Grass District


Xaio Tendu.png

As the Sand Shinobi had granted the Shadow Permission to extract the Coordinates, Xaio watched, as the Mui Clan member's hand made contact with Oboro's head, gathering the needed information about the Sand Peninsula before transferring it to the Tendo Member of the Anbu. With a nod and a simple numerical gesture from the Tendo member of Klaw, him and his ally began weaving corresponding hand signs. Each sign done with precision and synchronous motion that the two who stood in a flanking position of the Kusakage, Anrei and Oboro were now acting as the Anchors for the Jutsu. With the Mui Clan stepping out from the group and returning to the Side of the Elderly Tendo Man, Xaio stared forth towards Oboro his expressionless face daunting. His hands which held the two mysterious pills slowly stowed them away inside his coat, as the two Shadow of Klaw had finally finished their preparations. Their bodies emitting a faint glow of chakra as Anrei, Oboro, and Xaio himself physical and spiritual being began to flicker, distort and alas vanish from the Kusakage's office. Being teleported to the Coordinates presented this method of traveling was instantaneous but as the three left, the two Shadows of Klaw stumbled back, using Teleportation Jutsu on more than one individual excluding themselves had seemed to be quite taxing on them as the Elderly Tendo Member, Toji Tendo tossed them a food pill to replenish their chakra...

As the group went from the scenario of the Kusakage's office to now feeling the course heat of the Desert Peninsula where Xaio would be quick to witness a plumage of smoke in the sky, though too black to be a normal fire or signal smoke, it seemed that Xaio's calculations were spot on, He had a hunch that the sand peninsula ran along the borders of the Leaf district and Sand District, acting as a deterrent for possible invasions. Watching the Smoke rise Xaio spoke towards Oboro with a curious tone,​
"I suspect that Blackened smoke isn't common in this area. If my positioning is correct, wouldn't that direction be the train tracks of the Thunder Rail Train that runs through the Sand and Leaf? I suggest we investigate, a possible ploy might be at play...Oh and Oboro, Should your mission succeed that Sword you were looking at in my market, I'll have a special order sent out to you. A gift for your hard work..."
His voice seeming calculated and almost as if he had been watching Oboro since the moment he stepped foot in the Grass; as his arms slowly hanged to his sides...

Current Location: Kusagae Office-> Sand Peninsula (Near flipped Train)
Post Order: Xaio Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


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With the arrival of the group being back in the sand district, Oboro also took note of the black smoke in the distance. Immediately recognizing the location of where the tracks of the trains go. Though he felt a deeper sense of urgency but didn't put the two together immediately. This caused him to casually respond to the Kusakage.
Oboro: No, it indeed isn't normal, but if it is just the trains then it's something that can be handled by ANBU or other jonin. There's no need to involve yourself with something like that. We shouldn't keep the Kazekage waiting any longer than he has to. If i may make a request, send one of the men you have with us to check things out. Perhaps the one who escorted me to your office? As for the blade i was looking at, you're too kind sir and I thank you for the generous offer.​

With that, Oboro would wait for a moment before heading off. Should the Kusakage agree with what the sand shinobi had to say then Oboro will begin their journey towards the village as they had a long way to go and he felt no need to delay an important endeavor that could be handled by someone else.​

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Anrei remained silent even after the red haired man suggested him to be the one to take care of the Thunder Rail situation. He didn't think he had the authority to suggest something from his uncle in such a casual manner but the young boy he wouldn't be upset if the request was accepted. With that, he looked towards Xaio and waited for an answer; Whatever was decided was fine either way as he had something to do regardless. Though, should the Kusakage allow Anrei to head off on his own, he'd utilize the body flicker technique to vanish from their area and reappear directly near the train.

Current Location: Kusagae Office -> Sand Peninsula (Near flipped Train)
Post Order: Xaio Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points:


Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.


Present Time Post Time-Skip

KLAW Secondary Hideout.

Within the secondary hideout of the Organization KLAW, where the vast corridors are lit by various candles a small number of Shadows of Klaw slowly roam the halls, moving towards a door down the corridor where upon the two Shadows reaching it would push the door open revealing the Genin orphan of the Tendo Clan, an individual who was taken in by the Leaf District was now taken by the Organization. From behind their oni masks the cyan eyes stared with disgust at the genin who's head hanged down after the week long subjugation of mental torment and physical beatings. The Tormenting in which the young Tendo was subjugated too was meant to alter his mind, forcing the boy to fall deeper into the darkness all in the goals of forcing the boy to become the weapon he was born to be for Xaio Tendo's ambitions.
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The Two Shadows of Klaw slowly walking to both the left and right of the boy, the Shadow to his left grabbed ahold of the boys hair pulling his head up as he spoke with a tone of callous,​
"Child of the Cyan eyed people, What is your name... What is your life goal for existing?"
As Jin Tendo's eyes are brought to the light of the candle flames filling the room there was no light of hope in his cyan eyes, only the gaze of an individual who has fallen from the grace of self hope and ambition, one who has fallen into the evil darkness and despair. It would be here that Jin would speak with a low tone, one filled with a cold and almost obedient tone,​
"My name is Jin Tendo... My reason of existing is to serve the head of the Tendo Clan... What ever his ambitions are I am to carry them out..."
This being said, brought alas the torture that Jin had succumb to to an end, his mind had been warped and perception twisted by the goals of KLAW, to him now he was no longer a shinobi of the leaf but an instrument of destruction and chaos.

