Leaf District


Staff member




Through years of training, Takashi has learned to use Chakra Suppression Technique to conceal his chakra presence and making it difficult for others to detect him. What separates him from most others users is when using this technique is that Takashi does not need to stop or slow down his movements. Most user of this technique stay and hide or move slowly and carefully to accidentally lose their focus to keep the chakra hidden. Takashi on the other hand can move as fast as he normally would without chakra and still maintain control so no chakra leaks out. Doing this requires a high level of focus and concentration. Which means that he must constantly monitor and adjust his chakra to ensure that he remain undetected.

Running through the dense forest, his mind sharply focused on the path ahead while the towering trees around him created a labyrinthine landscape. Their shadows blending into one another in the dim light of the forest. Relying solely on his physical stamina and agility and his knowledge of the terrain guiding every step he takes. Takashi knows every root, every low hanging branch and every dip in the forest floor which helps him move here without any trouble. Knowing exactly where he is in the dense forest his eyes moved upward to the low branches stretching out like a natural bridge above him. Jumping up while running at top speed, he quickly grabbing hold of the lowest branch and swinging himself onto it. Moving swiftly but silently, using the trees as his new path. From above, he could see the destination in the distance which Lord Tenbo had ordered both Takashi and Shijō to meet him at. The order from Tenbo still echoes in his head, sector A 48. The last part of the mission if they found Mugen was to report there and bring Mugen back or at least what's left of the man at least. As the two disguised Root members run through the dense forest, Takashi begins to speak and briefly explains some rules within Root. "Once we're out on a mission, we wear our disguise and we don't take it off until we're ordered to do so by Tenbo himself. Understood?" These rules are almost the same as for the anbu which Shijō would understand immediately.



Location: Root headquarters

Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga → Tenbo Uchiha --> Mirai

Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2

Last edited:


Owner and Founder
Staff member
In the austere conference room of Konohagakure's Intelligence Division, Inoka remained distinctly unperturbed amidst the subtle currents of tension and unease. As Yaju was formally announced as the new Leader of the Sensory Division, a smattering of slow, deliberate claps echoed around the room. Not everyone shared Inoka's enthusiasm—many were visibly intimidated by Yaju and his formidable hounds, and a few harbored a palpable sense of resentment, particularly those who had ties with Hanako Hyuuga and felt a camaraderie with her.



Inoka's ever-present smile, broad and somewhat incongruous in the solemn atmosphere, marked him as an outlier. To those who had worked closely with him over the past five years, this expression was familiar—Inoka, the 'happy psycho' as some affectionately called him, reveled in the intricacies of the human mind. For him, interrogation wasn’t just a duty; it was an adrenaline-fueled exploration of moral boundaries and psychological endurance.

"Based on her mental state, it's clear she knew she was no match for either Shinomori or Masaru," Inoka commented aloud, leveraging the insights gleaned from his probing of Hanako's mind. Simultaneously, he initiated a private telepathic communication with Yaju, apologizing for the heavy load of responsibilities. "I’m sorry if it feels as if I'm adding a lot on your plate besides being the jonin commander of team 1. Wait, did I mention you were the jonin commander of team 1?" Inoka chuckled, his smile widening in anticipation of Yaju’s reaction.

"Anyways," he continued through their telepathic link, "with your hounds and your transformation technique, it’s as if you could be anywhere and everywhere at once, without using a tremendous amount of chakra on Shadow Clones. This will help keep us informed and maintain order."

Location: [Intelligence Division Headquarters]
Posting Order: Inoka/NPC ->Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II

After wrapping up his conversation with Yaju, Inoka reconnected with Suzaku, to brief him on everything he had learned about the Hyuuga kunoichi. He pressed the need for a Kage Summit, convincing Suzaku of the urgency to share this critical information with the other great nations. Agreeing with Inoka’s assessment, Suzaku pressed a concealed button under his desk, causing four screens to rise smoothly from the surface. The screens flickered to life, beginning the process of connecting with the leaders of Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Iwagakure, and Kumogakure, setting the stage for a pivotal diplomatic engagement.

Location: [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō --> Kuro Yuki --> Chika --> Itami
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​


Staff member

The Uzumaki cupped his chin as he pondered what he should train them in. There was a lot he could do with Otaru, especially since they were both from the same clan. However, it was noted that Otaru wasn't related to either Naruto Uzumaki or Karin Uzumaki, which made it difficult to discern what type of Uzumaki Otaru could be. "Hrmm..." he mused. "He just displayed some signs of the Mind's Eye—a sensory technique of the clan." The eyes reflecting the movement of the ocean could be seen by the children, which was almost as strange as it was different from Otaru's eyes. On the other hand, it was difficult to teach Kokezaru much beyond the basic Fuinjutsu techniques of the clan. Typically, one couldn't be taught the precious techniques of the Uzumaki, even if they were low-rank techniques.

"Interestin," he whispered. His hand, laced with a mix of authority and insurance, moved toward and rested gently on Otaru's left shoulder. The warmth of his hand can be perceived as a strange sensation as it was almost as if he was getting too familiar with the Uzumaki Brat. He had realized that he didn't introduce himself as he removed his mask, revealing himself to be more identical to Otaru in appearance; both the hair and eye color. His chakra was, however registered already in the Sensory Unit's domain as a familiar signature - something that's to be noted as a omitted figure - permitted to roam. He was able to enter and exit the sensory barrier because of that.

"My name is Uzumaki Tentai. I'm the successor to Master Ketsugo, effectively replacing him as the Clan Lord of our clan." He grinned slightly, exposing his white teeth. "Impressive, eh?"

The question of what to train Otaru in was something to seriously consider. Should he focus on teaching him to use the Uzumaki Chain, or would it be more beneficial to train him in the Heal Bite and Fuinjutsu, particularly emphasizing the medical aspects of chakra? His thoughts were filled with concerns and information being processed through the seals inside him. It was almost as if he were mentally scanning through the vast amounts of knowledge acquired within his own body - in tandem he was able to multitask in reality.

"Monkey Brat. We've already heard what Otaru wants to learn." He looked at Kokezaru with curiosity in his eyes. "What do you wish to learn?" he asked, seeking to understand the Sarugami's inner desires.


Location: Konohagakure - Leaf District
Posting Order: Tentai > Kokezaru Sarutobi > Otaru Uzumaki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Academy Student
. : : Prelude : : .

Summer's warm spell continued throughout the day, with the stain of leaves descending further from the canopies of a large tree hanging over a small apartment building. In it, a young man left his tiny room, which he sublet from some tenants who lived down in Konoha's West, stepped out onto the street, and slowly, as if indecisively, set off towards the walk-out basement of his building.

He had successfully managed to avoid meeting his landlady on the staircase. His small room, more like a closet than an apartment, was tucked under the roof of a three-story building. The landlady of the apartment, who rented him this room and provided both dinner and a cleaner, lived below in a separate apartment on the same staircase; every time he left open onto the landing. Every time the young man passed, he felt a painful and fearful sensation, one that he was ashamed of and that made him wince. He was deeply in debt to the landlady and was afraid to face her.

It wasn't that he was so fearful and cowed; in fact, it was just the opposite; but for some time he had been in an irritable and anxious state, similar to hypochondria. He had become too absorbed in himself and so isolated from others that he was afraid of meeting anyone, not only his landlady. He was losing too much through gambling, but even his constrained circumstances had ceased to burden him of late. He had completely stopped handling his own everyday affairs and didn't wish to deal with them. He was not actually afraid of his landlady, no matter what she intended to do with him. But to stop on the staircase, put up with all sorts of nonsense about ordinary rubbish that didn't concern him at all, her constant pestering about payment, her threads and complains, and, in the face of it all, to have to dodge her, make excuses, tell lies--no thank you; it was better to slip past somehow, like a cat on a staircase, and steal away unnoticed.

However, the footfall was light, barely discernible among all the myriad of noises of the bustling streets: the shoes clacking against the pavement, the distant cell phones ringing, the echoes of voices talking, the store doors opening and closing, yet this young man recognised it as he made his way out onto the street wearing a white cloak to cover and hide his appearance. His face shrouded.

For a moment, a feeling of the deepest loathing flashed across the young man's delicate features. Incidentally, he was remarkably handsome, with splendid lime green eyes and dark brown hair; he was taller than average, slender, and well built. But soon he seemed to slip into profound pensiveness, even, it would be more accurate to say, into a state of oblivion. He walked along not noticing his surroundings, not even wanting to take notice of them.

