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Gyoken knelt by the water's edge, his hands resting on his knees as he hung his head in exhaustion. Steady breaths escaped his lips, each exhale releasing wisps of steam that curled and vanished into the cool air. Small bubbles fizzed beneath him, remnants of the intense heat that radiated from his body - a constant side effect of being a jinchuriki of the two-tailed cat. Within seconds, his damp clothes and skin were dry, the moisture evaporating rapidly from the intense warmth.

Gyoken's fiery jutsu sizzled as it was swallowed up by the an unknown jutsu. The display of power made him flinch, muscles tensing in response. Soft footsteps echoed behind him and Gyoken reacted on instinct, leaping back ten meters with a kunai poised readily in his grip. But the sight of the raven-haired woman stayed his hand. "Big sis Mirai..." he murmured, eyes lowering in shame.

"Ah, so you wish to be a speed based shinobi now?" Mirai's voice seemed to echo around him though when Gyoken lifted his head, she had vanished. Her skill made him frantic for a brief moment before he glanced over his shoulder and spotted her there. 'She's so fast,' he thought admiringly, hands clenching into fists.

Mirai's blunt words cut through the air. "You failed." Gyoken's shoulders slumped, the kunai tumbling from his fingers. Hot tears stung his eyes, the bitter taste of disappointment overwhelming him. He knew he was strong enough, clever enough, to pass the exams but his overconfidence had blinded him. Now here he was, training to escape the scolding that surely awaited from his father and brother.

The image of the two-tailed cat Matatabi curled comfortingly around the boy flickered through his mind, a manifestation of the bond between jinchuriki and tailed beast, had one activated their sharingan or ability akin to it, they would see the image as well. As the tears evaporated from his skin, black feathers began to drift down around them. Gyoken hastily wiped his eyes just as his brother Shijo appeared beside Mirai in a swirl of leaves.

"You're right; he will only train himself into the ground. But knowing him, he doesn't mind it at all," Shijo said lightly.
Shijo's carelessly spoken words were like salt poured into an open wound. Gyoken flinched as if struck, his brother's casual dismissal cutting far deeper than any physical blow. Hot tears blurred his vision once more and he gritted his teeth, fighting to keep the flood of emotions at bay.

But it was no use. Hurt and frustration boiled up inside him, the power of the two-tails thrashing in response to its host's anguish. The placid surface of the water erupted into violent motion, waves churning and crashing as if battered by an earthquake tremor. Gyoken's chakra surged wildly, no longer contained. An ethereal cloak of energy enveloped his body, flickering and rippling like blue fire. A single spectral tail emerged, lashing behind him.

The turmoil within called forth his bloodline power as well. Crimson bled into his irises, replacing white and pupil as the Sharingan awakened. The two tomoe patterns spun languidly, ready to perceive and predict his opponents' movements. Physical and spiritual power alike rose up in symphony, though barely kept in check. Gyoken trembled with the effort to restrain the maelstrom inside, knowing he must not give in to the anger and hurt. But the temptation to lash out, to make them understand his pain, whispered seductively in the back of his mind.




*Listen while you Read*

"You're right; he will only train himself into the ground. But knowing him, he doesn't mind it at all," Mirai frowned at the statement. She had not expected the presence of Shijo, nor had she wanted it. This moment had been... sullied. Corrupted by an overachieving brothers careless words. It was always a delicate process to critique someone. A task best left to those who could do it objectively, and with tact. Her original plan was to swoop Gyoken from his training and take him for a meal. While he had failed, he had attempted. He had done well enough for his level. The name Toshimaru pulled at her when she saw him.

"That is not the way either, Shijo." Her tone seemed different somehow. Her gaze didn't even bother to flicker to the Anbu operative, carefully observing the young Gyoken. His words, picking apart her motivations for paying attention to her sensei's youngest child, fell on deaf ears. She clicked her tongue, the world falling silent as she gave a small gesture to draw Shijo's attention to watch what was happening.

The activation of her Sharingan was seamless. A simple flip from deep grays to glowing crimsons. Her eyes centered on the cloak of chakra surrounding him now. His energy was surging to great levels, and malevolence was floating off of him. It was almost intimidating. Almost.

