Grass District




The Silent Meadows were thick with the scent of damp earth and the musty odor of the towering mushroom forest. The dim light filtering through the fungal canopy created shifting shadows, an oppressive stillness hanging in the air. As Anrei, Tsubaki, and Jin arrived at the edge of the clearing, the air around them seemed to hum with tension. Jin, as expected, didn’t hesitate. Without a word, he pushed off of Anrei and the girl, shortly moving with silent intent toward the rogue Genin who had appeared before them. Anrei remained still, his eyes following Jin’s movements with a keen, focused intensity. He had always been a killer in his own right, someone who could judge the effectiveness of an attack before it was even launched. Jin’s speed was remarkable—he closed the distance in a blur, but there was still something lacking in his execution. He needed to be more silent, more subtle. His approach, while quick, was too direct, too obvious to someone with sharper instincts. Anrei’s eyes remained fixed on situation, watching as his cousin made no move to extinguish the flames. The rogue Genin rolling on the ground, fully engulfed in fire, started to scream but they gradually grew weaker, more desperate, as the searing heat consumed him, but Jin’s eyes never wavered.

Anrei recognized that look—cold, detached, almost indifferent to the suffering before him. It was the same coldness that had run in their bloodline, a remnant of the ruthless strength his father had once possessed, and that Anrei had honed himself over the years. Jin’s movements, his lack of hesitation, and the merciless execution of his enemy—it was a reminder that Jin hadn’t grown soft over the years. In fact, his potential was still there, burning just as fiercely as the flames that consumed the Genin. But Anrei saw more than just potential. There was something in Jin’s demeanor that echoed both his father’s and his own—the icy indifference to death, the calculated violence. Yet, there was also a flaw. His movements, while powerful, were too loud. Too much flame, too much force, when silence and subtlety could have made the kill even more efficient. Anrei’s face remained neutral, not betraying any thoughts, though deep down, a sense of pride welled up within him. Jin was strong. He hadn’t faltered, not against this opponent at least. But he could still improve. Anrei noted the efficiency of Jin’s speed, yet a part of him calculated where his cousin needed refinement.

Though Tsubaki's voice broke the silence. Anrei’s gaze didn’t shift from Jin, but his eyes narrowed slightly, though his expression remained neutral. After a few moments of silence, he glanced at her out the corner of his eye, acknowledging her words.
I don't plan on letting him fall in harms way. Jin is strong, but he needs refinement when fighting against people who may be able to see through his movements. I want to see him be better than he's ever been and eventually surpass the two of us. I've always looked after him, but I'm going to need your assistance with that. You won't get in trouble for being nice to him, so everything I relay to you I need for you to relay to Jin. You'll know when I need you to do so. If i'm not able to be around him, I need you to be my eyes, or if i'm being watched too closely than my liking; I need you to be my voice.​

Anrei and Tsubaki had known each other for a while so she knows the way he sees Jin and how he views the entire situation between Jin and the rest of the clan. Though, right after he responded to Tsubaki; Jins words broke echoed through the meadows about their family Kekkei Genkai. Anrei stiffened, his posture still calm, but a cold edge creeping into his gaze. His sharp, silent demeanor rarely faltered, but there was something in Jin’s tone that made his heart beat just a fraction faster. The younger shinobi’s words hung in the air, laden with a weight that Anrei couldn’t immediately place. The “eyes” Jin referred to—their clan’s eyes—had long been a mystery, a powerful ability passed through generations, but its awakening was rare, unpredictable. Even Anrei, with all his experience, had not yet unlocked the full potential of his bloodline. Anrei’s eyes flickered for a moment, sharp and calculating. So this is what he’s leading to. Jin wasn’t merely boasting—he was about to reveal something crucial, something that had been hidden from even Anrei, whose instincts were finely honed after years of battle. That admission hit Anrei and caused a slight smile to appear, one more mischievous this time around. So, it’s true. Jin had awakened the fabled eyes, the very same eyes that Anrei’s own father had spoken of in cryptic whispers. The eyes that were said to grant powers beyond comprehension, though no one knew the full extent of their abilities, outside of uncle Xaio. Things had gotten more interesting now and he planned on seeing exactly what the clans eyes were capable of.

