Sand District


Oboro, Ghost Of The Sand2.png


Oboro slowly stirred awake from a nap, his body still heavy with the remnants of sleep. Blinking against the sunlight filtering through the window, he sat up on the edge of his bed, rubbing his eyes to clear the grogginess. His room in the Sand Village apartment was modest, but the familiar surroundings of home made the brief rest feel comfortable. He yawned, stretching his arms wide, feeling the tension in his shoulders and back release. With sluggish steps, Oboro moved towards the small bathroom in the corner of his apartment. The sound of water filled the air as he turned on the faucet. Leaning over the sink, he splashed his face with cool water, letting the crisp sensation jolt him fully awake. The sleep residue clung stubbornly to the corners of his eyes, but a few more splashes washed it away, leaving him feeling refreshed. He wiped his face with a towel and stared into the mirror, noting the slight dishevelment of his hair. Deciding on a change for the day, Oboro reached for a hair tie resting on the counter. Normally, he let his scarlet hair hang loose, but today he tied it back into a neat ponytail. His fingers worked quickly, pulling the strands tight, securing them into place. It was a simple adjustment, but one that gave him a sharper, more focused appearance—a fitting look for the tasks ahead. Satisfied, he took one last glance at his reflection, noting how different he appeared with his hair out of his face.

As he made his way out of the bathroom, Oboro grabbed his sandals and slid his feet into them. He was now fully dressed and ready to head out. He took a deep breath before heading towards the door of his apartment, locking it behind him with a quick flick of his wrist. Descending the stairs of the building, Oboro's steps were light but fast paced. The sand crunched beneath his sandals as he stepped out onto the sunlit streets of New Sunagakure. The familiar dry heat of the village hit him, though he had long grown accustomed to it. The desert breeze was quite comforting and felt good against his skin. His destination was the Inn down the street where the Kusakage, Xaio Tendo, was staying. Today, they were set to meet with Lord Shishio, the Kazekage himself, and Oboro knew the gravity of this meeting. It wasn’t every day that a shinobi like him was involved in discussions between Kages. The weight of the responsibility sat heavily on his shoulders, but it was a burden he was prepared to carry.

As he walked, the familiar sights of the village passed by him—the bustling marketplace, the sounds of vendors calling out their wares, and the occasional shinobi darting across rooftops, their movements swift and practiced. Eventually, the Inn came into view, a humble building nestled between two larger structures, with its wooden sign gently swaying in the breeze. Oboro pushed open the door, stepping into the cooler interior. The faint smell of incense greeted him, a welcome relief from the dry air outside. The soft murmur of conversations filled the room, and his eyes caught the existence of the Kusagake waiting patiently in the Inn's lobby.
Greetings, sir. It is time to meet with Lord Kazekage. Do you wish for a bit more time or are you ready to speak with him now?

Current Location: Sand Village Inn
New post order: Xaio Tendo
-> Oboro -> ????
Posting Time Limit (PTL):
3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
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