Leaf District

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NRP - Okami Kitsune (Chunin) (1).png

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Of course, Okami was entirely unimpressed with the boy's choice of nicknames. If being called "Fox-boy" was intended to be an insult, it hardly qualified as such. At least not when compared to some of the things his own kin had called him for over a decade, up until very recently when he'd gone and proven them all wrong. As a result, the only change in expression was Okami merely rolling his eyes as he put his hands in the pockets of his jacket. All the same though, he would give a vocal response.​

"If that's the best you can come up with as far as insults go, then I find your performance... Underwhelming, to say the least. Anyways, to answer your question, it'd save us both at least one trip if either of us come across the Hokage to get a mission and we both end up assigned to the same mission."

Having said his piece, Okami would turn around and leave the cemetery to follow through with his decision to go looking for the Hokage - or rather, he would if not for him deeming it a better idea to return to the Hokage's Office and wait for the Hokage outside of the building. Of course, that was unless he was summoned straight to the office itself by an ANBU operative if the Hokage had already returned from wherever he'd been, though such a thing was usually reserved for emergencies or other such matters of importance. As far as he remembered, at any rate.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District Cemetery]
Entering Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Jin Tendo -> Okami Kitsune
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Gyoken was driven by a deep-seated purpose, fueled by the immense expectations his father had placed on his shoulders. He was determined to harness every ounce of his potential, not just to fulfill these expectations but to forge a path of his own—one where he could use his burgeoning powers to bring about change in the world. His goal was clear: to grow strong as a shinobi and develop a symbiotic bond with Matatabi, combining their strengths to reshape the future. His resolve was infectious, imbued with a purity of intention that made those around him believe in the possibility of a better world. Gyoken's unique ability allowed his flames to nurture life, causing flowers to bloom with the same energy that could vanquish malice. During their training session, Gyoken's sharingan locked with those of his sensei, Takashi, who his potent capabilities. "Gyoken, you have the ability to light up the world, but make sure not to burn it up!" Takashi remarked, his words underscored by a hearty laugh that Gyoken couldn't help but join.

"Before you get ready to light up the world, you should learn to control the light, especially the light within you," Takashi continued, moving his hand from Gyoken’s head to point towards his chest—a gesture emphasizing the need to master the power of Matatabi residing within him. Gyoken’s expression turned somber as he followed his sensei’s finger, the weight of his words sinking in. Gyoken interpreted the light within him as a way of telling him that he needed to learn to control Matatabi's power. This stirred a sense of unease in Gyoken, reminding him of past rejections of his attempts at friendship with the formidable beast. Acknowledging the complexity of this alliance, he simply muttered, "Yeah..." his voice trailing off, tinged with disappointment.

Shaking off the heavy thoughts, Gyoken’s mood lightened again when Takashi shifted the topic to a lighter vein, teasing him about his need to practice walking on various surfaces. "Geez, Takashi Sensei, you make me sound pitiful," Gyoken replied with a smile, his spirits buoyed by the lighthearted banter. He formed a tiger hand seal, channeling chakra to his feet—a little more than necessary, yet significantly more controlled than before, thanks to the earlier lessons in chakra flow from Takashi. With renewed confidence and a smile on his face, Gyoken began to tread cautiously up the trunk of a tree. Gradually, his steps became more assured, and soon he was darting up the tree, effortlessly running and leaping from branch to branch. Each movement was a testament to his growing mastery of the fundamentals and chakra control.

Location: Konohagakure Training Ground
Order: Takashi Clone - Gyoken
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


Staff member


With a smile, Takashi looked at Gyoken, who was beginning to control his own chakra at the soles of his feet. Gyoken's unique growth rate allowed him to grasp the basics of chakra control in seconds, a feat that would take even the most gifted individuals hours to achieve. In the past, Takashi had studied Gyoken from info cards and listened to teachers at the academy. He concluded that Gyoken's chakra was initially difficult for him to control due to its sheer amount being more than his body could consciously contain. This lack of proper training caused his chakra to constantly leak out, making stealth impossible against sensory-type Shinobi.

While Gyoken continued to run and jump among the branches, Takashi stood up from the grass and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air. "Gyoken! Come down here!" Takashi called out, pulling a shuriken from his shinobi pouch. If Gyoken listened and came to him, Takashi would hold the shuriken between his two palms.

"Controlling your chakra to walk up trees and on water is one thing, but there is more to it." With that, Takashi focused his chakra into the palm above the shuriken. Slowly, he raised his hand, and the weapon followed without him holding it, using his chakra to 'hold' it in place. Standing still for a few seconds, he let Gyoken observe before quickly moving his hand to the side, aimed at a tree. With the swift movement, he released control of the shuriken just in time for it to spin at high speed from the momentum and fly into the tree 15 feet away.

Hearing the words to begin speaking echo in Takashi's head as Tenbo asks him to report on what he saw during his mission. But just before he can get his words out, Shijo starts talking instead. In reaction to that, Takashi's gaze shifts towards him while still having his head turned towards the corridor that Tenbo had wandered into. Not only was Takashi stopped from reporting on his mission, but Shijo had a request to see a forbidden scroll. Standing silently for a few seconds after Shijo's request, Takashi begins his report to Tenbo.

"I arrived in Iwagakure as desired to lend a helping hand in the problem regarding a rogue Hyūga. However, I arrived near the end of their fight. The Hyūga faced what I could see were several attackers in an all-out assault. Buildings were destroyed, and the villagers were still being evacuated as the Tsuchikage tried to eliminate the Hyūga." Takashi, who himself belongs to the same clan as the person he is talking about, speaks with a detached tone, as if he does not belong to the Hyūga clan at all. "However, my eyes caught a glimpse of the battlefield and the participants in the fight and their abilities. The Tsuchikage, known as Itami, uses what looked like Explosion Release, and given the amount of chakra he possessed, I would say he uses chakra-enhancing pills. Beyond that, he has a technique that uses space-time ninjutsu that almost surpasses Lord Fourth's own. In mere seconds, he was able to teleport not only himself but also me to the outskirts of Konoha."

He makes a short pause before he continues, "Then there was a kunoichi who belonged to the family of bee users, also known as the Kamizuru Clan. Her use of bees was a replica of what Konoha's own insect clan, the Aburame, uses. However, she also used honey as a binding agent to prevent the Hyūga's movements. The last of them to fight was another man whose techniques I had never seen before. He used fire-like ninjutsu, but the heat of which I have not felt before, and he could move faster than body flicker. I would think it is a type of space-time technique. On top of that, he had a unique eye like our own but not at the same time. It's a dōjutsu I've never encountered before, and I know of the ones Konoha has encountered previously." When Takashi finishes his report, he drops to his knees again before telling the last part of what happened. "The Tsuchikage also took the Byakugan of the rogue Hyūga before I could retrieve it... but don't worry, Lord Tenbo. The eyes are here in Konoha, and I will get them as soon as he gives them to Suzaku. Forgive me.”

Location: (Clone) Konohagakure Training Ground and (Real Takashi) Konohagakure “Foundation”
Order: Takashi Clone - Gyoken
Order: Tenbo Uchiha→Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2




As Jin listened to the Kitsune boy, he'd spit between them, his cyan eyes showing a sense of intensity, a glare in which bestowed a hidden prowess the shinobi world had not seen except the rare few that have come across the Kusakage. Responding Jin began showing that harsh vulgar side of himself, speaking before the Kitsune could take his leave,​
"Oh? Is that so, Least I can say i'm greatful that I don't look like the byproduct of constant generations fucking dogs or foxes."
Having stated this, before the Kitsune had the chance to turn about to leave, Jin's body seemed to flicker from its location, though this wasn't by the means of Body flicker Technique. No this was much faster than that, and the cause would remain a mystery to anyone who have yet to come across a Tendo. As his body vanished from the Cemetery, his Cyan Blue eyes focused, allowing him to reappear closer towards the Leaf's Training grounds. It would be here upon his reappearance that Jin would catch wind of what seemed to be some form of training or sparring going on. His cyan blue eyes observing from a distance as to not get caught in the cross fire, and yet he'd come to notice the much older individual bearing the Hyuuga Clan's Byakugan, and the other bearing the Uchiha Clan Crest. Leaning himself against a tree, the Young Tendo watched, his eyes observing each and every movement of the Uchiha who seemed to be moving through the tree canopies, and the Hyuuga who seemed to be directing the boy. Remaining Silent, Jin Tendo watched cautiously, he was one to not have many friends let alone follow social clues given, so interactions were his most hated thing to do. And yet watching this what can be described as a Master Student Bond, almost built an envy towards the Uchiha Boy.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District Cemetery]
Entering Location: [Leaf District - Training field]
Posting Order: Jin Tendo -> Okami Kitsune (Then Jin will fall into Gyoken and Takashi's Order)
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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The walk back to the village was a solitary one, exactly how Suzaku preferred it. As he walked, he grappled with doubts about his suitability as Hokage, reflecting on his leadership abilities. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a coin—a keepsake from his former teammate and friend, Ketsugo Uzumaki. For a brief moment, he considered channeling his chakra into the coin to summon Ketsugo, but his stubbornness prevailed. To him, summoning Ketsugo would be akin to admitting defeat. Suzaku's frustration grew, his internal heat rising with his temper. He muttered to himself, "I no longer have the patience for this anymore. I am a destroyer, not a Hokage. That bastard was right..." He refrained from naming the "bastard," as even mentioning him felt like a concession.

