Leaf District


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As Jin Stood watching the conversation unfold between the inbred and the so called Uchiha, he felt no reason to subject himself to unnecessary conversation. But it was there that as he would watch the direction where the Kitsune brat was heading, the young Tendo shook his head in utter disbelief on how stupid the actions already being taken by this so called Fresh Chunin was taking. It was clear they were to goto the village gates but the direction this Kitsune was now beginning to walk to was entirely a different location, that of the Thunder Rail Train located further North slightly past the Kage Statues. As he'd watch this the Tendo sighed, clearly this mission would prove more annoying than easy if they had to follow under the rules of a Newbie Chunin with no sense of direction or urgency. As he let out this sigh of annoyance he'd begin walking the complete and opposite way, heading towards the Location the Hokage had directed them to meet with the client. His hands staying in his pockets, as he traversed through the forest, not bothering to waste unnecessary chakra of energy he took a steady pace in which would allow him to traverse through the Chakra Forest towards the Village gates in less than a minute. Jin after all though a Genin was still a prodigy of the Tendo clan even if he was the Bastard Child of the clan, one born with an anomaly for a Kekkei Genkai compared to the rest of his clan. As he walked alone, it was clear he had his mind set on the completion of this mission not some idiotic detour that would place bad markers on the Team. Each step taken with stride and a fluidity of almost confidence, he trailed through the looming foliage, where the shadows casted would illuminate his strange cyan eyes. Moving with a form of confliction on the utter outcome should this Kitsune prove more tedious and incapable, it would be clear Jin's Intelligence and tactical nature would need to carry the team, whilst at the same time with the Leaf having no knowledge of Jin's capabilities such as Kekkei Genkai or Jutsu's, just his Chakra Nature type and chakra signature, he possessed the necessary tools to carry out this mission with the utmost confidence.
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As he walked through the forest alone, clear that the Kitsune was dead set on going to the train station instead of the meet up spot as directed, Jin thought upon himself,​
"It's clear that the inbred has no idea what it means to lead a team or follow orders... Meaning I can't rely on him to lead us to success... Seem's I'll have to do things my own way... Such a damn pain... Though that Uchiha Kid, besides his goofy demeanor, it was clear by how his neurons fluctuated and processed through his nervous system... He may prove objectively better in a situation if push comes to shove... So it seems I'm stuck with a novice Chunin with no sense of direction or urgency who relied on trying to overpower his foes during the chunin exam... An Uchiha who seems to have damaged confidence in himself but possesses great potential... Then me... How vexing."
He scoffed to himself on the sheer annoyance of the entire situation as inevitably he'd break through the treeline and foliage leading straight towards the Village Gates where the team was Directed to meet at to meet with the diplomats needing to be escorted to the sand.​
"I can not reveal the truth behind my prowess to these Novices... Not that they'd understand the truth behind my eyes... Damn... Seems I'm the only one with the foresight to follow directions... Added it is clear that the Kitsune Inbred is more focused on pleasing and sticking to his Home village than the village that was willing to take him in and give him work... His focus on such things as Family... How vexing, families are nothing but trouble. A unnecessary weakness that can be held against you. Thats why... I had too... Kill my mother..."
He would continue his inner thought as he slowly leaned against the village gate waiting for the intended meeting with the diplomat....

Leaving Location: [Leaf District - Forest of Chakra]
Entering Location: [Leaf District - Leaf District Gates]
Posting Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Yudoku couldnt help but laugh, realizing it was her carelessness that's lead her to her current predicament. She sighs and leans against the trunk of the tree.

"Consider my words wisely huh..? If you must know, I'm here looking for Itami Yamazaki, Tsuchikage of the Stone District. We were brutally attacked by an unknown necromancer shinobi. We are lucky to still be standing. Lord Kage Itami came here to Konoha to retrieve his son, the Stone's Tailed Beast that Konoha graciously helped in protecting. He came here as an ally to also have talks with your Kage. I have no interest in any Leaf secrets so please.. I'd very much appreciate you letting my bee's go.. just like your beetles, they are an extension of me and I'll do anything to protect them.. but I'm only interested in my mission.. Was this a satisfactory answer for you Aburame?"

