Sand District


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Oboro's eyes flicked to where the lifeless body was laid by the Kusakage. just as Shishio asked him to move it somewhere else. As such, Oboro nodded his head and approached the figure without hesitation. His hands gripped the hair of the creature as he was too disgusted with its appearance to touch it anywhere else, and carefully lifted the body with his incredible strength. He carried the body to an empty table near the right side of the room, the wooden surface cleared of any tools or materials. Setting it down just to simply be done with holding onto it.

Once the task was done, he turned his attention to the door, where the two Kages, Shishio and Xaio, had entered to continue their meeting. His role now was to ensure the safety of Shishio and keep any others from disrupting whatever discussions or plans were about to unfold. Oboro walked calmly toward the door, positioning himself strategically in front of it, his back straight and his gaze sharp. He knew better than to involve himself in the affairs of two Kage without being asked, but he also knew the importance of protection in moments like these. And with the tension already thick in the air, he felt the need to heighten security. Without a word, Oboro formed a series of hand seals with speed and precision, summoning his two unique puppets—Axar and Alastor.

In a puff of chakra-infused smoke, the two puppets materialized on either side of the room. Alastor, his larger puppet, stood tall on the left, its menacing design apparent in its hulking, jagged frame. Its mechanical arms were crossed, and its powerful build gleamed faintly in the dim light. Axar, smaller but more agile, took position on the right. Both puppets stood still, like silent sentinels, their presence radiating a sense of readiness and danger. They acted as perfect guardians, their lifeless eyes focused on their surroundings, but in Oboro's control, they were far from lifeless. As Oboro stood in his positions with them, his hands falling to his sides after the summoning, his expression unreadable but his posture alert. His presence at the door served as both a shield and a warning. He kept his attention split between the room and the ongoing conversation between the two powerful leaders. The workshop was now a fortified zone, with Oboro and his puppets acting as a silent barrier of defense.


Current Location: Puppet Workshop
New post order: Xaio Tendo → Oboro → Shishiō
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II




What are the chances that a mid-rank mission went wrong even though multiple people were on it? About 80% of it was a success; however, to much of Kiyoka's dismay, the mission was unsuccessful. The mission she was set on ended abruptly, with the sand turning red, dying civilians, and casualties that required desperate measures. In a way, Kiyoka believed that the mission was more for Chunins and Jounins rather than a singular Chunin and a couple of genin. She often wondered where the diplomat was. Was he still out there? Was he still being held hostage? That's where Kiyoka was strolling towards the outskirts of the new city. The image of that day still haunts her in her dreams, in general leaving her more paranoid than usual, but also a lack of sleep. The fact that she couldn't save most people upset her, but at least she had somewhat saved the spiky brunette boy who seemed thankful and the tall chunin boy to whom she had forgotten their names. Not on purpose, of course.

As she was walking in the street, vendors greeted Kiyoka and offered items like food or small accessories; Kiyoka softly chuckled and politely declined them but also thanked them for their genericity. Kiyoka wasn't just a shinobi for the sand; when she wasn't on missions, she volunteered to help the locals with tasks they couldn't simply do or needed help running their shops when they were busy. This quickly gained her popularity. She wasn't just popular amongst the adults and elderly but with young children; whenever the kids played rough and got injured, Kiyoko tended to their wounds no matter how small or big they were.

As she walked through, she saw an unfamiliar person, clearly from out of town. He was decorated in clothing imbued with gold, with red to pinkish hair that was long and tied back. She noticed that he was talking to local children, to which they looked pretty scared even though it seemed that the man was trying to be nice to them; the kids spotted Kiyoka and quickly ran to her, scared of the unfamiliar face; she heard them scream out her name.

"Miss Kiyoka! Miss Kiyoka!"

Kiyoka looked at them quickly and huddled them behind her as she approached the man. Her expression was slight, and she gently placed her head on the young boy's head. She chuckled before speaking to the man.

"I do apologise; they tend to get a bit scared of strangers."

She bowed slightly in apology and lifted her upper half back up. She looked up at Gizoku in his eyes, her blue ones to his faded ones. She placed a strand of red hair behind her ear as it got in her way. She continued to speak softly because the kids were around; otherwise, she would've been more harsh towards the unfamiliar male.

"What brings you here? It's clear you aren't from here, nor a tourist."


Location: Streets of Sunagakure, Sand District
Posting Order: Gizoku ->Kiyoka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




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As Gizoku stood there he waited for the youngsters he had approached to reply but it was quickly brought to his attention by the look in their eyes and their mannerisms that they weren't the least bit comfortable speaking to him and were most likely scared of him. He was quite sure they were scared, but he could locate the cause as he wasn't scary looking guy as no children in the Gold District were scared of him. He had planned to speak again and attempt to calm the situation when the children suddenly turned and approached a redheaded woman who they affectionately refereed to as Miss Kiyoka. It was quickly clear to Gizoku that she wasn't just an ordinary villager but instead was a shinobi and a strong one at that. She would her quickly apologize for the children reaction to him as she explained they weren't used to strangers.

"Oh it's no problem miss I'm not going to be offended I kind of feel bad that I scared the little ones though, but to answer your question your correct I'm not a local or a tourist. I'm actually here on offical business. My name is Gizoku and I'm the president of the Gold District, I was invited by your Lord Kazekage and I was just asking the youngsters if they could help me with directions."

Location: Streets of Sunagakure, Sand District
Posting Order: Gizoku
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



She nodded on listening to Gizoku's words, and it seemed he was genuine; she looked down, bent down to the children's levels, and made contact with their eyes. With a small smile, she asked the children.

"Could you guys perhaps play a game with each other while I show the guest to the Kazekage?"

The children nodded enthusiastically and ran off to play with each other, leaving the two adults to converse. She got up and brushed her knees before responding to him.

"I see. I'll show you to the Kazekage office if you come with me. I'm presuming he's in there."

She began to walk toward Kage's office. She looked back to see if he was following or checking on him instead. Halfway to the office, a couple of old merchants approached Kiyoka. She was familiar with them since they always asked her to improve their bad back, which she always did.

"Kiyoka—San, I'm afraid I've got a bad back again. It's painful to move these boxes."

Even though Kiyoka didn't see the manipulation, she agreed to heal him; she placed her arm towards his mouth so he could recover his back. His smirk was unclear to her, and he briefly bit her arm, which made her flinch, though she was used to it. The old merchant felt "better" and thanked her for giving her a food package. She chuckled, accepted the food package, and would show the Kage's office.

Soon, she was outside the Kage's office doors and awaited for Gizoku, hoping he would follow her close enough to catch up with her.


Location: Streets of Sunagakure, Sand District
Posting Order: Gizoku ->Kiyoka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



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Gizoku would watch as Kiyoka spoke to the kids who seemed to be rather fond of her as they seemed legitimately sad that she couldn't play with them. "Sorry kiddo's it's important that I see your Lord Kazekage, but to make up for getting in the way of your fun. Please take this and go by yourself something nice," said Gizoku as he reaches into his pockets an reveals two bags each containing 500 Ryo and handed them to the kids before following Kiyoka down the street towards their destination.

As the two made their way down the street it quickly became clear to Gizoku that Kiyoka was similar to him in someway. He coulkdn't put his finger on it but he wondered if she was also a descendant of the Uzumaki Clan a question that wouldn't take long to answer as Kiyoka was stopped by an old man to help with his back pains. The action didn't give her away, but the technique she used, the famous Heal Bite of the Uzumaki Clan.

With his newfound discovery of an Uzumaki in the Sand District in his grasp Gizoku would make a mental note and focus on his task at hand and follow her to the Kazekage's Office.

Location: Streets of Sunagakure, Sand District
Posting Order: Gizoku
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Kiyoka stood in front of the huge doors that led into the Kazekage office. She looked at the tall mall beside him, smiling. She took a deep breath before she knocked on the doors with long strikes, making loud sounds, but no one answered. She gave quite a puzzled look before starting to hit yet again.

Still, there was no answer only she assumed that Shishio was out and about somewhere, of course since this was quite important she looked up at Gizoku with little frown of guilt.

"I'm so sorry Gizoku-san, it appears Kage is out somewhere."

There she spotted an anbu walking by, the red-haired female quickly ran towards the Anbu and asked politely.

"Ah- I'm sorry Anbu-San however can I ask if you could fetch the Kage for me as there is an important visitor here, thank you!."

There Anbu nodded and flashed away to find the Kage, knowing the Anbus knew exactly where the Kage was due to how close they were with him. There Kiyoka ran back to Gizoku, gently guiding him to the nearest bench, which was just around the bend from the office. She saw a bench that wasn't occupied and sat down patiently. She asked a question, curious.

"So... were you born into the gold district or... did you find the place?"

Though way her tone of voice could sound quite rude to some, she didn't mean it come across as rude, or even intruding.

Location: Kazekage building, Sand District
Posting Order: Gizoku -> Kiyoka
Post Time Limit (PTI):
3 Days
Skip Points: ll


Owner and Founder
Staff member


The room was suffused with tension, a thick, palpable silence hanging over the gathered councilmen of Sunagakure. The occasional cough echoed starkly against the stone walls, underscoring the gravity of their situation. Every man seemed reluctant to speak, aware that nominating a new leader for Sunagakure carried immense responsibility.

Elder Fūka broke the silence with a grave tone, addressing the pressing issue: "With Kazekage Shishio’s mysterious disappearance, we face a dire threat of being annexed by other nations, or worse, falling prey to the Shadow Realm. We must elect a new Kazekage swiftly, before our vulnerability becomes known."


Joskei responded with equal seriousness, "Elder Fūka, I agree, but selecting a Kazekage isn't straightforward. It requires more than just power—it demands a leader who can unify and strengthen our entire district. Choosing poorly could lead to division and weaken us internally."A spark of debate ignited when another council member suggested, "We could simply elect someone from the puppet brigade again."


Fūka countered, visibly frustrated, "While the puppet brigade has saved many lives, it has also made our regular forces complacent. Relying too heavily on puppetry has diminished our close-combat capabilities, with about 20% of our armed forces now dependent on it." Fūka would have said eagerly with heavy concern in his voice.


As the council members began to talk over each other, Yura, a middle-aged councilman, drew a deep drag from his cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke that sent everyone into a coughing fit. Once the room settled, he uttered a single word that recaptured everyone’s attention, "Satsujoi."


"Satsujo?" another councilman queried.


"Precisely," Yura confirmed, taking another drag. "She’s a former teammate of Lord Shishio, and her mastery of Sunagakure’s wind affinity, augmented with puppetry for scouting and combat, makes her the embodiment of what our village stands for."

This proposal stirred a buzz of approval among the council. Nods and murmurs of agreement filled the room as they contemplated the merits of choosing Satsujoi, recognizing her potential to lead and unify Sunagakure. Convinced, Yura penned a message, dispatching it via falcon to Kiyoka and Hariku. "Find Satsujoi and bring her back immediately," he instructed, sealing their decision to seek a leader who represented the strength and spirit of their village.

Location: Kazekage building, Sand District
Posting Order: Council/NPC -> Hariku -> Kiyoka
Post Time Limit (PTI):
3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



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Hariku, the Angel of Hell

Hariku had found herself tucked away between the dark confides of the council room, while her intent wasn't malicious her attire would scream such, she had simply listened. Her eyes remaining closed in the darkness of the council room, till suddenly a name popped up.


The name caused her eyes to open, the purple hues in her eyes almost illuminating the room and effectively announcing her presence to the council-men/women before her.

"I second Satsujoi." her voice rippled through the cold room, her voice semi distorted due to the robes she uses to conceal her presence, almost demonic and raspy.

her words being of a non council member didn't mean much statistically however the weight behind her words as a fellow woman of action would carry some weight as she too considers herself an important factor in Sunagakure's growth, even if she plays but a minor role, it's still a role that the council member themselves would surely recognise as a member of the Bijuu Sealing/restraining corps, current Teacher to Shabaka the one tail Jinchuriki and master of Iron Sand a staple for Sunagakure at a base.

Why did Hariku second Satsujoi? for the very reason her dossier remains blank, only those who are a pinnacle of Sunagakure's growth and reputation's dossiers remain blank for their loyalty doesn't need to be tracked. As a Master of stealth like Hariku it not only intrigued her but pushed her to see for herself whom this person is.

"If we're all in agreement my good council men/women I will retrieve Satsujoi, simply tell me where I may find her"

Once more, her voice carried a heavy weight behind it being muffled and almost demonic.

Location: Kazekage building, Sand District
Posting Order: Council/NPC -> Hariku -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI):
3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Owner and Founder
Staff member

The council chamber was thick with tension, amplified by the sudden intrusion of a raspy voice that none of the councilmen recognized. As they turned toward the source, their alarm escalated at the sight of a woman clad in bandages and a dark burgundy hood. Fear rippled through the room as they mistook her for an assassin.

"Guards, Guards!" the councilmen shouted in unison, scrambling from their seats in a panic, preparing for a confrontation they were ill-equipped to handle.


Amid the chaos, Yura remained the picture of calm. He leisurely exhaled a cloud of smoke, his chuckle resonating above the clamor, drawing puzzled looks from his colleagues. "I can see why you emphasize the need for a Kazekage because you fear for your lives," he remarked dryly, the smoke curling from his lips as he surveyed the room with a smirk.


The tension briefly lifted as Yura clarified, "The hooded woman is with me. She's actually who we need to retrieve Satsujoi." His gaze shifted to the mysterious woman, acknowledging her premature arrival with a nod. "You're early. But Satsujoi was last seen at the Suna Greenhouse. I know she was conducting an investigation; she tends to vanish after gathering what she needs, but now you have a starting point."


The other councilmen exhaled in relief, though their expressions remained tight with displeasure. Yura's casual introduction of such a pivotal figure without prior consultation had not only startled them but also shifted their perceptions of him. Mistrust began to brew beneath the surface, with some councilmen considering the necessity of personal shinobi to safeguard their own interests against Yura's unpredictable actions. This episode had inadvertently sown seeds of division within the council, highlighting the fragile state of their leadership and the urgent need for a steady hand at the helm of Sunagakure.

ocation: Kazekage building, Sand District
Posting Order: Council/NPC -> Hariku -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI):
3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



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Hariku, the Angel of Hell


Almost as soon as she appeared, after receiving her orders she vanished just as quickly leaving behind nothing but a handful of grains made up of iron sand behind the dampening hall soon filled with the drizzle of Iron Sand as she would have vanished, she had her location, yet no face, only a name.

"Suna Greenhouse huh?" Hariku thought to herself, not a location she would have thought, in truth she had expected to travel further than the village itself. Yet no matter, Hariku would still have a job finding this mysterious woman who had eluded the council itself while remaining in the village is a feat on its own. So Hariku would need to up her own sensory methods to find her effectively and quickly.

Placing three fingers over her left eye, she had shut her eye, this was utilising the Third Eye ability known by her Clan the Kazekage Clan and her Kekkei Genkai, so naturally. With the information provided by Yura, Hariku would have 3 slots, each representing one finger and one additional sight. However using 3 fingers limits the capability of her eyesight, thus she had them placed to fit a "potential" figure that would match any description provided, she had begun to form them in the three spots.

First Spot: Above the Suna Greenhouse itself should she make an exit via the rooftop her eyesight will trigger a sensory response rather than a direct line of sight.

Second Spot: Hidden by the main entrance of the Greenhouse giving her a broad sight of the entrance, inside the greenhouse and down the street to the right and left.

The Third spot: would rest easy as a sentry drone, it would effortlessly patrol the perimeter to search for the one known as Satsujoi off a higher chakra signature should one be presented.

Now, these Eyes are shrunk in size due to using three fingers creating them in the size of a table tennis ball, undetectable via traditional eyesight due to their locations they take heavy advantage of the suns rays providing a lucrative position to overwatch while remaining hidden, the only exception is the one patrolling, while its purpose is to scout it could still be seen by those with a heightened eyesight and sensory capability.

Back to Hariku's body, she would have herself planted on the western wall of the greenhouse, her three fingers would need to remain a constant focus over her eye to keep the three eyes in play, all that needs to happen is for Satsujoi to make her apparencies known or approach Hariku directly, as the eyes became more of an announcement that someone would be looking for her rather than actually looking for her in the stealthiest way possible, while maintaining the mysterious nature Hariku herself possesses.


ocation: Kazekage building, Sand District
Posting Order: Council/NPC -> Hariku -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI):
3 Days
Skip Points: ll​