Continuing his walk, Suzaku eventually reached the bustling streets of Konoha and made his way to the Leaf Cemetery. There, he encountered two exchange students. It seemed like an opportune moment to introduce himself. "Welcome to Konohagakure, Leaf District. We will protect and hone your skills as shinobi. Betray the leaf and I will personally burn you to a crisp. You're actually standing not too far from a traitor's grave. Weird that one's body that's converted into ashes would have a memorial stone, huh?" His tone was firm, his posture rigid, making it unclear whether he was serious or jesting, but his intense demeanor suggested there was truth in his words. As Suzaku awaited the students' responses, his attention shifted momentarily to a mysterious Uzumaki visiting the graveyard. The man hadn't been in the village long; it piqued Suzaku's curiosity about his connections here. Memorizing the man's scent, he stored it away for future reference.

Once the students responded, Suzaku planned to lead them to his office for a private discussion. Just then, he received a telepathic message from Inoka standing beside Suzaku, "Sir, it seems Inuzuka Yaju has returned back to the village." Suzaku's response was swift and laden with intrigue, "Perfect timing, make sure he comes to my office." Sitting back in his office chair, he exhaled a thick, coal-like smoke that filled the room momentarily before dissipating. "There's someone you need to meet," he told the exchange students, his voice heavy with implication as they awaited Yaju's arrival.

Location: [Leaf District Cemetery] -> [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku ->Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​
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Before Okami had actually left the graveyard, he heard Jin's remark which made him pause where he stood. Now that Jin mentioned it, there was little to no mention of exactly how the Kitsune clan became what it is, or even where they got their special ability from. However, his every instinct told him that it was most certainly NOT the result of what was just described. In fact, the very thought made him cringe in disgust, to the point his face looked more like he'd just swallowed a lemon. Even so, he couldn't help but laugh a bit.​

"Okay, I'll admit that was a good one. That's the closest anyone's gotten to damaging me since I became a Chunin. But I assure you that's certainly not the case. Or at least that's what my every instinct is telling me."

Mere seconds after he finished speaking, yet another man would appear, this one actually having a commanding presence to him - one that made Okami turn to face the man and kneel in respect without being told to, much like he did with his own father when reporting for official business. When the man spoke, Okami paid close attention to every word as well as the tone used. Such details may well save his life one day. It was only when the man was done speaking that it fully hit him: This man was the Leaf District's current Hokage. With a raised eyebrow, he would once again speak.​

"Burned to a crisp for treason but still be given a grave marker? Either the poor bastard got lucky as is, or you did it so aspiring shinobi can learn who NOT to be like - I'm sure there's also a lesson or two to be learned there. Either way, it bears repeating that considering the world we live in, there's much worse fates out there - not all of them requiring the traitor in question to be executed, but instead being made to wish they were... But you didn't come all to the Leaf Cemetery solely to discuss such a grim subject with the likes of us, did you."

It was with those words that Okami would follow after the Hokage to his office, while simultaneously hoping to steer the conversation to the reason he himself was here, as well as the other boy whose name he had yet to learn the name of. If said boy deigned to join them, that is. Upon the mention that there was someone he needed to meet, Okami would remain silent, preferring not to speak further unless spoken to by the obvious superior from that point on.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District, Cemetery]
Entering Location: [Leaf District, Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Staff member

The deep darkness enveloped the scene, a manifestation of the commander's emotions—his smoldering hatred for the Leaf Village and everything it represented. These emotions had festered and grown throughout his existence, and now he had no desire for conversation. With a cold, unwavering gaze, he ordered Takashi to deliver his report, a task Takashi could not refuse. Tenbo had severed his own brother's arm, yet Shijo remained oblivious to this brutal act. His ignorance was glaring, a testament to his inability to perceive Tenbo's true nature. Tenbo was more than a vulture; he was the one who fed them. He had aided the land and contributed to the Leaf District's society in countless ways, but not out of love. His actions were driven by a commitment to his long-term plans. Even his most trusted subordinates, Mugen and Takashi, were unaware of the depths of his machinations. Their loyalty and commitment were unquestionable, and as long as they remained valuable, Tenbo allowed them to pursue their dreams. The same fate awaited Shijo, provided he understood that he was not Tenbo's equal.

Tenbo's orders were strategic, designed to deflect any suspicion from the Leaf. Shijo needed to prove his worth before he could request anything. As Shijo spoke out of turn, an intense wave of pressure emanated from Tenbo, causing the ground beneath them to crack. The sharp, splintering sound echoed through the pathway, a harbinger of the destruction that followed. Previously, Takashi had injured a member of the foundation who was still recovering. This individual now released a harrowing cry that resonated throughout the pathways, a chilling sound that amplified the atmosphere of dread. The cracking ground impaled the injured individual in the leg and hand, their agony a stark reminder of Tenbo's ruthless authority. Tenbo had already given his instruction once; there was no need to repeat it. His dark presence loomed over them all, a silent but potent force that demanded obedience and instilled respect.

He resumed listening as Takashi began to speak. The oppressive pressure still weighed heavily on the surface, causing the foundation member to writhe in continuous agony. Even as the initial shock waned, the foulness of Tenbo's energy permeated the air, inducing anxiety among the present members on the floor. Takashi reported on his mission assigned by the Hokage, which he had successfully completed. He had uncovered significant information, each piece noted meticulously by Tenbo. The Tsuchikage was revealed to possess an extraordinary Kekkei Genkai, enabling legendary levels of transportation speed. This capability was not to be underestimated, for it implied a high level of endurance and durability, further enhanced by the use of chakra-pills. The necessity of such a powerful technique suggested that the Tsuchikage had a short temper and a willingness to exert extreme force.

Other pieces of intelligence were equally valuable, each one etched into Tenbo's memory. He planned to compile these insights into a journal for all foundation members, ensuring that no detail would be forgotten. As he absorbed this information, Tenbo cast a glance over his shoulder, his eyes glinting a red light as he continued to move deeper into the darkness. His voice, cold and commanding, echoed through the space. "Both of you, locate Mugen and report to sector A48. We will embark on a mission together. In the meantime, I have an appointment to keep..."

With that, he walked out of their proximity, his movements and presence blending seamlessly into the labyrinthine shadows. The darkness seemed to welcome him, shrouding his essence as he ventured further into the maze, leaving an aura of dread in his wake. In response, foundation members tended to the injured as the presence of their leader leaving made it comfortable.
Location: Konohagakure “Foundation” -> ???
Order: Tenbo Uchiha→Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​



Just before Jin could relocate towards the Leaf's Training field, it would be here that he'd find himself standing before the infamous Hokage, Suzaku; hearing the Hokage's words of either warning or joking, one which would be hard to tell due to the overwhelming presence of this man; Jin remained silent. Hearing everything as the Fox brat continued to prattle on; the young Tendo rather remained ambiguous and silent. Following lord Hokage as his plan to go to the training field was canceled, he'd only follow behind the Hokage walking slightly ahead of the Kitsune, his hands in his pockets as his Cyan blue eyes stared at Lord Hokage, almost admiration, fear, and envy towards this mans power and stature.
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Though with each step taken, as he would follow towards the Hokage's Manor/ Office, he pondered on just who he was going to meet? Possibly a Jonin or Anbu? Or a friend of Lord Hokages, many possibilities that would only be answered when the time was ripe.

Leaving Location: [Leaf District, Cemetery]
Entering Location: [Leaf District, Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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Gyoken, ever the carefree spirit, momentarily lost himself in the joy of the moment, his movements fluid and cat-like, a reflection of the feline traits imbued by his bond with Matatabi. This playful escapade came to an abrupt end when his sensei, Takashi, summoned him back to training. Springing off a nearby tree with agile grace, Gyoken landed beside Takashi on all fours, embodying the essence of a cat before straightening up to stand like a human. His Sharingan eyes, continuously gathering chakra, meticulously captured every minute detail of his sensei's appearance and actions, noticing particularly that Takashi subtly held two shurikens sandwiched between his palms.

Gyoken watched intently as Takashi concentrated chakra in the palm above one shuriken. Slowly, Takashi lifted his hand, and intriguingly, the shuriken levitated, held aloft solely by the force of his chakra. With a quick lateral movement of his hand aimed at a distant tree, Takashi released the shuriken, which spun violently through the air due to the momentum and embedded itself deeply into the bark of the target tree, 15 feet away. Gyoken's Sharingan tomoe spun, capturing and analyzing each nuance of the movement, cataloging it with precision.

Despite his mastery over traditional shurikenjutsu, Gyoken questioned the exercise, his curiosity piqued. "I am a master in shurikenjutsu without chakra, sensei. I don't get the point of this training," he remarked, his tone infused with genuine inquisitiveness characteristic of his feline side, eager to understand the deeper significance behind integrating chakra with what he already excelled at.

Location: Konohagakure Training Ground
Order: Takashi Clone - Gyoken
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​




While Yaju’s arrival was concise, his presence one that assured dominance in the face of those he deemed beneath himself. It was often a matter of predator vs prey for the old man Inuzuka; he stood before the village guards for only a moment before they hurriedly escorted him to Suzaku’s office the padded footsteps of his hounds weren’t far behind his own as the guardsman jested towards the hokage’s estate or more aptly put the direction of his office. Yaju simply gave a curt nod and moved onward without his escort altogether. The shinobi in question would merely return to his post and Yaju’s hounds would effectively take in his scent just the same as they had always done when one found themselves approaching their master in any facet. However the presence of one hound in particular would always strike a sense of unease even without Yaju’s presence and that was the largest of his pack known as Jujin, as they made their way through past the same village guard that pointed them towards Suzaku’s office he could find the beast heavy gaze upon him. It was as if they had been staring straight into the mouth of death itself and yet the beast seemed so stoic in its demeanor. Yaju gave a simple nod to the young gate guard who gave him a means of direction and with that he as well as his hounds were gone just as quickly as they arrived at the village gates. Their images were nothing but a simple blur as they moved to keep pace with the master they had come to love so dearly.

In time they arrived at the kage’s estate and much like at the village gates they were already standing aside. The visage of cool, calm, and collected faded in the presence of bestial dominance. Many members of the leaf had come to understand that they were a village rooted in the pride of man’s ability to wield truly indomitable power but there was something different about the aura Yaju boasted as one of the few remaining members of his clan. The look he held in his eyes said it all when it came down to brass tacks. It was simple really. Yaju demanded respect from those lesser than himself and the mere pebbles that littered his path were just that dirt beneath his mighty boot. Things like this were likely the reason he had come to command so many hounds with ease, as they arrived at the Hokage’s estate the only hound that seemed to follow Yaju inside was that of Jujin despite his towering form he seemed to fit near effortlessly into the halls of the building. His nose twitched as they traveled deeper within the building and eventually made their way to Suzaku’s office. Jujin’s large padded footsteps concealed Yaju’s human footsteps with ease meaning that Yaju’s arrival would be concealed by the presence of the beast at his side. However, anyone with a brain would just as easily assume that Yaju wasn’t far behind the beast he considered a brother as opposed to a simple beast of labor. Jujin’s nose twitched just the same as Yaju’s did the moment they prepared to enter Suzaku’s office, their noses picking up on a foreign scent as if they had been sent to hunt down these young men all the same.


Yaju opened the door without an ounce of hesitation, in doing so the young men that stood in the Suzaku’s office could find a shift in the air upon them. Suzaku radiated a sense of respect all his own as any Kage should as their respective essences crossed paths it would be as if the air itself became heavier. The young men that stood in the room more openly being the one who smelled as if they were playing pretend at being a beast. Their entire makeup was something of intrigue, perhaps wherever they came from it was a custom to smell like the beast of mischief or mayhaps they had come to find a similar bond to that of the Inuzuka when it came to training ninken in particular. However their methods would seem questionable by example given the boy had a tail and ears to match. Jujin’s tower physique wasn’t far behind Yaju as he stepped into the hokage’s office with the body of the man he had been sent to retrieve. Jujin would merely take a seat with the body dangling gently from his maw. Despite the towering hounds physique he had a gentle aspect about him making him somewhat of a gentle giant when the time arises for such a thing. Yaju’s eyes cut between the two young shinobi that now stood in the office with Suzaku and himself and rather than propose an immediate greeting he would start off with a concise objection, “What's with the brats?” Jujin let out a heavy breath of doggish air before placing the body he held in his mouth at his master's side before curling up behind Yaju himself as if to make a chair for his master. Yaju of course would oblige the gesture from Jujin before sinking into the comfort of his hounds body before continuing to speak the moment that Suzaku acknowledged his objection. “Nevermind, it’s not that important. Consider the mission complete, however there’s something a bit odd about the entirety of the situation.”
Yaju’s nose twitched again as he stood before Suzaku and the young shinobi and with that his attention turned to the young man clad yellow. He wasn’t going to say anything about the matter but Yaju’s mind had already attributed his scent to the very place he had just returned from. Not the exact same location in particular but the young man smelled of the Grass District. This was something he intended to commit to memory as both of these young men were outliers to the leaf district as a whole.

Leaving Location: [Leaf District, Front Gate]
Entering Location: [Leaf District, Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Yaju Inuzuka
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
