Gold District






Gamu alongside his team were moving swiftly through the bustling streets of Gold District have just left the residence of the leader of the country and with that he alongside his fellow genin Yugo expressed a potential concern of not having much, if anything to go off for details on the mission. For Gamu this was a very valid concern as not having a plan is what cost the boy his first Chunin Exam in which he didn't plan a head and was defeated easily. It was something that weighted heavily on him as not many6 can say they've failed and/or missing a total of three chunnin exams. Luckily for the boys though Indira had his own plans, but first that'd wait as Gamu looked on as Indira's eyes shift with the activation of his dojutsu followed by some comforting words to Yugo.

Gamu had learned from this short time together and the stories of the Jugo Clan that they struggled with their emotions due to their Kekkei Genkai. Their anger was the most noteworthy though, but Gamu seemingly hadn't noticed the change in Yugo that Indira had, but that was more so due to his lacking Indira's Negative Emotion Sensing. In the end though it was reassuring to know that even with all the stories of Indira he was still a caring individual. Thought the sight of Indira dropping to his knee after what =ever he had done to help Yugo was a shock to poor Gamu as he wondered what the hell could have been strong enough to do that to a shinobi of Indira's level.

Unfortunately, Gamu wouldn't learn anything special as Indira quickly climbed back to his feet and seemingly shrugged off whatever had afflicted him. After all this he would finally reach the point Gamu and Yugo were waiting for and that was, his plan. Gamu had hoped for some great and outlandish plan but was instead met with the delegation of leading the way to him and his Bubblegum Ninja Arts. Some might have been caught off guard by this and been stunned silent, but not Gamu he was always thinking about something as when this comment popped out his brain begun to do it thing and then boom. Like an explosion an idea popped into his head.

"Yo, Sensei I got a good idea. Since we ya know, have no idea what were walking into aside from ya know killer robots. I have a special little clone jutsu I gave been dying to use more," said Gamu as he begun to explain not skipping a beat and not giving anytime for a question or rebuttal. "I call it Ninja Art: Gum Clone and it basically does just as the name says. It makes a clone entirely of my chakra infused bubblegum of yours truly. I got the idea after fighting some kid who loved Shadow Clones and I was like clones are cool and all, but how can I make them better, but then it hit me. BUBBLEGUM! Ya know my gum can do all sorts of crazy things so why not clone me. So basically my idea is we use my clone as a test subject to head in and scope the place out, because if its attacked it can simply become a sticky trap to hold the attacker in place and if their are traps they ain't gonna really do much to my gum. So what do you guys think," said Gamu as he finally brought his explanation to a halt and finally catching his breath. Follwoing this he would be caught off guard by the sound of and explosion and the shaking of the ground.


Location: President's Office, Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll
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Indira's hand rested on Yugo's head, now calmed, ensuring his words were heard. Suddenly, a fiery explosion erupted nearby, sending a shockwave through the ground and a massive plume of red-tinged smoke into the sky from the miners' entrance. The distant, haunting screams of panic echoed through the streets of the Gold District, amplifying the urgency. As the sounds of distress emanated from the mining cave, Indira acknowledged Gamu's quick-thinking proposal for an improvised technique with a nod, his expression shifting from a smile to one of grave concern for the miners' safety. He decided to wait for Gamu to initiate his jutsu before they ventured toward the chaotic scene.

Location: 10 miles from Golding Mine
Posting Order:
Indira -> Yugo -> Gamu -> Story
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Yugo Gifted Art Edited.png



Haunting screams and the sound of chaos, it had been such a short time since the Kumogakure's own recent terror experience echoed here in the gold district. Yugo's mind was clear of emotion, and he could hear his teammate Gamu's words clearly, but these words were drowned out in his thoughts but the words of Indira sensei when this mission began. "Each minute you're late, people could be dead. ... make sure you can save as many lives as possible," In a moment of decisive action Yugo looks to Indira "Normally it would be an excellent tactic Gamu... but this is no time to hold back and scout, we need to go in full force immediately us and your clones...before casualties mount" . Yugo's eyes scan the landscape seeing the swatches of explosions and damage before his eyes narrow on the notable pillar of red smoke pluming from one of the epicenters of destruction.

