Leaf District





Listening very keenly to the instructive words of his Hokage, the Uchiha began to analyse everything down to the finest of points. Once he heard of his brother’s failure he couldn’t do much but feel a bit sentimental for the kid. Pondering on the very essence of failure made him reluctant to see his lil brother. He wondered how he could have failed at the exams the way which was explained to him. Though he knew at times even he could be such a klutz. Seemingly as the walking became more and more slow, as it was apparent that the stop was near the Uchiha, wondered what the full details of the assignment

“So could you give me more details on this mission I should be shadowing him and his team on?” He said to the Hokage whilst placing both his hands behind his back and apparently bowing to him before lifting his upper body up. It was some sort of sign of respect to the man who was known to be Hokage.

Shijo figured that if he knew the details of the mission he could be one or probably two steps ahead at each time. There was so much eagerness within the young Uchiha that what he had said next would not be so shocking as he began to speak yet again towards his superior.

“Where can I go pick up my uniform if you don’t mind me asking Sir?” He said reluctantly with a very serious tone of voice. There was like a fire which had lit within the young Uchiha.



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In the heart of the Valley of the End, Gyoken knelt on one knee, the evidence of his intense training session visible in the burn patches on his clothes. Exhausted and slightly battered, he had been here for hours, using the calm waters below to support his weakened body. Breathing heavily, he couldn't help but reflect on the mistakes he had made during the second phase of the Chunin exams. His belief in leading his team based solely on his strength had been shattered. Gyoken knew he needed to evolve, not just physically but mentally as well.

After a couple of minutes, Gyoken pushed himself to his feet and swiftly formed a series of hand seals. Chakra gathered in his throat, and in the next moment, he released it, conjuring a massive, dense blue fireball. The ball, despite its density, raced forward at an impressive 75 miles per hour, its fiery brilliance reflecting on the water's surface. With determination blazing in his crimson Sharingan, Gyoken sprinted after the fireball, attempting to outstrip its speed, to push his own natural limits to the edge.

His eyes tracked the fireball meticulously, but despite his relentless effort, Gyoken's body couldn't quite match the speed of the jutsu. He strained to reach 65 miles per hour, his maximum for the moment, before falling into the water. Drenched but far from defeated, he pushed himself up, hoisting his lower half out of the water with sheer upper body strength. He staggered onto the water's surface once more, gasping for breath as he contemplated his limitations.

Determined to improve, Gyoken's voice broke the silence. "If anyone were to launch a jutsu at my teammates, I must surpass its speed and react swiftly." As his onyx-black eyes returned to their natural state, he knew he needed to grow stronger. This was only the beginning of his journey to become a more formidable shinobi.


Location: Valley of The End


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"I would not worry too much about Gyoken, Shijo," Inoka Yamanaka said, his smile playing at the corners of his lips as he sat down next to Shijo Uchiha. The leader of the Intelligence Division and Interrogation Unit took a deliberate pause, seemingly enjoying the anticipation of those around him. "We've been keeping a close eye on the two-tailed jinchuriki. As predicted, his prowess is beyond fathomable for his age, but he seems to carry a heavy burden. His biggest weakness, oddly enough, is his unselfishness, which led him to underestimate his teammate, ultimately causing him to overestimate his own abilities," Inoka spoke with a sense of insight that made it seem like he had been right there on the battlefield with Gyoken.​


Suzaku nodded in agreement, providing further context to Gyoken's mistakes during the Chunin Exams. "Using light as a medium to ensnare his opponents was a smart move, but it was foolish to do so with his teammates in close proximity."

Ayame Uzumaki, sitting diagonally across from Shijo and next to Suzaku, gazed at Shijo with concern, specifically referencing the rigorous training regimen that Ichijo Uchiha, Shijo's father, had put both his sons through. "I won't pry into personal matters, but I can only imagine the intense training your father, Ichijo Uchiha, must have put you and Gyoken through."

Suzaku swiftly interjected, causing Ayame to break her focus and look down, her fingers fidgeting. "As a father, you put your sons through unimaginable training regimens to prepare them for the real world. I no longer know if my sons exist in this world. If they were to die, I'm sure their enemies would bear permanent scars, making them thank a higher power for making it out alive," Suzaku stated with the weight of a shinobi who had lived in a warring state, a man who believed that it might take any means necessary to survive and protect Konohagakure.

A waitress approached the table, placing four white bowls in front of the shinobi. "Please try our spicy chicken curry. It's on the house, Lord Hokage," she said with a polite bow. The dish emitted an enticing, spicy aroma, with peppers, jalapeños, and cayenne spices that filled the air. Each bowl held sticky rice molded into a volcano shape, with red spicy curry resembling flowing lava. Inoka and Ayame both subtly moved their plates away from the spiciest dish, their appetites not matching the fiery challenge before them.







He stood silently as he heard stories of old. Stories which brought the possible upbringings to question, especially with how his father Ichijo had raised himself and his brother Gyoken. He knew it all too well, especially because of how focused and determined his father’s training made him. Essentially his father tied his fate to his siblings, now more than ever. The words of the Uzumaki seemingly touched a sweet spot as he made reference to how Ichijo had grown the young men. However, Shijo remained humble gripping his pants with both his hands tightly as he sat within silence, it was not until the Hokage began to speak that Shijo released the hold of his pants. At this moment in time he remembered that he was tied to a strong bloodline and he needed to attain strength and power beyond any imagination. Though, he felt that he needed to help his brother beforehand.

Getting up from the table, the young Uchiha bowed before each man, to show some sort of acknowledgement towards them. It was as if he was apologising to them as he suddenly began to speak.

“ I do understand, however, we cannot make the mistakes which were in the past. In the past Uchiha of old had a driving hunger for power because their whole focus was on power.. I want myself and my brother to be different. So I'll take up the responsibility as Ichijo’s son to make sure I put the best interest of the leaf before anything else. Gyoken, being controlled right now is in your best interest and I'll ensure that he is and he will never lose control” He lamented as he spoke to the men.

He began to raise his head after spitting such a dramatic monologue his eyes then wandered towards the exit, turning his back upon the men before he began to speak yet again.

“Where exactly should I start? I think I know and all I'm going to do is make sure he understands what being a Shinobi of the Leaf means. Thank you for accommodating Lord Hokage, I’ll make sure I carry out the mission with swiftness. “ The man added before he was no longer within the confines of the location. It was within a flicker, he was a master of body flicker technique and it was showcased through the sudden materialisation of his body. Where he was headed would not be any of their concerns but the Hokage himself. It was towards the direction of the Headquarters of Anbu Black Ops.





Mugen lifting himself up, as Tenbo seemed to be making his way out from some sort of conference, where the masked Uchiha dawning a festival mask slowly followed, rubbing his hands together to play more on the part of some fan boy whilst remaining stoic on keeping his identity concealed from those around. Following Tenbo, it was quite a sight for sure, a fool following him around throughout the building, and yet the small gossip didn't bother Mugen, rather this actually played quite well as to divert any form of suspicion and make it seem as if Tenbo was some up and coming star for the leaf. A part Mugen would play even if it made him seem the fool, it was one to conceal the actuality of his purpose being here.

Keeping a few feet distance as to not seem to stalkerish, or outlandish that it would show respect, Mugen made himself fan over his boss, swaying his body back and forth like a school girl seeing their Senpai whilst behind the mask, Mugen seemed annoyed and almost embarassed should anyone actually know who he really was. Thankfully for all accounts Mugen's Identity was kept in the shadows, having taken up the name of Toshimaru whilst even to the point of keeping his Sharingan hidden from the likes of his own sibling.


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The Stone District, with its imposing architecture and sturdy walls, bore witness to the culmination of Shinsuke Uzumaki's journey through the Chunin Exams. After it's completion and returning back to the stone village, Shinsuke found himself standing before a special sealing scroll – a relic with the power to transport him back to his home within the Leaf District. With a sense of accomplishment radiating from his every pore, Shinsuke stepped onto the intricate array of symbols etched into the scroll. A soft hum enveloped him as the seal activated, a surge of energy propelling him through the dimensional barriers. The world around him blurred, and in an instant, the Stone District faded away.

The familiar sights of the Leaf District greeted Shinsuke as he emerged from the teleportation scroll. The air, tinged with the scent of nature and the underlying energy of chakra, felt like a warm embrace. With his newly earned ascendance to the ranks of Chunin proudly displayed, villagers and fellow shinobi acknowledged him with nods of respect and the whispers of his success trailed behind him like a favorable wind as he traversed through the streets of Konohagakure. Their cheers and congratulatory gestures fueled his sense of pride, and after which he set out for the Hokage's office. The Hokage's Tower, a majestic structure that loomed over the village, was the heart of leadership in the Hidden Leaf. Shinsuke ascended the stairs, each step echoing with the weight of responsibility and achievement. Upon reaching the top, he stood before the ornate door of the Hokage's office. With a firm knock, to alert whoever was inside as he opened the door, revealing a space adorned with artifacts of the village's history and a desk where Lord Suzaku, the current Hokage, presided as he gave a respectful bow.

Shinsuke: Lord Suzaku, I have returned from the Stone District. I must say you and sensei prepared me for the exams perfectly as it was quite easy to get through.
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*Listen while you Read*

"Oh, to be young again." Mirai cooed, departing from Tenbo. Her form brushed through the small crowd following her, as they usually did, and her eyes broke them for the briefest of seconds, making eye contact with a familiar figure. "Mugen..." Her tone was emotionless, a simple acknowledgement that he was present. Her stride continued and eventually she was once again concealed behind the doors of the clan head.

"My lady, Gyoken has returned from the Chunin exams." The name seemed to spark a small excitement in MIrai. She placed down the document she was looking at, her full attention on Mochi. "He failed his exams." Her features dropped, as the chunin exams were briefed to her again. She gave a final nod and rose.

"I will go see him." She stated simply, rising.

"My lady! You cannot simply-" Mirai held up the tiger hand symbol, and her body was engulfed by a cloud. When it cleared there were two of her.Without speaking, the seemingly weaker of the two departed, and Mirai sat at her desk.

[Valley of the End]
She watched him as he trained, some sort of speed it appeared. Her eyes watched, taking notes as he tripped, falling and plummeting into the water. Her form moved, a blur well above 75 miles per hour, surpassing his fireball. Her fingers moved seamlessly, and a golden seal opened in front of the technique, swallowing it whole, and preventing any damage or dissipation of the technique. She would have use for this soon enough.

She spared a glance back at Gyoken, her shadowy form disappearing without a trace. If he had noticed what she did, he would have noticed that she was undetectable now.

"If anyone were to launch a jutsu at my teammates, I must surpass its speed and react swiftly."

"Ah, so you wish to be a speed based shinobi now?" She cooed, now standing directly behind him. She stared down at him, features emotionless. "An admirable goal." She was silent as her gaze looked to where he had thrown his fireball. "You failed." She stated after a couple more seconds.

What she was talking about was clear: the chunin exams. Her own promotion had been seamless, and rapid. And she had not had the assistance of a tailed beast to make her own name.

"So now what? You train yourself to death in hopes of countering one tactic?"
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Suzaku's smile widened as he listened to Shijo Uchiha speak. Despite his youth, Shijo's sense of direction and determination for his future were commendable. Just as Shijo began to fade away, Suzaku reached beneath his Hokage robe and retrieved a tightly wrapped scroll, complete with a small bow adorning its top. "I believe you'll need this, Captain Shijo," Suzaku said, his smile widening as he tossed the scroll to Shijo.

The now-empty Hokage office found an unexpected visitor in Uzumaki Shinsuke, a relative of the renowned Uzumaki Ketsugo. Silence filled the spacious room until a pig emerged from behind Suzaku's desk, offering an "Oink" in a groggy, just-woke-up manner. In a deep, sleepy voice, the pig, also known as Suzaku's companion, addressed Shinsuke, "Suzaku-boy isn't around at the moment, but congratulations, kiddo."



Location: Curry Restaurant​


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Unexpectedly, Shinsuke was met with an empty room and the man he had sought out wasn't in the office, he was instead greeted by another voice that belonged to a fat old big. While the pig informed the young Uzumaki kid about something he could already see, Shinsuke sighed and now wondered what it was he was going to do next. His original plan was to ask Lord Suzaku for either some training or to go on another mission since he had nothing else to do. However, the young boy then simply decided on venturing around the leaf until he found something interesting to do or came across someone who could help him train; Even if it was another shinobi around his same age and rank. With that, the red dread-head boy responded to the pig as he turned around and made his way back out of the office.
Shinsuke: Yea I see that. Let him know I came by will you? Cya porky.​

During his trip down the hall, of the building; He was reliving the moments of the chunin exams in his head, and there was a few things he was indeed curious about. He could sense a good amount of chakra from those who were with him, but the one who had the most sinister and demonic presence was also the one who ultimately became a victim of his blazing chains. Was it just pure luck or was he just that strong to have eliminated someone like that so easily. He had his partner to thank for support, along with the other enemy who provided him with the the necessary heat to combat the both of them at once. Shinsuke wondered, was that the peak power of the heat he could generate or could he further evolve his techniques to become even hotter and deadlier than they already were. After a few moments, the young male reached the end of the hallway and made his way out of the door nearest to the hokage rocks. His feelings about the position wasn't as important to him as most people made it seem, it was simply a title to him. One that could be taken by someone stronger regardless of their actual intentions just like a normal group or a gang. His face scrunched at the thought of it, but he also knew what it stood for, for certain people. One of those individuals being his grandmother who greatly respected the Hokage and their legacy.

After a few moments, he ventured off back into the streets of Konohagakure. As he strolled through the village, Shinsuke's blue eyes scanned the surroundings for something to engage his restless mind. The marketplace bustled with activity, but the prospect of shopping or browsing held little appeal. He yearned for a challenge, something to shake the monotony that lingered in the air. His wandering feet eventually led him to a quaint park tucked away in a quiet corner of the village. The rhythmic thud of a basketball hitting the pavement caught his attention. The scene unfolded before him—a group of kids engaged in a spirited game, their laughter echoing through the park. Intrigued, Shinsuke approached the makeshift basketball court. The worn-out hoop, a testament to countless games played, stood tall against the backdrop of the village. A grin soon crossed Shinsuke's lips as an idea formed in his mind. Summoning a shadow clone, an effortless extension of his Uzumaki abilities, Shinsuke positioned himself on the court. The clone, a perfect reflection of his skill and agility, mirrored his every movement. With a swift hand seal, he conjured a basketball in his hands, the vibrant orange contrasting against the subdued colors of the park.

He began dribbling the ball with finesse, challenging his clone to a one-on-one game, this was to have fun as well as test his reflexes in a more peaceful way. The rhythmic thumping of the ball against the ground echoed in harmony with the laughter of the kids in the park. Shinsuke's movements were a dance of precision. As the game unfolded, the park seemed to transform into a battlefield. Shinsuke maneuvered with the agility of a seasoned shinobi, seamlessly evading his clone's attempts to steal the ball. The kids, drawn by the spectacle, gathered around to watch the display of skill and technique. The clone matched him move for move, the court became a canvas for their duel, the ball passing between them in a symphony of controlled chaos. His eyes gleamed with determination as he executed crossovers and spins, dazzling even the onlookers. This seemed like a normal game to others but to Shinsuke, he wanted to test his ability to strategize and defeat an opponent who moved and thought the same ways he did.


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With his Anbu Black Ops attire marking a shift in his identity. The absence of a mask was a deliberate choice, a testament to his desire for anonymity when the time was right. He had sent a crow ahead to locate his younger brother, using his unique ability to telepathically communicate with his summonings and see through their eyes. The crow had located another known as Mirai Uchiha, the Uchiha Lady.

As Shijo stood on the building, his gaze fixed on the distant figures of his brother and The Uchiha Lady, he seamlessly transitioned between his normal eyes and the Three Tomoe Sharingan. The crow, having completed its reconnaissance, dissipated into falling feathers that danced through the air, catching the attention of Gyoken and Mirai.

In a flicker, like the wind itself, Shijo appeared amidst the descending feathers. His mastery over concealing his presence was evident, as if he were invisible, his chakra signature undetectable. Hands casually tucked in his pockets, Shijo regarded both individuals with a calm demeanour, knowing that his changed appearance would likely provoke a reaction, especially from Mirai.

The feathers continued to fall around them, creating an almost mystical atmosphere as Shijo, the enigmatic Uchiha, assessed the situation. His expertise in the body flicker technique and his ability to blend seamlessly into the surroundings made him a formidable presence. The silence that followed was broken only by the rustle of feathers, leaving Gyoken and Mirai to wonder about the purpose of Shijo's unexpected arrival and the transformation in his persona.

Shijo's gaze, without his Sharingan activated, remained fixed on his brother Gyoken and the Uchiha Lady. He absorbed the situation before addressing Gyoken with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I didn't know the Uchiha Lady had invested her time with our family, Gyoken," Shijo remarked, a chuckle escaping him. His attention then shifted to the Uchiha Lady, indicating that he might have missed some of the conversation but was keenly interested in the current circumstances.

"Lady Uchiha," he continued, "You're right; he will only train himself into the ground. But knowing him, he doesn't mind it at all. However, I have a bigger question for you. What brings someone of your stature here? Especially to where a lonely Genin is licking his wounds from a failed Chunin Exams," Shijo inquired, his tone revealing a curiosity about the unexpected presence of the Uchiha Lady in a situation involving his brother.

Pre Arrival

As Shijo adorned the Anbu Black Ops attire for the first time, the weight of the dark garments seemed to bring about a transformation, not just in appearance but in the very aura surrounding him. The fabric clung to his form, concealing his identity while accentuating the seriousness of his purpose.

The process of donning the attire was deliberate, each piece fitting into place like a puzzle, creating a seamless and intimidating silhouette. The mask, a crucial element for anonymity, was conspicuously absent, a conscious choice by Shijo to be recognizable when the time demanded.

As he stood atop the building, the wind playing with the edges of the Anbu cloak, Shijo looked out over the village, taking in the atmospheric change. It was as if the clothes themselves carried a legacy, a history of shadows and secrets.

The decision to embrace a new persona was reflected in the way he carried himself, a subtle shift in demeanor as he prepared for the responsibilities that came with being a member of the Anbu Black Ops. His eyes, once ordinary, now bore the mark of the Three Tomoe Sharingan, a visual proclamation of his newfound identity.

In this moment of transformation, Shijo felt the gravity of his decision, the weight of the Anbu Black Ops attire matched by the gravity of the responsibilities he willingly shouldered. The wind whispered through the dark fabric, and as he moved, it was as if the very air acknowledged the emergence of a new force within the village—a silent guardian clad in shadows. Now, he was the Will of Hokage but his mind was upon his brother. Sending out a crow to perform a bit of surveying to find out where Gyoken was located, would put his mind to ease. Failure was not something that Uchiha took kindly too especially someone so young. He felt it was his duty to watch over his brother.