Sand District


Staff member

The moment of impact was brief, his fist connecting with the woman's forehead only to be forced back almost immediately due to circumstance. His sand, resilient and reinforced by his chakra, was pushed back but not shattered instantly. The immense strength of the opposing force made it clear that the Jinchuuriki had to rely once more on his sand body technique. As his physical form dissolved into grains of sand, he realized he couldn't outlast this relentless assault as he had hoped. In the fleeting interval between the torrent's ebb and the rising opposition, his body dematerialized completely, the sand flowing through the air with the agility of wind and the elusiveness of a serpent.

He narrowly evaded the reach of her iron sand, slipping through its grasp and reconstituting himself several meters away in an instant. The speed of his movement was extraordinary, a swirling vortex of sand propelling him out of her iron pillars' range. The additional grains of sand kicked up by his rapid retreat were unaffected by Hariku's chakra, a mere byproduct of his swift evasion. Upon landing, Shabaka found himself atop a small pyramid, likely the burial site of a minor royal. His eyes narrowed, and his teeth clenched in frustration as he heard the woman's taunting words echoing in the air.

"Why do you fight like a coward? Or are you simply afraid of the power I possess?" he jeered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Shabaka's rage boiled over. He roared back at her, demanding an answer. "Coward! You are coward!"

His sand swirled around him, forming a protective barrier as he prepared for her any hasty move. The battle was far from over, and he knew he had to stay sharp, using every bit of his cunning and agility to outmaneuver her overwhelming force. This was not just a clash of physical prowess but a test of wills and wits.

Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> Shabaka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​
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Commission - Okami Kitsune Nametag.png

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Okami had been entirely unable to defend himself from the explosion as a result of his highly disoriented state. However, there were a few things that worked in the Kitsune's favor that spared him from dying on the spot the moment the bomb went off. The first thing in his favor was the fact that he was facing away from the suitcase when it detonated, thus ensuring that his back ended up soaking much of the damage that would have otherwise affected his entire body. This lead straight to the second thing in his favor: Due to being curled up into a ball, that meant his arms, legs, and tail had been tucked in, shielded by his body which made sure none of his limbs were blown off. Thirdly was the fact he'd curled up under the seat on the opposite side of the room, ensuring that unlike Gyoken, he wasn't at the literal epicenter of the blast.

But that was where the good news ended. Even that didn't stop the heat, force, and pressure from searing right through his body. In short, his back was taking every bit of the damage the rest of his body would have taken, and the result was him looking a lot like Lady Luck had decided to curse him by allowing him to barely survive the blast... With heavy emphasis on the "barely".

Thankfully, the near-immediate intervention of backup from Sunagakure following the explosion prevented him from burning to death by the flames. The flames within the private cabin were sucked out through the use of Wind jutsu, including the flames on his back, revealing a large hole burned through his coat, his Chunin vest, and the shirt he wore under it, which thus revealed that the skin and muscle and flesh on his back had been ripped off by the force of the explosion, revealing his damaged spine, shoulder blades, and ribcage... It wasn't by any means a pretty sight. It was bad enough that the nerves in his back had also been burned. This was his beyond his ability to recover from unassisted - his own healing was too slow, not precise enough, and time was simply not on his side. In fact, he was at death's doorstep. The damage was simply too great.

But still, Okami was resolved to defy that fate no matter the cost. This complete and utter resolve to even defy death itself, to force his way to being the sole master of his own fate, showed in his eyes, the expression shown on his face being one of naught but raw determination - though it was a miracle he was even conscious, and even more so that he yet had strength enough to move.

As he slowly and painfully crawled on his arms (and ignoring his broken shoulder blades due to the nerves in his back having been burned, with the proof being that the damage was bad enough for his spine to be visible) towards the blown-open wall of the private cabin, towards open air, he saw the one who had presumably saved him. He knew naught of what became of Gyoken, who he'd felt was in the same room when the bomb went off, but he knew the boy had to be in the area somewhere... And Gyoken had taken the bomb point-blank unlike him due to being positioned practically right on top of the bomb at the time... Chances were considerable that the situation was somehow worse for the Uchiha than it was for the Kitsune.

But at the end of the day, the Kitsune was more worried about himself. Although the damage done to his body was severe enough for him to need immediate medical attention or he would most certainly perish, he wasn't an idiot. He wasn't stupid, far from it in fact - he just lacked experience. Experience that could only be gained by going out onto the field taking missions, be they success or failure. And the only way he could get that is if the kunoichi that saved him from burning to death in flames had brought someone who could heal all the damage done to his body on-site and in a timely manner, even if it meant certain things were healed incorrectly and would require surgery.

But now that was all beyond him alone. So he instead opted to use what could possibly be his final moments to do what he could, which was making his first, and possibly only mission report. Making sure to not move too much, the Kitsune used a small amount of chakra to unseal a blank scroll and a calligraphy pen, and proceeded to hastily write down his formal report of the mission so far in one scroll (as well as including a declaration of colossal mission failure and a formal request to be demoted to Genin until he actually had the experience necessary to handle the rank of Chunin IF he survived this) - this scroll would go straight to the Hokage.

Once that scroll was finished, he would leave it there before finally allowing himself to remain almost entirely motionless in that same prone position, if only to conserve what little remained of his strength, staying conscious and thus alive as long as he could. Even just breathing hurt, but that was good - the pain reminded him that he was still alive. That he could - and would - live as long as he got help in time. So he focused on that too.

All that remained now was to see if the help that the Sunagakure kunoichi brought was someone who could help him, or if he was fated to die here without even getting to make a name for himself. A nobody. A boy that had been promoted too hastily by the powers that be, knowing fully well he had not a shred of prior experience despite his stellar performance in the Chunin Exams.

He was, at this moment, a crippled failure who would either die here and never become something better, or would survive and defy the fate that was handed to him with every ounce of his very existence.

This mission was a colossal failure, and it was all his fault.
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Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded)]
Current Post Order: Kazeemi Sato-> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Story/Diplomat/Body Guards
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Jin Name Tag.jpg

Listen As you Read

As Jin Tendo stood upon the sand that bordered the Leaf and Sand District, looking back towards the cabins there would be what can be described as a moment in time where things felt as if time had come to a halt. Things slowing down around his perception as the reality sunk in. A thunderous echo, plumage of flames and metal scattering to the sky as flashes of his youth flickered and danced in his mind, inflicting his mind with the hellscape of his time in the orphanage and the brutality he had to suffer from, but upon time in his mind returning to normal, he'd be force to watch as the entire cabin erupted out from the inside outwards. Blackening smoke rising with the ever dance of the flames only for the flames to be gusted away by a strong force of wind. His cyan eyes slowly diverting forth towards where the wind gust originated, Jin though behind the final cart would come to notice two more bodies arising from the horizon of the various sand dunes and rock formations. His expression resting upon his face seemed more calm yet cautious, that was until Jin visibly watched the Kitsune crawling out from the wreckage. Since the beginning of this mission it has been nothing but problematic, at finally Jin has had enough, walking forth from behind the Final Cart, each step striding him closer and closer to the wounded chunin as his expression which was once calmed now showed utter resentment and disgust.
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With each step drawing him closer to the crawling crippled chunin who had shrapnel lodged throughout his back, Jin slowly came to a stop, standing in the path of the chunin as his glowing cyan eyes looked down towards the Kitsune. One thing was clear, Jin has finally had enough of this Kitsune's antics. His eyes looking down upon the Kitsune, such a cold malice filled expression being displayed as alas the Tendo spoke, his voice carrying a cold tone,​
“For a chunin… you’re nothing more than a burden. You have done nothing right this entire mission. Ignoring direct orders, letting that stupid ego of yours affect the mission, being unable to properly come up with a plan, being so ignorant that you would tell a shinobi to seize a vehicle when only the rich have them as a symbol of power and status so the knowledge of driving it is unobtainable. What respect I had for you is gone. You are nothing more than a crippled disappointment. Even the Uchiha kid was doing better than you, but you dragged him down by being completely useless. You've no right to call yourself a shinobi if you are unable to do what is necessary to achieve victory. Now look at you, crippled, unable to use your legs; body mangled and torn asunder... You were better off dead than a disappointment to what ever back water place you came from."
His words like daggers aimed straight to the mangled and damaged Fresh chunin, words that showed more hints of disdain towards the Kitsune for his actions as of late. With his hands still concealed, and his grim expression directed towards the Kitsune he'd speak once more,​
"You better hope Gyoken survived...For your sake."
Spoken with a clear indication of both a threat and a promise, this would reveal just how cold Jin truly can be. As Jin stood between the Kitsune and the mysterious group of shinobi making their approach, Jin's eyes had not once averted its glare from the crippled Chunin. The glow of these eyes completely different from what has been shown prior, rings of blue cyan diverting towards the pupil verses its natural dull cyan color. A glance of his mysterious eyes would convey the unstable and barely being held back fury dwelling deeper inside of Jin's heart. A cold darkness brought forth from his upbringing in the Grass orphanage was now seen in his eyes as they stared, piercing towards the Kitsune called Okami. In his pockets, his left hands fingers curling themselves into a balled fist as the pain in his right hand pulsated with the elevating tension in his body. Doing all he could to hold his fury back, the ultimate deciding factor would be if the Uchiha were to make it out from the explosion, should the worse come to reality, the one person who Jin was considering to befriending should fall an untimely demise, The Kitsune's life will be forfeit for such a great cost. Should the Uchiha some how make it out, then Jin's burning Fury will find itself quelling ever slightly to allow him to function more off his typical logic. But this could only be told as time would reveal itself.
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Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded)]
Current Post Order: Kazeemi Sato-> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Kiyoka Uzumaki -> Story/Diplomat/Body Guards
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Hariku, the Angel from Hell


What a fine young man, he had clearly seen that her attack power was superior in this exchange and thus a retreat was needed to collect his thoughts, while Hariku simply stood in the dead center of her pillars, as he approached the edge of her pillars, her smiled turned into a sinister smirk, the pillars would have activated and on that very second detected an inside source trying to escape, Shabaka found himself jolted with the suppressive sting of the Dhamra seal in conjunction with a zap of lightning, it wouldn’t have hurt physically - however would have propelled him back inside of the dome as well as disturbed his chakra flow entirely , thus forcing him to use any chakra he could muster from the Bijuu deep inside of him.

Should Shabaka’s eyes wander up he’d now be able to see the Dhamra seal in conjunction with her Iron sand Pillars formulating the dome above him, beside him and even underground, there was currently no escape for Shabaka, Hariku on the other hand was able to freely exit and enter as she willed due to the fact she's charged with negative and positive charges of her own magnetism this allowed for her to naturally disrupt her own dome in one perimeter without the need of hand signs.


Shabaka was presented with a choice before him - resort to Taijutsu alone or rely on other sources of power hinting toward his Bijuu, Hariku was aware of the destructive prowess of the Bijuu thus the formation of this dome was necessary before anything was to begin, Hariku’s plan had now just begun.

While Shabaka would be feeling the repercussions of attempting to escape, Hariku had wrapped herself in a orb of Iron Sand, this orb of iron sand was continuously rotating clockwise from the top while the bottom had merged into the other and began to rotate anti clockwise, this would rouse up all Iron Sand in the area creating her own miniature magnetic ozone layer by rapidly rotating her iron sand clockwise and anticlockwise. The ground before them would shift and crack as out spilled large quantities of Iron Sand, from their perspective from the ground up, the vast amount of Iron Sand being controlled by her magnetic force would seem never ending, the ground pouring out Iron Sand at vast quantities and heavy force preventing even the earth itself from covering its escape. The Iron Sand lay littered across the ground and floating in the sky, creating a sand storm of lightning charged Iron Sand, she didn’t want Shabaka to use Taijutsu, the purpose of her being here is to train him in using his Bijuu.

With the Sound of shifting sand and crackling lightning Hariku bellowed.

“Bring out your borrowed power and let us make it yours, together!”

Her voice was raspy and her words traveled far and wide, by now she’d hoped he knew what her plan was to help him train and gain partial control over his Bijuu, every step she had done, antagonizing him, “cheating” , disrupting his chakra and dominating his own ninjutsu with her own was all for this moment. Every preparation had been made, even if she should perish fighting against Shukaku or the manifestation of the partial transformation the domes where set up to be self sufficient for extended periods of time to suppress the Bijuu chakra when its necessary.

Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> Shabaka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​


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Staff member


As the heat from the suitcase began to intensify ominously, Gyoken's two tomoe Sharingan locked onto the impending danger. The alarming rise in temperature was a clear prelude to disaster. In that critical moment, time seemed to stretch into an eternity, a mere fraction of a second stretching out as Gyoken was thrust deep into the recesses of his own psyche.

Surrounded by the pervasive darkness of his inner world, Gyoken's desperate call echoed, "Matatabi." The room, barely lit by the ethereal glow of the two-tailed blue-flamed beast behind its sealed cage, vibrated with the urgency of the situation. The usually reticent beast understood the direness without words, its response a simple, resonant, "Fine…"

In a moment of desperate clarity, as the Matatabi's acquiescence resonated through the depths of his psyche, Gyoken was abruptly catapulted back to the perilous reality of the impending explosion. As if ignited by the silent agreement between him and the mythical creature, a vibrant surge of blue flames burst forth from within him. These flames, pulsating with raw power and ancient energy, swirled around him, weaving a cocoon of chakra that shimmered with an eerie luminescence. This sudden eruption of energy triggered a profound transformation within Gyoken. His two tomoe Sharingan, already sharply attuned to danger, began a rapid metamorphosis. The tomoe spun wildly, merging and evolving into a three tomoe sharingan, each swirling with an intense onyx black hue— a stark emblem of the dark, desperate resolve that now consumed him.
As the first echoes of the explosion tore through the air, a deadly ballet of fire and shrapnel launched itself with murderous intent towards Gyoken and his charges. But the Matatabi’s chakra, now a tangible shield of blazing azure, expanded with a defiant roar. It enveloped Gyoken and the bodyguards in a dome of spectral flame. This formidable barrier, thrumming with the life essence of the two-tailed beast, stood as a bulwark against the chaos of the explosion. The fierce assault of the blast met the intensity of the blue flames, and where one might expect the searing heat to dominate, it was instead stifled and nullified. Inside this dome of blue fire, the world seemed to slow. The air itself vibrated with the force of the opposing energies, the heat of the explosion battling against the inferno of Matatabi’s power. Shrapnel and debris, turned lethal by the blast, were halted mid-air, inches away from the barrier, their deadly momentum arrested by the sheer force of the chakra shield. Sparks and flames licked at the barrier, trying to penetrate the mystical defense, but they were swallowed by the blue flames, absorbed and extinguished. Gyoken, at the center of this maelstrom, stood firm yet shaken. The strain of maintaining such a powerful defense began to weigh on him, sweat beading on his forehead as he channeled more and more of his and Matatabi's combined strength into sustaining the barrier. His eyes, now a deep, sinister black, reflected a tumult of emotions—fear, determination, and a fierce will to protect those behind him. In this moment, Gyoken was not just a shinobi; he was a bastion against the darkness, a guardian whose resolve was tested by fire and fury.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the residual flames sputtered and died, quenched by an unexpected gust of powerful wind—a timely intervention by a Kunoichi from Sunagakure. However, Gyoken’s mind was too clouded by the ordeal to register this assistance. His shield fading as the Matatabi’s chakra waned, Gyoken gathered the remnants of his strength to ensure the diplomat bodyguard's safety. He heaved himself and the diplomat out of the demolished carriage, navigating through the debris with sheer willpower. His body was at its limit, every movement an echo of pain and exhaustion.

