Sand District


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The first person to actually speak up was the one known as Yusamaru, and while there were things she agreed with regarding what the man was saying, she drew the line at his disrespect towards Yuichiro. As such, Daidōuji didn't even let him finish everything he had to say; The moment 'regardless' was said, an abundance of black heavy cloth-like substances shot from a nearby object within the room that resembled an egyptian coffin which was leaning against the wall right behind the desk. These cloth which shot out at unbelievable speeds equivalent to that of a sniper bullet with its' speed doubled by the use of chakra, wrapped around the very being of Yasumasa as a seal within it began pulling the man inside of it before the black cloths emitted a slight golden glow. Forcing cryptic egyptian seals to spread along the man's body as he became limp and unable to move just before he was fully sucked inside of the tomb before it slammed shut. While he was very much alive inside of the tomb, he was simply put inside of a stasis like state until the group decided what they were going to do with him later down the road. This will have also rendered shukaku to be placed in the exact same state. The action from Daidōuji were not regretted in the slightest as she was keeping her friend's and former leaders name from being dragged through the mud any further, the others may not have agreed with the her decision but it was something she felt needed to be done as downplaying lady Yuichiros' efforts was something she didn't plan on letting slide.
Daidōuji: Alright, sorry about that. Back to the conversation. He's alive, just trapped in a stasis-like state. We can't have anyone disrespecting the Kazekage in that nature, regardless of the mistakes she's made.​


Once that was said and done, she looked to the other 2 and allowed them to finish their conversation topic, while their conversation of fighting each other completely ignored her request for an opinion on what she showed them was slightly annoying as her cousin once again brought up going straight to Roran instead giving his opinion. At that point, their fight seemed to be the most important thing to them at the moment, so she'd simply use the other location for something more personal should the time arise as the others she was fixing the ruins up with, remained their to discover more secrets within the Pyramid haven.
Daidōuji: Alright then, I will continue working on those ruins from time to time while in the mean time while we prepare to departure to Roran. Saja, that scroll is not to be used lightly, we have two other options and that scroll is a last resort, it will not be used until we have no other options. For now, you will ensure this message gets to the other shinobi and the rest of the village, we have and get things moving with departure. If our resources are running low then our remaining people won't last two days here, on top of the amount of time it takes to make it to Roran. Have everyone gather their belongings and get moving as soon as possible, preferably within the next few hours. I'll remain here and oversee the battle between Makoto and Shishiō and make sure neither of them kill each other, on top of which i'll be making my own judgements as they fight. So, soon as this place is evacuated, the battle between the two of you will begin.​
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Kami Shia


Makoto Shika

As the young lord waited patiently for Shishio Shirogane to arrive and accept his challenge, he was beginning to believe that maybe this was a little to sudden and that maybe he should postpone his challenge. However a third party seemed to think otherwise. "Kill the adversary" As he sat their with his legs crossed and his eyes closed Makoto, heard a voice as clear as day call out to him. The sound was unfamiliar as if a complete stranger whispered directly into the depths of his soul from the world beyond. His eyes rushed open to take a look at his surroundings. Quickly coming to the conclusion that he was alone, their was no one in sight.

"Who's there?"

Makoto called out only to be answered by unidentified whispers leading into a certain direction as he followed it. Chasing after the voice he wondered if this was the visitor from before. Hoping to catch the enemy trying to finish off the job Makoto, would break off into a full sprint as it seemed the voice got further and further away. Before he knew it he was already outside of the village feeling as if it was to late to turn back the young lord would push forward without any hesitation as the voice led him away from his homeland. His periwinkle eyes now glowing red as he rushed at full speed to catch his target but it seemed as if there was no end to the trail; the voice continued to get farther away but that didn't stop him from chasing it. In hot pursuit nothing could stop the young lord as he was one of the fastest to live in this era, to any who witnessed the speed of the crimson flash would see but a scarlet blur passing by them faster than they could blink. It didn't take long for the young lord to find himself in unfamiliar territory but given the circumstances it seemed like it was to late to turn around.

Sand District - Demon District​


Staff member



While Shishiō stood alone, his hand in the air, Makoto paid no attention towards Shishiō's attempts to forge an alliance. Instead, he headed toward their designated battlefield to decide which one of them would carry the title of Kazekage, leaving Shishiō stunned. Did Shishiō say something wrong to the man, or was Makoto just hungry for battle? Before he had time to fully understand his challenger's motives, the atmosphere in the room tensed up. Daidōuji quickly used a jutsu that sealed Yasumasa inside what resembled a sarcophagus. The unexpected turn of events left Shishiō confused as he turned his attention toward Daidōuji and Saja, who were already deep in planning the relocation of the entire village.

"You're discussing moving the village, and we haven't even chosen a Kazekage yet," Shishiō voiced his concerns as he approached the two. "As I stated before, I will assume the mantle of Kazekage. I'll guide us to a new, secure home for all of us." He reached for the before-and-after photo Daidōuji had of the new location and closely examined every detail, mentally strategizing how this unfamiliar location could be best defended and what advantages it might offer them. Mumbling to himself, before lifting his gaze back to Daidōuji.

"Makoto has not demonstrated the maturity required for leading our village. He is stuck in the past with the old ways. He even admitted that his clan is questioning their loyalty to the Kazekage," Shishiō continued, shifting his gaze to Saja. "Unfortunately, in recent years, their loyalty has been questioned towards to your mother, a great leader"

His gaze returned to the picture once more before he walked toward the window he had previously entered from. Standing silently with the picture in hand, Shishiō let out a deep sigh before the door was suddenly opened by a shinobi dressed in their classic uniform.


"Young Lord Makoto has left the village at full speed! We don't know where he's going. Do you know..." Before the shinobi could finish, he fell silent, looking toward Shishiō and suddenly took a stance, placing right fist firmly on the center-left of his chest, with the thumb facing outward. Without saying a word, Shishiō made the same stance towards the man who then turned around and closed the door behind him. "I guess this settles the issue regarding the title fight," Shishiō stated, handing the picture back to Daidōuji before proceeding to the chair behind the desk, where he sat down.



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Saja smirks in slightly finally seeing the old man getting a taste of his medicine, he had no place in this meeting and will learn the price of his treacherous words, maybe have their torture specialist have a whirl at him but that decision is Daidōuji. After discussing possible plans for having people gather food and stuff that isn't too heavy to reach Roran within a day, Saja prepared to leave when Shisio approached them voicing his concern regarding the people needing a leader, yes she agrees with finding a new leader but she doubts the people will care about a new Kazekage taking up the mantle but she wouldn't mind if he took it and fill in the power gap so no one else can try and rip it out of their grasp.​
Well, given the circumstances going on right now, normally Master Daidōuji would talk to the elders regarding you both but since majority of our council is missing and three of our elders survived the attack, so if that–​
Was interrupted by a masked Jonin running in looking like he saw something they all missed out on, stood up off the desk and approached the man who spoke about Makoto suddenly leaving the village at full speed, the hell?! Where is that red head going, wasn't he not spouting about fighting for the Kazekage position? Maybe he forgotten something or got cold feet. when she was few feet away, she stopped when he fell silent at the sight of Shisiō, the two seem to know each other but she's uncertain if this is true or not, she has been wrong about a lot of things like how babies are born or believing S-rank missions are easy for genin level shinobi. As she watch the two exchanged stances to each other and the guy leaving everyone to be flabbergasted by this sudden development but Shishiō look calm and triumphant while replying to this news like her mother have but less chaotic.​
Yes, this indeed settles the campaign for the Kazekage, now excuse me, I must go and let everyone know what will happen.​
Proceeds to head for the door but stops, turns around, and looks at the window her mother once used for quick escapes from her best friend and to avoid paperwork. Saja ran towards the window that is cracked open and leaps out of it like how her mom, Yuichiro would do it every time, feeling the wind and stinging sand hit her face the young kunoichi felt winds of suna, the burning inferno of her desolate deserts and pyramids scattered across their district, wherever they go, home is always with them.​


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Daidōuji had finally had enough of the topic at hand since in the long run she had already decided on who it was she wanted to be the new Kazekage to replace Yuichiro, and with the following words from Shishio and his agreement to take on the position settled in right then and there. She also agreed with what he said regarding her cousin Makoto, and while she she wanted the best for her family; Favoritism was something she wasn't about to let decide the fates of their lives. Though, before she even got the chance to reply to Shishio or young Saja; one of their shinobi's entered with new regarding Makoto and his sudden leaving of the village. She had no idea what the motives were behind that action, but leaving the village in times like these while an important decision was still ongoing only further proved that he wasn't ready. Even should she had put him on the list on candidates between the two of them, Makoto would have just made it clear that Shishio was the better option due to his mindset alone. As such, she simply nodded her head before the shinobi finally left the room.
Daidōuji: Alright then. Since my dear cousin decided to take his leave for whatever reason before things were actually settled. His title shot at becoming Kazekage has been forfeited, and since you've accepted the position then there's no further questions needed. With that said, Saja you know what to do, however we will not be going to Roran, we will embark on our journey to the new village. The defenses there I assure you are more than enough to keep us both hidden and protected. Now, once we've reached the new location we will hold your inauguration.​

After her speech, she'd walk over to the coffin she had trapped Yusamaru inside of and tossed it across her back, from there she'd begin making her way towards the door.
Daidōuji: I'll find out what to do with this one, but in the mean time. Is there anything else you need me for before I head home to begin my own preparations for the move?​
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His silver colored eyes wander the room and suddenly sees Saja running towards the window ready to jump out of it and his gaze followed her until she disappeared from sight. After that his attention shifted to the scrolls scattered across the office. Not knowing what had been sealed inside, his thoughts flew around before the question from Daidōuji interrupted his thoughts and caught his attention. " Yes, actually there are some things I need." Shishiō began, his voice steady and determined. "First tell me what these scrolls contain if there is something we can use and I want you to call everyone in Sunagakure to come to the Kazekage building. Before we move, I want to be named Kazekage in front of them. " His gaze directed at her was fully focused to get his way through and he continued to speak. " Our people will need to know who ordered this move to a new location and who they can trust to keep them safe from now on." He then focuses on the coffin she is carrying with Yasumasa inside. With both hands placed on the table in front of him, he stands up. " Do whatever you want with Yasumasa."



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As she looked back at Shishiō as he spoke, Daidōuji sadly wasn't able to tell him everything he needed to know as she didn't even know the answers to it herself. She had no idea why Yuichiro was so secretive about the scrolls, but the only thing she knew was that they should only be used if all other options fail.
Daidōuji: Sadly sir, I can't inform you on the matters regarding the scrolls as not even myself am aware of what they do. Lady Yuichiro never really said much about them to me. All I know is they are only to be used as a last resort. Outside of that I have no idea what they do. Which is another reason why I would like to know where she is. As for the other thing, everyone will be gathering together soon at the gates for the move. Once everyone is gathered, I will introduce you to them as our new Kazekage and you'll free to give a speech or something.​

With that, she'd make her way back to the desk to sit near him to finish their conversation, Daidōuji was sure she wasn't needed elsewhere at the moment so there was no need to really rush. Plus most of her important belongings were already moved to the new location as she'd take a portion with her every time she went to work on it.
Daidōuji: As for Yasumasa, i'll just keep him sealed away in here until i find a need to make use of him like a human puppet. And until we find a proper host for Shukaku again, well. Using him now may not be the best of ideas unless you dont mind things getting a bit crazy if the situation arises.​


Staff member

The news that even Daidōuji, who stood by the side of the former Kazekage, had no knowledge of the scroll's contents made their existence troublesome. All Shishiō could do was listen to her words as she spoke. When Daidōuji took a seat infront of Shishiō and explained the options regarding Yasumasa, he couldn't help but close his eyes. Yasumasa, the village drunkard who was his longtime friend and the person who nominated him for the role of Kazekage. His life was now literally in Shishiō's hands and a heavy burden weighed upon him.

"Get rid of Yasumasa" he said as his voice sounded weighed down by the decision, " bury his body in the Demon Desert during our relocation. Once there, either the harsh climate or the sand worms, giant scorpions, or other creatures will return him to the earth." With a heavy heart he issued the order about Yasumasa. Shortly after giving the order, he opened his eyes. His gaze shifted to a hat hanging on the wall, and Shishiō extended a finger, and a chakra thread shot out, swiftly pulling the hat toward him. He studied the Kazekage hat for a moment before placing it upon his head. Once it was settled, he turned his gaze back toward Daidōuji once more.

"Daidōuji, I wonder if you could do me a favor. Assist me as you did our previous Kazekage, supporting me in my new role."



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Daidōuji sat relaxed on the table as Shishio mentioned Yasumasa, normally she'd keep a hold of her victims but in this case it wasn't up to her, and she was one about respect; As such, once Shishiō informed her on what to do, she heard the heaviness in his voice which let her know that the two of them were more than just comrades, but they had a close connection. With that, the woman nodded her head which was her way of acknowledging what he had asked of her and agreeing to bury him and give him a proper burial instead of using him as a tool.

The next thing to be mentioned also shocked her as well, as she figured the next in line to take her position would be her cousin, though when she was asked to remain as a second in command, a warm smile couldn't help but form under her mask. She enjoyed helping out the leaders of the village as it was something she did indeed cherish, and gave her different learning experiences with each one.
Daidōuji: Of course, Lord Kazekage. I will do my best and utilize this as an opportunity for more learning experiences myself. Thank you, for allowing me to keep my position.​
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Staff member

The sands of the land was timeless, and those who were buried underneath it perished and had continued on forgotten. The vision Shabaka had for Sunagakure was shared amongst some of his comrades. Instead of being respected by the world, Sunagakure currently bolstered similar military strength comparable to the rest of the world. They were a force but far from a powerhouse, this irritated the young man known as Shabaka. A descendant of the Masudah dynasty, whose very prestige in the land has been forgotten. The sands of time was believed to record history, but to the young man it seemingly continued to forget those. It was the responsibility of this generation to make sure this did not continue to happen. With resolve, determination and grit this land can become the greatest in the world.

The grains of sand existed in variable sizes, different textures, and through it was the mobility of the descendant of the Masudah. A forgotten dynasty whom used to be recognized as desert kings, queens, princes, and princesses. This was the result of their natural affinity over manipulating sand, and similar to his ancestors, Shabaka utilized the Sand Body Technique. Arising from the crevices, twirling together into an undefended whirlwind as it forged a shape, and within a second or so Shabaka stood in front of Shishiō the now apparent Kazekage and Daidōuji. As he arose he took a bow, and in silence he remained as he pondered on what was revealed to him. "Greetings..."