
Enter Gum Clone!
Inside the mine, there was a chilling silence, interrupted not by screams but the wet squelch of metal stabbing into flesh. The Clone Gamu had made would steer into the maze of tunnels, the once warm orange light of the mine flickering and tinged red from a previous slaughtering of workers. As he entered deeper, Gamu's clone would swiftly hear the pickax's growing louder only to bend a corner and find several of these rogue puppets stabbing into a lifeless miner. The puppets' heads spinning on their shoulders as a final stab into the corpse would halt their movement, each ones hollow lifeless face looking Gamu's way.
Loud disturbing clacking would then send them into a frenzy as they rushed the gum clone. Carelessly devoid of logic, the mass of puppets would collapse on the Gamu they thought was real. Picks swinging from every direction, they'd find their mark reveling in the fresh blood that was about to burst from this boy's corpse. Yet there was none to come, if the picks found their mark they instead would be met with a vicus thick substance that was not blood at all.
Four of the three puppets would be unable to pull their pickax out of the gum clone while the others readied another attack. Their 'jaws' clacking as if communicating with others deeper into the mine where they were actively mining our the dirt to try and kill the workers trapped deeper in sunken caves.
The ones not attacking civilians and now Shinobi would continue to funnel the explosives they stole out of the secret exit in the mines air ducts.

Location: Stone District southern gate; Kaiju
Posting Order: Story ->
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll