As the train chugged into the Cloud District and swiftly transitioned toward the Gold District, Indira and his team found themselves compressing what would have been hours of travel on foot into a mere 50-minute journey by train. The convenience was palpable, but so was the tension in the air. Seated comfortably yet alert, Indira re-read the scroll detailing their mission, his eyes scanning the text before addressing his teammates, Gamu and Yugo.
"Listen, you two. We're not here to go wild and use jutsu that could cause catastrophic damage. The Gold District has only recently joined the United Shinobi Alliance, and there's still a lot we don't know about them," Indira explained, pausing to gauge their reactions. His voice carried a note of concern as he continued, "Additionally, it puzzles me why we were sent instead of The Gold District's own shinobi—assuming they even have any. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. Just keep your guards up; none of this fully makes sense to me." His tone was serious, hinting at the underlying unease about the true motivations behind their mission and what the Lady Raikage might be withholding.
The train's arrival into the Gold District marked a distinct shift in atmosphere. Stepping off, Indira was immediately struck by the stark contrasts of their surroundings. This was a place dominated by corporate elites, bankers, and the wealthy, each person seemingly driven by a singular pursuit of profit. "My family has sold weather to nations for profit, but I can tell that even here I have a long way to go before being considered wealthy," Indira remarked with a wry smile as he observed the posters championing Gizoku, the newly appointed president.

Venturing deeper into the district, the team reached Petal City, where the air was charged with discontent. A crowd had gathered around a towering, distinguished building, their chants—"Protect Working Class jobs! Protect Working Class Jobs!"—filling the air with a fervent plea against automation. A nearby citizen, caught up in the fervor, hurled stones at the building, shouting, "Stop having robots steal our jobs!"
Indira's gaze swept back to Gamu and Yugo, his expression more grave than before. "Remember what I said earlier, stay on your guard," he reiterated sternly. The crowd's unrest served as a real-time example of the tensions that were brewing beneath the district's polished surface. "We should pay the newly appointed President a visit," Indira decided, moving with purpose toward the headquarters. He navigated through the crowd with a practiced ease, reaching out to the president’s bodyguards to request an audience. As they approached the guarded entrance, the weight of their task was palpable, setting the stage for a diplomatic encounter that might unveil more than just political discourse.

Location: Gold District, Petal City
Posting Order: Indira -> Yugo -> Gamu/Gizoku
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll