Sand District


Oboro, Ghost Of The Sand2.png


Oboro slowly stirred awake from a nap, his body still heavy with the remnants of sleep. Blinking against the sunlight filtering through the window, he sat up on the edge of his bed, rubbing his eyes to clear the grogginess. His room in the Sand Village apartment was modest, but the familiar surroundings of home made the brief rest feel comfortable. He yawned, stretching his arms wide, feeling the tension in his shoulders and back release. With sluggish steps, Oboro moved towards the small bathroom in the corner of his apartment. The sound of water filled the air as he turned on the faucet. Leaning over the sink, he splashed his face with cool water, letting the crisp sensation jolt him fully awake. The sleep residue clung stubbornly to the corners of his eyes, but a few more splashes washed it away, leaving him feeling refreshed. He wiped his face with a towel and stared into the mirror, noting the slight dishevelment of his hair. Deciding on a change for the day, Oboro reached for a hair tie resting on the counter. Normally, he let his scarlet hair hang loose, but today he tied it back into a neat ponytail. His fingers worked quickly, pulling the strands tight, securing them into place. It was a simple adjustment, but one that gave him a sharper, more focused appearance—a fitting look for the tasks ahead. Satisfied, he took one last glance at his reflection, noting how different he appeared with his hair out of his face.

As he made his way out of the bathroom, Oboro grabbed his sandals and slid his feet into them. He was now fully dressed and ready to head out. He took a deep breath before heading towards the door of his apartment, locking it behind him with a quick flick of his wrist. Descending the stairs of the building, Oboro's steps were light but fast paced. The sand crunched beneath his sandals as he stepped out onto the sunlit streets of New Sunagakure. The familiar dry heat of the village hit him, though he had long grown accustomed to it. The desert breeze was quite comforting and felt good against his skin. His destination was the Inn down the street where the Kusakage, Xaio Tendo, was staying. Today, they were set to meet with Lord Shishio, the Kazekage himself, and Oboro knew the gravity of this meeting. It wasn’t every day that a shinobi like him was involved in discussions between Kages. The weight of the responsibility sat heavily on his shoulders, but it was a burden he was prepared to carry.

As he walked, the familiar sights of the village passed by him—the bustling marketplace, the sounds of vendors calling out their wares, and the occasional shinobi darting across rooftops, their movements swift and practiced. Eventually, the Inn came into view, a humble building nestled between two larger structures, with its wooden sign gently swaying in the breeze. Oboro pushed open the door, stepping into the cooler interior. The faint smell of incense greeted him, a welcome relief from the dry air outside. The soft murmur of conversations filled the room, and his eyes caught the existence of the Kusagake waiting patiently in the Inn's lobby.
Greetings, sir. It is time to meet with Lord Kazekage. Do you wish for a bit more time or are you ready to speak with him now?

Current Location: Sand Village Inn
New post order: Xaio Tendo
-> Oboro -> ????
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points:


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As Xaio Tendo sat in the lounge, waiting patiently, his eyes observed the various denizens going about their lives, but this focus would soon break upon a familiar voice speaking forth towards Lord Xaio,

Greetings, sir. It is time to meet with Lord Kazekage. Do you wish for a bit more time or are you ready to speak with him now?

Listening carefully as Xaio's eyes slowly averted towards looking into Oboro's eyes the Kusakage would speak with quite a calm tone as he slowly rose from the chair,​
"Yes we can go meet with Lord Shishio. Lead the way my young Guide... Oh also, your weapon has been commissioned and delivered to the postal service of the sand. Once you drop me off, feel free to go and obtain your reward."

Xaio stated as he waited for Oboro to lead the way, slowly dusting himself off Xaio then found himself letting his arms resting at his sides, for now began the objective he sought to achieve; with his chips ready to be put into play, and the information he has gathered in regards from Oboro about Shishio's obsession with Puppets, only time would proceed the methods of which Xaio's objectives being met.
Current Location: Sand Village Inn
New post order: Xaio Tendo -> Oboro -> ????
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points:
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Commission - Okami Kitsune Nametag.png
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Okami and the remaining members of the team consisting of Konohagakure and Sunagakure forces were all concealed by the same massive boulder, with both Okami and Gyoken using their combined senses to keep an eye out as well as plan their next move. The Kitsune's ears were instrumental in this aspect since he could hear further and more acutely than anyone else currently present, which was how he was able to listen in on all that was being said between the diplomat and their attacker. It had taken a week for both Okami and Gyoken to fully recover from their injuries, but there was a flaw - they still didn't know the extent of each other's skills. Something the sole Chunin of the team sought to rectify here and now. He did, however, make sure to speak in a whisper so that their target wouldn't hear him.

