Sand District



Sudden Arrival

A sudden intensity washed over the train station where Jin and the other 2 remained, and the Massked Anrei appeared right on top of the very train that was flipped, sitting on it as he listened to the words the young lady had to say to his younger cousin. His presence of course was concealed the entire time but he was close enough for the girl to notice. He hadn't seen his cousin in quite some time and things definitely did change regarding the bond of the two. Once inseperable as children, but now he had no clue how Jin viewed him but he did miss his little cousin nonetheless and his attentions were clear with how he'd keep the promise he made to him when Jin was just a toddler. His eyes glaring down at the bigger woman through the mask just as she was about to try punching Jin, in that moment; the masked Anrei vanished from the point on the train right in front of Jin, pressing both of his hands against the abdomen of the woman on appearance and releasing a powerful wave of chakra at point-blank range to send her flying backwards while simultaneously speaking to her.
Masked Anrei: I strongly suggest you keep away from him.

This of course wasn't meant to hurt the woman as he purposely weakened the power of his repulsion technique, using it as more of a warning to the woman to be careful of who she tries to lay her hands on. He didn't know exactly the full extent of what was going on but it didn't matter to him either way. His next sentence held a tone that was serious and dominant, that only seemed to grow more intense as he spoke.
Masked Anrei: Don't think you have the right to put your hands on that kid. I can care less about your issues with him... but if you try that again I won't be responsible for what happens next.

After which, he'd slightly turn his head to face Jin as he fully stood up from the crouching position he was in when unleashing his warning attack on the woman to whisper something to him.
Masked Anrei: Hey, black sheep. Make sure you don't do anything crazy... HE'S here too. I don't feel like almost getting killed again trying to protect you.

Oboro, Ghost Of The Sand2.png

As Oboro continued walking alongside the Kusakage, he picked up on someone in the distance running towards them. At first glance he couldn't tell exactly who it was since he saw what appeared to be a bunch of white hair flowing in the wind, but noone he knew had long white hair like that so just as a precaution, Oboro made sure to ready himself in case he needed to fight. However, almost as quickly as he was getting ready, he realized it was Kiyoka rushing towards them with a body on her back. Judging by the fact it was only her and whoever the unconceous person was she was holding; things must have went really bad on their mission.
Oboro: Kiyoka, what the hell happened in that little bit of time I was gone. And where are the others? Give me a full rundown on what happened.

Saying this as he took the unconceous body of the boy from her as it was clearly too heavy for her to keep holding and placing him on the sand as he observed the damage he had taken. He'd place two fingers to the boys wrist to check his pulse as he awaited the answer from the uzumaki girl.
Oboro: This boy, he's going to die if we don't help him. And if he dies here it could also cause problems for Lord Kazekage with whoever he's allied with. I rather avoid that.

Current Location: Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded) -> Sand peninsula
New post order: Kazeemi -> Anrei Tendo/Oboro -> Xaio Tendo -> Okami -> Gyoken -> Kiyoka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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As Xaio Tendo continued to take each step with a smooth Stride, his glowing eye stared forth as the approach of a Girl holding a Fox like boy rushed in their direction. It would be as Oboro relieved the girl of the boy's weight laying him on the sand, it would be here that the Kusakage slowly approached, his eye clearly resembling that of the Tendo Boy that resided from the Fox like boys team. With a physical resemblance of Jin Tendo but older, this man slowly walked beside the boy and Oboro. Speaking no words, he'd slowly kneel upon the sand as from his robe he'd pull out one of the rainbow glowing pills he had received from his father, the very same Tendo Clansmen who had finessed Oboro. With the pill in between his Index and thumb, Xaio would pry open the Kitsune's mouth with his left index and thumb by pressing on the jaws socket point. With the mouth open, Xaio would slowly place the pill into the boys mouth, speaking not a single word as he forced the Unconscious boy to chew and swallow the pill. By doing such an action the pill would find its way through the digestive track, dissolving and spreading the healing properties that would emit a strange rainbow glow across the Kitsune boys unconscious body.

This ultimately would force Cellular rejuvenation, Replication, and Cellular Mitosis; allowing the Kitsune's shattered Spine and Eardrums to repair and regenerate itself. Though this way of healing would not be without pain, as the Eardrums healed the once destroyed organ now coursed a striking pain directly to the brain, the spine which now was reconstructed and connected would shoot the pain inflicted nerves signals to alert them of re connection. The end result would be that the Kitsune who was burned, skin charred to the bone, spine shattered, and ear drums destroyed would now look as good as new besides his battle damaged outfit. Upon feeding the boy the Pill, Xaio would rise from his kneeling position, stepping past the girl and Oboro as if they were nothing more than blades of grass moving aside his path. In but a split second, Xaio's very body flickered and vanished, a trail of sand scattering across the air, towards Oboro, Kiyoka, and the soon to awaken Okami as the Kusakage reappeared in but that same second above the sand dune staring down towards the train wreckage. Here he would see Anrei seemingly defending Jin Tendo from a Sand Shinobi; and at the same time as Xaio's body flickered and reappeared closer to where anything he says could be heard by those by the train, he stood upon the corpses of the Dead civilians, uncaring and unwavering as he spoke with such a cold and cynical tone,​
"Well if it isn't the Black Sheep of the Clan. The Bastard Child, whose sins seep so deep into his very soul. Let me guess, you are on a mission that has taken a turn for the worse? I wouldn't expect anything else, possibly this wreckage is your doing? Was your Sin from a Two weeks ago not enough? Was Killing your own Mother unsatisfying to you Jin? It would seem the disciplinary action a Clan Leader must do is never ending... My Shadow do not Interfere on what is about to happen..."
This being said, Xaio Tendo had appeared to the left, directly beside Jin who was originally staring coldly at the Sand Shinobi Kazeemi, his right hand gently pressed against his own childs torso; chakra began to circulate, creating a repulsion as it would ultimately send Jin Tendo crashing against the sand dunes, carving away the sand as if parting it. Turning the young Tendo Boy into a Skipping stone before alas he'd come to a halt on his knees. By doing this Xaio was displaying a cruelty a parent shouldn't do to their child. And Yet it was at full display to the Uchiha boy, Anrei, and Kazeemi...

Current Location: Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded) -> Sand peninsula
New post order: Kazeemi -> Anrei Tendo/Oboro -> Xaio Tendo -> Okami ->Jin Tendo -> Gyoken -> Kiyoka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Commission - Okami Kitsune Nametag.png

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As swiftly as the young Kitsune entered the realm of unconsciousness, he was forced back out of it by the intense pain shooting through his entire body, releasing a single yell of unfiltered physical agony before he braced himself. In doing so, he unsealed a blank scroll he had from his glove and bit down as hard as he could after using shaky hands to rip the wooden center from the paper. After doing so, his body continued to get hit by immense pain as his body mended itself, his own healing factor working alongside the pill that had been force-fed to him while he was unconscious, causing steam to rise out of the areas that had been damaged as said damage was undone. Normally, if wouldn't be so bad, but the fact was that the nerves in his back had also been burned, hence why he'd been able to move without feeling any pain from the attempt prior to passing out. Unfortunately, this made the regeneration process even longer and more painful than it would have been if the only damage done had been to his spine, shoulder blades, ribcage, and eardrums.

During the entire process, Okami had clenched his hands into fists so tightly that his claws were digging deep into his palms, causing them to drip blood onto the sand and thus be included in the regeneration process - this had the result of causing considerable pain to his hands as well. And all the while, his freshly-regenerated ears were not helping his mental state due to the reconnecting nerves causing him to experience the ancestor of all migraines. He was breathing deeply through his nose and mouth around the wooden center of the scroll he'd bitten into, struggling to keep the pain-induced nausea from going so far as making him ill.

And then, as quickly as it started, his body was no longer wracked by unfiltered pain worse than anything he'd ever felt, and the nausea ceased to be. He stood on shaky feet while spitting out the wooden cylinder and ripping off his ruined and now-useless jacket, vest, and shirt (after which he would use the Transformation Jutsu on the ruined garments to turn them into a singular ankle-length sand-colored traveling cloak with an oversized hood, with Okami immediately wearing the cloak after forming it) - not caring that doing so revealed that his body was considerably more toned and defined than any normal 15-year-old body should be thanks in no small part to certain aspects of his clan's physiology... Or that he'd done so right in front of the woman he owed his life to, for that matter.

After these actions were finished, the Kitsune would look to the red-haired woman and speak. Idly, he noted that even from this distance he could hear the commotion in the distance quite clearly, as if he were right there from the perspective of someone without superhuman hearing... Whatever it was Jin did to piss off whoever gave him his legs and ears back was none of his business, so he wouldn't interfere.​

"I suppose proper introductions are in order, but allow me to first say that I appreciate your assistance in making sure I survived this. And although at least one of my teammates may have something to say about it, I owe you my life. Should you ever require my assistance for anything, you need only ask - I, Okami Kitsune, am a man of my word and I always repay my debts."

Despite the fact the woman was still collapsed on the ground, he couldn't help giving her a polite bow at the waist before straightening back up, offering her his hand to help her off of the ground - he may be a shinobi and didn't trust or respect others easily, but he was raised to be honorable and treat women with the respect they deserved on principle.​

"I am Okami Kitsune, Chunin of Konoha and Captain of the team sent by Konohagakure. I still have the scent of the diplomat we were tasked to protect, so let's get back to the train and our respective teams so we can get a little payback for what happened here."

After those words had been spoken, Okami would begin walking back towards the train wreckage.
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NRP - Okami Kitsune (Chunin).png

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Current Location: Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded) -> Sand peninsula
New post order: Kazeemi -> Anrei Tendo/Oboro -> Xaio Tendo -> Okami ->Jin Tendo -> Gyoken -> Kiyoka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
Post Divider II.png


Jin Name Tag.jpg

As Jin stood before the woman, adjusting his outfit there would be a deathly silence in his perception, a sudden appearance of a masked individual who possessed a white bang atop his shadow like onyx and violet hair. It was as the use of Chakra Repulsion would send the woman of the sand sliding back that a sentence confirmed the question of who this individual was,

Masked Anrei: Hey, black sheep. Make sure you don't do anything crazy... HE'S here too. I don't feel like almost getting killed again trying to protect you.

This single sentence of being called a Black sheep only confirmed that this mysterious person hailed from the same Clan as Jin, and though Jin could feel his blood beginning to boil, as he slowly removed his hands from his pockets it would be upon hearing the voice of one so familiar to Jin that his body seemingly froze in place. Sweat ran down his cheek as Jin's eyes slowly avert past the masked shinobi with a singular Cyan colored eye behind the mask to a man dressed in a black robe.​

"Well if it isn't the Black Sheep of the Clan. The Bastard Child, whose sins seep so deep into his very soul. Let me guess, you are on a mission that has taken a turn for the worse? I wouldn't expect anything else, possibly this wreckage is your doing? Was your Sin from a Two weeks ago not enough? Was Killing your own Mother unsatisfying to you Jin? It would seem the disciplinary action a Clan Leader must do is never ending... My Shadow do not Interfere on what is about to happen..."

Hearing his words as Jin began hyperventilating, a mixture of fury and trauma began coursing through his mind as in that same split second this mysterious man had appeared to the left of Jin Tendo, his hand gently pressed against the young Tendo's torso as the sudden repulsion of chakra sent young Jin soaring through the sands, parting them like the Red Sea before finally Jin was able to gather his footing. Falling to a single knee, Jin's eyes slowly avert back towards the Mysterious man who Jin recognized; It was his own Biological Father, Xaio Tendo... The Kusakage of the Grass District, and Head of the Tendo Clan...
Jin Tendo No background.png

As Jin tried to muster the strength to rise to his feet, his body and mind would not react to his desires, no Trauma was rooting deeply in the boy as his breathing became erratic and unstable, his cold eyes now showing an expression Gyoken hadn't seen from him, one of total fear. For Jin to stare down his father at this point of time, his mind began flashing the memories of the Caretaker being granted permission to beat and use Jin how he saw fit, all given by his Father, and Grandfather. The Memories of a once happy young Jin Tendo becoming dead to the Tendo Clan as he was sent to this orphanage now continued to flash before his eyes,
Young Jin Tendo.jpg

As a young boy Jin was beloved by his mother, but looked down upon by the others of the Tendo Clan, a memory where the young Jin stood before the Caretaker of the Grass districts orphanage stared at the distasteful man with eyes one would consider dead or lacking any hope. A boy who even his own mother had not defended him had saw that the world had forsaken him, all because he possessed two cyan eyes... This memory in which Jin Tendo was taken into the Orphanage only to find a wooden stick slamming against his flesh, beatings that would seem like they'd never end, and approaches from the Caretaker that would strip the young Tendo of any purity he was to possesses, all in the purpose to making the boy fall into a pit of despair. Events that would have inevitably lead to Jin Tendo's own death by his own hands had the Leaf not taken in the boy... And now in the Sand Peninsula where Jin was face to face to the man who caused the young Tendo so much strife, he could do nothing but succumb to that pit of Despair etched into his very soul by the very man who planted the seed of his life... All Jin could do, was stay on one knee, the fear in his eyes staring at his father who stood beside the masked individual who seemingly intervened on Jin being attacked by the sand woman...

Current Location: Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded) -> Sand peninsula
New post order: Kazeemi -> Anrei Tendo/Oboro -> Xaio Tendo -> Okami ->Jin Tendo -> Gyoken -> Kiyoka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Staff member
His eyes followed her every move, sharp and focused like an eagle's gaze. The Jinchuuriki, with his proud afro, was in no mood for games; her taunts had worn thin. He loomed over her, his imposing presence casting a shadow that seemed to compress the space between them. His voice, laced with frustration, cut through the tension.

"I ran to protect you," he began, his tone firm but edged with the weight of his own restraint. "You don't understand the power I hold in my hands."

He exhaled, the breath carrying a mix of weariness and resolve. She remained oblivious, having momentarily relinquished control over her iron sand. Unaware, she stood before him, blind to the refined chakra coursing through his veins, meticulously gathered and structured. If he chose to strike now, he could crush her into grains as fine as the iron sand she manipulated. Despite the missed observation by Hariku, magnetic chakra was condensing within him, a silent storm readied to unleash—yet Hariku had no idea what danger she was truly in if he so decided to strike her.

"Don't pull any cheap tricks, and maybe we can start over," he warned, his voice steady but edged with a subtle challenge. He paused, letting his words sink in. "If you had just waited, met me here, and introduced yourself like any normal person, maybe things would have been different. I might not have been so harsh, might have even let you put up a barrier—with my permission, of course. But I guess strength doesn’t always come with wisdom."
He decided to brush off her remarks about his willpower. She had no clue about the true strength of Shukaku, the beast sealed within him. She didn't understand that when he finally drifted into sleep, Shukaku would start to take control, causing him to sleepwalk under the beast's influence.

Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> Shabaka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​


Owner and Founder
Staff member


As the warm rays of the desert sun filtered through the sparse clouds, Gyoken faced Kiyoka Uzumaki with a heartfelt gratitude that softened his expression. "Thank you, Kiyoka," he murmured, his voice carrying a tender sincerity. With a respectful bow, he acknowledged her aid, but as he straightened up, a faint blush tinged his cheeks, illuminating his admiration for her beauty. This fleeting moment of awkward charm was a rare glimpse into Gyoken's softer side, typically obscured by the intensity of the shinobi lifestyle.

Nearby, Okami was making a strenuous effort to regain his footing, his body not yet fully recovered from the ordeal. Observing his teammate's struggle, Gyoken suggested, "Kiyoka seems to be a medical ninja, I think you should allow Sunagakure to further treat your wounds." His concern was palpable, mirroring the protective nature he often reserved for his comrades. However, the moment of camaraderie was abruptly pierced by the sharp interjection of an argument between Kazeemi and Jin. The purple-haired kunoichi’s words resonated deeply with Gyoken, stirring a newfound resolve within him. Her advice, though initially directed at Jin, seemed to echo Gyoken's own aspirations and challenges, shaping his thoughts about his path as a shinobi.

The tension escalated quickly when new intruders disrupted their gathering, their sudden appearance casting a shadow over the group's brief respite. Gyoken, however, dismissed these figures with a nonchalant hand in his pocket, deeming them irrelevant to their mission's immediate concerns. His attention was drawn instead to Jin, who was visibly shaken by the resemblance one of the figures bore to his father. Understanding the paralyzing effect of familial expectations, Gyoken’s empathy was palpable. He gently placed a reassuring hand on Jin's shoulder, his touch grounding.

"Miss Kazeemi is right, you know, Jin. But either way, we're finishing this mission through. Get up, we're leaving," Gyoken asserted, his voice firm yet encouraging. With a firm grip, he helped Jin to his feet, his determination unyielding.

Turning to Kazeemi, his focus shifted back to the task at hand, "Miss Kazeemi, I smell the scent; they continued down East. Any way helping us traverse so we can save our stamina?" His query was strategic, aiming to preserve their energy for the inevitable confrontations ahead. As the sands of the Sunagakure shifted beneath their feet, Gyoken's resolve crystallized, ready to lead his team forward, undeterred by the challenges that lay in their path.

Current Location: Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded) -> Sand peninsula
New post order: Kazeemi Sato-> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Kiyoka Uzumaki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



"Thank you, Kiyoka,"
She saw the young kid's genuine smile and his thanking her for healing him when he needed it. She knew that his smile was genuine and nothing but genuinely thankful. She nodded and petted the male on the head before she went off with Okami's body, to which she struggled but was close by the wreckage still before seeing two figures in the background. As she got closer, she saw a familiar face to her, Oboro. Oboro was Kiyoka's previous teammate; however, their being teammates was brief. She whimpered as she continued to carry the heavy kitsune boy on her back before she was barely standing in front of Oboro and the man who looked like the boy she scolded for his asshole-like behaviour. She heard Oboro's voice.

"Kiyoka, what the hell happened in that little bit of time? I was gone. And where are the others? Give me a full rundown on what happened."

Kiyoka felt the heavy weight lifted off her shoulders and back. She looked to find Oboro had grabbed Okami's body and placed him down on the ground as he spoke towards her. She nodded, conjuring up a little breath to give him information on what she only saw. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she stared into Oboro's eyes directly as she explained.

"Well...I'm still determining myself. When Kazemi and I arrived at the wreckage, all we saw was debris, dead and half alive. We were tasked to accompany the Leaf's ninjas to protect an important diplomat."

She paused for a second to regain her breath, her heart beating fast.

"Then, when I arrived, I immediately saw this chunin male, whom I presume is important, on death's door."

She took another deep breath as her eyes prickled with tears, threatening to come out. She never thought she failed, or rather, that her heal bite or even the seal wasn't enough to heal him completely. This made Kiyoka realise that her techniques may never always heal those in a critical condition like Okami's.

"I tried to heal him as best as I could..."

She then saw the other man going down towards Okami and made him swallow a pill, which Okami took and by looking at it, he was in severe pain before he got better; eventually, Okami's injuries were no longer a threat, and he was back up on his feet. He begins introducing himself and pledges his allegiance towards her, which confuses Kiyoka. Her face is shocked as nobody has ever pledged or thanked her for her healing attempts, even though it wasn't just her.

"I suppose proper introductions are in order, but allow me to first say that I appreciate your assistance in making sure I survived this. And although at least one of my teammates may have something to say about it, I owe you my life. Should you ever require my assistance for anything, you need only ask - I, Okami Kitsune, am a man of my word and I always repay my debts."
"I am Okami Kitsune, Chunin of Konoha and Captain of the team sent by Konohagakure. I still have the scent of the diplomat we were tasked to protect, so let's get back to the train and our respective teams so we can get a little payback for what happened here."

Kiyoka responded to Okami.

"Oh No problem, I'm Kiyoka. If anything, it's not just me who tried to save your life. But also the"

By the time she tried to point in the direction of the man identical to Jin, he was nowhere to be found. Then she heard a commotion in the distance and saw Kazeemi lose her temper with the brat. Another individual had protected Jin. Though she didn't like him, she couldn't help but feel bad for him.

She turned to Oboro and immediately bowed respectfully to him for his help. Her bright red hair went to her sides as she bowed and returned to the wreckage to see if she could help out even further and if any more stragglers needed medical attention.

Current Location: Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded) -> Sand peninsula
New post order: Kazeemi -> Anrei Tendo/Oboro -> Xaio Tendo (skip)-> Okami ->Jin Tendo (skip)-> Gyoken -> Kiyoka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.


Xaio Tendo.png

Flash Back one week ago.

As Xaio stood his chakra repulsion technique having sent the young Jin Tendo skipping across the sand dunes, the Head of the Grass District, Secret underground Organization, and Tendo Clan's eyes slowly averted towards the young Jin Tendo who can be seen visibly shaken and frightened. In such a brief moment as the Uchiha boy had spoken the Older Looking man, the Kusakage had vanished and reappeared behind Jin Tendo, grasping his pony tail pulling his head back as Xaio began slamming his fist across the cheek of the Genin Tendo Clansmen, Xaio's eyes seemingly cold and cruel as he kept a straight face with each blow splattering blood across the sand beneath both Tendo Members. These blows striking with a decent 50 feet distance between the two Tendos and the others as Xaio's fist continued crashing across Jin's face before the final blow was enough to knock the young Tendo unconscious, battered and bloodied as Xaio let go of the boys hair letting him face plant into the sands below soaking in his blood. With a calm tone Xaio spoke once more,​
"My Shadow, Take the run away back to the village; to the Clan's interrogation cells. He will undergo conditioning as another punishment for his betrayal to the Clan. As for the mission, Jin Tendo will be withdrawn from it under the orders of his Clan Head and original Village leader. Though it is interesting he managed to Befriend an Uchiha... If you wish to free this Run away scum, become stronger Uchiha child. For maybe, one day you may free him of his sins..."
Xaio saying this as a secret signal for Anrei to take Jin Tendo to the Organizations Sub Hideout located somewhere in the Tendo Clan's estate, a location only accessible to the Members of the Clan's chakra signature. Having said this where his Shadow Anrei would do as ordered, allowing the two to make their move back to the Grass, Xaio returned to Oboro's side, where the two would proceed their journey the village of the sand district...

Present Time- Post Time skip/ One week later.

As Xaio sat within his room in the Inn of the Sand districts new village, faint memories of his time aiding the previous Kazekage with the Gold Districts previous President, Tessa, his sister in law against the Invaders from some other land, such memories only played a partial factor to the change in Xaio's heart, from the sands invasion and failure to successfully handle it under the rule of the previous Kazekage, to the Stones invaders ravaging the district to alas the death of his wife. Such notions only built the disdain towards the current shinobi system, one that would need to evolve if the shinobi world truly wanted to survive. As such in this current moment, Xaio needed individuals who not only could see eye to eye with his ideals, but also possess their own ambitions in which the Kusakage would be able to assist in. With very limited intel on the current Kazekage outside his obsession with Puppets, the perfect bargaining chip to secure this ally was the schematics of the fully automated Puppets of the old world. Technology that may prove to be tedious but possible should the new Kazekages love for puppets be true. With his posture relaxed in the lobby sofa, as his eyes stared forth past the windows of the Inn, observing the civilians going about their mundane lives at this current moment, Xaio was waiting for his summon to the Kazekages office and his escort Oboro to pick him up for this said meeting...

Current Location: Sand Village Inn
New post order: Xaio Tendo -> ????
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Owner and Founder
Staff member


A week had elapsed since the trail went cold, but Gyoken and his remaining squad had finally caught up with the Leaf Diplomat's captors in Sand Penisula, a location Hidden in the Desert Mountains. The mission's urgency had only intensified with Jin's abrupt recall to Kusagakure by his father, shifting their focus solely on the diplomat's safe recovery. Earlier, the diplomat's bodyguards had hurried back to Konoha to relay the situation to the Hokage.

Concealed by a massive boulder 20 meters from their targets, Gyoken utilized his Sharingan to surveil the scene with enhanced clarity. His keen eyes penetrated the physical barrier (the boulder), distinguishing each individual's chakra by its unique color, allowing him to discern their origins and current state. This detailed visual insight enabled him to monitor the Leaf Diplomat's chakra flow meticulously, searching for any signs of genjutsu manipulation. As he observed, Gyoken's Sharingan also allowed him to read the lips of the diplomat and his captor, providing him with critical information without exposing his position. He relayed what he learned in a hushed tone to his teammates, ensuring their strategy could be adjusted in real-time based on the unfolding conversation.

"Okay, Okami, what's our plan of attack?" Gyoken whispered urgently, his voice barely a murmur against the soft rustling of the wind around them. Despite Kazeemi and Kiyoka's presence and potential input, Gyoken recognized the chain of command—his orders came from Okami, unless directed otherwise. His focus remained razor-sharp, ready to adapt to whatever plan Okami devised, all while keeping a vigilant watch over the scene that lay obscured yet visible before his extraordinary gaze.

Current Location: Sand peninsula (Hidden in the Desert Mountains - Story)
New post order: Gyoken -> Okami Kitsune -> Kazeemi Sato -> Kiyoka Uzumaki -> Story
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
