Leaf District


Staff member
Her intensity was commendable, it was the fire he had often seen in her when combating against her sworn enemies. As well as in the moments of her justification of defending her nindo. In this particular case, the flipped was no longer protecting those foolish beliefs she once held. This was different, it was punctuated with a fervor now similar to his own. A form of contention with the leaf village, and in her own form. Mirai wanted the best for the clan, thus it included Tenbo. She always heralded around on her shoulder to care for the Uchiha, and present the best opportunities for them. In this case, what her intentions were was absolutely the worst for the clan. She could not see it, even with a visual prowess as powerful as hers. He stared into her mangekyo sharingan, with his matured sharingan, and as she finished her speech he continued.

"Interesting. The cocoon has finally hatched." He mocked. "But are you a butterfly that flies and flails its wings into the ether of the world or are you simply a moth heading into the flame?" He inquired this of her, not mockingly. Tenbo wasn't quite finish with the Uchiha being in the leaf village, an not quite ready to stir any unrest within the clan nor a civil war with the leaf village. The Uchiha possessed power, but he needed more and seen Mirai did too. To move the clan would expose them as individuals, as well as the entire clan to the vulnerabilities to the creatures that came and went from the shadows. The Uchiha Clan alone would not afford to make an impulsive move. He pondered if Mirai could see beyond her own fury, perhaps she could not. Her following answers would determine her foresight capabilities. Her spark has been his dream, and he would not allow her to simply ruin it off of rash decision making. He however, would help her attain more power if that is what she desired. "The clan must stay put - you first must become stronger before challenging the leaf. Suzaku alone possess the power to doom us all."

Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3


Owner and Founder
Staff member

Suzaku's piercing red orbs meticulously surveyed everyone present in his office. His keen sense of smell and sharp vision were alert for any hint of betrayal or mischief from the two exchange students. Given the Leaf District's current shortage of manpower, with many Jonin assigned to missions, Suzaku found himself compelled to integrate ninjas who wished to join Konohagakure. However, he remained unyieldingly prepared to act decisively should any betrayal or breach of trust occur.

A knowing smirk crossed Suzaku's face as Yaju's fist connected with Kitsune's head, effectively preventing the young ninja from leaving. This was a calculated move, as Suzaku had an urgent, last-minute mission in mind for the newcomers—a mission that would test their allegiance and capabilities. "I will be sending you on a joint mission with Sunagakure shinobi," Suzaku began, his voice firm and commanding. "A group of esteemed diplomats from the Leaf and Sand Districts are scheduled to attend peace talks with neighboring districts. Your mission is to provide escort and protection during their journey to the negotiation site. Keep a vigilant eye for any potential threats and ensure the diplomats' safety, as the success of these peace talks is of paramount importance."

He paused, his gaze shifting to each of the exchange students, reinforcing the gravity of their assignment. "You are now a reflection of Konohagakure, Leaf District. You are to follow directions precisely and ensure the diplomats are safe by all means, including those from the Sand," he continued, delineating their responsibilities.

Suzaku then glanced at a bounty notice on Okami Kitsune, briefly covered by paperwork, before turning his attention back to the young shinobi. "Inform Uchiha Gyoken of the mission; he will be joining you as well," he instructed. With a final stern look, he added, "What are you doing still standing here, you're dismissed." As he spoke, the heat radiating from his body intensified, his demeanor more menacing than ever, underscoring the seriousness of their task and the non-negotiable nature of his orders.​


As Suzaku briefed the exchange students, Inoka engaged Yaju telepathically to discuss another urgent matter. "Before you can relax, I need your help with an autopsy that might pose a threat to other Districts. We'll compare your findings with mine to see if there are any similarities," Inoka conveyed his message silently but clearly. Yaju, understanding the gravity, quickly responded, "I get your concern and fully agree, but my case relates to a global matter..." His voice trailed off, opening the floor for further discussion. Inoka patiently waited, ready to analyze Yaju's insights that could link local incidents to a broader, more dangerous pattern.

