Gold District





As the doors that the large cloaked individual was guarding began to open Gamu's jaw would drop as he saw the overabundance of decadence that this President Gizoku has in his mere office alone. Gamu's eyes were wide in wonder as even the great Lady Chika's office was nothing like this and the orphanage he grew up in was unbelievably pathetic by comparison to this office. As Gamu continued to look he remembered what his sensei had told him and quickly he picked his jaw up off the ground and bowed to greet the President of the Gold District, but all the while he couldn't help but think of the looks on the faces of the kids back at the orphanage if he could even manage to afford 1/10th of the amazing decor this room had for the place that cared for them. For Gamu that was his main goal in life to raise enough money to fix up trhe orphanage and provide better lives for the other kids, but right now he had a job to to do. Knowing full well he was a mere genin he knew he shouldn't speak and instead stand there waiting while his more experienced sensei did all the talking.

Location: President's Office, Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll
Last edited:



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As his guest made their way into his office following his little greeting Gizoku still smiling would wait for them to speak and introduce themselves, as while the older man who was clearly the leader of the group was rather well-known in the shinobi world the two boys weren't. The man before him was Indira a famous shinobi of the Cloud District known by the moniker of The Atmospheric Demon for his control over the weather itself. Though as he heard the names of the two boys he didn't recalled anything he knew about them so, he thought it would be interesting to see what these youngsters were capable of.

"It's good to finally meet you Indira. I've heard about the exploits of the famed The Atmospheric Demon all the way here and to you boys thanks for lending us a hand. If I'm being honest with you though if I had it my way I'd have never put out the mission as we should be able to handle our own affairs, but as the contract was put out before my ascension I will not renege on the promise my not so reliable predecessor made. I want to make it clear though I have nothing against you but as you probably know it's not a good look to have to ask for help from another nation, but at least this can hopefully be a step in the right direction when it comes to future relations between our nations. So to finish off my rambling I'd be glad to have you and your team handle this slight issue of ours," said Gizoku trying his best to convey the point that while he wouldn't have set the job do to the obvious implications of calling in others to handle your problems entails all the while doing his best to make them feel welcome.

Location: President's Office, Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


Owner and Founder
Staff member


Indira was satisfied to see his team mirroring his respectful demeanor, appreciating the gravity of politics and proper conduct. He briefly wondered how much there was left to teach them, realizing that much of their learning would stem from firsthand experience. Noting with a touch of pride that his reputation had reached even a smaller nation like the Gold District, Indira smiled warmly at President Gizoku. After listening to Gizoku speak, Indira responded with a light-hearted remark, "My weather services are available separately from our mission, should you ever need them," followed by a chuckle to lighten the mood. Sensing it was time to get moving and harboring suspicions about a possible military presence in the Gold District, Indira said, "Well, it's best if we begin. Thank you, President Gizoku." He bowed once more and then used the Body Flicker Technique to swiftly exit the office, expecting his students to keep pace. He planned to discuss matters privately as they made their way to the mission's location.

Location: [Leaving President Office] --> [Gold District's Mining Extraction]
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo -> Story
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​





Gorosei Yakushi stood on the precipice of his long-awaited revenge, the flickering glow of his underground hideout casting eerie shadows across his face. His eyes were sharp, gleaming with a twisted satisfaction as he watched the series of old-style box screen display monitors; displaying the chaos he had unleashed in the Gold District. The Mining puppets, once simple tools for extracting precious minerals from deep within the earth, had become his instruments of vengeance, their once benign programming overwritten by his malicious genius.

For years, the Gold District had prospered, its wealth flowing freely, but for all its luxury, it had turned its back on him. The denial of his loan request was not merely a financial setback; it was a personal affront, a rejection of his intellect, and a dismissal of his potential. They had chosen to ignore his brilliance, and now they would pay dearly for their shortsightedness.

With a subtle hand movement, Gorosei adjusted the chakra seal tags, his deft fingers manipulating the intricate symbols with ease. Each tag was a masterpiece of sealing techniques, originally designed to harness the raw energy of the Mining puppets. But Gorosei had repurposed them, injecting his chakra into them, and Gorosei was able to take control. Now, these Mining Puppets were driven by a singular purpose: destruction.

As the chakra-infused commands surged through the puppets, their once steady movements became erratic, jerking and twitching with a terrifying unpredictability. The miners, who had worked alongside these puppets for years, were caught off guard. What had begun as a routine day in the depths of the earth quickly spiraled into a nightmare. The puppets, their eyes glowing with a sinister lamp-like glow, turned on the very people they were meant to assist. Their tools, designed for mining and excavation, became weapons of slaughter, hacking and slashing at anything within reach.

Gorosei could almost hear the screams echoing through the caverns, the panic spreading like wildfire as the miners scrambled to escape the unbiased onslaught. He imagined the metallic clangs of pickaxes meeting stone, now accompanied by the sickening sound of flesh being torn apart. The earth itself seemed to shudder under the weight of the carnage, the stability of the tunnels compromised as the frenzied puppets tore through support beams and caused cave-ins. The once mighty tunnels of the Gold District began to collapse, crushing the trapped miners beneath tons of rubble.

Yet, it wasn't just the immediate destruction that brought a twisted smile to Gorosei's lips. He had calculated every variable, every possible outcome, and ensured that the chaos would only escalate. The subterranean passages, riddled with veins of underground rivers, began to flood. Water, once a lifeline for the miners, now turned against them, filling the tunnels with alarming speed. The puppets, unbothered by the rising water, continued their rampage, their madness unchecked as they slashed through the panicked miners, driving them further into the rapidly flooding depths.

Gorosei's mind, always calculating, envisioned the scene in vivid detail: miners, their cries for help drowned out by the relentless roar of the flooding waters, clinging to whatever they could find in a desperate bid for survival. Some would be swept away, their bodies lost to the depths, while others would meet a far more gruesome fate at the hands of the crazed puppets.

All the while, Gorosei watched, detached and emotionless, his heart hardened by years of rejection and bitterness. This was his retribution, a statement to the Gold District, and beyond that his genius could not be ignored. They had denied him, and underestimated him, and now they would face the consequences of their arrogance.


But even in his moment of triumph, Gorosei knew that this was only the beginning. The crisis in the Gold District would not go unnoticed, and soon, a response team would be dispatched to deal with the situation. He anticipated it, welcomed it even. Let them come, he thought with a cruel smirk. He had planned for this too, his mind already racing with contingencies and traps. The four-person squad they would send would walk into his web, and they would learn, as the miners had, that to cross Gorosei Yakushi was to invite ruin.


Location: Stone District southern gate; Kaiju
Posting Order: Story ->
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
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Yugo New Base.png


It seemed the formal business was sorted and done with a prospect that was alleviating to Yugo there was not much he could add to a talk of politics or the price of a mission but the chance to at last direct his training to a difficult task was far more appealing. His sensei's turn and departure is echoed by the Young Jugo clan Genin giving a respectful bow of his head before Following in Indira's footsteps a pulse of Chakra surging through him as he tries to follow the Body Flicker Technique. The blitz of motion from a confined space required focused attention especially to not disturb any of the ornate furnishings the tempo set back Yugo slightly from his sensei's masterful pacing, but he would try to narrow the gap in distance as he followed Indira into the city streets struggling to draw close enough to converse.

"Sensei, I take it were heading to the root of the problem...but do we know exactly where that is? More importantly do you have specific orders when we arrive or shall we let loose on anything suspicious or visibly dangerous?"

Yugo could feel the monstrous intent in his blood trying to rise to the surface the questions were as much about efficiency as they were about trying to distract himself any task he could focus on would divert his mind away from the primal urge to let loose. It was as if his body could instinctively taste the looming conflict a chemical and mental feedback loop of violent urges an unfortunate aspect Yugo had pushed back in large part by focusing to not rage within Kumogakure a fact he couldn't use as definitively now that they were nearing a location with looming threats to crush. It was like a throbbing migraine but one Yugo would fight back with all his might until Indira gave the direct order knowing the chance to use his taijutsu skills would alleviate the pain like caffeine does to a headache but all of it could be relieved soon Yugo could feel the travel would not take too long at this Body Flickering Pace.


Location: [Leaving President Office] --> [Gold District's Mining Extraction]
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo -> Story
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




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Gizoku was impressed by what he had seen, it had seemed to him that the cloud hadn't skimped on the quality of shinobi they sent to help. It would be made all that much better when Indira spoke up and lightheartedly remarked that if they ever needed his weather services that they are available separately, Gizoku would grin as he knew that these services would be very useful in the future, but for now he needed this issue with these mining puppets stopped as his people were being injured.

"No thank you for coming to help. This is much appreciated as I was rather against these autonomous puppets, as why would we want to strip our citizens of work. Before you go I hope you can solve this quickly and if you find the source of this problem please bring the ones responsible to me. Now good luck out there," said Gizoku as he gave them one last instructs while wishing them luck as he dropped back into his seat as the cloud shinobi disappeared off to complete their mission.

With the cloud shginobi gone the smile would fall from the fact of president Gizoku as the mad doctor would surface. "Whoever the fucking bastard is there gonna regret fucking with my people," said Gizoku as he let out an aura of sickening hate and maliciousness as his facade of politeness fell away as he thought about all the disturbing, trauma inducing experiments he planned to put those responsible through.

Location: President's Office, Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




Gamu stood there trying his very best to maintain a proper position as he let Indira talk to President Gizoku. As he listened to them speak Gamu could feel a sense of pride in himself and Yugo for how they had done previously against Indira after hearing the words of Gizoku who spoke so highly of their sensei, though this wouldn't continue for all that much longer as Indira began to say his goodbyes before beginning to take his leave of the office and the president as he intended for them to quickly get stuck into their mission.

So with a polite bow to the man who led this land that was hiring them Gamu would turn on his heels and dart off following his mentor and teammate giving Gizoku a quick wave good by as he used the Body Flicker Technioque to try to match Indira's speed as they made their way towards their destination. "Yo sensei, I'm with Yugo on this one we didn't really get any info about this from the pres so again. how do we know where to go?" asked Gamu with a confused expression wondering what his sensei could be planning.

Location: President's Office, Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu/Gizoku -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


Owner and Founder
Staff member


As Indira navigated the bustling streets with swift movements, he soon adjusted his speed to run alongside his students, Yugo and Gamu. Sensing the rising tension and raw emotion emanating from Yugo, Indira's eyes shifted to a vivid red, activating his Kanjōgan—a unique dojutsu that allowed him to perceive and absorb the emotions of others. The world around him became awash with colors representing various feelings: purple for fear, red for anger, blue for sadness, and yellow for joy.

Indira's Kanjōgan activated in response, his eyes shimmering into a deep crimson as he engaged the unique dojutsu's power. This ability allowed him to not only see but absorb the emotional auras of others.

The moment both Indira and Yugo's eyes locked, Yugo would feel an abrupt drain on his emotions; the anger he harbored was being siphoned away, leaving a chilling void in its wake. This sudden shift would most likely cause him to halt, the visceral intensity of his own previous rage echoed within him, now displaced. Indira, bearing the brunt of Yugo's anger, struggled under its weight. It was as if malicious voices had invaded his mind, clamoring for escape and driving him to his knees. The turmoil within was so potent it seemed to manifest externally, with the sky above mirroring his inner chaos through violent streaks of lightning. The battle within raged for minutes that felt like hours, each second a testament to Indira's mental fortitude. Gradually, the storm of anger began to wane, and with a profound effort, Indira regained control. The red in his eyes faded, returning to their usual hue as he steadied himself on the ground, his breathing heavy, his body and spirit weary as if he had been in a physical battle with a formidable foe. Slowly rising to his feet, Indira approached Yugo, placing a reassuring hand on his student's head. His touch was gentle, a stark contrast to the tempest that had just passed. The gesture was both comforting and grounding, a silent promise of stability in the face of overwhelming emotions. Gasping for breath, he advised, "Calm down and stay level-headed, Yugo. If you lose your cool, we're all in jeopardy." The experience left him pondering the depths of darkness Yugo harbored and the potential dangers it posed.

Regaining his composure, Indira addressed his team, "Gamu will take the lead for now. Your bubble-gum style could be used to collect more intel before making any moves—it would be reckless to proceed blindly." He then turned to his students, seeking any additional skills they might contribute to aid Gamu’s reconnaissance efforts. "Do you have any jutsu that could assist, Gamu?" Indira asked to Gamu, eager to hear his suggestion and prepare them for the task ahead.


Location: 10 miles from Golding Mine
Posting Order:
Indira -> Yugo -> Gamu -> Story
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Yugo Own style.png


The young genin's mind was abuzz the desire for conflict the inherent urge to let loose, all consequences of Yugo's body trying to respond and filter upon the landscape around them struggling to keep it from seeping into himself but a trickle over time was still enough to cause a headache like sensation feeding into the psychological internal turmoil in the young man's mind. The swift pace of motion flickering across the city and landscape of the Gold district briefly comes to pause the faint sense of intent from Indira sensei making Yugo turn his attention from scanning his surroundings slowing down as he sees that brief but impossibly vivid glimpse of red eyes. The genin's eyes widen slowly coming to a full stop at the surprise and uncertainty not knowing why his sensei's eyes were suddenly such a color but these emotions along with the wroth and instinctive anger melts away leaving the boy in a state of serene calm an almost foreign experience due to his bloodline. The sensation of anger wrath and tension leaving him automatically provoked looking at his hands the relaxation was immeasurable like the relief of shrugging weight from his mind like it was burdened with immense baggage or similar to the feeling of lifting a veil away the world seeming clearer and his breathing easier without any tension.

Before Yugo could open his mouth to ask what was going on relief gives way to concern and then realization as he looks at his sensei. The expression on Indira's face the posture he assumed made it clear somehow his sensei took those oppressive emotions from him, though Yugo didn't understand how only seeing the vividly shinning eyes but regardless it was a trembling moment for the young man a realization that his sensei not only could understand but seemingly could somehow take a share of the young man's burden from him. Respect and admiration swells in the young man's chest mixing with the sense of relief Yugo could help but feel the tinniest sting of a tear in his right eye. The strain on Indira sensei eventually seems to wane though the effort was visible on his face it shocked and impressed Yugo to see such a display though he could tell it was still quite the ordeal on Indira punctuated by the words "Calm down and stay level-headed, Yugo. If you lose your cool, we're all in jeopardy."

"Th...thank you Sensei...Im sorry I let it build up like that...I wont be a liability I promise...Ill make you proud especially with this clear-headed feeling you've gifted me"
The experience was strange but the young genin was beyond grateful he knew he could focus now and was far less worried about his blood driving himself to violence. This circumstance made him now realizes how truly ideal of a sensei Chika had chosen for him as he clenches his hand resolute to prove his value with a clear head and focused execution of his talent. Taking a slow deep breath he also turns to Gumo and his sensi waiting to hear where our attention should be turned towards next.


Location: 10 miles from Golding Mine
Posting Order:
Indira -> Yugo -> Gamu -> Story
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll





Unbeknownst to the shinobi in hot pursuit, their next destination would soon reveal itself in a most dramatic fashion. As they leapt from rooftop to rooftop, a sudden explosion of fire and a reverberating shockwave shook beneath them. The source of the disturbance was not far from the bustling miners’ district. Though the entrance to the mine was hidden, its location was betrayed by a massive plume of red-tinged smoke spiraling into the sky. Even from their vantage point, the shinobi could hear the haunting screams of panic echoing through the streets of the Gold District. The blast wave had drowned out the once joyous music emanating from the Golden Lotus Casino, situated in the opposite direction of the mine entrance.

The mine, once a symbol of prosperity and security, now lay in ruins, engulfed in smoke and fire. The grand entrance, which had once welcomed workers with its ornate carvings and gemstone-encrusted walls, was now a scene of utter devastation. Golden steps that had led miners to their work were now smeared with blood and mud, creating a ghastly tableau of horror. Autonomous puppets, originally designed to aid in the extraction of precious materials, had turned rogue. These mechanical monstrosities now hunted the very workers they were meant to assist, as well as any unfortunate souls caught within the mine’s depths.

The once-beautiful mine had transformed into a nightmarish labyrinth. The puppets, with their lifeless eyes and relentless pursuit, were now mining the people. The shinobi knew they had to act swiftly to save the workers trapped in this deadly game of cat and mouse. The deeper parts of the mine held even greater peril, with workers trapped between collapsing passages and the rising threat of a water-filled doom.

Would the shinobi be able to rescue the miners and put an end to the madness of the psychotic puppets? The fate of the Gold District hung in the balance, and time was running out.


The dim glow of a monitor flickered in the darkened room, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The sound of pickaxes striking flesh echoed through the speakers, mingling with the faint strains of joyous music that struggled to be heard over the chaos. Gorosei Yakushi sat comfortably in a plush chair, a sinister smile playing on his lips. He sipped leisurely from a glass, the drink chilled by small gold bars serving as ice cubes. His eyes gleamed with malevolent satisfaction as he watched the carnage unfold on the screen before him.

“Ha! While chaos reigns supreme, I’m meticulously diverting the explosives from the mine to a secure location. Everything is proceeding flawlessly,” Gorosei mused aloud, his voice dripping with glee. He took another sip of his drink, savoring the moment before setting the glass down on a coaster. Folding his fingers under his chin, he leaned forward, his gaze never wavering from the monitor.

The destruction of the mine was a symphony of violence and mayhem, orchestrated to perfection by Gorosei. The once orderly and productive mine had become a nightmarish arena, where autonomous puppets, now rogue, hunted the workers with relentless precision. Each strike of the pickaxes, each scream of terror, was a testament to Gorosei’s twisted genius.

As he watched the scene play out, Gorosei’s mind raced with thoughts of his next move. The explosives he had so cleverly siphoned away would soon serve a greater purpose, one that would bring him even closer to his ultimate goal. For now, he reveled in the chaos, knowing that every moment of destruction brought him one step closer to his grand design.


Location: Stone District southern gate; Kaiju
Posting Order: Story -> Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll