Gold District


Yuichiro tilts her head to the side watching this woman pull up a chair in front of the cage and look at the Kazekage like an experiment ready to be cut open, despite this, Yuichiro simply relaxed and turns around fully to look at her, to get a closer look at the woman who seems so excited to create things reminded the Kazekaze of herself at a younger age, capturing victims to experiment on and return them different, twisted under the influence of her powers that deemed it unorthodox. As the woman began speaking, Yuichiro absorbed every word this time, describing how this woman found her on the brink of death, more like a comatose state due to her unique condition, hearing the woman say this made the Kazekage laugh softly and nods to the woman as a way to convey a thank you. Once the woman explained her intention about creating a special being, this made the woman grunted at this idea, creating something that is special is different is impossible since humanity has reached new heights with chakra, even when they discovered each clan is related to the ancient and alien precursors, the Ōtsutsuki, this would make humanity desire to evolve and transcend beings that influence the very fabric of reality instead of pushing themselves to become stronger from their conquest.
To first say, I appreciate your help with bringing me here but really, I didn't need any save, I was merely out cold for a while, a bit rusty after years of our world being at peace.​

She admits, surely Daidōuji would scorn her for being rusty in the face of danger but from what she had done, that didn't weaken her ability to control her power its just her body has long been use to this peaceful era but since the sudden appearance of these shadow beings, this awoken the inner warrior inside Yuichiro. Hearing the woman snap her finger and the little critter called neck bug react and take the sword then leave out of the room before she continued on, speaking of her destroying the village with her Typhoon Style when really, she only used it to take flight and proceed to form a scorch orb, ready to nuke the enemy and herself inside the barrier. Hearing the woman explain how her own people would want her dead when really, she saved a good mass of civilians from certain demise would be hilarious to the Kazekage even when suggested that she should go where family is when in reality, the witch lost her family long ago and has a new family now and she is there Queen. Hearing this woman say she will keep tabs with the scientist is absurd and ridiculous demand even a suggesting a safety precaution cause she believes her chakra is too high to be kept rampant and unstable when the witch is fully aware of her powers even mentioning a seal being placed on her arm which allow the woman to summon or appear in Yuichiro's location​
You'll have to listen to the original person, those who isn't are fools who change the story. As for that, I'm afraid I'll have to decline, not cause I can but because it's against my will as a witch, What I can offer is a supply of available individuals with KKG, if you are interested in listening.​


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Tessa remains patient while listening to exactly what the woman had to say, she wasn;t sure if to much blood was drained from the Kazekage or if she was simply in denial of everything that's happened up to this point. After the first comment, she laughed right in the face of Kazekage. Tessa's laughter echoed through the dimly lit laboratory as she listened to the Kazekage's words. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she gazed at the woman, who been clearly lying to herself about the entire situation.
Tessa: Oh you were definitely out cold, and you would have been dead if I wasn't nice enough to bring you here.​

Though, as the conversation between the two continued, she focused her attention on a particular thing that was said regarding more Kekkei Genkai, her curiosity piqued by those cryptic words. As she absorbed the message, her brow furrowed in thought. It was an enigmatic offer from the woman and Tessa considered the words carefully, and then her scientific curiosity got the better of her.
Tessa: Available individuals with Kekkei Genkai? That could be a potential goldmine for me, however; You have noone outside of whoever survived in your village. So you're offering your own people to me? I have to say, for a leader of an entire district you're truly an interesting specimen.​

With her work, Kekkei Genkai was something she definitely needed in order to further expand her creations. The idea of learning and experimenting on individuals with unique bloodline abilities was something she couldn't ignore, but the mention of declining "against my will as a witch" left Tessa with more questions than answers and her need for knowledge compelled her to explore this further. She hesitated for a moment, as her fingers tapped on her chin.
Tessa: Im intrigued. Tell me more about these individuals, but since you're also a witch. I still won't be letting you leave here with the ability to use anything that can potentially damage or destroy my land. Either way, nothing will be done until this conversation is over. First tell me about these people from your village.​

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Tessa took a short moment to rethink her decision regarding the well being of the woman she captured, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She had originally planned on letting Yuichiro go if she agreed to wear a sealing necklace that prevented her from using her abilities within the gold district as a safety precaution, but with the denial of her request, selling out her own people, on top of providing her information about being a witch; Tessa began to have doubts about whether or not keeping the woman sane or alive was the right thing to do as she was a danger to even her own people. If the woman was actually a witch then letting her go at all will prove to be a mistake, as she could possibly eliminate the things she would have in play and return for revenge. Added with the fact if she would sell out her own people, she'd do anything to keep herself safe or get her way which were signs of someone unfit to trust. As Tessa stared at Yuichiro, locked securely inside of the cage; She eventually came to a final decision. With that, she pressed 2 more buttons on the cage she was in that triggered the arms before to grab onto 4 different vials of a mysterious red substance as they were immediately injected into weak woman. This substance randomly took away the ability to use Kekkei Genkai permanently, however, since the woman possessed 2 only one was eliminated; The KKG being taken away for good was the woman's typhoon release. This was a random selection and Tessa herself will have had no knowledge of which one was eliminated.
Tessa: Actually on second thought. You're not worthy of trust, you brought despair to those who trusted you and I will not risk the wellbeing of my people.​

With that, Tessa stood up and made her way over to one of her many tables in her lab, surrounded by beakers and test tubes. In front of her was a large mixing bowl, into which she was carefully pouring a series of DNA samples from a variety of different creatures, from mammals to reptiles along with other mysterious liquids. As she worked, Tessa hummed a cheerful but ominous tune, her eyes alight with excitement. This was her passion, her life's work - to create a serum that could change the very existence of someone into something completely different. Her fingers moved deftly as she added more ingredients to the bowl - extracts from rare plants, powders ground from the bones of strange creatures. The mixture bubbled and frothed, emitting a dim glow that illuminated the room. The president paused to admire her handiwork as a smile spread across her face. This was going to be an interesting endeavor, and she could feel it in her bones. With the KKG of the prisoner gone, and barely having enough chakra to even move in the slightest; Tessa walked over to open the cage the woman was in and strapped her to a table near the table she was mixing a serum on after carrying her out the cage. After doing so, she cut open the stomach of the woman while she was still alive before finally pouring the strange substance directly into the open stomach wound then stepped back a bit and watching to see what happens.
Tessa: Alright, let's see what happens.​


The serum began bubbling and mixing with the blood of the woman and flowing through her bloodstream, the substance was also very hot so the burning sensation was almost as if boiling water had been poured into the woman. Watching on with a feeling of fascination as the transformation began. The once human kazekage scratched and screamed, as her entire body began their body contorting beyond recognition into a grotesque, mutated creature. The bones in her hands extended and changed into long, spindly claws, covered in razor-sharp barbs. The teeth on the woman were being pushed out as new ones were growing in their place like that of a shark, meanwhile her tongue grew longer and shot from her mouth like a tentacle as she screamed in pain. The feeling of her bottom jaw splitting in half to form a mandible like jaw only further added to the intense pain. Yuichiro will have let out a blood-curdling scream as she felt her mind being torn apart by some dark, malevolent force. She could feel her own consciousness being consumed by something that had been transferred into her very being by the serum poured into her body. Tessa looked on in amazement as she watched the transformation occur. The skin on her body began turning bubbly and scaley from all the random liquids and dna mixed into the serum, the wound in her stomach also gained a mouth-like appearance as well. Parts of her body that had hair mutated into feathers and fur, but most of her skin appeared reptilian and bubbly. As the transformation came closer to its end, Tessa smiled and laughed at the very beast that was being created before her eyes as she spoke and began forging a letter on the ripped clothing of the Kazekage.
Tessa: Let's see how much you enjoy your new look... Kazekage. You'll make a good addition to the black market.​
The Letter: Dear Sunagakure, your precious Kazekage has been.... changed for the better. She was willing to sell you all out as experiments just to avoid helping out with work. She was in no danger until she gave you all up, as such, she has been taken care of. Sincerely, your savior.​

After forging the letter, Tessa called forth one of the many birds who were common in every district and avoided giving away any clues of her whereabouts for the time being, and had the bird fly off to the sand district to deliver the message.
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After a long journey that took up to six hours, Mugen Uchiha who concealed his face with his mask has arrived at the Gold District, his steps drawing him closer and closer to the Gold Districts village where he'd cross the invisible border that would alert the villages head of his appearance. Stepping closer and closer towards the designated presidential building or Kage office, it was here that Mugen stopped, looking up from beyond his mask to the building where he seemed cautious of what could occur, needing to remain prepared for whatever was to happen, even if this was just for a bounty. Collecting himself, his arm extended out allowing him to open the door as the Uchiha stepped in to finally bring this bounty to an end... What would occur in this transaction is still unknown, let alone who this president is...


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Within the opulent presidential office, a spacious room which exuded a sense of power, adorned with exquisite golden accents, lavish furnishings, and expensive windows that offered a sweeping view of the gorgeous housings and shops below. The walls were adorned with artwork that told the story of the Gold District's prosperity and opulence. The husband of the Presidential figure, Tessa, sat down in a fancy chair which was seated behind a massive, ornate desk that was practically a piece of art in itself. The surface was neatly organized and stacked with scrolls, ledgers, and parchments which contained the intricate details of the market's inventory, though they were inside designed with intricate seals which only allowed those who knew of the seals chant were able to actually view. With a sigh of resignation, this man dipped his brush into a pot of ink and began the laborious task of cataloging the district's assets. The soft scratching of the brush on parchment was the only sound in the room, filling the air with a rhythmic and almost soothing cadence. As the man wrote, his mind drifted to his wife, the gorgeous Gold District president. She was a woman of grace and authority, a true leader who had built the district's prosperity with unwavering dedication. He admired her deeply, though he often found himself immersed in the more mundane aspects of their shared responsibilities. As he continued the tedious work, he glanced at the window and watched the sun's rays dance upon the gleaming rooftops of the Gold District. He couldn't help but wonder what exciting developments were taking place in the city beyond the office.

Meanwhile, in the downstairs lobby of the presidential building, Elite Guards stood watch 2 were placed directly outside of the building while there were 8 more inside. As such, once Mugen was allowed inside, he will have been greeted by these very guards, each stood tall and proud, their fancy attire adorned with the district's emblem which signified their allegiance and duty to protect the heart of Pedal City. With a nod of recognition, Mugen was allowed passage through the building, and the guards led him through a series of majestic corridors, their marbled floors reflecting the intricate hues of the walls. The air was scented with the fragrant blooms of the district's private gardens, a testament to the beauty that coexisted with its wealth and power. The grand staircase that led to the presidential room was a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Its steps were carved from the finest marble, adorned with elaborate handrails gilded in gold. As the group reached staircase, the Shinobi guards maintained their positions.
Guard: Your destination will be at the top of the staircase.​

At the top of the staircase, a massive set of double doors, adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, stood before him. 2 more guards who were at the top flanked the doors, opening them with a synchronized and controlled motion. The room beyond was a sanctuary of power, resplendent in its design.
Mysterious Man: Welcome to Petal City warrior. I'm sure your visit must be an important one, so I ask. What has brought you here?​

His voice was sharp and stern, while his actualy signature remained shrouded in mystery as he kept it quite unreadable; The vibes he gave off with his mere glance and sharp tone wreaked of strength and power. At first glance, he appeared to be wearing a simple black and white Kimono, but upon further inspection one could tell there was a more fancy styled attire beneath it by the simple design of the top sporting a purple and gold coloration. However, the two things that stood out was the strange red birthmarks surrounding his left eye and the half mask he wore on the right side of his face which resembled a white skull with 3 eyes and a row of razor sharp teeth stopping at the top portion of the jaw. This mask also gave this man a strange but sinister 2-toned like voice as he spoke.







Mugen carrying himself with such a goof manner, made his way past the guards and towards the upper floor where he'd come into contact with a man adorning a half mask with three eyes. This man who spoke to mugen seemed to radiate such a pressure of chakra that Mugens Sharingan could witness. Like a veil of flaming heat or a Nova ready to incinerate everything. Mugen though stood stoically, his mask which was offputting to this mysterious man, as the Uchiha spoke in such a goofy manner,​
"Hiya! My name is Toshimaru; I'm here to turn in a bounty that was posted from the Kusakage, it said to bring the sambles here?! So you must be the big head honcho, jeez la weez you must be strong, with that creepy mask! But here ya go, here is the Live sample from the Weirdo Clans that tried to kill the grass guy."
Having said this, Mugen slowly pulled out the vial containing the sentient cellular creature of the Shimo clan, its tendrils slamming against the glass but unable to break it as Mugen stood with his head tilted,​
"I tell you, they were reallly strong. If not for my super powerful ultimate ninja jutsu thingy called Ninja bomb minefield explosion murder, I would have died. So the bounty says I'd get paid? Hopefully its alot to buy more dangos! And maybe some type of riddle?"
Having said this as Mugen took forth a goofy pose trying to seem cool and powerful, his Sharingan observed from beyond his mask, keeping a cautious eye on this mysterious individual. Mugen didn't know if this man was hostile or not. Nonetheless his Persona of Toshimaru was necessary to draw off any suspicions from himself along with keeping the memory of his brother alive...


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During the important meeting and finally hearing the name of the person who had visited their village along with his reasoning, this half masked man seemed impressed with the information that had been given to him. A clan that was capable to nearly killing his brother was definitely a formidable one; And considering this new masked man took them all out by himself said quite alot about his strength if this was the truth. As the gold district 'leader' was getting ready to make his response to the man; He was briefly interrupted by a loud crashing sound coming from outside the doorways followed by 2 voices, one unfamiliar while the other was more.... familiar and annoying.
Mysterious Voice: Ow! Drop me again you little cockroach and I swear i'll put you out of your misery!​
Minion One: How you gonna do that you dumbass you need chakra for that! Hey master I have a gift for you from President Mom!​
Mysterious Voice: Yea? And what do you think is keeping me alive, what was I injected with to becomes sentient? I'm made from Chakra you little idiot!​

The little creature, with the comically large katana resting across his nubs, stood at the top of the staircase the doors were opened by the previous guards that opened it for the stranger. The katana was so unwieldy for the creature that it threatened to break its arms with its weight. With a burst of enthusiasm, Minion one decided to take off in a sprint towards the doorway, planning to go right through the doorway with the katana in tow. As he attempted to leap, the katana's weight kept the beast from jumping and instead caused it to flip over the sword and found himself unceremoniously sprawled on the floor. Undaunted, the little being tried a different approach. He attempted to run through the door this time with the Katana from his excitement the katana. However, the sword found itself getting caught on the doorframe which created a loud thud while the swords body closelined the creature and caused him to fall down backwards onto his back once more. The half masked man at this point sighed as he observed the foolishness that was unfolding before him, embarrassed by the display. Its personality began to show more as it began speaking in a tone as if it were singing with a somewhat high pitched voice.​

Tarkaji: Why.. why now.. She could have at least made this thing smarter.​
Minion One: I HAVE a GIFT FOR yoouuuu, a BLAAaaaAAddeee specially made FOR you​
Tarkaji: Neck Bug.... Shut up..​

Realizing that brute force wouldn't work, neck bug opted for a more elongated approach. He positioned himself beneath the enormous katana, thinking he could pass through the doorway uninterrupted. This plan also proved ineffective, as the katana extended well beyond the doorway's edges, as it collided with the with it once more and causing the sword to fall down once more and almost fell back down the stairs. However, neck bug rushed over to catch the blade before it fell but his nubs couldn't get a grip on it so he decided to use his teeth to bit onto the hilt, though the weight of the sword once more began pulling the creature down once more as it let out a loud yell as it descended the flight of stairs. The display from the creature while disappointing to Tarkaji proved to be funny to the guards as their chuckles can be heard during the growing frustration of the small cockroach like creature. As the yells of the thing faded, Tarkaji resumed his conversation with the man who stood before him, offering his hand out for the sample that was being shown to him.​

Tarkaji: Moving on from that, so that's the sample we asked for. Alright, i'll take the sample down to my wife once we're done here. As for you rew-​

Without even a second passing, neck bug had utilized his chakra to propel himself and the katana several steps upward. However, the uncontrollable speed of the ascent sent him careening into the office room with the katana. With his speed, Tarkaji raised a hand into the air and caught the blade that was hurdling towards him thanks to the stupid creature, while also opening up a window to allow the creature to fly straight out before closing it behind him. There was a body of water in the direction neck bug was now falling, so he'd simply be drenched in water once he landed inside of the small river. With that, once he was handed the collected sample; The man will have tossed a pouch of 75,000,000 Ryo worth of gold towards the masked shinobi.
Tarkaji: Here is your rewards, and here is a clue for you as you leave as promised for our bounty. - Where the ocean tides are influenced, and the people worshipped a celestial body.​





