Grass District


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1st Shadow of KLAW (Tendo)
As the young boy Anrei had began the test, where his body would seemingly vanish like a flickering light, the Shadow whose cyan eye pierced with a immense intensity had too vanished in the same moment. Where the dance of the shadows began it would be upon the moment Anrei made his appearance Two Feet in front of the Shadow who had brown eyes, though due to the Tendo Shadow being of higher speed and rank, it was easier for him to close the distance as his leg being in motion struck out towards the boy's left rib. All in the same second before the boy could have his fist come near the other Shadow of Klaw. A blow in which would rattle the insides of the boy as it would send him flying to the left portion of the open meadows gasping for air. This was the lack of foresight on the boy who thought he could outspeed a Tendo clan member of the Higher caliber of ranking. And as this Shadow of Klaw readjusted his position standing beside his ally, no words were spoken; like the ominous presence of the shadows where they reside this man's hands slowly spread out, revealing his fingers which moved in such a fluid motion, each adjustment of his arm, each movement almost flowed like the water of a stream; but for what that would be determined by the positioning of young Anrei. Where behind the Shadow of Klaw flickers of the tungsten wire became realized as the wires danced around himself and the Mui Shadow who stood waiting. Like a protective field, one wrong move would ensnare the trap at hand.

Shadow of Klaw Mui Version.png

2nd Shadow of Klaw (Mui clan)
As the Shadow who was to be on the receiving end of the young Anrei's first assault stood, watching the dance of the wires, he too would proceed to reveal his arms, like his fellow Shadow, his arms would dance with such fluidity and grace that an extra layer of wires would dance through the air. These wires which flowed gracefully through the air would easily caress against the grass and soil, reaching towards the heavens as this Wire trap was now ready for the double snaring grasp which could prove fatal with any wrong move. Such a tactical movement yet one done with such elegance that seemed as if the very shadows where these anbu's reside was now dancing before the young Anrei. A display showing what years of being a Anbu for the Kusakage was versus one who had just finished his anbu training...

Last Two Shadow's of Klaw. (Tendo and Mui Clan.)

The two remaining Shadows of the Kusakage who stood watching had now begun to take their move. Pushing off their legs, as they sent themselves coursing in two different locations, gliding across the meadows as they began positioning themselves around their allies wire trap, before alas moving in towards the young Tendo Anrei; it would be here at this very moment that both would reveal their true physical capabilities. Both having vanished like a flicker of light, The Tendo member of Klaw had appeared to the right of Anrei, his left fist in motion as it carved through the air upwards for a heavy uppercut directed towards the young Tendo's cheek a blow in which would rattle the brain of young Anrei inside the skull causing a momentary moment of daze. To the Left of Anrei the Mui clan member of Klaw who appeared a few seconds behind the Tendo ally showing that his speed matched that of Anrei had his right leg striking down with a guillotine heel drop aimed for the young Tendo's head. A blow in which would slam young Anrei's head downwards into the earth leaving the Mui Clan's foot remaining ontop of the boys head. This combination of tactic's and teamwork would show the difference of one who fights by themselves, versus a group who fights as one...

Current Location: Silent Meadow
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


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During his attack towards the first Mui Clan member, there was an interruption of his path from another member of the Tendo Clan, while Anrei was preparing a punch with his right arm. His left arm was still free, and holding onto the second Kunai who's blade had been pointed outwards; As such, Anrei knew he wouldn't have time to evade the kick so instead he drove his arm towards the side in the very instant the Tendo made the kicking motion. With that, the Kunai will have stabbed into the leg of the Tendo KLAW member right below the knee cap. This however didn't stop Anrei from being launched back by the kick but it did keep the full force impact from hitting his rib as his arm acted as leverage during the stabbing. At most, his arm would be in a bit of pain but overall he'd be fine while skidding across the ground of the meadows. Though as he did so, he'd grab a handful of dirt in each hand before finally stopping on his back. Sitting up and shaking off the attack as he watched the other 2 charging towards him with a keen eye.

Anrei waiting until the perfect moment, as the Tendo drove his arm towards the young shinobi for an uppercut, Anrei utilized right hand to throw the dirt and dust into the eyes of the Tendo clan member while leaning back to avoid the hit just enough to catch his arm. Holding the wrist of the Tendo within his armpit and wrapping his legs around the shoulder and neck of the tendo in a submission like hold while bring him to the ground. Using his strength to pull on the arm to bend it in an extremely painful manner without breaking the arm. At the same time, once the Mui member was about to try stomping on the face of Anrei, he moved his body at angle to dodge while throwing the dirt from his left hand into the eyes of that one. This movement will have also but more force on the submission armbar he had the Tendo member in. Nonetheless, this is where Anrei reached into the pouch of the Mui member to grab a hold of another Kunai and stabbing the leg deep, once in the calve, once in the back of the thigh, and once behind the kneecap which force the Mui member to fall to one knee. From there, he'd roll backwards and allow the arm of the first Tendo to give off a loud snapping sound before letting go and jumping back to gain some more distance as he thought to himself.


Anrei: That was too close for comfort.. This shit's annoying! I need to get rid of this damn seal.​

It was in this moment, Anrei realized the wires created from the other 3; Launching a couple senbons towards the Tendo Clan member and an immediate follow with 4 more; However instead of them heading straight for him, they'd all collide and ricochet off of one another the moment they got within reach of the wires and 5 shot straight towards the 1st one Anrei attacked, aiming for the neck to "temporarily" kill him, while the other 2 headed for the adams apple and eye of the Tendo. Meanwhile, Anrei kept an eye out for the other 2 since he knew they'd be coming for him until he either took them out, they took him out, or until the initiation ended altogether.

Current Location: Silent Meadow
Post Order: Xaio Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points:


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Shadow of Klaw (Tendo& Mui Clan)

As The Shadow of Klaw's leg slammed against the base of the bicep of the young Anrei, the force in which sent the boy skipping across the meadows surface, grass and flowers scattering in the sky as his progression to the wire trap continued with his Mui Clan ally. As the two continued to finesse the tungsten wires through the air, as they watched their two allies connect their blows due to the young Anrei's miscalculation of timing. The young boy who'd find a fist uppercutting across the cheek before the dirt could even slip from the boys fingers before alas the guillotine ax kick slammed its way down upon the young boys head, forcing it to slam against the ground with a minor thud. The two who committed with the frontal assault had suddenly leaped back, where the two shadows who danced the wires in the air were with such an elegant motion flickered their fingers allowing the wires to swiftly descend as crescents cleaving through the air. the thin wires which cleaved horizontally through the air as some cleanly slice through the grass making their way towards the three before them. The two Shadows who were in the trajectory were swift enough with the necessary reaction time and planning to leap directly above the wires as they swished and cleaved towards the young Tendo. With such a clean and fluid motion the wires would whip against the clothing and flesh of the young Tendo, and like a whip it would carve open his flesh and tatter his robes like a beast slicing through with its talons or claws. With this whipping motion the wires would pull back as both the Tendo and Mui clan members of the Shadows of Klaw returning them into the fluid swift motion that danced around them, as if preparing for another strike.

The other two who were airborne in this few seconds landed, their attention having not once diverted from Anrei as they waited to see if the youth would return to his feet to continue or should he stay down and accept defeat. Meanwhile as this dance of shadows played on, Xaio watched, his arms slowly folding across one another, his eyes fixated on the dance of shadows as if analyzing and determining the possible outcomes that could come into play.
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Back within the dances of Shadows the name of the Initiation for the Shadows of Klaw, the four Anbu stared down the young Anrei, watching intently as the two who were focused on Taijutsu and up close assaults seemed to reveal their hands alas, pulling knuckles from beyond their robes, it would seem that the dance would reach its next step...

Current Location: Silent Meadow
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Anrei Tendo w:mask.png


The plan Anrei had put into motion was bested by the upper ranks which ultimately ended with Anrei taking the attacks head on. He was indeed hurt and the mask he wore had been broken and fallen from his face. This revealed Anrei's facial features and the look in his eyes told a story. He wasn't scared, nor was he nervous; He was visibly pissed on the surface but deep down it was also something he was enjoying as he knew the reward in the long run. As he stood back up, seeing the wires headed towards him; Anrei grabbed a hold of his twin blades, Sekai & Kyōku. In Anrei’s hands, however, were not the weapons themselves, but the heavy chain that connected them; A gleaming, metal link that snaked through the air like a living thing. The chain itself was no ordinary tool; it was an extension of the weapons and a part of his unique fighting style. The cleavers—massive, brutal blades with edges that glinted dangerously—were an impressive sight, but it was the chain that truly defined the deadly dance that was about to unfold.

Instead of changing his grip to the cleaver handles, his hands tightened around the chain, the cold metal links wrapped around his wrists and becoming extensions of his limbs. With a sharp flick of his wrists, the cleavers responded, the chain snapping taut as the massive blades swung outward in a wide arc. As the blades went through the air, a loud whistling sound was generated with every motion. But this was no wild, uncontrolled swing—it was a calculated, precise maneuver. The blades whipped through the air, guided by the chain held in Anrei’s hands. He spun, pivoting on his heel, and the cleavers followed suit, their momentum building with each motion. The sharp wires that sought to tear him apart were met with the unforgiving edge of the cleavers, the chain pulling the blades with such precision that they intercepted and stopped the wires mid-flight. Sparks flew as metal clashed against metal, the sound of the impact reverberating through the meadows. Anrei continued his dance, the chain coiling and uncoiling around him like a serpent, the cleavers responding to his every command. His movements were a blur, a blend of offense and defense, as he used the chain to manipulate the trajectory of the blades. He spun the chain over his head, the cleavers rotating in a deadly orbit before he brought them crashing down in a wide sweep, swiping the wires that threatened to ensnare him.


Eventually, the wires were pulled back in the same formation as before. In the same moment, the swinging from Anrei had stopped. Dropping to a knee as blood trickled down his body, from the many cuts that got through his defenses with his weapons. Returning the blades to his back as he looked at the 4 members he was fighting, and glancing back to his uncle. He wasn't done just yet and had more to prove, he hadn't even managed to hit them yet which was something he couldn't accept in himself. If he couldn't hold his own, or take down atleast one of them; Then he didn't deserve to be part of his uncles organization. With that, he stood back up to his feet, standing tall with pride as he spoke to them. The tone in his voice was calm but held a sinister tone as well, should Xaio pay attention to the face Anrei was making; He'd know that things were definitely about to heat up.
Anrei: I won't be giving up. I'm either taking one of you down, or both of you. I won't make the same mistake twice!



Current Location: Silent Meadow
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points:


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With their knuckle knives in hands, the two Shadows watched at young Anrei rose to his feet even after doing his best to block the incoming wire attack showing them his determination to continue the dance of shadows once more. In this moment of what seemed stillness, no movements were made outside the dancing of wires from the two Shadows who remained back. The swishing sound of air being cleaved as the two who had been primarily focused on close ranged combat remained steady and stoic. This strange stillness and silence was quite off putting, for one would think the looming sensation of death was now descending down upon the silent meadows. In this stillness where the Mui clan wielding the Knuckle knives stood from behind his mask his eyes would widen, a sensation or intent was being released directly towards young Anrei who carried himself with a cold expression and determination. But this was no normal intent being released, but rather ones own Killing Intent; a specialized Technique or Style that wasn't chakra based or Jutsu based, but solely confining under ones own skills. As this Killing Intent was exuded, the sensation which would creep and swallow up Anrei would only show the boy scenes of his death, such scenes which could be discerned as realistic. The Purpose of this Skill was Fear inducing paralysis. Due to this skill being a culmination of ones abilities and own intent, naturally it would be confused as Genjutsu, or some form of Illusionary Jutsu, but this was not the case. The Shadows of the Kusakage and Klaw were individuals tasked with killing and getting their hands dirty along with other things their lord deems necessary. Now the level of skill was being displayed before one who has completed average anbu training, but not the final test.

With the Killing Intent being displayed, the Tendo member of Klaw's Shadows shifted his feet, creating a stance with little openings as his knuckle knives rose towards his stomach and chest. Their blades directed towards the young Anrei waiting, like a predator waiting to pounce this Shadow of Klaw was simply waiting for the necessary opening. His eyes fixated and focused, having watched the way that Anrei used his strange cleaver blades connected by a chain likely made of Tungsten. But what caught all four Shadow's of Klaw's eyes was the chipped damage to Anrei's blades for blocking the wires assault. Concluding that the weapons themselves were either of Steel or Damascus steel (Folded Steel); and though he waited for his time to pounce as his ally focused on killing Intent whilst raising his own knuckle knives to the same posture as his Tendo ally. The two who danced their deadly wire dance watched, building momentum before alas the time to strike once more came; the Mui clan flickering his fingers allowed his Wires to strike downwards in a crescent flow towards Anrei who would likely find himself being stricken with the Killing Intent. While the Tendo wire user kept his dance going for defensive purpose for his ally; as the Wires from the Mui Clan Klaw member swiftly descended with a sharp whistling sound should Anrei be unable to break himself free from the fear inducing paralysis he'd find his shoulders and chest succumbing to a sharp cleaving whip as the wires themselves would slam heavily against the soil creating carved slashes tracking back to the Mui clan Anbu. Ultimately this deciding factor was on the resilience to over come ones fear of Death itself. A task every Shadow of Klaw is willing to take.

Xaio though watching his face showing such a cold expression as one would as a Leader of a Dark Organization, showing no signs of concern or pride, just a cold cynical stare fixated on the Dance of Shadows...
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Current Location: Silent Meadow
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2




The meadow was eerily silent, the aftermath of Anrei's battle still lingering in the air. The shinobi stood amidst the fallen shrooms, his heart still pounding from the adrenaline-fueled combat. Anrei’s breath was steadying, his mind slowly easing out of the heightened state of alertness that had carried him through the fight.

But then, without warning, a sensation washed over him—a strange, cold force that seemed to seep into his very bones. It was a feeling unlike any he had ever experienced, a creeping chill that froze the blood in his veins and sent an unnatural shiver down his spine. Anrei’s instincts, honed from years of survival and combat, immediately recognized this as something different, something more than mere fatigue or an aftershock of battle. It was as though the shadows themselves were whispering to him, a dark and malevolent presence pressing in on all sides. His hand tightened into fists, but his usual confidence felt distant, unreachable. The shadows around him seemed to thicken, the trees casting deeper, more menacing forms. And then, in a flash, a vision struck him—a vivid and horrifying glimpse of his own demise. He saw it as clear as day: himself, standing alone on a barren field, his cleavers shattered at his feet, the chain broken and useless. Blood poured from wounds too numerous to count, and in the distance, a figure approached, faceless but unmistakably his end. He could feel the cold grip of death tightening around his heart, feel the weight of inevitability crushing his spirit. The sensation was so powerful, so overwhelming, that it was as if his own death had already been decided, and there was no escape.

Anrei’s breath caught in his throat, his body frozen in place. A warrior who had faced death countless times, who had delivered it without hesitation, now found himself paralyzed by the vision of his own end. It was absurd, he thought, to be afraid of something he had always known was inevitable. He had long accepted that his life, defined by bloodshed and battle, would likely end violently. So why was he now gripped by such fear? His thoughts spiraled, confusion and dread swirling together. The image of his broken body lingered in his mind. The fear gnawed at him, growing with each heartbeat, and for the first time, Anrei felt truly vulnerable. He was a shinobi who had carved a path through life with his blades, who had always believed himself indifferent to the concept of his own death. He had seen the light leave the eyes of countless foes, had felt no pity, no remorse. He knew death—he had danced with it, courted it, even embraced it as part of the life he led. But this... this was different. This was not the calculated, controlled encounter with death he had always envisioned. This was chaos, pure and unyielding, a force beyond his control. Why was he afraid? The question echoed in his mind, growing louder with each repetition. However, the louder the question grew; the more he began to realize that what he was seeing wasn't real. It was a mere illusion, something he had the control to change and defy. As he came to that realization, his breathing began turning back to normal, the vision of himself being killed faded as he returned back to his normal self.

With that, he noticed the wires beginning to move in his direction and with one quick motion, Anrei vanished from his position and evades the attack from the wires. Upon reappearing, Anrei could be seen holding onto to some tungsten wire with two Kunai on either side dragging across the ground with the wire looped through the holes and wrapped around the handles. The look in his eyes returning to how they once were as he slowly began walking towards the group of ninja with a confident stride. In this moment, he'd begin twirling them at such high speeds it'd simply look as if he was taunting the shinobi.

Anrei: Like i said before. I'm taking you out.



Current Location: Silent Meadow
Post Order: Xaio Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2
Last edited:


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Shadow of Klaw

As the Dance of the Shadows was to progress, where Anrei ultimately found himself being stricken by a paralyzing fear caused by the Mui Clan's Killing Intent, whilst Anrei was stuck fighting the overwhelming fear of death, due to him not inflicting self induced pain to break that sensation of fear, the wires would ultimately find themselves slamming against the shoulders and chest of the boy, carving his clothing apart leaving gashes against the flesh as blood would find itself trickling down his arms and body. This blow though would inevitably cause the Paralysis to come to an end and though the wires were now in motion to return to the users, And as the wires motions to return the Tendo Member of the Shadows of Klaw was the first to move, his body flickering from its location, disappearing in but an instant as in that very same second of disappearing he would appear behind Anrei, his knee pushing down against the boys back, his arms grasping the forearms of the boy, pulling his arms back keeping him in a submission position as the Shadow remained silent. The calculations of team work of the Shadows proved even if one has the determination, only a proper and well thought out tactic would stand a chance against these elite of the Organizations. Now with Anrei forced into a grapple of submission Time would tell if the boy was to give up or not...

But before the Dance could come to a conclusion the appearance of a Fifth Shadow, the very same one who had delivered the body of the Kitsune Miyuki to the Hideouts storage room had made his appearance, Standing beside his Lord Xaio, the masked individual seemed to whisper something to the Kage of the Grass. What was said would be unknown and yet by the smirk curling on Xaio's lips one thing was certain, his plans were progressing further and on a timely manner. As the Kusakage stood, with a snap of his fingers the Dance of Shadows concluded, the Shadow who held Anrei and was preparing to break his arms suddenly let go of the boy as all Four lined up staring at their lord.

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"Anrei Tendo, You've passed the Dance of the Shadows. Keep in mind, how my Shadows work, they are not solo fighters; though capable on their own, they also must work as a unit to overwhelm any threat or target. That is what it means to be my shadow. Now Rise, we must return to the grass it seems my goals are within reach. A delivery boy has arrived. I will be returning to my office, Anrei, escort the delivery boy to my office without fail. That will be your first mission. As for you my Shadows, You know what to do..."
This being said, Xaio suddenly turned away from his Shadows, with his left leg stepping forth his entire body vanished, a plumage of dirt scattering showing a Tendo's masterful Speed at work allowing the Kusakage to return to his office as one of the Tendo Shadows of Klaw slowly extended out a Herba Mystica Pill to the boy Anrei, a pill with would heal his wounds, unaware to the Shadow but caught by Xaio that something would soon turn the cogs of fate in the left eye of the young Tendo...

Current Location: Silent Meadow -> Kage Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​




While the young boy was still trying to figure out why he had seemed so scared of something that seemed normal, a blinding flash of pain tore through his body, breaking through the haze of fear he had been subjected to. The sensation was immediate and vicious, as if his very flesh was being ripped apart. He felt it first in his shoulders—a searing, white-hot agony that shot through him like lightning, followed by a second wave of pain in his chest. The pain was so intense that for a moment, he couldn’t breathe, his lungs seizing as the shock flooded his system. Anrei’s body reacted on instinct, his muscles tensing as he staggered back, nearly dropping to his knees and one arm hung down unable to be moved on its own. He gritted his teeth, forcing down the cry of pain that wanted to escape the reaches of his throat, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he fought to remain on his feet. The source of the attack became clear as blood began to seep through his clothing, dark stains spreading across the fabric where the gashes had been torn open. His once-pristine outfit was now marred with deep cuts. Anrei could feel the warmth of his own blood trickling down his body, the liquid heat contrasting with the cold sweat that clung to his skin. His mind raced, trying to piece together what had just happened. He had been so consumed by the vision, so lost in his own fear, that he had failed to notice the attack until it was too late. His instincts, usually so sharp, had been dulled by the paralyzing dread, leaving him vulnerable.

Anrei’s eyes narrowed, his fear replaced by a surge of focus and determination to continue; He had let his guard down, and discovered something about himself he never even knew was possible. But he was not done—not yet. With a guttural growl, he forced his body to move, his muscles screaming in protest. However, he hadn't realized one of the other Shadows was already on the move and was ultimately struck with a knee from behind and taken to the ground. In his head, he knew he had lost the fight even though he didn't want to acknowledge it, he knew the truth and knew when to call it.
Anrei: Damn! I didn't even see you move this time.... The hell did you come from?

With his arm still in pain from the initial slashing from the wires, the submission hold he had been put it only added to the pain he felt but Anrei refrained from showing just how much it had hurt on the outside. Though he heard the snapping of fingers and immediately felt the grip on his arm leave as the one who had been holding him lined up with the others. Anrei, still in pain forced himself into a kneeling position but kept his head down on of disappointment for himself as he was sure he had failed the test. However, after hearing that he had passed the test, he remained in his position as he still wasn't satisfied with the way he passed the initiation into the shadows. But with hearing his first mission being to escort someone to the Kusakage office; He put the way he felt aside for the time being and took the pill given to him by the other Tendo as he rose up to his feet.

After taking the pill, the wounds on his body began healing themselves and an unbelievably fast rate, being back to full strength within seconds of consuming it. Even so, the young boy winced in pain and gritted his teeth slightly as he covered his left eye with his hand. As such, he spoke only a few words to himself just before vanishing from the Silent Meadows to his home near the marketplace of the Grass District to clean himself up replace the rugged outfit that just been cut and covered in blood with something new and covering it with a cloak and putting on a second mask due to the other one he had prior was shattered during the initiation. Now, with his appearance looking better and the scent of blood gone, he left the house in search of the one he was supposed to escort to his uncle.

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Despite the lively atmosphere, Oboro’s sharp eyes were focused on a specific goal: finding something unique to add to his collection. He moved with a practiced ease through the bustling crowd, his keen gaze scanning the various stalls. His mind was on the lookout for special tags, uniquely designed kunai, or anything that could serve as a base for his puppets. He hoped to find something that would stand out, something that could enhance his already formidable arsenal. As he passed by a stall filled with intricately designed weaponry, a glint of polished steel caught his eye. He paused, stepping closer to examine a set of kunai that were unlike any he had seen before. The blades were longer and thinner than usual, with a slight curve that gave them an almost serpentine appearance. The hilts were wrapped in dark green leather, and the metal gleamed with a strange, faintly iridescent sheen. Oboro’s fingers itched to reach out and take one, to feel its weight and balance. Before he could make a decision, a voice called out from behind him.
Random Woman: I heard you were looking for Lord Kusakage. You won’t be able to get close to the office, not as an outsider, unless someone from the village accompanies you.

Oboro turned to see a young woman standing nearby, her arms crossed as she observed him with a curious expression. Her eyes were sharp, hinting at experience and intelligence beyond her years.
Oboro: Is that so? Then perhaps you’d be willing to accompany me then.

The woman raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by his proposition. Before she could respond, however, the atmosphere shifted. A sudden chill seemed to settle over the area, and Oboro saw the presence of another person materialize beside her. A man dressed in a black cloak and a mask had appeared, almost as if out of thin air. Oboro’s gaze flicked between the woman and the masked man, his instincts sharpening as he assessed the situation. Whatever this was, it wasn’t just a casual encounter. There was something more beneath the surface, something that demanded him to be more serious. The woman’s expression hardened, and she glanced at the masked figure before turning back to Oboro.
Woman: It seems you may not need me afterall sir.
Oboro: It seems so.
Masked Anrei: I take it you're the one Lord Kusakage has been expecting. Follow me. - Enjoy the rest of your day Ma'am, i'll take it from here.

Oboro followed the masked man through the winding streets of the Grass District, his senses on high alert. The once vibrant atmosphere of the marketplace had faded into the background as they made their way deeper into the village as he led Oboro toward their destination. The air grew cooler as they left the busy streets behind, and the shadows lengthened as the buildings became more imposing. Oboro's gaze flicked around, taking in the subtle details of the village’s architecture. Finally, they arrived at a large, imposing building at the heart of the district. The masked man did not pause as he led Oboro inside and towards the official office. With that, he pushed open the doors, and position himself at the doorway.

Oboro bowed respectfully, then stepped forward to introduce himself.
Oboro: Pardon my intrution, Lord Kusakage, My name is Oboro of Sunagakure. It is an honor to be in your presence. I come bearing a message from the Kazekage.

Cautiously reaching into his pocket and grabbing a sealed letter, holding it out for the Kusakage to take.


Current Location: Silent Meadow -> Grass Market -> Kusagae Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


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Theme Song
As Xaio Tendo soon sat himself down behind his desk, where his Shadows would conceal their chakra and remain hidden in the darkest spots and corners of the room, concealing their very presence as if invisible watching cautiously in the precedent of something occurring. As Xaio sat, his left cheek resting in his palm as his stared towards his door, his cold yet calm expression hadn't once shifted, watching as the door would creak open revealing the Masked Anrei and the Representative of the Sand District who would enter forth into his office. Xaio's eyes observing the representative, every movement he made, each muscle fiber of his exposed portions, every movement which would carry an intent or purpose was being observed by the Kusakage.

"Pardon my intrution, Lord Kusakage, My name is Oboro of Sunagakure. It is an honor to be in your presence. I come bearing a message from the Kazekage."

The words spoken by this Oboro from Sunagakure were carefully listened to, and though Xaio had waited to respond as he watched the Sunagakure Representative pull forth a Sealed Letter, Xaio watching as this Oboro individual Held out the Letter, Unbeknownst to the Representative of the Sand lurking behind him, like a phantom which moved as fluidly as a mist, as silent as an Owl, an Elderly man seemed to pass the Shinobi of the Sand, his elderly hand grabbing ahold of the Letter easily prying it from the Shinobi's grip. This elderly man who possessed a Steel Grey Left Eye, and Dull Cyan Right Eye with his hair as white as a doves feathers tied in a pony tail. Dressed in baggy pants and a Kimono with a Golden Rope tied around his waist this elderly individual whose face shrouded in wrinkles stepped past the Shinobi of the Sand with such ease. Placing the Letter upon Xaio's desk along with Two strange pills with a rainbow like pigmentation and semi translucent glow he'd turn to face the Shinobi who has traveled far and wide to reach the grass.
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"It is rude to think yourself an equal that you'd expect a Kage to take a letter from your hand boy. Has the desert truly casted manners aside?"
His voice raspy yet stern like a veteran shinobi, the man who slowly squated beside the desk was none other than the Previous Head of the Tendo Clan, and Ninth Kusakage Toji Tendo... Father of Xaio and Tarkaji Tendo.

Xaio though who remained silent finally spoken his voice cold yet calm as his right hand slowly took the letter from his desk, using his thumb to break the wax seal allowing the Kusakage to open the letter,​
"That is quite enough old man... I appreciate you bringing what I asked for, but this Shinobi is a guest coming from Suna after my request towards the Kazekage... As for you, Oboro was it; I thank you for traveling this far."
Xaio had stated as his eyes slowly avert towards the letter reading the contents within, his face remaining expressionless as the letter read,
"A real conversation always contains an invitation. Come by the new Sunagakure anytime."
Upon reading such a simple response from the Kazekage, Xaio's eyes once more returned to the individual Oboro, speaking once more with a calm tone,​
"How interesting... Oboro was it, Do you have memory of the Location called the Sand Peninsula? If you do, we shall be leaving Immediately. You will be our guide to this new Sunagakure. I'll have us Teleported to the location should you allow one of my Anbu to gather the Locations exact coordinates."
His words being calculated as he'd slowly place the letter in his desk before snapping his right index finger and thumb, the sound summoning two of the Masked Shadows of Klaw, one of the Mui clan the other of the Tendo, both who specialize in group Teleportation Jutsu. A Third Masked individual of the Mui clan who specialized in Mental Infiltration/ Intel Gathering. This Shadow who stood directly infront of Oboro would hold his left hand forth but still not close enough to have a physical grasp of the Sand Shinobi's head unless he grants the Shadow Permission to find the Physical Location of the Requested area. Should Oboro put his head in the grasp of the Shadows palm, the Coordinates would be extracted allowing the Shadow of Klaw to then place his left hand on The Tendo member of the Shadows sharing the information to the Anbu's ally. Ultimately this would depend on Oboro's Decision.

Xaio though slowly rising from his Desk would snap his fingers once more, signalling young Anrei to accompany them on this journey as Xaio Tendo slowly moved towards the Shinobi of the Sand, positioning himself in between the two Shadows who specialized in Group Teleportation Jutsu.

Current Location: Kusagae Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Oboro, Ghost Of The Sand2.png


As Oboro extended the letter to the Kusakage, an elderly man stepped forward with surprising speed, snatching the letter from Oboro’s hand. The old man’s eyes were sharp, his expression stern as he scolded the young shinobi. The elder’s voice carried the weight of years, and there was a cutting edge to his words. Oboro felt a brief flicker of irritation but quickly suppressed it. He had been raised to respect his elders and those in positions of authority, yet the elder’s words struck a nerve. His nonchalant demeanor remained unchanged, though, as he dipped his head slightly in acknowledgment.
Oboro: Please, Forgive my insolence. No disrespect was intended sir.

Before the exchange could continue, the Kusakage, Xaio Tendo, spoke up. His voice was smooth, tinged with curiosity. Oboro’s mind thought hard on the Kusakage’s words. The Sand Peninsula was indeed familiar to him, a remote area known for its harsh, shifting dunes and treacherous winds. But what truly caught him off guard was the Kusakage’s request. He had just completed a long and tiresome journey by boat to reach the Grass District—a journey that had tested his patience, given his strong dislike for water. Though, the thought of returning to Sunagakure so soon, by teleportation, made his decision easier indeed. The idea of avoiding another boat trip was appealing, the abruptness of the Kusakage’s demand was disorienting. Oboro had hoped for a brief respite, maybe even an opportunity to explore the Grass District further. But now, the mission called for his immediate attention. He was on edge at first about the mention of gathering intel, but since he knew t he Kusagake wouldn't risk going against their village and starting a war, especially after an invite; Oboro went along with it.
Oboro: I am familiar with the Sand Peninsula, Lord Kusakage. If that is where you wish to go, I will serve as your guide. I would prefer not to travel by sea again and teleportation sounds much more appealing.

With that he'd nod to Xaio and allow the hands of the figure extending his arms out to make connection with head.

Anrei Tendo w:mask.png

Anrei listening to the convo felt a sense of joy as the mention of the sand penninsula was mentioned, a chance to see a new place was quite interesting if he'd be allowed to go with them. Otherwise he'd just find something to do in grass and go looking for his cousin Jin, not knowing he was already off on a mission. However, the snap from Xaio let Anrei know he was allowed to accompany them, as such he stepped forward with the group and stood next to the Kusakage, preparing to do the same and head off.

Current Location: Kusagae Office
Post Order: Xaio Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2