Sand District


Staff member



Shishiō observed Saja's surprised reaction to his sudden appearance, prompting him to tilt his head in thought. He lifted his hand in a gesture of greeting, his movements fluid and confident. But before he could complete the motion, the door swung open. A red-haired man entered, launching into a conversation about the past, leadership, and rights. Shishiō, having a great mind for observation, raised three fingers, mentally noting the trio of Kazekage clan members he had encountered in less than five minutes. A humorous detail that struck him was the red-haired man's claims regarding the Kazekage title, despite not being the sole claimant to these 'rights' based on family lineage in the office. Yet, before Shishiō could voice this observation, Daidōuji resumed speaking, redirecting his attention.

Upon her act of asking for information, Shishiō began moving toward the Kazekage's desk, leaning against it casually. "I don't mind assuming the role of Kazekage for our village's leadership. However, there will be changes if I become chosen for it. Under my leadership, as the loud one suggested," he pointed toward the desert expanse beyond Sunagakure, "our village residents and shinobi will relocate to a new site in the desert."

His arm lowered, and he opened his hand in a sweeping gesture. "Out there lies our opportunity. The fallen city of Rōran's ruins could become our new home. Its underground tunnels remain intact, providing safety for our people. We can rebuild these ruins, creating a secure haven underground." He sighed deeply, his gaze focused. "Suna's shinobi are pioneers in survival, adept at thriving in harsh environments. Moving deeper into the desert not only challenges potential attackers but also grants us valuable time for preparation against any threats." His gaze wandered between those in the office before a smile appeared on his lips. " It is said that the second Kazekage was also a puppeteer and under his leadership Sunagakure flourished."




You’d think there were more than enough people already in this small room, but another one barged in. Yasumasa glanced over towards the sound of the door being broken in and the moment his eyesight stopped being askew, “Cousin!?” Yasumasa yelled out confused, “OH NO!” He stood up, his legs pushing the chair back, and immediately grabbed his head with both hands as he applied some compression nursing his headache. “I need another drink!” As he said that he fell into the soft foam of the couch and sunk into it as it formed around him providing heavenly comfort.

Daidōuji began with the formalities as Yasumasa laid there listening. She was updating them about the situation with the former Kazekage and Yasumasa grunted in slight annoyance at her mention. What had that woman truly done for the village other than allow it to remain complacent. There had been no movement, no protection, and no security in the future of the Village Hidden in the Sand since the Fifth Kazekage. Hearing this would be a surprise for others because Yasumasa was always one that did not participate in politics mainly under the assumption that he did not care. However, this assumption would be incorrect.

It was not that Yasumasa did not like politics or hated it, it was merely that those that were in place of power did nothing to change for the betterment. The lives of the youth must be protected, that was why Yasumasa was here. The thing is one man can not change the world. Yasumasa was fortunate that the Kazekage had gone missing because without it this opportunity to plant Shishiō in a position of power and hope that he would be the catalyst to change.

By the time Daidōuji had asked Shishiō the question, Yasumasa had sat up and sprawled out on the couch with his leg crossed over the other and his arms spread out on the couch’s headrest. He listened to what the man had to say while his finger tips tapped on his knee as he thought to himself about what he was saying. While he did not necessarily agree with the relocation, he wondered what everyone else had to say.​


Kami Shia


Makoto Shika

Taking a moment to hear everyone’s opinion on the matter at hand he felt perhaps he wasn’t convincing enough to others, his approach was lacking any real intelligence; something most great leaders display. Votes seemed to favor Shishio. As the competition pleaded their case Makoto wasn’t fully opposed to his ideas, in fact agreeing with most that had been stated. Impressed, a friendly smirk crossed the young lord's lips as he looked towards his newly discovered cousin. Someone he wouldn’t mind getting to know later on had they not bud heads along the way.

Not bad Puppet Master Shirogane, not bad. I can respect your ideals although there's just one thing you left out. That same puppet master kage you mentioned, allowed himself to be assassinated. I say we move the villagers first and once they are settled…. I challenge you. If you can prove to me that you are worthy of protecting yourself only then will I accept you as my kage. Only then will I allow myself to put my trust in you as a warrior and protector of this village. If you feel this challenge may be too difficult, renounce your claim as kage. We don't need any more pretenders playing Kage. Our people need a leader… and one that can insure the safes as well as your own.

A fire lit within the heart of the young lord as he presented what he felt deeply in his heart, his emotions remained in check as he looked onward. Despite his firm expression Makoto was a free spirited young man, not afraid to express himself in the slightest in the most tranquil way ever. Everyone observing the situation could feel tension in the air as Makoto vocalized his thoughts. His face remained calm but his voice spoke with a passion so strong it could be felt deeply in the hearts of others whether they intended for it to or not. His words would affect the minds of every person listening. His everyday friendly attitude instantly abandoned the room, it was as if he became an entirely different person. If one thing can make the young lord get serious is protecting those who wish nothing to do but live a life of freedom and peace, anyone threatening that was considered an opposition. Not hoping for an immediate in fact inspecting interference from one of the other parties present, despite the final result he would remain true to his word as he awaited an answer.

So what’s it going to be Shirogane? Do you accept these terms?

Questioning Shishio with an unyielding look in his eyes while offering a friendly smirk. He understood that the puppet master had successfully chased off the enemy, however their was still a possibility the enemy only left because they achieved their objective. The Kage went missing right after a great loss, perhaps she was kidnapped or assassinated like a few of the previous Kage. Their was a lot to deal with so little time to cover ground between launching an investigation and restoring the villagers home. And had he'd been home he could he believed he could have saved everyone and captured the enemy alive. Instead in his absence they enemy escaped the Kazekage was missing, it wont be to long before the people began to panic and start reacting out of fear and desperation. Ready to take the initiative and carry the burden of protecting his homeland he vowed to do so without losing his own life.​


Listening to her master explain the situation to everyone present gave Saja time to observe and understand each person who desired the title of Kazekage, true hearing what her mom did has put doubt in the people and their trust in her has greatly diminished since she vanished, she wants to preserve her mother’s legacy and throne of power but sadly she’s merely a Chunin and an assistant to Daidōuji, she has little power to prevent anyone from claiming this Dune Throne, her mother has been ruling over Suna far longer than any of the previous Kazekage who served and died in battle, it’s odd seeing her maintain her position and have no one else to challenge the matriarch. When Daidōuji mentioned her mother, the drunkard grunted in annoyance which she caught from merely hearing it, crossed her leg over the other and gave the man a stern look which means translate to watch your tongue, bad mouthing her mother was big no no in her book and followed the logic that if you don’t have anything nice to display don’t bother to do it, she never liked confrontation but will welcome it for her mother. when she was done giving the old fart a stern glare, she returned to listening to each people discuss each plan but one particular plan came to mind, Rōran, this place has been under constant supervision and construction without anyone’s knowledge except the disciples, Saja, and her mother Yuichiro who foresaw the construction herself made sure no one will know of her plans but since her capture, that plan has been halted so Saja had to tend to whatever her mom had going on and that large scroll laying against a closet door, her moms personal scroll, radiating a menacing purple aura with unknown seals on it she never seen but will not touch until she has someone who can decipher it but her thoughts were interrupted when Makoto spoke up and approach Shishiō, commenting on the same people he look up to were murdered by his own ancestor which the red head had a point on, yes each Kazekage served and fought valiantly but were killed one way or another but the fifth Kazekage died and returned to life, allowing him to reign over Suna and keep his people safe but when disaster struck, no one knew what happened to him but the young chunin still wanna believe the great fifth Kazekage is somewhere yet given it’s been many centuries since his reign many often call her crazy for it. Hearing Makoto challenge Shishiō has gotten the girl more hyped but had to control herself and speak before losing control over her excitement.

"I’m afraid securing Roran will be difficult for us, my mother who kept secrets to herself has been operating on the ancient city for since before I was born, only recently have I learned of this but never seen the city myself"

She looks at them all, especially, the drunkard who payed sprawled on the couch like he lives here, good lord, someone get him some water.

"If you really desire to challenge him, you’ll have to do it in the broken arena underground, that is how we challenge people for the title of Kazekage these days now since my mothers long reign"​


Daidouji copy.png


As Daidōuji listened to the words spoken by Shishiō, and she agreed with the ideas he was proposing, but the mention of Roran is what grabbed her attention as she heas heard the name before but her visit to the area alongside Yuichiro wasn't one she would exactly call, appealing. Nonetheless, she remained quiet and focused. She was sure the newly found information regarding the Kazekage was humiliating nonetheless not only for those who were under her rule but for her daughter as well, however there were thing she had in play that also made her a good leader in certain areas. As such, once she heard Makoto speak out regarding challenges and protecting oneself or renounce the role, a slight annoyance overcame her but she still remained calm and kept her posture, allowing him to finish what is was he had to say along with Princess Saja. The three of them made good points regarding everything, and as a follow up, Daidōuji would propose her plans as well.
Daidōuji: Alright, I have heard all of you speak, and now this is where I will intervene. Shishiō, while I do like the idea of moving to a new location, we do have more than one option and one that indeed may be crucial for us.​

She took a short pause and reached into her pouch to pull out two pictures of an isolated location that is only known to both Yuichiro and Daidōuji herself. Of course as she gave the picture to Shishiō, she needed to not to say any words about passing the picture around to get the opinion on it from the others as well while also addressing Maktoto and explaining the picture.
Daidōuji: Makoto, while a challenge of strength is good, it takes more than just protecting yourself to be a good leader. While Yuichiro may have not been able to do so against this attack, she did however have other things in play. As Saja said, Roran in one location that she was working into. The second location is in the pictures i have provided you all with. This location is isolated towards the west of our district near a desert oasis. Yuichiro and myself explored the area ourselves before she became Kazekage, and after her ascension into position. She had me return there with troops to turn the ruins into an actual place to call home incase her Roran idea failed. The first image you see is what it looked like before, the second image is what it looks like after our rebuild on it. Once an ancient landmark, turned into a civilization for us, and during my time working there I have yet to experience any threats as the location itself is hidden in an abundance of Pyramids, and the city itself is built inside of another, bigger Pyramid with the top being open to feed us sunlight and act as a sunroof of sorts.​


As she finished her sentence and awaited for the group to finish passing around the images, she finaly addressed the arena thing being presented from Saja.
Daidōuji: We normally DO complete our challenges that way, but should we relocate first it will be a hastle to have everone present and travel back and fourth to see that match. As such, should Shishiō accept the challenge presented to him by my cousin. They will have to either fight now in order to establish which of the two will become Kazekage, or fight in the new location with a new battleground. I will leave that decision entirely up to the two of them, though if they fight here and now, that can also work in our favor as all traces of our existence will be eliminated as our main village will be completely destroyed which will give us time to replenish our resources and strength without the need to worry about danger. Tell me, what do the rest of you think of this?​




Listen while you read~

Mujin's journey through the arid, unforgiving terrain of the Sand District had been nothing short of treacherous. The relentless sun cast its searing rays upon the desert, causing the sand to shimmer like a vast, golden sea. He trudged across dunes that seemed to stretch endlessly, their shifting sands conspiring to erase his footprints.

The rumors of a "walking fire" had guided him this far, but now, as he ventured deeper into the desert, these whispers began to fade into the howling wind, indistinguishable from the vast expanse of sand. The horizon seemed like a distant mirage, forever out of reach, an illusion that played tricks on his senses.

The harshness of the desert became progressively more challenging. The sweltering heat bore down upon him relentlessly, making each step an exhausting endeavor. The solitude of the desert grew more pronounced as he journeyed further, the silence broken only by the mournful wails of the wind.

As the days turned into weeks, Mujin's determination remained unshaken. However, he encountered no one, no travelers or villagers, to offer guidance or shed light on the enigmatic rumors he had pursued. It was as if the desert itself had swallowed him, isolating him from the world beyond.

Frustration gnawed at the edges of his determination. His keen eyes scanned the seemingly endless desert, seeking any hint of direction. He reached for his Sharingan, contemplating the use of genjutsu to gain insights. However, even this trusted technique seemed to falter in the face of the desolate, mystical aura of the desert.

Finally, with a heavy heart, Mujin made a reluctant decision. It was time to retrace his steps, to navigate his way back through the vast, unforgiving expanse of the Sand District and return to the world he knew. The desert held its secrets close, and for now, it seemed intent on keeping them hidden from his prying eyes.

With a sigh, he turned to begin his journey back, his mind filled with questions and uncertainty. The "walking fire" remained an enigma, its secrets as elusive as the heart of the desert itself.

But his journey back to the Leaf District was no simple feat. Without stopping at any towns or retreats for supplies, Mujin had to make do on his own. He relied on his survival instincts, honed through years of rigorous shinobi training. Scarcity of food and water became his companions, and the relentless sun, his relentless adversary.

In those harsh and unforgiving days, he mastered the art of extracting water from the roots of desert plants and found sustenance in the sparsity of the landscape. The scorching days took their toll on his body, but his spirit remained unyielding. He couldn't afford to delay his return, not with the newfound sense of purpose that drove him.

The desert's unforgiving terrain became his crucible, forging him into a resilient and resourceful wanderer. The arduous journey back to the Leaf District tested his mettle, but he pressed on, fueled by a determination that would not be extinguished.

As Mujin retraced his steps through the seemingly endless desert, he paid little mind to the murmured rumors of mythical beasts that echoed through the windswept dunes. To him, these tales were like grains of sand—insignificant, easily swept away by the unyielding currents of the desert.

The days turned into weeks once more, and his only company remained the ever-watchful sun and the vast expanse of golden sand. Yet, as he moved through the harsh landscape, a peculiar sensation began to prick at the corners of his awareness. It was as though unseen eyes observed him, and he couldn't help but feel that he was not as alone as he had believed.

As the sensation persisted, Mujin's vigilance grew. He couldn't dismiss the notion that something, or someone, was tracking his movements through the desert. Though his Sharingan was a formidable tool, it struggled to pierce the veil of illusion cast by his elusive pursuers.

One night, beneath a sky filled with brilliant stars, he awoke to a chilling sound that rippled through the silence of the desert. It was a haunting, melodious hum, harmonizing with the whisper of the wind. Sitting up, he scanned the dunes, his Sharingan ablaze, and his heart raced as he glimpsed shadowy figures in the distance.

These were no ordinary travelers or villagers. They were beings of mystery and myth, the desert's enigmatic guardians. In the dim moonlight, their forms were indistinct, like mirages given life. Their eyes gleamed with a mesmerizing, unearthly light that drew him in, leaving him captivated.

Drawn by an irresistible curiosity, he approached them, his steps marked by a profound sense of wonder. Their tales of mythical creatures and walking fires were no longer mere rumors but living, ethereal realities. These were the guardians of the desert, the keepers of its secrets.

As Mujin stood among them, the desert whispered its enigmas into his ears. The guardians offered no answers, only the understanding that some secrets were meant to remain shrouded. He realized that his journey through the Sand District had never been about reaching a destination or unraveling a mystery. It had been a pilgrimage, an exploration of the mystical heart of the desert itself.

Their meeting concluded with an exchange of gifts. Mujin offered the strangers some of his mirrored weapons and they traded him a gemstone of magnificent ruby.

The guardians watched him as he left, their enigmatic gazes following his retreating figure. The desert had unveiled a small fragment of its mysteries, and now he carried that knowledge with him. His pursuit of the "walking fire" had led him to a different, unforeseen truth—a deeper connection to the desert's essence.

Mujin left the Sand District not as a seeker of rumors but as a wanderer, humbled by the vastness of the desert and the mysteries it held. The desert had chosen to reveal to him what it deemed fitting, leaving its greater secrets shrouded in the sands of time.

After facing the trials of the desert alone, he finally reached the outskirts of the Leaf District, returning as a changed man, marked not only by the revelations of the guardians but by the strength and resourcefulness he had discovered within himself.


[Sand District --- Leaf District]





Meanwhile, within Yasumasa's Mental Landscape:


It cackled, “And here we are already figuring out who's gon’ be the Kazekage” it continued to snicker “And here we could've spent this time searching for the current. That's human greed for you!” It scoffed as if it were looking down at the display of people before it “If Gaara sees this he would have rolled in his grave! Kukuku!” The beast continued to snicker in amusement as if it had been proved right.

Yasumasa rolled his eyes, “Here we are trying to figure out who will be Kazekage, meanwhile I could’ve been somewhere at a nice tavern—enjoying a nice drink.” Yasumasa closed his eyes in his mental landscape, “You see — this is logic, unlike yours. A drink is guaranteed. Finding the former Kazekage is not.”

Shukaku bellowed at the thought as if it was met with scorn. “Don't lecture me on what's logical or not!” The presence alluded with pressure as it moved its tail. “You sound like that damned fox!” The One-Tail murmured, as it maintains its stubbornness in an aura. Despite his words it's just human trivialities to him; whether it's about picking or searching for the Kazekage. Whatever that may be. It just wanted to point out the greed in the humans before him. As the man that goes by Makoto volunteered to be considered a Kazekage candidate, which caused him to cackle out loud in the mental plane. “Why don't you try to volunteer yourself for it; you would be the first drunk Kazekage. We’d surely come out on top” It sneered at the thought as it was merely out of jest. “Not like any of those humans are any better…”

Yasumasa chuckled to himself about getting a reaction out of Shukaku. ”I’m unfit for positions like that. I don’t care for power or control, I only care that the youth is protected and able to live their lives peacefully.” Yasumasa opened his eyes as he glanced over at Shukaku through the corner of his eye, ”Look at that, you do have a heart after all.” Yasumasa said sarcastically as if he were poking a jab at Shukaku.

“I never get along with humans, and it won't change anytime soon!” It rebutted, though its mind shifted to his first two Jinchūriki who had somewhat managed to earn its respect. “Sounds sappy for you, Brat.” It scoffed at his warm words. “Soon as you slip up, drunkard.” It appears to be sly in its voice as he continues. “Then I'll cause trouble for those people you care so much about!” It cackled, concluding their conversation.

“I’m sure you will,” Yasumasa paused for a moment pondering upon the thought “That’s all you beast are good for anyways. Maybe it’s time to put you on timeout ya’know? Think about what you said—alone!” With a snap of fingers the sandy mental landscape warped completely and the One-Tails was no longer in the image. “Blegh! He talked me sober!”


Yasumasa caught the glare that the young child had administered towards him in his response to the former Kazekage mentioned. He, in return, stuck his tongue out at here and gave her a "thumbs down" with his left hand further showcasing he did not care. As he continued to listen to everyone, Daidōuji made the most sense and when she was talking he was vividly shaking his head in agreement. And when asked for his opinion, he was quick to let them know:

“More conflict?” He rolled his eyes as he listened to them, “There are times when challenging for the title of Kazekage is necessary and times when it is not.” Yasumasa glanced over at Makoto “You’re thinking as a Warrior. That’s not something Sunagakure needs right now. What we need right now is a Leader and someone the leader can trust to carry out tasks. If you truly are the Hero of Sunagakure as everyone claims, then you know what's best right now is not you chained to Sunagakure handling boring tasks, but carrying out missions that the Kazekage can’t, in the name of Sunagakure. Both — equally important tasks!” He continued talking as he rolled his head back, "I do, however, believe we do nothing that still relates to the useless woman before and start clean. Regardless,"

"It does not matter whether we move or not. If we do not stand united, we'll fall anyways. If they want to fight so be it, but I am voting to instate Shishiō Shirogane as the Kazekage."



Staff member



Still leaning against the sturdy desk, Shishiō listened intently as everyone spoke. His hand, previously resting infront of him, slowly moved up to his shoulder, his fingers moving in an tracing pattern as he listened. First, it was Makoto who spoke challenging Shishiō, followed by Saja with her short information, and shortly after, Daidōuji added her thoughts and thr news of a new location. All Shishiō could manage was a deep sigh. Their discussion revolved around the challenge for the Kazekage title and the relocating the village to a new place, a place already prepared before the last Kazekage's kidnapping. Was this all part of a grand plan? Could the attack orchestrated by the former Kazekage,
initially thought to protect the people, have been a calculated move to pave the way for their relocation? These questions hung heavily in Shishiō's mind as he prepared to address the challenge and the rest of the conversation.

In the midst of the discussion, his friend Yasumasa spoke, his words about allowing Shishiō to bear the title and burden of Kazekage warmed his soul. A man torn between being a slave to the bottle or its master, Yasumasa's support deeply resonated with Shishiō. There were greater responsibilities at hand, and he felt a surge of determination. "I will bear the title and guide us towards a brighter, safer future, not just for us, but for the generations to come," Shishiō declared, his eyes firm with conviction.

His gaze shifted towards Makoto, and he extended his hand for a handshake. "The future outweighs the present," He continued, his voice carrying a blend of strength and hope. "Utilize your abilities to protect the weak, those who can't protect themselves. Sunagakure needs heroes like you, not locked in an office. Unite with me and I will lead us forward, securing the way for all."


Kami Shia


Makoto Shika

Feeling as if this situation was already trying enough as it is, he continued to listen as everyone shared their opinion. Typical results like in every dispute he felt. Always falling back on what they feel was the safer option. What the village needed was a leader who could strike fear into the hearts of their enemies as well as inspire the people and give them hope for a better future. The situation was dire and they needed to move on.

So you accept my challenge, the people of my clan have already been questioning their loyalty to the Kazekage. Prove you are worthy of the title and you shall earn our respect. The people can be escorted to Roran by the most capable shinobi we have remaining in the village. In the meantime we can use these ruins as our battle ground. I'm afraid if I leave now my clan will not choose to follow another puppet master willingly. Only a warrior knows how to defend their people, you want us to follow you to prove your worth. This village needs more than just a politician as its leader. We need to show the world we are not to be taken lightly, while you fiddle with your toys I’ll be waiting for you to settle things. Don’t keep me waiting…. Kazekage.

Excited to face the one accepting the role of Kazekage Makoto exited the room with haste and in a matter of seconds he was gone as if he were never there. He’d come across some ruins and within the center was an empty field of sand. Open and spacious he thought. Sitting on top of what used to be a rooftop, there the young lord waited for the challenger patiently. He was worried the Shika clan might not agree to follow the next Kazekage. Knowing his elders they would overrule him and move their families elsewhere. However Makoto cleared his mind as he waited for Shishio to step forward so the two could settle their differences, with actions Makoto believed he could prove his point. There was no need for a political Kage figurehead; the people of the land of wind were survivors but they weren’t fighters. The Shika clan brought fire and passion to the village, and they believed it was about time one of their own was recognized.



Saja looks at her mentor, seeing the photos of a different location that could house them was brilliant but from what she can see, the place looked defenseless, like a tailed beast can easily mow through the place with ease, maybe they need to pull out "that plan" to ensure their people is truly safe in a place they can call home. As she listened to everyone else while passing the photo around, she reach over to grab the ominously dim glowing scroll and lay it on the desk near Daidōuji, hopefully she knows the runes and seals on it but fear it’ll have something inside that’ll cause injuries to those in the room but when she heard the drunkard call her mom "the useless woman" made the young kunoichi stand up and glare him down, ready to kill him and have the anbu dump his corpse outside of their district for everyone to see this lowlife pathetic end to his existence but knew he had little to no clue who Yuichiro is and should pray she doesn’t come and visit him.​
Master Daidōuji, We should have the people ready to head out in two days time, right now our food resources have been damaged and half of our endangered plants are destroyed.​
Having lost so many artifacts and rare specimens in the conflict, Saja had to order some of the workers to place them in a lab hidden below ground, right underneath the archeology building but even that place wasn’t safe from the battle cause there was bodies littering the place with numerous kinds chemicals on the floor was also creating a deadly fume that’s polluting the air so medics in the hazmat suits had to go in, retrieving old artifacts and plants then pressure washes them all so they have a better chance at surviving.​
And another thing I need your help with, is uncovering my mother's scrolls, she left me with instructions but sadly I don't recognize these runes like she does and since you know her the closest, I figured she taught some of them to you in case something happens.​