Grass District



With his messages been sent forth to their selected esteem individuals, Xaio Tendo, the Kusakage stood within the steadfast darkness where his plotting would seem to begin. With no one in sight, he'd find himself stumbling against the wall, his Jikangan staring forth as he felt the succumbing effects of the Nova Release Kekkei Genkai over heating his body. Steam slowly flowing from his body, as beads of sweat ran down his skin; yet readjusting himself as he stood forthright, by a mere snap of his finger four strange masked individuals appeared from the shadows, adorning masks of Light and Masks of Darkness, each represented by a seraphim or a Oni Xaio stood staring forth towards these four individuals. Speaking with a calm tone, Xaio expression though seemed more cold than it would normally,​
"The Time has come... My servants of K.L.A.W, with the death of my wife, and disappearance of Tessa and my brother leadership falls to I alone; our objective has not changed... We shall revolutionalize the Shinobi World through the darkness and shadows to prepare them for the Invasions to come. Though they may deem our actions as Evil with Ill intent, that is on their own systematically failed ability to observe. Having been in two invasions now, I can tell you here and now, the way of the Shinobi will not succeed; we will need to progress forth my trusted Twilight. Prepare our lower members for departure, we will return to the Hideout that I've painstakenly built for us. Seraphim of the Twilight, you will send me right away using the Teleportation jutsu. As of right now I will not be able to traverse the skies to our hideout due to the drawbacks of my Kekkei Genkai. Oni of the Twilight, you will be tasked with gathering our Shadows of K.L.A.W that are on standby and reaching the lost lands. There we will progress into phase one of the organizations objectives."
Stating this with his hand extending forth, the two oni adorned individuals faded back into the shadows, following out to do their leaders bidding, whilst the two seraphim adorned masked individuals moving to flank Xaio, the two simultaneously weaving the same handsigns in sync with one another before alas their right hands extend forth placing their palms upon their leaders shoulder. In that brief moment the three began physically flickering in place before alas vanishing to the undisclosed location of the K.L.A.W hideout, in a place called the Lost Lands. As the vault now became empty, it seemed as if a safe measure was set off the moment that Xaio would leave once and for all. Papaer Tags that littered inside creviouses of the walls began simultaneously erupting, the explosive force shaking the village of the Grass District as if an earthquake was occuring. But in that moment where things would settle down, the hidden vault collapsed, buried and the contents inside forever lost, burnt to ashes under the debris of stone. At this moment, the Organization K.L.A.W had begun to make its move... With a Stand in Kusakage from K.L.A.W acting under transformation as Xaio Tendo, his memories wiped of the Organizations information and the Memories of Xaio inplanted before the formation of the Organization. Just what is Phase One of K.L.A.W's master plan? Answers that would only be revealed to those who were to agree to the invitation or to those who managed to collect the three riddles and find the hideout earned through the K.L.A.W bounties.
Xaio heavenly seal.jpg

Location: Grass District -> K.L.A.W Hideout
Post Order: Xaio -> Unknown
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3


The figure Yaju had hope to strike against found himself in the clutches of hubris and cowardice alike. He lacked the flame that came with confrontation, his machinations thwarted and his means of accomplishing his goal equally as lost. It was like watch a pup go after its first prey all on its own. However Yaju’s goal had ultimately been accomplished; he'd secured the body of the fallen and just as equally left the scent of his own on the figure in question. Encounters like this were what set those of the Inuzuka clan apart from those of even the most skilled shinobi clans only rivaled in sensory ability alone by that of the Hyuga. Where the aforementioned could peer through the very fabric of one's corporeal being and yet even Inuzuka of adequate skill could rival their ability. His hopes and intentions of leaving nothing to the senses in his attempts at stealth were only thwarted by the same machinations that lead to their encounter in the first place. The same fur that had been thrown asunder by his hounds was dispersed among the battlefield. Things like this were the inherent byproduct of running with fur bound entities like the hounds at his side. There were Inuzuka from a time far before Yaju’s own existence that were easily fooled by the scents of their own design. However Yaju wasn’t among those who were so easily fooled. Even as his foe seemingly escaped the grasp of his initial strike his machinations were still afoot. This tactic was akin to an aburame spreading their insects about the battlefield whatever Yaju had in store for the man who so hoped to elude him was far more devious than a simple strike of the face.

“You’re right…” Yaju replied.

This figure’s hubris was that of an individual that was so blinded by his previous ability to win that it was likely he had never considered the battle at hand was multifaceted beyond simply just attack and defense. This was a chess match between man, beast, and scum of the earth. Yaju had already secured the corpse of the man he had come for but this was a matter of proving a point and as things progressed things seemed to become static. The air itself was heavy and even the hair both short and long that rested on the bodies of his hounds stood on end. Their forms shuddered at what was to come and yet their heads twirled back and forth shaking their bodies as if awakening from a nap. This masked figure may have become one with the earthen soil beneath their feet but much like any jonin, Yaju hadn’t made it this far simply forgetting the fundamentals of being a shinobi. When this figure parted his lips to speak he could find the same motion that led to Yaju taking a swipe at his mask simply continued onward the mud on his humanoid claws becoming brittle and the entirety of his hand becoming leaden in chakra. He was applying the basics of chakra flow, testing the waters if you will. While this was no chidori or lightning armor of the cloud it was enough to get the job done. He had gone so far as to apply the basic flow of chakra to that of his palm as it soon pressed upon the wall of the cave itself. Even if the wall had succumbed to being nothing more than an attempt to restrain Yaju in mud it would be met with a static charge. Had all things gone according to plan one could find Yaju and his hounds unscathed by the spreading of lightning but the figure in question that found himself calling the mud home would find himself met with a lightning charge like no other. His form would be reduced to nothing more than the same stone he had become so intimate with in his attempt to escape. Yaju’s hounds in exchange for their master's endeavor would stand vigilant in hopes their prey would choose to emerge yet again.
Location: Grass District
Post Order: Masked Man -> Yaju
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​
Last edited:





Sitting in his cube formed throne, Xaio Tendo pondered on the situation's of his invitations, his pondering soon to receive an answer as the Five Masked Shadows of K.L.A.W made their return, appearing from the darkest corners of the Hideouts corners, these five were quick to take a knee before their leader. As Xaio looked upon them with his Dojutsu, one which glowed a vibrant cyan color in the dimly lit hideout, he spoke with but a calm tone,​
"Give me the report, Have the selected individuals accepted their Invitation Letters?"
But it was here that each member of the Shadow Task force, or Previous Anbu of the Grass shook their heads no, the Recipients had not accepted the letters and as such the Invitations were Null and Voided. Xaio's expression still remaining calm as he slowly rested his cheek upon his left hand, his voice echoing as it was spoken through the hideout,​
"It matters not. Eventually other prospects will come to see the folly of the Shinobi System as it is. As such, with Phase One inacted, we've begun cleaning the slate. Possible wars are being averted as we speak. Though by doing so, should anyone uncover our existence... We will be the villains hiding in the Shadows. This is but a necessity needed for the Evolution of Shinobi to better compete against the Invaders."
Stating this as he watched the Five slowly return to the Darkest parts of the Hideout, to carry on their personal objectives, the Shadow of K.L.A.W tasked with the assassination of Mugen Uchiha would have made his return. Stepping forth from the doorway veiled in darkness, Xaio waited for the Report.​
"My Lord... Target Mugen Uchiha, member of the Uchiha Clan and only individual to have completed the Bounty set out by you and the Late lady Tessa has been disposed of. Any connections between him and the Shimo Clan Eradication in the Mist are now gone. This will allow the fragile alliance to remain Lord Xaio."
Hearing this, a slight smirk curled upon Xaio's Lip, as the Leader of the Grass District, K.L.A.W and Tendo Clan; Xaio seemed quite pleased with this news. Though his Organizations Hideout is no longer on the Current Shinobi Continent and location locked behind three riddle that must be solved, this would also be an advantageous situation allowing him and his Organization to strive for their own ambitions. Now that Phase one had been set in motion, Xaio slowly waved his right hand, allowing his subordinate to retake the form of Xaio Tendo and return to his station back in the grass. By doing this a perfect Transformation Jutsu was used by the assassin, taking on the perfect form of Xaio Tendo before alas fading back through the doorway leaving the real Xaio alone as his Jikangan stared forth as if burning with his desire to reveal the flaws in the Shinobi system to the entire world. Originally having hoped for allies he had selected, but this was just a minor deviation to his ideals. As such With a false Kusakage acting in his place, this would divert suspicion from him, as he already did his job aiding the Sand and Stone during both attacks by the invaders. Now with the infamous Clans of his village relocating to the K.L.A.W Hideout to transfer their knowledge and techniques to the Organizations safe keepings before returning home, the Grass's Hiden Techniques and Kekkei Genkai even the Rainbow Herb that was used to aid in Mugen Uchiha's Assassination would be seemingly lost to the shinobi world. Hidden in the troves of K.L.A.W's grasp.

Though as this went on, Xaio who remained concealed in the hideout's most inner chambers only designated for Inner Members of the Organization, the Tendo would continue his Phase One of his goal, by now leaking out several Bounty Missions to the Shinobi World... These Mission's being the "Regional Material Trade in" and "Technology trade in" with a single A ranking Bounty being the "Assassination of a Minor Kage" which requires targetting either the Frost or Iron District Kage. Each Bounty not possessing clues of K.L.A.W's existence but rather being completely anonomous to all. A step required to get missions going along with the factors of more "Shinobi" based tactics for assassinations. The later being the currently most difficult for now to be revealed.

Location: K.L.A.W Hideout
Post Order: Xaio -> Unknown
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3


Yaju’s hand crashed into the wall and with that an air of disappointment was present as a route for his departure was opened in exchange. He shook his hand free of now dried mud and let out a heavy sigh. His nostrils flared at the thought of the hunt to come but for now it was a matter of completing the mission. His chest bellowed with the aforementioned heavy breath and his hounds let out a similar notion, their noses seemed fast at work in search of the scent they so happily left a means to find. Their fur stood on end with a symbiotic anticipation to their master meaning there very beings were intertwined in a relationship that very few could ever hope to understand. His deep baritone voice called those he called his own without an iota of hesitation in his voice ”We’re leaving, our job here is done…” The hounds that accompanied Yaju responded with a resounding ”Arf!” Even in the face of cowardice their interactions seemed concise and filled with a sense of duty. Despite their four legged composition their very actions seemed human in nature from their unbound loyalty to their ability to conduct the jobs given to them by Yaju himself.

Yaju’s hands came together to form the dog seal and with that his own image went up in a cloud of smoke as a means to conceal the transformation that would come. While the Inuzuka were known for their hounds' ability to turn into their owners, Yaju took it upon himself to return the favor from time to time. He knew very well that being nothing more than a work horse for the people you serve would run any individual into the ground as well as there was no sense of camaraderie by simply lording his ability to walk on two legs over his compatriots. Simple things like this were what separated him from his predecessors and more over the reason he was so close with the dogs he called his own.

In time their return to the village would come with little surprise at all or so one could hope. Yaju had been gone for quite some time and to what would likely be no shock at all he returned with his prey in tow. The very body of the man he had been sent to procure firmly within the clutches of his most prominent beast. A hound that stood taller than even some horses but more importantly the beast was both agile and delicate in its own right. When they padded into the village as a collect, one could find the one leading the pack was none other than Yaju himself clad in his typical ebony fur only to shift from the form of beast to man as he crossed into the village's threshold. His muscular form became more apparent as the smoke cleared and the village guards were just as equally being taken aback by the arrival of the man himself. It wasn’t often that people used the transformation jutsu to simply turn into animals but Yaju was among the few to do so. His right hand moved up to clasp the back of his neck, rubbing back and forth releasing the tension free from his form and with that he cut a look to the village guard that stood in his path. Yaju’s lips parted to speak once more as his pack stood at ease behind him “Where is Suzaku?” His nose told him the answer but the least he could do was respec the formalities of the matter at hand.​



Grass District- Fake Kusakage/ Shadow Of K.L.A.W

With The Transformed Assassin of Uchiha Mugen returning the the Sato-osa Office of the Grass District, resembling perfectly as Xaio Tendo, he was given a briefing from the other Anbu's of the various Tasks given to Xaio, one such being the funding for the villages final repairs, Checking out the possible new Shinobi in the Orphanages, and academy; and finally hundreds of paperwork that need filling out. Though the Fake Xaio Tendo was debriefed, he let out a sigh of annoyance, needing to keep his Leader's secret hidden and disguise up so that K.L.A.W could work in the shadows, the Fake Xaio began submitting the necessary funding paperwork for the remaining hospitals and buildings that were damaged during the first invasion. Though with hours spent filling out these paperwork, the duties as the Kusakage's stand in were never over, as he'd find himself being escorted towards the last Orphanage left in the Village, with the others being turned into residental buildings and research buildings for medicinal purposes. As the Stand in Xaio Tendo approached, his two different colored eyes staring at the last building that stood as an orphanage for the youth with no family to return too. Each step drawing him closer as he'd find himself opening the entrance door where he'd find a elderly woman waiting, speaking to him with a respectable tone,
"Lord Tendo, it is so good for you to visit. As my letter stated when I had it delivered to your office, we've received a new youth; an individual who happens to harbor the ability over Ice Release, a young girl. Hopefully she can grow to become a fine koinoichi."
As this was Said the Fake Xaio spoke with a calm tone, his voice perfectly replicating that of the original's,​
"I can not wait to meet her. Please bring her here."
He stated as the elderly caretaker gave a respectable bow before wondering off to seek out the new youth that would find themselves as a resident of the Grass District.


Location: Grass District- Orphanage
Post Order: Xaio -> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
Miyuki stared out of a window with her crystal blue eyes, watching the construction work being done from a room where no one else was as she wondered what had happened to the place and why it was such a mess. her long white hair was waving a bit over her back from the wind coming thru the window as her ears were trying to pick up sounds from around her under her hair as she was sitting backwards on a chair, resting her arms and head on them as she was still confused on how she gotten to a place like this as it made her somewhat restless remembering the words of her late father to never trust outsiders.

After a bit Miyuki set back up and leaned back holding onto the backrest of the chair with her hands kicking her feet around a bit as she sighed looking bored before turning around on the chair and pulling her legs up to her chest and started to fettle with the bandages around her feet to make sure they wouldn't get lose infront of stranger as she slowly moved her 3 tails from around her waist for just a moment before wrapping them around her waist again making them look like a fluffy waist belt around her black short kimono with ice blue accents and golden flowers woven into the fabric before she slowly looked up at the door as a scent of someone coming near entered her nose making sure that her ears were hidden under her hair and her tails looked like a belt she waited hoping they would just pass the room.



As the Elderly woman for an orphanage caretaker took her leave from the Stand In Xaio Tendo, She'd slowly walk through the building, passing the rooms where some children play and gossip upon themselves about the new girl. This elderly woman though moving slow and fragile for her age would slowly make her approach to the room which would harbor the New individual to the Grass District. As such it would be here that the woman would speak with such a kind and elderly shakey tone,​
"Hello my dear, it seems you have a special visitor. Lord Kusakage has come to greet you to our village. Please Follow me."
She stated as she began her way back through the halls, hopefully the girl would follow as she began moving through the halls, each step slow but filled with an elderly vigor. Meanwhile standing at the entrance, the false or Fake Xaio Tendo stood his arms crossed as his whole purpose was to stand in for his master, the real xaio. Due to being of the Tendo Clan himself, his natural Nova Release Chakra Nature allowed his chakra signature to closely match Lord Xaio's, meaning one could not tell the difference outside if they ever were come in contact with Xaio's infamous Jikangan. Though waiting he'd stared as children ran through the halls playing with a ball, their laughter almost melting the cold heart of the man who assassinated Mugen Uchiha in cold blood. And yet there was an uncertainty on the meeting that would occur.


Location: Grass District- Orphanage
Post Order: Xaio -> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
As Miyuki saw the old lady enter the room and speak to her about following her which would make Miyuki tilt her head to the side, wondering what she was talking about as she knew no one here and had no clue who or what a Kusakage was but Miyuki stud up to follow the old lady as she didn't wanna show any disrespect towards the elders around here as she softly asked.

"this may sound strange ma'am but what's a Kusakage ?"

While waiting for the old lady to awnser she watched the other kids play and heared them talk about her while passing the rooms and she softly sighed and looked down a bit unsure of how to feel as her emotions were still all one big mess of what so all has happened to her eversince she had to flee her village.

As the two of them slowly walked on towards the big entrance hall she noticed a tall figure standing there waiting and looking around themselves as they came closer she was slowly able to catch up upon its scent but wouldn't really read it all that well.



The Elderly woman hearing the girl's question merely seemed more puzzled, how could any living person not know what a Kage/ Sato-osa was. Either they were no true shinobi or some country bumpkin, but never the less, the elderly woman responded as she continued forth down the hall,​
"The Kusakage is the leader of our entire village, an esteemed man who has earned the love and respect of every clan in this village. A man of unprecedented power and honor."
This being said as the two made their way towards the entrance where the "Fake" Xaio stood, his eyes staring with such a prominence and dominating presence, one only a sliver to that of the Real Xaio Tendo, yet enough to force a bead of sweat down anyone from special jonin and down for ranking. As the Fake Xaio Tendo stood, his single cyan blue eye and his steel grey eye stared forth with such a dominating gaze, and yet as he spoke, the tone would far supersede his menacing presence,​
"You must be the Shinobi that was found entering my District borders. It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Xaio Tendo, Head of the Tendo Clan, and Kage of this District. And you are?"
He stated as his figure towered over the girl even at its current distance, but thanks to this Tendo Anbu's disguise, and that none of the Sensory Shinobi have ever had a chance to sense the Real Xaio's Jikangan, it was Impossible to determine if the Fake was actually a fake, as his Transformation was near flawless excluding the Jikangan's Chakra missing in this form, but as per natural unless an individual has seen and sensed the Real Xaio's Jikangan this would impossible to detect. As Transformation also covers ones scent, touch, and appearance, it was only thanks to the Assassin of Mugen Uchiha being a Tendo Clansmen, that having Nova Release Chakra Nature would better suit the disguise as now it would be impossible to determine who he really is. Though as the Fake Xaio stood waiting for a response, many of the children would find themselves hiding behind corners, admiring the stunning appearance of the Kusakage even if it was unknown to everyone that he was a imposter.

Location: Grass District- Orphanage
Post Order: Xaio -> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
As Miyuki was still following the old lady she listened to the explanation that was being given to her about her question, thinking to herself in her head that it was the same job that her father had back in there village as the village head. Miyuki rubbed the back her head a bit and slowly spoke

"i see, thank you for explaining to me ma'am"

she said before they arrived at the tall man that was apparently the Kusakage and she listened as he spoke to her about who he was and she slowly nodded and bowed her head a lil to show respect atleast while introducing herself looking up at him with her crystal blue eyes.

"Yes sir, that's me i didn't mean to go somewhere i wasn't ment to go i just thought that a forest was just a forest. That aside, my name is Miyuki"

Miyuki wasn't sure that she should give out her last name and what she was right infront of all these strangers so she choose at that moment it was best to keep that information back for now.