Grass District



As things were being prepared, letters sent out to the two, it would be time that Xaio began his return to Pangea, but more specifically the Grass District. As Xaio began to take his leave from the Storage quarters of the Hideout, where he found himself traversing through the dimly lit corridors where he'd pass by many rooms which were designed for Upper Ranks and Lower Ranks positions in the organizations, some being personal quarters, others being lounges and kitchens. Though with each step he drew closer he'd find himself staring out towards the end of the Corridors, towards a massive wide open room. In this room just as he'd enter stood the two KLAW Shadows who possessed the Teleportation Jutsu. These two cloaked individuals sporting the Shadow of Klaw's masks stood at attention, watching with a dimly glow behind the masks at their leader who slowly approached.
Shadow of Klaw.png

With Xaio stopping between the two Shadows, both began weaving the corresponding hand signs splitting the necessary chakra between the two anchors or shinobi as their physical being along with Xaio's began to flicker, distantly weaving in and out of reality before alas in that split second they'd disappear from the Hideout. Traversing with the use of a timespace ninjutsu or Teleportation jutsu, the three would reappear within the Grass District, but more precisely atop of the Kusagakure Kage manor. As Xaio's eyes adjusted to the light brimming dawned by the sun of high noon. With his eyes having adjusted shortly after, the Kusakage's doppelganger who pretended to be him appeared, his form returning to that of a KLAW shadow gave but a bow. Xaio though with a cold expression would say nothing, his pressing matters were at hand, he needed to prepare for the eventual arrivals of those who received an invitation, along with the preparations needed to possibly have a meeting with the Kazekage Shishio. As such Xaio began moving down into the manor, his eyes focused, cold as the memories of his wifes desecrated body in his office flashed before his very mind. Each step taken drawing him closer to his office as upon his hand reaching for the door knob and twisting, with a gentle push what was revealed was a spotless office, with no paperwork needing to be filled out, and yet his mind still flashed the scene in before him causing his resentment and need to drive his bastard son deeper into despair further down the proverbial rabbit hole. As Xaio slowly approached his chair, taking a seat it would now be a waiting game as he stared out the window towards his district where the people are hard at work. The Shadows Of KLAW though utilizing chakra suppression technique would reside themselves into hiding waiting should anything come to be on a more hostile term.

Location: K.L.A.W Hideout-> Grass District [Kusakage office]
Post Order: Xaio Tendo- > Kazekage/ Tentai (Upon letter of meeting delivered)
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2


Xaio Tendu.png

Xaio who sat in his chair, stared out towards the vast district landscape, his single cyan eyes shifting to a deactivate state becoming a dull coloring of cyan as the Kusakage slowly rested his cheek upon his right hand. He pondered about the situation at hand, it had been a month or so since the last attack of these invaders, such a notion that would only perplex more questions and yet as he began dissecting the current and past invasion patterns one thing was clear, each district that was attacked was one which held either a Tailed Beast host or Jinchuuriki or possessed a great number of population or even technological advancement. Though the information he has gathered has been quite lacking, he knew that the Stone, Mist, Rain, were attacked in the current invasion. In the past it was the Leaf, Grass, Sand, Mist, and Cloud. Such a pattern hadn't been random and yet it still evaded him to just what these invaders wanted. With the knowledge he had been accumulating through his organization one thing was certain, the status of the cloud district was unknown as none of his operatives have been able to enter the borders, this would ultimately create a speculation that the Current Raikage had either passed or closed the border which allowed Xaio to stipulate that the district had been attacked. As the Kusakage sat pondering and collecting his thoughts on these perplexing situation and circumstances something would flicker in his mind. A thought per say, should the sand reach back out asking for an audience, a small letter describing the information of the Mission that his bastard son was on had been dropped infront of him; catching and reading the more cynical and cruel side of Xaio would find itself unveiling itself. A small smirk curling upon his lip, Xaio slowly snapped his finger allowing one of the Jonin members of the Tendo clan to appear through a body flicker technique. Here Xaio would speak with a calm tone,​
"Bring me Two Herba Mystica Pills. I've come up with a grand idea to torment the Bastard Child of the Clan..."
Only a nod and bow given as Xaio gave no attention to this Tendo Jonin before alas he'd vanish from the office utilizing the Body Flicker Technique, leaving Xaio alone with his Shadows of Klaw residing in the darkest corners suppressing their chakra entirely. Now began the wait as Xaio stared forth through the window.

Location: Grass District [Kusakage office]
Post Order: Xaio Tendo- >???
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2


Shadow of Klaw.png

As a Anbu of the Grass or rather a Shadow of KLAW traversed through the forests of the Grass, leaping tree to tree, the light of the sun barely piercing the foliage of the forest canopy. His cloak fluttering with each leap as behind his daunting mask resided a strange cyanic glow that observed forth as slowly but surely he drew ever near to the last location of the Kitsune Miyuki who had failed to complete her mission. Such a failure as a consequence would only mean one thing, something she unintentionally agreed to... Her disposal. As this Shadow moved traversing at a steady pace, following the stream before his very glance would be the Kitsune who would be found hiding out, realizing her failure to save the farmers. With a sudden halt on the tree branch, this Shadow began concealing his chakra as he slowly removed tungsten wires from his cloak. As the wires fell dangling from his fingers covered by a blackened gloves; with such a fluid motion the wires danced in the air, the shimmer caused by light trickled on the wires as they advanced forth towards Miyuki Kitsune. In but such a elegant motion the wires unbeknownst to her surrounded her every being, before alas the Shadow tugged his fingers causing these wires to constrict around the girls body and limbs. Her arms twisting and contorting, boned breaking as her legs soon followed suit. Finally as she screamed in agony her head began twisting around at a full one hundred and sixty degree. Her body being lifted from the surface of the earth left defiles and mutilated as the Shadow stayed knelt watching his disfigured puppet hanging. Each motion of his fingers moved the limbs as if forcing a corpse to dance for his own twisted amusement before alas he pulled the body to him. With such a fluid motion his arm caught the corpse as the Shadow Of Klaw would recede back into the darkness of the tree's canopy, to deliver this corpse to the stockade of the organizations black market...

Location: Grass District [Forest]
Post Order: Shadow of KLAW- >???
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2
Last edited:



"How Lovely."
The butterfly is typically a symbol of gentleness and silence, fluttering soundlessly through the air, delicate and vulnerable to the forces of the world around it. However, this particular flutter of butterflies was an anomaly. They were not the usual, fragile creatures, but rather vibrant, fierce entities. Bright orange flames enveloped their wings, casting a fiery glow as they danced across the sky. This incandescent swarm moved with purpose and intensity, a stark contrast to their usual serene nature. Their destination was clear—they were headed straight for Xaoi Tendo, the leader of the Grass district. The sight was both mesmerizing and foreboding, signaling a message or a mission that was anything but ordinary.

The fiery butterflies made their way purposefully through the Grass District, their destination the Kusakage's Office. Illuminated by their bright light, they seemed almost to be on a mission to capture the attention of the district leader. Each butterfly fluttered closely around the area, one in particular clutching a scroll tightly to its body. This was no ordinary display of nature's beauty, but a deliberate message delivery.

As they reached the Kusakage's desk, the chosen butterfly hovered directly above, its wings beating rapidly. With a few final, vigorous flaps, it achieved its purpose. The light and flame that had given life to the butterfly dissipated completely, leaving no trace of its existence—except for the scroll, which gently fell into Xaoi Tendo’s waiting hands. The message was delivered with a dramatic flourish, ensuring that the Kusakage's full attention was now fixed on the contents of the scroll.

Lord Kusakage,
I hope this message finds you well and in good health. I am Mirai Uchiha, Leader of the Uchiha clan. I reach out to you with a boon: I have heard of recent struggles, and recuperation efforts the Grass District. I wish to offer the services of the newly established Uchiha Military Corps to help reinforce and rebuild. Our services range from simple muscle to barrier installment. I simply ask to set up quarters there for my people and their families that wish to reside there as well.

I hope to hear from you soon, while the butterflies may have dissipated at this point, they are able to be summoned again by sealing this scroll.

Best wishes,
Mirai Uchiha


Xaio Tendu.png

As the lord of the Grass sat in his office; his dulled cyan eye and steel grey eye stared forth through his window, watching as his people continued about their lives still working on the repairs from the first invasion, his attention showed a grimace expression towards the Allied Shinobi Building; a place where the Shinobi system of the new world was born. As his eyes focused upon it where a burning ambition flickered the most subtle but elegant flicker of strange chakra shaped as butterflies seemed to make their way towards his office building, moving through its corridors before alas dropping a scroll upon his desk. It would be here that Xaio would turn his chair around, allowing him to face this desk as he'd slowly lift his left hand undoing his shadow clone who resided in the silent meadow, returning his chakra pool to its max capacity. Though by doing this his left hand reached out and undid the scroll, unraveling the contents within; his eyes moving as it read the letter that was meant for him as his lips almost curled into a smirk.​
"How amusing... It would seem the Uchiha Lord is seeking a new homestead in the grass. This could prove quite advantageous for my ambitions and goals at hand. Very well Lord Uchiha Mirai, I shall grant you the necessary land and supplies to set up a Uchiha living domain and headquarters within the grass."
Xaio's voice almost sinister and calm as he pulled out an empty scroll from his desk, filling it out the the corresponding message,

Lady Mirai Uchiha

I have received your message; in good faith for the Shinobi Alliance, I will graciously accept your offer. The Grass will set aside land, supplies and any other necessary needs for you and your people who decide to migrate. We will aid in the building of an Uchiha Living Domain, and a new Headquarters for the Uchiha Military Corps. I do hope this brings prosperity to your clan along side with the Grass, hopefully a new relations between the village Kusagakure and the Uchiha can build and repair the name of your prosperous clan.

I hope to hear your response...
Lord Kusakage Xaio Tendo.

This being written, Xaio noticed the seal upon the scroll delivered to him, by pouring a minuscule amount of chakra into the seal after rolling his scroll to be delivered, a butterfly would arise from the delivered scroll where Xaio would then give the scroll that contained his message to Mirai Uchiha. By doing this Xaio allowed the Butterfly to leave and make its journey back to its owner...

Location: Grass District [Kusakage office]
Post Order: Xaio Tendo- >???
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2


Anrei Tendo w:mask.png

Anrei's Instrumental Theme

A bright noon sky hovered over the Grass District, where the tall, swaying grasses of the village stood silent and vigilant. The air was thick with the scent of earth and leaves; Suddenly, a flicker of chakra distorted the air just beyond the gate, a faint hum of energy resonating in the space. Within an instant, the quiet was shattered by a sudden surge of swirling wind and dust. The air spat up dirt as the Teleportation Jutsu took hold, and a mysterious figure materialized out of the distortion. The warrior was an enigma to those who first glimpsed him. His presence was immediately recognized by the gatekeepers, shinobi who had sworn their lives to protect the village. Their gazes turned sharp, hands instinctively reaching for their weapons, but then softened as they recognized the familiar yet unsettling aura that clung to him. They knew him—one of their own—an ANBU operative returning from a mission, but there was something different, something that spoke of battle and hardship. The ANBU cloak, once a pristine black that cloaked his identity and intentions, was now caked with dirt and debris. The edges of the cloak were frayed, with slight tears revealing glimpses of the attire beneath. The shinobi at the gate stepped aside, their hands lowering in a silent salute. Without a word, the figure moved past them, the movements fluid and purposeful. Each step he took was light yet swift as if he was a part of the very wind that now tugged at his tattered cloak.

He knew the importance of his return. The ANBU training had been grueling but after a long time it was finally completed. Now, with more knowledge and experience etched into his very being, he had to report to the Kusakage without delay. The village’s future might depend on the information he carried, and every moment was precious. The warrior’s path through the village was a blur of motion, his speed unmatched by the ordinary villagers who only caught glimpses of him as he passed. His senses were heightened, his focus sharp as he navigated the familiar streets, his destination clear in his mind—the Kusakage’s office. As he approached, the guards at the entrance stiffened, recognizing both the cloak and the rank it symbolized. They opened the doors without hesitation, the heavy panels swinging inward to allow the warrior passage. Without breaking stride, the mysterious agent entered the building, his steps echoing through the corridors as he closed in on the office.
Mysterious Warrior: Alright, almost there.

After another few moments or so, he reached the large double doors of the Kusakage’s office. For the briefest of moments, he paused, gathering his thoughts, steadying his breath. Then, with a firm push, he opened the doors; As the heavy wooden doors of the Kusakage's office creaked open, the warrior entered the room with deliberate steps, the sound of his sandals barely audible against the polished floor. The light within cast long shadows, flickering off the numerous scrolls and artifacts that adorned the room. At the far end of the room behind an imposing desk, sat the Kusakage, Xaio Tendo. Without hesitation, the warrior moved to the center of the room and, in a single fluid motion, dropped to one knee. The gesture was one of respect, but there was a familiarity to it that hinted at a deeper connection as the warrior’s head bowed slightly.
Anrei: “Unc--, Lord Xaio. The ANBU training was a success, and i've finally returned home. Do you have any other tasks for me?"



Current Location: Kusakage Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Xaio Tendu.png

Xaio's Theme
As his offices doors would find themselves opening, the creaking sound echoed in the office where the Kusakage's eyes would avert from his desk towards the one who would enter his office. His right steel grey eye and left cyan eye glaring with such an imposing sensation, his arms slowly folding around one another as his robe creating wrinkles as the Masked individual who was quick to take a knee spoke up,

“Unc--, Lord Xaio. The ANBU training was a success, and i've finally returned home. Do you have any other tasks for me?"

It would be here that Xaio found himself speaking, where he'd rest his cheek against his left hand after unfolding his arms,​
"So it seems... As the conclusion of your Training has been brought to an End this does not mean you are ready for the following role as my Shadow. Like those before you, you too must undergo an Initiation. As such, We will be moving to the The Silent Meadows. That is if you are willing to undergo your final test that is..."
His words being calculated yet having a hint of a cynical side; but by saying this the Kusakage's right hand would raise, giving a subtle snapping motion as the two Shadows of KLAW, the very same who had resided in the shadows of the room with their chakra concealed would appear behind the younger masked individual, both adorning the same masks but seemed to let off a more imposing sensation then that of which the boy had displayed, but far less that the Kusakage himself. These two who stood behind the boy remained silent, the gaze of their brown eyes piercing through the eye socket of the mask were directed towards the boy awaiting his response. Shortly after these two having appeared another two would make their appearance but with dulled Cyan Eyes glaring down at the boy, their chakra signature registering as that of the Tendo Clan. It would be here that the Kusakage would slowly arise from his chair, his eyes having not once diverting or averting from the boy as he too awaited the response from the Young Anbu who has returned to the village...
Shadow of Klaw Mui Version.png


Current Location: Kusakage Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Anrei Tendo w:mask.png


Anrei upon seeing the posture of his uncle change, patiently awaited his response; Which he did indeed get right after. Though he also felt intensity in the room drastically change as the other members of KLAW made their presence known as they surrounded Anrei after the snap of the Kusakage. While he was indeed nervous, the young Tendo member didn't display any signs of his as he remained calm. Anrei thought once more about the words spoken to him by his uncle, mainly the part about the initiation.

Growing up within the confines of the KLAW hideout, he's witnessed the initiations first hand a few times as he was allowed to watch them sometimes whenever he wasn't training or on missions. Being younger and more naive to how things actually worked, he believed the initiation was an easy game he first time he saw it as he believed in time he'd be better than everyone before him. However, as he grew older and realized just what the initiation was and what it did, those thoughts quickly left his mind. Especially as some of those who partook in it didn't survive and others were left in broken states; Only the strongest or those with great potential were actually promoted to Shadows. The weight of the situation was heavy on his shoulders, but he already knew what he wanted and he wanted to see the faces of his mother and father when he informed them of his return and the success of his training; Depending on if the initiation was a success for him as well, he wanted them to be the first to know. However, unbeknowest to Anrei, that would be something that could never happen. Though, after a few more moments of thinking things over; Anrei lifted his head and looked his uncle right in the eyes as his narrowed beneath his mask.


Anrei: I'm ready.. Let's do it..

Current Location: Kusakage Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Xaio Tendu.png

Xaio's Theme
As Xaio stood having been given a response by the young lad, two members of the Shadow of KLAW would position themselves between the group as Xaio slowly made his approach. As they funneled their chakra as anchors in but a split second all Six that had resided in the Office were flickered and displaced from that location, finding themselves instantly transported to the Silent Meadows where the gentle winds found its way blowing past the fields around, grass swaying with the gentle warm breeze as Xaio stood his eyes focusing on the boy as his two Shadows who had used the teleportation jutsu are scene consuming a food pill to replenish the lost chakra used by transporting a group of people. It was here as three of the Anbu under the direct orders of the Kusakage slowly moved into the wide field, as one remained behind the young boy adorning their mask. It would be here that this Shadow began weaving hand signs at such an astonishing speed that would be hard to keep track of without the aid of a Doujutsu, only for him to follow up by slamming his right hand against the back of the young boy. This simple action would find a burning sensation that would course through the boys body as upon his flesh the Juinjutsu called Fire Release: Heavenly Prison Jutsu of the Mui clan. As this Shadow had triggered the first state of the Initiation test, he too like the others would proceed away towards the other Members of the Shadow's of KLAW. It would be here as the final Shadow turned to face the boy still knelt before Xaio Tendo that the Kusakage himself would speak with such a calm yet cold tone,
"Very good... With the Heavenly Prison Seal on you, this Test shall begin. You will be facing all four of my Shadows... You should be aware of the context of the Heavenly Prison Seal... This Test will be that of your resourcefulness in a dire situation... Now Rise and Face your Opponents... Anrei Tendo. Let the Initiation Commence!"


As his words echoed upon the field his arm extended forth as the Test would come to a start, here the Four Shadows of KLAW remained stoic and firm, their presence like a looming shadow ready to consume their victim. Their hands remaining concealed in their long sleeved cloaks but for what reason that would remain a mystery. These four stood waiting, watching with cautious as beneath their cloaks, the Tungsten Wires slowly fiddling around their gloves awaiting to be unleashed, their bodies waiting to retaliate and strike at the boy should he make the first move.
Shadow of Klaw Mui Version.png


Current Location: Kusakage Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Anrei Tendo w:mask.png


With his answer towards his uncle, Anrei found himself instantly transported to the Silent Meadows where his final test to become an inner member of the Shadows of Klaw. At last, the moment he had been waiting for has finally arrived, the time to prove to himself that all the training he underwent wasn't for nothing. Anrei knew what he had to do, but first he needed to wait until the first part of the test was completed before the actual initiation began for him. With that, he felt the hand of the masked shinobi behind him which was followed by an immediate burning sensation throughout his body, his face scrunched a bit from the feeling as he waited a few moments for the sensation to subside. Which eventually it did just that; As soon as the seal had been completed the last person went to side with the other 3 and all faced Anrei.

"Very good... With the Heavenly Prison Seal on you, this Test shall begin. You will be facing all four of my Shadows... You should be aware of the context of the Heavenly Prison Seal... This Test will be that of your resourcefulness in a dire situation... Now Rise and Face your Opponents... Anrei Tendo. Let the Initiation Commence!"

As these words were being spoke, the young Tendo member rose to his feet. He took a glance at his uncle for a split second then looked back at the other 4 he was facing. THIS will begin his journey into the Ranks of the Shadows.

He carefully observed the 4 for a couple of seconds and he tried to come up with a strategy to help him pass the test. Two of them for certain were of the Tendo clan, and at least one of them was from the Mui clan. However, there was one in which remained a mystery which he didn't like in the slightest; But nonetheless he had a strategy to fight against them. Though there was big possibility things would go wrong, and should that be the case he'll simply have to come up with things on the spot as they happen.

With that, Anrei reached into the pouch on the side of his right pants leg and grabbed a hold of a Kunai. Though with his arms still hidden beneath the large cloak, there was no way for his opponents to see what he was up to in the same manner he couldn't see what they were up to. While his right hand was still fidgeting around in the pouch to create something he could use with the tools he had. The second pouch on the back of his left hip was reached into and a Kunai was taken out for support incase his enemies went on the attack. In under a second, the fidgeting from his right side came to a halt as his preparation had been completed.

The dust from where Anrei once stood had been kicked up as his natural speed itself seemed to have made him completely vanish from his position. His target- the very one who put the seal on him to begin with, assuming getting rid of him would get of the seal itself as well. As such, Anrei suddenly reappeared in front of the Mui Clan member in a position that would seem like he's about to throw a full force right punch. But instead, the young shinobi Kicked off his foot for a extra boost in speed and power as he was already about 2 feet in front of the Masked man. This extra kick and motion of the arm pulling back was sure to be punch; However, during the pull back of his arm, Anrei began doing a rotation like motion as his knee from the very foot he kicked off came shot forward aimed directly at the shinobi's nose. This knee strike will cause the head of the shinobi to shoot backwards just to be followed up by a slamming elbow to the exact same spot like a knife being stabbed into a piece meat. The power from both attacks combine will indeed shatter and break the frontal nose portion of the mask and allow his elbow to make contact with its intended mark to break the nose. His eyes however, still scanned the area for the other during the attack with quick and fluid motions as to not lose track of a single enemy.

While still making physical contact with the man, Anrei used his body as leverage as his left hand which held the Kunai will have stabbed into the back of the shoulder blade of his opponent right arm at the exact same moment the knee struck the face of the masked shinobi. Using the Kunai as a medium to lift himself up, drving the kunai deeper into the shoulder and forcing it to curve upwards as he flipped over the man and tied the end of a wire around the hand of the blade. With this in play, the slightest movement from Anrei or the shinobi itself will cause the young warrior to twist the knife and push it deeper until the blade is burried beneathe his skin as he awaited the start of next phase for his attack.


Current Location: Silent Meadow
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2