Grass District



As the Impostered Xaio stood, listening to each word spoken by this girl, unaware to anyone; a hidden ear piece was feeding this information back to the Hide Out of K.L.A.W, where the Real xaio who sat upon his seat listened his expressions showing great disconnections; but back in the Orphanage, as the Substitute Xaio stood listening, he'd speak with a calm tone,​
"I see, Well you must be from some backside village or residential not affiliated with an Actual District. Let me explain this world to you Miss Miyuki. This Continent, Pangea, is split into specific Districts, Each harboring a Village; The only current Districts in Pangea are the Big Five, The Stone, Mist, Leaf, Sand, and Cloud. The Minor Districts are as such, Grass, Gold, Demon, Tea, Ozui, Nagi, Whirlpool, hotspring, Waterfall,Iron, Frost, Mushroom, Star, Rain, and Sound District's. These Districts are what split the entire continent apart allowing Sato-osa such as myself and the Main Kage's to properly manage their people, resources and communications in the Shinobi Alliance. So unsanctioned entering of a District usually warrants cautious behavior, and depending on the district, hostile actions. You were quite fortunate to stumble into my District. Now Tell me miss Miyuki; Of what clan do you hail from. Information of possible citizens must be taken in account. It be to your best interest to be quite forthcoming. Should we find any loops and holes in your story... Well then by Shinobi Alliance ordinance, we'd have to place you in my districts Blood Prison."
Though his voice was calm, the words carried such a heavy feeling of seriousness, and though the "Fake" Xaio stood his arms slowly folding across one another, his eyes were focused and fixated forth on the girl, watching for any suspicious movements or any form of body sign carrying hostility or deception. To an Anbu leveled shinobi to Kage, these simple signs were second nature to catch. As he stood watching, his left Cyan blue eyes seemed off compared to the Right Steel Gray eye, possibly heterochromia to any none tendo members. But this mattered little to the situation at hand, as his imposing stature stood before what could be determined as a Chunin ranked child, the Fake Xaio waited for a proper response.

Location: Grass District- Orphanage
Post Order: Xaio -> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
As fake Xaio spoke Miyuki slowly started to feel a bit tensed up getting nervous as she was always taught that she wasn't allowed to show her ears and tails to any outsider as it would bring the clan in danger and she closed her eye for a bit in deep thought while biting down upon her lower lip and she slowly lets out a deep sigh as she knew the traditions of her home clan didn't matter at this moment anymore cause it was all gone anyways and she was the only one left from the Kitsune ice clan before reaching into her kimono sleeve slowly to pull out the Kitsune ice crystal making it starting to snow in the big hall just around them close off the view of the eyes of the kids that were around and also mute the hearing from anything that was being said as she made sure that it wouldn't give off any dangerous vibes not wanting to come off as she was attacking or anything as Miyuki already understood very well that at the moment they saw her as a possible enemy.

"My full name is Miyuki Kitsune i come from a snowy area at the edge of a bamboo forest... i had to flee my village in order to keep the Kitsune ice crystal out of the hands from my big brother who wishes to get all crystals in order to become the strongest kitsune there is."

While speaking she slowly lets her three tails down from her waist and let her ears pop up from under her hair, slowly opening her crystal blue eyes and looked back up ath the fake Xaio.



As the Stand in Xaio stood watching, observing as the girl slowly pulled out a strange crystal, it would be at the exact moment that the temperature began shifting, snow beginning to crystalize from the water particles in the air that the Shadow of K.L.A.W imposing as Xaio began to release his Nova Release Chakra, such heat almost to much to bare Such white heat that it would in that same instant keep the snow from touching the ground, heating the very air itself to a desert like feeling, dryness and almost dehydrating sensation being forced around the group. This kept the Snow from blinding and deafening anyone as the Stand in Xaio stared forth. In the Grass such secrets and concealment should one wish to be apart of the village was not prohibited, this information was necessary for the Real Xaio in the undisclosed location of K.L.A.W's hideout to gather. As the girl spoke of her full name and revealed her true appearance, many of the kids who lived in the Grass, having a natural resistance to the Tendo Clan's Nova Release Chakra as due to constant exposure, would all have their eyes prying in on everything.​
"I see, a lesser Clan. The Clan Name is quite familiar, I recall a Kitsune freshly promoted to Chunin has a Bounty on his head and a Kitsune Clan taking up a village on Ozui Island. Seems that the Kitsune Clan has been up to no good. As for that Crystal, I have no care for some useless bobble. It holds no meaning to me or my village."
His voice quite stern and cold, his body radiating with the dancing white flames of chakra as he watched the young girl carefully,​
"But It seems you've no where to go. If that is the case, To be apart of my Village you will have three duties. The First is giving a vial of Blood, that way we can have your chakra signature registered in the Shinobi Alliance Data Base and the Grass District Sensory Data Base. The Second Duty, You will be going on mission's, growing as a Shinobi of The Grass. Final Duty, information of the Grass District in prohibited to being leaked; as a Result you will have a Mui Clan Seal placed on you, a formula set in stone should you try to leak information, well your body will be incinerated. Agree to these Terms then you will be welcome as a Habitant of the Grass. Should you decline, then the ending will be less pleasant; imprisonment until another village is willing to take you."
His words deeply calculated and showing the prioritization of the Grasses Safety, the Stand In Xaio watched, waiting for a response, one which would ultimately determine the fate of the Kitsune Girl.

Location: Grass District- Orphanage
Post Order: Xaio -> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
As the nova heat was messing with the crystals power Miyuki vastly put away the crystal so that it wouldn't get damaged while she was trying her best to have the water in her hair and fur keep herself cooled down as she only had been in contact with her big brothers fire jutsu and nothing else. While she saw the white flames she covered her one of her eyes as she was getting flashbacks of the traumatic event that happened right infront of her eyes while trying to flee the village away from her brother and his man. taking deep breaths she tried to keep her body heat under control while feeling the tense heat around her and trying her best to listen to what Xaio had to say to her, softly growling a lil when he called her clan a lesser one and speaking about a other kitsune clan she turned her head away as she dropped her hands to the sides making her hands into fists as she sinks her nails into her flesh cause of what she had seen from her brother attacking her village she was to believe that it was the fire kitsune clan behind it. not knowing not understanding it was only her big brother and outsiders who made the attack.

"Never set me into the same row as those animals... they destroyed everything.."

Miyuki growled more while she tried her best to calm down but was also panicking as she knew that if this heat was keeping up for much longer she wouldn't be able to handle keeping herself cooled and slowly spoke to the options she had been given.

" my point of view those aren't really options... it's eighter being caged or being forced to stay quiet... and besides why would any other village even consider taking me in if your telling me here that the kitsune clan members aren't known for anything good.... as for being a party of this village i'm not sure i can be of much use on missions cause this is the first time i've ever left my own, i still know so little about everything. I maybe do know my jutsu's and how to hunt but i don't see how that can be of any use... specially in this heat."

As she lowered her ears she sighs looking down while curling her tails back up around her waist.

"But if you are sure i can help in any way then i rather not end up like a animal in a cage"

she says agreeing to a part of the grass while her ears lower to the side as she starts to get light headed from the heat that she can no longer fight against slowly breathing a bit heavy while she trying her best to stay standing up straight.