"Before we do anything, we need to fully familiarize ourselves with each other's skills. I will not risk a total failure simply because the four of us forgot something so basic. The diplomat can wait a few more minutes, he'd have been dead already if our attacker didn't need him alive for something." It was true, too - if the attacker from a week ago hadn't needed the diplomat alive, the entire Konoha team would have definitely been killed that day along with the diplomat himself as well as the guards. Their enemy would have never left them with any opportunity for survival, and would have immediately taken initiative to go on the hunt for Sunagakure's backup. In short - the enemy would have never stopped at just a superpowered explosive.

"I'll go first. I know a couple Fire-Style jutsu, just as many Hair-based jutsu, one of my clan jutsu's which allows me to freely manipulate my tails so long as I have the chakra for it, and a few Genjutsu primarily meant to stall for time or extract infrmation. I'm proficient in Taijutsu, and have a broad arsenal of tools and weapons that I made and tested myself. Currently, best skill is Bukijutsu." Of course, he didn't quite trust his current team enough to go into exactly which jutsu's he knew save for the one clan technique he knew and had decent control over. He had, however, given them a general idea of what kind of ninja he was skill-wise - a well-rounded type that was good at several areas, but would never be able to claim true mastery over any of them. In his mind, that was the best type of ninja out there because they generally weren't over-specialized in one or two areas and were thus susceptible to others specialized in their opposite skills.

He would then give the one named Kazeemi a look telling her to go next and to make it fast - just because the diplomat didn't sound to be in immediate danger didn't mean that couldn't and wouldn't change at the drop of a hat.
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Current Location: Sand peninsula (Hidden in the Desert Mountains - Story)
New post order: Gyoken -> Okami Kitsune -> Kazeemi Sato -> Kiyoka Uzumaki -> Story
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Oboro, Ghost Of The Sand2.png


Oboro stood, nodding his head respectfully as Xaio Tendo, the Kusakage, informed the young shinobi that he was ready to depart. Sliding his hands into his pockets, Oboro began walking towards the door of the Inn after turning around. Though, just as his hand brushed against the wooden door frame, Oboro’s steps faltered for a brief moment as he turned slightly, glancing back over his shoulder at Xaio with a half-smile.
Thank you, Lord Kusakage. I’ll make sure to retrieve it later, but... I believe I’ll be staying for the meeting.

He knew the importance of this gathering, and being in the presence of two Kages wasn’t something to take lightly. He was ready to see things through to the end. Finally, he stepped out of the Inn. The orange and gold hues painted the sky, signaling the day’s slow descent. As they walked, Oboro’s pace was steady but relaxed, though his mind raced with thoughts of the impending meeting. After a few moments of silence, something clicked in his mind—Lord Shishio was likely not at the office. The time of day was a clear indicator of where he would be. With that, he slowed his steps and changed directions of where he was headed.
Actually, we should head to the workshop instead. Lord Shishio tends to work on his puppets around this time.

Oboro’s voice carried a tone of familiarity, and his suggestion felt like a natural shift in plans. He wasn’t just a shinobi; he was someone with deep knowledge of the Kazekage’s habits, having been around his village leader enough to know the rhythm of his daily life. As they continued, Oboro glanced at Xaio from the corner of his eye.
Have you enjoyed your stay within the Sand so far?

He knew that Sunagakure could be an acquired taste—its harsh climate and rugged terrain were far from the verdant landscapes of Kusagakure. Passing through streets filled with modest shops and homes, after a few more minutes, they approached a smaller building, its exterior unassuming but well-kept. The faint sound of clinking and soft movements could be heard from within, barely audible over the breeze. Oboro stopped in front of the building, a slight tilt of his head signaling the change in location.
We’ve arrived.

With that, Oboro opened the door to the workshop and genstured for Xaio to enter first.
After you, Lord Kusakage.

Current Location: Sand Village Inn -> Puppet Workshop
New post order: Xaio Tendo
-> Oboro -> ????
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points:


Staff member



Shishiō stands completely still except his hands which are hovering just above the wooden and metallic frame of his nearly completed puppet. The air is thick with the scent of lacquer and metal shavings, remains of long hours spent crafting this new creation of the puppet master. His eyes narrowed behind the work mask he always wear when working. A subtle flicker of excitement hidden within his cold, calculating gaze. Before him lay the puppet on a wide table, a replica of himself, designed to mirror his every feature. Its face, pale and expressionless like his own, stared up at him with lifeless eyes. The craftsmanship is nothing but flawless. It looks like an ghostly, hollow twin but Shishiō’s attention to detail isn't simply cosmetic. The puppet is no ordinary one, hidden within its limbs, chest, and skull were compartments and mechanisms, each designed to unleash deadly tools at Shishiō’s command. Kunai launchers, poison bombs, chakra threads, and sharp-edged wires, each weapon has been carefully installed, designed to turn this puppet into a weapon capable of deceiving even the sharpest shinobi.

Slowly running his gloved fingers over the puppet’s chest, which when pressed in a particular pattern, revealed a panel of intricate gears. He smirked beneath his mask. He had spent months perfecting the delicate mechanisms within, ensuring that everything was perfectly aligned. One wrong move, and the entire system could fail. But Shishiō doesn't make mistakes. “It’s almost ready..” He murmured to himself, his voice a low hum of satisfaction. “You’ll be my greatest masterpiece...” He stepped back, folding his arms as he inspected his work. The workshop stays silent aside for the faint ticking of a clock somewhere in the distance. Tools of all shapes and sizes were scattered across the tables around him, gears, springs, and other materials left out from earlier. The final adjustments would require time and careful planning. His fingers twitched, eager to continue work, yet he knew he had to pace himself. With one last lingering glance, Shishiō leaned forward, making a few final tweaks to the puppet's right arm. A blade shot out, sleek and gleaming but more important the green venom from the tip of the blade would be seen briefly before retracting smoothly into the puppet's wrist. He let out a soft, approving hum. “Soon...” Shishiō whispered, stepping away from the table once more. “When the time comes... you will become more than just a puppet. You will be my legacy.”

When Shishiō turned his back to the puppet, preparing to leave it for the time being, he heard a subtle creak—the unmistakable sound of the workshop door slowly opening. His sharp instincts kicked in immediately. His eyes narrowed beneath his mask, and in one swift, fluid motion, he reached for a curtain draped nearby. He yanked it over the puppet, concealing his creation before the unknown person could fully step inside.

Before whoever was behind the door could take another step, Shishiō’s left hand reached into his pouch, pulling out a small scroll. In one smooth movement, he untied the scroll and with a quick pulse of chakra flowing through his body as his eyes scanned the symbols on the scroll. The scroll emitted a faint glow and with a puff of smoke. Five puppet hands materialized, hovering in the air behind him, connected by thin, near-invisible chakra threads originating from his right hand. Having his a few of his Te ( 手 ; Hand) puppets with him at all times allows the puppet master to face anyone at any time. The puppet hands floatd in a circular formation, gently spinning, their fingers poised like claws, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Each puppet hand being made of fine wood and metal. The chakra threads binding them to him glowed faintly, giving them a false life of their own as they hovered, waiting for his command. His free hand moved up to his face and with a slow motion, Shishiō removed his work mask, revealing the cold and calculating features beneath. His face painted with his red symbols, devoid of emotion. Turning towards the door, Shishiō stands ready. The five puppet hands behind him floated silently, spinning ever so slightly as he waited to see who had dared enter his workshop. His chakra threads twitched, ready to tighten at the first sign of hostility. “Who dares enter my workshop... uninvited?” He ask, his voice low and steady and laced with a subtle threat. His tone carried a quiet menace, the kind that didn’t need to be loud to be felt. Shishiō’s mind raced, calculating potential threats and analyzing possible scenarios. He didn’t need to see the door to know where his guest stood.

Location: Puppet Workshop

Order: Xaio Tendo -> Oboro -> Shishiō'

Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2



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Xaio who stood beside Oboro, listening to the resolve of the Sand shinobi, responding only to his question about how he felt about his stay in the Sand District as they roamed through the village, Xaio's left eye seemingly back to its dulled Cyan color as he responded with a calm tone,​
"It has been quite peaceful, never expected to see a traitor to my clan in this district undewr the guise of the Leaf but that situation will have been dealt with by members of my clan. Outside that, this district isn't as bad as many of the other Alliance villages have deemed it. It has its own beauty to it."
His words being specifically calculated as to sow the seeds of distrust to the other villages whilst at the same time sharing hints of admiration to the Sand Villages way of life. But as the two walked making their approach towards a small Puppeteer Workshop where Oboro would be the one to open the door a voice spoke out from beyond,

“Who dares enter my workshop... uninvited?”
Play song

Xaio found a smirk forming across his lip, at such an interesting question. His sandals echoing as he slowly walked into the building, the air itself would seem to have become impalpable almost still with such an intensity. Xaio speaking with a calm tone,​
"Very interesting Lord Shishio, was it not you who accepted my request to visit. But in terms of mannerism, very well, a proper introduction is needed. I am Lord Xaio Tendo, Kusakage of the Grass District, Lord of the Tendo Clan. I've coming baring a gift, and a proposition. One in which you may find quite interesting. But as for the gift, I bring you the body of your former Kazekage, taken and experimented on by my Sister In law before she decided to go an vanish off the face of the earth. I am currently undergoing investigations on her whereabouts... As for the Proposition, that is only if you are interested Lord Shishio."

As Xaio stood, with a decent ten feet between the two Kages, his hand slowly reaching into his robe before pulling forth a Reverse Summoning Scroll. With the scroll in hand, and by biting the tip of his thumb before swiping the red fluid across the Seal, a explosion of smoke erupted around the scroll and a nearby table, upon the smoke quickly clearing itself, this would reveal the grotesque mutated body of the Previous Kazekage who was taken during the first invasion. Of course the body was but a corpse at this point as giving a mutated living body to the current Kazekage would only spell trouble as even Xaio was unsure on how volatile the creature was. By doing this Xaio had initiated a game of Mental Chess, having moved his piece a step ahead, already calculating each method in which he would need to take to ensure the completion of his objective. To acquire a new Inner Rank for the Organization KLAW...​
"Sir Oboro, if you do not mind, Please close the door. From what is going to be said from here on out will remain private. We need not any passerby's to hear the conversation that is to occur."
Xaio requested with but a calm demeanor as if he feared not of what was to occur during this meeting, but would rather not jeopardize the safety of innocent bystanders should anything go south.

Current Location: Sand Village Inn -> Puppet Workshop
New post order: Xaio Tendo -> Oboro -> Shishiō
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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As Oboro stepped into Lord Shishio’s workshop, the faint scent of wood, metal, and chakra-infused oils filled the air. The room was dimly lit, cluttered with half-finished puppets and intricate tools strewn across the workbenches. His eyes scanned the familiar space, but before he could close the door behind him, a sudden burst of movement filled the room. In an instant, multiple puppet hands appeared behind Shishio in a unique formation from,—claws poised and ready to strike. Lord Shishio’s voice carried both suspicion and a subtle threat. The Kazekage remained in his position within the workshop, as his eyes as sharp as usual. Oboro’s eyes widened at the speed of the response, but he remained calm, bowing respectfully while lifting a hand in apology.
Forgive the intrusion, Lord Shishio. But I’ve returned from my mission to retrieve Lord Xaio, the Kusakage.​

As he spoke, Oboro gently closed the door behind him, his movements deliberate and respectful. The puppet hands didn’t retract immediately, lingering in place for a few tense moments as if weighing his words. Oboro stood still, waiting for the Kazekage’s reaction. It was then that Oboro’s senses sharpened, and he became acutely aware of the atmosphere in the room. A heavy silence lingered between the two Kages—one of unspoken power and mutual respect, but also undeniable intensity as Oboro’s eyes flickered between them.

Suddenly, the mention of a gift from Xaio caught Oboro's attention as he pulled out a scroll, and in a puff of smoke, a creature appeared appeared, one Oboro immediately deemed as puppet material. The puppet radiated an energy that immediately piqued Oboro's interest. His eyes followed the form closely, analyzing the details of its form, and the joints. He hadn’t expected to see something so weird but unique his own puppets and Shishio's, and for a moment, he allowed himself a flicker of curiosity. But before his thoughts could wander too far, Oboro reached behind him and locked the door to the workshop, ensuring their privacy. The click of the lock was a subtle but necessary precaution. Whatever was happening now was clearly something to keep out of the line for civilians to hear, or anyone outside of the 3 of them.

As Oboro took his place behind the two Kages, his focus sharpened once more. Xaio had mentioned a "proposition," and the tone in his voice indicated that it was no trivial matter. Oboro’s ears perked up, and he tuned in, his attention fully locked on the conversation. He knew better than to interrupt, but he was ready to hear whatever was coming next. He stood still, shoulders relaxed, but his mind was racing, calculating. His instincts told him that whatever was about to be discussed could change the course of events in both the Sand and the Grass, and perhaps even beyond. Whatever proposition Xaio had brought to the table, Oboro was determined to stay vigilant—and perhaps, play his part in it all.
This will make quite the addition to battle Lord Shishio. Whatever it is, why don't you turn it into a puppet for yourself?​

Current Location: Sand Village Inn -> Puppet Workshop
New post order: Xaio Tendo
-> Oboro -> Shishiō
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
Last edited:


Staff member


Standing with his hand puppets hovering behind him in a defensive, circular formation, Shishiō remained tense, waiting for his visitors. His sharp eyes stayed locked on the door. When he heard the familiar voice of Oboron and the unknown Xaio, the Kusakage. The Kazekage allowed a slight breath of surprise to escape him, though his guard stayed up. The door creaked open, and the two figures entered, bathed in the light from the outside. Shishiō's gaze shifts between them, analyzing their every movement. He sighed softly. "You arrived faster than I anticipated. Nevertheless, welcome to my Sunagakure."

With Oboro quietly closing the door behind them, Shishiō's attention shifted first to Oboro and then to the Kusakage. When Xaio retrieved the mutated body as a gift for Shishiō, claiming it to be the former Kazekage, Shishiō's gaze turned to the corpse. His expression darkened, analyzing the body closely. The resemblance was faint just enough to raise suspicion, but it wasn’t the face Shishiō remembered. His mind raced, trying to discern if this was a trick or some cruel truth.

Shishiō stood silently for a moment, his eyes wandering over the disfigured body, tracing its features carefully as doubt crept in. "Oboro" Shishiō finally commanded. "pick up the body and place it on one of the empty tables." With that said, Shishiō turned his sharp eyes back to Xaio. "Xaio... or should I say, Kusakage. Follow me."

Without another word, Shishiō pivoted and led Xaio to the room next door. The room was dimly lit, filled with unfinished puppet parts and intricate blueprints. Two chairs sat by a cluttered table, and Shishiō gestured for Xaio to take a seat as he lowered himself into one of the chairs. Even seated, Shishiō’s puppet hands hovered around him in a display of both craftsmanship and threat.

"I recall your letter" Shishiō said, his tone neutral but laced with curiosity. "You spoke of an alliance between our villages. Now, tell me more about this proposal, Kusakage. What exactly do you envision, and what is it that you have to offer?" The intensity of Shishiō’s eyes met Xaio’s directly, his expression unreadable but entirely focused.

Current Location: Puppet Workshop
New post order: Xaio Tendo -> Oboro -> Shishiō
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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As the Kusakage Xaio Tendo stood awaiting the response from the Kazekage, it would be upon the New Leader of the Sand District turning about face, to face their direction Xaio remained stern and stoic, his posture may seem lax and calm, but throughout his entire body a ten percent increase of Physical abilities was being utilized as the moment that the Kazekage had turned to face them, Xaio's left Cyan eye began to emit its brilliant cyanic glow, becoming more vibrant towards the pupil. As he stood watching and waiting for a response, alas the Kazekage had given Oboro a command to move the twisted and mutated corpse of the Previous Kazekage only then to asking Xaio to follow him to another room. Seeing no reason to object or speak as of yet, Xaio merely began following Shishio into the other room. Watching as the Kazekage gestured Xaio to take a seat, he compliantly agreed to do so but only after a brief and swift observation of the entire room and chair, not that he'd believe that the Kazekage would threaten his current standing in the Shinobi alliance but rather for Xaio's own safety. Taking a seat, as Xaio's arms rested upon the arm rests his fingers strangely pointed towards the Kazekage in what can be concerned as a lax posture.

"You spoke of an alliance between our villages. Now, tell me more about this proposal, Kusakage. What exactly do you envision, and what is it that you have to offer?"

Listening to Shishio's words carefully, Xaio finally spoke forth, his voice analytical and cold,​
"Straight to business, quite admirable. Yes I seek an Alliance between the Grass and the Sand, It is clear that the Sand may need more potent Herbs, and Possible recources, that which the Grass is willing to give in exchange for Fish, and Sandstone. A fair trade I'd assume. As for a more personal proposal, I personally grow tired of the Shinobi System as it is currently. It is far too weak and only brings death and seeds of hatred to the generations of old and to come. I seek for a revolution that will force the Shinobi Alliance's eyes to open and to Evolve the Shinobi that live today and that are to yet be born to heights that the old system would not allow. But to do so I need individuals with an open mind. Individuals who will aid me in this endeavor without leaving the safety of their shadows, and as a reward for their assistance, I will aid them in their own personal goals. This group of People are under the allias of my Organization... KLAW. I know this may be presumptuous of me to bring to you in your own district, but I see it as a way to correct the wrong doings of my Sister In law after what she did to the Kazekage of old before going into hiding."
As Xaio stated this, his left hand slowly reached into his robe pulling forth the scroll containing the Schematics for the Fully Automated Puppets; specialized Puppets that run on Chakra filled Canisters rather than Chakra Threads. Placing this scroll on the Table Xaio continued,​
"This here is a Token for both a possible alliance and an Apology for Tessa's actions. A scroll containing the Schematics of how to build a Fully Automated Puppet. I myself am Unable to process the schematic as Puppets were never my expertise. And should you agree to my Personal Proposal, All I ask is for an army of these puppets. I will give you the necessary resources and even to Sweeten the Pot, Will offer Prisoners of the Hozuki Castle as possible test subjects to advance any personal goals of yours."
Xaio placing his metaphorical Chips on the Table, the game of minds had now begun. The Kusakage was not only seeking an alliance for the Grass, but a potential member for the Organization KLAW. Such as it needed to be in order for Xaio to correct this twisted world under invasion from an unknown enemy.

Current Location: Puppet Workshop
New post order: Xaio Tendo -> Oboro -> Shishiō
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



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After a long journey Gizoku arrived in the Sand District the strong winds of the desert country causing his long hair to blow int he wind as he glanced around at the village his ignorant and laughable predecessor had attempted to war with through the kidnapping of a Kage. "Jeez that woman was a fool. Who the fuck in the right mind would attack a District this large and vast. We may be richer and have greeater supllies but our military power doesn't come close to matching the Sand," said Gizoku to himself as he strolled casually down the street his clothing, jewelry and all around look screaming that he was not a local. Due to his rather sudden ascension it would have been almost impossible for anyone outside of the messenger sent by Lord Shishio and the Kazekage himself to even recognise him.

To the rest of the village Gizoku would simply appear as a wealthy man who seemed to like to flaunt his excessive wealth. This was known for being a rather bad trait of his as he could appear quite snobby but in reality he just liked to look good and love expensive things. As Gizoku made his way down the street he would pass by a group of kids playing. "Hi there children. I'm looking for your Lord Shishio. Do you perhaps know where i may find him?" said Gizoku with a kind tone and a smile as he greeted them, some who knew his personality might think he was trying to deceive these kids, but in actuality he was genuinely being nice as due to some less than savory experiences in his own pass.

Location: Streets of Sunagakure, Sand District
Posting Order: Gizoku
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll