Gold District


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As the train chugged into the Cloud District and swiftly transitioned toward the Gold District, Indira and his team found themselves compressing what would have been hours of travel on foot into a mere 50-minute journey by train. The convenience was palpable, but so was the tension in the air. Seated comfortably yet alert, Indira re-read the scroll detailing their mission, his eyes scanning the text before addressing his teammates, Gamu and Yugo.

"Listen, you two. We're not here to go wild and use jutsu that could cause catastrophic damage. The Gold District has only recently joined the United Shinobi Alliance, and there's still a lot we don't know about them," Indira explained, pausing to gauge their reactions. His voice carried a note of concern as he continued, "Additionally, it puzzles me why we were sent instead of The Gold District's own shinobi—assuming they even have any. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. Just keep your guards up; none of this fully makes sense to me." His tone was serious, hinting at the underlying unease about the true motivations behind their mission and what the Lady Raikage might be withholding.

The train's arrival into the Gold District marked a distinct shift in atmosphere. Stepping off, Indira was immediately struck by the stark contrasts of their surroundings. This was a place dominated by corporate elites, bankers, and the wealthy, each person seemingly driven by a singular pursuit of profit. "My family has sold weather to nations for profit, but I can tell that even here I have a long way to go before being considered wealthy," Indira remarked with a wry smile as he observed the posters championing Gizoku, the newly appointed president.

Venturing deeper into the district, the team reached Petal City, where the air was charged with discontent. A crowd had gathered around a towering, distinguished building, their chants—"Protect Working Class jobs! Protect Working Class Jobs!"—filling the air with a fervent plea against automation. A nearby citizen, caught up in the fervor, hurled stones at the building, shouting, "Stop having robots steal our jobs!"

Indira's gaze swept back to Gamu and Yugo, his expression more grave than before. "Remember what I said earlier, stay on your guard," he reiterated sternly. The crowd's unrest served as a real-time example of the tensions that were brewing beneath the district's polished surface. "We should pay the newly appointed President a visit," Indira decided, moving with purpose toward the headquarters. He navigated through the crowd with a practiced ease, reaching out to the president’s bodyguards to request an audience. As they approached the guarded entrance, the weight of their task was palpable, setting the stage for a diplomatic encounter that might unveil more than just political discourse.

Location: Gold District, Petal City
Posting Order: Indira -> Yugo -> Gamu/Gizoku
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


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There was a tempered excitement in the young man's chest, this was the farthest he had been from Kumogakure since his infancy but his sensei's words on the seriousness of this mission and the consequences echos in his head making his full attention remain upon his master. Yugo listens intently to his sensei's words surprised at first that the mission would be suspicious considering missions like this were the bedrock of the shinobi economy, but the young Genin couldn't help but see the wisdom of his sensei's musings. "That is quite strange... but sensei maybe since they are new members of the alliance they may be sending their own shinobi out on missions outside of their district to grow their national reputation? solving problems on their home front might be more expensive by hiring us...but they don't get much recognition for handling things internally and could see the 'gains' of their shinobi being on mission as worth the cost difference?". It was one of the first thoughts tumbling in Yugo's head as he knew the value of being able to prove yourself could outweigh mere money at least in his mind.

Sensei Indras serious tone though gave Yugo pause making him worried he wasn't focusing as much as he should steeling his nerves and senses to studying their surroundings. It struck the young Jugo clan member that this level of visible wealth was beyond his personal experience an ambient atmosphere of economic might and success confusingly contrasted by the gathered crowds chanting in protest. The shared sense of duty one could see in Kumogakure was very different than the lifestyle he could see here "In a land named after a symbol of wealth...why would there be people who are upset about it? shouldn't the community being this prosperously loaded with money be good?".

Yugo's contemplation is cut off by his sensei's words of warning evoking the Genin's stoic personality a stern and determined expression on his face as he remembers that these missions are important saving lives brining prestige and wealth back to Kumogakure and that any faults will reflect badly upon the cloud district a thought that echos as 'unacceptable' within the boys head. Hearing that we are on our way to meet with one of the major clients for the job Yugo nods "Yes Sensei" as he follows attentively and focused watching out as ordered for anything that might be askew.

Location: Gold District, Petal City
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gamu/Gizoku -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



As the train made its way into the land they called the Gold District it would quickly become clear how different each district was as while his home was a sky high city in the clouds this land was a beautiful sprawling city of rich architecture that made uses of the abundance of precious metals that the land was known for and magnificent fauna like the commonly seen pink cherry blossoms that give its hidden village it's name.

Upon witnessing the beauty Gamu wan't to mention the awesome view of the city and the pink trees when he heard the voice of his sensei as the powerful man addressed the two genin. As Indira spoke it snapped Gamu back to his senses as he realised that this was an official mission not a vacation and they were currently representing the Cloud District and Lady Raikage on this diplomatic mission to assist a neighbor. It was clear to see that Indira was onto something as they'd have their own shinobi so why would they be requesting help from other lands.

Following their sensei's word Yugo would then speak his peace giving his opinions on the current situation. it was obvious that thgey had differeing ideas on why this mission existed in the first place. Gamu would quietly listen to the two waiting for a chance to give his own two cents. "You could be right on that Yugo. Maybe this is a diplomatic thing, or maybe it was a decision from before this new dudes time. Remember they legit just gave the dude the job. Maybe the dude before him made the request? Who knows though ,maybe the new pres will let us in on the details," said Gamu as he walked with the two as they made their way to the President's Residence.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days

Skip Points: ll



Trouble was brewing in the beautiful city and with each passing moment the issues seemed to grow and for Gizoku the new president it was only causing him more of a headache. It was at this time as he sat at his desk within the confines of his lasciviously decorated office would he be greeted by a man in a black robe his face covered by a porcelain mask depicting the face a dog-like demon would appear from seemingly nowhere to greet the president. "My Lord I have come to inform you that the shinobi from the Cloud are here for the mission we placed during the rule of the previous president," said the robed man as he bowed to Gizoku as a sign of respect to his lord before silently waiting a response.

Gizoku wasn't at all shocked or caught off guard by the mans arrival as he was one of Gizoku's own personal guard Kyōken the man was a loyal servent willing to risk his life for Gizoku. "Thank you for letting me know Kyōken. I will await them here so please go stand outside the door so you may let them in once they arrive at the office," said Gizoku taking an uncharacteristically kind tone to the Kyōken. It was unknown if this was for some specific reason or if simply because he liked his loyal servant. Following the short interaction the robed Kyōken would would take his leave as Gizoku leaned back in his chair placing his feet upon his desk. "So the Cloud Ninja have arrived. Hopefully this can lead to some good relations between our lands. Now all thats left to do is wait for them and for the reply from the Sand. I hope that dopesn't take to long," said Gizoku quietly to himself as he relaxed patiently waiting for his guests to arrive.

All the while the messenger was on his way back, but due to the large land mass that made up the Sand District it would take a few hours for the messenger to return.


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As Indira wandered through Petal City within the Gold District, the conversations between his students caught his attention, revealing layers to their understanding that impressed him. Yugo, known for his physical prowess, demonstrated a grasp of economic dynamics affecting shinobi villages that surpassed that of an average jonin. Gamu, on the other hand, showed a sharp awareness of the local politics. Indira couldn't help but smile at their insights, half-jokingly remarking, "You're smarter than I expected, it's safe to say we've found our next Raikage candidates." Though his tone carried a hint of laughter, there was a serious undertone to his words.

Indira recognized the potential in Yugo and Gamu, seeing in them future leaders who could become some of the strongest shinobi ever if guided properly. "Yeah, I agree with you, Yugo. In this wicked world, there will always be a class system, even in a land as affluent as this," he replied, supporting Yugo's observation as they approached the presidential headquarters.