Now rotating his hands across the latch to the entrance of his walk-out basement, revealing a passageway that went down through a dark corridor, Satoma was immediately consumed by the sense of boundless space. The room unfolding before him in a blank canvas with walls that seemed to stretch perpetually. It was almost surreal to anyone, what was this place, and what purpose did it serve? It was Satoma’s bottomless-storage, sponsored by Hiroshi Sarutobi’s ninjutsu to create a space where he could train undisturbed or uninterrupted. A place where Satoma regularly visited in recent times to work on a very specific Sealing Technique. One that would, in theory, afford him the possibility to find the Truth behind his comrades death and the truth behind Namazu Uzumaki; his former Sensei.

The high ceilings add to the effect, giving the impression that the room continues upward far beyond what you can see. In every practical sense, this allowed Satoma complete autonomy over his training and refinement of his craft. The walls and flooring was made from stone, very weathered and scarred by deep cuts that reveal a story of maybe this being the place he came to create Wind Release Chakra Mode. Regardless, in the center was a large wooden table with parchments of paper laid across the surface, on it, ramblings and riddles of formulas etched against it.

The face of a golden-bronze serpent emerged from the shadows as Satoma looked down at the Parchments. Its circular, sunken eyes, nestled deep inside the caverns of its head, glisten with a moonlit eeriness, with a cold, hungry intelligence that leaps to Satoma and sucks him into its vinous void with entranced attraction. There is something extremely heavy about the stare, the amorphous embodiment of power.

“Are we trying this again? Are you ready?” This enigmatic serpent spoke.

“I had a revelation. A strike of inspiration hit me last night–this will work.” He replied in confidence, his face animating into a smirk. Long has he waited to feel re-invigorated by what he was about to attempt.

As he prepared to pencil down his inscriptions of this complex sealing formula, the atmosphere around him thickened with focus and intent. The room was dark, becoming more and more dimly lit coming from the soft, flickering light of the parchments of paper in-front of him. Casting dances of shadows along the floor of this seemingly-endless space. Each hand stroke of his was deliberate, with subtle hums of energy emanating from its inscriptions. His chakra weaves into the fibers of the parchments. The sealing formula itself was an intricate dance of symbols and patterns, and as he completed each segment, Satoma and his Serpent could sense the rising intensity of the energy. The parchments start to hum faintly, resonating with his power. It’s as though the very air around him vibrated with the force of the seal being crafted.

At this stage, is when the seal would fail–every time. However Satoma decided to change it up and try something different, the diamond pattern on his forehead denoting the Strength of a Hundred Seal began to change. Tendrils of black ink began to spread as the core glowed, a decade of his own chakra which was stored becoming unleashed. The room began to shake and the floor cracked under the oppressive weight of power Satoma unleashed. Pouring most–if not all of his added chakra he has stored over the last 10 years, since the conclusion of the War.

A blinding light and hole began to manifest within his painted strokes, amalgamating into a portal, the atmosphere around it distorts and shimmers, as if reality itself is being stretched and warped by the sheer power contained within. At first, the space around the portal seems to ripple, the air thickening with an unnatural energy. The portal emerging from the seals , its edges lined with an ominous, glowing light that pulses rhythmically, casting eerie shadows across the surroundings. The light has an almost spectral quality, shifting between deep purples, dark blues, and unsettling greens, creating an otherworldly effect that makes the portal look like a rift in the fabric of existence.

As the portal materializes, its interior appears as an endless, spiralling tunnel of shifting colours and swirling patterns. The walls of it are not solid but seem to be composed of swirling mists and fractured images of different realms and times, giving it a disorienting, kaleidoscopic appearance. The portal stretches infinitely in all directions, creating an unsettling feeling of being suspended in a void that defies the laws of physics and time.

Satoma was unable to keep his composure and resist, being sucked in–along with the Serpent. It’s giant body being effortlessly pulled like a noodle. Being sucked into the Infinite Corridor is a disorienting experience. The moment he was, the world around him blurs and warps, with the sense of motion being both swift and strangely slow, as if you are being pulled through a thick, viscous substance. The walls of the corridor rush past, their ever-shifting patterns and colours creating a dizzying visual cacophony.

Satoma felt a magnetic force, his mind only holding onto one thought. His comrades, that one fatal incident that shaped him to be the Shinobi he is today & his Sensei. The magnetic force pulled him inwards, accompanied by a feeling of weightlessness and a rush of cold, electric air. The sensation is both exhilarating and terrifying, as he was enveloped by the Portal’s chaotic energy. The cacophony of sounds and images—distorted echoes of distant worlds, whispers of unknown voices, and the throbbing hum of the portal itself—creates a sensory overload that heightens the sense of being lost in an unfathomable space.

As he falls deeper into the portal, time seems to lose meaning. The visual distortion intensifies, and the portal tenses into an immeasurable, timeless, infinite corridor in a vortex of light and shadow. The sense of spatial orientation collapses, leaving him and his Serpent with the feeling of being adrift in an ever-shifting sea of energy and illusion—until a solid light—looking like an exit materialized. Satoma felt unable to speak, his chakra quickly draining as he used what he had left stored from his seal to reach for his Serpent and together they pulled themselves to the light…

. : : Now : : .

So, summer’s warm spell continued… Besmirched by a scene both awe-inspiring and unsettling, a ball of light begins to form in the centre of a rock formation overlooking a ledge. At first, it appears as a faint, shimmering sphere, hovering in the air with a delicate, almost ethereal glow. The light gradually intensifies, growing brighter and more intense, casting an otherworldly radiance that illuminates the surroundings with an eerie, shifting brilliance.
The sphere pulses with an inner energy, its surface flickering with patterns of shifting colours—blues, purples, and greens—that dance and spiral in mesmerizing swirls. As the light coalesces, it seems to pull the very air around it into its gravitational field, creating a subtle distortion that makes the space seem fluid and unstable, kicking up large piles of smoke and dust in the air into a thick cloud..

From the outside of said smoke cloud, a large coiling silhouette figure—or creature—started to become more and more discernible. Its yellow, bronze and gold keeled scales shine in the sunlight towering the landscape. Its eyes grow in anger, unfamiliarity and almost—despaired.

“Saaaaaaaaaaatoma!!!!!!!!” its hissing almost turning into a roar of protest as he called out to the figure standing on his head.

In complete contrast to how he normally appeared, this man was now completely unsettled. The markings along his face slowly dispersed as the chakra he had all stored was now used. His face was riddled with disorientation, mixed with adrenaline, fear and a sense of peril. Part of these feelings soon gave way as he now felt grounded. The transition was jarring… like stepping from a fevered dream into a waking world of where he once came. He had no response for his Serpent, who was none other than Ryuga. His summon and companion. Turning his face to observe his home, except that… it wasn’t. It seemed different. It was very familiar but at the same time, unfamiliar. This sense was quickly shared with Ryuga. Who seems to feel disconnected from his ancestral home, Ryuchi Cave.

“Satoma…” Ryuga said in a more calmed tone.

“I know.” Satoma replied, except that he really didn’t. He was processing his surroundings just as much as Ryuga was. His eyes darted at two individuals, his gaze peering down at them as he sensed tension between the two—but one—looked extremely familiar… “Reiji?” he called out his name, utterly confused as he stood upon Ryuga’s head. Towering over nearby trees.

Ryuga meanwhile remained silent, sensing something is not right as it was telling that this fellow Reiji didn’t carry the same scent as the Reiji Satoma knew. The one Satoma trained. What was going on? What was meant to be a jutsu to allow Satoma to change the events of his past or find the truth behind Heian Uchiha and Nobara Suzumeno’s death quickly turned into something else entirely. What was certain was, this is not the same Konohagakure and Ryuga has lost connection to Ryuchi Cave. What is going on? Satoma grew incessantly weary on his surroundings.



*Listen while you read*
Mirai would follow, at least for the first couple of moments. Her gaze watched Tenbo carefully, observing his employment of a stealth based technique. Her eyes watched the ways his feet moved, and then noticed how his body maneuvered with the wind to further the silence that fell over them.

And then she replicated it, becoming nothing more than a shadow within a shadow. Her silence and presence were completely erased, her seal working now to hide every possible trace that could signal any entity that she was around.

And then she was gone even from behind Tenbo. Her body flit as soundlessly as a butterfly through the Leaf City, and then beyond it's borders.

She had no intention of following Tenbo into whatever ploy he had to get her more power. She had begun to suspect that there was something the pair had to face, an entity to fall. If he knew of it's presence, and did not hunt it himself, it must have meant that it was indeed powerful, and he needed her assistance. Now she just had to find out what it was, and hunt it herself.

While selfish, this ensured that if she died, her abilities were lost to this beast at the very least; ensuring her Mangekyo couldn't fall into the hands of the Leaf or Tenbo. But if she succeeded, then the spoils was all hers to claim. This was a safer bet. Mujin and Tenbo wouldn't allow the Uchiha to fall even if she did, and if she didn't fall then she was even closer to acquiring the strength she required to be the person her people needed.

So she would go this alone.

Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters → ???
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​




The Chunin would listen to the Kamizuru's words, feeling the irritation in her tone. Truth be told, it annoyed him how she could live in her own little world without understanding the rules of engagement, or perhaps even worse so, ignoring them. The clone would begin to speak up toward Yudoku as she began to put away her scythe, a very interesting contraption to say the least.

"What I am to my village is none of your concern, interloper. What business you have with the Hokage is also not of my concern, however until what you said has been proven, it is my duty to make sure you are restrained and taken in for questioning. Do not get the wrong idea that this is a quarrel stemmed from our clan's rivalry, it is but one of a shinobi's obligation to their villages laws and integrity."

The clone would motion to apprehend the Kamizuru, as a sudden updraft of wind would cause the nearby trees to bend, the Chunin freezing in his tracks as a towering shadow now cast over him and part of the village followed by the a blood curdling sound of a serpent as it roared causing the Chunin and clone to shift their attention from the Kamizuru to the new giant snake as both the clone and the original drew their kunai to their chin, adjusting their visors to see the identity of the shinobi who stood atop the serpent's head. The Clone would move to take Yudoku to another location, as he could sense by her reaction that this individual was not known to her. Despite the man's distance from Reiji, the Chunin was able to just make out the man's words as he addressed the Chunin by name.

"You there! Identify yourself! Send away your snake, otherwise I'll be forced to consider your insubordination and actions as a direct challenge to the security of Konoha!"

Just how many intruders would the boy have to intercept today? Where the hell were all the Jonin, why weren't they doing their damn jobs? Did they just welcome potential danger at their doorsteps in this era of peace? Such foolish idealists. Reiji would curse under his breath as he remained ready to defend the village.

"Damned diplomats."



Staff member

His steps were deliberate, flowing majestically with the tails of the wind and the rhythm of the crowd. Among the few shinobi, he moved with a grace that seemed effortless, each choice a precise maneuver without thought or waste. This mastery wasn't merely a product of experience but a testament to his years as a member of the black ops and a high-ranking shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village. His instincts, honed to perfection, allowed him to perceive the subtlest shifts in the air and the faintest disturbances along his path. Every movement, every breath, was a calculated act of vigilance. The wind's whispers and the crowd's movements spoke to him, revealing secrets invisible to ordinary sensations. He could sense the slight disruptions caused by those who trailed him, feeling their presence in the air's minute shifts. The drift of the wind lingered just long enough for him to determine if he was being followed and to discern the exact moment when he was no longer under scrutiny.

As he moved, he was acutely aware of his surroundings, never missing a beat. The moment Mirai disembarked, it was clear to him. The disturbance in the air, the subtle change in the crowd's flow—each detail painted a vivid picture. He knew instantly when she parted ways, her presence fading like a whisper on the wind. This level of awareness, this seamless integration with his environment, defined him as a shinobi of unparalleled skill and precision.

"Metamorphosis is the most profound of all acts."

He resigned to this thought, in mind, body and soul. The ties of the past, were now shredded and the usurped by his vision for the future. The thoughts which have plagued him throughout the times, which he has showed patience and regency towards were now burnt.

"A butterfly’s life, though brief, is a beautiful chapter in the story of the world, even in its end."

He moved with the swiftness of a razor's edge and possessed the unwavering strength of the sturdiest wall. Not even a sigh escaped his lips, his resolve now firmly set on the path forward. For some time, he had recognized that the divergences between Mirai, Mujin, and himself might soon reach a conclusion. With his own selfishness and stubbornness now unbound, he knew it was time to usher in a new era—a fresh dominion of leadership essential to realize his vision for the future.. "Shijo." He continued to reflect, considering the Uchiha—whose abilities and status were considerable at such an age. Despite having remarked on it several times before, the Uchiha’s prowess remained a point of intense contemplation. The depth of his skills and position seemed to bolster his leverage, highlighting a level of extraordinary potential.

Amidst his observations and Mirai's failed attempt to vanish unnoticed, Tenbo subtly opened his cuffs. This was not a mere gesture but a signal to the rodents that frequently accompanied him—descendants of Nezumi, his faithful ally. The tiny creatures, ever attuned to his commands, began to stir, their presence a testament to Tenbo's unique connection with the inheritors of the world. As a total of six rodents crawled upon him, Nezumi led the way, perched confidently on his right shoulder. Their small, agile bodies moved with purpose, each one a testament to Tenbo’s deep bond with these creatures. Nezumi, the leader of the pack, observed the surroundings with keen eyes, ready to act on Tenbo's command.

"My liege, you have summoned us. Shall we track down Mirai?" Nezumi asked, his voice steady and attentive.

"No, Nezumi. We are set to usher in an era of transfiguration. Your children will heed the whispers of the air and locate the former Uchiha leader."

"Former?!" Nezumi’s tone was laced with surprise.


"Consider it done,"
Nezumi affirmed, gesturing towards the direction of the whispers. His children moved with urgency, following the subtle patterns and shifts in the environment.

Mirai, closely observed Tenbo, mirrored his movements with practiced precision. She used the same techniques she had learned, her every action, calculated, and considering slight derivations they would be on her track. Considering the rats following her were native to the region, off-spring of the great Nezumi and other rodents of the village. They would be indistinguishable, no different than the rats, mice, and squirrels.

The five rodents began their search with a blend of instinct, training, and experience. Senses finely tuned to the faintest disturbances. The rodents scattered, each one taking a different path but staying within boundaries of their coordinated effort. Their tiny, sensitive noses flared as they picked up the scent trails left behind by Mirai. The air was filled with the faintest traces of her presence-sweat, the subtle aura she wore, the unique scene. They scurried across over obstacles, their whiskers brushing against surfaces, detecting minute vibrations and changes in the texture of the environment. They followed the faint shifts in the air and the small disruptions in the dust and debris that hinted at recent movement. Each of them communicated with the others through tiny squeaks and signals, relaying information about their findings. They used their sharp hearing to catch the distance noises of sound pressure levels generated by movement. Their keen senses allowed to them to zero in on her approximate location, as they would continue tracking through, in addition, leaving traces of their own - albeit nigh discernible, presence to be picked up by Nezumi or others in case they did not return.

With the squad dispatched, Tenbo stood in a secluded spot, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. He leaned against the sturdy trunk of a tree, its bark rough and familiar, in a location that was known only to those deeply rooted in the hidden circles of his world. This private enclave, shrouded in secrecy and known only to those who shared his connection to the roots of their society- the foundation.

The quiet of the surroundings was punctuated only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of the forest. Tenbo’s posture was relaxed but alert, his keen eyes scanning the area for any signs of activity. He was accustomed to this waiting game. In this moment of anticipation, the forest seemed to hold its breath alongside him, waiting for the unfolding of events that would bring about the transformation he sought.

Location: Root Private Location (A 48)

Order: Tenbo Uchiha --> Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga →

Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2






Ideology of his master weighed upon his decision to retrieve the one known as Mugen Uchiha, Shepard by the the Hyuga who had more experience and probably more dedication to the cause than himself. Unbeknownst to the Uchiha and the Hyuga there was not a whole lot of remanence of the one they had sought to retrieve, he was dead. Killed within the grounds of the Fire District, this was probably something which was already known by their master. There was something about the enigmatic figure that lingered on like the very parables that he spoke. The dainty concept that he wrote within their brains which allowed them to be very loyal tools of war, or probably even pawns. For Shijo, misstep nor miscalculation was never something he would convey, his determination weighed greatly especially when it comes to wanting to succeed at his goals. It was a contrast to many, but he was somewhat like the Root leader, passionate, cunning and materialistic. Deeming them the ultimate tools of Shinobi kind, even for someone so young Shijo showed it and conveyed it through his likeness and stature.

The vindication of his resolve stood at first as there were many goals of his that he wished to conquer with the help of his master. There was something which changed within the young dynamic Uchiha, there was nothing no one could do to possibly have him revert back to the state he was, within the grasp of his destiny, he played along with all mannerism of change which came from locking hands with his Master. The retrieval of Mugen Uchiha was swift the two men carried themselves with concealment and agility, giving no signs of force nor chakra behind, they were like the very shadows themselves, lurking with mystique and enigma, there was nothing you could feel not even the breeze, as they swiftly moved to return with the body. Shijo followed the lead of the Hyuga;Takeshi, both seem to not be wandering the same path in which they had originally come from. Takeshi took them to somewhere else which was even more conspicuous than the first location, it was a hideout which the roots occupied by the looks of it. They perfectly made it without even a little hassle, it was amazing how fast they had travelled, leaving themselves with so much options, but they were to know that their master had already reached the location and awaited their arrival with the body of the Uchiha.

With their steps being probably realized as the set foot upon the unknown location, there was perhaps a sudden breeze which danced across their bodies, bushing aside the pigment of confusion which was about to probably be sowed by them directly within the world. The Roots were more of the stability of the leaf, which when watered properly could cause so much discourse within the political landscape. The unease would bring discernment and disagreement and that would be the right time for the men to step forward and grasp control. It was not something Takeshi probably wished to do, but Shijo ambitions weighed so much on taking. As their feet collapsed to the surface of the ground, Shijo would begin to speak towards Takeshi.

“So this is another one of our hideouts isn’t it?”

It was somewhat a rhetorical question, which deemed no answer but pressed to let the Hyuga think about what he was about to say to the young Uchiha next. The inquisitive nature perhaps was conveyed and ushered more subtle than even for someone so young, but age was not something which played a part in this discussion. It was a simple matter of yes or no. His eyes, wandered out and about capturing the feeling of the atmosphere, smelling the aroma and taking in the silence which followed the great breeze.

Location: Root Private Location (A 48)
Posting Order: Tenbo Uchiha →Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll





Some time ago....
Ayame had appeared in front of Mujin so suddenly, yet Mujin was not surprised by her presence. He stopped for her, allowing her to approach him; he never could harm her. She looked visibly worried, he must be showing emotion he couldn't hide. Mujin smiled at her and allowed his hand to rest on her shoulder. " Hello my dear student of years gone by, what c.. what can I... " Mujin's brow suddenly lifted with sweat dripping down his temple. He could feel it, a sudden jerking reaction to a chakra source he had concentrated on for most of his life.

Without explanation, Mujin would topple over into, if she caught him, Ayame's arms. Mujin's eyes went blurry as the sudden waining of a genjutsu he had placed on Mugen Uchiha started to collapse. " Wha.. What's happening to Mugen..." Mujin would stammer before he would flail stumbling backward and falling over, only to flip and turn on all fours as tears started to stream from his eyes. Mujin would dry heave, the stress of the day finally catching up to him. His head shot up, unknowingly looking in the direction of Mugen who was under attack, and something was causing Mujin's powerful genjutsu to falter and come undone.

The repercussions of that would have untold effects on the young Uchiha's mental state, Mujin went to stand, yet fell onto his chest his arm reaching into the vast thicket of trees.

" Mugen... No... "

Ayame would surely be taken by surprise, this kind of pain wasn't ever seen worn by Mujin, it was as if he could feel the event happening elsewhere. Mujinm's cries of pain turned into screams of rage as his breathing turned to panic-filled breaths. " MUGEN! NOOOO! SOMEONE HELP HIM PLEASE HELP MY BROTHER!"

The shiver felt by Mujin left an incurable ripple in his mental state. Ayame might try her best to console or stop Mujin's freaking out but it would be for naught. As Mujin felt the genjutsu placed on his brother Mugen, and his life force left this existence, Mujin became null. He entered a near catatonic state. Muttering nonsensical words and the occasional spout of Mugen and Tenbo's names. Ayame if she was as perceptive as Mujin would remember, would for the first time in her, and anyone else's life, witness Mujin's natural eye color. A deep indigo black, shot with blood and tears.

During the events inside Leaf City....

Mujin could have no idea where he was taken, everything around him was but a dream. His mind was lost in the sudden collapse of a genjutsu he never meant to have someone else remove. The mental trauma is so harsh it nearly flat-lined Mujin's brain, as he racked himself with hatred and the others. Yes, the others he thought.

" HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
" HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
" HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
" HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
" I...I... I'm so sorry... baby brother... "
" You killed him Mujin, It's all your fault! HYAHAHA!"
Scene by scene, outcome by outcome, end after end; The thoughts racing through Mujin's brain were morbid, self-loathing, full of hatred, and darkness. Mujin was secured, somewhere, within the leaf. However, that was not for him to describe. The trauma and mental wall he had to put up to overcome this would have taken days. Was nothing being done? Where was he? Who had taken him to this place? Finally, a reflection of himself walked behind Mujin. His main consciousness flipped, turned to look only to see shadows.

Mujin spun around again, he was nowhere, and everywhere, constantly in the corner of his vision. Spinning once again sure he caught sight of this imposter, Mujin was then face to face with a standing mirror. A reflection of himself staring back at him with his own Sharingan. Mujin slowly approached it, watching himself closely.

It started as a slight blue in the corner of his sight, and then a poking feeling, like a hair caught in his lash. Mujin would rub the circles under his eyes, it only got worse, so much so that Mujin started to have thoughts of gouging his own eyes out. It was then that fingertips suddenly emerged from his eyes and nostrils, a hand grabbing him from inside his brain. He could feel it wriggling inside his head, pulling him, forcing him to look into his reflections sharingan.

Then a voice boomed out, it was his own.

" Release! "

The darkness suddenly crawled away, sinking like a drain unclogged, until nothing but white remained. He looked into the mirror once more and it was gone. There was a clarity he never owned before. Mujin saw himself, his real self. With this he rubbed the circles under his eyes once more. The pain was gone, he was left with serenity.

Here and now.

Wherever they had taken Mujin for security or safekeeping, he was finally awake and awaiting his saviors or captors. His brow was furrowed into an aggressive look, and His voice was finally calm. He was no longer laughing like an insane man strapped to a chair in an interrogation cell. It was over, the trauma of losing a brother he never knew, fighting for a wife he never wanted, and the appreciation of a brother who never saw him as an equal. There was nothing left but clarity, His hell of a genjutsu was gone.

Mujin would look up to those watching.


" I am ready to serve the Lord Hokage, in whatever needs to be done. "


Location: Konoha Forest -> ???
Posting Order: Mujin -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll






The windows were shut, and the room was stifling with the summer warmth. Itami fanned his face with his large hands, before shuffling around a bit. Itami had sent Taichi home with his ANBU, They should be close to home by now. Itami however sat in a circular room with dim lights and uncomfortable chairs. He had yet to speak with the Hokage once. It was mostly due to Itami's impatience and the business of the Hokage. Something Itami should be handling in his own district as well. He would let out a sigh, before grabbing his Tsuchikage coat and heading out the door.

" I'll go see the red-headed busybody myself! "

No doubt there would be Leaf ANBU escorting Itami, he didn't mind, he understood all too well. In Suzaku's shoes, Itami would have done the same thing. Itami pushed through the doors and ascended the stairs to the office's hallway. As Itami approached the door he was greeted by even more ANBU, he would growl at them before looking past the members of Leafs ANBU and shouting up the remainder of the hallway.


a visible strain in his throat as he shouted loudly and directly. A booming baritone voice echoed through the Hokage's hallways. Nearly shaking the pictures off the walls. He would then look at the ANBU hoping he stopped by himself.
" You're lucky I have respect for myself and your Hokage or I'd show you why the nickname "Kind Mountain" Only applies to my kin and villagers." He scoffed, as he stopped and agreed to be guided by the ANBU to another.. circular room, this time he would fall into a chair and feel the material under him flex due to his weight. " He has ten more minutes before I turn into grumpy mountain! HMPH!"

Itami's scowl would make them feel the heat as nearly visible steam escaped his nostrils from the boredom he felt. He didn't know exactly how long he and Taichi spent in the LEaf District, but he knew Taichi would have learned a few things from the travels and journey through the village. It's why he made him travel on foot with the Stones ANBU instead of sending him via the Blast-warp Teleportation. He reflected on the whereabouts of his wife and the inner turmoil his son would have felt. It's time for them to go home.


Location: Waiting room ->> Hallway to the Hokage's Office -> Another Waiting room
Post Order: Order: Itami -> Any who interacts with him
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2