Jin Tendo No background.png

But to what goals this would remain an enigma even to Jin Tendo's unique form of conditioning as entering the room was none other than the Father and previous head of the Clan, Toji Tendo, the Elder of the Tendo Clan who had personally trained Anrei Tendo, the cousin of Jin Tendo and the very same who had kidnapped Jin from the Diplomat mission back in the sand district borders.

Toji Tendo.jpg
"It looks like Jin's conditioning has been successful... Anrei you may enter, you will be charged with being the shadow of young Jin Tendo here; ensure that nothing comes to harm to our new member of the Organization..."
Toji said snapping his finger as an act to call upon his grandson.

Current Location: KLAW Secondary Hideout
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2
Last edited:




Anrei had been listening to the conversation taking place, originally it was supposed to be him who participated in the torture of Jin but he requested to opt out. Deep down he didn't want to see his younger cousin endure such a fate so he made it seem like he'd kill Jin if he was the one doing the torture, doing this so he'd purposely be removed from the task. Things somehow always managed to play in his favor due to his way with words and his skills in manipulating situations. As such, one he heard his grandfather mention him now being the shadow of Jin, Anrei smiled beneath his mask as this was yet another thing to fall in line with his actions, only now he had to continue his usual antics when others were around which was a simple task for him. With that, once hearing the snapping of his grandfather; Anrei emerged from behind the door with his blades on his back. Once he sees Jin and his grandfather, the young Tendo finally speaks out.
Understood, Grandfather... - It's been a long time, Jin. You've grown.

His tone cold and the look in his eyes towards Jin as he removed his mask was one that would make it seem like the reunion between the two wasn't going to be a good one. As anyone who Anrei gave that look was normally found later, unconscious or worse.


Current Location: KLAW Secondary Hideout
Post Order: Jin Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit:
3 Days
Skip Points:


Jin Name Tag.jpg

As Jin sat in the chair, his eyes staring forth with an almost cold and empty expression; his eyes watching as the Masked Tendo entered the room before removing his mask.
Jin Tendo No background.png

Understood, Grandfather... - It's been a long time, Jin. You've grown.

Hearing these words, Jin Tendo slowly rose from his chair, adjusting his hair from his face and tieing it back into a pony tail, his dual cyan eyes had yet to avert from the individual called Anrei. Memories that were altered revealed a young Jin and Anrei always playing together.​
"Anrei Tendo, It has been quite a while... Have you heard from Auntie Tessa and Uncle Tarkaji?"

Jin seeming more Cynical and tactical in his words, a similarity to that of Xaio Tendo his father all part of the conditioning that Jin had undergone. Standing as Jin slowly brushed himself off, his eyes remained fixated on his cousin, one thing was certain; Jin Tendo's old personality had been locked so deep inside his subconscious, being trapped in a box resistant to mental infiltration. Though Jin Stood watching his cousin, another figure would walk in from the doorway...
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A 16 years old young girl had entered, her steps carrying with an almost shadowy fluidity, her single cyan eye staring towards Jin as she stops beside Anrei. With long jet black hair with the bang like the rest of the Clan being Dove White, her fair peach skin glistening by the flame light. This girls gaze upon Jin wasn't one of disgust but almost a psychopathic admiration. Her cheeks flushing pink as she stood gazing upon the one who held her deepest and twisted admiration.​
"Tsubaki of the Shadow Five is here reporting for Duty Anrei, and Lord Toji. It seems that the darling Jin has finally come home, how I've missed you dearly. He who'se eyes are the gateway to the heavens. The Only Tendo with two Cyan eyes and the Jikangan in both. I look forward to seeing you act in the benefit of the clan my darling Jin."
Her tone and selection of words, almost like a stalker and love stricken psychopathic woman, as she stood her eyes had not once averted from Jin's magnificent stature.

Toji though letting out a sigh spoke with a calm tone,​
"Always acting on your own whims Tsubaki... Very well, you may join Anrei in his task as one of his Shadow Five. Anrei, As Jin's shadow, he is to remain within the hideout, training until we are ready to send him and the shadow five including you Anrei on a mission. See to it that Jin hasn't gotten rusty..."
Toji Tendo.jpg


Current Location: KLAW Secondary Hideout
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2