Staggering free from the confines of destruction, he caught sight of his teammates, Jin and Okami, "standing" amidst the chaos. "Jin...Okami," he murmured, too weak to muster even a semblance of a smile. The darkened swirls of his three tomoe Sharingan dimmed, retreating as his strength finally gave way, and he collapsed onto the sandy ground just feet away from his comrades.

The dust settled around the battered form of Gyoken, the silence a stark contrast to the roaring chaos moments before. His sacrifice had not been in vain, the bodyguards shielded from death by his desperate act of valor.

Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded)]
Current Post Order: Kazeemi Sato-> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Kiyoka Uzumaki -> Story/Diplomat/Body Guards
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II






That's all Kiyoka and Kazeemi saw at the scene; it was like a horror scene. Bodies scattered everywhere; some had broken limbs, and some had been decapitated from what could've been an explosion due to how there was a fire spreading across. The sounds of groaning and crying from the barely alive passengers soon to be deceased, cries of children begging their parents to wake up after their parents protected, of course, not all of the children had survived. That's the reality of some actions of others, rampaging shinobis; others are terrorists that result in death upon others. No matter if you were young, old or even a mere child. Anything can be a horror show. The smell in the air was putrid. The smell of burning corpses leaving little to no flesh who was near the fire and explosion, the burning itself stunk the whole place. The blood of the victims had stained their sands; if any reporters see this scene, it would be titled something like "Sands dyed red as a massacre happened" or something along those lines.

Safe to say, Kiyoka took in the scene with a look of horror on her face; she had a big lump in her throat, which she took a big gulp. The smell of the scene was causing her to feel physically sick, and she saw how Kazeemi lept into action to extinguish the flames that smothered the area with its dark and heavy fog. She hoped the purple female would get the fire under control soon enough. Despite how horrifying the scene looked to Kiyoka, she had to do something to help; she couldn't keep gawking at the scene. No, her body ran towards the cart that was still barely standing and flipped onto its side to see if there was anyone trapped there, perhaps to see if a diplomat and the Konoha ninjas had joined in the missions.

The red-haired woman avoided trampling over the corpses and half-dead passengers lying on the ground by leaping over them. Soon, she got to the cart and met with another horror scene; a shinobi was moving, and despite needing apparent medical attention, she immediately moved towards the young male with ears and tail. To her, Okami was unusual with his ears and tail. Okami was one of many there. She saw a glimpse of a boy with a yellow jacket and duo-toned hair. Her ears caught the conversation he was having towards the injured Chunin; Kiyoka tutted in disgust despite being introverted and rarely appearing rude or speaking up about it. She Said coldly, and it seemed to be just as strong of words as his towards the kitsune. Her brutal words were directed towards the boy with the Yellowjacket, who appeared to be too cocky for his likely hood. Her eyes pierced into the genin boy's blue eyes as she spoke, hoping to set in dominance.

“For a chunin… you’re nothing more than a burden. You have done nothing right this entire mission. Ignoring direct orders, letting that stupid ego of yours affect the mission, being unable to properly come up with a plan, being so ignorant that you would tell a shinobi to seize a vehicle when only the rich have them as a symbol of power and status so the knowledge of driving it is unobtainable. What respect I had for you is gone. You are nothing more than a crippled disappointment. Even the Uchiha kid was doing better than you, but you dragged him down by being completely useless. You've no right to call yourself a shinobi if you are unable to do what is necessary to achieve victory. Now look at you, crippled, unable to use your legs; body mangled and torn asunder... You were better off dead than a disappointment to what ever back water place you came from."
"You better hope Gyoken survived...For your sake."

"Since you seem to value your other teammate so much, why aren't you inside finding and helping him right now? Time spent insulting and threatening to kill a higher-ranking officer is time that could be spent looking for him. I recommend you get to it, hypocrite."

She rolled her eyes at the male. At that moment, she immediately disliked Jin. She thought he was arrogant and seemed to care more about their other teammate than their injured superior. He made her angry by saying that regardless of whether teammates don't get along, a true team would protect and ensure that each other is all right, even with a rocky relationship.

She couldn't care about the diplomat at the time due to the injured fox-looking male—nevertheless, his heavy injuries. She immediately got into the action by Looking at the damage; she saw a burnt hole in his clothing; she took kunai from her bag and decided to cut along the fabrics that separated him from his body. She was careful enough not to injure him further. She inspected his injuries, seeing how his spinal bone was visible and his muscles and skin had been ripped away from his body. She gritted her teeth at the sight; this must be painful. She placed two fingers on his neck to see if he was still alive, and she felt a few pulses, which brought a sigh of relief that he was still alive, but barely.

Knowingly, Kiyoka placed her arm by the male's mouth. She gently pried his mouth open to get him to bite down into her flesh. There, she held his head steady and got him to bite even harder, letting the healing chakra flow. Kiyoka let out a small whimper due to the inch of the pain of the bite; it was more painful than average, but Chakra flew and tried to heal what she could; despite the fact she was using her heal bite, she released that his injuries were far beyond on healing from her heal bite technique. He needed immediate surgery. That she could not do; she needed to go back to Suna with him to have the surgeries he needed. For now, she tried another technique. Her clan's made jutsu. There, she got him to let go, and she did hand signs, Horse > Monkey > Ox > Rat. There was a green glow to her hands, and she placed her hands on the gaping wound on his spine. There, the flesh and muscle began to heal up. Or rather, this was sealed. Eventually, this would come undone; however, it would last until they return to Suna. Hopefully, this should be enough for now, when he got back on her feet, whether or not the jutsu was successful.

She suddenly felt a strong presence, seeing a kid with blue flames wrapped around him, and then he suddenly was going to fall; Kiyoka Bolted to the kid as fast as she could and captured him in her arms before he could hit the ground from she can see he was all beaten up badly much like their superior was. She sighed and gently shook him to see if he gained any consciousness, to no avail. She didn't get a response. Once again, Kiyoka pried open another Konohagakure's boys, placed her unbitten arm in his mouth, and gently forced his mouth to clamp onto her; slowly, her Chakra once again focused on that particular area where she was bitten, and there, the healing started. She hoped the young Jinnchurki could gain consciousness soon; she didn't want to carry two Konohagakure ninjas to the hospital, but she could at least hope this one recovered through her clan's ability.

"Come on kid...Live"


Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded)]
Current Post Order: Kazeemi Sato-> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Kiyoka Uzumaki -> Story/Diplomat/Body Guards
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Oboro, Ghost Of The Sand2.png


In the brightly lit confines of the Kazekage office, Oboro lounged against the hardened sand wall of the office closest to Shishio; His lean frame exuding an aura of quiet intensity. With his dark scarlet hair cascading smoothly over his shoulders and piercing black and white eyes, he was indeed one of the more serious individuals within the village aside from his best friend and leader, Shishio. Oboro's mind was focused on the topic at hand that was mentioned by the Hokage, and it indeed intrigued him since his cousin also seemed to disappear out of the blue. He could have been wrong but as it stood in this moment, the Shadow World had become his number one suspect in the disappearance of Daidouji. With each passing moment spent within the meeting, his suspicions regarding his speculations only grew further, but his focus on the conversations between the Kages had come to an end as his eyes glanced at the sheet of folded paper being moved towards him. The first thing he noticed on the paper was the words written on it of where he was to go. As such, with a final bow, Oboro turned and made his way out of the office. As he stepped into the corridor, he tucked the piece of paper safely into his pouch. He moved swiftly through the halls, his footsteps barely making a sound on the sand tile floors.

Emerging from the Kazekage building, Oboro took a moment to orient himself. The festival's lively atmosphere still filled the air, but he had no time to linger. He needed to reach the sand docks, where his journey to the Grass District would begin. With practiced ease, Oboro leaped onto the nearest rooftop, his hair trailing behind him in the wind. The cool air was a sharp contrast to the warm glow of the festival below. He moved with the grace and agility of a seasoned shinobi, traversing the roofs and sides of buildings to avoid the crowded streets. From his elevated vantage point, Oboro could see exactly where he needed to go and every shortcut he could take by building top. The sand docks eventually within a few more meters of where he was, their sturdy wooden structures jutting out into the sea of sand like the ribs of a colossal beast. The docks were a hub of activity, with sand sailors preparing their crafts for the days journeys. Oboro descended gracefully, landing lightly on the dock's weathered planks. He approached one of the sand sailors, a burly man with sun-worn skin and a welcoming smile.

Oboro: Good evening! I'm here on important business and need to travel to the Grass District. Will you assist me on the journey?

The sand sailor's eyes lit up with recognition, happy to be the one asked to assist for such an important endeavor.
Sailor 1: Of course, Oboro. We have a sand boat departing here in a couple of minutes. Let's get you on board before it takes off.
Oboro: Thank you. I appreciate your help.

The sand sailor led Oboro to a sleek sand boat, its sails billowing in the desert breeze. The craft was designed for speed and agility, perfect for navigating the shifting sands. Oboro stepped aboard, his mind already on the mission ahead. As he did so, another Sailor stepped towards the back of the boat and performed a couple hand signs to perform a simple wind release jutsu to force the boat to begin moving at a slow pace until they were far enough from the dock. As the sand boat set off, gliding smoothly over the dunes, Oboro took a moment to reflect. The journey ahead was uncertain, but Oboro felt a deep sense of purpose. With the Kazekage's trust and the village's well-being in his heart, he was ready to face whatever lay ahead in the Grass District.

Suddenly, the same sailor, dressed in practical yet sturdy attire suitable for the harsh desert environment, stepped to the back of the craft. Her eyes, sharp and focused, scanned the horizon as she raised her hands, forming a series of swift hand signs. The air around the woman began to shimmer and vibrate, charged with the anticipation of her chakra.


Sailor 2: Wind Release: Gale Force Propulsion!

With a powerful thrust of her palms, a concentrated burst of wind chakra exploded from her hands, enveloping the ship. The force of the jutsu caught the sails, which billowed dramatically, and propelled the craft forward with a sudden and exhilarating burst of speed. The sand boat surged ahead, cutting through the dunes with newfound agility and swiftness. Oboro, standing at the bow, felt the immediate impact of the enhanced speed. The wind whipped through his hair, and the air rushed past him, carrying the coolness of the desert. He steadied himself, his eyes narrowing against the gusts, as the ship sliced through the sand like a blade through water. Oboro couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude for the woman's skill. This boost in speed would significantly shorten their journey to the Grass District. He turned to the sailor, his voice raised above the roaring wind.
Oboro: Impressive work. Thank you for your assistance, Sanami.

The shinobi sailor glanced back, a modest smile on her face.
Sanami: Just doing my part, Oboro. We'll get you to the Grass District in no time.

With that assurance, Oboro turned his gaze back to the horizon, his thoughts once again focused on the task ahead. The sand boat, now a streak of speed and precision, raced through the desert night, driven by the combined efforts of its skilled crew and the powerful Wind Release jutsu. The journey was well underway, and Oboro felt a renewed sense of determination as they closed the distance to their destination. The world stretched out before him, Oboro stood at the bow of the sand ship, his eyes fixed on the horizon. The festival's sounds faded into the distance, replaced by the endless expanse of the desert sand being shifted by the moving body of wood that carried him across the dunes.

Current Location: Sea Of Sand (Sand District)
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)

Skip Points: 2
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Oboro, Ghost Of The Sand2.png

Oboro's Boat Travel Soundtrack

Oboro remained at the bow of the sand sailer, his eyes scanning the horizon as the craft continued through the dunes. The desert was quite hot but due to their speed, a gentle breeze was allowed to brush against his face as he took in the majestic, desolate beauty of the Sand District's domain. Occasionally, the landscape would shift dramatically as the dunes rose and fell like the swell of an ocean, creating a hypnotic rhythm that Oboro found to be quite calming. Suddenly, with a burst of energy, a massive sand snake erupted from the ground, its colossal body coiling and twisting as it broke free from its subterranean lair. Its scales glistened in the light, reflecting the desert’s eerie glow. The creature’s size was staggering, its sinuous form easily surpassing the length of the sailer. Despite its presence, Oboro remained calm, his eyes narrowing as he watched the creature with interest. The sand snake slithered alongside the ship, its movements smooth and fluid, as if it were part of the desert itself. The snake’s head occasionally dipped below the surface, only to re-emerge moments later with an effortless grace. It was not alone; a second, slightly smaller snake appeared a short distance away, joining the first in what seemed like a coordinated dance. Their massive forms glided through the sand, their presence both a reminder of the desert's dangers and its untamed beauty. He felt a deep respect for these creatures, understanding that they were as much a part of the desert as the sands themselves. Yet, he remained vigilant, aware that even the most awe-inspiring moments could turn perilous in an instant.

Deciding to make the most of the journey, Oboro channeled a bit of his chakra, and pressed his hands against the boat after perform a couple hand seals. There was a puff of smoke, and in an instant, his newly crafted puppets materialized before him, their unique forms standing silently on the deck of the sailer. The puppets were perfect in appearance, their designs meticulously crafted to embody the fighter like theme Oboro had envisioned. Their exteriors seemed to glow in the light. They were humanoid in shape but with an unsettling air about them, as if they were specters caught between the physical and demonic realms mainly due to the fact their faces were almost featureless aside from the eyes. The craftsmanship was exquisite; every joint, every curve was executed with precision, making them look almost alive. He couldn’t help but admire the blacksmith’s work once more. The puppets were exactly as he had imagined—perhaps even more so. Before Oboro could delve into a more thorough inspection, he turned to the sailors. His voice, though calm, carried an unmistakable edge.

Oboro: This mission is critical. We need to reach the Grass District as quickly as possible.

The sailors, already aware of Oboro’s reputation, felt the weight of his words. There was respect in their eyes, but also a hint of intimidation and each of them knew better than to take his request lightly.

Sanami: Understood, Sir. We’ll do everything we can to increase our speed!

As the sand ship surged forward, propelled by the powerful Wind Release jutsu of the first kunoichi sailor, the craft's acceleration was palpable. The sails billowed with the force of the wind, straining against the wooden masts as the sailer sliced through the desert with newfound speed. The vast expanse of dunes blurred past, the landscape becoming a swift, almost dreamlike tapestry of sand and shadows under the sky. But Oboro, ever vigilant and aware of the urgency of his mission, sensed that they could push the limits even further. His eyes flickered to the other two shinobi sailors aboard the vessel, who had been observing the first sailor's efforts. The look within in Oboro’s gaze conveyed an unspoken command, one they immediately understood. The two shinobi exchanged quick nods and moved to the front of the sailer, flanking the first sailor who was still maintaining her Wind Release jutsu. Without hesitation, they began to channel their own chakra, the air around them crackling with the surge of energy. Their hands moved in a blur, forming the complex hand signs necessary to unleash their Wind Release techniques.
Cordel (Sailor): Wind Release: Hurricane Burst!
Justina (Sailor): Wind Release: Gale Stream!

Sand Npc Shinobi.png
Sand Npc Kunoichi.png

In unison, the two sailors unleashed their Wind Release jutsu, combining their efforts with the first sailor’s propulsion technique. The result was immediate and dramatic. A powerful, concentrated blast of wind chakra struck the sails with the force of a tempest, amplifying the already intense speed of the ship. The combined strength of the three jutsu created a vortex of wind around the craft, pushing it to its absolute limits. The sand ship shot forward like an arrow released from a bow, the sheer speed causing the dunes beneath it to blur into an indistinct rush of motion. For a brief moment, the craft lifted off the ground, suspended in the air by the overwhelming force of the wind. It hovered above the dunes, defying gravity, before descending back onto the sand with a soft thud. But the momentary lift had only intensified its momentum, and now it skimmed across the desert with an almost supernatural velocity. Oboro could feel the difference immediately. The wind whipped violently against his face, his hair streaming behind him like a banner. The giant sand snakes that had been accompanying them struggled to keep pace, their massive forms now trailing behind as the sailer outpaced even the swiftest of the desert's predators. Oboro allowed himself a smile, a silent acknowledgment of their dedication.
Oboro: Well done! Keep this pace, and we’ll reach the Grass District in record time.

Satisfied with the response, Oboro returned his attention to his puppets. He began a meticulous examination, checking their joints, mechanisms, and hidden compartments. His fingers moved deftly, his mind focused on every detail. He tested their movements, their balance, and the responsiveness of the chakra-infused controls. The puppets moved silently, their limbs extending and retracting with fluid precision. The puppets were perfect—durable, deadly, and exactly what he needed for battle.

[ 2 Hours Later ]

As the sand sailer hurtled across the vast expanse of the desert, the horizon began to shift. The endless dunes, which had stretched as far as the eye could see, started to give way to a different kind of terrain. The sands gradually thinned, their golden waves meeting the distant, line of the ocean. The air grew cooler, the arid heat of the desert fading as a new, salty breeze began to mingle with the desert winds. The scent of the ocean, fresh and briny, filled the air, a stark contrast to the dry, earthy aroma of the sands. It was a welcome change, a sign that they were nearing the edge of the Sand District. The shinobi sailors, still channeling their Wind Release jutsu, began to ease their efforts as the sailer approached the boundary where sand met sea. The craft, having maintained an incredible speed for so long, gradually slowed as they neared the coastline. The dunes flattened out, giving way to a stretch of firm, dark sand that sloped gently down to meet the ocean’s edge. Finally, the sailer reached the water. With a smooth transition, the craft glided off the last of the desert sands and onto the shallow waves that lapped at the shore. The shift from sand to water was almost seamless, the sailer’s sleek design allowing it to move effortlessly from one element to the next.

Oboro felt the change as the sailer dipped slightly, the buoyancy of the water taking over from the resistance of the sand. The craft’s speed, while still impressive, became more fluid, the ocean’s currents now guiding their path. The sound of the waves, rhythmic and soothing, replaced the rustle of sand beneath the sailer’s hull. He looked out over the ocean, its vast expanse stretching out before them. The waves glittered under its light, creating a serene and almost mystical atmosphere. The desert, with all its intensity and heat, now lay behind them, and ahead was the endless, calming presence of the sea. The shinobi sailors, having successfully brought them to the ocean, released their jutsu and relaxed their stances. The wind around them settled into a gentle breeze, and the ship adjusted to the slightly slower pace of the ocean’s current. The sailors exchanged satisfied glances, knowing they had completed the first leg of their journey with precision and speed.



Current Location: Sea Of Sand (Sand District) -> Ocean
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: 2
Last edited:


Staff member
Shabaka attempted to retreat, but his efforts proved futile. He was blocked by the woman who had initiated the battle before his arrival. Frustration surged through him, and a low growl escaped his clenched teeth. Resigned to the inevitable confrontation, he steeled himself for the task of defeating her. The grains of sand at his command surged forward, pressing against the barrier she had erected to impede his escape.

The instant he felt the resistance, Shabaka's eyes narrowed with concentration. It was a sensation he had grown accustomed to whenever he interacted with magnetism. Drawing on his chakra, he channeled it through the grains of sand, infusing them with a violent current of magnetic energy. With a forceful surge, he propelled himself away from the pillar and its influence, using magnetism to counteract its effects. The sand body technique, now charged with magnetic power, pushed back against the kunoichi's barrier, allowing him to break free.

The iron sand, infused with Fuinjutsu meant to bind or manipulate him, was repelled by his momentum too. As he transitioned from his sand form to a more tangible presence, he floated in mid-air, his body sustained by the combined power of magnetism and the sand body technique. His gaze locked onto the kunoichi below, anticipating her next move. He could sense the subtle shifts in the magnetic field surrounding them, an indication of her continued attempts to control the battlefield.

Landing gracefully on the surface of the sand, Shabaka remained silent. His expression was unreadable, a mask of stoic determination. He knew that she could not train him if he refused to participate, yet he seemed indifferent to the prospect. The confrontation was inevitable, but for now, he simply observed her, his mind calculating the next move. The sands beneath him shifted slightly, a subtle reminder of the power at his command, ready to respond to his will at a moment's notice. Unbeknownst to Hariku, Shabaka was channeling a surmountable amount of magnetism through his chakra network. Reading itself expeditiously, proposing enough strength, power, and utility to compound into a momentum occurrence should the Kunoichi. He feared not for his life, knowing where he failed - Shukaku may emerge. He had no desire to hone his control over the tailed beast if this was going to be her approach. He'd rather die.

Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> Shabaka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​



Death hung in the air. The train creaked and groaned, its skeleton collapsing as it took its final breaths. The air reeked of molten metal and burnt flesh. Cries and screams surrounded them, a soliloquy of pain and fear. It was pure devastation.

After blowing the fires away, the first thing Kazeemi saw from within the smoldering remains of the cabin was a young boy with bright white hair and.. furry ears? The tatters of his flak jacket informed her that he was likely one of the shinobi from Konoha. Her heart twisted, watching as he crawled on his arms out into the open air. He was just a boy. Her heart swiveled to see the approach of another, a taller boy with his hands in his pockets. His steps were calm, too calm for the chaos that had just unraveled around them all. He spoke down to whom she presumed was his teammate, scarred and battered on the ground. His posturing read as laid back and condescending, and his face spat contempt. This was not the body language of a comrade or teammate - or at least, not how it should be.

In the midst of trying to gain a read on the situation, a blur of red sped past as Kiyoka rushed right into the midst of the scene. Kazeemi appraised her own teammate with a certain awe as she interjected to the lackadaisical boy with what seemed like the same level of disgust he had displayed. Without wasting any more time on him, she put her full focus onto the critically injured shinobi on the ground, cutting away his jacket, inspecting his injuries and then forcing him to bite down onto her arm. Kazeemi watched her healing capabilities with interest, but her primary focus still rested upon their landscape. She tried to avoid looking too long at the beaten and terrified civilians, scanning the area for any possible remaining threats, the diplomat, or any other shinobi. She doubted the Leaf would have only sent two green shinobi to protect a high ranking official.

And they hadn’t - they sent three. The remnants of a blue flame sputtered from the third boy’s body as he heaved himself and body guards out from the wreckage. His movements were slow, unbalanced, but he fought through his exhaustion to see to it the safety of those he was able to protect. To this, Kazeemi gave him a small nod in recognition for his valor and determination. She waited a moment, but there was no other who made it out from the carriage, leaving Kazeemi to wonder just what had happened to the diplomat. When the boy finally collapsed by his comrades, Kiyoka rushed over. “I’m impressed,” she said, hushed to her teammate for her to hear over their comms. “I leave those two in your care.”

By now ascertaining no immediate threat, Kazeemi made her approach. Long strides brought her directly to the only shinobi left standing, where she raised her left fan to hit him in the shoulder and turn him to face her. “You.” With another flick of her wrist, she closed her right fan and slid it into it holster upon her lower back. “We are the reinforcements from Sunagakure. Tell me exactly what happened here. Where is the diplomat? What happened to the train? What of the attackers?”

Her words were brisk and her eyes severe. The weight of her gaze fell upon him, demanding answers. The situation was clearly dire, and it unsettled her how calm this young man was in the midst of it all. How, when his teammate was in dire circumstance in front of him, he didn’t try to help and instead said something that even made Kiyoka bark back at him. Something was wrong with this boy and, though she couldn’t put her finger on what, she didn’t like him. Kazeemi stepped between him and his ally on the ground, ready to stop him if he tried to move around her and avoid her questions. She wondered why his comrades were so injured, likely caught in the middle of the explosion, and yet he remained seemingly unscathed. His laid back attitude came across as pompous and it rubbed her the wrong way. However, if she wanted answers, he was the only one who could give them right now. She sighed internally, staring imposingly upon him until he gave her the answers she sought.

Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded)]
Current Post Order: Kazeemi Sato-> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Kiyoka Uzumaki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II