Sand District


Staff member



20 Years Ago


The day began like any other for Shishiō, a young boy whose dream was to become the next puppet master in Sunagakure. He walked through one of the Shirogane family hideouts, an ancient place older than the village itself, dating back to the warring states period. Located off the coast from Sunagakure in the Land of Wind, what remained of this secret place now lay in ruins, once the residence of the Shirogane family for generations. The hideout was situated below the main building, serving as an underground repository, museum, and library.

This massive underground library and repository were sealed by a door bearing the crest of the Shirogane family. It functioned as both an inventory and a research library for any Shirogane, filled with tomes of knowledge, weapons, sacred and magical items, and even the remains of enemies collected by the Shirogane family over generations. It was in this place that Shishiō discovered a book about former known puppet masters, his future idols.

Silently, he walked through the halls where burning torches lined the walls, their flickering flames creating a guiding light for him. Muttering to himself about his weariness and boredom, he continued his journey within the hideout. Despite his discontent, he accompanied his family members here, hoping to find something new to learn. After wandering for a while, he arrived at the old library and the replenished warehouse.

Once inside, he searched for a book he hadn't read before, his eyes scanning the shelves. Searching for something to pique his interest, he suddenly spotted a book he hadn't seen before. "Famous Created Puppets and Their Manufacturers Throughout the Ages" was the title inscribed along the spine. The book was placed at a height beyond his reach, but that didn't deter him. Shishiō extended his arm and sent out a pair of chakra threads from his fingertips, swiftly grabbing the book and pulling it towards him. With the book in his possession, he settled into a stone chair in a corner, flipping through its pages until a specific section captured his attention: "The Four Fallen Puppet Masters."


Sasori, known to have been a pillar in the history of puppet making and controlling. Earlier in life, he was part of Sunagakure's elite puppeteers and a member of the puppet brigade.... During the Third Shinobi World War, the effectiveness of his puppets in spilling his enemies' blood on the sand gave rise to Sasori's moniker "Sasori of the Red sand". The puppeteer later left Sunagakure and by unknown means converted his body into a puppet with his core of living flesh remaining as his only human part remaining. After his death, Sunagakure learned that it was Sasori himself who assassinated the Third Kazekage...

"Wow, a puppeteer could defeat one of history's most powerful Kazekages."

Shishiō didn't see Sasori as a horrible person directly. In his young mind, Sasori was seen as a skilled puppeteer and a person he would surpass as a fellow puppeteer.

The next puppet master was none other than the Honoured Grandmother Chiyo. During her lifetime she was the village's poison, and a renowned master of the puppet arts. Famous for her abilities in both creating and controlling puppets, to the point of being an invaluable icon for Sunagakure. She passed these skills onto her grandson, Sasori..

"Oh, another family that learned and passed on the art like us?"

Chiyo could use the Puppet technique on a human body, which allowed her to effectively control a human if she had no puppets left in her arsenal to use she was highly skilled with this tactic. Being able to control up to ten living people at once with her skills, each of them with only one finger per puppet, a skill which signified her as a master puppeteer. Like her grandson Sasori, Chiyo modified a part of her body and turned her right arm into a mechanical one. Her strongest puppets, however, were the full set of 10 puppets known as the Chikamatsu Collection, created by the first puppet user, Monzaemon Chikamatsu.

The name Monzaemon Chikamatsu was well known to Shishiō. As he is a direct descendant of him and when he read that the elder puppeteer received his famous collection he just sighed. Next on the list was a person Shishiō had never heard of and didn't look like any of the puppet families he knew of.

Not much is known about this puppet master's background beyond that he is rumored to be from the Hidden Rain Village. His skill as a puppeteer on the other hand earned him a place among Sunagakure's own puppet masters. Yonrochi is rumored to have killed countless shinobi from various villages with his puppet the 'Mantis' alone..

Before he can delve deeper into the pages, a call out is heard for Shishiō, snapping him from the book's grip. A member of the Shirogane family informs him that it's time to depart, telling him that if he stays, he'll be stuck within these walls until the next time someone of the family is in need of knowledge. Hastily, he shuts the book, rising from his chair. He leaves the volume behind as he hurries away.

Present Time

Under the scorching sun, Shishiō Shirogane crossed the vast desert of the Land of Wind. The hot sand shifted beneath his feet with each step leaving faint imprints in the shifting sands. Creating a soft, rhythmic sound that echoed through the emptiness. With a determined gaze, he pressed forward, undeterred by the harsh conditions that surrounded him. The hot wind whispered tales of ancient civilizations and forgotten battles in his ears. Shishiō's sharp gaze scanned the horizon, he sought inspiration in the landscape, drawing strength from the harsh beauty that surrounded him.

With each step, the sand embraced his feet, its warmth seeping through his boots, grounding him in the present moment. As the day wore on, the sun descended towards the horizon, casting a golden hue over the desert. Seeking shelter from the intense heat, Shishiō found a large rock formation which would cast a large shadow and give him shelter he needed.

Sitting down behind the large rock, he took a moment to appreciate the sense of peace and quiet that enveloped him. In this stillness, Shishiō's mind began to stir with new ideas. The desert seemed to whisper inspiration into his ears, urging him to create something extraordinary. He envisioned puppets that would mimic the grace and resilience of the desert's inhabitants, their movements fluid and mesmerizing.

Shorthy, the nightfall cast its dark cloak over the desert, revealing countless stars over his head. Shishiō's face lifted towards the stars, a beauty that many take for granted. But even such a perfect night still had its danger lurked in the shadows. The desert was a merciless location, testing the those who dared to traverse its unforgiving terrain. Shishiō's keen senses detected the subtle shifts in the wind, the ever-present threat of sandstorms that could swallow him whole.

But fate had a different plan in store for him. While he continued watching the stars, a gigantic three-tailed scorpion appeared from the sand. The animal was no more than 3 meters away from where Shishiō was still sitting and his gaze moved towards it before he stood up. No sense of anger or will to harm was felt from the scorpion. Shishiō walked towards it without problem, then placed his hand on its outer shell. It turned out to be one of his summoning animals that sensed Shishiō's chakra. Without saying a word, Shishiō jumped onto its body. He lightly pointed forward towards Sunagakure and the scorpion began to move forward without any protest.




As the Chunin Exams commence, situations in Suna were in a severe crisis as many of their people were killed while those possessed were knocked out or killed in explosions that were set off in desperation to keep the enemy at bay, lost one of their sealing corp members due to severe circumstances regarding the man using shadows. Their leader, Kazekage has disappeared without a trace, leaving the others in doubt of their great leader's strength but were quickly silenced as Yuichiro's daughter, Saja Arashi the firstborn child of a highly feared Shinobi from Kumo, Lord Yaro, the man who disrespected and caged the mighty Eight-Tailed Beast, Gyūki. During her stay as stand-in Kazekage, a covert group that been hiding in the shadows by the order of Yuichiro must now guard her offspring from potential enemies that wish to assassinate her and claim the throne for themselves, even those within the wall will feel frustrated in the chosen actions of the throne in Suna's ruined capital and outer city that are heavily damaged from the attacks their enemy unleashed upon them but now the clan elders from every clan that survived the attack were announcing that the Desert Throne will be seeking candidates to be stand in Kazekage due to the fact the heir of Yuichiro never wanted this position, it was dropped on her lap and now she must find a way to save her people, a sudden burden that has fallen on the girl's shoulders to bare, must find help and fast despite her failure to learn and keep to date with all her mother's cursed belongings, the woman loved to keep her secrets well guard. Saja sighs staring out of the window, hands behind her back with a cold, blank mask concealing her anguish, her frustration, and annoyance, turns to one of the Jonin captains and nods to them to leave so she can look through the Shinobi records, marking those who died in the battle which is pretty much eight hundred and fifteen of their Shinobi and civilians but thankfully they were able to save fifteen thousand lives, oh boy, this will take a long time to update so the young kunoichi summons a shadow clone and walks over to one of the scrolls and began reading through some that wasn’t cursed hoping to see if anything can help but what she didn’t know, today will become a busy one.​



The way he "walked" in through the door in his drunken state it was almost as if he had been pushed or shoved through, practically fallen in. He stumbled left to right but he did not fall and the drink in his hand did not smell. A true testament to his prowess and reputation, Yasumasa The Drunk. Whether or not this was a gimmick or a facade was unknown but Yasumasa wasted no time after entering as he began speaking up. "Lord Kazekage!" His eyes narrowed in onto the figure of the Kazekage trying to focus his eyes, "CHILD Kazekage!?!" Yasumasa said shocked, clearing his throat "Ye-yes! Lady Kazekage! I have a recommendation for the Kazekage!" Even in this state he was able to find the chair at the desk of the stand-in Kazekage, "Shishiō Shirogane! Please make him Kazekage immediately! He is the savior this land needs at the moment! Single-handily the most responsible man I know. He has saved our lives multiple times, and we don't even know it! I RECOMMEND SHISHOUMA SHIROGAMASHE!!" Was this the rambling of a drunken man or someone that was actually making sense? Who knew, but tears flowed down this man's face like a leaky faucet showcasing his ... passion? Time would tell.​





Amidst the Kazekage's building, was a woman traversing through its halls wearing her own variation of the Sand District's shinobi attire. Her steps through the hallway were gentle and quiet as her bare feet stepped on the sandstone flooring. She had been pondering more on the battle that happened and sadly she wasn't able to protect Lord Kazekage as she wanted to as she was ordered to oversee the safety of the villagers by Yuichiro, her best friend. The woman was sick to her stomach to even think of how she failed to protect the woman who was like an older sister to her and she planned on finding clues to where she could have possibly disappeared to. Her black and gold waist garb made slight sounds as it shifted around and slapped against the brown armor plating that was over her black skin tight shorts. Thoughts raced through her head of exactly what is it she was going to say to her daughter and how to relay the message to Yuichiro's husband should things not be handled soon enough. As she drew closer to her destination, she could hear the voice of someone speaking with young Saja, suggesting her to promote someone as the new Kazekage which at this very moment wasn't something the young lady had the power to do as she was too young to make such a decision. It was this moment where the woman spoke up once she reached the doorway only a second later.
Daidouji: Miss Saja will do no such thing. She is in no state to make a decision about the next Kazekage, especially since her focus and worry is on her mother who may or not be dead. That decision will fall on me.

During her speech, those who turned around will notice the Kazekage's assistant and second in command, Daidouji of the Chrome Sand. Not many have ever seen her face as she always wears a black face mask but there are whispers of her being one of the most beautiful woman within the Sand District and she definitely was known as another master puppet master compared to the likes of one of the most dangerous puppet users in history, and for good reason that has yet to be revealed to the village. Her most unique trait was her goldish-orange eyes that has an everlasting glow to them which makes her existence a mystery to those who see her as her eyes alone gets her mistaken as a deity. She wasted no time waiting for a response as she continued walking past the man talking about sat on the Kazekage desk next to Saja.
Daidouji: This man you speak of, he is the leader of the Puppet Brigade correct? Your suggestion is indeed a fascinating one, Shishiō Shirogane is a master puppeteer like myself. Now, while I have no interest in this position myself; It's something that has been put on me at the current moment and as such I am the current Kazekage until someone else comes along who wants the position. Find him, and bring him here to me; We'll discuss any further business then.




Staff member



Standing on the massive scorpion, Shishiō's eyes scanned the horizon, his gaze fixed on Sunagakure in the distance, a village that stands as a testament to both its history and the resilience of its people. The closer he gets to the village, the more of the damage done during his absence becomes visible. "The village... the people... our home..." In an instant, Shishiō's figure blurred, vanishing from the scorpion's back. His absence left the giant creature unattended, its imposing form silhouetted against the setting sun. Without any doubt, Shishiō utilized the Body Flicker Technique, a masterful dance of speed and precision, propelling him back toward the heart of Sunagakure. He moves like a shadow, moving soundless across the rooftops, his movements synched with the fading light. Chakra threads extended from his fingertips, allowing him to gracefully swing between buildings, his presence hidden in the sunset of the day. His swift approach brought him to the building of the Kazekage's office, where he aimed with precision.

With a controlled swing, he propelled himself toward a circular window, landing in a way that allowed his fingers to catch the bottom of the window, quickly pulling himself up and peering inside the room. The office, adorned with scrolls and ancient artifacts, was occupied. Daidouji, the assistant of the Kazekage, was immersed in her duties, her focused expression belying the chaos outside. Beside her stood Yasumasa, a loyal friend but a true drunkard like no-one else. And there, in the midst of it all, was the unexpected sight of the Child Kazekage, her youthful determination contrasting the weight of her responsibilities. "Child Kazekage?!" His words hung in the air, a mix of surprise and concern etched across his features. His eyes shifted to Daidouji, acknowledging her presence with a warm smile, before settling on Yasumasa. "Where have you been, you drunk?!" The question, though sharp, carried a touch of camaraderie, a testament to the bonds that tied them together.



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The entry of another person gave him an immediate headache. It was just too much to focus on that he decided to put his hands on the desk overlapping one another and then using them as a pillow for his forehead. Yasumasa closed his eyes to rest them and hoped that his headache would go away, but to be honest, he had fallen asleep. The snoring would ensue just immediately before Shishiō had yelled out loud and ended just as he had finished calling him a drunk.

Immediately he jumped up startled and he looked around the room with his red eyes. “Drunk!?” He glanced around until finally he saw Shishiō's face. His eyebrows furrowed as his forehead became wrinkled, “I’m no drunk! I’m merely a connoisseur of alcohol!” He said frustrated as he pointed at him with his pointer finger. For a moment he had forgotten why he was there, until then he suddenly remembered! “This is him! This is the new Kazekage I was talking about!” He glanced at the others while his pointer finger remained on the man in question.​


Kami Shia


Makoto Shika

Across the windy desert where the sands shifted endlessly, no grain bound to a single thread of fate; Unlike the lives of humans tied down by mortal affairs. A crimson streak could be seen racing across the desert covering over 100 meters per second followed by a thunderous roar. This crimson blur kicks up tons of sand creating a giant sand cloud in its wake. The raging heart of Shika longed for an answer as he returned home after being away on a mission.


The Hero of the Hidden Sand was too late,
“Tsch..”. Blazing through the sands returning to the village or what was left of it, he was infuriated yet he could not express himself as he looked vacantly. Mako was dismayed to find the village in its current state, his hands started shaking from adrenaline building up inside of him.

“So much… destruction”


“This can’t….no”

His teeth began to grit tightly as his rage flustered a shockwave burst from his body creating low level seismic waves as the ground beneath his feet cracked, his fist clenched firmly. The young male's eyes were completely white as his crimson locks defied gravity from his powerful aura.


A battle cry echoed throughout the entirety of the village followed by an unsettling thunderous crash that would catch anyone's attention. A giant cloud of dust could be found in the direction of the sound. To those who witnessed the relentless power unleashed upon the earth itself as the smoke cleared would find a young man standing there infuriated. However his face would appear as if he was trying to keep from shedding a single tear which proved impossible. As the single tear trickled down the side of Makoto’s cheek the young lord would calm himself as he wiped it glancing at his hand for a few moments remembering the only other time he had cried that he was aware of. A sly yet sorrowful smirk crossed his lips before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath trying to remain level headed. Gone in the blink of an eye like a true shinobi and within a matter of seconds Makoto would arrive at the Kazekage’s estate. From outside he could hear the sound of muffled voices.

Quickly making his way to the others he could hear a bit of bickering going between the child prodigy Shishio of the Shirogane Clan and the drunk Yasumasa who seemed to be as loud and obnoxious as usual however this time his unearthly behavior proved to be more heartwarming than anything, kind of reassuring that there was still hope Mako thought. As he entered the room he would hear Yasumasa claim to be introducing a new Kazekage candidate. However despite his current feats Mako has been one of the village protectors as well as one its child prodigies also becoming clan lord before adulthood. Suna’s youth always proved to be promising however something always managed to be lacking as they always failed to protect themselves from outside attacks. There has yet to be a Kazekage to survive after an attack on the village. As a descendent of the 5th Kazekage Makoto, felt it was his responsibility to rewrite his families legacy by successfully protecting the people of his village and uniting them under a more united and powerful era but first they would have to relocate to a more remote location.


“So, you guys decided to have this discussion without me” Makoto stated as he entered the room. His overgrown crimson red locks hanging untied reach as far as the back of his knees, he wore a black hakama and an old red haori tied around his waist that he sometimes wears normally. On his left hip he wore two swords and only one on the right each bearing a golden tomoe as its hilt ornament and each possessed its own primarily colored gemstone. Around his wrist was a scarlet ribbon that once belonged to his younger sister. “For generations my bloodline has protected this village and kept it safe, now it is my turn to step up and do the same.” said with confidence nothing but pure determination could be felt from his voice. “I attend to discover the truth behind our kage’s disappearance and I will do so with the support of the village loyalists as the Hero of this village. It is my duty to avenge its people whether or not the previous Kage is dead or alive, we will get some answers. This is no time to be debating leadership. I will stand in place as the current Kazekage and our first step will be finding a location that is fit to house civilians and shinobi alike ... .and rebuilding isn’t the best option.” The number one problem with Suna he felt was that it was too easily found and infiltrated. Perhaps relocating the remaining civilians and shinobi could help ward outside attacks for a while. If everyone were to agree and back him they could immediately begin searching for solutions rather than bickering. He was aware of the possibility of a debate and the chances of things running smoothly were 0 to 100%, however not trying wasn't an option either. Hoping that everyone could come to an agreement he would begin discussing his plans for possible solutions.




Saja looked annoyed at this drunkard's presence and audacity for barging in the office without even making an appointment, puts down the scroll slowly and gently then looked at the man before but was surprised to see her favorite kunoichi, Daidouji, a friend of her mother and assistant that was supposed to protect Yuichiro but was dumb enough to order her own assistant and guards to help civilians when she clearly needed protection herself

"Daidouji-Sensei, thank goodness your here"

looks up to the woman who is staring down the man before them, hearing her accept the Kazekage position gives the young chunin hope but fears they’ll unable to access the scrolls that holds the answers they need. Looks back at the man with a nod, agreeing with Daidouji, if this Shishiō wishes to become Kazekage, he must come and meet with assistant now stand in Kazekage, however, they were interrupted by another voice, this would draw Saja to look over and jump out of her seat seeing this man appear outta nowhere, not even a sound came from him when he got inside, how the hell did he in here and who is he? Never seen this man before but maybe her mother knows this man. Hearing this drunkard call this person the Kazekage candidate made the young lady look back at Shishiō, raising a brow while crossing her arms while collecting herself from a near heart attack and replied.

"So, you must be the one this Drunkard keeps mentioning, master Dadouji will speak with you, I am the stand in assistant for the time being, pleasure to meet you Shishiō Shirogane"

She went to bow but was interrupted the being kicked in the door by a very handsome man with long red hair, very tall and fit from where she’s standing, she remember this young man's face from years ago, when she was in her own chunin exam, this individual was among the other chunins that was overseeing her classes ascension to chunin while others failed.

"Who are you?"


Daidouji copy.png


With all those who appeared before her within the office, she had to make a decision quickly as a village without a leader is bound to fall into chaos either by those fighting over the position or other villages taking advantage of their weakness. But her decision couldn't be an irrational one, even should the choice not be in the favor of her own family. As she listened to what Makoto had to say regarding his position as the Kazekage thoroughly, his reasoning wasn't enough to gain the position. Yasumasa on the other hand wasn't even in the candidates which she was glad that he suggested her fellow puppeteer Shishiō. Once every said their piece, she will calmly begin to speak to all parties present within the Kazekage chambers.
Daidōuji: First, thank you all for coming here. Now, before i address what was said regarding the position, I will tell you what I know of so far. From what I understand, Lady Yuichiro is the cause of our villages destruction. She utilized her typhoon release in an attempt to kill the enemy. Ultimately, that enemy survived and escaped, but someone else took her. I have no idea if the enemy who attacked us and the one who took her are together or not, but word is; This person was helping at first but later took our leader. For what gain I have no idea but I DO intend on finding out.​

Her voice stern and more serious as she said this, her tone was normally quite soft and gentle with always held a warming and happy tone now told those around her that for once she was actually taking things serious. She'd look in order from who she'd be addressing, starting with Saja, Makoto, then on to Shishiō.
Daidōuji: Saja, you mother is my bestfriend and I know she means well. But word about these actions will spread quickly through the village, and she will be forced to step down as Kazekage, even should we bring her back, Lady Yuichiro will have to defend herself if she wants to remain in power or at least not be hated. I'm sure you understand that. - Makoto, my dear cousin. While I agree with you regarding our clan's lineage as the leaders, that doesn't mean it's your right or mine simply because the Kazekage Clan has always ruled. I do agree with you on finding a new location though as i do believe we are too easy to locate and take advantage of. - Now.. Shishiō. You have been suggested by your friend here, and i'm not opposed to his choice. However, i need to know your thoughts on the matter. Are you interested in the position and what are your plans for the future of Sunagakure, or should I take Makoto up on the offer.​




Listen while you read~

The journey had been long and arduous, marked by endless miles of rugged terrain and unpredictable weather. Mujin Uchiha, a formidable shinobi of the Leaf District, had embarked on a quest shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. Rumors had reached his ears, whispers of a "walking fire" that existed in the western reaches of the Mushroom District, rumors that hinted at the whereabouts of his long-lost brother and mentor.

Mujin's path had led him through dense forests, where the ancient trees seemed to whisper secrets of bygone eras. He had navigated treacherous mountain passes, scaling sheer cliffs with the grace of a seasoned mountaineer. His Sharingan, a symbol of his Uchiha heritage, had been his constant companion, allowing him to peer through the veils of deception that often concealed the truth behind the rumors.

As he ventured deeper into the wilderness, he encountered trials and dangers that would have felled lesser shinobi. Ferocious beasts, their eyes gleaming with predatory hunger, had tested his combat skills. Yet, Mujin's mastery of the Sharingan allowed him to anticipate their every move, turning their own instincts against them. His genjutsu, woven with finesse and precision, had compelled these creatures to retreat, leaving him unscathed.

The elements themselves had risen against him, with torrential rain and biting winds attempting to slow his progress. But Mujin, with unwavering determination, had pressed on. His mastery over fire-based jutsu had allowed him to create shelter and warmth in the most inhospitable of environments. Flames danced at his command, warding off the chill of the night and illuminating the path ahead.

Amidst the trials and dangers, Mujin had encountered enigmatic figures, nomads of the wilderness who shared cryptic tales of the "walking fire." Each encounter had revealed a piece of the puzzle, yet the truth remained elusive. Some spoke of a guardian spirit, a being of fire and fury that protected the Mushroom District. Others claimed it to be a harbinger of destruction, a force of nature that could not be tamed.

With every step, Mujin's resolve had deepened. He knew that the answers he sought lay ahead, beyond the horizon. The Sand District, a land of shifting sands and ancient mysteries, awaited him. He had heard whispers of the village's enigmatic leader, a figure known as the Kazekage, and of the village itself, where shinobi of unparalleled skill honed their craft.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desert, Mujin Uchiha stood on the threshold of the Sand District. His Sharingan pulsed with anticipation, and his heart beat with a fierce determination. He had come seeking his brother and mentor, but what he would find in the land of sand and secrets remained a tantalizing enigma, waiting to be unraveled.

[Mushroom District --- Sand District]
