*Listen while you Read*
Even if the people she reached out to were taking their time, the Uchiha Lady did not have a moment's rest. She had already began drafting letters, examining a map of the country as she debated where it would be best to move her clan for the time.
The Tsuchikage was already in Leaf City, but that meant that he was perhaps too closely allied with the city to risk an alliance with them. Perhaps Land of Water? But their everlasting cold war with the Fire would mean that her people might go from being oppressed to being used as weapons. She needed a place that would offer her people asylum, and do so quickly. They couldn't be a country that was a threat, and they needed to be close.
The Grass District
She took a deep breath and began drafting her letter to the Kusakage. A simple request for a meeting. Since she still was waiting for her confrontation with Suzaku, or more likely, Inoka, no final decision would be made quite yet, until she gave the Leaf one final chance.

Her form moved over to the balcony of her window, a flame butterfly flickering into existence once again, taking the letter from her hands and fluttering away, disappearing upwards and out of sight.
She gave a huff, thinking of the Hanabi plains that she had first met the creatures on, and aching to return. Her mind wondered if she was being struck with an intense wanderlust or if she was seeking power. Perhaps, it was a simple urge to grow once again. She felt stagnant, stuck waiting for the next move, training for nothing. It felt like everyone around her was evolving while she was sitting behind her desk and becoming a mad woman in the eyes of everyone.
Her thoughts were interrupted as her gaze flicked in the direction of Mujin. It was a pull that she felt, much like earlier that night. An ache in her chest at some sort of disturbance within the energies she surrounded herself in. Yin energies were disrupted, or disappeared completely.
This caused a bit of unrest within the Uchiha Lady, a light wind brushing against the ebony locks that hung at her waist. Her hands reached up to grasp the banister railings, leaning on it as mental exhaustion set in on her. Thinking ahead of people for so long was something she had grown accustomed to doing, but employing it, consistently, for as long as she was having to do so was becoming a bit of a strain. Not to mention that she was realizing that she was going to need to carefully think about her tactics if she ended up another combat scenario.
No doubt, by this time, the two men that she had handled would have briefed Inoka. Either him or Suzaku would be making the choice on their approach. Or, as she had come to learn that the Hokage was not a man of words, attack.
Where the fuck are Tenbo and Ichijo?
Her thoughts clouded as she reached within the recesses of her dress, withdrawing a cigarette and placing it to her lips, inhaling deeply and blowing out a steady stream of smoke.
Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Whomever
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3