As the Stand in Xaio watched the Kitsune put away the bobble of hers, his Nova Release Chakra Nature slowly dwindled down, returning the room to normal temperature; by doing so his eyes focused on the girl, watching her posture, motion, breathing, each and every thing she was doing was being analyzed and though she gave a response, the Stand In Xaio spoke with a curious tone,​
"I wouldn't call it being kept quiet. Every Village has its secrets, we will not pry on your home and Clan's info, as such you are to respect the same. As for the Mission's, you will be trained to being prepared for more tedious and combat oriented missions. Most currently are joint missions with the Main Villages. As for the Heat, It be best to Avoid the Tendo Clan Estate then. Constant training has left that specific region of the District a blazing area. Though the enviroment is fine, the temperatures there are at least 2x worse. So that is a decent warning for you. But good decision, You'll goto the Grasses Medical Facility, there one of our Masked Anbu will draw blood from you and have a Mui Clan place a special Formula Heavenly Prison Jutsu on you. After that, you will come to my office, there you will be given your first mission and residential accommodations."
Having stated this, the False Xaio Tendo turned away, slowly taking the first steps out of the Orphanage, but not before having the Elderly Caretaker give the Girl Miyuki a Map of the Grass Village as so she would be able to memorize the district and avoid getting lost. As this was said and done, the False Xaio continued walking towards the Kusakage Office...

Location: Grass District- Orphanage
Post Order: Xaio -> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3

K.L.A.W Hideout

Deep in the hideout of K.L.A.W, sitting upon his chair, his Jikangan glowing with such burning desire and ambition; Xaio Tendo (The Real One) had began compiling the Information obtained about this "Kitsune" Girl now residing in his district. Information about some bobble crystal that can conjure up snow, that there are two different sub branches of this so called Kitsune Clan, one regarding Ice and the Other Regarding Fire. Such interesting Information that suddenly peaked the Real Kusakage's interest even if a little as it would dawn on him about the Bounty on a certain Okami Kitsune. Holding the bounty paper in his hand with the other files of paperwork, a sudden smirk curled upon his face; this would perfectly set in motion a test of sorts. Such a test that Xaio couldn't wait to deploy, with a snap of his finger appeared forth a Shadow of K.L.A.W, another specialized Anbu Ranked Shinobi of the Grass that fell into the ranks of the Organization. With the Oni Masked wearing shinobi kneeling before his perceived "God" Xaio raised his left hand, signalling the shinobi to rise forth as he spoke with a somewhat amused tone,
"It would seem that a Kitsune Clan member of what can be determined as a sub branch of the clan has become a member of my village. Such an interesting turn of events as it would seem that another Kitsune does have a Bounty on his head. See to it that the bounty is deployed to the Cloud, Sand, Stone, Mist, and Leaf. Use Birds to deploy the Bounties. I Do not want our location being tracked. Once the birds deliver the message have a specialized Heavenly prison Seal placed on it. One that upon delivering the message would incinerate the birds leaving no traces of our actions behind."
Stating this, with a smirk, it would be upon the Anbu ranked Shadow of K.L.A.W responding that new information would be drawn to Xaio Tendo's ears,​
"Sir. It would seem that Okami Kitsune the one that the bounty is targetting is located in the leaf district. Our sources also confirm another interesting detail... Jin Tendo is located in the Leaf District."
This being said, a noticable tightening of his right hands grip upon his arm rest of his chair signified either a burning fury or excitement in Xaio tendo, cracks forming on the armrest as Xaio seemed even more interested now in the Leaf over the other villages. Such a pinnacle revalation that would further need investigations and tests. But until then, the Shadow Of K.L.A.W would do as he was told, leaving his leader behind before deploying out the First Bounty on a single shinobi's head, these bounties which would be delivered in three hours time.

Location: K.L.A.W Hideout --> To all five major Villages (Bounty delivered)
Post Order: Xaio Tendo
Time limit: 3 days
Skip Points: 2​
Miyuki looked at Xaio as she nods to his warning about the Tendo clan estate being to hot for her to handle at this moment in time. As Miyuki noticed the heat going down she was able to relax herself a bit and as she noticed the water in the air slowly returning she was able to use her tails moving them around to catch up the water within the air and starting to cool herself off while Xaio explained some more stuff to her and accepted the map from the old lady and she started to study it while Xaio was leaving the building.

"thank you for the map ma'am"

Miyuki said before bowing her head and started to head towards the medical building to give off some of her blood. Miyuki wasn't to hyped about a seal being placed upon her that could kill her if she talked to much but she also understood that to them she was just a stranger and didn't wanna take any risks. While following the map she slowly looked around as she had made sure before leaving the building to hide her ears and tails around so she wouldn't stand out to much.

After a bit of walking around Miyuki had made her way to the medical building and she walked inside, looking around for a person wearing a mask as she also had no clue what ANBU were she just figured to look out for a mask instead.



In the Grass districts Medical Facility, many medical ninja roam the halls, tending to the remaining injured during the first invasion of the Grass, along with older patients with lesser treatments needed. Here upon the Kitsune Girl's way inside the facility, a Masked Individual, adorning a Oni Mask slowly approached the girl, sporting an Anbu vest and gear, this man remained completely silent. Unbeknownst to the new arrival this Anbu was not only an Anbu for the Grass but a Outer Member of the Secret Organization K.L.A.W. Standing before the Girl this Hooded Masked individual slowly pulled a syringe from his cloak, gesturing for her to extend her left arm forth he awaited for the girl to comply. Should she do as directed, the Masked Anbu would slowly pierce the vein at the base of the front of the elbow region, allowing him to collect an entire vial of the Girls blood before removing the needle, where he'd then bandage the small needle hole with a gauze. But this would be entirely dependent on the girls compliance with her Duties.

Location: Grass District- Medical Facility
Post Order: Anbu-> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
As Miyuki watched everyone being busy helping the wounded and not spotting a person with a mask she sighed for a bit but at that moment she felt a slight shift in the water in the air around her as the ANBU figure appeared infront of her. Miyuki watched them pull out a needle and she puts out her left arm, waiting for the needle to pierce a vein as she tried her best to stay as calm as possible while asking directions for the sec thing she had to get.

"so ehm, which way i gotta go next? or is there someone here i gotta ask for the seal?"

Miyuki spoke softly while they were putting on a bandage, waiting for a replay on her question starting to wonder to herself if all ANBU looked like this.



The Masked Anbu listened to her question but would give no response, his utter silence was almost deafening and to some would signify an omen of sorts. Though after patching her arm, he'd point himself as he'd then point towards the location of the tongue, as if asking her to stick her tongue out. Should Miyuki comply the mysterious Anbu would begin the complex handseals of the Heavenly Prison Hiden Jutsu of the Mui clan, hand signs to fast to keep up with before alas, should Miyuki stick her tongue out, the Anbu would place his index and middle finger upon the base of the tongue, a burning sensation would carve its way on the flesh etching the seal into her tongue; though the formula had been altered only to activate should she speak of anything Related to the Grass District, it would otherwise be harmless to the girl. Should she speak about the Grass to any outsiders, that is when the seal would activate and incinerate her tongue and frontal part of her brain. Though as the Anbu concluded, he'd gesture her to pull out her map, where he'd then point towards the Kusakage's office/ Building. As if Guiding her to her next location. Should Miyuki leave, the Anbu would slowly step into the shadows, fading from the scene, taking the Vial of Blood to the Hideout of K.L.A.W...

Location: Grass District- Medical Facility
Post Order: Anbu-> Miyuki
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3
As Miyuki puts her arm down she moved her ears under her hair a bit trying to listen to what the ANBU was mumbling about but couldn't understand it all to clearly before she slowly nods as he signed to stick out her tongue and she so did closing tightly her eyes as she felt something being burned onto her tongue and she whimpers a lil but tried to stay as quiet as possible not wanting to make a big fuss about things.

Once Miyuki understood the seal had been placed she noticed the ANBU point at her map to where she had to go next as she noticed it was the Kusakage's office she nods and bows her head to thank him before turning around and starting to make her way towards the building she was expected to go next. While walking there she made a small piece of ice to put into her mouth to chew on so the burn was able to cool down and rubs the back of her head.

After a short while she ended up at the office she was suppose to meet up again with Xaio and she stepped into the building, looking around for a bit before walking towards the front desk.