
Gamu alongside his team were moving swiftly through the bustling streets of Gold District have just left the residence of the leader of the country and with that he alongside his fellow genin Yugo expressed a potential concern of not having much, if anything to go off for details on the mission. For Gamu this was a very valid concern as not having a plan is what cost the boy his first Chunin Exam in which he didn't plan a head and was defeated easily. It was something that weighted heavily on him as not many6 can say they've failed and/or missing a total of three chunnin exams. Luckily for the boys though Indira had his own plans, but first that'd wait as Gamu looked on as Indira's eyes shift with the activation of his dojutsu followed by some comforting words to Yugo.
Gamu had learned from this short time together and the stories of the Jugo Clan that they struggled with their emotions due to their Kekkei Genkai. Their anger was the most noteworthy though, but Gamu seemingly hadn't noticed the change in Yugo that Indira had, but that was more so due to his lacking Indira's Negative Emotion Sensing. In the end though it was reassuring to know that even with all the stories of Indira he was still a caring individual. Thought the sight of Indira dropping to his knee after what =ever he had done to help Yugo was a shock to poor Gamu as he wondered what the hell could have been strong enough to do that to a shinobi of Indira's level.
Unfortunately, Gamu wouldn't learn anything special as Indira quickly climbed back to his feet and seemingly shrugged off whatever had afflicted him. After all this he would finally reach the point Gamu and Yugo were waiting for and that was, his plan. Gamu had hoped for some great and outlandish plan but was instead met with the delegation of leading the way to him and his Bubblegum Ninja Arts. Some might have been caught off guard by this and been stunned silent, but not Gamu he was always thinking about something as when this comment popped out his brain begun to do it thing and then boom. Like an explosion an idea popped into his head.
"Yo, Sensei I got a good idea. Since we ya know, have no idea what were walking into aside from ya know killer robots. I have a special little clone jutsu I gave been dying to use more," said Gamu as he begun to explain not skipping a beat and not giving anytime for a question or rebuttal. "I call it Ninja Art: Gum Clone and it basically does just as the name says. It makes a clone entirely of my chakra infused bubblegum of yours truly. I got the idea after fighting some kid who loved Shadow Clones and I was like clones are cool and all, but how can I make them better, but then it hit me. BUBBLEGUM! Ya know my gum can do all sorts of crazy things so why not clone me. So basically my idea is we use my clone as a test subject to head in and scope the place out, because if its attacked it can simply become a sticky trap to hold the attacker in place and if their are traps they ain't gonna really do much to my gum. So what do you guys think," said Gamu as he finally brought his explanation to a halt and finally catching his breath. Follwoing this he would be caught off guard by the sound of and explosion and the shaking of the ground.

Location: President's Office, Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll
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