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2


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Listening to Anrei's words, Tsubaki remained silent, her eyes fixated on Jin Tendo as he cut down the burnt victim they were tasked with targeting, though her two toned eyes, her heterochromia eyes were fixated it was upon Jin's words about the Clans Enigmatic Doujutsu, a special ability that was once believed to be a myth until the Current Head of the Clan Xaio Tendo found the method to unlocking it. Her eyes almost widening by the mere mention of this doujutsu and its possible abilities, that these eyes may possess. Though it was also upon hearing this that Tsubaki caught a glimpse of the other Two genin Rogue Shinobi of the Mushroom district making their appearance. Walking out from the large Fungal Stalks, these two shinobi no older than Jin and Tsubaki chuckled with such a menacing sensation. Tsubaki wanting to aid Jin in this endeavor also was ordered to remain back, as such her curiousity was more fixated on if Jin truly had unlocked the Doujutsu of the Tendo clan or was he just blowing out hot air...

Jin though standing stared forth, watching as the two shinobi of the mushroom district made themselves known, their movements being calculated and almost in sync with one another as Jin's dull eyes began to enter a transitional stage, the Cyan color becoming brighter towards the Pupil.

As Jin's eyes entered their activated state, the young Genin slowly placed his right hand into his pocket before speaking with such a cold and calculated tone,​
"The Jikangan, once achieved allows the Clansman the ability to release the limiters in selected locations or muscle groups. By doing so those who have awakened their eye or in my case... Eyes are in that very moment on a tier of strength on their own. But there is a down side to this boost of power. Until you manage to master the eyes, the body is unable to compensate for the unleashed power and will break. This is an inevitability of the eyes versus the users body. Take an example, I will only use a single finger to destroy both of these shinobi's at once... But At the cost, my finger will be broken."
Jin stated as his activated eyes watched the two shinobi positioning themselves one in front of the other before the two lunged forth towards Jin Tendo with the intent of murder. Remaining calm and calculated, Jin's eyes watched these shinobi move, their speeds much slower than the altered memories of his once allies Okami Kitsune and Gyoken Uchiha. Watching carefully with each movement of these shinobi at play, Jin's body flickered from its spot, matching that of the most common Body flicker at his natural speed Jin appeared directly above them, chakra sticking his feet to the Fungal stalk as both Genin were quick to halt their movements to look around in a panic as Jin's left hand extended out, his index finger in a flicking position as a faint scarlet glow of blood vessels coursed throughout his entire finger. Like a pulsating surge of Energy being released throughout the finger it would be with but the simplest of motions, a simple flick of that finger where the entire fingers skin became a dark purple color symbolizing that his finger was broken; at the same time though as the finger finalized the motion of a flick, a dense and powerful shockwave or air canon was shot forth, slamming down against both shinobi who stood back to back searching. Striking down upon their heads forcing their skulls to come crashing down against the rocks below, the bones in their skulls became shattered, the gray matter that was encased inside was left a slushy that seemed to leak from their ears, nose and eyes as what would be left behind was the two bodies crushed by an immense force embedded in the soil and stone.

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As Jin Stood, the sudden surge of pain coursed from his broken finger, shooting its way up his arm as beads of sweat seemed to form across his head. Clearly Jin was in excruciating pain after using his Kekkei Genkai just once, showing Anrei and Tsubaki the power behind the clan's mysterious Doujutsu but the risks to it. And though Jin remained there in his position of flicking his finger, he'd slowly adjust himself, speaking once more,​
"Our Clan's enigmatic eyes possess such a powerful but risky ability. My father is able to utilize the Jikangan at a higher degree where his entire body has its limiters released, something he calls the Cowling Force which increases the output of power but is able to compensate broken limbs with medical ninjutsu, this allows Father to continuously utilize the Doujutsu at his current level of mastery."
Giving an insight to both Anrei and Tsubaki, Jin Tendo released the chakra hold on his feet and the stalks surface allowing him to fall, entering a flip to reposition himself to landing on his feet as his Activated Jikangan slowly looked towards the other two Tendos, showing them just what an Active Jikangan truly looked like.

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2




Anrei’s gaze remained steady as his younger cousin. The rogue shinobi's ashes still faintly smoldered nearby, a grim reminder of Jin’s power, but now the conversation had turned to something even more informative as his gaze shifted to the other 2 rogue shinobi who had appeared. Anrei’s eyes narrowed slightly, his expression still unreadable, but inside, the gears of his mind turned sharply. Jikangan... He had long forgotten the name his father had mentioned as he didn't actually believe they were real for the longest time due to it being something that was almost never achieved by their clan. Now Jin, standing before him with the cold certainty of a shinobi who had seen things beyond his years, was explaining it with a familiarity that made Anrei's interest and curiosity grow even more. His blank expression betrayed nothing, but his thoughts raced. This was more than just power. This was control over something dangerous, something volatile. He could feel it—the raw, untapped force within their clan’s eyes was something not to be taken lightly, something that came with a price. And just as he had expected before Jin even got the chance to say it... the mention of a downside.
Of course there's a downside. Can't expect to have something like that without one.​

He could tell that Jin wasn't just speaking out of a mere concept, but he was speaking from personal experience. The words hung in the air, each syllable striking Anrei with a grim understanding. The thought of something breaking just from using one of their abilities echoed through his mind. This wasn’t just a power to be used recklessly. The eyes—their family’s most coveted gift—came with a curse. An inevitable one. As it stood, Anrei didn't see a need for such an ability that could destroy their own body just from using it a few times. He felt a small, creeping sense of unease, though his face remained as cold and unmoving as stone. The power to surpass limits, but at the cost of one's own body... How far has Jin pushed himself to understand this? And more importantly, what had Jin seen that allowed him to speak so casually about breaking his own body?

Though, once Jin mentioned an example and the use of one finger to defeat the remaining 2 ninja, Anrei couldn't help but pay close attention. His eyes flicked toward the rogue ninja, but only for a moment. His focus remained on Jin, watching the young shinobi’s every movement.
One finger? There's no way...​

There was a part of him that doubted the claim—it was absurd, even by the standards of the shinobi world—but the way Jin spoke, the calm certainty in his voice, made Anrei’s heart pound with the slightest trace of anticipation and excitement. And with the display of watching Jin effortlessly take them down with the immense shockwave that has just release from his finger to annihilate the two shinobi, Anrei felt a swell of pride deep within him—a dangerous, twisted pride. Jin’s strength, his power, was undeniable. He had surpassed the limits of most shinobi, reaching a level many ninja only dream of attaining. But the cost in his opinion wasn't worth it, and in the moment while Anrei wanted that power, he was glad he didn't unlock it as the stress would likely annoy him of constantly breaking his body even though he could heal it.

To think, Uncle Xaio could use this ability as well, but with his entire body was something he didn't think was actually possible since he's never witnessed it. But if that was true, then he looked forward to seeing just how far Jin was going to go - And Anrei planned on making sure he surpassed everyone, including Lord Xaio..
You've truly grown powerful Jin. I'm proud of you. If only the others could see this as a good thing instead of something else. But be honest with me.. Have you ever felt that body breaks when using it is more of a burden than actual help. The way I see it now, relying on those eyes or even using them once in the heat of battle can quickly spell disaster, especially if you were to miss or the enemy is strong enough to tank the hits. Both of you tell your opinions, and what you think the best action is to overcome that weakness outside of training. Obviously healing it is one way, but what if the damage is too great, then what's your next move?​

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit:
3 Days
Skip Points:


