Leaf District



*Listen while you read*
Mirai grimaced at Tenbo, almost in disgust, the way she had when they were young and he had said something that displeased her. She wanted answers, but it seemed he wanted to play games, and the day had been full of enough playing for her taste. Her mind debated about this man, connecting dots she had placed before he had even stepped foot in the room, whirring and working to figure out stratagem and resolutions when it came to Tenbo.

His praise for anyone other than the clan was disheartening, to say the least, but to give it especially to an Uzumaki and a Goka? Disgusting. He should have been able to guess that if Mirai could not match them in physical might, she'd already be figuring out how to defeat them with mental prowess.

"I've no need for your guidance, Tenbo," she stated, her voice like honey: smooth and too sweet. Walls seemed to close around her, mentally and emotionally, her dark eyes seeming to examine her childhood partner growing even darker and closed off. This isolation seemed to ripple all through her, severing her very being from the realm Tenbo resided in. She was not searching for power from him, and he would have to learn that Mirai was not so power hungry that she would accept assistance with strings attached. She was not a young kitten, searching for a master to guide her and show her the true path forward. She was Mirai Uchiha, and if there was no path forward, she would burn as brightly and hot as she needed to in order to forge one. And she would do it herself. "I was curious about what trouble you've gotten yourself into, but I'll find my power myself. The offer is however... appreciated."

She pulled a file from the various stacks on her desk.

"Inoka Yamanaka, what do you know of him?" The actual file itself had very little about the man, but had been filled with various analysis of his abilities, his ties to the Hokage, and his overall function in the ability; all created by the Uchiha leader herself.


Location: "Leaf District": UMC Headquarters
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Tenbo Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​
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After the Hokage practically yelled his response, Okami swiftly left the building and went straight towards the stated area. It didn't take a genius to know that if it was given a name like "Forest of Chakra", then it was going to be a forested area, and it would be nearby and unmissable. So even as unfamiliar with Leaf District as it was, it was easy for him to make a straight beeline to the Forest of Chakra, where he saw their third teammate who tensed himself at his arrival. Not waiting for the boy to be in any way ready, Okami would speak without bothering himself with the other presence in that same area.​

"Gyoken Uchiha, on the orders of the Hokage, you are to immediately report to the village gates for a mission alongside Jin Tendo and myself, Okami Kitsune. The mission involves protection and bodyguard detail for diplomats of both Leaf District and Sand District as they engage in peace talks with neighboring nations. We'll also be working with a Sand District ninja on this. Now get moving - time is of essence."

Of course, as Okami immediately left via [Body Flicker] for the district gates he'd been brought into the district through earlier that day, he hoped that the Genin could keep a level head and stay focused on their mission. While he may ultimately be loyal to Ouza Island and his family above all else, he had no desire to be caught in a political shitstorm by the hand of some snot-nosed Genin not even a day after he'd transferred to the mainland. It was, after all, the very reason Okami had decided to play the Hokage's game until he was most certainly powerful enough to fend for himself in the event of a worst-case scenario.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District - Hokage's Office]
Passing Through Location: [Leaf District - Forest of Chakra]
Entering Location: [Leaf District - Gates]
Post Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Takeshi Hyuuga (Clone)
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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As Jin Tendo over heard the thunderous boom for a shout from Lord Suzaku, His direction in which he would have been traversing had drastically changed, moving through the streets as a walking pace, crossing through towards the training fields and forward to the Forest of Chakra, his cyan eyes stared forth. His hands remaining in his pockets as he would find himself arriving just as the Inbred Individual called Okami would debrief this so called Gyoken Uchiha of the mission before leaving by utilization of the Body Flicker Technique, Jin watching as he sighed, this supposed chunin wasting unnecessary chakra on a Technique when he could have just walked was proving that this mission would be more tedious than it should if their Chunin is wasting chakra senselessly. As he sighed, and his eyes focused on the so called Uchiha, there was a strange tension building. The Tendo's eyes rather than making direct Eye contact seemed to stare straight at the boys forehead. His hands remaining in his pockets he'd think upon himself, "So this is an Uchiha... Interesting." but as he slowly stepped froth from the foliage of bushes, Jin's voice spoke forth with a cold tone,​
"So you are the So called Uchiha Lord Suzaku sent us to get... You don't seem impressive... Well Comparing you to that Inbred, i'd say you've got better common sense and utilization over chakra... Guess I should say it is a better pleasure to meet you than having to listen to an inbred with no common sense.."
His calculated yet harsh words matched his posture as Jin Tendo slowly began removing his hands from his pockets. His Gold shaded torn coat fluttering with a breeze as he slowly raises his left hand out towards the Uchiha as a gesture of a hand shake or so it would seem.
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Location: [Leaf District - Forest of Chakra]
Post Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Takeshi Hyuuga (Clone)
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II