"Sensei...we need to take action even if its just to secure the perimeter and usher citizens out of the area or if we are lucky that smoke signal is our sign for where we need to assault..." There was a calm sharpness to Yugo's tone his mind entirely clear and focused thanks to Indira's actions before as the Genin takes in a deep breath and leaps with a body flicker technique towards the red plume his eyes darting around as he draws closer his recent experience with citizen rescue after the Limelight attack on the village coming in handy. Seeing among the desolation a piece of debris about to fall upon a fleeing couple as the Genin launches himself in a hurtling flying drop kick using his full momentum to push the partial stone all out of its trajectory. Yugo's skin would show faint signs of dark markings spreading an indication of Nature energy seeping into him able to be properly and calmly used thanks to the reprieve given by Indira Sensei's actions before. "Hurry to the outer perimeter of the town...tell everyone you see to do the same until there is a signal". Yugo continues towards the red plume as the visible signs of mining equipment become more visible as the Genin draws closer quickly towards the red plume epicenter looking for others who might have their lives in danger.


Location: Gold District Mining District
Posting Order: Yugo ->Story -> Gamu -> Indira
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll






Following the explosion that rocked the streets and left him dazed and confused Gamu found himself receiving replies from his sensei and teammate for which his sensei gave the nod for his idea, but before he could execute anything it seemed as though Yugo had taken it upon himself to act first and jumped into the fray. As Yugo darted off to kick the rubble Gamu would turn to face his sensei and with a grin would speak. "I'm glad ya liked my plan but I think Yugo might be right here. Though we shouldn't be as reckless as he's being. I'll still send my clone, but we need to do something here first," said Gamu as he turned back to the situation and took off assessing the situation and swiftly acting to stop any rubble collapsing by using his gum to reinforce the structures.

"Yo Yugo, you need to slow down and think before acting or you might get yourself hurt," yelled Gamu as he helped the citizens of the Gold District to their feet and ushered them off to safety, as this was occurring Gamu would chew more gum and blow a bubble that quickly took the form of him in all his glory. "Alright handsome you know the deal your gonna head off and scout the mine for us while we stay here and help these people," said Gamu to which his clone followed up with a nod before moving towards the Gold Mine.


Location: Mining District, Gold Distrtict
Posting Order: Gamu -> Story -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


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Indira found himself in a moral dilemma, torn between the mission and the lives at risk in the Gold District. Despite his reservations about prioritizing tasks over human lives, he knew that their primary objective—to infiltrate the gold mine—had to take precedence. With a sweeping gesture, he controlled the surrounding wind to prevent falling stones from hitting innocent bystanders. "Gamu, conserve your chakra and stamina; we may face a significant battle soon. Let the Gold ninja handle the rescue efforts," Indira advised, his voice tinged with regret.

He observed Gamu's bubble gum clone in action, nodding thoughtfully as he contemplated the strategy. Turning to Yugo, he ensured his composure was intact. "Once Gamu's clone verifies our target, our priority shifts to ensuring the miners' safety. We'll strike forcefully but aim to minimize collateral damage," he instructed, then paused, his expression somber. "However, if we find the miners are already casualties, we must proceed with our mission regardless." Indira gave Yugo a reassuring nod, steeling himself for the challenges ahead.

Location: 10 miles from Golding Mine
Posting Order:
Indira -> Yugo -> Gamu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Yugo Gifted Art Edited.png



The chaos in the mining town streets was still considerable. Yugo could see a building about to collapse, the sounds of a family frantically screaming about escape as Yugo slams his palm in a claw-like grip onto one of the load bearing walls to hold it firm. The hood slows the collapse enough for the family inside to escape but Yugo could hear another nearby building about to crumble, its structure cracking too fast for him to stop it before Gamu’s gum wad shot stops the building from falling apart. A sigh of relief passes the Jugo clan Genin’s lips as he sees more of the civilians hustling away from the more dangerous buildings provoking an internal thought “Damn your a reliable guy…aren't you Gamu” but the thought was cut short hearing the statement of his teammate.

"Yo Yugo, you need to slow down and think before acting or you might get yourself hurt,"

“Don’t worry Gamu…I had to act or some of those people might have been maimed or killed by the collapsing buildings…but I’m more ready than ever to stop the one responsible” Yugo had a twinge of disgust seeing this chaos and damage to this mining town his veins pulsating with vigor and intensity as nature energy is seeping into him visible by the faint black tattoo like markings on his skin. The intensity was minimal, barely an echo or a shadow of the usual emotions Yugo had been practicing to keep under control. Gamu crafting a clone out of gum caught his eye, an impressive technique. Sensei Indira’s arrival follows soon after as Yugo turns his full attention to his Sensei listening intently to his commands.

"Once Gamu's clone verifies our target, our priority shifts to ensuring the miners' safety. We'll strike forcefully but aim to minimize collateral damage,"

Yugo was still calm but there was an eagerness to take action “Yes Sensei but I’m following behind the clone, if the one responsible sees Gamu’s clone we won’t have much time to respond…I will keep some distance back but close enough I can assault the enemy if the clone is spotted” Yugo was acting based on an assessment of his skill-sets for emergency medical triage and for brutal close quarters combat knowing he would be most useful in a vanguard role not far behind the clone scout. Yugo launching himself to follow the path of the Gum Clone remaining a moment behind in speed vigilantly watching for the first sign of threat to unleash a brutal assault upon unwilling to let any unnecessary casualties occur if anything can be done to prevent it.

Location: Mining District, Gold Distrtict
Posting Order: Gamu -> Story -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll






With the collapse of the building halted and his Gum Clone brought to life, Gamu would find Yugo replying to his previous comment with an answer he kind of had no rebuttal too. It was clear that Yugo while putting himself in danger did what he did to assist the innocent people of the Gold District. "Ok, just as long as you keep what I said in mind dude," said Gamu quickly before the words of his sensei pulled his attention causing Gamu to spin around to face him. As he did he was greeted with a quick instruction of not to expend to much chakra as he didn't know what the group was in for once inside the mine.

"No worries Sensei, I'll make sure to conserve my chakra. Last thing I need is to be running on empty when the enemy comes running," said Gamu in reply to his sensei before swinging back around to face Yugo to let him in on the situation with his clone. "We really don't need to worry about my clone if it gets seen and they start attacking it'll just take the hits and roll with it and then we'll know what we're dealing with," said Gamu moments before following his clone in quickly but quietly while keeping with the team.

Location: Mining District, Gold Distrtict
Posting Order: Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


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Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.


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As the mission unfolded, Indira couldn't help but appreciate the seamless communication and coordination between Yugo and Gamu. His smirk was a mix of pride and anticipation, aware of the potential dangers lurking within the mine. He trusted his instincts, which cautioned him against the rashness that could activate traps, endangering not only their mission but the lives of his team and the miners they aimed to protect.

To minimize the risk, Indira summoned wind currents strong enough to lift and propel his students and himself through the air. Here they would maintain a strategic position—hovering about twenty feet behind Gamu's bubble gum clone, a cautious yet effective distance that allowed them quick intervention without triggering ground-based traps had there been any.

"Gamu, we're following your lead. Let us know when to proceed," Indira communicated, his voice firm yet imbued with respect. He viewed his students not merely as subordinates but as vital allies, entrusting them with significant responsibilities and honoring their capabilities. This mission was more than a test of their skills; it was an affirmation of his trust and respect for their growing abilities.

Location: Mining District, Gold Distrtict
Posting Order: Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo -> Story
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Yugo Gifted Art Edited.png


Indira's presence radiating an aura of respect yet assertive command was a wake-up call for Yugo making the young Jugo clan Genin realize he was allowing his senses to be muddied by his own enamored eagerness to experience using his bloodline with a clear mind. Yugo was eager to prove himself especially with the minimized fear of running wild a realization dawning on the young man as he smiles placing his left hand on his own chest using his medical knowledge rhythmically making small thumps to set a calmer pace for his own heartbeat. A mostly psychosomatic habit as the Jugo Bloodline markings grow fainter and recede until he stands only specks of nature energy once more stirring inside him. Once again Yugo was greatly at peace his muscles de-tensing and his mind shifting to observation. The swift wind current of his sensei's technique briefly catches him off guard but not unpleasantly so as Yugo lets the flow carry him with his teammate to the ideal vantage point.

The calm before the storm prompted a brief moment of insight in the young Genin his sensei and his new teammate were more than he ever had hoped for reliable enough that Yugo was realizing he could function as more than just an attack dog for them. Yugo still knows he has much to prove both to himself and his team and he resolves internally that he will learn from every act today and will not let himself fall short in anything his team needs him to be. He nods concurring with his sensei's words to Gamu flexing his hand in excitement and solidarity as he looks at his teammate "Yea sensei's right Gamu, you set the path and then we can follow your route as Vanguard and crush whoever is responsible with Kumogakure precision". Yugo crouches watching and listening intently turning his full attention to acting the moment he is called upon to either save the miners or crush those responsible.

Location: Mining District, Gold Distrtict
Posting Order: Yugo -> Story ->Gamu -> Indira
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll