Grass District



As the Fake Xaio waited in his office, the very same that was the scene of the Real Xaio's wifes horrendous murder, now cleaned and bleached of any sign of the scene of the crime; he'd communicate through his ear piece, due to being alone it was Impossible to hear his conversation,​
"Lord Xaio, DNA of the Kitsune Sub branch, users of Ice Release has been deployed for the Organizations Stocks. I will be assessing her capabilities shortly by assigning her a simple mission."
Having stated this into his ear piece, he'd gently press on the device once more, ending the communication as back in the Lobby the receptionist would welcome Miyuki into the Kusakage's Building/ Manor. Using a hand gesture to guide her to the hall which would have all ten Kusakage Portraits along with their loved ones under them. One such Portrait being of Alpha, Xaio's deceased wife. As such it would be on the Kitsune Girl to arrive at Xaio's office where the imposter would be found filing paper work to keep his disguise going. Should the girl enter the office, she would be spoken to by "Xaio" with a calm and stern voice,​
"Very good on your first two duties. As for the final duty to fully complete your citizenship as a member of Kusagakure. You will be taking on a specialized Training Mission, one which allow us to better gauge your capabilities and where you will need work on. Nothing to drastic... Just a friendly Search Mission... A Run away Shinobi of the Grass, One who currently resides in the Grass District, lost in the woodland area. A member of the Farming Community, it is quite important that he is found, from what we've been told, he went missing around a Band of Rogue shinobi's camp. So I suggest thinking outside the box. If you are overwhelmed, Retreat and report it to a higher ranking Shinobi. Though if you do this... Well yu will be demoted to genin. So Have fun out there!."
"Xaio" would say, debriefing the girl on her first mission, one which would test her key skills as a shinobi, but it was Clear that "Xaio" did not expect success from the Kitsune, as Rogue Shinobi are always quite a dangerous Lot; And though he sat at the desk, he slid a piece of parchment, rolled up as a scroll that sanctified the mission. Now it would be on the Kitsune Girl Miyuki to figure out her way out of the Grass District and her way to the Vast Farming lands of the Grass, towards the forested areas, this was to better familiarize her on the New Shinobi world and its layout, a journey that could not be done in a single day...

Location: Grass District- Kusakage Manor
Post Order: "Xaio"-> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
As Miyuki walked towards the front desk she bows her head to greet the receptionist and smiled softly before swallowing the ice that she had in her mouth and she went to follow the woman to where she would meet Xaio again. looking around the area as she saw all the pictured of all the kage's that were before xaio and tilts her head a lil before ending up at the office where Miyuki needed to be and she knocked onto the door before going into the office.

Bowing her head to Xaio as Miyuki entered the room she nods as he complimented her on the first two objectives that she had completed so far, Miyuki listened to Xaio explaining what she had to do next and she slowly nodded while rubbing the back of her head.

"So your saying i gotta find this villager that ren away, is there any more info about this person? scent or anything? if not i need to find a way right to find a lead. Am i the only one on this mission?"

Miyuki all asked while taking the scroll and reading the details more deeply before putting the scroll away in her sleeve for now.



As "Xaio" listened to the girl respond, he'd speak with but a calm tone,​
"Nope, No scent, no Items, what fun would that be if I gave you an easy way to finding the individual needing rescuing. As for you having a Teammate, you will be doing this alone. You ARE a chunin after all, some rogue nin shouldn't be any trouble. Believe in yourself alittle."
Having stated this, "Xaio" stared at the girl, giving her permission to begin the mission, though what was unknown to the girl, these Rogue Nin were all Genin who had betrayed the grass being led by a single high Ranking Chunin Rogue Nin who specialized in the Mui Clan Hiden Technique. Meaning Miyuki would truly have her work cut out for her. Though these Rogue Nin number in the total of Four, with Three Genin and One Chunin, it would put her to the ultimate test of her overall capabilities. With her discretion being entirely up to her whether she wants to fight or try and stealth it, one could not tell what Miyuki would take. As such "Xaio" Awaited the girl to begin her first mission, one listed as a C ranking mission all depending on how she goes about it.

Location: Grass District- Kusakage Manor
Post Order: "Xaio"-> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3

As Miyuki listened to what Xaio had to say for the rest of the information she nods and sighs

"Guess you are right sir, i guess ill be heading out then"

Miyuki said bowing her head before turning around and walking towards the door and leaving the office, closing the door behind her and she pulled out the map of the grass district to figure out where she all had to go first to get some infomation. making some quick notes in her head to that she first needed to go to the farming area to see if any clues were left behind. In the entrance hall of the Kasukage's office she went to set down for a set to take her pouch of her hit and check if she still had enough weapons and food with her for this missing.

Miyuki noticed she was a bit low on her food and figured she would look around the forest on her way to the farming district as she was use to look for her own food. The weapons on the other hand she always mostly carried only a few kunai and that was it as it was normal for her to create weapons with her ice release.

Once Miyuki was done checking out her pouch she got up and started to leave the office building while putting her food and weapon pouch back around her waist. Miyuki started to make her way to leave the village area and enter into the forest district, looking up at the sky as she noticed it was already getting close to sundown.



Deep in the Forest of the Grass District

Within the deepest parts of the Grass District Forests, boarding off the Technology District Border, a small group of Men sat beside a fire, Three with Grass Headbands carved away signifying their attribute as Rogue Ninja, stared towards the Tied up farmer Shinobi. These Three hulking men though Genin were still adults and physically had the strength to crush a grown mans skull. As they sat around, glaring towards this farmer, one spoke out, his voice raspy and cruel,
"Tell me what you know of that Organization... Or do I need to break yet another finger?!"
The Farmer with beads of sweat running down his face along with small patches of bruises and blood coursing down the right side of his head, he would speak with fear in his voice,
"I don't know what you are talking about! P...Please just let me go home."
And though the response was not what the Rogue Genin wanted to hear, just before he was about to slam his fist across the cheek of the Farmer, a younger voice spoke out, standing upon the tree's canopy a younger man, with long jet black hair spoke out with a calm yet demanding tone,
"I Suggest you reframe from harming the prisoner any more. Or lest I need to remind you the difference between a seasoned Chunin and you over grown failures of Genin. It is clear that this Man knows not of the Organization that's been moving through the shadows. But if we continue to stir up rumors that he does... It would be a matter of time before they come to silence him."
The younger Rogue Shinobi stated, clearly the leader of the group of misfit rogues. As his eyes stared forth towards the vast forest, it was here that the game of waiting would commence. But just what is their objective, and this Organization they speak of?!

Location: Grass District- Isolated Forest
Post Order: "Rogue Nin"-> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
Last edited:
Miyuki walked towards the forest line once leaving the gates and she jumped up in one of the trees and started to headed a bit into the forest so that no one else would see her unwrapping her tails and taking her hears out of hiding. As Miyuki stud high onto one of the tree branches she closed her eyes and moved her ears and tails around, having her ears listen to the sounds around her and her tails catching up on the movement of the water within the air, ground and trees looking for some water to fill up her gourd with water that she could fuse with her chakra before hand so she could replenish her chakra while searching for food.

Miyuki's ears picked up on a stream of water somewhat deeper into the forest and started to head towards that direction. As Miyuki gotten closer to the stream of water she made sure to keep track of the movement of water around her and also towards the stream.

Once Miyuki arrived at the stream she kneeled down and started to fill her gourd that she had hanging from her waist slowly fill up with water and as she felt the water filling up the gourd she started to let her chakra flow into the gourd to mix it with the water. After a few moments that was done she sits down on her but and started to take the bandages off her feet to reveal animal like paws, wiggling her tows and sighing out of relieve. Miyuki did make sure not to take to long with all this as she didn't wanna be spotted by anyone and got up on her paws before jumping up a few trees away from the stream and took out some of her dried meat before her tummy was gonna growl and started to nom on it as she was gonna take a short rest until the sun went under completely and she could move under the cover of night.



As the Bandits continued to wait, hoping this so called Organization would make its appearance, two of the Genin began tallying out their equipment, two canisters of Sulphur Smoke screens, Two wheels of Tungsten Wires, Ten Kunai's each, and twenty Shuriken between the two whilst the Third Genin Rogue Ninja seemed to only carry a tanto on his back. As the Three sat around the fire conversing and drinking water from their canteens, the Chunin Rogue Ninja suddenly leapt down from the tree foliage, landing before the three underlings he'd speak with but a cautious tone, his Chakra nature having been set to sensory had picked up on an unknown chakra signature in the forest.​
"Seems we've got a guest in the forest... I want one of you to guard the prisoner. If he tries to flee... Kill him. You two, spread out and take cover in the tree foliage. Suppress your chakra until the individual is known. Mask your scent using the Oak around. I shall be moving further out. If things are dicey... Be prepared to dodge..."
The Rogue Chunin stated as two of the genin did as they were told, relocating into the foliage, whilst suppressing their chakra and masking their scent using the oak wood. As for the Chuunin Rogue Nin, he'd begin moving deeper into the Forest, closer to the border towards the Technology District as he began waiting, gathering his chakra, kneading it towards his lungs as he remained still and on guard...

Location: Grass District- Isolated Forest
Post Order: "Rogue Nin"-> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3



Woth the waiting having gone on long enough the genin who stood by guarding the Farmer had finally lost his patience, turning towards the tied up man, where his hands swiftly moved creating the Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Boar, pig hand seals, with a deep breathe the Rogue Ninja had begun kneading chakra in his lungs before alas exhaling a dancing stream of flames which found its way surrounding and engulfing the farmer. A Fire Ball Jutsu had been used to engulf the farmer as a whole in the dancing heat based flames, skin charring and being reduced to ash as his screams would echo through the entire forest. For what would seem like the longest Minute it would be nothing but screams before alas silence befell the forest, almost eerie in nature, the Rogue Ninja had killed the Farmer thus Failing the Duty of Miyuki Kitsune. But this was not all, due to the failure to save the farmer; and with the eerie silence befalling the forest... A Shadow adorning the K.L.A.W's Oni Mask appeared before the Rogue Ninja who swiftly caught on to the bloodied scene where the other Two genin Rogue Ninja were strung up by steel wires, their bodies twisted and mutilated brutally; the Chunin Rogue Ninja's head being tossed at his feet as the gleam of red escaped the eye sockets of the Mask. An Intense blood lust was being emitted one such that resulted in the Rogue Genin freezing in place in total fear. Unable to move his body the Rogue Genin became yet another Victim to the Mysterious Organization K.L.A.W, where his body would be crucified upon two tree's with steel wires. His limbs twisted around, body mutilated with lacerations, and eyes gauged out. A fate befalling those who would dare betray the Grasses true Head, Xaio Tendo. With the scene left as it was, the Shadow of K.L.A.W who had only utilized simple yet brutally effective taijutsu against these lesser ninja would leave back into the shadows of the forest, no trace of his existence being left as one of the Shadow's of K.L.A.W's or rather the Anbu of the Grass were trained to do.

Location: Grass District- Isolated Forest
Mission Outcome: Failed
Post Order: "Rogue Nin"-> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3

K.L.A.W Hideout

Within the K.L.A.W hideout, Xaio Tendo sat upon his chair, his Jikangan focused out through the barely lit room towards the shelf of Black Market Items in stock, items he himself had no use for and yet would play a crucial asset to his objectives. With the First Phase in motion, and the Death of Mugen uchiha completed, any ties to K.L.A.W's location was now lost, with Mugen being the only one who had received the first clue before the Phase's of Xaio's plan were enacted it was time that Xaio's test would inevitably prove to find those who possess the skill set to serve the ideal's of theirselves but also aid in Xaio's ultimate goal. This was a necessary evil needing to be done for the betterment of the World, as it stood after being in two separate invasions and combating against the foes who clearly were not of this world. The Sand and Stone had both suffered greatly, and the shinobi's were unprepared. This was due to a failing system that let the shinobi's of today excluding the Kage's of the Five Great nations to fall under the criteria in which would prove detremental to the survival of their new districts. A system that allowed his Wife and unborn child to perish in such a horrifying way, a system that allows clan's who have a bad history to continue to being treated with anomosity. This was a world Xaio could not allow to continue, to his ideology, it was one that needed to evolve. For that was the entire purpose he and his deceased brother had created the concept and organized K.L.A.W that exists to this very day. As such, with his eyes fixated at the various items, Lord of the Tendo Clan Kusakage of the Grass, and Leader of K.L.A.W; Xaio Tendo pondered on just whom would meet the criteria of his very expectations. Who would be willing to aid in the Evolution of Shinobi by revealing the flaw's in the shinobi system of today. He'd find himself wondering if things could have played differently if the five he had orginally invited were to have accepted his invitation's, but now that would be fruitless thinking. His Eyes were now set to the Future, a Future that would allow the Districts of Pangea to be better prepared for a possible next invasion by these unknown assailants. As it stood, K.L.A.W would play the part as a necessary evil for the growth of the new generation of Shinobi, a growth long needed for the survival of Shinobi Kind as a whole. One possible route that at one time before his Wife's death was having K.L.A.W reach out to the Five Kage's, but now that would be a distant dream; a dream that had died after the second wave of invaders... Now Xaio was willing to paint his Organization and himself as the villains that would bare fruit to the young seedlings of the Shinobi world, to grow them into mighty tree's.


Location: K.L.A.W Hideout
Post Order: Xaio Tendo
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2




Deep within the Unknown location where K.L.A.W organizes, in the inner most sanctum Xaio Tendo sat upon his throne, his Jikangan glowing in the darkness as he'd watch the approach of one of the Shadows of K.L.A.W or Anbu classed members of the organization. Here as the Leader of the Organization sat and contemplated the events so far, he would notice this Oni masked Anbu taking a knee as he'd speak with a direct and almost respecting tone, one which almost seeks to honor Xaio's very presence in such a dark time for the Shinobi World,​
"Lord Xaio... We've received a Butterfly inscribed with a message from an Uchiha Mirai, it was picked up in the Grass District. It seems that the Uchiha Clan Leader seeks a meeting with you... On the Topic regarding the Leaf District, it seems that Jin Tendo has been placed on a mission to escort diplomats to the Sand District with the targetted Okami Kitsune and the member of the Uchiha Clan, Gyoken Uchiha. After a further investigation on the Death of your Late wife and unborn child Lord Xaio... We uncovered remnant chakra signatures connecting the attack to the Casted out Tendo... It seems that Jin was the one to have killed Lady Alpha. Or at least it is what the evidence is pointing at. Shall we dispatch and take revenge for you Lord Tendo?"
The Anbu of K.L.A.W spoke with such determination to please his leader only for Xaio to speak with an almost expectant tone,​
"That will not be necessary... Jin Will inevitably seek me out, once he uncovers the location of K.L.A.W's hideout, he will have progressed in a level beyond that of the rest of my clan... As for the Uchiha Clan's Leader... I'll agree to this meeting... But I will not directly be going... Rather I'll have a shadow clone meet with her. This shall provide me the intel needed to uncover what is troubling the Infamous Uchiha Clan's leader, along with possibly expanding our direct connections throughout the New Shinobi world. By doing so, Phase one will find its conclusive Criteria being met, thus the process for Phase Two shall begin. This is all dependent on Lady Mirai's proposition and request. As such, send out a letter accepting the meeting, Use the Mui Clan's Heavenly Prison seal on the delivery bird as usual to cover our tracks. Once that is done, have the meeting set up for the Grass districts Silent Meadow... It shall provide the necessary privacy needed for the Meeting."
This being said, the Anbu sporting an oni masked bowed his head before concealing back into the shadows to carry out the duties given to him by Xaio. As such a letter delivered by a bird would be directly sent towards the estate of Mirai Uchiha, one which upon ackowledged delivery would be incinerated by the Heavenly Prison seal. As such Sitting alone Xaio proceeded to contemplate the on going phase, with the tracks of K.L.A.W's existence hidden and the only known person with one of the clues to the hideout eliminated, the games set in motion were spinning the cogs to a new world order, one where Shinobi may then have a chance to combat the invaders... As his eyes stared forth he'd speak to himself with such a calm and calculated tone,​
"It seems things are getting interesting... The Kitsune Brat with a bounty on his head and a Member of the Uchiha Clan are in the Same team as you Jin Tendo... Let us see how well you do... Grow to become strong enough to seek me out, only then will I accept the challenge you've set in motion... Only then will I take revenge for Alpha and Ranmei Tendo... Now... Lady Uchiha you are a different matter... Let us see what you want..."
Jin would state to himself with a smirk curling on his lips. His chakra slowly fluctuating as he'd use a single hand to weave the necessary hand seal for the Shadow Clone Jutsu as his over all chakra pool would be cut in half, a doppleganger formulating from the shadows taking the exact appearance and knowledge of the original Xaio Tendo, a Shadow Clone who possessed the Skill Sets, intelligence and battle experience of the Kusakage in who'm was already well aware of his task upon his creation. As Xaio stared at his doppleganger, with a snap of his finger, Two anbu members of the Organization would appear from the shadows. One adorned with a White Oni mask, the other with a black. The two stepping in a flanking position around the Shadow Clone would place their hands against the Shadow Clone's body, using a conjoining hand sign by using each others free hand and chakra pool the two anbu's would utilize the Teleportation jutsu sending the Shadow Clone back to the Grass district where he'd arrive at the silent meadows, awaiting the Fated meeting between the Leader of the Tendo clan and Grass district, and the Leader of the Infamous Uchiha Clan...

Location: K.L.A.W Hideout/ Silent Meadow (Grass District)
Post Order: Xaio Tendo/ Xaio Tendo Shadow Clone - > Mirai Uchiha (Upon letter of meeting delivered)
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2




KLAW Hideout
Within the hidden hideout of KLAW, the Organization founded and built by Xaio Tendo, the Kusakage sat upon his seat, thinking upon himself as Phase One had concluded, now began Phase Two, where his Shadows or Anbu of the Grass district which now serve the organization were scouring the undisclosed location for necessary schematics and items the Leader himself was now readying himself to take up his own personal objectives. Always keeping two Shadows at the base for transportation, Lord Xaio slowly but finally rose from his seat, having recuperated from over using his own chakra at last now began the journey to reach out to two individuals. As he stood firmly in the chambers as the white and black masked Oni Shadows stepped forth Xaio spoke with a calm tone,
"Now that Phase two has begun... I want you to send out a letter to two individuals... The Kazekage and the Uzumaki who has adopted my bastard son Jin Tendo. Inform Lord Kazekage, that I'd like to pay a visit to his village, it is on behest of the Action of my brothers wife, the previous lord of the Gold District. I wish to make amends of sort with the Kazekage, Whilst also personally granting him an opportunity to secure an alliance with us. As for the Uzumaki called Tentai, I will be sending my shadow clone to meet with him, he may prove to be a possible asset as we are aware of the Uzumaki clan's abilities with Fuinjutsu. These two may prove to be a great asset to the Phase's to come whilst securing our footing in the Continent Pangea. Now Go Send forth the letters."
By stating this, The Two Shadows or Anbu of KLAW vanished back into the shadows in which they arrived, carrying out the will of their Lord with wholehearted support, leaving Xaio alone in the Chambers, the Kusakage would have made sure that the information would be passed along to his Shadow Clone residing in the Grass District who still awaited the meeting with Mirai Uchiha. For himself though, Xaio began walking through the Chambers, moving towards the halls connected to his personal quarters secluded away from the rest of the hideout where he'd begin moving through the almost empty hideout towards the store room where the schematics of forgotten technologies resided. Upon his entry into this room where he'd find himself for twenty minutes going through the various scrolls and books to find a specific schematic that was aquired, his eyes flickered with the reclection of a candle light as he stared at the schematics of the long dead organization Kara's self moving Puppets or Automated Puppets. A type of Scientific Ninja tool that would need investing and building by puppet masters, something Xaio himself lacked. Taking it and sliding the schematic into his robe, the Tendo Lord stared at the various old world schematics, some currently he was unable to build as of yet without the necessary resources and technologies, hence why he sent out those bounties of acquisition as a public mission.

For this was a necessity for Phase Two's success, whether he acquires the Resources and technology or manages to recruit an individual with the scientific knowledge to make these schematics a reality. As such the meeting with the Kazekage was a necessity for his plans. One in which would require a proper invitation to the Sand District for Xaio to further proceed with his ambitions...

Location: K.L.A.W Hideout
Post Order: Xaio Tendo- > Kazekage/ Tentai (Upon letter of meeting delivered)
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2