Upon reaching the lavish hallways of the headquarters, they encountered a masked shinobi adorned with a dog-like demon mask and clad in a black robe. Indira introduced himself and his purpose with formal politeness, "Greetings, I am Indira from Kumogakure. Our services were requested by the Pres..." he paused and then continued. "Ex-president Tessa, and we wanted to inquire if our services are still needed. Is President Gizoku available?" He paused, hoping to be invited further to discuss matters directly with the new president.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


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The conversation proceeding was intriguing to Yugo his mind had always been somewhat insular focusing on instinctive insight based on what he could immediately observe rather than raw information. Gamu's statement pointing out the specifics of the regions recent history did make Yugo worry if his assumption had been foolish a stinging thought in his head that was quickly alleviated by his sensei's kind words provoking a look of surprise and pleasant surprise and a slight bolster to the young Genin's confidence. "Your probably right Gamu, I suppose I'm just used to Kumogakure's strength and stability so I'd forgotten to consider how things might be different here. And thank you for your kind words, Sensei if my power becomes of such use to the village that I'd be considered for Kage someday that would be quite something...but even more I wish to be of use for Kumo's prosperity"

The conversation made the travel seem brief, but Yugo was not neglecting his sensei's orders his eyes wandering over the well paved streets and walkways of Petal City the Jugo clansmen's perception notable due to his bloodline as he subtly keeps track of movement of those near and far indirectly keeping track of the chanting crowd for any signs of strange behavior. His sensei's words about the inequality and classism strikes Yugo's attention as the boy interlocks his fingers with his arms fully outstretched behind him making sure his body was loose and limber befitting a talented taijutsu user. As they walk he listens contemplating the deeper meaning of his sensei's statements but ultimately setting it aside in his mental space to focus on the imminent arrival to the destination knowing above all else showing the professionalism of even the cloud villages genin.

At last at their destination Yugo shifts from his stretching posture to a relaxed but attentive mannerism his hands resting on his hips elbows slowly bent behind him. To uneducated eyes it would seem like just a posture taken by a kid but for the more studied in taijutsu the pose could be recognized to be a stance capable of rapid reaction as the overtly lavish nature of the inner hall of this building was putting the Jugo ill at ease so much wealth so pointlessly spent didn't make much sense to him making him check for any detail of potential hidden danger eyes casually searching for signs of hidden ninja tools among ornaments or signs of hidden compartments or doors. Yugo pose was meant to not evoke any sign of aggression but did conform to Indiras orders to be vigil wishing to seem like a miniature professional guard standing beside his sensei as he speaks with the receptionist Yugo briefly wondering exactly what type of person ruled over a city like this. The Genin however knows until addressed or unless he sees some worthy danger he should remain silent.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Following his little comment about his thoughts and ideas political climate of the Gold District which was a topic most would assume he had no mind for due to his lackadaisical way he conducts himself and his laid-back and relaxed way of speaking but in fact he is very observant and has a brain in his head as you have to be smart to survive 16 years living in the slums of the Cloud District in a rundown orphanage which is partially supported by his income as a shinobi. Right now though that wouldn't be all to important as he was listening to the replies of his sensei and teammate only moments before they arrived at the residence of the president where they were greeted by the sight of a tall opposing figure in all black wearing a mask who Indira would greet.

Gamu knew at this moment that their wasn't much for him to do other then keep an eye on their surroundings like Yugo was doing as they let adults do the talking as Indira spoke to to what Gamu assumed to be a man aboput meeting with the president of the Gold District. All the while as he kept a look out for traps or suspicious things outside of the man standing guard who was very suspicious in Gamu's eyes he couldn't help but wonder what the man that held the position equivalent to Lady Chika in this land was like.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll





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As time passed by Gizoku Uzumaki the newest and current president of the Gold District could be found sitting at his desk his feet propped up upon the desk showing off his custom-made shoes that were adorned with real gold like a lot of his clothing and accessories. The look of Gizoku didn't really give the impression of a President or a Kage at all and more so made the impression that he was more so a gambler or a loan shark which just so happen to be his former professions outside of his duty as an active shinobi a job he has since put aside due to his new position. While his sense of style didn't give off the are of someone holding such a title he wasn't someone to be underestimated especially in the world of business as he had his hand in basically every en devour in the District even before obtaining his new position.

