Sand District



It wouldn't have slipped past her notice that she was spotted. She didn't know whom it was for at a base range her sensory isn't that great, as she likes to keep using Ninjutsu inside Sunagakure to a minimal, she didn’t seem to mind to much however, being her state of mind she was sure that some Anbu must be placed near her location should the worse happen with her, maybe she was being to skeptical though, who knows?

With the soft whistles of the wind, the air dancing from the man's movements she couldn’t help but softly chuckle to herself, she knew only one person in the entirety of the Shinobi world that would make such a dramatic entrance, Oboro. Being members of the same village it was only natural their paths would have crossed in their life and thus began their bitter-love friendship.

“Hello Oboro”

She spoke, her head not even lifting to meet his gaze for she still appears to be hiding her face for.. Obvious reasons, with a simple flip of her robe, she made sure to conceal as much of her physical appearance as one physically could without looking like a floating ghost in a rag of a robe.

“I’m.. as well as I could be, but that’s not saying much.”

She spoke once more, her voice a little downward and softer than her previous words.

“What about yourself? Want to tell me some exciting missions you’ve been on as of late?”

Her voice uplifted, it was clear she didn’t like to talk about herself as much, she would be considered a better listener than a public speaker, for her natural aptitude to distance herself and remain quiet over the course of the years she would pick up on very subtle differences in people's tones of voices to represent each emotion they’ve felt, she tried to replicate it in turn. Successfully or not will be for Oboro to decide should he pry further
Location: Sunagakure Market
Post Order: Hariku > Oboro
Time Limit: 3 days




As the two continued their conversation; With a gentle movement, Oboro reached out and softly placed his fingers beneath her chin. His touch was light, as he tilted her head slightly, guiding her to meet his gaze as she was in the middle of her second statement. His fingers remained under her chin, his thumb lightly brushing against her jawline. The touch was intimate, almost romantic, a stark contrast to the usual playful banter they shared. Oboro's gaze softened, the usual mischief in his eyes replaced by a depth of emotion that was seldom seen.
Hariku... I want you to know. That hiding... a face like yours..

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The sounds of the marketplace faded into the background, leaving only the two of them, suspended in a moment of unspoken "understanding". His gaze looking deep into her eyes for a moment before going down to her lips and back up to her eyes again. The moment he shared with her was like no other as he leaned forward with his lips coming within but a few inches of hers as he remained on his perch with his smile.
Won't make you look any less like a crazy dead girl than you already do.

As Oboro said this and burst into laughter, he released the gentle hold he had on her chin and pulled his head away from hers while putting his arm around her shoulder in a tight but friendly manner. The moment passed, but its impact lingered, even with his joking remark towards her, their bond was special and she already knew what he meant by that. Oboro's keen eyes then caught a flicker of movement in the sky, A bird silhouetted against the blue sky, flew with an unusual urgency. Its dark plumage and erratic flight pattern marked it as a stranger to the Sand District. As it soared closer, Oboro's sharp vision picked out a scroll tied to its leg. Without a moment's hesitation, Oboro's hand flew to his shuriken pouch. In a fluid motion, he pulled out a shuriken and hurled it into the air, his precision honed by years of training. The shuriken sliced through the air, embedding itself in the bird's neck with deadly accuracy. The bird let out a brief, strangled cry before its body went limp. As it began to plummet, its feathers disintegrated into the air, leaving only the scroll, which fluttered down like a fallen leaf. Oboro extended his hand, catching the scroll with practiced ease. Oboro carefully unfurled the scroll, his expression turning serious as he read the contents.
As far as my missions go, just the usual. Assassinations, info gaining, collecting pieces to make more puppets; Things along that nature... However... I did find something interesting that I plan on taking and I want you to come with me.

In this moment, Oboro began to read the contents of the scroll, with a detailed bounty for the assassination of the boy, his fox-like features unmistakable even in the crude illustration. Below his image, the text outlined the reasoning and the substantial reward for his death, marking him as a high-priority target.

We're going on a fox hunt, Hariku.

Location: Sunagakure Market
Post Order: Hariku > Oboro
Time Limit: 3 days
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Staff member

He was all timid and anxious, he couldn't believe she kept asking him questions. Her response in regards to skin care was reasonable, but Shabaka was too flustered to make the correlation that most people needed to stay hydrated. He was a tad different, with his unique usage over the sand body transfer technique and his direct relationship with the one-tails he has not needed to hydrate his skin in a very long time. As she continued to speak to him it began to sound like rubbish, as he wasn't focusing on what she was. It took a moment of interrupt to disrupt his state of panic, and it was the loud and demanding growl from her stomach. Springing forth his eyes to raise in surprise, subsequently following his stomach roared to at the same volume as hers. Which made him laugh at the coincidence. It took a moment of silence for him to realize she too was embarrassed, which made him chuckle while looking at her with darkened flushes on his cheeks.
Location: Old Sungakure > New Sunagakure
Post Order: Shabaka -> Kiyoka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Staff member


The sun began going down, casting a golden hue over the new city of Sunagakure. Kazekage Shishiō walked along the bustling streets with a sense of pride and contentment. The village, once known for its harsh desert landscape and humble dwellings, now stood as a testament to progress and cleverness. Towering skyscrapers lined the skyline, their reflective surfaces catching the light and creating a dazzling display. The streets below were alive with activity. Small children darted between the stalls, their laughter can be heard through the air as they chased each other in a playful game of tag. The elderly walked around slowly, some with the aid of canes, yet their eyes sparkled with the same excitement as the youths. Shishiō observed an old woman tenderly patting the head of a young girl who had tripped and fallen, a reminder of the people's way of looking out for each other regardless of whether you are of the same blood or not.

Along the streets, numerous stalls were set up, each offering a variety of goods that added to the festive atmosphere. Vendors called out to passersby, enticing them with an array of colorful and fragrant delicacies. The scent of grilled meat, spiced pastries, and exotic fruits filled the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed teas and sweetened drinks. Shishiō paused by a stall where an enthusiastic seller handed him a skewer of perfectly grilled meat, its sweet sauce glistening in the evening light. Moving on, Shishiō noticed stalls selling intricately crafted souvenirs. Wooden carvings, delicate pottery, and textiles were displayed with pride, showcasing the craftsmanship and artistic heritage of Sunagakure. He stopped to admire a beautifully painted ceramic vase, its surface adorned with scenes of desert life, a reminder of the village's rich history. The streets were adorned with lanterns and streamers, their colors and lights heralding the imminent festival. Everywhere he looked, preparations were underway to ensure that the event would be a resounding success. Musicians tuned their instruments, performers rehearsed their routines, and families decorated their homes and shops. Everyone is contributing to the collective effort of bringing the festival to life and their new homes too.

Shishiō's heart swelled with pride as he continued his walk, greeting villagers with a warm smile and a nod. He could see the excitement and anticipation in their faces, a shared sentiment that echoed his own. This festival was not just a celebration of their new home, but a symbol of hope and renewal, a chance to forge stronger bonds and create new memories together. When he reached the central plaza, Shishiō took a moment to stand still and absorb the scene around him. The village he had envisioned and worked tirelessly to build was thriving, its people filled with joy and optimism. He knew that this was just the beginning, and under his leadership, Sunagakure would continue to flourish and prosper. With a renewed sense of purpose, Shishiō stepped forward into the heart of the village, ready to join his people in celebrating the dawn of a new era for Sunagakure.

Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Shishio -> ???
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Amid her explanation about her hand cream, she noticed he had quite a bored expression, which made her fall off at the end being quiet until that was interrupted by her stomach making a loud growl, she blushed in embarrassment and then heard another but louder this time, she looked up at the dark tanned male who began to chuckle at the convenience of their stomaches singing together. Of course, this made Kiyoka have quite a giggle, I suppose she should treat him to some food perhaps.

She shyly looked at him and coughed softly out of shyness she said quietly only for him to hear.

"W-well Mr stranger shall we get food?"

She started to walk off to the heart of the centre of the village where many people had been gathering in amazement and pride at their hard work on building a new village with many vendors selling even more exotic items from other lands to cuisines from others. She gawked at so many food vendors, and restaurants, until she spotted a vendor selling some bento boxes which piqued her interest. She went towards the vendor and requested two bento boxes, which she gladly gave the vendor woman the money she owed. about 10 minutes later she received two wrapped packages containing the food, she gave the vendors a smile of gratitude and said thank you before returning to Shabaka.

"Here you go, oh I'm Kiyoka! nice to meet you!"

She sat down on the nearest bench she could find and started eating away at the lunch, smiling and doing a little happy dance wiggle at the good food she received. After she was done, she spotted an important figure in a crowd, seeing how his white robes and a hat that signifies the Kazekage were here in the town centre. She got up and patted herself down before going towards the nearest trash and throwing away the empty bento box. Turning towards Shabaka before heading off to catch up with the Kazekage she smiled and waved a goodbye.

"Excuse me, Kazekage-sama"

She finally caught up to the much taller male and by far older looking. She bowed down in respect and spoke once more placing her rogue strand of red hair on her.

"I'm Kiyoka and I was perhaps wondering is there are any missions I could do?"
Location: Old Sungakure > New Sunagakure
Post Order: Shabaka -> Kiyoka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2

Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Shishio -> Kiyoka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2

(New order)


Staff member



Walking through the crowd and past the festival's numerous small tents selling food, drinks, and souvenirs, Shishiō lightly waves to the people around him with one hand. However, unbeknownst to them, five thin threads made of his chakra float around him. These threads are invisible to the naked eye. He slowly moves away from the crowd, standing more on the edge of the festival. "Being the Kazekage is nowhere near as fun as just sitting in my workshop" He mumbles to himself. A small gust of wind blows past him, and with a subtle movement of his fingers, the chakra threads move toward a target. Suddenly, an Anbu appears behind him, with a thread around the neck and each limb, holding the person in place. When Shishiō lays eyes on the Anbu, the threads quickly release, and the Anbu falls to the ground. Due to the long history of assassinations of previous Kazekages, Shishiō is always on his guard. "Do NOT sneak up on me like that!" He shouts at the Anbu. Knowing that this was their way of working, Shishiō slowly lowers his hand to help the Anbu up. "Sorry... bad habit" Shishiō says as the Anbu just shakes his head and stands up.

"I... I know you are on your guard, Kazekage-sama, but don't worry. We, the Anbu, are your eyes and ears. There is no need to worry. We will not let anything close to danger come near you." Shishiō isn't sure if the Anbu looks down on him, as if he always needs protection. "Say what you need to and then disappear out of my sight" Shishiō commands the Anbu, surprised by the Kazekage's words, the Anbu kneels and quickly delivers his report. "We have received orders to send one or two of our own to Konoha to act as a bodyguard for one of our diplomats. Since it is within Konoha's territory, the Hokage has contributed a small group of his own to carry out the mission."

Shishiō nods and watches as the Anbu suddenly disappears from sight. "Who should I send on this mission? We have many who may need the experience," he ponders. Several names pop into his head "Hariku, Oboro, Kiyoka, Kazeemi... or maybe Shabaka? No, maybe sending young Shabaka is too risky if he were to lose control." While deliberating on names and considering each shinobi's capabilities and who would best represent Sunagakure, he hears footsteps approaching. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Kiyoka from the Uzumaki clan, her red hair standing out as she approaches with light footsteps. Bowing her head in respect, she joins him at the perfect time, bringing a smile to Shishiō's lips. "Perfect timing! I was just about to look for you, Kiyoka. A little while ago, we were requested to join Konoha in a joint mission. You and a team of Konoha shinobi will act as bodyguards for diplomats from both the Leaf and Sand Districts as they engage in peace talks with neighboring nations. Head towards the village train station. Once there, the shinobi from Konoha should arrive."

Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Shishio -> Kiyoka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2
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Heat waves waltzed upon the sands, swirling and twirling across the desert floor. The sun beat down upon the myriad of dancers, a captive audience that begged for etude after etude - an endless encore. There was another spectator to the show - a woman marching to the beat, with one hand swaying before her, riding the rhythm of the breeze. It was a peaceful melody, and brought to the kunoichi much solace. She could tell by the delicate traipsing of the wind that the next storm was still far off and thus took to her walk at a leisurely pace. Before too long, skyscrapers seemed to peel from the horizon, lifting themselves higher and higher over the great sand dunes like the great monolithic testaments to her peoples that they were: strong and enduring. Their reflective surfaces glimmered in an iridescent display beneath the sun’s rays.

The woman’s lips pulled at the edges as she neared, teal hues lilting across the dazzling structures. She hadn’t yet seen the full fruits of her labors. At the behest of the Kazekage, the kunoichi Kazeemi assisted in the development of their new village alongside the puppet brigade, using her winds to aid in the erection of buildings and skyways, create stable plots in the sands, and wage war against the tempestuous sandstorms which threatened to slow their progress. Alas, shortly before the completion of the village, she had been called away to attend to other matters. She wasn’t there to see the finished product of their labor or the migration of the village’s denizens. Though the latter, she wasn’t upset for. Kazeemi hadn’t seen the brethren of her village in years and even now, she hesitated. Her pace slowed with every step which brought her nearer.

It was…strange, entering the gates to the village. A shinobi stopped her at the entranceway and logged her arrival. He spoke excitedly throughout the exchange on how much she had changed and how he barely recognized her - and yet, Kazeemi couldn’t place him at all. She bowed and waved as she made her way past with promises of ‘catching up soon’, and brushed off their encounter as soon as she’d made five paces. After making it through the checkpoint, Kazeemi lingered near the open maw of the new Sunagakure. Teal hues scanned the bustling streets, surveying the crowds of villagers who were settling in to their new abodes. Vendors already filled the roads, peddling their wares to the bright eyed denizens of Suna as many prepared for what looked to be a festival - there were ribbons and streamers, lanterns and music. It was some sort of celebration for their new homestead, Kazeemi surmised. It was all quite lively and yet, in this place that should bring the comforts of home, Kazeemi couldn’t help but to feel out of place, foreign.

After what felt like minutes, she draped her arms over the fans folded across her lower back and made her way into the village, following the curving street towards the heart of town. It was dizzying, being around so many people and as she skirted the crowds she wondered where her parents had ended up. Did they set up a new shop - and had they taken her belongings from her small apartment to this new village? Or had they been forsaken, her books and old fans still collecting dust on their shelves? Were her clothes still hanging in her closet? Had she done her dishes, or did they still sit dirtied in the sink? She pondered if her parents would even recognize her, after all this time. After all, she couldn’t recognize anyone amidst the swarming masses in the streets.

Eventually, she made her way to the town’s center where the familiar robe of the Kazekage drew her attention. With a sigh of relief, she headed in his direction, glad to finally see at least one person she recognized. However, Kazeemi was not the only one who had located their leader - she watched as he swiftly bound the Anbu operative that had not so cleverly snuck from his rear. She snickered to herself. In their trainings, she had found herself wrapped much like the Anbu was on more than one occasion. Out of respect, she slowed her pace to allow for them to speak amongst themselves, not daring to intrude in such a manner on their Kazekage.

Once the Anbu shinobi departed from the Kazekage’s sightline, Kazeemi approached, circling around to catch his peripherals as she did. She would not make the same mistake again. Alas, she was not the only one who had their eye on a moment with the Kazekage, as another kunoichi just beat her to the punch. With the boisterous calls of the vendors on the streets, she missed the red-headed woman’s words but was able to catch most of Shishio’s. “An escort for peace-talks?” She questioned, intruding on their conversation, “sounds like a total bore. Diplomats are a pain.” Kazeemi drew the back of her thumb across her neck and grimaced in the female’s direction.

“The village came together nicely,” she turned to speak directly to Shishio. “It looks like everyone is settling in well as can be. I’m glad all our work paid off so handsomely. Is this a homecoming celebration?” She waved her hand across the town square at the ribbons and streamers, lanterns and musical displays. Even if there was a rock in her gut that she felt so alienated from her people, they all seemed happy, content. And that was all she needed to know, alien or not. Their happiness made every bit of blood and sweat worth it.

Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Kiyoka -> Shishio -> Kazeemi
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


By how the Kazekage reacted to Kiyoka appearing he seemed pleased and relieved at the same time. She looked up at the tall male dressed in kage robes and his hat. Usually, Kages would dress like any normal shinobi and only dress in their fancy robes for important meetings like a conference, of course, she didn't question after all, who was she to judge what other folks wear? She listened in closely to what he had to say to her.

"Joint mission with Konoha shinobi? That I can do I just hope they aren't going to trouble."

She responded to his mission request to her, of course, she isn't exactly too thrilled about being friendly with them, though she must show some hospitality regardless. She did hope they weren't kids or rather rambunctious brats of genin. She flicked her hair back and shot Shishio a smile and gave him an answer, to which by sounds of he wanted to hear.

"Of course Lord Kazekage, I'll be on my way there now."

There she turned and saw another female, she had purple hair and seemed around the same age as the red-haired woman, how the other woman displayed herself, grimacing and her thumb across her neck gave Kiyoka the wrong signal, and stared at with cold expression on her face giving daggers before whispering to the female.

"I'd be careful with that expression if I was you."

There she walked off towards her destination which was the village's new train station. Kiyoka was being held back by crowds pushing the opposite way from her causing lots of bumps and grind, she was getting to feel a little claustrophobic with how much she was getting squished from her direction and opposite. She finally gave in as she decided to jump up on the new roofs of the buildings and began to run and jump towards the train station. Once she got to the station, she hopped down from the rooftops. She strolled into the station, which was all new with glistening floors and new bright lights, trains honking their sounds signalling they were about to go or even coming in, lots of shinobi going in and out, all from different villages and hers as well.

There she stood in the corner awaiting the shinobi's arrival from the leaf.

Location: New Sunagakure -> Sungakure train station
Post Order: Kiyoka (separate from the next post.) -> Shishio -> Kazeemi
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Staff member


Listening to the other woman who had arrived at the scene, Shishiō rolled his eyes before continuing to talk about the mission. Once he finished and saw Kiyoka heading off towards the newly built train station, he turned his gaze to the woman standing behind him, Kazeemi. She was one of the best, if not the best, tessenjutsu users in the Land of Wind, and her loyalty to Sunagakure was unquestionable. However, her childish behavior could sometimes stand out.

"You heard right about the mission that Kiyoka was assigned to" Shishiō said, noting her reaction. "Based on your interest, I assume you want to join her?" With a smile, he continued, "Keep her company during the mission and show Konoha how well you can behave. When you get back, we can even have a training spar if that makes it worth your time."

Without waiting for an answer, Shishiō began to slowly walk towards the square, moving against the mass of people. His idea of sending Kazeemi on the mission was not only to tease her about the 'boring' task but also to give her a glimpse outside the harsh climate and scorching sun of the desert. When he made his way through the crowded festival, Shishiō decided it was time to bond with the people of Sunagakure. He stopped by various stalls, tasting several of the local delicacies and engaging in friendly chat with the vendors. At one tent, he joined a group of children in a traditional game, showing off his skills as a puppeteer by controlling their toys. His presence brought smiles and lifted the spirits of those watching him showing his genuine interest in their well-being and willingness to mingle with the common folk.

When he was done and said his goodbyes to the ones around him, eventually Shishiō found himself at a makeshift stage where local performers were putting on a show. Without hesitation, Shishiō joined them, demonstrating a few of his own dance moves and entertaining the crowd. His actions reinforced the bond between the Kazekage and his people, reminding them that he was not just a leader, but also one of their own.
View attachment kazekage-1.jpg

Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Shishio → Kiyoka → Kazeemi
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


The tension in Kazeemi’s shoulders loosened slightly as she stood with the Kazekage and the red headed kunoichi. Her fingers idly tapped against the guards of her fans as the two spoke of the mission. She scanned the crowds, digesting the motions of the masses. Settling into their new homes and eagerly preparing for the festival, there was a nearly electric buzz in the air - a palpable fervor. She couldn’t help but to smile. This, she reassured to herself, was what she had trained so diligently to be able to protect.

“I’d be careful with that expression if I were you.”

The sharpened words were no more than a whisper, for Kazeemi’s ears alone, and severed any sense of relaxation she was beginning to feel. Her head snapped down in the girl’s direction. Surprise mutated into scorn in seeing the coldness of the kunoichi’s expression and the daggers behind those purple-blue eyes. Rage welled in her chest - the absolute audacity of this grown child. As the girl turned to strut away, Kazeemi took a decisive step after her raising a hand to clamp down onto her shoulder.

The wind picked up, almost as if by fate. White fabric lifted to catch the edge of Kazeemi’s peripherals and she was reminded of the Kazekage’s presence. Her hand recoiled and she sneered, watching the red headed kunoichi depart into the crowds without repercussion. Determined to encounter the girl again, she tucked away her anger for the time being - Shishio would not always be around to protect her and scrutinize their actions. Kazeemi turned around to face their Kage, rubbing the back of her neck with a sheepish grin like a child, caught in the act. “People can be so difficult, eh?”

“So what’s this festival about-“ Her smile faded when Shishio cut her off, her brows raising and jaw dropping in abject horror as he began throwing her into the mission. “No, no!” She raised her palms up, “that’s not what I-“ He didn’t give her a chance to back out, smiling as he smugly ordered her to join the other kunoichi with only the offer of a spar in consolation when she returned. Not allowing any opportunity for rebuttal, he left her side just as quickly as Kiyoka had only moments before, leaving Kazeemi alone. “Shit!” She hissed, slamming her fist onto the edge of her fan. With no other choice, she set out after the sharp tongued red head, Kiyoka. Kazeemi walked briskly through the crowds. “Keep her company,” she mimicked Shishio under her breath, “show them how well you can behave.” She would make him eat those words.

Eventually making it to the new train station, she spied Kiyoka leaning against the wall in wait. Kazeemi leapt onto the building, walking quietly across the roof until she was above the kunoichi, looming over her with her arms crossed. “Ki-yo-ka,” she called down to her with a wry smirk. “It seems you need a chaperone,” a white lie, “so I’d watch your tone around me if I were you.” Kazeemi lowered herself to sit on the roof with one leg dangling off the edge. “Diplomats are a pain,” she stated pointedly, her eyes scanning their surroundings while she explained, “because they’re pompous cowards. They’re silver tongued snakes who see the shinobi who guard them as sub-human. We’re just tools whose lives don’t matter: we’re expendable, replaceable.” She shook her head. “No mission involving diplomats is ever as easy as it shows on paper - and who knows what we’re in for with the Konoha shinobi.” Kazeemi sighed. Shishio really gave her a chore this time. “Give me a rundown of your strengths and weaknesses so I know where to put you when they arrive,” she commanded, taking charge of the situation she unwittingly found herself stuck in. If she had to be here, she sure as hell wouldn’t be pushed around. Kazeemi rested her elbow on raised knee and shook her head. Shishio would get what he had coming for this headache when she returned for their spar.​

Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Kazeemi → Kiyoka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2