Her finger reached out and drew a single gold circle in the time it had taken her activate her Sharingan. One turned into ten, a mix of axes, swords, spears, and polearms peeking out of them, all floating around her. Notably the Sword of Kusanagi float just over her right shoulder.

"Gyoken, Lord Matatabi," Her tone was warning, and the seal that usually worked to cover all traces of Mirai's presence was unactivated, the full presence of the Uchiha clan lord weighing down on everyone now. Her own intent beat against Gyoken's, and weighed on Shijo. "It is in both your best interests to back down."

She didn't want to hurt Gyoken, so this intimidation tactic, amongst others, would hopefully be enough to force him back down.





Shijo of the Uchiha Clan, knew that his brother’s biggest weakness was control. A weakness that even Shijo was not proud of. This weakness would even be a bigger issue if it carried over towards him being Jinchurki. Without control there was no way he could control the beast within him. It was even more evident when simple words of failure made him start to transform into the beast known as Matatabi. The words may have been seen as insulting, however Shijo still showed zero care within the world for how far it pushed his brother. What was the reason for this? It was due to the fact he cared to see what exactly the Uchiha Lady was made of. He viewed her as a woman of power but he never saw what she really could do and there was no time like the present to see her strength. Most were mythical or even stuff that he heard or read about.

Shijo, with his keen perceptiveness and the power of his Three Tomoe Sharingan, observed the unfolding events with a calculating gaze. His brother, Gyoken, was transforming into Matatabi, the beast within him. Shijo's decision to push Gyoken's buttons and trigger this transformation revealed a tactical mindset, driven by a desire to gauge the Uchiha Lady's true strength.

As the cloak enveloped Gyoken and the transformation took place, Shijo seamlessly disappeared from his original location, leaving no trace behind. He reappeared above, perched on Madara's hand, which bore the Tiger Seal, a symbol of the rich history of shinobi and war. However, Shijo was not there to engage in the conflict but rather to observe and analyze.

With his Three Tomoe Sharingan active, Shijo focused on the unfolding scene. The Uchiha Lady seemed to be showcasing a sealing jutsu, surrounding herself with a mysterious technique. Shijo carefully analyzed every detail, noting the intricacies of the technique and the surge of chakra from both entities involved.

While he maintained his position, Shijo's hands, once folded, now rested by his side. Through his headpiece, he communicated vital information to the Anbu Black Ops Headquarters. The message was clear and direct, indicating the presence of Mirai Uchiha and the transformation of Gyoken into Matatabi. It was a strategic move, ensuring that the authorities were aware and could take appropriate action.

Shijo's declaration of "Yes… Mirai Uchiha and Gyoken Uchiha" carried with it a foreshadowing tone, hinting at the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences that could unfold.

In the midst of the unfolding events, Shijo's sensory abilities remain sharp. He was attuned to any subtle changes or movements, ready to adapt his strategy based on the developments in the ongoing confrontation. His calculated approach and meticulous analysis showcased Shijo's commitment to understanding the true capabilities of those around him.


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His body seamlessly adapted to the genetic modifications, a process that began before his conversation with the clan leader. Prior to that pivotal moment, he had ingested and injected the body and chemical compounds of the supposedly slain Daikaiju. The aftermath was a relentless torment that persisted for hours, until fortune intervened, aiding in his recovery. The true extent of his newfound capabilities remained elusive, shrouded in mystery. Yet, beneath the surface, his subconscious harbored enhanced health and sensory prowess.

The pursuit of power became an imperative, a means to attain his desires in this unforgiving world. In this realm dominated by village leaders and Kage, power, influence, competence, and skill were the currencies of significance. He recognized the necessity to accumulate these attributes to fulfill his dreams. While his objective was unkknown, Ichijo Uchiha was the one who truly comprehended the depths of his aspirations.

Tenbo's loyal subordinate and steadfast friend, Mugen, shared a deep allegiance to the philosophical principles espoused by the leader of Root. Masked and clad in an outfit that obscured his identity, Mugen belonged to the Uchiha Clan, wielding formidable visual abilities and talents characteristic of his lineage. Similar to Tenbo, Mugen grasped the significance of Root and recognized that his loyalty to this covert organization surpassed that to the Uchiha Clan, or so he believed. Unlike Mugen, Tenbo remained indifferent to his lineage, placing greater value on individuality and uniqueness. His respect and care extended beyond familial ties. If the need arose to eliminate a relative, Tenbo would carry out the act without a hint of remorse. His mindset prioritized the mission and the greater goals of Root over personal connections, a perspective that set him apart from the conventional loyalties of the Uchiha Clan.

In the expansive hall of the Root headquarters, where members hurriedly passed by, heading to various facilities for research, training, or embarking on missions, Tenbo and Mugen found themselves standing together. The atmosphere was charged with purpose and secrecy, the hall populated exclusively by those bearing the unmistakable mark of Root, including scientists and doctors. Amidst the quietude, Tenbo assumed a confident stance in the center of the hall, his gaze fixed on Mugen. Unconcerned about potential eavesdroppers, Tenbo broke the silence, his words carrying a weight that echoed through the secretive confines. The unique nature of their allegiance, bound by the Root brand, meant that betrayal was an impossibility among those present.

"Welcome, comrade," Tenbo greeted Mugen in the hallowed halls of the Root headquarters, his tone commanding yet filled with a subtle camaraderie. As the two comrades stood amidst the activity of Root members, Tenbo's piercing gaze bore into Mugen, seeking information. "Tell me, is anything new?" he inquired, the weight of his authority and the shared allegiance between them underscoring the significance of the exchange within the covert confines of their organization.



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Gyoken, in the grip of Matatabi's powerful chakra, underwent a visible transformation. His muscles swelled, stretching the fabric of his attire, while his nails and teeth elongated subtly, echoing the feline nature of the Two-Tails. His demeanor shifted, adopting an intensity and ferocity akin to the beast within him.

Yet, despite this transformation, his analytical prowess remained sharp. The two tomoe in his sharingan eyes glinted, tracking the slightest movements of Uchiha Mirai. Her gestures and motions were scrutinized, each muscle twitch studied, as if Gyoken had committed them to memory long before this confrontation.

As Mirai readied herself for battle, weapons emerging from a glowing circle, Gyoken's form vanished in an instant. Employing a technique akin to the Inuzuka's Four Legs Technique, he seemed to mirror the animalistic movement. Chakra enveloped his body, enabling him to move akin to an animal on all fours. This altered stance heightened his speed, precision, and the impact of his potential attacks, amplifying their potential for destruction.

Hovering ten feet above Mirai, Gyoken's eyes blazed with intensity as he descended swiftly, each arm arcing down to unleash a cascade of razor-sharp chakra blades aimed directly at her. With deadly precision, these ethereal slashes bore a devastating intent, threatening to cleave through the air and strike their target unerringly. The sheer velocity and power they held promised an onslaught that, if missed, would cause the water below to convulse and surge in violent, chaotic ripples.

In a display of cat-like agility, Gyoken's inherent prowess allowed him to effortlessly adapt to the mercurial shifts in the surrounding water. His wispy layer of chakra acted as an adaptive buffer, providing him with an innate balance and allowing him to ride the ebbs and flows with a fluid grace that matched the natural ebb of the environment. Summoning the raw might within, a thunderous roar erupted from Gyoken's lips, echoing through the space and reverberating across the expanse. This resounding soundwave carried a titanic force, reverberating across the vicinity and further intensifying the sheer power behind his relentless barrage of chakra blades. The shockwave emanating from his roar bolstered the ferocity of his attack, aiming to overwhelm Mirai and further augment the potential devastation of his assault.




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With his Return to Root's Headquarters, Mugen's attire seemingly shifting as flickers of flames burned away his robes, revealing the true garbs of the Uchiha who serves the Organization. His mask slowly being removed showing the uncanny resemblance to the uchiha of Old, Shisui and Kagami. His Three Tomoe Sharingan having not been deactivated stared forth upon the many members running around to do missions before alas hearing the voice of his boss, and person he trusted the most out of the Leaf Village, Tenbo Uchiha. Being given a warm welcome before asked if any new information was obtained, Mugen pondered at first, his posture stoic and on guard as per the training of Root Members, before alas the Uchiha Spoke with a calm tone, one far different from the typically goofy persona, One which he spoke whilst taking a knee,​
"Outside of taking a Bounty to pass my day off. It seems the reward was a hefty one, along with what seems to be a riddle. One in which might lead to the shinobi worlds more darker organizations hideouts... The black market. I'd understand if you are upset for me taking an Unsanctioned Mission; but sitting idly by, and knowing you'd meet with the Clans Head, I'd rather not add in the unnecessary stress before hand. Plus Sir, I knew for the longest time you've been in search for a way that you can obtain proper healing abilities. And with how the scrolls of the old world we possess tell of the black market possessing Hashirama Cells, I thought it would be interesting to investigate. Added the Knowledge we can obtain would benefit Root... If any disciplinary actions must be taken, I will accept it..."
This being said only showed the utmost respect towards Tenbo and his dreams; even then, it wasn't like Mugen to take unnecessary risks unless he saw a beneficial outcome; such an outcome which could prove a greater asset of information and materials that Root could get its hands on. Though As Mugen kneeled awaiting his disciplinary action, his eyes did not avert from his boss, showing once more the trust Mugen had in his boss and the Will of Fire to see that his bosses dreams were achieved along side his own. For only Tenbo would have known of Mugens dream resembling the ideology of Obito Uchiha under the influence of Madara; a Dream to unshackle the world of its hellish reality and build it anew...


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Shinsuke, wiped the sweat from his brow as he stood on the basketball court. He had just finished an intense game against a perfect clone of himself, honing his strategic abilities to new heights. The clone dispersed into a puff of smoke, and Shinsuke grinned, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.​

Shinsuke: Not bad, not bad at all. But I can do better.​

As he pondered his next move, an idea struck him. He decided to challenge himself further by venturing to the famed "Third Training Grounds". The lush greenery and ancient trees welcomed him as he approached. Standing in the center of the training grounds, Shinsuke created yet another clone, however; this time his goal was to focused his chakra control, his determined eyes reflecting the spiraling energy within him. He aimed to push the limits of his abilities, specifically his Adamantine chains, a technique he had inherited from his Uzumaki lineage. The chains manifested, glinting in the sunlight, but Shinsuke knew he needed to improve his control to maintain them longer. As such, he closed his eyes, and began to focus solely on his chakra control, envisioning the flow of energy within his body. At the same time, his clone was mirroring everything he did, doubling the experience with his goal. He could feel the subtle vibrations of his chakra connecting with the ethereal chains. Slowly, deliberately, he manipulated the energy, attempting to extend the lifespan of the Adamantine chains.

Unbeknownst to Shinsuke, a Pangolin creature observed from a distance, hidden within the bushes. Its keen eyes studied the young shinobi's every move, a curiosity piqued by the display of chakra control. The Pangolin, a creature known for its keen senses and connection to nature, remained still, assessing the boy's potential with a quiet intensity.

As Shinsuke continued his training, he hoped that soon he could feel a subtle improvement in his chakra control. Hs wanted Adamantine chains to respond more fluidly, last longer during battle, as this was going to be his main style of fighting instead of using them in the same fashion as others by having them simply for sealing. The young boy had a vision for how he imagined moving forward in the future once he actually mastered his desired technique. The Pangolin, satisfied with what it had witnessed, retreated further into the foliage. Meanwhile, Shinsuke continued his training as he was determined to be the best version of himself he could possibly be, and be the first uzumaki to master and utilize the chains in such a unique fashion other than sealing.
Pangolin: This one seems to have potential, he's focused and determined. I'll return a bit later with mother to see what she thinks about him. Hopefully he's still put here.​
Shinsuke: Come one Shin, if we can fully master this. Our abilities will definitely be recognised and i'll be able to reach my full potential.​


The Third Training Grounds enveloped Shinsuke in a serene atmosphere, the rustling leaves and the occasional chirping of birds creating a backdrop to his focused training. He stood at the center, with his clone assisting in the rigorous chakra control training. The two were in unison, each repetition doubling the experience gained, slightly accelerating the process of reaching a new level of mastery over the Adamantine chains.

As Shinsuke delved deeper into the training, he was sure he felt a very subtle shift in his chakra flow. The chains responded to this, slightly extending and retracting on their own. It was a delicate balance of concentration and control, and with each passing moment, Shinsuke knew that his progression will get him one step closer to his desired goal. The sun arced across the sky, marking the passage of time, yet Shinsuke remained unfazed. The Third Training Grounds became a haven for his dedication, the energy of the environment mingling with his chakra as he strived for excellence. His clone, ever-present and unwavering, mirrored the determination etched on Shinsuke's face. The two worked in tandem, pushing the limits of their chakra control in pursuit of mastery over the Adamantine chains.
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Tenbo sighed, his piercing gaze fixed on Mugen as he considered the situation. The hall was hushed, tension thick in the air. Mugen remained in a respectful kneeling position, awaiting Tenbo's judgment.

"Mugen," Tenbo began, his voice measured and controlled. "I am torn between acknowledging the breach of protocol and recognizing the value of the information you've brought back. Your actions are unprecedented, and I cannot simply overlook the blatant disregard for the chain of command." He paused, letting the weight of his words settle in the room. The onlookers shifted uncomfortably, curious about the fate of one who had defied the established order. "However," Tenbo continued, "I am not blind to results. The information you've obtained is crucial to our cause, and your initiative may have saved lives. It's a precarious situation, and your actions set a dangerous precedent. Loyalty is essential, but so is discipline." Tenbo stepped forward, his expression unchanging. "You will be reprimanded for your insubordination, Mugen. But your loyalty and the value of the intelligence you've brought back cannot be ignored. You will not face the harshest consequences." The hall stirred with whispers as Tenbo's decision echoed through the room. Some nodded in approval, while others exchanged glances of uncertainty. Tenbo's authority remained unchallenged, but the delicate balance between discipline and recognition of merit hung in the air.
Tenbo's next move hinged on Mugen's readiness to embrace the impending punishment, the details of which remained veiled. "Should your words hold true, the duration of your reprimand may be brief. Will you willingly accept whatever consequences I choose, without putting up resistance?" Tenbo inquired, his gaze fixed on Mugen, seeking a commitment to abide by the forthcoming judgment. Tenbo did not wish for a gruesome death, so hopefully his subordinate chose wisely.




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Mugen hearing his bosses words, not once breaking eye contact seemed stoic and calm; it wasn't before long till Tenbo asked if Mugen was willing to take his discipline as he responded with a calm tone, one in which carried respect towards Tenbo,​
"I am Sir; There is no excuse for taking up an unsanctioned mission from a foreign nation."
Having said this, Mugen readied himself for what ever was to come his way; not faltering in his decision and willingness to take up the results of his actions. His scarlet eyes glowing in the base as Mugen seemed calm and held high regards to his boss. Some of the Root members watching to see how Tenbo would make an approach to this situation, Mugen hadn't batted them an Eye.


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Tenbo had found solace in the fact that he wouldn't have to resort to killing Mugen, given the operative's verbal acceptance and evident resolve. Though reluctant, Tenbo steeled himself for what needed to be done. In the palpable silence of the hall, the tension was shattered only by the swift, purposeful movement of Tenbo's right hand. From his sleeve emerged a kunai, a common tool among shinobi, its hilt firmly gripped. With unparalleled speed, the superheated blade of the kunai was directed toward Mugen, its searing heat capable of both cutting and cauterizing in a single motion.

In the blink of an eye, Tenbo appeared behind Mugen, his right arm severed and falling to the ground. Without hesitation, Tenbo knelt, swiftly reducing the severed limb to minuscule fragments. It was a gruesome act that Tenbo had not desired but deemed necessary.

"If what you said is true, we will use that evidence and embark on a mission to restore your arm. If what you said is false, and the Hashirama Cells do not belong to this organization you claim, you will lose another arm," Tenbo declared, his voice calm yet conveying the gravity of the situation. Tenbo's approach was ruthless, driven by a comprehensive understanding of the consequences of disobedience within the organization. It wasn't about personal ego but maintaining discipline to prevent potential threats from festering. Now, as Mugen accepted his fate, Tenbo contemplated the next steps.

Having kept his word about the punishment, Tenbo motioned for select members of the Anbu, including the armless Mugen, to follow him. They ventured into confined corridors, providing a secure space for further discussion and extraction of remaining details from the Uchiha operative. The impending mission to bring evidence to the Hokage loomed, a task that Tenbo intended to execute efficiently, wasting no time in the pursuit of the organization's goals.
