Leaf District





Engraved upon his tongue was a curse which was bestowed upon him. He made the ultimate betrayal to his own principalities, though it was needed for him to ever transcend to the heights of strength he needed too. Tenbo had what he wanted and Shijo knew how to earn it, now he was within a new environment dramatically and contrastively different from the previous area, snared within the shadows, the Uchiha would find himself within a dimming hallway, his movement followed the man whom already was snared and shrouded with shadows; Tenbo.


Amidst the darkness, came the smallest seaming bean of light which originated within the midst of the foundations apparent Headquarters. Now, he had access beyond his imagination, even to secrets which only men of the foundation knew existed. Through the very essence of darkness came one who bore the name Hyuuga, as introduced to him by Tenbo.

“I have heard about him, it's a pleasure to meet one so gifted like myself…”

Tenbo seemed to be very pressed by the matters of investigation. Stressing the matter was something only a mastermind would think of, though it was probably to see exactly what was known by Shijo to the extent. Eventually he needed to debrief them about the situation of the mistrust within the village, especially through the eyes of the Hokage.

“So the Hokage and his two Assistants are very suspicious of your operations.. And have grown weary that you have been doing underhanded moves which will jeopardize the village.”

The information was yet without pause ensuring that nothing would fall upon deaf ears for either of the two who listened to the probable cause. Words were essential and delivering them was even more so essential. He glanced at either man so briefly as he engaged within wordplay. Sentences were well constructed and direct to the key, productively he was to operate on both sides of the coin. This was something he was willing to do especially to get closer to his father Ichijo Uchiha who had a hold upon the clan even from the shadows.

Location: Konohagakure “Foundation”"
Posting Order: Tenbo Uchiha→Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Staff member


"The hottest of flames," a level of heat not even Takashi could imagine existed. He, who has used his own skill in manipulating chakra and the fire element to offset others' fire-based ninjutsu, has never encountered a fire that his own couldn't match or surpass. However, with Gyoken's unique fire, there may indeed be a chance. As their eyes meet, Takashi begins to smile widely at him before placing his left hand on Gyoken's head and slightly ruffling the young Uchiha's hair.

"Gyoken, you have the ability to light up the world, but make sure not to burn it up!" Takashi tilts his head back and laughs out loud for a couple of seconds. "Before you get ready to light up the world, you should learn to control the light, especially the light within you." As he speaks, he moves his hand away from Gyoken's head and points with his fingers to the middle of his chest. "Let's continue with your training. I guess you've got the basics down? Walking on any surface and so on, right?”

The fire of the torches flickers along the walls inside the tunnel.Apart from their flames, there is no light to illuminate the secret path Takashi is walking on. With silent and light steps, he continues forward until he comes across a hole in the middle of the passage. He stands silently, looking down at the spikes made of stone sticking out of the ground at the bottom of the hole below. Suddenly, he takes a step forward straight towards the hole, seemingly heading towards certain death. However, his foot suddenly stops when he puts it down over the hole, and he then begins to move forward almost as if the hole isn't there. "Among all the techniques and traps, the Genjutsu: Optic Delusory is among the easiest to figure out," he mutters to himself, as he passes the hole and looks back, he sees that the hole has now disappeared, revealing the floor again. It was a simple but useful genjutsu that would make most people turn back out of fear of more traps. Along the way, Takashi continues to encounter various traps meant to trick one's senses. Using his kekkei genkai, the Byakugan, and its ability to read chakra flow on a deep level, he sees every time his own chakra has been affected and breaks the illusion through sheer control over his chakra. After a while, he notices that there are no more genjutsus coming his way.

Suddenly, he meets a woman with a unique mask standing in the middle of the passage. The woman is clearly a member of the organization Root, and she starts laughing straight at Takashi. "Hahah, who would have thought you, of all people, would come this way, Tenbo's fallen fist?" She says as Takashi simply looks towards the woman and doesn't make a sound before continuing forward, fully aware that this is just one of several pranks by a younger Root member against an older one. Once he has just passed the masked woman, he stops, and she turns to say something to Takashi. "Anyways, what brings yo..." she begins, but before she can finish her question, she is greeted by an open palm that not only destroys her mask but then grabs her face. "Who gave you permission to say his name like it was any name?!" Takashi questioned her and before she can even answer his question, Takashi lets go of her head and starts walking forward again. All he hears are coughs and gasps of surprise behind him before he finally arrives at the end of the tunnel.

Takashi finally arrives at the organization's headquarters, emerging from the tunnel into the dimly lit chamber. He makes his way forward and encounters both Lord Tenbo and Shijo. Upon hearing Tenbo's voice, Takashi drops to one knee in a display of respect. “Greetings and welcome back, Lord Tenbo," Takashi says, his tone respectful, towards the man in front of him. When Lord Tenbo introduces Shijo, Takashi looks up at the new member and offers a smile. Though not entirely genuine, it's part of the persona he projects. Slowly, he rises to his feet and extends his hand in greeting. "Hello there" acknowledging Shijo's presence. With their introductions made, Takashi remains silent, his focus solely on listening to the information Shijo shares.

Location: (Clone) Konohagakure Training Ground and (Real Takashi) Konohagakure “Foundation”
Order: Takashi Clone - Gyoken
Order: Tenbo Uchiha→Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2




As Jin Tendo stood before the door of the Hokage's office, his hand extending forth, his fingers curling around the door knob before a slight adjustment of his wrist allowed him to turn the handle; with a slight push from his shoulder extending down to the elbow towards the forearm the door would creak open, revealing a bright light that would illuminate the interior as before his cyan eyes would be the office of the Current Hokage. It would be here that Jin would hope to find Lord Hokage, but to no avail there would be no sight of him as the Older Genin stood letting out a sigh an annoyance. Without a clue to where the Hokage or his assistant had gone, The genin turned away from the office, beginning to walk down the hall to leave the Hokage's building. His Strange cyan blue eyes observing each individuals Neuron Pathway as he showed no form of attention towards them as a whole, rather as a cautionary measure from his brutal upbringing, building a distrust towards people till trust can be earned. Though with each step, Jin took he drew closer and closer towards the entrance of the building, a door allowing one person in and out; ready to traverse the village towards looking for the Hokage or his assistant...
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Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Jin Tendo, Okami Kitsune
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Staff member


The village eyed him with suspicion, a sentiment he could neither accept nor dispel. His recent departure with Ichijo Uchiha had left a scar on the village’s authority, an indelible mark that made him a pariah. Despite the meticulous trail they left, the village’s trackers had failed to locate Tenbo, a testament to his aversion to being seen or followed. This alone should have absolved him of any wrongdoing, but he was targeted nonetheless, a victim of deep-seated bias and mistrust. The prejudice that stalked him was an echo from his past, a dark shadow that never truly left him. For the leaf was seemingly only investigating him but not Ichijo...

As a child, Tenbo had always known he was different. His perception of the world, his unconventional thoughts, set him apart in ways that invited ridicule and scorn. The village had no patience for those who thought outside the box, so he learned to conceal his true nature, adopting the facade of conformity. Beneath this mask, his true motives simmered, hidden from those around him. This enforced disguise bred within him a profound hatred, a loathing for the world and the people who populated it outside of his dreams. His resentment festered, growing deeper and more corrosive with each passing year, shaping him into the enigmatic figure that he is. Now, as the village cast its accusing glances with no evidence or proof, Tenbo felt the weight of his isolation more acutely than ever. He was a phantom, slipping through the cracks of their understanding, an enigma they could neither solve nor seem to forget. The darkness of his past and the bitterness of his present intertwined, forging a path he walked, now with an army at his behest.

"There is a deep-rooted prejudice against me, born from the leaf village's persistent refusal to see the Uchiha as equals," he growled, his voice laced with a simmering fury. "It is abhorrent and intolerable to be viewed with suspicion simply because of who I am." His tone grew darker, each word dripping with bitterness and resentment. The injustice of it all ignited a fire within him, a consuming anger that threatened to spill over. His eyes, cold and piercing, mirrored the depth of his agitation, a silent testament to the torment he endured.

Tenbo's eyes slowly closed, a futile attempt to quell the burgeoning rage within him. As his eyelids met, the light within the narrow pathway they stood in dimmed, shrouded by the intensity of his emotions. This darkness was a manifestation of the turmoil inside him, a reflection of the storm brewing in his mind. He stood there, contemplating the baseless suspicion cast upon him by the Leaf Village. They had no evidence, no tangible reason to suspect him of any wrongdoing. It was simple and infuriatingly clear: Shijo, a high-ranking member of the village, knew that the Anbu had nothing. The question gnawed at Tenbo's mind: why was the Leaf so suspicious of him? Was he too elusive, too unpredictable for their liking? His very existence seemed to challenge their control, a specter they could neither capture nor understand. The darkness that enveloped the pathway mirrored the depth of his disdain for the Leaf, a stark contrast to the loyalty they demanded yet never truly earned. The light extinguished by his rage symbolized his severed ties with the village, a place that had never accepted him, a place that now stood as an adversary in his mind. His hatred for the Leaf was as profound as the shadowy corridor around him.

"A part of your assignment will be to misdirect and ultimately lead the Leaf away from suspecting me. When this happens, I will deliver you to my master, your father..." Tenbo's voice was a whisper in the consuming darkness, a shadow among shadows. His presence was almost spectral as he moved further away from Shijo and Takashi, his footsteps echoing faintly in the dim corridor. It was time for the debriefing of the mission Suzaku had entrusted to the Hyuga. Here, in this oppressive gloom, Shijo would witness but a fraction of Tenbo's vast resourcefulness. With a single word, Tenbo commanded Takashi's attention, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "Speak." The word was laden with authority and expectation, a signal for Takashi to reveal the details of the mission. The absence of light around them seemed to deepen, mirroring the gravity of the lord commanders mood.

Location: Konohagakure “Foundation”"
Posting Order: Tenbo Uchiha→Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​
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Upon reaching the door leading into the Hokage's building, Okami noticed someone else on their way out. Opening the door for the person who was leaving the building, Okami decided to ask a question that would either save him a trip or have him searching through an area that he was currently entirely unfamiliar with. He did not bother to hide his hopes for the former from his tone or facial expression.​

"Excuse me, is the Hokage presently in his office? I'm hoping to speak with him about possibly being assigned a mission, and am hoping I don't have to search the entire village. I was just transferred here today from Ouza Island, so I haven't had a chance to familiarize myself with the area."

Of course, Okami had also heavily summarized his situation, explaining his reasons in as few words as possible. He was in an area he wasn't familiar with, and was so new in fact that he hadn't even had time to familiarize himself with Leaf District's customs if there was anything different from his homeland.
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Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office]
Posting Order: Jin Tendo, Okami Kitsune
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approx. 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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As Jin began walking through the door, his visual sight came into contact with an estranged youth, clearly younger than himself; the Young Tendo who stood slightly shorter than the younger individual, his expression still shared an annoyance. His cyan eyes piercing through the Kitsune, watching each movement of neuron's from the brain throughout the nervous system before alas he'd give a response,​
"Tsk, No he's not in there."
Using as little words as he could, Jin moved past the Kitsune; his cyan eyes still carrying such resentment towards others and mistrust that would take time to heal. Each step drawing him further away from the strangely dressed Kitsune Jin began sliding his hands into his pockets; moving step by step away from the Kage's office and towards the Public Leaf Memorial ground, a place Jin would rarely visit unless he would want to be alone. As he moved further and further away, he could care less if the Fox like boy followed or not, that would be his own business but as for Jin Tendo, as he turned street after street, it would draw closer, the mass grave yard where the young Genin stared with almost sympathy to those who'se lives were all but lost from the formation of the Village in this continent. As he slowly walked through the graveyard, his eyes reading each and every tomb stone, there would be none that carried his last name, which was to be expected as a child orphaned in the Grass. He knew not of who his family was, all he knew his last name was Tendo, and that his eyes were not natural. At one time he had tried to investigate the Tendo Clan, but it would seem that the information was locked behind Kage Level Classification of the Grass District. Leaving him during his youth more questions than answers.
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Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office] -> [Leaf Cemetery]
Posting Order: Jin Tendo, Okami Kitsune
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approx. 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Staff member

Unmasked, the Uzumaki continued to patrol through the village, seemingly seeking entertainment. His manner of walking and his attitude suggested that he found amusement in the surroundings. In his left hand, he carried a bag filled with candies and snacks that he had bought from a stand earlier, and he had a lollipop in his mouth, savoring its strawberry flavor. "Konohagakure has so much to offer," the Uzumaki remarked, as if recalling a previous incident. "And an interesting show on top of that, too." the Uzumaki remarked with a sly expression.

"Oh?" The Uzumaki halted in his adventure, his expression shifting from sly to unnatural as he peered over at the graves, finding himself at the graveyard. It was here that he often wondered why people would waste their time building a "shrine" of sorts to thank those who had prolonged conflicts or died unnecessarily. Only one word echoed in his mind: "Waste." It was here that it could be perceived that something was amiss with his sense of morality. He himself was unable to understand why anyone would bother to protect others if it would only end in their death—inefficiency and a waste of time. In his view, all they had to do was to kill before they got killed. At least, that's how Tentai navigated through life, without having loved ones to be willing to sacrifice his life for. He hadn't discovered his "will of fire," so to speak.

To those he was perceived as being mourning for the deceased in silence.

Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Tentai > ??
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll





Within his heart crept the same darkness which he felt engulfed the corridor. It was not because of influence but because the darkness was what led him to this path, his sharingan now activated as stressors of the past circulated through his mind. A rupture of body, mind and spirit was something he could afford himself as he knew what was to become of him. He was someone who gained from all his past trauma, especially the banishment of his mother. To this day, his spirit still lingers on the path of bringing his father to tell him the whereabouts of his mother; even if it means killing him. He was, of course, leaning to it. This passive anger was never something Tenbo nor Takeshi could feel or even know existed, to them his Sharingan was now activated but not act as aggressor, it was simply to showcase the direction and the path he is willing to strip himself of all his past to join them fully.

“Master Tenbo… I want you to lead me to the scrolls which have Konoha’s forbidden jutsu… I feel I can better assist you in knowing some of what you obviously know as a mighty shinobi…but to combat Konoha i think we can get it and spread it all through the root?”

Shijo simply never spoke straight, everything seemed to be a riddle, but his exercise of knowledge he had, especially being the confounded reader and researcher he was. He proved this even when it was time for Takeshi to speak, he made sure he was never to talk out of turn, he just wanted to ensure that Tenbo was able to trust him enough to teach and execute ideas towards him as not just his master but his equal. At this current strength, Shijo knew his abilities were not on the height of his Master, However he hoped that one day it may reach the level of his. Like Minded they were but the scale leaned to the master more than Shijo.

Location: Konohagakure “Foundation”"
Posting Order: Tenbo Uchiha→Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​
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As Okami heard he older-yet-shorter boy's response, he couldn't help but let out an annoyed grunt of his own. Without anything better to do for the time being due to his own previously stated reasons, he would follow after said person while making sure to keep a respectable amount of distance between the two of them, specifically the length of one of his arms - the other boy didn't seem like much of a people person. Eventually, they ended up at the cemetery, at which point Okami allowed himself to stop at the edge of said area. As a complete outsider, it wouldn't feel right to him going any further... That, and seeing a cemetery never got any easier.

Every summer, the island nation of Ouza Island was hit by the devastating tropical storms that were also their natural defense, and never without casualties... Whether they were forever lost to the seas, or crushed under wreckage. He had lost whatever friends he'd made that way over the years to both of those categories, and had seen the ones whose bodies could be recovered buried. In truth... The constant loss had an effect on him, and played a big part in him being generally closed off. However, while the constant loss wasn't originally the primary factor in him being generally closed off, it had certainly sped the process up - and was also the primary reason he had all but given up on making any friends (let alone more than that) within his own homeland.​

"The Kami really do have a cruel sense of humor, don't they... No matter where I go, there will always be suffering. It's enough to make a man wonder why people bother to choose being ninja when nature itself is a bigger danger than any of us mortals could ever hope to be. I wonder... How long will it take for humanity's constant poking to wake the sleeping dragon, with what happens to Ouza Island every summer being less than a taste of the calamity that could truly destroy us all? What if it's already happened before, and we - as a whole - but walk towards a repeat of history, wholly unaware of what could happen? What if there are those who are aware of this in the event that it has happened before, but do so anyways heedless of the fact it could very well be the end of us all this time around? What if... What if the invasion of those creatures is merely the world itself trying to stop such a thing from happening again?"

These thoughts were spoken as barely above the lowest whisper he could manage, not wanting any aside from himself to hear the doubts he had about the shinobi system they all lived in, and his musings regarding the effect all the constant fighting and bloodshed had on the wider world around them. As the only ninja clan on the planet that was literally part beast as far as he knew, the Kitsune were - in a sense - the most naturally connected with nature itself. It was the entire reason the clan had made Ouza Island their home, far enough from the rest of the continent that they hadn't had a reason to fear invasion or anything of the sort. For one hundred years, they had maintained peace in their isolation, largely unbothered by the rest of the world - but not without their own means of keeping an eye on the mainland, which was how they even knew about said invasions in the first place... They had wanted no part in whatever form of nature's wrath their distant neighbors invoked.

Unfortunately, sooner or later they'd have gotten involved regardless, which was why Okami's father had made plans in order to make the most out of a bad hand before it actually became a bad hand. Which was how Okami was now as much a citizen of Leaf District as he was a citizen of Ouza Island. Speaking of which, he supposed it was time he began actively seeking out the Hokage for a mission. If his luck was kind to him for once, he just may come across the Hokage on the streets. Either way, it was a nice day and he refused to let his darker thoughts ruin it.
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Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office] -> [Leaf District Cemetery]
Posting Order: Jin Tendo -> Okami Kitsune
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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As the young Tendo's eyes stared upon the vast rows of gravesites, the gentle breeze brushing against his hair as Jin stood, his eyes seemingly emitting a illuminating glow from beneath his locks. The warmth upon his skin seemed hollow, as he continued to stand in solace, thinking back to his youth...
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As the Tendo boy stood, ignoring that he had been followed and was being observed, deep into his memories, the vision of his youth slowly began breaking through the walls, flooding through the gates as his hands slid into his pockets...
Jin's Youth
As the lights of a damp dark room were only that of a single candle flickering with even a gentle breeze, a young boy with long messy black hair stood before a looming shadow for a caretaker. In his cyan eyes no discerning expressions or features could be seen, just a sinister and twisted grin as this shadowy caretaker began beating the young child Tendo with a cane, each blow drawing blood and leaving bruises on his body and arms, even blows to his face bestowing the child with fear but resentment towards people. Living in a literal hell, this boys eyes seemed distant, cold, and even disconnected with reality, as if drawing ever near to the snapping point where one would be considered inhuman or a monster. Each beating he received only further pushed the young tendo deeper and deeper into this pit of despair as each blow where wood can be heard cracking and mangling flesh left the Young boy each night, sitting in a corner, cursing the world for leaving him in such a state; one where he didn't know anything but cruelty. A world where his own mother tossed him aside leaving him alone; a world where his Father a Sato-osa of the Grass would ignore his pain and existence. Such a revelation would only drive the young Jin Tendo further away from understanding what love and bonds were... As Time went by and each beating he received, it was as if Jin became numb to everything, no longer crying for someone to aid him, no longer having the hope of being rescued, and sadly no longer trusting another person. This was the cruelty he had been subjected too, a cruel reality that would forever engrave into his psyche... But this was only a sliver of the torment that the young Jin had been succumb to, Daily beating's, Unprofessional Touching by the caretaker, being treated as an item and source of income, no longer viewed in the grass as Human were all factors leading to the personality of the Current day Jin Tendo...
Present Time
As Jin stared at the grave sight, beads of sweat running down his cheek as reality soon came snapping back to him; feeling an overwhelming violent urge flowing through his body in his pockets his hands balled and tightened into fists, doing his best to not let his fury unveil itself. His teeth gritting it was here that Jin would speak outloud, already aware of the Kitsune's presence due to the neural activity of his brain having already been detected upon their first meeting at the Kage's Office.
"What do you want Fox Boy. You followed me here, so spill it."
This being said as Jin slowly turned his body, allowing his coat to flutter with the breeze revealing the hate filled cyan eyes staring straight towards the Kitsune Boy. Such eyes that could only be discerned as Jin's regular eye color unless an individual has seen the Jikangan itself. His expression carrying more annoyance and disgust behind it even though he was doing everything he could to remain in control of the engraved emotions inside his heart.

Location: [Leaf District Cemetery]
Posting Order: Jin Tendo -> Okami Kitsune
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II