Right now though none of that mattered as for this moment in time he was solely preoccupied in the betterment of the Gold District and its people and as such is why he chad decided not to send away the shinobi from the Cloud when they arrived and instead saw this as an opportunity to put himself on good terms with a high-ranking shinobi who may be able to pass on a message to the Raikage for him. This was his current goal as the actions of his predecessor had caused some rather serious issues within the land and outside of it but as he was thinking about this he would find the doors to his office being opened as Kyōken would silent lead the Cloud shinobi in having simply nodded at Indira before leading he and his students in.

"Welcome to paradise!" said Gizoku as he took a drag from the cigarette he was currently puffing on as he waited for his guests to enter.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


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Staff member


As Indira and his team were ushered into the office, they stepped into a space that contrasted starkly with the utilitarian setting of the Raikage’s office. This room was more akin to a presidential suite in a luxurious hotel, with opulent furnishings and an air of grandeur. Indira, feeling somewhat out of place amid the extravagance, instructed his students with a subtle gesture, "Let's not touch anything," noting that everything seemed far beyond his budget in a quiet whisper.

The man awaiting them, President Gizoku, did not don the traditional Kage attire but instead looked more like a businessman, perhaps a loan shark or a thug with his sharp suit and calculating gaze. Before Indira addressed the President, he offered a respectful bow, lightly patting Yugo and Gamu to encourage them to do the same. Clearing his throat to dispel any premature judgments about Gizoku’s unorthodox appearance, Indira began formally, masking his reservations with diplomatic polish.

"Paradise, that’s funny," he commented lightly, then quickly added, "Excuse my manners. It’s an honor to meet you, President Gizoku. My name is Indira, and these are my students, Yugo and Gamu. We were summoned at the behest of the former President, Tessa." He paused as the chants from rioting crowds outside momentarily filled the room, their voices echoing the urgency of the situation. "We understand there’s an issue with robot miners going rogue on a recent expedition."

Indira then continued, his tone carrying a slight edge, "We wouldn’t want to interfere in your District’s internal affairs unnecessarily. If you could direct us to the affected area, we’ll handle the situation and be out of your way." His words, while polite, carried an undercurrent of critique, shading Gizoku for his apparent delay in addressing the crisis. Despite his personal feelings, Indira maintained a professional demeanor, intent on keeping his team and Kumogakure out of foreign political entanglements.


Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



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Yugo's attention was still sharply searching over every detail of the overly ornated room they found themselves in a brief thought of how distracting so much wealth would be. A brief thought that there must be some more nefarious intent for such making the Jugo Genin glance at every painting frame and wall ornament for possible secondary uses intent to make sure no matter how unlikely he won't let his comrades be caught off guard if something could be done to prevent it. The whisper from his sensei briefly heightens Yugo's attention making him think Indira had noticed something suspicious but the calm words of caution around so much wealth makes the young shinobi blink briefly before solemnly nodding intent to not speak unless spoken to directly or something being askew.

Yugo's stance lightens as he moves to stand more at attention wishing to keep an air of professionalism intent to make a good impression on his first mission beyond Kumogakure. In this more directed straight laced stance Yugo let his attention move over the important man we had come to meet, the Genin's face was a mask of firm emotional control hiding any expression except for the obvious nature of seeming to analyze pertinent details about this admittedly unusual appearance of this man. His stoic composure responding near instantly to his sensei's gentle pat providing a respectful bow though perhaps overly rigid stance but otherwise would have taken the que from Indira an almost perfect miniature mirror of the sensei's exact bow. Rising from the bow Yugo keep the mask of stoic resolve on his face motioning his head to corollate with his sensei directly introducing him and Gamu.

Yugo's nature was slowly gnawing at him this mission had him eager to face whatever challenge might have to offer but he was keeping his nature on a leash. A method of refocusing himself Yugo would imperceptibly flesh different muscle groups tending and relaxing them in a wave across his body all without noticeably moving any of his limbs. It would suffice for now just another method developed to control the bloodline nature within him. Regardless Yugo was eager for this business among overly fancy office talk to be over but would keep those feeling restrained as he stoically watches and listens while the meeting proceeds.


Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll