Leaf District

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As Gyoken offered a rice ball to extend the preverbal olive branch, Okami would wordlessly accept what he was offered. Taking it into his left hand, the Chunin would raise it to his nose where he would take three sniffs of it to determine if the food was still safe to eat. He detected no sign of spoiling or anything that would even remotely discourage him, and nodded in approval in the young Uchiha's direction before eating the rice ball slowly, wanting to savor the treat. Of course, Okami still had his guard up the entire time, as shown by his discreet glances towards the door considering he had a gut feeling their day was about to go from 0 to 100 really soon.

The moment he was absolutely sure the train attendant was out of earshot following the occupants of the private section having their tickets checked, Okami would quietly voice his concerns and issue orders as that feeling became even stronger as time passed. His smile faded from his face and his gaze became more stern than it already was, instilling a sense of finality with every word.​

"Listen up. Things are about to get hectic within the next few minutes, and when it does, I will not tolerate any deviation from any orders I give from that point on - especially if I'm right and this mission's parameters are raised beyond a simple C-Rank. Jin, this goes triple for you. Gyoken, if anything happens to me personally that prevents me from acting as this team's captain, you're in charge regardless of anything Jin says or does, with the only other people being above you being the Sand District ninja since they'll likely send a team ranking above me. Between the two of you, you seem to be the only one willing to work with others without needing a reason to. In my book, someone who can't set aside past grievances and work with others even if only temporarily, no matter what those past grievances are, has no right to claim to be a ninja of their district... Let alone call themselves an ally and a friend of the Kitsune Clan of Ouza Island."

Of course, Okami had kept his real reasons for choosing Gyoken over Jin as his second-in-command to himself. Truth was, despite his earlier claims regarding his actions during the Chunin Exams, he felt a little guilty for denying Gyoken a shot at the rank that he probably deserved more than he did. However, if the Uchiha was anything like him, then he probably wasn't actually ready for it... But then again, neither was Okami. He had also chosen Gyoken over Jin because the facts were than Okami had become a little too good at reading people for his age due to his mistreatment by his own clan that had only stopped following his promotion. From just a glance, he could tell that Jin had a chip on his shoulder that could possibly result in him acting on his own and being generally hostile to most - and that was the last thing they needed on this mission. Furthermore... Something about the guy made Okami unable to trust him as far as he could throw him, and he could throw even grown men pretty far. The only solace he took was that for all of Jin's unheard and thus unknown thoughts and assumptions of being superior to everyone in the room, which meant he gave off an aura of arrogance that Okami could literally smell, Okami himself had plenty of tricks and abilities that were just as unknown by the world at large.

It was that same wariness that allowed Okami to effectively react to the explosion that shook the train mere minutes later, with Okami showing no visible reaction outside of a frown as his concerns proved to be very accurate as the situation unfolded. He knew his explosions since he made his own ninja tools all the time, and the force of those explosions as well as the fact they were strategically placed to not actually derail the train meant the attackers most likely had shinobi assistance. After getting a glance of the smoke bombs and flash bombs that rolled in through the door, during which time he closed his eyes and used his arms to hastily shield the eyes of Jin and Gyoken to prevent being disoriented by the flash bomb, his concerns were even more founded and he would issue further orders while removing his arms from in front of his team's faces. Focusing his hearing due to his sight being impaired by all the smoke, he heard a vehicle outside the train. Straining his ears just a bit, he was able to determine its exact location, thus allowing him to figure out what the attackers had planned.​

"Jin, up for some parkour? I need you to seize that vehicle I can hear tailing this specific compartment just outside the window. Seize it, not blow it up. Stick close to the train, and pick off anyone that tries to climb in or out that isn't me, Gyoken, our client, or his guards. Hit any civilians and I won't rest until I've seen to it that you'll never leave a prison cell for the rest of your days. Gyoken, coordinate with the guards and see to it that whoever's attacking the train don't fully seize it - that means your goal will be to secure the engine, so take to the roof if you have to. If they seize it, our mission will get a whole lot harder. Do not trust the security, this cannot have happened without at least one of them being in on it. I'll sweep the other side. We'll be using our short-range comms for this. Jin, since you'll be keeping watch outside after you've seized the vehicle, that means we'll be relying on you to keep us posted. Gyoken and I will begin our parts once you've taken it."

Before Okami began speaking but immediately after removing his arms from in front of his team's eyes, he stood up and swiftly went to the door leading into their compartment and used his great physical strength to force the door shut and make sure it stayed that way, only speaking loudly enough for those in the compartment to hear him. The Kitsune had left the window open and gave a pointed look to Jin when told the Genin what part he would play, hoping beyond all hope that he would understand the unspoken message that this was absolutely not the time to question his orders, no matter how he felt about them... Okami himself wasn't exactly in a good mood anymore, and if pushed too far, it would unleash the monster within. Internally, Okami chuckled to himself, but it was empty. He thought to himself, "I wonder what the higher-ups would say if they discovered I have no control of myself in that form?" It was a concern that he had because even when not transformed, his already great strength, speed, stamina, and durability were made even greater by his clan's natural [Superior Bone Calcification & Superior Muscle Tone] trait that put those areas on a level beyond that of any Genin. There was also the considerable physical workout he got from forging and delivering weapons daily to consider.

In simpler terms, unless the attackers used a jutsu and risked blowing up that entire part of the train or used something with enough raw concussive force or a sharp enough cutting edge, Okami was an impenetrable wall. Furthermore, the entire time, Okami kept a portion of his chakra primed to use a defensive jutsu that would make the attacker's job even harder. With his ears and nose being strong as they were despite not being fully developed to their full potential just yet, nothing could happen in or around that compartment without him knowing about it. If someone breathed, he'd know about it. If they sneezed, he'd know about it. If they so much as moved in a way he didn't like with all the smoke in the room adding to the air particles making it possible for him to feel their movements through the vibrations in the air, he'd know about it. These attackers had, in short, made a big mistake trying to get the drop on a Kitsune, even if the member of said clan hadn't yet fully grown into his new position as a Chunin. Their mistake had been in not following up and capturing the diplomat immediately after using those bombs while he'd been preoccupied keeping himself, Gyoken, and Jin from being blinded.​

"If this is the best these guys can do in the way of getting the drop on me... I'm unimpressed. I've met three-year-olds from my own clan who can do better and actually have done better. Sure I took those losses for charity, but still..."

And of course, Okami was so unimpressed that he didn't even keep his grumbling to himself despite his focus still being entirely on the situation at hand. In his eyes, the attackers had done all that build-up only to utterly waste their golden opportunity. It was a shameful display made only more shameful by the utter failure that was the attackers' follow-up of the initial execution on all accounts, in his eyes. And coming from a clan that ultimately specialized more in everything involving stealth, trickery, deception, and everything in-between if they ever decided to branch off from their prized Kekkei-Tota, yes he was going to take it personally.
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Current Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Leaned against the wall of the interior cabin, Jin's strange cyan eyes slowly avert towards the Uchiha boy who'd offer him forth a Onigiri or Riceball; normally Jin was purposely distant from others, not only for his own well being but for the other person's safety and this would be shown as his once cold harsh expression seemed almost uncomfortable and out of place. With such a strange entangling of fates, where Jin could see the fluctuating Neurons in Gyokens brain moving through the body, allowing him a view of any ulterior motives, one such he could not see through Gyoken's neural activity he'd slowly take the onigiri from the youngest member of the team. This simple gesture showing even as cold as Jin was, there was still a small sliver that wanted to hope for a better life. With the Onigiri in his hand he'd speak whilst looking away, his hair covering his face, concealing his expression,​
A simple interaction which if looked upon would reveal a deeper meaning, and though he'd hold the onigiri in his left hand raising it to his mouth as he'd take a bite from it the Tendo would not give a expression or reaction to the rice ball, rather eating it in a solace moment. But it was once Okami spoke out once more, Jin had no set irritation towards the first portion of his statements, but once Okami brought up the part of being able to set apart ones grievances that is where things would click deep in the subconscious of Jin's mental psyche. With half the onigiri still in his hand it would be crushed with no hesitation, his grip tightened so greatly that Jin's eyes began to emit a faint cyanic glow. These very eyes now focused upon Okami with words spoken in a cruel manner,​
"You really want to die don't you?"

As if Jin was no longer seeing Okami as a Team Member but rather as an ignorant child who knows nothing outside his little isolated island, a flash back of sorts flickering in Jin's Psyche which will spell a fatal error on the Kitsune should his next words or actions not be chosen wisely. As it stood Even as Jin is able to read every single neural activity in the Kitsune, there would be no movement the kitsune could do that Jin couldn't read and react too. But this would all come to a hold as in a briefest of moments where the private cabin doors would open as two objects were thrown in and the Kitsune using his own body to shield both Him and Gyoken from the abrupt explosive sound and flash as smoke also filled the room, Jin would hold some resembalance of Respect for the Kitsune's self sacrifice as Jin's expression had now shifted to an even colder almost murderous like state. It was here after Okami suggested a plan that it wouldn't fly, after all the more they leave alive the riskier the mission gets, something someone who lived on an island wouldn't understand about how the major continent of shinobi and rogues function; but this was something Jin understood to well. Here he'd speak to Gyoken with an almost calice tone,​
"The Kitsune Kid has a half decent plan... But we only need one person alive, that was his gravest error of calculation. Leaving more than one alive will create a higher precentage of a person being able to relay info back to who ever organized the attack. I'll be killing everyone in that vehicle. Just make sure to capture one alive, I'm trusting you with that Gyoken."
Though his words were filled with a calious tone there was a hint of a forming thread of trust towards the Uchiha to understand the gravity of this situation. As such, with his eyes glowing through the smoke clouds, like a trail of cyan beams of light, he swiftly moved towards the window clost to him, a loud crashing sound reverberated through the cabin of glass shattering as Jin stood beside the window allowing smoke to pour out of the cart. With his eyes which needed not to see visually a person but rather could still see the neurons fluctuating in the passengers of the vehicle staying near the train.

As Jin kept an eye on the targetted neurological signals, he'd place his hands on the window frame where no glass would remain, using his arms to pull himself from the train's interior, he'd focus kneading chakra to the bottom of his feat as he'd throw himself out of the train allowing him to ascend into the sky clear from the out pouring smoke. Ascended high enough from the smoke where he'd have perfect visuals on the vehicle, Jin's hands quickly began weaving the corresponding hand signs, Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger; with the Tiger hand sign done in such a short time in conjunction with the previous signs needed for this jutsu, chakra began kneading in the base of the Tendo's Right hand as he'd soon extend his hand forth allowing a dark flame condensed into a blade to strike forth towards the engine of the vehicle with such an alarming speed. This Jutsu called the Heavenly Prison Fire Sword was one of the Mu clan's Hidden Techniques within Jin's arsenal, one such technique thanks to the smoke pillowing out from the cabin would remain hidden as it would find itself striking through the engines oil reservoir causing what would be called instantaneous combustion which would spread through the interior of the vehicle. As Jin remained in the air, still a good fifty feet above the ground, with quick thinking he'd toss a kunai connected to a line of Tungsten wire at the roof of the train allowing him to swiftly pull with all his might, launching himself to the top of the train with a medium thudding sound echoing on the top of the private cabin. As he felt his body slam against the metallic roof with a subtle roll before his left hand gripped his kunai that had embedded into the surface, he'd prevent himself from being thrown overboard as the Tendo groaned in annoyance.​
"With the Cabin being protected by Gyoken, and the Guards... I can do what I do best in the other cabins then... Damn Fox brat thinks civilians are our priorities... What a naive child, the mission is whats important, no one cares about his moral compass. If he has an issue he can die by my hands... Though he did shield us buying me time to handle the outside interlopers... I'll give him a pass this one time..."
Jin thought to himself as he slowly kneaded a small portion of Chakra through his feet to allow him to stand on a moving vehicle without any issues, by doing so Jin slowly but surely proceeded to move further towards the end of the train, each step done carefully and quietly as to not alert those inside as Jin gradually made his way closer to the tail cart where he'd leap down to the end platform where he'd slowly open the door, his cold eyes piercing forth as he slowly entered into the very last cabin of the Train. Seeing many of the civilians distraught of the explosions and chaos that was ringing through the train, Jin's focus was to move forth as he had done the necessary deed of dealing with the vehicle outside and the inhabitants inside the said vehicle. Though now it was necessary for Jin to move forward to finding the assailants responsible for this attack on the Train, with this in mind, Jin began pushing his way forward his cold expression forcing many of the civilians to take their seats through utter fear that he may be the attacker while unbeknownst to them he was there to seek out the threat to the diplomats safety.
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Current Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Gyoken's smile beamed brightly as both Jin and Okami accepted the rice balls he offered, a gesture intended to fortify the bonds within their team. As Jin took the rice ball, Gyoken eagerly devoured his own, his satisfaction evident even as he chewed. However, his contentment was abruptly disrupted when Okami casually remarked about Gyoken taking charge should anything happen to him. The responsibility, unexpected and weighty, landed heavily on Gyoken, who had only ever led a team during the Chunin exams—an experience that ended in failure and wasn't something he wished to repeat. Okami's comment unwittingly intensified the already palpable tension between him and Jin, casting a shadow of doubt over their ability to function cohesively as a team. The atmosphere thickened with uncertainty just as the lights on the train flickered ominously, briefly plunging the carriage into darkness before they stuttered back to life.

While often seen as absent-minded, Gyoken's instincts sharpened in crisis; he immediately sensed that something was wrong. Glancing upward at the flickering lights and then towards Okami, he watched as Okami instinctively moved to shield both him and Jin from potential harm. The ensuing chaos erupted swiftly. Smoke bombs clouded their vision while flash bombs compounded the assault with blinding light and piercing noise, specifically designed to disorient those caught within their range. For Okami, whose senses were particularly acute, the effects were especially disorienting, almost overwhelming. Yet, in his heightened state, Okami managed to provide some cover for his teammates. Amidst the confusion, Gyoken reacted instinctively. Shielding his eyes with one arm, he channeled chakra into his black onyx orbs, his eyes transformed, the two tomoe Sharingan, slicing through the visual chaos. With this enhanced sight, Gyoken could see past the smoke and physical barriers, clearly identifying the chakra signatures of their assailants through doors and walls.

As chaos unfolded outside the train, Gyoken remained in the cabin, his role clear: to assist the four bodyguards in protecting the Leaf Diplomat. With his Sharingan activated, Gyoken meticulously tracked every movement of both Okami and Jin as well as their adversaries, his eyes sharp and calculating. In the midst of battle, Gyoken was particularly struck by Okami's selflessness, using his body as a shield to protect the team from the smoke and flash bombs—a decision that might have been fatal under different circumstances. Concerned, Gyoken called out to Okami, but received no response. Initially confused, Gyoken soon realized the reason; Okami's hearing had been compromised, a fact he discerned only through the subtle indications of injury in his ear, visible only to his Sharingan.
"If this is the best these guys can do in the way of getting the drop on me... I'm unimpressed. I've met three-year-olds from my own clan who can do better and actually have done better. Sure I took those losses for charity, but still..."
Despite this setback, Okami continued to verbally assess the strength of their enemies, his spirit undeterred. High above, Jin executed a series of hand signs with precise speed—Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger—culminating in a powerful jutsu. Dark chakra flames condensed into a blade shot forth from his hand, targeting the engine of the vehicle. The attack struck attempting to strike oil reservoir, igniting a devastating combustion that quickly spread throughout the vehicle. As Jin maneuvered back to the train using a kunai and wire, Gyoken watched in awe, muttering, "Woah, so he really is strong," his voice carrying a mixture of respect and excitement even amidst the danger.

Back inside the cabin, not wanting to remain a passive observer, Gyoken instructed the bodyguards to tighten their formation around the diplomat, keep low, and steer clear of the windows. Once everyone was positioned securely, Gyoken prepared his own contribution to the fight. Drawing deep breaths, he channeled chakra into his throat and expelled it through the window previously opened by Okami. Using the Mouse Hairball technique, he unleashed a fiery torrent of flaming hairballs shaped like mice.

These incendiary projectiles darted toward the attackers’ vehicles, splitting into smaller, equally fiery spheres that homed in on their targets. Upon impact, they exploded spectacularly, wreaking havoc and potentially turning the tide of the skirmish. In this intense moment, Gyoken had proved how capable of a shinobi he was, especially within range of the Leaf Diplomat to see. "Sir, you need not worry about getting to Sand District Safely. We will protect you as if our lives depended on it" Gyoken would say looking partially back at the Leaf Diplomat and throwing up a thumbs up and a bright smile.

Current Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II




Yaju relinquished the boy's head upon Suzaku giving them their mission and a stern talking to nonetheless and his posture returned to that of a regal figure. His body falling back into the comfort of the beast he called Kin. Yaju’s mind however was still functioning in concert with Inoka. The mental conversation between the two was short and sweet to skirt by the fact that the two of them were working similar jobs from different angles. His relaxed posture continued even into the mental conversation they were having as he would only give a curt nod to Inoka. “Yea, that’s fine kid. Whatever it takes to keep the hunt moving” Yaju would only wait for him to be done using his mind as an open playground for the time of their conversation. He was almost positive that if Inoka really and truly wanted to he could just as easily pry whatever information he needed from Yaju’s mind but he could respect the face to face interaction despite the obvious lack thereof. In the midst of it all Yaju’s demeanor only shifted from his ever vigilant poise to something a bit more relaxed. It wouldn’t take long before he’d migrate from the hokages office to meet up with Inoka but in passing he would take his leave to meet up with the aforementioned.

The two children that the Hokage intended to pass on to Yaju were already gone on their first mission and in his mind the only thing he could think of was just how inexperienced they were collectively. Even the young man that hailed from the land of grass skirted on the line of inexperience. If they managed to make it back from their endeavor unscathed they would have earned an iota of respect from the old Inuzuka but moreover they would at least have mustered the means to be under his tutelage as far as he was concerned. Yaju turned his attention to the Hokage as he sat within his office and spoke with his typical stern tone. “If we’re done here, i’ll be going to meet up with Inoka to further discuss things…” Jujin huffed under the weight of his master's body as if signaling it was time for nap despite the fact he had been attempting to sleep the majority of the time Yaju had been sitting on him prior.
Location: [Leaf District, Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku/Inoka ->Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Yudoku looking annoyed, pushes off of the tree and looks down at the the boy standing in the way of her and her mission. "Just more time being wasted" she thought. This Aburame kid looked like he could be around her age but they clearly lived in two seperate worlds.
"You're obviously not a high ranking shinobi then for you to be so completely in the dark. The Tsuchikage has been here for some time already. At the very least whispers of the attack should have made its way throughout the village by now. This... monster is a threat to everyone. Our Jonin were spread out across the nation delivering news of what happened while those who could fight, stayed behind and risked their lives for sake of the entire village. I was one of those people."
She notices the young jonin retrieving a kunai and she sighs after hearing his demands. "I will gladly let you escort me but there is no way I am 'dropping my weapon.' I will however.." She hits the bottom of the scythe against the tree's trunk, making the scythe begin to shrink before curling around her wrist. Being the representative of her clan meant no rash decisions and having more diplomacy. "I will put it away. No one but me can lay hands on our clan's relic. It was given to me after the rampage was over and after being declared the Hero of our village by the Kage himself. My name is Yudoku Kamizuru, Clan Leader, and as much as I'd like to get my frustrations out by having a spar with you, I need to find the Tsuchikage. He left me in charge.. so its only right I be the one to complete this mission. Do not let our family's personal history affect your judgement. Show me to your Kage if still nothing I say rings true and maybe before my missions complete, we can test each others skills if you're really itching for a fight."



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She was annoyed with him, and he wasn't too fond of her as well. It was a mutual feeling, almost of the two were in synchronization. She rejected his advice, however, she needed more than she taught. Tenbo did not underestimate the power of the Uchiha, he knew and comprehended the prowess of the strongest within the clan. However, the power of the Hokage was second only to Ketsugo Uzumaki, and with the extension of the village resources behind him made an enemy out of the fiery furnace an ordeal he'd want to avoid for now. For now, he would indulge her. "If you wish to attain power, we can go search for what you desire. You aren't someone I watch stay stagnant." He remarked before continuing. "Inoka, of the Yamanaka. I know he is the personal assistant of the Hokage. A person with formidable prowess over the Yamanaka clan techniques. Meaning he is a weaver of the spirit and mind. He is also the leader of the villages intelligence division. As well as specialist of the Torture and Interrogation Force. Not much else I have received, other than he is sly. As he attempted to spy on me when I was sent on a mission." He began to exit Mirai's office, looking at her once more before leaving, it was her decision if she wanted to hunt for power. Should she maneuver with him, they would ensure on a path to power.
Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​


Staff member
"Woah" He thought, his train of thought disrupted by a disturbance he could not quite pin-point. It appeared to be a six-sense, an extraordinary cognitive experience, unbeknownst to Otaru - a direct result of developing the minds eye of Kagura technique. In a premature state of mastery, he wasn't able to discern the occurrence of what he was feeling. All he knew was the feelings that he was experiencing, and it was an indication of fear. Then he heard a noise come from an unfamiliar voice, and in response his gaze went upwards to look at who addressed him. "Kokezaru, I have no idea who this man is... and I do not particularly address myself as Uzumaki for I have much to learn before bearing such a weight." Otaru remarked, a bit surprised why this man had come. Maybe he wanted to speak to Otaru, but regarding what? An overly cautious, and nervous-wreck at times, made Otaru think about many bad things. Maybe, he wasn't keeping up with his studies, maybe he did something wrong during the chunin exams, maybe he was lackluster. He couldn't think of anything solid but stared at the man with his blue-eyes feeling a weight before his minds eye.

Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Tentai > Otaru > Kokezaru
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


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The room was tense and solemn as the Hyuuga kunoichi lay motionless on the hospital bed, her body barely stabilized by the concerted efforts of Konohagakure's medical ninjas. These healers, clad in the standard uniform of the Intelligence Division with white doctor coats draped over their shoulders, converted their chakra into a soothing green hue that flowed gently into the kunoichi, maintaining her vital signs but not fully healing her. The atmosphere shifted as Inoka, the commanding officer of the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force and leader of the Konohagakure Intelligence Division, entered the room. His presence commanded immediate respect; those not engaged in medical procedures bowed deeply as he passed.

Inoka's smile, a constant, reassuring presence, greeted every member of the room as he walked in accompanied by his students, Soichiro Nara and Gensaku Kodon, and a special guest, Yaju Inuzuka. Clearing his throat, Inoka introduced Yaju, announcing his new role as the leader of the Sensory Division. “Everyone, I'd like you to meet Inuzuka Yaju, our newly appointed leader of our Sensory Division. Please show him the respect he deserves, as he will be in charge”. Inoka stated warmly, trying to ease Yaju into his unexpected new responsibility.

After the introductions, Inoka signaled to his students to begin their operation. Soichiro promptly employed the Shadow Possession Jutsu to safely restrict the kunoichi's movements, while Gensaku prepared to administer an illusionary pill and implant one of Inoka’s dolls into her using the Object Injection Technique. With the preparations complete, Inoka approached the patient, his demeanor turning serious. He placed his right hand gently on the kunoichi's forehead and closed his eyes to concentrate. “Yaju, please come here; I want you to see what I see as well,” he invited, directing his comment toward Yaju with his eyes still closed.

Upon Yaju’s approach, Inoka placed his other hand on the back of Yaju’s head, and a soft white aura began to emanate from the Hyuuga’s head. Using the Psycho Mind Transmission technique[/url], Inoka delved into her subconscious, extracting critical memories with precision. The process was swift due to Inoka's expertise; he navigated her memories as if fast-forwarding through a film, slowing only when he reached a significant event—her kidnapping by an unknown organization.

As the scene of her ordeal unfolded, Inoka pieced together her tragic manipulation into a human puppet sent to Iwagakure for a nefarious purpose. The orchestrators were revealed in her memories, Shinomori, a shinobi known as a necromancer, and [url=https://naruto-roleplay.fandom.com/wiki/Masaru_Kanryu?so=search]Masaru
, the current Takikage. “Poor girl, she was a victim in all this,” Inoka murmured, his voice laden with sympathy as he concluded the session. Withdrawing his hands from both Yaju and Hanako, he now possessed the information necessary to understand the broader implications of her experiences.

Reflecting on the gravity of the situation, Inoka suggested, “It is best if the other main districts are aware of the enemy. Maybe the Mist District may have something to add.” His statement underscored the urgency of sharing this intelligence, not just within Konoha but across the allied shinobi nations, to prevent further casualties like Hanako and confront the emerging threats collectively.

Location: [Intelligence Division Headquaters]
Posting Order: Inoka/NPC ->Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​


Staff member


Still in the watchtower, the two Root members prepare to find their target, Mugen Uchiha. Under direct orders from Lord Tenbo, they must locate the missing member of the organization. Takashi and the other member, both dressed in their mission uniform with masks to hide their identities, have already discussed their respective tasks. After searching through the several areas where Mugen is usually seen, the other member signals that he has spotted something through the binoculars. Takashi's gaze quickly moves to the location, where he catches sight of Mugen's body or at least what remains of it. "Target identified, good job." Takashi says in response. Both of their bodies suddenly fade from sight, leaving no trace of their presence in the watchtower, thanks to the Body Flicker Technique. Not even a cloud of smoke is left behind after the two Root members depart from their hideout.

Shortly after they leave, they arrive at the location of the missing Root member. His body is beyond any chance of rescue; his eyes have been gouged out, and the body has begun to melt for an unknown reason. "What happened to you?" Takashi asks, even though he knows there will be no answer. The other root member stands quietly, watching the scene and allowing Takashi to handle the situation on his own. Realizing that he won't be able to carry the body back, Takashi takes out a scroll and places it between him and the body. The scroll contains the necessary writing for sealing an object or person in it. After performing a hand sign. The scroll begins to draw Mugen's body towards it until it is completely sealed within. Afterwards, Takashi quickly rolls the scroll up and ties it with a black rope. "Let's head back and report this to Lord Tenbo." Takashi orders. The other member, who has remained mostly silent during the mission, nods and signals for Takashi to lead the way. Takashi places the scroll in his bag among his other tools and weapons before the two head back to the Root headquarters, using the same path through the woods they used earlier.


Location: Takashi Konohagakure village - Root headquarters

Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga

Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2

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Mission: More than an Exchange!

Mission Type: Escort and Protect

"Ah, so it appears that our form of mobility has been altered." A voice was heard, which was one of the men who had participated in capturing the diplomat. This observation was made amidst ensued chaos, something which he help orchestrate. Within the moment, he was poised in posture, as well as tonality. He was addressing those beside him, their objective was someone of significance and it would not be something they came ill-prepared for. Certainly, a plan such as this would not be devised without methods of contingency. They were dressed as professional diplomats, however, they were far from politicians. They were keen with acumen, but the origins of their astute capabilities were refined in another realm of expertise. Underneath the well-fitted suits, were the physical representation of top-tier human athletes. Yet, their limitations weren't perhaps defined by what could be seen. The sound of panic would create vibrations and distortions, alongside the disturbances within the train, and including the surrounding cart would pose as a great distraction. Even to sensory shinobi, especially those who are reliant on hearing. With the atmosphere being moved by the train, objects, exploding tools and technology, as well as the screams and movements of people would make it illogical, even to the abilities of those hailing from the Kitsune clan. Albeit, the latter being completely present wasn't to the knowledge of the appearing, esteemed guest aboard.

"If this was out only mode of transportation, then perhaps we'd be in a pickle."
the man in the blue suit thought to himself, and quickly. Escape was a priority, and action was needed before Sunagakure or Konohagakure could be alerted. With a single clap of his hand, amidst the already pre-existing noise, it wouldn't be any more distinguishable than a pen dropping in the room. The consequences of this hand clap wouldn't be easily discernible, and for anyone with the ability to hear, the amplitude of all sounds increased dramatically. The sound of the explosion, screams, movement, and residual noises amplified from 100 sound pressure levels to 140 sound pressure levels in varying areas of the cart. The physical sensations of this would be felt through vibrations, making verbal communication a difficult task, as well as disturbing the stride of the train further, nearly rocking it off course, and causing more noise to be produced by the environment and the people aboard. The clap was followed by another, which seemingly caused the man in the blue suit to disappear.

He was relocated, his movements shrouded by intense noise, with his body appearing upside down. His posture was upright, his eyes now looking down on those below him. His light-brown eyes observed, and his short hair dropped, pulled by gravity. He moved expeditiously, similar but not quite like those who use the body-flicker technique, his hand inches away from grasping the diplomat. Already close to the surface, another bomb, but of what sort? It was a two-fold maneuver, all happening very quickly. Perhaps too much, even for Chunin and Genin, and with the abilities of the three gentlemen unbeknownst, this certainly would not be an easy situation for protecting an esteemed diplomat. With the two guards also relocating, one above the roof of the train running down to accompany his faster companion, while the other outside of the train, adjacent to the explosion, running amid the train walls and glass, much was happening, and it gave little time to think. One would wonder if it was best to surrender the diplomat or risk one's life.
Leaving Location: [Leaf District Gate]
Entering Location: [Thunder Train -> Sunagakure]
Posting Order: Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