Jin Tendo No background.png

Jin Tendo stood wrapping his broken finger up as he stared forth towards Anrei and Tsubaki; even with pain coursing through his body his glowing Jikangan showed the cold analytical nature behind them. As Anrei gave his opinion on the matter of the Eyes powers, Jin couldn't help but scoff as if mocking the sheer naivety of Anrei in the matter of the Clans Doujutsu. This sign of disrespect was hinted as None could understand the purpose of the clan's eyes which remained a mystery,​
"An expected opinion of those who haven't truly awakened their eye. Once you've awakened the Jikangan that opinion will forever change... These eyes allow us to barewitness to the true capability of the Human body and supersede it. While yes breaking parts of your body is painful, that is because you've yet to truly understand and master this power. I plan on mastering the power output and reaching heights even father can not. With both eyes I can see this future ahead, I can witness my own power output but have yet to manage a way to circumvent the energy output to a manageable level. Hence why I use my fingers to utilize the Doujutsu's Limiter Release. As for those who can not reach the objective I seek to obtain, like my father they make up for it with Healing Ninjutsu to rapidly recover the damage done to the body, Another method is one only our clan has access too... The Rainbow Herb. As for those who can survive or manage to dodge a blow from a limb releasing its limiters, that is a false dream, surviving a distance Shockwave is possible, but the closer the attack is , the more damage is recieved to a target, for an example, lets say I were to use it and flick my finger point blank, your first instinctive respese would be to brace yourself thinking the shockwaves power wouldn't change. That would false, due to it being direct where the most energy is located, my targets body would instantly erupt into paste due to the sheer concentration of Kinetic energy being discharged with a wall slightly obstructing its path."
Stating this as Jin stood, Tsubaki also seemed to think of the methods of how one could utilize the Kekkei Genkai of the Tendo clan, how one would possibly avert the damage to ones self but as Jin stated it was an impossible process of thought for those who haven't awakened the eyes as they'd no true understanding on their unique physiology of their brain's processing method, and the output of power.
Tsubaki Tendo.png
"Jin has a point. The power and way the eyes are used are out of our method of collecting knowledge about as we ourselves are unable to process and see as he sees. If What Jin says is true, no form of Physical Training can make up for the damage that will be taken, one must reach heights of either Medical Ninjutsu, use of the Rainbow Herb, or in Jin's case Reach a level of Mastery over the Kekkei Genkai that he can control the power output. But the last method may only be situational for those who possess two Jikangan, as if what is said, Lord Xaio may never reach a level where he can fully control the output of power being released, and as Such compensates for it with his medical ninjutsu. But Jin also has another point made, with distance from his attack to the two genin the damage was focused on the skulls, and was far more than enough to crush everything in the head, if done point blank... No one could survive it."
Though it may seem as if Tsubaki was siding with Jin out of admiration, this wasn't the case, it was clear she had thought quite hard about this, showing her intellect in this manner as she stood staring at Jin before noticing many Fungal stalks beginning to shake... Something was coming.

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points:




Anrei absorbed every word, picking apart each phrase, each idea, turning them over like pieces of a complex puzzle. The Jikangan, the eyes Jin had awakened—this bloodline power was something beyond even what Anrei had fully grasped, and yet Jin spoke of it with such certainty.
Anrei's Mind: So that’s how he sees it... Breaking parts of your body... and yet he’s unfazed by it.​

Jin spoke as though pain was an afterthought, something to be tolerated for the sake of power. The Jikangan, according to Jin, was a path to surpassing human limits entirely. And yet... the cost. The idea of willingly breaking his own body was something Anrei couldn’t dismiss so easily, but to Jin, it was nothing more than a temporary setback. Anrei’s gaze remained fixed on Jin, processing the full implications of what his cousin was saying. Jin'a confidence, his certainty, was interesting. This was no longer just about power—it was about the absolute annihilation of anything in his path. Anrei contemplated the consequences of such a technique. And yet, despite everything Jin had said, Anrei found himself admiring the clarity with which his cousin spoke
Anrei's Mind: He knows exactly what he’s doing.​

Before Anrei could fully digest it, Tsubaki spoke her mind on the matter as well. Anrei felt a subtle tension in her words. Tsubaki... always the one to speak with caution, but she wasn't wrong. Neither he nor Tsubaki had awakened the Jikangan, and that put them at a disadvantage in understanding its true potential. It was a sobering thought, one that made him reconsider Jin’s path. If Xaio, with all his experience and strength, had to rely on healing techniques to mitigate the damage, then Jin’s road to mastering both eyes would be long and fraught with peril. Anrei said nothing for a moment, his gaze shifting between Jin and Tsubaki.The truth of their words settled into him, heavy and inevitable. Jin was right, and Tsubaki had affirmed it—the power of the Jikangan was beyond anything they could understand without experiencing it for themselves.
Anrei: I see. Well I suppose its much more you'll be able to teach us about this Jikangan. While I have no intentions of pushing myself to unlock it as of right now, I'd like to know more about it incase that time ever comes. I'd like to see it in action, more than just against a couple test dummy shinobi.​

Though, right after that statement, Anrei winced in pain and held onto his left eye for a moment. Even though they had been speaking of the Jikangan, he hadn't put two and two together as he did hurt his eye during training and figured it was still a lingering annoyance.

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2


Jin Tendo No background.png

As Jin stood, his finger wrapped up keeping it stabilized though there was nothing Jin could do about the constant sharp throbbing pain that coursed up his arm, he'd watch the other two. Listening to Anrei's response, Jin's attention quickly switched to behind him, his body swaying to a full round about as the Fungal stalks crumbled to the sheer force of a large Earth Golem. This monstrosity made of stone and minerals which easily pummeled through the thick fungal stalks of the Silent Meadows let out a fierce roar, one in which vibrated the air around it. Jin's focus was now on that beast, as this would prove to be a necessary demonstration of the power of the Jikangan. To put it up against a beast or Jutsu formed of Earth and minerals, the young Tendo glared forth, the crimson vessels appearing across his entire right fist, coursing up to the forearm as it almost seemed to release a loud ringing sound of Blood coursing with volatile energy. Cocking his arm back, his eyes seemed to fixate directly on the central mass of the Golem as it lumbered closer and closer to the group. Each of its footsteps pressing the soil beneath, its hulking arms swatting chunks of Fungal stalks apart like it were made of sand. As it came closer with each step, Jin's eyes widened, his body flickering from its spot matching the average speed of the Body Flicker Technique as he appeared directly in front of the hulking Earth Golem Jutsu, his right fist in motion to strike at the central mass. It would be right upon his knuckles making contact with the central earthy mass, where the energy building up in his arm was released, where there was a momentary second of nothing happening, Jin's right arm from the fist up to the forearm had turned entirely a dark purple, the bones inside his arm shattering from releasing the full 100% energy output of the limiters being released. As for the outcome, it would be upon the releasing of the energy being outputted that the Golems central mass was torn asunder, its stone like body shredded to pebbles that were scattered back the way it came, these pebbles which rode a dense shockwave punctured through various Fungal stalks, as if it were a highspeed rock piercing a sheet of paper. The ringing sound violently roared as air pressure shifted around the shockwave that tore through any stalks in its path leaving gapping holes where its trajectory once resided.

Jin though stuck in his striking position suddenly stumbled back, his right arm falling to his side, drops of blood dripping onto the soil as some of his skin had torn around the knuckles. His eyes which glowed a brilliant cyan color soon became a dull color of cyan, reentering its Deactivate state as the pain shooting from his arm made it near impossible for Jin to move freely. Stuck in this lumbering standing position as Jin's eye lids struggled to stay open, it was with the sudden appearance of the Mushroom districts Chunnin with the utilization of Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage that Jin was on the Receiving end of a heavy kick to the broken right arm forcing the arm to bend an unnatural way, a kick that sent the young Tendo flying back towards Anrei and Tsubaki. Jin's body which couldn't move consciously due to the coursing pain through his body slammed against a Fungal stalk, his body embedding into it as Tsubaki quickly rushed to stand in front of the young Tendo shouting towards Anrei,​
"Jin will need Medical healing Anrei! I'm not as versed as you, so its up to you to defeat that Rogue Chunnin! Hang in there my darling Jin, I'll patch you up the best I can!"
This being stated Tsubaki began to administrate basic medical ninjutsu, using the Healing Chakra type to try and mend Jin's broken arm, a method that would take quite some time from someone of her caliber.
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Meanwhile the Mushroom District Rogue Chunnin glared towards Anrei with a satisfied expression, a shinobi who utilized Earth Style and Wind Style was about to make sure his location was not to be found by the shinobi of the Grass or allied shinobi forces, even if he had to kill some children. His body standing at 6ft 9inches, weighing in at 236lbs. This man was a hulking example of strength and power behind each blow. This Rogue Chunnin spoke with a heavy raspy voice, clearly he was in his mid thirties,​
"That kid had alot of power, killing three of my men and my golem in a single strike, Good thing I took him out first. You two won't survive this encounter, Normally I'm against Killing Kids, but I'll make an acception so that I can remain hidden... Prepare to Die Shinobi of the Grass!"
His words both a threat and promise as he began exuding a dense Killer Intent, one which would normally effect shinobi of similar rank and lower, but due to the Dance of the Shadow for the Organization KLAW, its members of the Shadow of Klaw or the Shadow five are quite use to a killers intent from members of the Jonin level...

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2




Paying close attention to Jin's next movements, Anrei observed as his young cousins entire arm became engulfed in some sort of energy. He could already feel the presence of the Earth Release Golem but he wasn't worried about it in the slightest as he knew Jin could handle it well on his own if this power of the Jikangan was as powerful as he said. Though, he did turn around to witness what was to become of the golem first hand. Judging from the the way Jin suffered from using the ability on something as small as his finger, this time the consequences had to be much worse; Should that be the case, either Tsubaki or Anrei will have to finish off the rest of the mission. In the next instant, Jin had reappeared directly in front of the hulking Earth Golem; Anrei’s eyes narrowed as Jin's right fist began to move, its trajectory aimed at the central mass of the Golem’s body. The ground seemed to tremble beneath the sheer force of Jin’s movement, but Anrei remained motionless, sensing the immense energy building up inside Jin’s arm. As Jin's fist collided with the Earth Golem’s central mass, and for a heartbeat, there was nothing. The world stood still. The moment stretched into an eerie silence, the kind of silence that preludes a cataclysm. Anrei could see it in the brief second—Jin’s right arm had changed color, much like how it was when he broke his finger. The limiters had been fully released, every ounce of energy directed into that single strike. But there was a cost, his arm had been completely destroyed under the pressure of his attack.

Then, the silence of the world exploded. The Golem’s central mass was obliterated in a single, devastating moment. The dense, stone-like body was shredded to pieces, torn apart like fragile pottery in the face of a hurricane. The fragments of rock—once as solid as the earth itself—were reduced to mere pebbles, scattering in all directions as though flung by an invisible hand. The sheer force behind Jin’s punch sent these fragments flying back the way the Golem had come, their speed turning them into deadly projectiles. He could feel the air pressure shift dramatically around them, the force of the energy release altering the atmosphere itself. The once-still clearing was now a war zone of shredded stone and torn earth. His mind processed everything in an instant, analyzing every detail of what had just happened. The energy output... The Jikangan’s power, when unleashed without restraint, was terrifying to an enemy—but it was also wildly dangerous to the user. Jin’s right arm hung
limp at his side, purple and swollen, a grotesque reminder of the price he had paid to unleash such devastating power.

After all was said and done, another shinobi appeared kicking Jin right in the very arm he had broken which forced him to be stuck into one of the stalks. It was in that moment Tsubaki spoke out towards him but he already knew what had to be done, especially after what had just happened. The intensity immediately grew within the air as chakra seemed to become visible and envelop Anrei's form; added with the lighting created made it seem as if his eyes were both glowing as he stared towards the Chuunin with the intent to kill. Anrei actually showed some form of emotion this time as his brows furrowed, signifying his annoyance and anger.
This'll be over in 3 seconds, Tsubaki. Make sure noone else gets close to him.​

Anrei pissed 2.png

The intent this shinobi was trying to force onto Anrei did absolutely nothing as he was not only already use to intent much stronger, but his own intent overshadowed that of the Chunin without a problem. Anrei, who remained seated atop a small rock formation locked his eyes on the Chuunin didn't even allow him to finish speaking. In fact, he only managed to get out 2 words before Anrei moved swiftly, removing 2 senbons from his ninja pouch and stabbing them into the neck of the Chunin, all while never even looking back after the connection was mad. Anrei's had moved so fast added with boost from his chakra to where the form sitting on the rock formation seemed to be the real Anrei, only dissipating once he was behind the man and showing the body on the rock was simply an afterimage; Though by that time the Chunin could realize this fact it would have been too late as he will have blacked out and fell to the ground. Which in turn, Anrei will hogtie the shinobi with wire with his wrists connected to the outer sides of his ankles and finally having them all tied together. The course and area Anrei chose for the sebons will have only temporarily killed the man, and the rest was to ensure he couldn't form any handsigns to escapes. With that, he'd make his way back towards Tsubaki and Jin while dragging the man behind him by his tied up limbs.
Tsubaki, would you mind watching him for me while I attend to Jin? We're going to be taking him back with and keeping him locked up until either uncle Xaio returns, or my grandfather. Unless you want to interrogate him. Then by all means have fun.​

Anrei knelt beside his younger cousin Jin, the sound of the battle's aftermath still echoing faintly around them. The fungal stalks that had been pierced by shockwaves from Jin’s attack swayed eerily in the wind, casting long shadows over the rocky clearing littered with shattered stones and debris. Anrei's sharp eyes locked onto the deep purple bruising that ran along Jin’s forearm, the unmistakable sign of broken bones beneath. He placed his hands gently over Jin’s broken arm, carefully aligning his fingers around the worst of the fractures. His touch was surprisingly gentle for someone known for his combat prowess, and a soft, glowing green light began to radiate from his palms as he channeled his chakra. It was a subtle but familiar technique—Mystical Palm Jutsu—used by skilled medical-nin to speed up the healing process and mend broken bones. The chakra swirled like liquid light, dancing over Jin’s bruised and broken arm. Anrei could feel the fractures in the bone beneath his fingers, the jagged edges where the bones had snapped under the pressure of the Jikangan’s released energy. Slowly, carefully, he directed his chakra into the shattered bones, focusing on knitting them back together. He could feel the subtle shifts in Jin’s muscles and bones, the slow but steady progress as the fractured pieces of bone realigned and began to fuse back together. The bruising slowly faded as Anrei’s chakra worked to repair the damaged tissue, the purple discoloration receding beneath the soft glow of the Mystical Palm Technique.

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo
-> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points:


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Tsubaki's eyes watching Jin's arm as she did her best to seal the destroyed flesh on his knuckles, leaving minor scar tissue on his arms yet unable to heal the broken bones inside due to her lacking experience as a Medical Ninja; her attention soon diverting towards Anrei as she heard him speak, Watching Anrei move with an unnatural increase in his speed, most likely caused by the addition of a Chakra Enhancement. Though in but a blink of an eye the Rogue Chuunin was taken out of commission Tsubaki figured Anrei would keep this rogue ninja alive for Toji Tendo or Xaio Tendo, but was more surprised on him offering her the ability to interrogate the Shinobi before hand. Something that due to what this man has done to her darling Jin Tendo would prove more like Torture than a Interrogation. Though as Anrei would swap places with her, tending to Jin's wounded arm, Tsubaki slowly approached the unconscious missing Ninja, slowly squatting before him her face shifting to that of a sadistic glee, as if preparing to conduct various methodical methods of mental torture. Her hand slowly reaching forth grabbing ahold of the Shinobi's head as the other began reciting the cooresponding hand signs Dog → Snake → Ox → Bird → Tiger; as she slowly began seeping her Yin Release Chakra throughout the brain and Chakra network of the Tied up Shinobi. This would ultimately allow the use of the Genjutsu Time Reversal Technique in which would force the unconscious shinobi to begin speaking of forgotten memories that were either repressed or taken from him, information of why he and the others came to the grass in order to seek out the Rainbow Herb so that they could possibly return to their village, and another that was to retrieve the cyan eye of one of the Cyan eyed people. Though there was a mixture of Fear in these memories as Tsubaki couldn't help but push further, changing the tactic of her pursuit by shifting her Yin Release Chakra to the Ephemeral Technique, now seeking to cause Psychological Damage and torment. All while Anrei was busy healing Jin's arm.

As Jin floated deep in his twisted Subconscious, where memories seem almost unnatural as the young Tendo stepped through a door where he'd fid himself looking at the Younger Version of himself. This altered Memory revealed that he was standing beside Tsubaki and Anrei, the three out of six Tendo kids who played with one another, the others whos appearances seemed faded and distorted, Jin returned to watching this "Memory" Play out, seeing the happiness in his young eyes, his Mother cheering the young Heir on as the children seemed to play a game of Tag. Though Jin did show promise in this memory, it seemed as if he was always chasing after Anrei who was but a step ahead of him, possibly due to the age gap. Tsubaki chasing after Jin like a love struck puppy stuck in a constant admiration and obsession over the child of the Clans leader. The other kids whose visages seemed distorted laughed and ran avoiding the hands of Jin before the sharp pain coursed through his right arm...
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Jin's eyes opening to bare witness to Anrei healing and mending his wounded arm, his eyes slowly averting towards the arm noticing the skin returning to normal but scar tissue across his arm as he remained silent. His cold eyes slowly averted back up noticing Tsubaki seemingly enjoying the Mental torment she was inducing on the unconscious shinobi as Jin with a cold tone spoke towards Anrei,​
"How Vexing... To think that I let him get the drop on me... That mistake will never happen again..."
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Clearly Jin was irritated that he let some lowly scum get the drop on him as his eyes seemed to carry a murderous intent behind them, one seeking retribution for his humiliation...

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2





Anrei simply remained relaxed as he continued the healing of Jin's arm; Noticing the true extent of damage from the technique, Anrei thought to himself that as he is right now trying to heal this kind of wound mid battle would be nearly impossible if one couldn't find a way to avoid being spotted by the enemy danger. Though, he also realized that from the way Jin had described this technique; Jin didn't take as much damage as he should have, this must have been a result to him being use it by now. The healing process soon ended as Anrei removed his hands back from Jin and finally responded to what his cousin had said.
Don't stress yourself over that, with the way you were it was nothing you could have done. That's one downside of that ability of yours, hopefully you know what I mean and there's no need for me to explain. You need to train with it and better master it before using it in battle again at 100%. You're a prodigy so im sure that will be no issue for you. Look at this little mishap of yours as a lesson. Don't sweat it. But Tsubaki over there is getting some more information out of this guy then we're taking him back to the hideout and locking him up.​

Squinting his eyes, he wasn't too happy with the situation but he was definitely getting more info regardless of multiple things all at once, one that can be useful to him in the future, and one that can eliminate any potential threats within their village from getting the drop on them. After standing up, he offers a hand towards Jin to help him up from the ground.
We still have some time, so after we drop him off at the hideout, what do you guys want to do?​

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2
Last edited:


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As Jin slowly rose to his feet after Anrei finished healing his arm, his cyan eyes averted towards his arm looking at the scar tissue across his arms; his eyes narrowing with disgust before they avert themselves back towards Tsubaki and the Rogue Ninja. Watching as Tsubaki slowly rose upwards clapping her hands together with a delighted expression on her face, as if satisfied with the results of her Mental Torment she conducted upon the Rogue Mushroom District Shinobi. Jin though thought about what Anrei spoke of, Mastering the power behind their eyes was one tribulation which would require deeper connection to their unique physiology. Thinking deeper in the silence on the possible routes to take, one came into his mind; the very same being of how the power output when his Father Xaio Tendo uses the Jikangan clearly seemed much lower then the power output that Jin himself releases, but still manages to create a great power gap between Xaio and those he faces. Could that be the possible answer? Adjusting the power output from the Limiters being released to avoid great recoil damage? If this is the case then Jin knew that training himself to gain control of the power output would need to be crucial in order to reach heights matching his father and even further beyond.
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Tsubaki slowly turning towards Anrei and Jin after hearing about how they still had plenty of time, her face seemed to brighten up as she scurried towards Jin's side grabbing his arm speaking with an almost fanatic tone,​
"I should show Jin around the Village! He's been gone so long being captured by the Leaf he missed out on all the changes to the Village. Maybe then you can take him to pay respect to his Mother Anrei. Also shouldn't you get the Other Four in the loop Anrei?"
Her second sentence purposely directed towards Anrei with what seemed to be a cold glare as if speaking an unspoken truth, as if wanting Jin's Memory Conditioning to slightly be wavered for when the time for them to leave would go more smoothly. Her dully Cyan eyes which by a specific positioning of the Suns light piercing through the Fungal canopy glimmered as if looking into the Gates of Heaven itself. Her third Sentence a test to see if this secret for Jin's Future was exclusive to the bodies present or was it to involve the Shadow Five entirely. Ultimately her answer would be answered Shortly... Jin though stood seemingly slightly uncomfortable being coddled on so tightly by Tsubaki as his face turned away speaking with a slightly embarrassed yet annoyed tone,​
"I don't care what we do... Just want this day to come to an end quickly... I've got some things to think about in order to progress my eyes to the next stage of mastery along with attempting to help you idiots awaken your eye's."
Clearly Jin seemed to have alot of thinking and planning to do in order to ensure the survival of the Clan, but also the Evolution to the Clans truest potential.

Current Location: Silent Meadows
Post Order: Jin Tendo -> Anrei Tendo
Time Limit:
3 Days
Skip Points: