Sand District


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Daidouji: Alright, I understand... Lord Shishio. I'll start on the call right---

Daidouji's words had been cut off mid sentence from a strange disruption, a thunderous explosion shattered the fragile peace, reverberating through the walls of the office. The structure beneath Daidouji's feet seemed to tremble in response, and the very structures of the village quivered as if protesting the sudden disturbance. The kunoichi's eyes widened in alarm, her gaze fixated on the door as the echo of the explosion lingered in the air. Without waiting for a moment, a mysterious accumulation of sand began removing itself from her body and taking on her form. The rumbling earth served as a grim reminder of the fragile stability they clung to in the harsh desert environment, especially with it already being in ruins. As such, sandy kunouchi burst through the door and into the sunlight. Her keen eyes scanned the horizon, seeking the source of the explosion. Smoke billowed in the distance, and as she drew closer, a sinking realization struck her. The chaos that had unfolded within the village as her eyes narrowed, recognizing the culprit to be her very own cousin and the man who had challenged the Kazekage only moments ago, Makoto.

A burning rage ignited within the woman and with swift movements, daidouji summoned her puppets, Tefnut from the seal on her body and released Set from the the seal placed inside of the coffin on her back. The intricately designed puppets emerged, their joints creaking as they came to life as she was ready to take his life on the spot if it came down to it.

However, amidst the destruction Makoto had caused, she realized the once malevolent chakra had shifted, now faint and fading. Confusion etched her features as she observed him sprawled on the ground, surrounded by the remnants of his destructive behavior. The wicked energy that had coursed through him had seemingly drained away, leaving him vulnerable and unexpectedly asleep. Daidouji's gaze flickered between the devastation he caused and the now seemingly harmless form of her cousin. The contrast was stark, leaving her momentarily bewildered. Cautiously, Daidouji utilized her puppet Set to approach her fallen family member. She manipulated Set's form, maneuvering it to wrap around her cousin, creating an hug between puppet and man. As Set embraced the sleeping figure, Daidouji's eyes remained vigilant, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within her. The wicked chakra had subsided, but the trust she once held had been shattered. She was torn between familial ties and the duty to protect her village.

With a careful and measured touch, Daidouji lifted her cousin from the ground, holding him within the puppet's embrace. Her senses were on high alert, ready to respond at the slightest hint of danger. Should the others follow her pursuit, she'd ask but a single question.
Daidouji: So, what should we do with him, there was a strange substance on the ground that looked like a broken mask. I suggest we lock him up for the time being, that suggestion is only because killing him will be a bad idea until we know whats going going on.

Location: Kazekage Office
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Staff member


Shabaka, ever attentive, listened intently as the Kazekage considered his words and those of his advisors. The weight of the situation hung in the air, and though he may have harbored thoughts and arguments, he chose to remain silent for the time being. Understanding that the current circumstances might not be conducive to verbal confrontation, Shabaka opted for a patient approach. He recognized the power of time in unraveling the events and decisions that would shape the future. In this moment of restraint, he acknowledged that actions would speak louder than words. His measured response hinted at a deeper understanding of the complexities involved and a willingness to navigate the uncertain terrain that lay ahead.

The room fell into an eerie stillness as the assistant, emboldened by the unfolding events, claimed possession of an unconscious body. The air thickened with tension, and Shabaka, though not adept at chakra sensory, sensed a peculiar discomfort in his chest. Unaware of the cause, he instinctively clutched his robe near his chest, a reflexive response to an unseen disturbance. Unbeknownst to Shabaka, the dormant consciousness of Shukaku, the one-tailed beast, stirred within him. The ancient and powerful entity, ever attuned to the presence of its kin, sensed the arrival of another beast. While Shabaka grappled with the discomfort, Shukaku's awareness flickered, recognizing the subtle but significant shift in the chakra currents within the asleep shinobi.

Shukaku, the one-tailed beast within Shabaka, felt a distinct discomfort at the presence of the zero-tailed entity. Though not one of the traditional tailed beasts, it bore a resemblance in terms of its potential, and this anomaly intrigued and unsettled Shukaku.
In the silence of the mindscape they shared, Shukaku remained attentive, its consciousness alert and focused. The ancient beast recognized that there was something unique and powerful about the zero-tailed entity, and the known qualities of this being stirred a sense of unease within Shukaku.

As Shabaka grappled with the unfolding events in the physical realm, Shukaku's attention remained divided between the immediate concerns and the enigmatic presence that had entered their sphere of awareness. The mindscape, typically a realm of solitude, now hosted a silent dialogue between the two entities, with Shukaku attempting to decipher the nature and intentions of the zero-tailed being. The dynamics between the beasts and the unfolding events hinted at a deeper layer of complexity, waiting to be unraveled in the moments to come.

Location: Kazekage Office - (Outside Kazekage Office - Makota)
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka -> Makota
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2

Kami Shia


Makoto Shika

Being lifted from the ground involuntarily the young lord remained sound asleep. Resting in a puppets embrace as his stomach began to growl violently, he would feel a strong discomfort waking him from his temporary slumber. Despite that his body showed no form of injury or sign of fatigue, leaving the situation a complete mystery to be unraveled. As he awoke he could sense a strange feeling as if someone was staring into the depths of his very being, however the dark power within would remain dormant and undetected by any normal means. The young lord's gaze would first turn towards direction of Shabaka before scanning the room of familiar faces. Meanwhile the zero tails remained dormant. It could sense the uncertainty in the air resisting the temptation as its host was not ready for a confrontation, its presence could be vividly felt by the one tailed Shukaku.


Makoto’s stomach would eventually growl again, breaking the silence in the room, the young lord awkwardly laughing it off and gathering himself before collecting his thoughts. Assessing the situation he could vividly remember a voice calling out to him but after that everything was blank. Letting himself down from the puppets' hold offers his cousin a kind nod for taking care of him while he was unconscious. However his posture wasn’t as it is normally one could tell that his body had been under tremendous stress despite having no signs of going through hardships but he would remain strong about his clans convictions and work up enough strength to speak.

I don’t know how and why I am standing here but following you isn’t something my people wish to do and if you can’t prove to them why you are a worthy leader you can exclude my support as well. The time for politics is dead. This village tried playing by the rules of the shinobi world but always received the short end of the stick trying to fit into modern society. Peace does not come without someone enduring all of the hardships of the people who cannot protect themselves, this land needs a leader that is willing to fight for freedom and truly embrace the will of the wind. Until then you will find no loyalty from me. I’ll be taking my leave from this village alongside my people, for those of you who wish for a brighter future can follow me. It's about time this world knows what it means to be free and discover the meaning of peace. I only fight to protect those who can’t protect themselves and standing here doing nothing will only show the other villages that we are still a push over and hold no candle to the other four great nations.

A fire had been lit under the young lord as he finally decided to speak his true feelings on the matter, his heart filled with a burning passion he held nothing back when expressing himself before preparing to make his exit from the broken village. Politics really got under his skin as it failed to provide true protection for its people, in fact he believed the politicians prevented heroes from being heroes. Placing rules and false codes of honor so that one believes that their actions were just.

You may be a self proclaimed Kage, but the strongest in the village does not acknowledge you.” A strong surge of chakra flared from the young lord's body shaking the very structure around them. “If you wish to join me do so but don’t try to stop me. Because from this moment forward the Hero of the Sand will be known as the one who liberated the Shinobi world.

Sick of all the prejudice between the villages and the hatred spread by those who suffer from the selfishness from those who believe they stand above the rest of the world because they collected a fortune or those who just demand respect because they possess the power to do so. To him the world was never at peace so long as oppressions remained. Proceeding to make an exit from the reminiscence of the hidden sand Makoto’s destination was his clan's estate, there he would gather his belongings and lead his fellow clansmen and their families looking to relocate them to a place ungoverned by an official Kage.
Location: (Outside Kazekage Office)
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka -> Makoto
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​
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Feeling tremors which resembling a minor earthquake. Shishiō begins to move but before he can run out, Daidōuji quickly created a clone that rushed out of the room before he could, his eyes following her every move. When the clone had left the room his attention shifted to Shabaka, who clutched his robe near his chest. In mid-motion, about to run out, Shishiō stopped. "Daidōuji, take care of Shabaka!" he commanded, then dashed after the clone. As he ran, he moved his fingers from inside the coffin, and it began to sparkle around him. Exiting the Kazekage building, iron sand flowed from Shishiō, shaping into a pair of large wings sprouting from his back. Using these wings, Shishiō lifted from the sand beneath him and sped forward in pursuit of Daidōuji's clone.