Yudoku tightens her grip on her scythe, wary of what comes next.

Location: [Konoha]
Posting: Reiji Aburame, Yudoku Kamizuru



Staff member


Takashi watched as Gyoken prepared to launch an attack, both physically and mentally bracing himself for what was to come. Suddenly, the young Uchiha halted his movements, the chakra around his fist fading away. The interruption was caused by the arrival of two other shinobi, which distracted Gyoken from focusing on his target. If this had been real combat instead of training, Takashi would not have let such an opening pass by. Standing silently, he allowed his own chakra to fade away as the two new shinobi approached to relay a mission update. One of them caught his attention, a young man named Jin who strongly resembled a mysterious individual Takashi had met in Iwagakure. "Hmm," Takashi mused to himself.

Instead of directly questioning Jin, Takashi decided to maintain his role as Gyoken's sensei. "You are welcome to continue your training when you return, Gyoken!" he called out, waving goodbye to the young Uchiha. Afterward, he took a chakra pill to replenish his energy. Once he confirmed that no one else was present, he reflected on today's training session with Gyoken. Takashi saw immense potential in the young Uchiha, noting his ability to learn quickly and his unpredictable combat style. Nodding in silent approval, Takashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke as the shadow clone technique reached its end.

Once they changed into their uniforms, the two Root members arrived at one of Konoha's older, taller buildings. It resembled an old watchtower and appeared to have been untouched for years. However, inside the top of the building, everything needed for scouting was present: maps of the village, known alleys, secret passages, and binoculars. "Our mission is to find Mugen Uchiha. He's not hard to miss if you catch sight of him. Like you, he belongs to the Uchiha clan but is missing his left arm. He has the classic black hair that most of your clan has. The areas where he can usually be found are your clan's training area, the Uchiha district, or near the Hokage's building." Takashi briefly explained the mission and the person they were looking for to the newest member of the Root organization. His voice took on a slightly darker and faintly echoing tone, thanks to the mask they wore over their faces to hide their identities.

"I'm not completely up to date on your abilities beyond the most common ones among your clan. If there is something you can do besides using the binoculars, don't hesitate to use it. I'll check the routes between these three locations in case he's on his way to them, and you'll be tasked with looking over the areas themselves. But don't leave my side because Lord Tenbo wanted us to do this together." Under the mask, Takashi activated his Byakugan, giving him a near-360º field of vision around himself ensuring that Shijo didn't disappear from his sight. While also being able to focus his vision on anything and everything within the Byakugan's range. Being able to penetrate almost any object, allowing Takashi to see through walls, peer underground. Known Mugen for years will allow him to identify the missing members' chakra signatures without a problem if his eyes catch sight of him.

Location: (Clone leaving) Konohagakure Training Ground and (Real Takashi) Konohagakure village
Order: Takashi Clone - Gyoken (Finished)
Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2





Both the insect clone, as well as the Aburame himself would look toward the female as she leaned against the bark of the tree. She was rather careless and lax despite having been intercepted and questioned. Still, the Chunin would not allow his guard to drop, after all she was still an enemy, regardless if her story proved to be true or not. As the clone was the only imagery of the boy the Kamizuru had seen up until this point, it would need to remain this way, for the teen's own safety. He had her cornered it seemed, despite the axe she continued to wield.

"I see, that is rather unfortunate indeed. However, that is still yet to be seen. Even if I were to believe this to be true, why would they send a lone kunoichi to retrieve him and escort both him and his Jinchuriki son? Is the Stone district really that impoverished in the number of jonin they possess?"

The story the female spoke to him didn't make sense to him, not in the least. It was an illogical move, no matter how one tried to look at it, even IF the two countries were allied.

The Aburame would watch on, as he kept tabs on the bee's that his beetles had wrangled up within the village, responding to the beetles should he need to through the use of chakra fluctuations. Reiji would gently reached down to his hip as he drew a single kunai from his hip pouch. To simply stay here and wait would get him no where, he would need to investigate this situation further. The clone would pipe up after a moment of allowing the female to try to plea her case to his questions.

"Drop your weapon, and come with me, I'll show you to the Hokage's office; but so help me if you've been lying to me all this time, I won't hesitate to neutralize you, and take your insects as a trophy of victory."

The clone would stand from the tree limb as he gracefully hopped down to the ground, looking up to the Kunoichi above to follow him. Should she try anything suspect, the real Aburame would not hesitate to dive into the fray along with his clone to quell the threat she possessed.

"Tell me, what's your name?"



Staff member
Mission: More than an Exchange!
Mission Type: Escort and Protect


At the bustling gate of Konohagakure, the Leaf District's diplomat made a commanding presence, seated regally in a lavish carriage pulled by four robust men. Each of these men, muscles taut and expressions stern, not only served as carriers but were also adept swordsmen, their weapons securely fastened at their waists, ready to defend their charge at a moment's notice.

As the newly formed shinobi team approached, the diplomat's initial inspection was less than impressed. With a discerning eye, he scrutinized the young faces before him, his disappointment palpable. "Great, they assigned me damn kids who are also late. Now we'll have to board the damn Thunder Train," he exclaimed, his voice carrying a mix of irritation and urgency.

Reacting swiftly to their leader's exasperation, the bodyguards sprang into action. With practiced coordination, they began a brisk run toward the train station, heading straight for the special class section reserved for diplomats and other political dignitaries. Their pace was quick and determined, cutting through the crowd with the urgency of their mission clear in their stride, setting a brisk tempo for the shinobi team to match as they all made their way to catch the looming departure of the Thunder Train.

Leaving Location: [Leaf District Gate]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II

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Staff member


As Gyoken made his way to the Leaf District Gate via an alternate route, he pondered the abrupt departure of Jin Tendo. Glancing towards Okami with a puzzled expression, he inquired, "What's his problem?" Gyoken was genuinely baffled by Jin's earlier remarks and couldn't see any incompetence in Okami. Choosing not to dwell on it, Gyoken simply shrugged it off.

"So, dual-citizenship, huh? I wasn't aware that was possible—that's pretty cool, having two homes. I wish I had two homes; it’d be good to escape sometimes," Gyoken remarked, his thoughts drifting briefly to the strained relationship with his father. Shaking off the somber mood, he turned back to Okami with a renewed smile. "Anyways, let's do our best, Okami. I'll put our rivalry on pause for now, so that we can do our best," he declared, his face brightening.

As they neared the gate, Gyoken noticed Jin arriving just seconds before he and Okami did, only to be scolded by the man known as the Leaf Diplomat for their tardiness. Feeling embarrassed, Gyoken instinctively hid behind Okami, subtly pointing at him as if to suggest that Okami was the leader of their trio. The awkward moment of being chastised lingered briefly before they all followed the diplomat and his bodyguards to the Thunder Train. They were ushered into a private section of the train designed to accommodate eight people, typically reserved for the wealthy or political leaders. The diplomat positioned himself away from any windows, flanked by his bodyguards, while Gyoken chose to sit on the opposite side of the compartment. Despite settling into the plush seating, he remained vigilant, keenly aware that his first mission had officially begun, and the real test of his abilities was just around the corner.


Leaving Location: [Leaf District Gate]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Of course, thanks to his advanced senses, Okami had heard their client's remarks before they fully reached the ears of his teammates, even as he filed away the shift in Gyoken's expression and tone that the boy probably thought he hadn't seen as he spoke, opting to respond to him properly once the mission was over. The Kitsune then expertly hid his irritation at Gyoken almost immediately selling him out - something he resolved to get back at the Uchiha for after they returned - but realized that as the sole Chunin on the team he did have to take responsibility.​

"I apologize for our tardiness, sir."

Such were the only words Okami spoke - not even bothering to make any excuses for said tardiness - before the entire lot of them boarded the train, with Okami strategically placing himself in the middle of the seat and thus between Gyoken and Jin across from their client, folding his arms across his chest, keeping his senses on full alert despite his relaxed posture, and was thus ready to act at even the slightest hint of trouble. Once the train left the station, only then would he speak again, but he never once took his amber eyes off of those across from him and his team.​

"Now that we're all present and aboard, I believe introductions are in order. This team consists of Chunin Okami Kitsune, Genin Gyoken Uchiha, and Genin Jin Tendo. As you're aware, ours is a C-Rank Escort and Bodyguard Detail mission. We're to protect you and your Sand District counterparts against all threats to your lives - even at the cost of our own lives should it prove necessary, at least until talks are concluded. As such, despite this mission being a mere C-Rank, we would all be utter fools to not consider the possibility of having to also fight shinobi on this mission. If anyone has any questions, I will answer them to the best of my abilities."

It was with those words that the Kitsune assumed full control of the room - with his ears and tail making it obvious who the stated Chunin was, his tone and gaze telling just how serious this mission really was. He had also stressed the ranks of all present ninja, making clear under no uncertain terms that he was indeed the one in command. He had also shifted his gaze to Jin and Gyoken for an instant each as he introduced them before shifting it back to the occupants sitting across from him, sending an unspoken message: The Genin in the compartment were both to follow whatever orders he gave without question and without deviation if the mission took a turn for the worse... Specifically, in the event they were attacked by an enemy far beyond their skills, both individually and combined.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II

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Upon arriving at the Village gates where a couple seconds later the other two members of this makeshift team would arrive only for them to receive a lector of disrespect from the diplomat, unlike the other two showing signs of bending to an adults whim or cowarding behind someone who was freshly promoted, but Jin his expression soured as his eyes fixated towards the diplomat. The mere sensation of boiling disgust from the YOung Tendo scoured forth as he remained silent. Though as the group would traverse through the village only to board the Thunder Rail Train; where Okami, the Diplomat, and Gyoken would take a seat, Jin reluctantly remained standing, his shoulder resting upon the steel frame of the train's interior. Though Okami spoke out, Jin simply stared out the window, paying this freshly made chunin no mind, as to the Tendo's own personal mindset and experience, this fresh out of the batch Chunin has earned none of his loyalty. As his eyes gaze out with the movement of the train watching as the leaf would inevitably become a distant view, and though Okami's tone would try to subject obedience in Ranking, it mattered little to jack shit to Jin Tendo. Okami was a novice, blue bellies chunin, with no experience of battling higher ranking shinobi to the death; unlike himself who single handedly slaughtered his own mother who stood in for the Kusakage. Though listening his body language and expression spoke deep words, words such as: If you get in my way or jeopardize this mission with that big headed ego... I'll kill you myself.

Words that were not spoken but could be felt under the very skin of each person in the train cart; though his eyes fixated out towards the Train Carts window view, Jin's hands remained in his pockets. Even though Jin was a Genin at 16 years of age, his physical traits and abilities along with his hidden techniques of the Grass along with his specialized clan genetics he would be equivalent to that of a intermediate chunin had he not been in the orphanage and transferred between villages. As such Jin kept to himself, not bothering with this unprofessional conversation being dragged on by someone hinting for respect. Such notions meant nothing to the Tendo or the clan he hailed from, the only thing that mattered to Jin, was growing stronger for his ambitious dream of killing his Father, the Kusakage Xaio Tendo; and the completion of this mission as to avoid conflict between the Sand and Leaf. This ultimately came to the conclusive decision of Jin to remain silent, as his vulgar personality would clearly stem some internal conflicts during the peace talks. Ultimately should Jin let his vulgar nature come out, this would ultimately fail the mission; something he foresaw when Lord Suzuka had given this makeshift team the mission, something he contemplated on since getting Gyoken Uchiha.

This revelation of his role in the mission meant should conflict arise, his only objective, his only task is to kill anyone before they could lay a finger on the diplomatic figure, even should it mean revealing some of the tricks under his sleeves that puts him above the others in his team, tricks they'd have no way of combating should they ever become his enemy. But at this current moment they were his "allies" and as such he wouldn't see the need to utilize the Mu clan's hidden jutsu, a Juinjutsu that was within Jin's arsenal, yet another thing that his team let alone the village would know nothing about as Jin has always been a person to keep others at arms length away for both parties safety.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District: Gates]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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Gyoken observed his companions with keen interest, especially noting how Okami strategically chose the middle seat, positioning himself as a bridge between Jin and Gyoken. Unlike his sensei Takashi Hyuuga, who often veiled his teachings in similes and metaphors, Okami's communication was direct and clear, which Gyoken appreciated as he nodded along, understanding every word.

Turning his attention to Jin, Gyoken noticed with a mix of irritation and curiosity that Jin was the only one who remained standing, his demeanor aloof. Gyoken couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh, muttering under his breath, “What’s his problem?” Despite his annoyance, Jin’s standoffish nature only piqued Gyoken’s interest more, sparking a determination in him to break through Jin’s shell and forge a friendship.

Reflecting on his own challenges and wondering if Jin might have faced similar difficulties, Gyoken shook off his reverie. Deciding to extend an olive branch, he reached into his pouch and pulled out three seaweed rice balls stuffed with tuna tartar. He handed one to Okami with a bright, hopeful smile, offering it as a gesture of goodwill to smooth over any earlier tensions.

Then, with a rice ball in hand, Gyoken approached Jin. “Here, Jin. Let’s eat up so we can do our very best on our first mission,” he said, his smile genuine and inviting. Gyoken’s offer was more than just food; it was an attempt to connect, hoping that a simple act of sharing might lower barriers and foster a sense of team spirit as they prepared to embark on their mission together.

Leaving Location: [Leaf District: Gates]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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Staff member

Mission: More than an Exchange!
Mission Type: Escort and Protect


As the rhythmic clatter of the train blended with the soft murmurs of conversation, the door to the private section swung open, revealing the train attendant poised at the threshold. The attendant, embodying professionalism with a strict, upright posture, stepped into the compartment, his face breaking into a bright, welcoming smile as he greeted the occupants.

With practiced efficiency, he began collecting the tickets from each passenger, scrutinizing them meticulously. His eyes darted from the tickets to the faces of the passengers, ensuring that each one corresponded accurately to their bearer. The routine was thorough yet swift, a testament to his training and the importance of security on this particular journey.

Once satisfied that all was in order, the attendant handed back the tickets and, with a polite nod, exited the private cabin. He pulled the door closed behind him with a soft click, sealing the space from the rest of the train. As he made his way toward the general seating area, his demeanor subtly shifted. Catching the eye of a man dressed in a blue suit, he offered a discreet nod—a silent, prearranged signal that went unnoticed by others. This brief exchange hinted at layers of communication and arrangements hidden beneath the surface of this seemingly routine check. The man in the blue suit stood up, adjusting his jacket as he did so, and made his way towards the restroom—a seemingly innocuous move that masked his true intentions.

Minutes later, a sudden jolt disrupted the steady rhythm of the train. The lights flickered, and a muffled explosion sounded from the rear carriages. Panic ensued as passengers screamed and looked around in confusion. Amidst the chaos, the man in the blue suit re-emerged from the restroom, now accompanied by two other individuals who had not been visible before. They moved with purpose and precision, heading straight for the private cabin housing the Leaf District's diplomat.

The diplomat's bodyguards sprang into action, positioning themselves to protect him, but they were momentarily disoriented by the explosion. Taking advantage of this distraction, the kidnappers used a combination of smoke bombs and flash grenades to further disorient the defenders. Outside, several more accomplices awaited with a getaway vehicle. The train, now slowing due to the earlier explosion, allowed for a risky but planned jump from the moving train to the vehicle.

It was up to the shinobi of the Leaf to step up and protect the Leaf Diplomat from any danger.

Leaving Location: [Leaf District: Gates]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II