Hearing the noise of voices, Mugens eyes slowly divert to the door where it would open to reveal no person; rather by looking down, Mugen was able to bare witness to a strange creature speaking to a sword which seemed to communicate back. Watching all that was about to occur before the man caught the blade just as Mugen had handed him the vial of strange sentient cells. Taking his Prize money, Mugen from behind the mask kept a straight face, the money was a plus, but this riddle seemed to hold some more precious information. A prize worthy of the task he had taken; though the riddle seemed confusing at first, and would need further investigation later down the line, but with his prize at hand, the Masked Uchiha proceeded to bow before starting to take his leave. One thing was certain, this District held many secrets; and one day Mugen will feel the need to uncover it, but that would have to wait, he needed to return to the Leaf before anyone would notice his disappearance; but stopping at the door, Mugen spoke with a goofy tone,​
"You know, you look alot like that Grass leader guy. Seen him a couple times on the Telly; If anymore bounties arise, feel free to call upon someone as awesome and spectacular as me! Till then, Tata!"
This being stated as Mugen walked out of the office, making his way down and out of the building as he'd look up towards the moon, his Sharingan glimmering before alas he thought upon himself,​
"Where the ocean tides are influenced, and the people worshipped a celestial body? To influence the Ocean's Tides it is regarding the moon... But what else could that even mean... How perplexing... No matter I need to get back..."
His body flickering from its spot, vanishing as he began his night long journey back to his home, the Leaf District, unaware to Mugen that this one bounty would only play as the first step to achieving a wealth of information one could only hope to have; information he shall present to his boss Tenbo Uchiha. But for now, he'd use the cover story of him being gone as him enjoying his day off by leaving the village to visit his brothers Grave... A necessary fib to conceal the unsanctioned mission he had taken whilst keeping his identity concealed as to not build up suspicions...

Gold District> Leaf District


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The sun began to dip low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling streets of the gold district. Tessa Koyami, the esteemed President of the district, walked briskly through the corridors that connected her laboratory to her office. Her long, flowing white robe swayed with each purposeful step. Her sharp, intelligent eyes reflected the success she had achieved in her groundbreaking attempt on live chemical mutations. As she entered her lavishly decorated office, the scent of incense filled the air, creating an atmosphere of tranquility. Tessa's husband, Tarkaji, was already waiting, looking over the vial that had the strange black creature trapped inside of it. Once he looked up, a warm smile spread across his face as he saw his wife enter the room. She returned the smile as her eyes sparked with excitement from her accomplishment.​

Tessa: Tarka, I've done it. The woman I kidnapped from the sand district has been successfully mutated without any negative effects, well aside from being an abomination anyway. My efforts to create the first living mutation to be sold into the market has been finally been complete! Imagine the prosperity things like this will bring to our people! Our land with be even more glorious and richer than we already are! It has also been tamed so one will be going to your brother as a surprise gift to further extend his inventory.​

Tessa continues walking as she sat atop the her own desk, crossing one leg over the other while leaning back with the biggest mischevious smile on her face. Tarkaji, of course was happy to hear the news of the success with something she's been attempting to do for years. It was truly a break through for her, and adding anything of the sort to their market was definitely very beneficial for the entire district.

Tarkaji: That's quite the breakthrough, Tessa! Your brilliance knows no bounds and your hard work has indeed bared incredible fruits. The entire district will thrive under your leadership.

Tarkaji's then sat back in the chair with a smile on his face as he removed his half mask and placed it on the desk. His gaze towards his wife became more serious.​

Tarkaji: Also, I have some news for you. A shinobi from a neighboring district has successfully completed the bounty mission set out for the Shimo Clan. The threat my brother has been facing was successfully eliminated, and he gave us this as proof of his accomplishment. Have fun with that, study in carefully. But I have a request, allow me to take the clone of that mutation of yours to my brother. I haven't gotten out in a while, it's time I did that. Plus i'll get to test out this weapon you gave me as well.​


As Tarkaji and Tessa discussed the implications of the successful bounty mission, they felt a weight lifted in knowing the threat towards their family had been lifted from their shoulders. However, Tessa's eyes widened in surprise as her husband asked to deliver the beast to his brother in person. Though she had no complaints about this, there was a sense of urgency as she closed up her office and left back to the lab to retrieve the beast while Tarkaji made his way towards the docs. The docks of the gold district were bathed in the soft glow of the evening, the last rays of sunlight reflecting off the rippling waters. Tarkaji stood with a commanding presence at the edge of the stone pier as he awaited the arrival of his wife. In the distance, the hum of a boat's engine grew louder which would be the ship he embarked on, shortly, Tessa called out to him as she held the fairly large mutated Kazekage by a strong chain. Its form was imposing, with features altered by Tessa's strange elixir prowess. Tarkaji took a deep breath, channeling his chakra to release a powerful wave of intent. The air around him seemed to crackle with energy as the mutant Kazekage's body tensed, and its eyes narrowing in submission.
Tarkaji: Alright, it's time for me to depart for the Grass District.​

Tessa nodded in agreement, and gave her husband a hug and a gentle kiss before backing away with a smile. As Tarkaji boarded the waiting ship, the mutant Kazekage remained secured under Tarkaji's control by his power to force it into submission and keeping it held by the chain. As the vessel set sail, leaving the gold district behind, Tarkaji's thoughts were consumed by the delicate dance of diplomacy and power that awaited his family once everything was set up. The sea breeze carried a sense of anticipation as he sailed toward his destination, and Tarkaji steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead. Meanwhile, Tessa returned to the office where she will have studied the sample of the Shimo Clan by herself.



Location (Tarkaji): Gold District --> Water Travel


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭!
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The sun was shining high up in the sky in the beautiful and serene land known as the Gold District as the people of the district hustled through the streets as they would any other day. Today was just like any other except that today was the first offical day in office for the new President, Gizoku Uzumaki. He was appointed only recently to replace the previous president Tessa Koyami who had been killed recently.

It was a joyous time for some and a sad time for others as there were those that loved Tessa and others who despised her, but all that meant nothing especially to the current president as he himself had on goal in mind. That goal was to raise the Gold District back up into the powerful nation it was in the past before the great calamity that rearranged the word as they know it today.

At this same time the individual in question, Gizoku could be found wandering through the streets casually as if he wasn’t the most important figure in the land.
“Damn it, why did this bitch have to cause so much trouble? It’s only my first day and I’m already having to try and fix international relations because those dumbasses tried to kidnap the previous Kazekage. Like seriously how much of a brain dead fool do you have to be to think kidnapping the political leader of the massive fucking nation you border. One of the five great nations at that,” Thought Gizoku as he ranted to himself in his mind as he made his way towards the Presidential Residence heading from his favorite casino. It was going to be a rough first day as in the short span between Tessa’s death and his appointment a number of issues had arisen within the district that needed to be sorted but as he had been mentally ranting about there were also grave diplomatic issues to sort out.

It wouldn’t take him long before Gizoku arrived and his destination from where he’d continue on till he found his office were his solid black ebony wood desk sat a blank scroll unraveled and sitting upon it ready to be written upon. “Well I hope the new Kazekage is forgiving for my predecessors mistakes cause I sure as hell don’t need a fucking war on my first day,” said Gizoku is his normal vulgar and threatening manner as he made his way around the desk where he would take a seat in front of the scroll before picking writing his message for the Kazekage. Upon completion he would have the message sent off with the utmost urgency towards the Sand District with the villages fastest couriers the Kyūjōshō Clan (急上昇一族, Soaring Clan).

Dear Kazekage Shishiō Shirogane,

My name is Gizoku and I am the newly appointed President of the Gold district and as one of my first actions as president i would like to extend this letter to you and your people to express my condolences for any harm my predecessor has caused and hope that in the future our nations can become prosperous allies especially with the fact we share a border.

If you ever feel the need to speak with me in person about anything please feel free to reach out as you are welcome to visit the Gold District anytime and if possible I would appreciate the opportunity to visit the Sand District as well.

Sincerely President Gizoku