Soaring above the village, he had a clear view and quickly spotted Daidōuji not far ahead. Lowering himself, he remained hovering above her and what seemed to be Makoto held in the arms of one of her puppets. Grains of iron sand fell to the ground, forming a circle just over 8 meters in all directions around the 3. The grain would move into the ground and hardened into minuscule grains waiting for what would or could happen next. When Daidōuji asked about what to do with Makoto, he looked down at the red-haired man, offering no immediate response.

Location: Kazekage Office -> Outside Kazekage Office
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


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Outside with Makoto and Shishio, the clone of Daidouji who had her own cousin wrapped up and being held still by her puppet set, of course sue to the circumstances, there was no way she was about to just her him free until the word was given. As such, the faintest movement from him triggered the kunoichi and she caused the puppet to squeeze onto Makoto tighter, this will in turn cause him to feel sharp spikes pressed against his very being which were a product of the chrome sand within the puppets body. The woman didn't want to flat out kill her cousin but she wouldn't hesitate to do so if it was what she needed, and her actions were a product of her caution. She also noticed Lord Shishio had made his way to where the two of them were as he loweed himself closer while sand was dripping to the ground beneathe the group. She'd remain still and allow Makoto to plead his case and say what he needed to, but allowing him to freely move wasn't an option she planned on giving him at the moment.
Daidouji (Clone): Makoto, you left the village and returned to the village attacking it, endangering our own people. Including your own clan, and that itself shows me you're not fit to be a leader in general but if you're not even able to control your own actions to keep yourself from attacking the very place you supposedly call home; Speaking as if you're the leader we need is the dumbest thing i've heard alday. Rather you like it or not, he IS the Kazekage. Your ignorance to your own desire amazes me, you claim to be the strongest in the village and the best option this village has. Yet all we've seen is a brat upset about not being elected, then leaving the village after challenging the Kazekage, just to return, attack the very place he wishes to protect, and boast more about yourself. You've proven to be the worst option and under your leadership this entire land will be a ruin and the sand shinobi itself will be nomore and known as nothing more than a joke. The smartest thing you've said was about you leaving, but im sure noone here outside of your own clan will follow you.​

Meanwhile, inside the office where Shabaka and the true assistant were, she could feel something sinister happening with shabaka as he began clinching on to his chest. Her first instict was to grab a hold of the coffin on her back and preparing to pop it open to stop something from further putting their people in danger if that's what was actually going on. Though for some reason she paused first and observed him before deciding on rather or not to make a move.
Daidouji: Shabaka, What's wrong?​

Location: Outside Kazekage Office
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​
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The Shukaku demonstrated a profound aversion towards the zero-tails, harboring a strong distaste for the existence of this peculiar creature. It amounted to a deep-seated detestation, marked by a fervent desire to eliminate any trace of the zero-tails from its surroundings. The discomfort experienced by Shabaka compelled him to shadow his superiors closely, prompting him to employ the sand body technique as a way of maintaining measured distance. In response to the unease, Shabaka however his body into a dissembling physical for of minuscule particles of sand. This unique ability allowed him to navigate the terrain, as well as observe and monitor his superiors without being overtly conspicuous as he was eight meters behind the Kazekage recently ignoring the concerns of Daidouji. "If he plans on desserting I'll crush his bones, we cannot any enemies from within." He thought to himself, as well as accompanying him was the loud laughter of Shukaku edging him on.​

Kami Shia


Makoto Shika

Letting himself down from the puppets grasp by continuously releasing what seemed to be a powerful surge of chakra from his body and forcing himself out, there was no way a mere clone could command a puppet to subdue an individual as powerful as Makoto. As his chakra released it would be powerful enough to affect the surrounding area and disrupt the immediate connection between puppet and master forcing the chakra threads connection to be disrupted long enough for his chakra to surge throughout his entire being as he triggered his kekkei genkai every fiber of his being would begin to vibrate faster than the human eye could comprehend making him appear as nothing more than a blur, Makoto began phasing long enough to escape the puppets grasp freeing himself. The young master's feet barely touched the ground before he relocated himself over thirty feet away from the kazekage's party, moving so fast one would assume he could physically teleport. Without the tool forcing him to restrict his movements it was pointless trying to hold him back the young master would begin explaining himself willingly.

"Attacking the village is something I would never do, I can't even believe those shallow words came out of your mouth. This sort of rash thinking is the main reason I cannot pledge and provide any service to the sunagakure, you are fools trying to play follow the leader when there are actual threats strong enough to obliterate an entire country in one fell swoop and you treat me as if I am a threat. I am no enemy unless you make me fear not as I am only resigning my title as a shinobi. I am a warrior that will not stand idly by as the rest of the world suffers, those who do not seek true justice can remain hiding in the shadows like rats, I have my own goals, my own dreams, and i will lead those who follow me to a world where no one's suffering won't be acknowledged. Excuse me."

The young lord was intent on severing his connection from the hidden sand and began to take his leave from the village without looking back. The first thought that came to his mind was to make an exit as peaceful as possible without any bloodshed. The village was in shambles and not because of him its citizens had lost most of their hope and next their self proclaimed hero. However for some strange reason he could sense not only sorrow but hatred from the villagers felt as he walked away, oddly enough their despair felt as if it was empowering him tempting him to cause more; fighting this feeling as best he can he would take his leave peacefully. The voices and laughter of children and the locals had grown completely silent as most of the survivors remain hidden clinging to what little hope they had left. He felt entitled to protect the citizens as well as his own clan, however the others wouldn't see eye to eye. The Shika clan refused to remain a part of a broken house and as their leader it was his duty to maintain order within the clan and keep the piece, the life of a shinobi wasn't meant for warriors like Makoto and his bloodline who truly enjoyed the thrill of battle. As he made his exit from the village without any detours he began to up the pace as everyone's words fell on deaf ears. The place he once called home was far gone, nothing could be said that would make him want to stay. He continued to circulate the chakra throughout his body to trigger his kekkei genkai once again, Makoto would become a mere blur before completely vanishing from sight. Those who eyes weren't capable of tracking high speed movement would see a mere glimmer of a crimson light dashing away until it was no longer visible.

Location: Outside Kazekage Office
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka-> Makoto(exiting)
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Staff member


Hovering above Daidōuji, Shishiō looks down as Makoto suddenly disappears from the puppet's grasp. The only reason this could be possible that the red haired shinobi was not injured was because Daidōuji's clone did not choose to use that weapon inside the puppet. At least that was what Shishiō could figure out knowing the abilities these two shinobi possessed. If the clone had acted with bloodlust, the sleeping Makoto would have already been poisoned and on his way to the afterlife before the Kazekage would arrive at the scene. With light finger movements, Shishiō turns in the air towards where Makoto is standing and has started talking. Not a word is said and he just shakes his head and then slowly begins to float down to the ground. With Makoto out of sight, the people began to appear on the street, their eyes fixed on the man dressed in the Kazekage uniform. Not only is he wearing their leader's uniform, but what they see is also the classic Kekkei Genkei that several Kazekage had before him. From inside the coffin on his back, Shishiō looks out and when the villagers and without hesitation he raises his arms and speaks.

"My fellow citizens, let me start by introducing myself. My name is Shishiō Shirogane, leader of the puppet brigade and even if you haven't seen me before, I have seen you over the years. The puppet brigade was created a long time ago and we have stayed in the shadows, protecting you without your knowledge. Today I stand before you as your newest Kazekage and just like you, I grew up here in the desert and Sunagakure, I have made many friends and lost even more. “ He sees how whispers begin among those standing on the street around him and even more are gathering now. “ I stand before you today with a heavy heart. For too long, Sunagakure has endured the endless waves of attacks, like a curse that refuses to be lifted from us. Each time, we have risen from the ashes, rebuilding our homes, our lives, and our village. But now, it is time for us to make a difficult decision, a decision born out of necessity and a desire for a better future. The truth is, our city is more than just bricks and mortar. It is more than the streets we walk and the buildings we inhabit. Sunagakure is us, the people who call it home, who breathe life into its streets, who fill its halls with laughter and tears, who create its stories and its legacy for the next generation. But our safety, our well-being, and our future must come first. We cannot continue to live in constant threat of danger, in fear of the next attack that may come at any moment. We owe it to ourselves, to our children, and to the generations yet to come, to seek a new beginning. ” Both sadness, anger and even a hint of hope can be seen in their eyes. These people who survived weeks of thirst for water thanks to the scorching sun above them, the lack of food and yet today stand here alive. “ I have prepared a new place for us, a place where we can start anew, where we can build a new safer Sunagakure, free from fear and uncertainty. Everyone understands that change is never easy, that leaving behind the familiar is scary, but I ask for your trust, your faith in me, your Kazekage. I pledge to you, my fellow citizens, that I will do everything in my power to guarantee your safety, to ensure that every step of this journey is taken with caution and care. I will stand by your side, shoulder to shoulder, until my last breath. This is not the end of our city, but the beginning of a new chapter in our history. Let us embark on this journey together, with hope in our hearts and determination in our souls. For it is not the city that makes us, but we who make the city.”

With that said, he slowly begins to lift off the ground again and Shishiō's attempt to persuade the people to trust him was not harder than he thought. His words of trust and promise to do everything in his power to protect them seem to have left their mark on them. After the recent events, the people are ready for something new, a new chapter in their lives. Not for their own sake only but for the sake of the future generation, they start cheering for Shishiō. "Lord Kazekage, Kazekage, Shishiō-sama" Their cries could finally be heard echoing throughout Sunagakure and he makes one last statement before disappearing flying back towards the office. " At short notice we will leave tomorrow at dawn, take the bare essentials and meet me outside the village walls. Our first step towards a better future will be waiting for you there."

Location: Sunagakure Street -> on his way towards the Kazekage Office

Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka

Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2


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With all the necessary precautions set up for the actions of Makoto, the demise of the self proclaimed "strongest in village" was set in stone. The chrome sand senbons had already been pressing up against the shinobi's body. As such, the slightest movement not only caused the senbons to cut into his body but this also triggered her puppet to shoot them out as its grip wouldn't be loosened by his effort but instead the puppet will have just went with Makoto. However, due to the simple fact of the puppet shooting the senbons out into the 'former' sand shinobi, his chakra was completely disrupted and the only thing he managed to accomplish was slamming his own head into the corner of one of their buildings. Ultimately splitting his own head in half and killing himself trying to escape. With that, the clone of daidoiji wrapped up the body of Makoto and crushed him with the puppet's chrome sand clothing. Eliminating the body as a whole before dispersing and leaving the area as if nothing happened to begin with.

Not too long after that, the people of suna filled the streets as Shishio began speaking to them. Daidoiji remained in the office and observed the entire speech from the window, paying close attention to his words and the reactions of their people. The more he spoke, the more confident she grew in having him as their new Kazekage; The cheering from the crowd only added to the choice in a good light which made her smile. She waited until he returned to the office before she turned around to face him while sitting on the opening ledge of the window.

Daidouji: Great job Lord Kazekage. My essentials are already in the new location but I shall meet the rest of you there.

After that was said, Daidoiji made her way out of the office towards the village gates where everyone else will be meeting up.

Location: Kazekage Office -> Sunagakure Gates
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Staff member

(Sunagakure former location)

Shishiō once again lands outside the Kazekage building after giving a speech to the people of Sunagakure. Once outside he steps out of the coffin carried by the puppet he used in his place and in the hand he did not use for the puppet, he still carries the scroll from before. As before, he unrolls it and makes the hand sign for seal and the puppet moves into the scroll before putting the scroll away, leaving himself standing there before walking in. Once he gets up to the office, he sees Shabaka sitting against a wall and Daidōuji on the window ledge. Her words give Shishiō hope that his plan will succeed without any problems. "Shabaka, once you're rested, head to the village gate. A Sand-sailer will be waiting for you," Shishiō instructed, as the office settled into a calm atmosphere. He then heads up to the roof where several Chunin to Jōnin-level shinobi awaited him.

These Shinobi formed part of the puppet brigade and received Shishiō, the new Kazekage, inquiring about their next mission. "I need one of you to inform a courier ninja to deliver medicine and other necessities to our allies in Amegakure. Additionally, also notify the other Kages about Sunagakure's relocation. The rest of you should continue preparing for the move, ensuring nothing essential is left behind.”

Relatively short and to the point are Shishiō's orders to them and when they disappeared from his field of vision to carry out their missions, the Kazekage walked to the edge of the building. "Everything is happening so fast, I can hardly grasp it myself... If only we had more time and our former Kazekage hadn't been taken. Everything would play out perfectly.” Alone, he stands on the roof and talks to himself as he watches the people of the village walk in the streets towards the gate. Several of the Sand-sailers were already standing at the gate; these sailers are the primary form of transportation used by the puppet organization.

(Information about the sand-sailers: Sand-sailers are light crafts made of wood and equipped with runners that slide across the sand. A sail is attached in between the runners to catch the hot, wild desert winds. The Sunagakure shinobi pilots use their mastery with Wind Release to help steer and propel the sailers by creating gusts of wind that propel the vehicle forward. )

Without a thought, Shishiō jumps over the edge of the roof down to the street below. But before he reaches the ground, he extends his hand which forms chakra threads that latch onto the nearest ceiling. Utilizing the momentum, he swung through the village toward the gate, where villagers gathered for the relocation. Once he arrives, the villagers have already begun boarding the big sand ships. One by one they get on and Shishiō chooses to get on one of the ships himself that will take the lead.


Through the almost endless desert and with a scorching sun in the sky, several ships with large sails are seen gliding through the desert. It is Sunagakure that is on its way with the enormous relocation, with Shishiō standing at the helm of one ship, his arms crossed in determination. Their journey has been anything but easy, but despite that, no lives have been lost. Through the desert's enormous sandstorms, quicksand and giant sandworms, yet miraculously, no lives have been lost. and once again proven their resilience in the harsh terrain they call home.

After hours of travel, distant structures resembling skyscrapers emerge on the horizon and cheers and excitement among the people could be heard once they are finally seeing the new village. Once they get close, they see several completed buildings and ongoing constructions. The difference is that it is not human hands but puppets that are working on building the city—several hundred of them to be exact. By using the Wooden Puppet Manipulation Technique, which allows the members of the puppet brigade to control their movements through sheer willpower alone, they mass build the new village in a short period of time.

(New Home)

As the people and their belongings leave the ships, Shishiō has already leaped off and warmly welcomes them to their new home. In front of them are what resembles more of a modernized city than a village, with skyscrapers and smaller towers dotting the landscape. To still preserve some of their former home, Shishiō has prepared several smaller buildings, including shops around the village. But having left behind the immense natural walls that once protected their former village, Shishiō drew inspiration from their ally Konohagakure. Enormous walls are now under construction around their village which will surround it on all sides just like Konoha. Shishiō, who had already planned the move and knew Sunagakure by heart, has planned where each family and single person will live.

With the help of both Jōnin and Chūnin, the people are guided to the buildings that will be their new home and Shishiō heads towards the largest skyscraper located in the heart of the village. Upon reaching the top of the building, he enters the new office, designed similarly to the previous one but without the former Kazekage's belongings lying around. Here, he awaits Chinatsu's arrival to report on the progress of construction and issue new orders.

Location: Old Sunagakure -> New Sunagakure
Post Order: Shishio -> Daidouji -> Shabaka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2
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