out of the train ASAP..."
Jin thought to himself as he slowly moved towards the back exit of the cabin, his eyes reverting to a dormant state as he used his right leg to strike at the door away from the hinges, using chakra to enhance the force behind the kick without sustaining damage to his leg this kick would find itself pushing the door open allowing natural air to flow in but also force the smoke throughout the Train to exit the various now broken windows. Moving to the door frame of the train himself, Jin would look back towards the cabins ahead, before alas stepping out, using his right hand to grip the railing porch as he pulled himself to the side (What would not be the top) of the train as he looked forth towards the large plumage of smoke rising from the private cabin. Watching carefully as beads of sweat ran down his face caused by the constant throbbing pain of breaking his own finger, Jin watched cautiously, keeping his guard up as he awaited to see if the rest of his team would escape out.

Current Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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*Listen while you read*
Mirai listened with a veneer of calm, her inner feelings swirling with a mild sense of discontent. Nevertheless, she acquiesced, following him out of the room. For the moment, it appeared that the Hokage's vigilant gaze had shifted away from her and the rest of the Uchiha clan, focusing elsewhere. This temporary respite gave her a brief sense of relief, yet she harbored no illusions about its permanence. She was acutely aware that this fragile peace could shatter at the slightest provocation. If word got out that she had once again left the village, she knew it would inevitably draw the Hokage's scrutiny directly back to her and her actions. This looming threat weighed heavily on her mind as she moved silently, calculating her next steps with careful precision.

It became increasingly clear that Tenbo was just as much in the dark about Inoka as Mirai was. However, his knowledge about the mysterious power he urged her to seize was surprisingly detailed. This revelation stirred suspicion within Mirai. Could it be that Tenbo's intentions were not solely about empowering her, but rather about using her skills to enhance his own grasp of this enigmatic force? The thought lingered in her mind, casting a shadow of doubt over Tenbo's motives. As she contemplated their conversation, Mirai couldn't shake the feeling that Tenbo might be orchestrating a scenario where he ultimately benefitted the most, potentially at her expense.

"Inoka seems to have taken a particular interest in our clan, and since he has the Hokage's interest, he's managed to turn the Goka's eye our way as well," She gestured for one of her assistants to take care of ensuring that her presence was not missed. "If his attention continues to be on the clan, we may need to have to take extreme measures to turn it elsewhere."

There was an ominous hint to her words as she followed him outside of the compound.

Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​


Owner and Founder
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As chaos erupted around the train, Gyoken's swift intervention with the blue fire mice balls had ignited the fuel tanks of approaching cars, setting off a series of fiery explosions. While the blasts ravaged the vehicles and inflicted severe burns on the occupants, they mercifully did not damage the train. Amidst this fiery distraction, Gyoken's sharp two tomoe Sharingan was fully engaged, effortlessly tracking a suited man attempting to use sound as a camouflage for his movements.

Despite the sonic smokescreen, Gyoken's Sharingan pierced through the deception with uncanny precision. His eyes locked onto the man's rapid movements, allowing him to mimic and anticipate each maneuver as easily as drawing with a pencil. As the enemy closed the gap, Gyoken's instincts kicked in. His nails, now hardened and elongated, prepared for a defensive strike. With a precise and swift motion, Gyoken raised his arm and then slashed downward, mimicking a sword strike. His actions were so well-timed and accurate that, if successful, this encounter would mark Gyoken’s first casualty—an act that left him momentarily stunned by his own lethal instincts.

While processing this, Gyoken noticed Okami, hurt and vulnerable, curled in a fetal position nearby. Though his instincts urged him to help Jin, who was engaged in his own battle, his primary responsibility remained the protection of the Leaf Diplomat. Gyoken observed Jin's actions from a distance— he was taken aback by Jin's calculated finger flick that launched a dense air cannon shot, powerfully disruptive enough to destabilize the train's rear cabin. "What power..." Gyoken mumbled to himself for half a second before quickly assessing the situation, Gyoken acted. He extended his claws and carefully hooked into Okami's clothing, pulling him close. He then tore through the train's metal wall, creating an emergency exit. Anchoring his claws into the earth, Gyoken slowed the careening train car, ensuring a safer evacuation for the bodyguards and the diplomat.

"You heard what Jin said. Take the diplomat and jump," Gyoken directed the bodyguards, who complied, jumping to safety with the diplomat in tow. Gyoken followed suit, leaping from the train with Okami securely on his back, his claws ensuring their safe and stable landing. Once on the ground, Gyoken gently set Okami down, positioning him so he could assist with walking. "Come on, Okami, we need to get to Sunagakure for reinforcements," he said, supporting Okami's weight as they moved away from the wreckage, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next.


Current Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Staff member
Upon the deactivation of his ocular dojutsu, Tenbo, the elusive enigma of the Uchiha clan, faded once more into the fabric of anonymity. His presence became a mere whisper in the bustling populace, an indistinguishable thread woven into the environment. With his chakra suppressed to depths unfathomable, he eluded detection from even the most acute sensory techniques and natural abilities. As he moved, his steps were as silent as those of the most skilled shinobi of the Hidden Mist Village. Each stride was a dance of shadows, his form weaving through the throngs of people with a grace and fluidity that seemed almost supernatural. The rhythm of his movements mirrored the ebb and flow of the crowd, his pace adjusting in perfect harmony with the symphony of life.

The wind seemed to guide him, its subtle currents concealing him further as he blended with the natural elements. The scents of the market, the chatter of the townsfolk, the rustle of leaves—all became part of his disguise, layers upon layers masking his true self from prying eyes and senses. It was as if the very world conspired to hide him, rendering him a ghost, an unseen wraith drifting through reality.

Mirai, following in his footsteps, was expected to replicate this masterful art of evasion. Each movement she made required the utmost precision and subtlety, a delicate dance to match Tenbo's fluidity. Observing him, she gained profound insights into his methods, witnessing a level of finesse that surpassed anything she had encountered before. Tenbo's presence seemed to evaporate, leaving no trace behind. He became an seeable enigma to her as long as she stayed in close proximity otherwise she'd lose him. A phantom whose existence could not be confirmed nor denied. To follow him was to chase a shadow in a moonless night, an endeavor doomed to failure. The Uchiha's ability to vanish so completely was a testament to his skill and experience, a technique honed to perfection over years of avoiding the watchful eyes of the Hidden Leaf Village.

This mastery of concealment could very well tip the scales in the battles to come. The question lingered in the air—could anyone else replicate such results? This uncertainty, this intangible advantage, held the potential to shift the balance of power in unforeseen ways. Mirai needed to learn on the spot, and he had expected her too. They'd arrive at a designed location, away from the city in the depths of the forest, arriving at the location he had ordered Shijo and Takashi to meet him at. Perhaps this would be another reunion between Uchiha, however, of course, Mirai should be none-the-wiser of their identities given what's at stake and their duties as members of root.​

Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Tenbō Uchiha - > Mirai Uchiha → Root(Dante/Takashi)
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​


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Kokezaru continued to stand there trying to maintain his composure as all his instincts told him to flee, but he couldn't due to his friend also being there and as he waited Otaru would give his reply to Kokezaru and the mystery man who looked down upon them like the specter of death looming over its unsuspecting prey. Much to the boys confusing though Otaru would speak oddly as while the boy hailed from the Uzumaki Clan he claimed to not be worthy of the clan. Upon these words leaving the lips of Otaru the young monkey boy would find himself being greeted with a stronger pressure as the mysterious masked figure replied in a subtle tone his voice laced with disappointment.

Upon realising this it clicked for Kokezaru that they may have been in trouble, but fortunately for the two young boys they would instead be presented with an interesting offer in which the masked figure offered to train the boys. He said to the boys he would train Otaru in the ways of the Uzumaki and show the boy that he is attuned to the spirals of the world or whatever that meant. For Kokezaru he wasn't the most knowledgeable on other clans since he was raised prominently on the isolated Monkey Island. Fortunately the man did say he he would teach Kokezaru something as well as he claim the young Sarugami clansmen was intriguing.

"Oh sweet I've always wanted to learn from a cool mysterious sensei," Thought Kokezaru wanting to speak up but, knowing it wasn't the time to dop so even if his mysterious future sensei's words had caused his instincts to calm as it was now clear from his scent that he had no intention of harming the boy, well not with bad intentions at least. Right now though he knew this was Otaru's time to shine as as a good friend he'd let him. All this time though while he contemplated to himself about the mysterious man he would quickly find him gone in the blink of an eye and when the young shinobi finally picked up the mans scent again he was now behind them, but something was up. While Kokezaru remembered the conversation and the scene that had just unfolded he couldn't remember the mans appearance. It was like a blank spot in his memories, there was someone there he just couldn't make out what they looked like. It was strange for Kokezaru as the man had a unique look to him especially if you take into consideration his distinct mask which Kokezaru had re-noticed upon turning to face him. This strange and odd sensation was something he couldn't put his finger on and he really wanted to ask the man about it ,but right now he was intent on speaking with Otaru and Kokezaru needed to wait his turn.


Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Kokezaru Sarugami > Otaru > Tentai
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll


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Yaju wasn’t long for the intelligence division headquarters more aptly put their autopsy room. His footsteps just behind that of Inoka’s as they approached the door the padding of 8 more feet were behind them. Yaju didn’t go anywhere without a hound in tow and things like his mission to the grass district were the perfect example as to why. Lone wolves die alone and that was never Yaju’s style and even the hounds that accompanied him knew that. Rather than having Jujin attempt to squeeze his way into the facility he simply brought along two of the smaller hounds. Jujin for all intents and purposes was the muscle of the group and the other hounds that functioned beneath him were the missing pieces to the puzzle. In light of that Yaju brought along Tekketsu, the tactical brains in regards to Yaju’s pack of hounds making the beast a master of nonverbal communication. The second hound that accompanied Inoka and Yaju was Seijaku, a Malnois loyal to a fault but more important observant without fail. Between Tekketsu and Seijaku despite every dog being capable of tracking a scent these two were better suited for the details of sitting in on the autopsy. They were here to drink in the information just the same as Yaju but on a completely different level. Where Yaju would be picking it apart analytically they would be running through the very scents on the body beyond simply just the smell of death or even the scent of the victim in question. Once they all stepped into the room and Inoka introduced Yaju his brow would twitch and his arms folded across his chest. It would be clear in those moments that there was a tinge of annoyance on Yaju’s mind all he could think about was the extra responsibility that was being added onto his plate. Seijaku and Tekketsu alike despite being dogs would join their master in his apparent annoyance letting out a combination of a whine and a yawn at the same time before placing a paw over their noses as if imitating a human facepalm.

Yaju would approach the table with Inoka after all the preparations were made and his hounds would do the same after the woman was properly restrained. While Yaju and Inoka ran amuck in the woman's head the dogs noses were fast at work. Their noses drinking in every drop of olfactory information they could. Yaju’s eyes were closed deep in thought even as Inoka pulled him within the woman’s mind. Yaju’s eyes flitted open upon them coming to a stop upon the memories in question. However unlike Inoka, Yaju lacked sympathy for her circumstance. Yaju always knew that peace time was never permanent. There was always someone or something looking to place a disturbance upon the world's tranquility and unfortunately for the young lady before them she was merely a pawn in the game that was being played.

“Shameful is a better way of saying it. If she was a victim perhaps we wouldn’t be looking at her now. I’ve seen genin with more fight in them.” He scoffed before being plucked from the girl's memories alongside Inoka. Once they exited the girl's memories Yaju was still disappointed regardless of how much the young woman was in fact a victim. He lived by the ideal of the survival of the fittest and unfortunately for the young lady being held here she wasn’t up to snuff. Once Inoka was done speaking Yaju would chime in once more speaking in a disappointed tone “If one village was attacked, its likely the others were as well. The time for peace is likely over son.” In turn his hounds were done sniffing around now that Yaju was mentally present once more the two dogs took a seat at his feet nudging their noses into their own flak vest to scratch an itch. They would inevitably sit with regal posture at his side to indicate they had done their unspoken duty to their master.

Location: [Intelligence Division Headquarters]
Posting Order: Inoka/NPC ->Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II

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Staff member
It was weird, he wasn't trying to comprehend the environment, nor was he consciously attempting to be cognizant of his surroundings. He was on high-alert, as the presence surrounding him felt unique. It was heavy but it wasn't threatening or suffocating, it confused Otaru, as he didn't understand what was happening. The tension which arose from his answer to the stranger, made the atmosphere feel like it was moving when in reality nothing was causing it to shift. Otaru closed both eyes, attempting to regain his mental posture. However, this did not aid him as the observation through auditory perception, made him aware of the ambient and oceanic sounds. His head faced downwards towards the ground, then he dropped to one knee attempting to rid himself of this phenomenon. Then the man spoke once more addressing Otaru and Kokezaru. "Attuned to the spirals?" He questioned, confused of what that may mean. "Is he talking about ice cream?" He interrupted his own thought. "Of course not." He said aloud, awkwardly, but coincidently it was a response to the Uzumaki. "All I know is what I learned in our sacred temple, which was preserved through time since the fall of Uzushiogakure. My family has been isolated from the rest of the Uzumaki, because we had integrated into the leafs system a while back. And the duty to preserve the temple was a responsibility of my lineage. I possess minimal fuinjutsu skill, because learning our signature technique has been a challenge. And with the natural inclination of my sensory ability. I aspire to be the greatest medical fuinjutsu ninja in existence something. A field that is uncharted, at least to my knowledge!" He addressed, a mouthful perhaps. He was excited, to learn more about his lineage from someone who obviously was considerably knowledgable. And Kokezaru too would also benefit it seemed. His guard lowered a bit, wondering from who this man is to being excited about learning from him.

Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Kokezaru Sarugami > Otaru > Tentai
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll


Staff member

Mission: More than an Exchange!

Mission Type: Escort and Protect
His movements were rapid, as well as designed. It flowed flawlessly, replicating a rhyme inside of a musical tune. The amplification seemingly was used to shroud his movements, but was that all to it? With his speed, he was still cognizant of the surrounding environment and those within it. Within the atmosphere of energized sound pressure waves, the blue-suited man was hyper alert and attuned to the flow of things interacting with said vibrations. This added a layer of sensitivity, that which he had incredible endurance and resistance against. The amplification aided him, but it did not seemingly accomplish all he hoped for. He was somewhat anticipated, by a shinobi who's managed to intervene on the situation. A delight - a challenger, the man thought. As his own hand was near capturing the target, he was about to be mauled, at least by what some may calculate. A smirk appeared upon his face, and nigh instantly afterward, Gyoken strike landed in its intended destination. Tearing through the man, causing his body to land upon the ground. Falling from above, as his body immediately fell to the ground, Gyoken was the apparent protector. He used precise calculation and speed to intercept. Except, he failed to take advantage of the minor details. Yet, the details presented could perhaps only be perceived by someone more skillful than this shinobi trio. Sound wasn't just serving as a distraction, but also a form of mobility. It would be too late. Gyoken was in close proximity, and had seemingly allowed his guard to drop. But it would have barely any time that elapsed, less than a second of the blue-suited man's body pudding against the ground. Within the private cabin of the diplomat, and shinobi, a flash bang went off. It was something Gyoken missed to take note of, and therefore, would cost him dearly. It was previously dropped, timed as a pronged assault, which lit up the entirety of the cabin blinding all those within. At the speed at which light traveled, it was the perfect cover. The blue-suit man that appeared dead, had arose from the rear behind the diplomat. He replaced himself with a suitcase, that which was tailored with many tags amongst it. This revelation could not be seen by those in the room blinded by the light. What could it exactly be? When was it timed to trigger? A dazzling puzzle, crafted by a man who dances with sound itself. His dominant hand grasped the diplomat, who was too blinded and at the mercy of his kidnapper. The flash bang added noise, allowing more sound pressure levels to the atmosphere. And with that increased noise in such proximity, caused another reaction in the atmosphere to not only blind, but dull the senses further of those. It would be impossible to track the man using auditory or visual. Anyone, looking at this cart from a distance would notice a shining light beaming from the corridors. Exactly, as he disappeared through high-speed motion again. The train detailed, which would coincide with aiding his departure by throwing off the coordination of all aboard. The two other kidnappers had not yet shown themselves to the battle, but at the acknowledgement of light and derailing of the train, leaped and landed outside the train. Soon afterwards, all three of the men stood side by side, outside of the derailed train with the leafs diplomat knocked unconscious. It would appear they had exited through the trains window, as it would reflect with shattered glass in the area of the train. With the diplomat retrieved, they escaped into the forest heading towards the sand peninsula.

Leaving Location: [Leaf District Gate]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
