His hounds were always alert; it was a part of their purpose. Their jobs were finite yet plentiful in terms of their skills so where the roots of disaster would run rampant for the typical shinobi that was not the case here. Their keen noses were already running amuck when things began to unfold and just as this elusive figure making an attempt on the life of his pack. However what they would find instead at the moment these hounds caught a whiff of these bombs was that they did not flee but instead as if a whisper on the wind their images had become a blur. The pack of hounds went into a whirlwind of fur and fangs as if tearing the debris to nothing but a fine dust. They would have time to lick their wounds but all the same they would be minor in this instance as things would likely become more apparent for their assailant. If they were smart they would’ve attempted such an endeavor well before they made it this deep into the cave or rather when some other poor soul came searching for an easy pay day. No blood, no bone, and no ash was likely their hope but all they would find in return was that upon closer examination of Yaju’s position he and his hounds had carved a path for themselves. The cave’s exit or entrance depending on the persuers intention would indeed be caved in however Yaju and his four legged companions would be nearly perfectly nestled in their would be fortification. The sounds of explosions piercing ear drums and rocking the very surface of the earth however what remained true was the true destructive nature of the Inuzuka’s clans Fang Passing Fang. Where many Inuzuka would struggle in a situation such as this with only a single hound to their names this would be as if someone had thrown a bone into a dog pile. The fangs and fur now were nothing but a blind fury as they were clad in wind release with each rotation of their bodies.
Yaju and his hounds were poised as they always were a feral nature of the beast that was mother nature itself. Dogs were no different than shinobi and the hounds that Yaju had taken into his care were no exception strays and kin alike; they had been in the wilderness and raised to work alongside him without a moment of hesitation. So when things began to unfold and the body of the once noble Hyuga lay violated before him its image would go up in smoke the same way that the rubble of the cave had gone up in an uproar of explosions. If things that transpired had gone frame by frame one could find that Yaju and his companions were all so perfectly oiled in their function. Yaju had done his due diligence and captured the body of the very individual he had been in search of. While the cave was littered with a cacophony of explosions one could find his hounds going to work and Yaju performing the most basic of shinobi training. The enclosing technique with a nick of his index finger and a scrolling of his blood upon parchment they could find the body no longer in view despite its lack of eyes. He knew that wasn’t the entirety of the mission but it was certainly a stepping stone in finding who was responsible. As dust settled and rumble came to rest the figure that found himself reporting back to whom it may concern he could find Yaju and his companions standing in what could easily be described as an almost perfectly crafted arena. The debris that attempted to crush them found itself crushed in a flurry of passing fangs.
He could smell them, they all could despite the explosions that greeted them. The air was leaden with gunpowder but it was nearly impossible to fool the nose of the Inuzuka let alone a number of ninken to boot. Jujin stood behind his master as the number of hounds did the same now spread out among the room they had created for themselves. The space in question was some fifty by fifty feet. Yaju seemed to be waiting for whomever's scent was on the air mixed with the smell of gunpowder. His ears seemed to be ringing for a moment and he was sure the same could be said for his companions but as he surveyed the room to ensure their safety he could find each of them shaking out their fur, knocking loose what burnt bits resided upon their forms and remaining on edge. Jujin of them all seemed to be the most on edge despite his large commanding stature. His jowls were tight and teeth barred however there was no low growl to accompany this posturing but merely a looming glare. Yaju would stick a finger in his ear to scratch an itch, a regretful byproduct of the transpired events. He was annoyed now and whoever was responsible would find that the toll they would have to pay would be quite hefty. When this ominous figure inevitably arrived he would find Yalu looking at him with nothing but disgust in his eyes as they were now aglow with chakra because now, the hunt was underway.
Yaju and his hounds were poised as they always were a feral nature of the beast that was mother nature itself. Dogs were no different than shinobi and the hounds that Yaju had taken into his care were no exception strays and kin alike; they had been in the wilderness and raised to work alongside him without a moment of hesitation. So when things began to unfold and the body of the once noble Hyuga lay violated before him its image would go up in smoke the same way that the rubble of the cave had gone up in an uproar of explosions. If things that transpired had gone frame by frame one could find that Yaju and his companions were all so perfectly oiled in their function. Yaju had done his due diligence and captured the body of the very individual he had been in search of. While the cave was littered with a cacophony of explosions one could find his hounds going to work and Yaju performing the most basic of shinobi training. The enclosing technique with a nick of his index finger and a scrolling of his blood upon parchment they could find the body no longer in view despite its lack of eyes. He knew that wasn’t the entirety of the mission but it was certainly a stepping stone in finding who was responsible. As dust settled and rumble came to rest the figure that found himself reporting back to whom it may concern he could find Yaju and his companions standing in what could easily be described as an almost perfectly crafted arena. The debris that attempted to crush them found itself crushed in a flurry of passing fangs.

He could smell them, they all could despite the explosions that greeted them. The air was leaden with gunpowder but it was nearly impossible to fool the nose of the Inuzuka let alone a number of ninken to boot. Jujin stood behind his master as the number of hounds did the same now spread out among the room they had created for themselves. The space in question was some fifty by fifty feet. Yaju seemed to be waiting for whomever's scent was on the air mixed with the smell of gunpowder. His ears seemed to be ringing for a moment and he was sure the same could be said for his companions but as he surveyed the room to ensure their safety he could find each of them shaking out their fur, knocking loose what burnt bits resided upon their forms and remaining on edge. Jujin of them all seemed to be the most on edge despite his large commanding stature. His jowls were tight and teeth barred however there was no low growl to accompany this posturing but merely a looming glare. Yaju would stick a finger in his ear to scratch an itch, a regretful byproduct of the transpired events. He was annoyed now and whoever was responsible would find that the toll they would have to pay would be quite hefty. When this ominous figure inevitably arrived he would find Yalu looking at him with nothing but disgust in his eyes as they were now aglow with chakra because now, the hunt was underway.