Location: [Leaf District, Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku/Inoka -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Yaju Inuzuka (Closing)
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)

Skip Points: II

Upcoming Posting Order 1: Suzaku/Inoka -> Yaju
Upcoming Posting Order 2: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha



*Listen while you read*
As Tenbo scrutinized her under a scarlet gaze, she too observed him with equal intensity. Tenbo was a man who always had something up his sleeve, perpetually engaged in some hidden agenda or another. He was a master of manipulation, constantly weaving intricate plots that no one could fully decipher. She knew that at the climax of this newfound conflict, he would undoubtedly unveil something unexpected, a hidden card that would throw her and Suzaku into disarray. His moves were never straightforward, always shrouded in layers of deception and cunning. Mirai anticipated that, in the end, Tenbo would side with the victor, regardless of the turmoil he had caused along the way. He was a survivor, after all, adept at navigating the shifting tides of power and emerging unscathed. Her thoughts swirled as she contemplated the potential chaos his actions could unleash, aware that every glance and every word from him carried the weight of untold schemes and future betrayals.

For all the rats he favored, Tenbo Uchiha was such a snake.

"There are no... current plans to relocate the clan for the time being," She clarified with a shrug, a blink and her eyes returned to their bottomless gray, flicking outside the window to a place beyond the Leaf District. "But if I deem it a necessary move, they will go," The words, while innocent held a reminder for Tenbo; he could whisper in her ear all he wanted, imagine himself as a shadow leader of sorts, she was still the clan leader. "For your sake, the movements of the clan will be kept secret to UMC members only."

She didn't understand his fear in Suzaku. He was a man, a man who could not control his temper, lacked diplomacy, and was laying back heavily into those around him to run the village he had somehow ended up in charge of. When Mirai inevitably brought about his downfall, perhaps everyone would see what she saw in him.

Her head cocked to the side as she realized the seemingly vague hints in Tenbo's words.

"When you returned to the village, there was something different about you," A glint festered in those inky pools. "Tell me what it was."

She had indeed noted something was different about Tenbo when he had come to the UMC not long ago, rejecting her offer to have him among her ranks. While she had assumed that maybe it was an emotional thing, the fact that he seemed to be offering power, might mean that he had acquired something of use; something she herself could benefit from.

Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​
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NRP - Okami Kitsune (Chunin).png

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Naturally, after being reminded of his place, Okami didn't dare do or say anything else until he was dismissed, his only response being to nod in acknowledgement of his orders... Even though he remembered that Shinobi did have the right to refuse a mission, and the thought was very tempting on grounds of Okami's words being true regarding him needing time to properly adjust to life in Konoha, he had to remind himself that the Hokage wasn't his father and clearly lacked the same patience and understanding - and likely wouldn't take it very well if he discovered the fact that while Okami had willingly transferred to Konoha, his loyalties were ultimately with his family and homeland. So he would play his game... For now. Just long enough to get a read on whether Okami would, could, or even should show Suzaku respect beyond the Hokage position that he held. However, there was one thing that Okami noticed - the Hokage had neglected to inform those present where they were supposed to meet the diplomats they were now assigned to protect, and that was a very important detail.​

"Forgive me sir, but where are we supposed to meet up with these diplomats, and when are they scheduled to leave? Also, out of curiosity... This Gyoken kid... He wouldn't happen to have been on the team mine faced in the exams, would he?"

What Okami decided to keep to himself for the moment was that the reason he was asking was because he needed to know if he had to deal with not one, but two members of the team that would be less than welcoming. Jin plain hated everyone equally, Okami could get that having been there himself until he decided to move on from that not too long ago, but he needed to know if there was anything that needed to be nipped in the bud between him and Gyoken if they were going to even remotely be a cohesive team on this mission.

The Kitsune wasn't blind - the only reason he and his temporary team had performed so well during the exam was because he'd been the brains of said team, and it also helped that they'd not only had a common goal in mind, but were also in an immediate combat situation. So far, a repeat of that kami-given miracle was looking increasingly unlikely.

It was only after the Hokage gave his response that Okami would once again bow before leaving the Hokage's office to search for their last teammate, or towards wherever they were expected to meet the diplomats if told to go there instead. He also hoped that at least one of the higher-ranking men in this room would remember that he had only just arrived in Leaf District TODAY, and was utterly unfamiliar with where everything was.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office]
Entering Location: [Leaf District - Streets]
Leaving Post Order: Suzaku/Inoka -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Yaju Inuzuka
Entering Post Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II

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Jin Tendo No background.jpg

As Jin was about to take a bow, he'd be the quickest to catch onto Yaju's neural patterns before actually seeing the gesture given in the genin's direction, as a result he'd be quick to halt the bow keeping his hands in his pockets. Though the imposing nature of the Jonin was almost suffocating; the young Tendo remained steadfast, listening to each word spoken by the elder ones in the room; being debriefed about the new mission request at hand, Jin listened carefully, though he was an individual with no trust in others he did not hate others, in this retrospect he actually possessed a great respect for Suzaku, the Hokage and even was developing a respect to the indomitable presence of this Yaju individual. Viewing them as the pinnacle of what a shinobi should be and how a Man should be, these qualities were the ultimate criteria for the Orphans undying respect and possible admiration as possible role models. Yet showing no expression of this, his straight face continued to stare forward, like watching a new path unfolding before his strange cyan eyes. Watching and Listening as it would be clear the details and specifics of the Hokages phrasing held key details. A mission in which would be paramount to the peace for the leaf and sand districts. Such a notion in which would force Jin to team up with the Imbred and someone called Gyoken Uchiha. Though information about the leaf clans were scarce to the young Tendo, the name seemed to have peaked his interest. And at the moment where dismissal was granted, remaining silent, Jin Tendo turned about face; his coat fluttering with such a fluid motion as he began to take the first steps out of the office. Each step taken with stride as the genin proceeded out of the office, many things flowing through his mind as one major question remained, one in which was brought into realization upon Yaju's return from the Grass District. This question was, What was his home district Plotting if they were plotting anything... And what was that old man of a father doing?

Such questions clouding his mind as he continued ahead, slowly roaming the streets, one thing was clear... Jin Tendo had no idea what an Uchiha was or who Gyoken Uchiha is or what he looked like. Meaning at this current point he would be walking blindly through the market streets of the leaf.

Leaving Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office]
Entering Location: [Leaf District - Streets]
Leaving Post Order: Suzaku/Inoka -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Yaju Inuzuka
Entering Post Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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Staff member

Suzaku's oversight came to light when he realized he had neglected to inform the two exchange students of Gyoken's location and the mission's starting point. Rather than admitting his mistake, Suzaku's frustration manifested in a harsh rebuke directed at the students. His voice rose sharply as he barked out the instructions, "You dumb brats, Gyoken is in the Forest of Chakra! And you'll meet the diplomats at the village gates. Now GO!" His command echoed through the office, his tone stern and unforgiving. As he spoke, his sudden outburst caused papers to flutter from his desk, scattering like leaves in a storm, creating a chaotic flood of documents across the surface. The atmosphere was tense, reflecting Suzaku's impatience and the urgency of the mission ahead.


As Takashi patiently explained the nuanced exercise to Gyoken, the young shinobi's face scrunched in concentration, clearly struggling to grasp the deeper meaning of his sensei’s words, "You have to look deeper than what is in front of you." A comical wisp of smoke puffed out from his ears, a sign of his overheating brain trying to process the complex idea. Gyoken's posture sagged, his shoulders drooping in confusion as the concept seemed to hover just beyond his reach.

Distracted, Gyoken absentmindedly began to dig in his nose, his eyes glazing over as he drifted into a daydream. In his mind’s eye, a simplistic and amusing image unfolded—a version of himself blissfully playing with a giant, fluffy ball of yarn, batting at it with the carefree joy of a cat. This whimsical vision was starkly different from the serious lesson Takashi was trying to impart, highlighting Gyoken's youthful naivety and playful spirit. As Takashi concluded his explanation, Gyoken, snapped back to reality, responded with a delayed and uncertain, "Right..." His voice trailed off, the single word hanging in the air, filled with uncertainty and a touch of bewilderment.

As Takashi spoke, his chakra gracefully flowed across his body from his fingertips to his toes, then up to his head, enveloping him like a luminous second skin. Gyoken, observing through his Sharingan, was mesmerized by the sight of the shimmering chakra that demonstrated Takashi's masterful control. Instructed to punch his sensei, Gyoken positioned himself, spreading his legs and channeling fire chakra into his left fist, poised to strike. However, just as he was about to launch his attack, the sound of approaching footsteps abruptly halted his motion, leaving him tense and alert for the new arrival.

Location: (Clone) Konohagakure Training Ground (Forest of Chakra)
Current Order: Takashi (Clone) - Gyoken
Upcoming Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Takashi Hyuuga (Clone)
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Staff member
His ocular prowess continued on display, it was an unconscious reflection of his desires for his dreams. Dreams that must not be sullied, and he knew that impulsive decisions can ruin his dream. Tenbo was a man who valued data, and used that to formulate and organize information. The well-informed method of taking things slow was a result of having self-awareness, and that is what has driven him to acquire more power. Power that now flowed through his DNA, an integration of a resource. Such an increase that came from collecting information. He sighed, and as he released his words began to utter into the atmosphere, aimed directly at and flowing towards Mirai, the Lady of the Uchiha. "I am not surprised you have taken notice." He paused briefly, taking a step closer to the desk of Mirai's. "I've obtained power, beyond that which I could have gained on my own." He emphasized further. "It is power beyond that of the Uchiha." He stated plainly but continued. "I will not underestimate a man, who's said to equate in similar league to Ketsugo of the Uzumaki clan. We must obtain more to dethrone such a man as the current Hokage. I understand you seek it - I can guide you towards it..."

Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​




Within the confines of the Aburame Clan Compound, a recently promoted Chunin, would find himself preparing for his day would find himself traversing through his family’s home. The house was dark, save for the occasional incandescent bulbs that illuminated the house with a dim amber light. Large black-out curtains covered any semblance of a window in the entire building, holding true that the Aburame preferred darkened areas, much like their insects, of which they shared a symbiotic bond with. Taking a seat at the family’s island kitchen table. Reiji Aburame would find a bowl filled with seasoned steamed rice, garnished with an egg yolk and sriracha sauce. Beyond the table, Reiji would find the silhouette of his mother, her back turned toward him as she was cleaning dishes. Only the sound of the running water filled the silence as Reiji ate his meal. Quickly finishing his meal, the boy would scoot backward on the barstool, dropping off his bowl next to his mother on the counter, and tossing his chopsticks into the trash.

”Thanks for the meal mom, I should be back afterwhile!”

”Your father was looking for you in the courtyard.”

”A-ah ok…”

Walking away from his mother, Reiji would feel as he usually did when it came to interacting with his mother. Ever since he decided he wanted to join the Ninja Academy like a regular kid, she never seemed to express any emotion toward him. His father, on the other hand, seemed to become more enthusiastic. He even went as far as to give him a present as soon as Reiji told him that he wanted to pursue the traditional ninja route. Though what could he summon him for this time? Closing the door behind him as he exited the front door, Reiji would shield his eyes as he was greeted with the morning sun. Almost instinctively, the teen would reach into his coat pocket, pulling out a pair of folding sunglasses, before adorning them to his face. The sudden tint would bring much needed relief as his eyes adjusted, looking at the world through a grayish tint.

Making his way from his house to the main clan building, Reiji would simply walk between his destinations. It was early enough that he’d have plenty of time to reach the meeting place before it was time to meet with his teammates and their assigned Sensei. As Reiji approached the courtyard, he’d be faced with not only the presence of his father, but also the Clan Leader and two masked individuals wearing grey vests. Reiji didn’t know who these people were, but he could remember seeing them from time to time with his parents. It was a topic that went unspoken amongst his peers in the academy during his tenure, his former genin squad mates, and even to himself by his parents. As he approached the two masked members would dash away in a black blur, as if they realized he had noticed them, or perhaps what was more likely they simply allowed him to notice. It was no secret to the village higher-ups, and especially not to the higher echelon of the Aburame Clan, that Reiji was indeed a rare case. Having been born of a fragile disposition, in the fray between life and death, it was soon discovered that the boy would have been selected by the most feared and deadly insect in the Aburame Clan’s repertoire, the Kochu at birth.

Congratulations on your promotion, Reiji. Continue to make us proud.

The Clan’s Head often kept his words short and concise, however despite the brief speeches, the weight behind his message was like getting hit with a ton of bricks.

”Yes son, it’s been a miraculous journey watching you grow up, I once thought I’d never see this day come! You’ve-

Contrary to the clan head, Reiji’s father often didn’t know when enough was enough and often made any type of situation that much more needlessly dramatic. How anyone could see this man as your average, run of the mill, aburame was beyond him.

and made me the proudest parent anyone could have ever asked for!”

The teen would shuffle his hands into his pockets as he tried his best to remain stoic, the embarrassment from his father was beginning to become too much. While it did go appreciated, the timing and place for such behaviors would've been much more preferred in a private setting. Reiji's attention remained focused on the clan's matriarch, as he nodded.

"I wouldn't have come as far as I have without the support I've received from everyone in my life, I should be the one offering my thanks."

The Clan Leader would cant his head toward the boy, as his father would begin to hug him, in a rather over the top swooning way, as he departed without another word.

"OH REIJI! You always know just what to say to sound so cool and collected! Oh hey, I got your Visor back from the shop today, after the damage it took during the Chunin Exams, everything seems to be working like the day we got it, there was also an update so the UI may be slightly different, but you should be able to see much better with it. They were able to adjust the diodes in the-

"Thanks Dad, I appreciate it. I have to head out now, i'll see you later ok?"

Taking the visor from his father the Shinobi would begin to jump onto the nearest roof top as he made a dash toward the center of the village.

"Tell Mom I love her, alright?"

And like that the aspiring Aburame would vanish from his fathers vision.




It's been hours since the young bee clan leader arrived at her destination, and Yudoku was determined to locate her kage and his son. Konoha was a big place, an unfamiliar one at that. Ensuring this little mission goes smoothly is all she wished for. The last thing she wants is to garner any sort of unwanted attention. Yudoku unties a portion of the ribbon that tied her hair up in order to retrieve the help of her bee friends, a few dozen flying from inside her hair and growing a little in size out in the open air in front of her.
"I need your help finding Lord Kage Itami please. Let's try and be quick about it okay..?"
The bees disperse in every direction and Yudoku begins making her way through the village, taking the time to walk through the marketplace and fill up her stomach. She wasn't going to get very far with an empty stomach and she'll need the energy is anything were to arise. Moving from street to street, Yudoku was starting to feel like this mission might be a little more difficult than she expected.
"Am i maybe too late? Did they have to keep moving and i've missed them? No.. Lord Kage would have sent word so they're here somewhere.
Yudoku looks up at the sky as she stretched herself out before setting back out on her search, making her way closer to the center of the village.


Staff member

After spending a considerable amount of time in the Graveyard, the Black Canvas Art analyzed the acquired assets and transformed them into information that could be replicated through the seal itself, including the chakra - but much has to be analyzed still; it wasn't a instant process naturally. A grimace could be seen on his face as he whispered, "I sensed a familiar chakra..." His sensory kicked in the moment he shifted the standard mode of the chakra into its sensory mode, allowing him to sense a particular chakra - something close to himself. This could be the Uzumaki lineage within the stranger, provoking him to follow, mimicking a fly drawn to the light cast by the lantern.

"So... You're an Uzumaki, huh?" he interjected in the middle of whatever conversation the boys may have been having.

Approaching the duo, he repositioned himself at the top of the closest object to the boys, almost as if to establish a sort of superiority over them by creating a dramatic entrance, which painted him as a man blessed by the lights above. His chin rested against the palm as he crouched over at the edge of the closest object, similarly to a Spider-Themed Character from a comic.
Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Tentai > Otaru > Kokezaru
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
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