Whilst on his daily routine of visiting a few of his former comrades, squad mates, and ninja academy peers, as well as greeting a few shop owners who he frequented as he passed, the Aburame could be seen fiddling with his optic visor, as he played with the settings, and adjusted a few others. His vision settings changing as he scrolled through the different options contained within the programing. IR Vision, Colored Night Vision (Which was very new), and thermal vision were all at the teen's disposal. This new software update was indeed state of the art, and worth ever bit of Ryo he had received up until now.

As he was playing with his visor, the Chunin would catch something as it passed through his peripheral. Turning to face the direction in which he saw the small movement, he'd begin fiddling with his recording settings as he tried to find the footage, however the setting had not been enabled yet. Pressing a button near his ear, the visor would now begin recording what the boy was seeing, as he leapt toward the forest, aiming to get a better overview of the village.

While other's may have easily missed the movement of the small anomaly, hailing from a clan of insect practitioners, such as the Aburame, the boy knew immediately that what ever it was that flew past was not your average run of the mill species, especially around Konoha. Using his visor to zoom, he'd begin to look toward different areas of the village hoping to spot yet another glimpse of the- bees?

They were small and moved fast, but to the trained eye of Reiji they were easily discernable due to their speed and size, as no other species of insect would match the profile of these, meaning these insects were not from around here, and possibly brought here by someone, or something... As the Chunin monitored the village atop a tree branch, he'd try to follow the bee's from their point of origin, however due to the chaotic manner in which they moved, it was hard to immediately discern, though it was apparent they were looking for something, or someone.

(Interesting, I wonder if I'd be able to attract their attention...Wait no I shouldn't that could mean very bad news if these bees are under the control of a malevolent master. It'd probably be best to return the practice and send out a few droves of beetle to act as both decoys and survey drones.)

An white/gray aura would begin to envelope the boy as he prepared his jutsu. Before a "black miasma of fog" began to form around his being, as the signal for the Kikaichu to begin their surveillance of Konoha was initiated. Their motive? To disperse the bee's from freely exploring, while giving off false chakra presences, and try to collect them all in a small area, to prevent any intel about the village from returning to their handler.

The boy would also keep his attention to his surroundings as to not have his presence discovered, and as well to leap into action in case the opponent had managed to track him down first.






It was only a matter of time for Shijo to realize his place, the Roots were not like the regular Anbu. They were more secretive and probably more skilled. Periodically, he knew leadership would not be given to him so quickly even with his experience. Growth was something he did not yield yet especially within his new capacity of course someone like Takashi. With Tenbo sudden submerging within the very shadowy hallways there was a sudden silence which reapproached the two, though it was Shijo who broke the first words.

“Could you take me somewhere where I can change my clothes before we head out?” He said with a certain distinction towards Takashi.

He knew that within this large labyrinth known as the Roots headquarters there was somewhere he could change and put on something more subtle and different. Takashi was someone who knew this place and he knew he was the one to direct him. As for the orders of Tenbo Uchiha it was something that needed to be done especially by the two and they were to seek and find the apparent apprentice of Tenbo Uchiha who seemingly didn’t report to him.

Location: Konohagakure “Foundation”"
Posting Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Takeshi Hyuga
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​



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Kokezaru was walking alongside his new friend as he liked to refer to Otaru as all the while rambling on about monkey's and fruit when all off a sudden he picked up a strange scent. The scent was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time and with the appearence of the scent came the voice of an unknown figure. The figure had red hair and seemed to mention th uzumaki when looking upon them. It was clear that the man was talking to Otaru, but his scent was similar to that of Otaru a scent he had come to realise in the moment was one belonging to the chakra of the Uzumaki Clan. While it did bare a resemblance to the scent of Otaru's chakra this mysterious beings chakra was much strong strong enough to let Kokezaru know any mistake could be his last.

"Yo, Otaru do you know this dude he kinda smells like you?" asked Kokezaru nonchalantly as he rested his hands on the back of his head trying his best to ignore his natural instinct to get away from this being.


Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Tentai > Otaru > Kokezaru
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.

Skip Points: lll


Owner and Founder
Staff member

Gyoken's keen Sharingan tracked the approach of two figures as they approached. As they neared, a mixture of anticipation and curiosity filled the air. But the moment the approaching shinobi came into view, Gyoken's eyes widened comically, cartoon-like white circles replacing his usually intense gaze. Before he could fully process who it was, Okami Kitsune's voice rang out with mission details that would normally command immediate attention.​

"Gyoken Uchiha, on the orders of the Hokage, you are to immediately report to the village gates for a mission alongside Jin Tendo and myself, Okami Kitsune..."


Okami detailed the mission's high stakes involving diplomatic protection, but Gyoken was already lost in his own thoughts, barely registering the words. "What the hell are you doing here?" Gyoken blurted out, a mix of surprise and annoyance coloring his tone as he recognized Okami, the foreign shinobi who had bested him in the Chunin exams. His eyes darted to Okami's attire, noting the flak jacket usually reserved for higher-ranking shinobi in Konohagakure. "Wait, why are you wearing that outfit? When did you become a shinobi of the Leaf?" he demanded, his confusion morphing into suspicion. Before Okami could respond, another voice cut through the tension, belonging to Jin Tendo.​

"So you are the so-called Uchiha, Lord Suzaku sent us to get... You don't seem impressive... Well, comparing you to that inbred, I'd say you've got better common sense and utilization over chakra... Guess I should say it is a better pleasure to meet you than having to listen to an inbred with no common sense.." Jin's blunt assessment was both a backhanded compliment and an insult, all rolled into one.​

"And who the hell are you?" Gyoken snapped, pointing an accusatory finger at Jin. His irritation was palpable, but a sudden realization dawned on him—he was on Hokage Suzaku's direct orders. The weight of his duty overcame his personal grievances, and he sighed, resigned. His Sharingan faded, returning to the normal black onyx of his eyes as he popped a chakra pill into his mouth, quickly restoring his spent energy.

Turning to his sensei, Takashi, who had been quietly observing the scene unfold, Gyoken bowed deeply. "Thank you for taking time to teach me. I promise to be back to learn more," he said with a grateful smile, showing a rare moment of sincerity. "I'll meet you slowpokes at the gate!" he declared cheekily. Without waiting for a response, Gyoken launched himself into a sprint, bounding from tree to tree with such speed that he was just a blur, reaching the Leaf District’s gate in less than a minute.



Location: [Leaf District - Forest of Chakra]
Post Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Takeshi Hyuuga (Clone)
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Yudoku stayed within the shadows of the village as she made her way through it. She was slowly getting tired and annoyed as time went on with no sign of Lord Kage Itami anywhere. It's also unusual for her bees to be gone for so long without relaying any kind of information. Suddenly, she stops in her tracks, a strange feeling coming over her. Her Hagiri bee's. Something was wrong.
"Something's going on.." she mutters to herself. Yudoku and her bees have a very close bond that always keeps them connected to each other. They do reside in her hair after all. Yudoku pulls down her googles over her eyes, Nigiyakana Yoru: Buzzing Night. Yudoku created these googles with help from one of the elders of her clan who is known to be a bit of a tinker.

Now, under normal circumstances, this tool is used as night vision goggles, however there is a special feature that only Yudoku, the Kamizuru Clan Leader, and her Hagiri bee's has access to. The Hagiri bee, meaning "Leaf Cutter", is a formidable species of bee that, for a long time, refused to bond with a shinobi or Kunoichi. Not even her father was able to bond with them. For whatever reason though, the Hagiri bee's took a liking to Yudoku and chose her to bond with for the first time it what seems like decades.
The feature on these goggles allowed Yudoku to see faint trails of chakra left by her bee's. She is able to see all the places her bee's were but they're only visible for so long so she'll need to figure out whats going on quickly.

She slowly makes her way through the shadows, following the trails in complete silence. Being as small and light as she is at 5'3 and 115lbs, made it easy for her to move around unnoticed. Yudoku finally spot one of her bee's, standing in the shadows and watching it closely.
"Why isnt it responding..? Does it not feel me nearby..?" That's when she spots it. The Kikaichi beetle, famously used by her clans biggest rivals, the Aburame Clan. "Dammit. All I wanted was to get in, get Lord Kage and get out. Now I've seem to have caught the attention of an Aburame shinobi." Knowing that the Aburame's, like their insects, like to stick to the shadows and stay out of sight so she starts focusing and paying closer attention to her surroundings. "He'll want to have a good vantage point... a rooftop? Maybe a.." before her thought could finish she notices a glint from within a tree. The bright sun reflecting off of something.

"A tree. There you are."

Yudoku will need to make sure he doesn't notice her coming. "Amai Hogo: Sweet Protection." Her purple eyes turn golden as her family bloodline's Kekkei Genkai activates. It allows her to manipulate honey and wax that comes from beneath her skin. Yudoku furtively moves around the village, deciding it would be best to take a longer route around as to avoid detection. She swiftly makes her way, alley by alley till she closes in on her target. Yudoku unhooks the bracelet that adorned her left wrist but this was no ordinary bracelet. In fact, it wasn't a bracelet at all. Holding it in the palm of her hand, the scythe shaped "bracelet" started to curl and straighten out before growing 5x its size. This weapon was handed down to her by the Elders of the Kamizuru Clan after proving herself worthy of the title of "Clan Leader" while defending the village against the ruthless attack of the Necromancer shinobi that was looking for the Stone's Tailed Beast. This Scythe, that was once her fathers and every Clan Leader before him, now belonged to her.


Yudoku focuses her chakra to the soles of her feet to use her honey as a trampoline of sorts and launches herself high up into the tree from behind, one branch higher than what turned out to be just a young Aburame shinobi. She slams the end of the Scythe into the tree, making a loud bang and spreading her honey all along the branch and tree trunk on the other side of her.
"You know.. it's not very nice to spy.. trick and round up my friends like that Aburame. Not very welcoming of you. I thought the people here in Konoha were nice folks."


Location: [Konoha]
Posting: Reiji Aburame, Yudoku Kamizuru





The Kikaichū, considered one of Konoha's most infamous of treasures by some, were masters of espionage, just as much as their handlers. As the beetles were sent out, their directive was absolute:

Survey the area.
Locate and herd any bees that may come into view.
Locate their handler.
Act as decoys to steer the enemy away and distract.

The insects did just that, like a mindless extension of their Aburame handler. The Chunin had learned of the female's location far before she was able to discern the location of the single Kikaichū beetle that garnered her attention. Adjusting his visor, the teen would channel his chakra into the tool, as he shared the vision of his insects. A nifty little jutsu he had specially designed for the visor in the first place, the rest of the technological modifications were just icing on the cake. The eyes of the two would meet, as she looked toward the Kikaichū unaware that her rival was gazing back toward her. A smirk would cross the teen's face.

"Gotcha. Iwa-Kunoichi. No doubt you hail from the Kamizuru with the bees flying around."

The Aburame knew well about their Hidden Stone adversaries, just as much as the Kamizuru knew of the Aburame. The two clans possessed a rivalry not unlike that of the Uchiha and Senju of old, long before Hidden Villages had ever been established. As he watched the Kunoichi from the Kikaichu's perspective, he'd begin taking steps to prepare for her inevitable interception. The Chunin would take advantage of the jutsu he had prepared before, as he generated an exact copy of himself. The glare that captured the Kunoichi's attention would signal the completion of the insect clone as it materialized. By the time she took note of his "location" the Aburame was already gone as he moved to take another position.

The clone of the Chunin would remain stationary, as the Kunoichi now took interest in it's position. Reiji would take note of her abilties as she lept up from the ground toward the clone's location. The clone would react to the Kamizuru's arrival as it shifted it's head straight up to her as Reiji listened to her words.

"You know.. it's not very nice to spy.. trick and round up my friends like that Aburame. Not very welcoming of you. I thought the people here in Konoha were nice folks."

The clone would begin to stand from it's squatted position, as it retorted.

"Can't ever be too cautious, after all its during times of peace where true danger seems to rear it's ugly head."

The Chunin was not directly talking about the Kunoichi before him, but rather spoke in a general sense, a wisdom beyond his years. The Chunin would begin to prepare himself to leap into action as he took note of the Scythe. He'd make his surprise attack should he find her response unsatisfactory.

"So what brings an Iwagakure Kunoichi here to Konoha, I highly doubt it's just for sightseeing, considering the number of bee's you've instructed to roam around the village. What are you looking for? Choose your words carefully."

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Naturally, Okami kept speaking as if Gyoken hadn't so rudely interrupted him, though he did opt to answer the boy's questions while following him to the Thunder Rail Train to Sand District, which meant not bothering to use a [Body Flicker] like he's originally intended. As Okami spoke though, he decided to make it clear in no uncertain terms that even though he was a transfer to Konoha, his priorities still ultimately lay with his homeland.​

"To answer your questions Gyoken, I'm here as a transfer - got here today, in fact. However! Even though I'm here as a shinobi of Konoha, was outfitted with a Konoha uniform to signify my new rank as a Chunin, and will certainly do my best to treat Leaf District as my second home, I'm still first and foremost a man of Ouza Island - only thing more important to me than that is my own family. As a compromise, I was granted full dual-citizenship, which allows me to freely travel between the two nations completely unhindered unless I'm assigned a mission that takes me elsewhere. In fewer words, as long as our nations aren't enemies, I myself am not your enemy. On a more personal note, I'd greatly prefer it staying that way."

It was true - Okami had no desire to become enemies with the very nation he'd been transferred to and was officially his second home since aside from the Hokage's attitude (considering it wasn't all that difficult to figure out the man was ruled by his emotions on a level that could be nothing but detrimental to himself and those around him which was never a good thing), Leaf District actually wasn't too different from his place of birth if one could look past the fact the place was significantly more modernized, was much larger, and was either cooler or hotter than his homeland depending on where exactly an individual was at any given moment.

He also just knew that Gyoken remembered him, but he was hopeful that his teammate could put aside whatever animosity he may be feeling towards him regarding being bested in the Chunin Exams - at least until they returned. If nothing else, Okami was expecting Gyoken to be curious as to why Okami was being sent out on a mission in charge of other Genin not even a full twenty-four hours after being transferred, though Okami had his suspicions. From what he knew regarding protocols, it was standard procedure to assign a transfer ninja a mission suitable for his or her known skill and rank in order to see if the ninja in question could be trusted to carry out missions for the nation they'd been transferred to as if that nation was their homeland. Truth be told, Okami would have done the same in Suzaku's boots regardless, just not almost immediately after a transfer ninja got to the district.
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Leaving Location: [Leaf District - Forest of Chakra]
Entering Location: [Leaf District - Thunder Rail Train Station]
Posting Order: Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II

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