
"It's... quiet."

[Leaf District]
There was never any signifier that the Uchiha lord was present. The air didn't chill or warm. There was no feeling of eyes on the back of your head. The wind didn't shift or carry the echoes of her footsteps. Simply, there was emptiness, and then there was her. She stood stoic, watching Mujin as he reentered the village, and as he trekked home, she followed.
Her status, appearance, and dress may have all usually attracted attention as she followed behind the returning man, but it seemed as if eyes avoided her, brushing past her figure as though she were nothing more than a lamppost in a bustling street. Her dark gray eyes watched carefully as he entered his residence, still unaware of his newly acquired tail. She took a careful step forward, ready to move to the door and-
"Lady Uchiha!" A voice called in a harsh tone, and her egress halted, her features flashing disappointed for a split second before she glanced over her shoulder. Behind her, approaching rapidly, a spread of various interns and assistants, each precariously balancing an array of scrolls and pens in their arms as they rapidly approached. The one that had called to her, a young assistant by the name of Mochi, was the first to reach her. "Lady Uchiha! We looked away and you disappeared! Our sensory-nin couldn't find you!" Mochi's eyes darted to the seal on her clan lord's forehead, both hesitant and annoyed.
The woman hummed, and all at once the illusion that seemed to conceal her shattered. Eyes found themselves attracted to the Head of the Uchiha Clan: Mirai Uchiha. People halted their daily activities to issue a rushed bow, pointing in a blatant manner at the small woman as they whispered her name. She was enveloped and escorted quickly, all aiming to have her firmly seated in the lord chair to pour over documents that required her viewing.
"The UCP Defense Plan still needs your-"
"Your wedding coordinator needs your decision on-"
"The USC's training regiment still requires your-"
The list continued, and Mirai disappeared in a flurry of scrolls and bustling robes, leaving the front door of the residence empty once, save a single, singed card wafting in an undetected breeze. It came to rest on the front step. It was the very same card that Mujin had signed and left for her the last time he was home. It now had the addition of singed edges and the burned shape of a butterfly hovered over the words "See you tomorrow."
Her message, while not in writing, was clear. Mirai was annoyed with Mujin.


The Uchiha Main Center of Operations (UMCO) serves as the main headquarters for all Uchiha operations, including their personal security force. It is composed in a similar manner to the Hokage's Office, and stands just as tall. While most of it's operations center around the clan's function, anybody may enter the first floor. Uchiha clan members have varying degrees of access to different floors. Only the Clan Lord has access to all floors.
Various seals and security prevent any entrance that is not properly authorized.
3rd Floor- Uchiha Lord: Mirai Uchiha's Office, VIP Guest Meeting Room
2nd Floor- Map room, Operations Tracking, Investigation Ops
1st Floor: Security, Police Operations, Sealing Corps
Basement: Prisoner's Cells

[Uchiha Lord: Mirai Uchiha's Office]
Her eyes carefully perused a report laid in front of her, her features blank as she read.
"Tenbo and Ichijo?" She asked simply.
"They were last seen with some kind of Monster Hunter? Our trackers lost them somewhere in the Sand District." Mochi stated in a small voice.
"When they return, have them summoned. I would like to be debriefed on their adventure." She ordered, sliding the report to the side. "Disappearing into a foreign country with no explanation while a bounty is on our Clan's head had better have a good explanation."
"Yes, my lady... And Mujin?" She looked up from her notepad hesitantly.
"His summons has already been issued. Ensure that when he arrives he is made to wait." There was the slightest hint of bitterness to her voice as she spoke of her soon-to-be husband. "Have you set an appointment with Lord Fourteenth yet? The UMF will be unable to proceed without his approval, and our current contract will need a renewal before it expires."
"Do you believe he will renew his contract with the UMF this time around?"
"The UMF will need to prove it's value, this time around." She frowned as the memories of why the Uchiha stood where they were now floated to the forefront of her memory, staring at their proposal. "Edit this, ask for double. And set the appointment for later this week."
Mochi rushed off with a nod, disappearing and leaving the lady to review the empire she was building for her people.

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