Sand District




She heard a familiar voice that she heard just now when she was with Shishio, she softly sighed and ignored her presumingly she was just there for pure convenience, hoping she wasn't there simply to accompany her. However, that was not the case and in fact, she was there to accompany her on the mission. Even though having Kazeemi there with Kiyoka, a fellow sand kunoichi would make things better especially dealing with those hailing from the leaf. Kiyoka wrapped her arms around herself awaiting the arrival of the train.

Kiyoka wasn't paying attention to the purple-haired woman's rambling about chaperones and something to do with Konoha ninjas until she heard her say something about Kiyoka's strengths and weaknesses. Kiyoka finally opened up her mouth and spoke directly towards the beautiful woman with the war fan she used that to enhance her jutsu both useful for defence and offence which was perfect if any decided to attack them.

"That's a secret~"

Kiyoka didn't want to share her abilities as it was a security thing, even if it was an ally. Even Allies can use her weaknesses to an advantage if they betray the village. She looked up at the screens and the clocks seeing that the train was supposed to be here by now, however it was delayed. This in turn caused Kiyoka to worry, about what happen if anything happened to cause this delay, perhaps an attack on the train, but then who would attack them on the train, it was a bit bizarre. perhaps it would be because of the weather of Sunagakure, like a sandstorm? Anything could be possible. Before she could ask anything about the delayed train she turned to Kazeemi and asked softly and in a worried tone.

"The Konoha diplomats train is supposed to arrive by now, do you think that something has happened?"


Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Kazeemi → Kiyoka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​




As Oboro and Hariku remained together, their conversation eventually drifting into a one-sided exchange. Oboro could sense Hariku's attention waning, her thoughts perhaps lost in the plans they had discussed. Oboro stretched, his long wild hair catching the breeze.
Hariku, find me when you're ready to train. I need to explore the new District. It's been too long since we arrived, and I haven't had a chance to see anything.

Oboro gave her a final nod before leaping gracefully off the tent, landing softly on the rooftop of a nearby wall of a large building as he made his way up the side. After reaching the top, the vantage point offered him a panoramic view of the new Sunagakure, its winding streets and bustling marketplaces stretching out beneath him like a living map.

His first stop was the weapons area of the marketplace. From his rooftop perch, he could see rows of stalls lined with an impressive array of weaponry. Merchants shouted out their wares, showcasing everything from finely crafted kunai and shuriken to elaborate, custom-made puppets. The air was thick with the metallic scent of sharpened steel and the earthy aroma of oiled wood. He watched as a blacksmith demonstrated the durability of a new blade by slicing through a thick rope with a single stroke. Nearby, a group of young shinobi inspected a selection of smoke bombs and explosive tags, their eager faces illuminated by the flickering light of the lanterns. Oboro smiled to himself, remembering his own early days as a young ninja, fascinated by the tools of the trade.

Hm. Still as fascinating as ever to see the new tools being displayed. I'll have to make my way down there eventually and take a look at some puppets to buy. The ones I have now are getting pretty old. The time to replace them is getting pretty close. But, lets keep moving for now.

Next, Oboro made his way towards the train station, a relatively new addition to the Sand District. The station was a bustling hub of activity, with trains arriving and departing, their whistles echoing through the night. From his elevated position, he could see passengers boarding and disembarking, their movements hurried and purposeful. The station was an architectural marvel, blending the traditional design elements of Sunagakure with modern engineering. The tracks stretched out into the horizon, promising connectivity and commerce with distant lands. Oboro noted the efficient layout, designed to handle the influx of goods and travelers with minimal disruption. It was a symbol of progress, a testament to the village's resilience and adaptability. From his vantage point, he spotted familiar faces —Kiyoka and Kazeemi, two fellow shinobi. They seemed engrossed in a conversation as from what he could make out from their lips, they were waiting on others. Oboro considered joining them for a moment but decided against it, preferring to maintain his solitude and observe from afar.

As he traveled further, the sound of music and laughter drew Oboro towards the center of Sunagakure, where a vibrant festival was in full swing. Colorful lanterns hung from every available surface, casting a warm, inviting glow over the crowds. Stalls offered an array of delicacies, from roasted meats to sweet, sticky desserts. Performers entertained onlookers with feats of acrobatics, fire dancing, and traditional puppet shows. The festival was a feast for the senses. The tantalizing aroma of food mingled with the sound of music and the vibrant colors of festive decorations. Children ran about, their faces painted with intricate designs, while adults mingled, enjoying the festivities. Oboro felt a sense of peace wash over him, a reminder of the simple joys that life in Sunagakure offered, even amidst the challenges. Suddenly, his keen eyes caught sight of a figure that stood out even amidst the bustling crowd. It was Lord Shishio, the Kazekage, unmistakable in his regal attire and the aura of authority that surrounded him. Intrigued and feeling the need to pay his respects, Oboro decided to make his way down from the rooftops. With a graceful leap, he descended from the roof of a nearby building, landing silently in an alleyway. He adjusted his clothing and began weaving his way through the throngs of festival-goers.

The crowd was thick, but he navigated it with ease. As he approached, the presence of the Kazekage became more pronounced, the villagers naturally giving him a respectful berth. Finally, Oboro emerged from the crowd and stood before Lord Shishio.

Lord Shishio. It's been quite some timem since I've seen you. To see you here among our people is an honor.

Location: New Sunagakure (Festival/Center)
Post Order: Shishio → Oboro
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Her jaw clenched, teeth gnashing tightly in response to Kiyoka’s impertinence. It’s a secret? She knew what the girl meant, the meaning beneath her words, and it sickened her. Their home had been taken, assaulted, and their brethren dead. Comrades and children alike found sudden slumber beneath the sands. Most of their bodies still hadn’t been recovered - and likely never would. Yet the Sand stood tall - stood together, united as never before. And here this girl was, callously writing off any sense of camaraderie as if it were beneath her - or as if her brethren could not be trusted. It was a slap not only to Kazeemi, but to the village as a whole. Her fingers coiled around one of her fans, grip tightening as if she were strangling Kiyoka’s throat for the blatant disregard of what their peoples stood for - of what they fought for - of everything they had lost. Sure, Kazeemi was one who preferred to work alone; she found it easier that way and after all her years alone with only the wind to talk to, solitary missions were just.. simpler. But never would she dream to undermine or mistrust her brethren - and so flippantly, at that.

She tried to quell her anger, to stifle herself from making a scene until..

“The Konoha diplomats train is supposed to arrive by now, do you think that something has happened?”

Kiyoka breezed past her audacious insolence without a second thought, moving past it as if she had only made a comment on the weather, and hadn’t just undermined Kazeemi’s unfaltering loyalty to their village.

Without hesitation, Kazeemi leapt from the ledge and flipped in the air, unsnapping and releasing a fan from its holster. She landed before the red headed kunoichi with her right arm outstretched; the bladed edges of the fan’s flowers glinted in the harsh light, hovering about a foot from her supposed teammate. She didn’t react to the few villagers who fled from their vicinity. Her eyes locked, unwavering, onto Kiyoka. When she spoke, she spoke through clenched teeth and her voice was low and venomous. She chose her words carefully.

“Let’s get this straight. There is no place in Sunagakure for a ninja who holds no regard, no trust for their comrades. After all the bloodshed.. After all the death.. After everything was taken from us! Still we stand and still we fight! We fight for our home and we fight for our villagers. We fight for our Kazekage and the future he has imagined for us. And we do that together. If you do not believe in the concept of a team, or allies - then you do not bear the will and you do not bear the heart of these people. If this is true of you, then you have no right to brandish that headband.”

Kazeemi sneered, and though the weight of severity did not lift from her gaze, she took a moment to breathe and center her thoughts. Her left hand reached back to dig in a pouch behind her hip.

“I would like to believe I am wrong in these assumptions of you so I’ll give you one more chance.”

“Will you trust in your allies for the betterment of our home?”
She outstretched her left hand, an extra short range comm resting on her palm. “-Or will you forfeit this mission and I will inform Shishio that you do not believe in your comrades?” Her fan waved back in the direction from which they had came, the choice clear: to take the communication device and work together, or to leave.

Kazeemi lowered her fan, but kept her left hand outstretched, allowing Kiyoka to make her decision. She knew she would be reprimanded if Kiyoka chose the latter, berated again on her boorish hard-headedness, but it was of no consequence. Not when it came to loyalty to Sunagakure. Her words would likely come as a shock to Kiyoka and would breed either respect or hate - and this was a gamble she was willing to take.

In the time it took for Kiyoka to make her choice, Kazeemi had a second to level her head - at least a little bit. She thought of her words. The train should’ve been here by now, and that this was a diplomatic mission caused her worry. Too often, diplomats were the targets of assassinations or kidnappings and she could only guess as to what kind of shinobi were sent from the Leaf. It may not be a bad idea to meet up with the train on its course..

Should Kiyoka have taken the communication device from Kazeemi, she’d give her a somber nod and holster her fan against her back, turning away as she placed a comm in her own ear. “Let’s follow the tracks and meet this entourage midway. You can tell me about your skills on the way.” With that, Kazeemi would leap down beside the tracks and begin running, trusting that Kiyoka would be right behind her.
Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Kiyoka → Kazeemi
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Staff member



After entertaining the citizens of Sunagakure with his amazing dance moves, Shishiō exits the stage, with applause and laughter echoing behind him. His way of connecting with the people seems to have had a positive effect, showing them that he can enjoy himself just like they do and does not look down on those around him. Shishiō stands out as both a leader and part of the community, not seeing himself as more important than the citizens. However, unknown to them, several ANBU members are hidden among the people and shadows, watching over Shishiō.

Walking among the residents, Shishiō goes to a vendor selling various types of food. Even though he holds the title of Kazekage, he doesn't shy away from bargaining. He and the seller argue back and forth, but Shishiō stands his ground and ends up getting cactus juice for half the original price. Before he was given the title and responsibilities of Kazekage, Shishiō lived on the streets of the old city, where stealing food and bargaining were part of everyday life for him.

With a happy sigh, he tilts his head back, removes his hat, and holds it at his side. "This brings back memories of a time before all the responsibilities, when I only had myself and my puppets to think about. Sunagakure is always just as joyful during a festival in the city's honor" He says to himself before continuing to drink his cactus juice in peace. A short distance away, an ANBU member is talking to a shinobi, a courier from the Gold District. The courier requests to deliver a message to Shishiō, the newest Kazekage, but the ANBU member doesn't let him pass easily. After showing the message, the ANBU and courier head to Shishiō together. They land in front of him, and the courier holds out a scroll. Shishiō asks him to read it aloud. Sipping his cactus juice, he listens carefully.

When the messenger finishes, Shishiō places his hat back on his head. "Say hello to President Gizoku and tell him..." He pauses before continuing. "Holding on is believing that there’s a past, letting go is knowing that there’s a future." He takes one last sip of his cactus juice before bending down and placing it on the ground. "May all who come as guests leave as friends. Sincerely, Kazekage Shishiō." With that said and written down, the ANBU member follows the messenger to the village's outer gate, ensuring President Gizoku and those he may bring with him know they are welcome in Sunagakure and that Shishiō hopes they remain allies and friends.

Shortly after they leave, Shishiō returns to his thoughts, but his peace of mind doesn't last long. In the distance, he hears children's voices arguing over a toy outside one of the stalls. He rolls his eyes before heading back to the crowd. Approaching the scene, the commotion quiets down as he stands in front of the two children, one older and one younger, who both want the same toy. "All this fuss and tears over a toy?" He remarks. The younger child looks up at him with tears streaming down his cheeks but stops screaming. Shishiō signals the seller to give him a similar toy, which he then hands to the younger child. "It's a festival, there is no reason for tears of sadness here on our streets. Now go to your parents." The boy stops crying, thanks Shishiō, and runs off with his sibling.

Now surrounded by people, Shishiō can't avoid small talk. Their conversations range from village plans and hobbies to his leadership intentions. Almost forced to answer all the questions, Shishiō tries to satisfy them while keeping an eye on a man walking through the crowd toward him. It turns out to be Oboro, a Jōnin of Sunagakure and one of his soldiers. Just as Oboro is about to address him, Shishiō puts an arm around him and starts walking away from the crowd, shouting. "Sorry everyone, I have important things to discuss with Oboro, you know, Kazekage stuff!" As they walk to a more open and less crowded area, Shishiō whispers, "Thanks for the save, Oboro. I owe you one.”


Location: Sunagakure
Post Order: Shishio → Oboro
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2




As Oboro made his way back through the crowd, he suddenly felt the arm of Shishio around his shoulder. The Kazekage's gesture was unexpected, and Oboro's eyes widened in surprise. The mention of important Kazekage stuff caused Oboro's eyes to blink as his mind raced in confusion as there was no mention prior about a meeting between them. As they walked away from the bustling crowd, Oboro couldn't help but wonder what pressing matters Shishio had to discuss. Though, once they were a few steps from the crowd; Oboro heard Shishio thank him for the save? His confusion deepened as he tried to understand what exactly he meant.
Saving you, Lord Kazekage?

After a few moments, realization dawned on Oboro and he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. The image of the powerful Kazekage needing an escape from the adoring villagers was both amusing and oddly endearing.
Ahh, I see. Happy to be of service, sir.

Oboro felt a warm sense of camaraderie with the Kazekage, a rare connection Oboro normally tries to avoid since the sudden disappearance of his cousin. The two walked together in silence for a moment, the festive sounds of the village fading into the background. As they reached a quieter part of the festival grounds, Oboro turned to Shishio and spoke with a respectful but almost demanding tone.
I'd like for you to accompany to the weapons market. I have some custom puppets to pick up and i'll like for you to be the first to see them. Your opinion will be helpful for future alterations if i need them.

Location: New Sunagakure (Festival/Center)
Post Order: Shishio → Oboro
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2



With how she saw Kazeemi clench her jaw in frustration at Kiyoka's temptation to be playful, with the words about her abilities being secret, her small joke didn't sit well with the older female. Kiyoka had a stoic face, though her eyes told a different story. Kazeemi went on her rant about Kiyoka not being very accommodating, even though Kiyoka wasn't aware that her words and actions were being read wrong by the other party. Kiyoka drifted from the floor to face Kazeemi, trying to find her words to respond to the other female. Kiyoka looked down again, gathering her thoughts, and spotted Kazeemi's hand going into her pouch on the left hip; this alarmed Kiyoka. What could she pull out?

After a few seconds, Kiyoka saw her comrade grab her fan, relieved her, though she had just caught on to what Kazeemi had to say again.

"I would like to believe I am wrong in your assumptions, so I'll give you one more chance."


"Will you trust in your allies for the betterment of our home?"

Kiyoka looked the female beside her dead in the eye before responding in a soft, regular tone.

"Thank you for bringing my behaviour to my attention. I wasn't aware that my joke didn't receive too well from you, and for that, I do apologise. Regarding Sunagakure, I'm very loyal to my village and will work with anyone since I prefer to surprise my comrades regarding my abilities."

She paused for a second before moving her lips once again.

"I will trust you if you want to know my specialities are mainly sealing and healing from a special ability of my clan,"

She responded when she saw her teammate had lowered her fan and suggested they go up the tracks to find out what was going on with the train situation, to which she nodded in agreement, taking the communication device and placing it in her ear. Kiyoka would follow suit and jump down to the tracks to much of the conductor's dismay, to which he tried to shout "Stop" at them both. Kiyoka shouted towards them, letting them know they would investigate.

Though Kiyoka may not be the fastest, she was running towards the train that hosted their guests; the breeze as Kiyoka ran fast caused her hair to flow, making onlookers see a flash of red going past them.

Location: New Sunagakure
Post Order: Kiyoka → Kazeemi
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2
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Listen while you read
Hariku, the Angel from Hell


In a single gasp for air, Hariku had found herself situated in some secluded training ground, hidden from the average Ninja and only accessible to those who had prior knowledge of the place, Hariku hadn’t the faintest idea on why she was here, in one single exhale, her nostrils rippled with the exhale as she would inhale deeply. Unsure for a split second till it hit her like a headache, she remembered a prior agreement to become a “guardian” of sorts for the Jinchuriki and naturally being apart of the Bijuu containment team she had a responsibility to also train said Jinchuriki.


Why me..

She would utter under her breath, clearly tired and visably exhausted having been sat slouched over on a bench almost undead like she would slink up to her feet, using her very back strength to pull herself forward, her fingertips crackling with anticipation, while she wasn’t one for training of the sorts being from the Kazekage Clan and inheritor to the iron sand she was naturally gifted with its abilities, meaning during her lifetime she hadn’t needed to fully commit to training herself let alone someone else. Yet in reality her Dharma sealing technique is the sole reason she is here, should the Jinchuriki exert too much of its inner power Hariku would be required to strengthen the Jinchuriki’s seal and siphon the chakra of said bijuu to weaken it.

I wonder why aren’t they here yet

Having regained her physical composure, Hariku’s eyes scanned the environment, to those before her, they would see a red robbed woman who 5’4, covered head to toe with linen wrappings covering their more private areas and leaving some areas exposed such as her stomach, waist, kneecaps and below, nearly her entire torso area would be covered with the same linen wrappings, her purple eyes would be rumoured to peer deeply into the souls of those she stares into, or that could be her mental state deteriorating ever more.

Well, if they aren’t here yet I may as well start.

All it took was the connection of her finger and thumb in a singular snap, this would cause multiple pillars of iron sand to erect from the ground, they would sit at 10 feet tall, 40 inches wide, they would be littered around the area in a perfect circle of 10 pillars yet providing plenty of space should it be needed she would be able to extend their radius and size on the dime for perfect containment, once the final pillar had formed Hariku began to release a hum from her lips, she was in a mental blocked state from hence onward till she had finished, so anyone attempting to talk to her would be simply ignored.

With the first set of humming released, Hariku threw off her signature red robe this would cause the Dharma seal that had been permanently etched onto her skin to glow a faint blue with each syllable she had hummed - with addition each humming syllable Hariku pointed toward one pillar with her left hand first, starting with her left pinkie one pillar had emitted the same glow with each syllable, followed by the second pillar she had pointed with her ring finger, this caused the second pillar to have the same glow all in sync with her own humming, naturally this would go on till each finger on both her left and right hand had pointed toward one pillar each.


And with one final swift motion, she had clapped her hands together, this caused her dharma seal etched onto her back and the Dhamra seals now contained onto each pillar to glow blue symbolizing the synchronization of her seal and the pillars.


She had one more preparation in place to contain such a beast, yet she needed to wait for their arrival. With that Hariku simply cleared her throat and closed her eyes for the moment. Giving her throat a rest for a short period of time.


Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> ??? - ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​
Last edited:


Somber, Kazeemi nodded as she listened to Kiyoka. Her lips pursed, brow arching in befuddlement at the mention that her earlier statement was a joke. She shifted back half a step, giving Kiyoka more space in a near apology. Social cues weren’t Kazeemi’s greatest strength, to say the least, and she wondered if she had overstepped herself.. again. ‘Show them how well you can behave,’ Shishio’s voice rang in her mind. She grit her teeth, already failing on that order.

But this was not the time to second guess herself. Kiyoka took the earpiece and with that, it was time for them to be on their way. Kazeemi spun on her heel and crossed the platform but as she did, her eyes passed over two of the conductors. She saw their faces, features raised and contorted in worry, and time seemed to slow. She focused on the man’s lips as he spoke to his fellow conductor, catching just a portion of his sentence before she was already passed them and airborne, leaping down onto the tracks. She barely heard him shout for the kunoichis to stop and Kiyoka’s call back that they were investigating. In her mind’s eye, the motion of his panicked lips played over in her head.

-lost contact with the train.

As soon as her feet made contact with the rail, Kazeemi lunged forward into a dead sprint down the tracks. ‘This isn’t good,’ she thought to herself. Sandstorms could often cut off communications, but the winds didn’t whisper of any coming storms. Technical malfunctions happen, but that would be too coincidental. No, something had happened. An attack? A hijacking? Was it outside shinobi, or something else? Kazeemi’s mind raced, speculations filling every corner of her thoughts. But all she could do was run, hoping beyond hope that the situation would remain stable until they arrived.

Minutes passed in silence before Kazeemi spoke, it occurring to her that Kiyoka likely didn’t see what she had - that she didn’t have the same information. “The station lost contact with the train,” she relayed to her teammate. “It’s safe to assume they might have been attacked. We can only hope the Leaf shinobi are strong enough to hold their ground and protect the diplomat, but the sooner we reach them the better. Be prepared: your medical jutsu might be needed right away.”

Kazeemi centered her thoughts. Though it might take a little time before they rendezvoused, they could make use of it to formulate their strategies. “We can only guess at what’s happened, but we should plan for what we might find ourselves in the middle of. From what I can gather, there are a few probable situations. Situation A, the train has been hijacked and the passengers are being held hostage. With that, either the Leaf has been taken down or they’re laying low for the safety of the passengers. Situation B, the train has been attacked. Maybe coincidence, or more likely an attack on the diplomat. He’s either alive, taken, or dead and the Leaf shinobi could be fighting, pursuing, or already taken out of the fight.” Kazeemi grimaced, wishing she had more information for them to go off of, to plan around however, all they could do was hypothesize. “Kiyoka, if your specialties are sealing and healing, focus first on the diplomat and his safety, and then that of the allied shinobi.” She cast a glance over her shoulder to nod in reassurance, tapping her knuckles against her fans. “I’ll keep the enemy at bay.”

Location: Leaving New Sunagakure towards Konoha
Post Order: Kazeemi → Kiyoka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Staff member
If he had to choose, it would be spending time with Kiyoka, the red-haired woman who was extremely beautiful as she was air-headed. He was head over heels for her, and yet, he was now challenged by the higher-ups to meet for training. It was because of his status as the Jinchuuriki of the One-Tailed Bijou, Shikoku. He took no pleasure of being here, he wanted nothing of this place. A place that was designed for him to prove himself, or put someone perhaps six feet under if he lost control. His companionship with Shukaku wasn't something he could rely on, nor could the village. Regardless, he was here to train. And have been countless times in the past, previously having trained with members of the Bijuu containment team. Some have died in the past, and others haven't. He existed amongst the sands, until he existed in view.​

He had been patiently waiting, snoozing at the idea and actuality of combat. He's been in the environment for quite sometime, submerged using his sand body transfer technique. Disguised within the terrain, expecting the one supposedly to contain him to detect him. He would have stayed in hiding longer, however, this person attempted to start the battle. This was observed through listening, and before the woman could connect the two of her fingers. He was postured upright, through rapid movement and collection of himself, to the left of the woman with his hardened fist readied to collide with the woman's jaw before her finger and thumb could reach five-centimeters of each other. This fist upon collision would send the woman flying, hurling her three meters away hurling into the sand. She wouldn't have time to cast this technique, and would force her to rely on her close-quarters skills. "You tried to cheat!" He wouldn't continue his assault, as he would hope to speak before they went into all-out combat.
Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> ??? - ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll



Hariku, Angel from Hell

While it’s true Hariku would need full focus to complete her ritual, she was indeed however aware of her surroundings, she didn’t use any form of sensory to see him as why would she? In her own home using sensory techniques to her isn’t needed, with that being said. She wasn’t completely incapable of feeling his vibrations, as Hariku is known to be a immovable pillar she is able to gather her iron sand beneath her feet to construct such pylons, surely this would be something he would know, during his travels along the ground large chunks of swirling Iron sand and constricting sand formulating each pillar would force him down the inevitable path to her left.

While each pillar is indeed spaced outward Hariku’s specialty comes from her rapid ability to gather iron sand from sources between her toes of course there is a fixed radius, but while Hariku focuses and creates her ritual her natural senses heighten to a inhuman level, in combination of her iron sand the young man’s punch would be surely predicted by a Kunoichi as adept as Hariku.

Hariku had already formulated around 80% of the ritual; at this point each pillar was harmonized and formed. All that was left to do was imprint her seal onto them, it was at this point from Hariku’s perspective that the young man would cause the ground before him to ripple even if only slightly while his sand gathered it was more than enough for her to feel for his vibrations, rather than a completely focused woman not even staring at his direction and focused forward, he would be met with her head already turned toward him with a menacing smirk, her large purple iris would twitch with anticipation - She was clearly unphased by his projected punch and all it would take would be the single twitch of her iris to cause a large gush of Iron Sand to ripple upward from beneath him, this would cause him to simply lose his footing and plummet to the ground, should he continue his punch, should his punch continue he would find that Hariku would have projected her head toward him, this was due to her mastery of iron sand having created a shell around her head. Naturally in such a short time to make it its density wasn’t impenetrable, yet it contained enough strength to hold off his hardened punch.


Well, well.. You must be the Jinchuriki. Would you be so kind as to let me finish?

Her smirk contained a heavy aura of ruthlessness, while the young man may not have been up for it, he will soon come to realize that the training he is about to go through, he’d wish he was dead.

Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> Shabaka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​


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