Sand District

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Due to the actions of Gyoken and the offender that had just successfully captured the diplomat and detonated a second flash bomb, Okami's body was once again barraged by the same vibrations and thus forcing him to concentrate more on regulating his breathing - making use of the fact his eyes were already closed and that he'd been facing away from the second flash bomb to not be blinded a second time. However, even now he refused to open his eyes as his breathing became steadier and he continued to attempt to force himself into a state of hibernation. Unfortunately, that plan was thrown right out the window (almost literally) when the train was derailed immediately after the flash bomb went off. Thanks to where and how he was positioned, Okami was spared from being thrown around despite still getting some slight bruising which healed in moments.

As such, he would finally resolve to open his eyes and look around after the additional blinding light dissipated, and depending on whether or not Gyoken was thrown around with his eyes and ears temporarily disabled due to just how sudden the derailing was and the sheer timing of that flash bomb, Okami would take a few moments to memorize the scent of the diplomat's scent. This was possible due to those deep breaths aiding in that same process thanks to his especially keen sense of smell. Afterwards, with what little thought process he was capable of, he would steel himself and his resolve and force himself to crawl out of the broken window, not caring about the glass cutting into his skin as he did so and dropped onto the ground below on his stomach - the wounds were already beginning to steadily heal themselves, which was signified by steam visibly rising out of the cuts he'd gained from climbing through the broken window, and he was lucky enough to not land on any glass shards. In the process, he noted (much to his displeasure) that there was a clear limit to his healing abilities: His eardrums had been destroyed, making his healing unable to do anything more than stop the blood loss. The change in surroundings also proved a welcome thing as the worst of his crippled condition was already being alleviated due to all the additional vibrations screwing around with his body now having open air to go to, thus allowing him to steadily regain clarity of mind. However, it would still be some time before he could stand on his own due to the loss of his ability to hear still having a nasty effect on his sense of balance.

But that didn't matter at the moment, and even less if the Sunagakure team was on the way there. What did matter to him, with his ability to think becoming more coherent with the change in surroundings regardless of whether he crawled out of the train or if Gyoken was able to carry him out, was that he was being forced to realize what his decision to not go on foot had resulted in. He had no idea if the train being derailed was the result of either Gyoken or Jin, but the fact stood that his decision to take the train had been what put countless innocent civilians at risk. That was on him, but hindsight was 20-20. All they could do now was wait for reinforcements and pray there was a healer among them so that his ears could be fixed, at which point he would make it known that due to the fact he had the Leaf diplomat's scent memorized, the mission could still be salvaged.

As his body continued to steadily recover from the sound-based onslaught, Okami would force himself to sit up and lean against the wall of the derailed train car, proceeding to look around and take note of the direction the scents had departed in - that was important. He only hoped that reinforcements realized that they were running late and were on their way in this direction. Using his still-hampered ability to use chakra, the Kitsune would unseal a blank scroll and a pen from his calligraphy kit, and start to write a detailed report on everything that had happened so far that he was aware of - he would need Gyoken and Jin to fill in the blanks for the parts he was out of commission for. As much as he hated certain protocols, he was unable to deny that they were necessary at this moment - it also helped him regain his full ability to focus and concentrate on a single thing at once, thus speeding up his mental recovery. He also noted that when he'd unsealed these items, he'd used up a bit more chakra than he should have, but with this chance to rest, recover, and regroup, it made little difference.

As things were, the team was currently in no shape to go after the captured diplomat - not when Okami was unable to fight, and Gyoken likely reeling from the kill he'd thought he'd made, which the Kitsune had felt occur through the sound-based vibrations in the air. As for Jin... Jin's condition and location was unknown to him at the moment, but he suspected the other Genin on his team was the cause of the train being derailed - although he reasoned that it could have also just as easily been Gyoken. Either way, regardless of who did it, something strong enough to achieve such a feat could not have happened without there being a price tag attached - especially for a Genin, something he knew all too well. But more importantly, the actions of both Jin and Gyoken reflect on him as their current team leader, which ultimately made their actions his responsibility. In other words, he was regretting not fighting back and requesting a mission that he could have done on his own.

Such were the thoughts of one Okami Kitsune, who realized that all of this was ultimately his own fault. All of this was the result of his own decision to go to Sunagakure by train instead of on foot as was ordered of him, and for once in his life he found himself wishing he'd followed that order. However, what was done was done - so as he forced himself onto his feet while using the train car as a surface to lean on, adrenaline and sheer force of will fueling his every move, he resolved to do better from now on. To not rush everything, and to actually take the time to consider the possible consequences of his actions before acting when required of him. In his eagerness to prove himself, he had forgotten to do exactly that. However, he also made sure to make a mental note to remind the Hokage that he had no prior real experience under his belt and as such had no business being assigned such an important mission - he also realized that he really had no business being a Chunin just yet as a result, as inexperienced as he was. He had the mind and the raw ability for it, but his experience on real missions was nonexistent. He needed to fix that, and only then would he consider himself worthy of the rank of Chunin.
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Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Derailed)]
Current Post Order: [Story/Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha]
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Jin Name Tag.jpg

With the train completely derailed and flipped, Jin stood his hand remaining concealed in his jackets pocket as he watched, observing as Okami had managed to climb his way out of the Vehicle. Following him would be the many citizens, with no casualties from the flipping of the train just minor to moderate injuries that will heal over time. As the Tendo watched as the Kitsune Chunin leaned against the flipped train, the Tendo's attention slowly diverted to watching as many others continued to climb out of the vehicles cabins. He pondered if the Uchiha was able to keep the Diplomat safe, and yet something in his gut seemed to stir, he knew not of why or the reason but some form of stirring ominous sensation began to dwell itself in his gut. As Jin watched carefully, he had not once seen the diplomat or the Uchiha yet exit the private cabin, but shortly after, as the Uchiha managed to free himself from the cabin Jin's eyes focused and almost widened as he'd notice the Diplomat not with him. As he watched the team escape safely, Jin's glowing cyan eyes began to shift back to a standard plain almost dull cyan pigmentation away from the sight of his team. It would be here that Jin began walking at a steady pace, keeping a stoic and calm expression, doing his best to subside the pain of his broken finger as he approached the other two. Noticing small blood stains off f Okami's ears, it would be apparent that the Kitsune was now unable to hear as something inside his ears had ruptured, what exactly was unknown to Jin. Each step that drew him closer inevitably brought him to stand before the other two, his calm expression facing them as he spoke with a tone almost too calm from what he has displayed,
"Gyoken right? What happen to the diplomat? As for you Kitsune, are you alright?"
He asked as he stood as many citizens stayed in their groups away from the shinobi, Jin standing with his hands in his pockets stared forth towards the two slowly leaning his back against the flipped cabin taking a breather as he would use this time to recollect and gather possible information from Gyoken as it would be clear Okami wouldn't be able to hear their conversation but should be able to read their lips. From the distance where the destroyed vehicle still had a plumage of smoke rising to the sky, along with the private cabins smoke still escaping this would act as a beacon of sorts, should the Sand district be sending aid, this would be a crucial possible S.O.S signal. As the Tendo kept his breathing steady and stable, doing his best to conceal the pain he was feeling with a calm expression, inside his pocket his hand trembled from the pain, his finger still a dark purple from his bones being broken. Though due to the thickness of his coat seeing any trembling was impossible, and yet as he leaned against the metalic cabin's roof that faced them, he would wait for the update from both Okami's condition and Gyoken's answer.
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Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Derailed)]
Current Post Order: [Story/Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha]
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Owner and Founder
Staff member



Gyoken's senses were overwhelmed by the flash bomb's blinding light and piercing sound. As he lashed out instinctively, his claws met not flesh but the hard surface of a suitcase—his target was merely an illusion in the chaos. The disorientation from the assault forced him to his knees, providing the perfect opportunity for the enemy to seize the Leaf Diplomat. In the tense moments that followed, as the high-pitched ringing and dazzling light began to fade, Gyoken’s vision gradually cleared, returning to its sharp, precise focus, and the ringing in his ears subsided, leaving him to grapple with the reality of the situation. The empty space where the diplomat had been was a stark testament to his failure. His heart plummeted—this was not just a mission failure, but a personal defeat, and the imagined voice of his father's disapproval echoed in his mind, amplifying his distress.

The pain of disappointment was visceral, and as he sat there on his knees, a surge of emotions overwhelmed him, spilling out as a river of tears. “Damn it!” His shout echoed through the now quiet train car, a raw outburst of frustration and regret. But his sorrow quickly gave way to a rising tide of anger. He felt the chakra of Matatabi stirring within, seeping through the cracks of his faltering composure, tempting him to succumb to its destructive embrace. It was then that Jin’s voice pierced through the turmoil, redirecting Gyoken’s spiraling thoughts.
“Gyoken, right? What happened to the diplomat? As for you, Kitsune, are you alright?”​

The concern in Jin’s tone was a lifeline back to reality. Relief washed over Gyoken as he realized his teammates were still with him, alive and not fully broken. With a deep, steadying breath, he pushed himself to his feet and approached Jin and Okami, his resolve hardening. “I apologize, my overconfidence is what got the Leaf Diplomat kidnapped,” he admitted, his gaze dropping to the ground, unable to meet the eyes of his comrades. Yet, within him, determination took root once more. “I won’t give up, though,” he declared, his voice firm, his fist clenched. He pointed to a set of distinct business shoe prints etched in the sandy floor of the train. “Look at the business shoe footprint he left. We still have a chance to redeem ourselves.”

Gyoken turned to Okami with a hopeful smile, an idea sparking in his mind. “I have an idea if you’re interested.” He recalled a technique from their earlier sparring at the Chunin exams. “That hair jutsu you used during the chunnin exams—it could help us leave a trail for Sunagakure if they send a team to assist in tracking the diplomat and us"

His strategy laid out, Gyoken looked to Okami, trusting his ability to pick up the scent. “Can you take the lead on this, Okami?” His eyes conveyed not only a plea for help but a deep-seated faith in his teammate's abilities. As they prepared to move out, Gyoken’s spirit, though tested, was unbroken, fueled by a renewed commitment to their mission and to his comrades by his side.

Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Derailed)]
Current Post Order: [Story/Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha]
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Staff member




Wandering with Oboro away from the crowd of admirers to their newest Kazekage. Despite his new role as Kazekage, Shishiō still wasn't used to having so many eyes on him. Years spent behind the scenes as a puppeteer had accustomed him to the shadows. Seizes the opportunity to leave the crowd for now and does so quickly. Knowing that his new title and work as the village's leader means that he must one day get used to being in the spotlight. However as they moved further from the bustling square, the sounds of the festival and the laughter, music, and vendors hawking their wares would begin to fade. The loud noises slowly get replaced by the quieter, more subdued atmosphere of a less frequented part of the village. Shishiō took a deep breath, savoring the brief moment of calm. "So many people..." he muttered to himself, the weight of his new responsibilities pressing down on him. Oboro, sensing his friend's unease, waited until they reached a secluded spot before voicing his request. "Kazekage-sama, there's something I need to discuss with you. It's about a set of puppets."

Shishiō's demeanor changed instantly at the mention of puppets. Being a puppeteer at heart, he could not ignore a request about puppets , no matter the importance of them. But these weren't just any puppets, they were custom-made for a member of the Puppet Brigade, crafted with precision and care. His eyes widened with excitement, and he looked at Oboro with a huge smile, almost childish one could say. "Why didn't you say anything earlier, Oboro?!" Shishiō asks bluntly, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. Just like if this were the most crucial information he could have received all night.

"We've been going in the wrong direction!" Shishiō declared, still keeping his arm around Oboro as he steered him almost forcefully in the right direction. He began walking quickly, his pace hurried and determined. "Hurry up, man! We cannot, and I repeat, CAN NOT let the puppets wait even a second longer than necessary!" This time, as they headed back towards the crowd, Shishiō showed no signs of hesitation or unease. The nervousness and uncertainty that had marked his earlier interactions were gone, replaced by a singular focus. "Move! Out of the way, please!" He shouted, his voice carrying authority as he and Oboro half-ran towards the part of the market they needed to reach. The market is massive and has several stalls and vendors. Each one calling for the attention of the festival-goers. Shishiō's senses were bombarded by the marketplace, but he remained undeterred. His mind was set on one thing, retrieving the puppets.

When they weaved through the crowd, Shishiō couldn't help but feel a rush of nostalgia. The market had been a familiar place to him in his youth, a maze of sights and sounds where he had once roamed freely. Now, as Kazekage, he saw it through different eyes. The responsibility of leadership weighed heavily on his shoulders, however in moments like these, he felt a connection to his past and his people. Finally, they arrived at a stall tucked away in a quieter corner of the market. This stall was mainly for puppets and puppeteers. An elderly man with a kind smile greeted the two men. "Kazekage-sama, Oboro-san, I've been expecting you." He said, gesturing to a beautifully crafted set of puppets displayed behind him. Shishiō's eyes lit up with joy as he examined the puppets. Each one was a masterpiece, crafted with great attention to detail. "These are perfect!" His voice filled with genuine admiration.

Unfortunately, Shishiō does not have time to admire the puppets for long. Soon after his inspection begins, the same ANBU from earlier arrives with urgent news. “Kazekage-sama, the Hokage has called for an meeting with the five Kage's of the hidden villages.” Shishiō just stares at the masked man and rolls his eyes. “What is it with people today? Messages here, meetings there.” Shishiō grumbles, his frustration can be seen by anyone looking at him. Just as he’s about to continue his complaint, a bird lands gracefully on his shoulder, a small message tied around its leg. He carefully removes the note, quickly scanning its contents. “Oboro, come with me and bring the puppets. I want to inspect them as soon as I finish this meeting.”

Without wasting any more time, Shishiō follows the ANBU. Using the Body Flicker Technique, they vanish from the market, reappearing moments later at the Kazekage building. Shishiō strong match to his office, where he notices a screen flashing, a signal that a call is waiting for him. Sitting down at his desk, he presses a button under the table to answer the call. As the screen connects, he places the note from the bird on the table beside him, glancing at it while waiting for the other Kage to join the call. The room falls silent as Shishiō's gaze shifts between the note and the flashing screen. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever news the Hokage might bring. As the connection stabilizes and the faces of the other Kage appear on the screen, Shishiō sets aside his distractions, ready to address the matters at hand.



Location: Sunagakure festival Market - Kazekage building
Post Order: Shishio (Leaving for a meeting) → Oboro → Suzaku
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


"As much as they lost contact, and I believe they were attacked as well, it would be too strange if it were a sandstorm due to the lack of extreme winds today."

Kiyoka managed to get a response just before Kazeemi spoke again; all the redhead could do was listen. She admits that the other female is very talkative. In this situation, there's good communication; the mission will succeed. Kiyoka relayed another response towards her peer.

"Of course! I do hope the diplomats are safe, or they kept them safe, at least. But of course, if they were injured in the process, I'd also need to heal them."

Kiyoka listened to Kazeemi even more and nodded in response so that she could take on the enemy due to their abilities. Kiyoka was mainly for a supporting role rather than being an offence kunoichi. Kazeemi, on the other hand, was the opposite; she appeared to be more for offence than a supporting role. This worked out for the two females, especially if one was to get badly injured. Well, Kazeemi was heavily wounded, and Kiyoka could heal her with the clan's speciality. Being bitten by those who needed to be healed gets healed within minutes with her being bitten.

As they sprinted towards their target location, Kiyoka looked straight ahead and saw a derailed cart, presuming it was the train that had gone missing. Kiyoka looked up towards Kazeemi and shouted to inform the purple-haired female.

"Kazeemi... I think I see a derailed train cart ahead!!"

Current Location: Sand train station
Post Order: Kiyoka-> Kazeemi
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


Staff member

His form was still in the process of materializing, or at least it appeared that way. By utilizing the sand body technique, he had the ability to partially transform his body between flesh and bone and convert it back into sand at will. He was acutely aware of the woman's use of magnet release, sensing the manipulation of the iron sand around him through his heightened perception through the sand body technique. The forces of magnetism in the environment were also apparent to him, as he too was skilled in controlling magnetic forces. Although his grains of sand had not directly interacted with hers, he could sense their vibrations through indirect means. While her chakra had not made contact with his, he was not deterred by a display of power. He had no intention of altering his trajectory, and any attempt to disrupt his course would be easily outpaced by his speed.

She began her assault with the formation of attempting a hand seal, aiming to channel her chakra into a powerful technique. By disrupting this seals, he knew he could impair her chakra control, thereby affecting the execution and speed of her attack. Despite this advantage, he could sense that he was far from facing an easy opponent. His mastery of the sand body technique was unmatched and should not be underestimated. While his legs appeared to be firmly planted on the ground, a closer look would reveal they were composed primarily of grains of sand and afloat. His upper body and fists, on the other hand, were solid, with their mass and density reinforced by the surrounding sand particles.

As the woman smirked confidently at him, he could not help but feel a surge of irritation at her arrogance, especially when she attempted to cheat. A growl escaped his lips as he felt the ground beneath him shifting through vibrations, threatening to unbalance him. In response, he unleashed a powerful torrent of sand from his adjacent hand, which clashed with the rising iron sand and stalemated her advance. Determined to overpower her, he used his strategic positioning to his advantage. With his hand angled downward, he leveraged gravity, momentum, and velocity to generate a forceful impact that could effectively restrain the heavier iron sand. His fist then collided with the woman's forehead with a resounding thud. However, his anger grew as he instantly realized that her defense was formidable and that this battle would be more challenging than he had anticipated.
"Such arrogance back down now!"

Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> Shabaka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​




Oboro followed the pace of Lord Shishio as they continued speaking about the puppets that were awaiting them at the shop, his long hair trailing behind him as the two of them hurried through the crowd. The urgency in their stride caught the attention of a few festival-goers, but most were too engrossed in the celebrations to notice. Oboro was finally starting to get excited since his old puppets were about to be replaced with new ones. He had waited eagerly for this moment, the culmination of his vision and the blacksmith's craftsmanship. As they weaved through the crowd, the sights and sounds of the festival became a blur. The blacksmith's store was just ahead, its warm glow spilling onto the street. Finally after eventually arriving at the blacksmith area, Oboro and Shishio stepped inside. The blacksmith, a burly man with soot-streaked skin, looked up from his workbench and smiled.
Blacksmith: Kazekage-sama, Oboro-san, I've been expecting you.

Oboro's eyes widened as he approached the workbench. There, displayed in ghostly splendor, were his new puppets. They were exactly as he had imagined them—ethereal and haunting, with pale, almost translucent exteriors that seemed to shimmer in the light. Their forms were elegant and menacing, with details that made them look like specters from another world. The special translucents clothes, the featureless faces, the puppets as a whole were the exact replica of what he had imagined in his mind. He reached out, his fingers brushing against the cool surface of one of the puppets and noticed a mysterious necklace on one which he was curious about.
Oboro: These are perfect. They're exactly how I envisioned them. But I do have a question, what is the neck--.

However, his sentence was cut short by Lord Shishio requesting that Oboro accompany him. Oboro's surprise was evident. He hadn't expected to be invited to a meeting with the Kazekage, it must be important enough for an ANBU to relay the message. With that, Oboro reached into his pouch and pulled out a hefty stack of Ryo, totaling 45,000. He handed it to the blacksmith, along with a bit extra as a gesture of appreciation.
Oboro: Thank you for your incredible work. This is more than worth the cost. I'll figure out the answer to the quest I had about the necklace later on. I'll definitely be back should they need any repairs or upgrades.

With a swift motion, Oboro activated the Body Flicker Technique, his form blurring before fully vanishing from his spot in the marketplace along with his new puppets resting over his shoulders. Eventually, Oboro's form once again reformed itself within the Kazekage building and followed Lord Shishio into the office. As Oboro stood there, he realized the significance of the moment. He was part of something far greater than he had anticipated. As such, he remained standing behind the Kazekage at a bit of a distance to observe what was about to unfold.


Location: Sunagakure festival Market - Kazekage building
Post Order: Shishio → Oboro → Suzaku
Time Limit: 3 Days

Skip Points: 2



Hariku, Angel from Hell


Hariku took the moment to measure him up, she had to admit that he was impressive, his versatility of his sand was something Kage rarely achieve, she was impressed enough to usher in her own power, while he had halted the connection between her fingers and her pillars, Hariku’s usage of the Dharma technique was fabled and unique to her - the pointing of her fingers where but a ruse, not entirely true. Think of a conductor conducting a musical, her fingers are only the instruction, not to mark the end of her technique.

She had a large smile on her lips, almost as if she had been consumed by her own “beast” . A single fang hangs from her lower lip while her smile turns into a smirk. He was quick. This wasn’t going to be a straightforward fight or training session, in what seemed like the blink of an eye however the area around Hariku flashed in a pink light that would blind those too close to her. Her Iron Sand would follow suit and become positively charged with ions creating a greater attraction to metallic surfaces, chakra and skin all while harnessing the natural destructive power of Lightning, each grain of iron sand jolted with electricity, unfortunately for Shabaka her lightning infused iron sand would shred through his torrent assault of Sand, thus nullifying his gravitational advantage.


Yet this isn’t all what Hariku had planned, she planned on pushing him to his limit - once the torrent of sand would be diminished and obliterated it began its own torrent assault toward Shibaka, while she didn’t aim to strike him down, her iron sand would constrict around his arm in result of the destruction of his own torrent assault, while her Iron Sand’s is positively charged with electricity in its current state only provided a numbing zap to any flesh it makes contact with, enough to halt the ability to manifest sand entirely from his body.

During this exchange the pillars Hariku had created began to ripple and shake, the purple hues activating on their own as a result to no “conductor” they activate without needing instruction, while her own torrent iron sand would have grappled onto his own arm, she would simply point toward her own pillars, revealing their glowing hue to Shabaka.

“Don’t let them touch you.”

She said like a mad woman, her voice crackling and her iris’s twitching with anticipation.


The pillars began to rapidly shake, starting off with a slow rhythmic hum that would only beat faster the longer he took.

“Didn’t you wish to talk..? Let's talk.”

Her voice now sounds like a soothing mothers, calm , collective and gentle.

What would Shabaka do?


Location: Sunagakure, Hidden Training Ground
Posting Order: Hariku -> Shabaka
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days Skip Points: ll​


Staff member
Defending the diplomat had been a mistake, or perhaps it had simply been the wrong group of shinobi assigned to the task. They lacked coordination and the aptitude to pay close attention, leading to a horrific situation. Their failure to provide effective security had placed not only the diplomat but also the entire mission on the brink of catastrophic collapse. Now, their physical bodies would be put to the ultimate test. The two shinobi in close proximity to the man in the blue suit were now tasked with surviving an ordeal based on various factors: their endurance and the luck that might follow them.

As a dazzling, blinding light continued to disorient and confuse the opposition, the shinobi barely had a moment to gather themselves before being met with a tremendous explosive force. An insanely compact, tailored suitcase, riddled with countless explosive tags, erupted with unbridled strength. The explosive force propelled in all directions simultaneously, with enough pressure to burst through steel and enough heat to char it. It was a merciful act, perhaps, considering it promised a quick death.

Everyone in the private cabin was expected to be torn asunder, charred beyond recognition. Given their close proximity, it would take a miracle for the two Leaf shinobi to survive as the rest of the passengers burned and were blown away. The explosive pressure and force traveled through the cabin, puncturing holes, tearing apart its structural integrity, and sending flames bursting through windows. Amidst this chaotic, one-off, rallied explosion, the kidnappers of the diplomat were already on the move, dashing towards the Sunagakure Peninsula. They would arrive there in due time.

For now, the Leaf and Sand shinobi would have to contend with the immediate damage and the dire consequences of the catastrophic event that had just unfolded.

Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded)]
Current Post Order: [Story/Story/Diplomat/Body Guards -> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha]
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Kazeemi breathed a sigh of relief when her teammate agreed to their positioning in what was soon to come. It was one less person who could get in the way. Having been working and training primarily on her own, it was more difficult for Kazeemi to strategize around the movements and abilities of others - especially so for those she wasn’t familiar with. However, as the pit grew heavier in her stomach, she was glad that Kiyoka was there for her. Sealing and healing were not in her repertoire and they were invaluable assets to have in a team. The right support could change the tide of any battle or predicament. The biggest concern, now, was the team from Konoha. Kazeemi bit the inside of her cheek as she fretfully pondered. She hoped they were an experienced team, close knit and well trained. A group who had each other’s backs; who knew how to battle around their allies’ abilities. Hopefully a Jonin with maybe some Chunin at their side. It was easier to find a synergy around a united coaction. Yes, she nodded to herself, that would give them their best odds.

It was when that little glimmer of hope sat on her shoulders and nestled in to ease her worry that she saw it: the trail of smoking lifting up the sky. Like a signal flare, it was a foreboding beacon heralding trouble and Kazeemi sprinted towards it as fast as her feet could take her. She worried not only for the safety of the diplomat and the allied shinobi, but for the train and the countless innocents it contained.

Kiyoka saw it first, calling out that there was a derailed train ahead. Not seconds later, Kazeemi spotted it, too - the cabins tipped onto their sides and splayed across the sands. They were so close, so near to helping, and then-

A flash of light.

A thunderous roar.

A plume of flame.

Time came to a halt as the image seared into Kazeemi’s mind. Fire bellowed through the sky, erupting around the soaring, mangled husks of the train. Bodies rained from the sky. A carnal scream, soundless against the crash of the explosion, ripped through her throat as she reached out toward disaster, unable to stop it. Terror seized her chest, closing the gap to disaster. The closer they arrived, the worse the scene became. Blood stained the ground, molten husks and fiery pieces of the train cabins jutted out from the sands like broken bones. Corpses were strewn across the ground, what limbs there were, were bent and wrenched in unnatural directions. Screams and wails filled the air, the civilians furthest from the explosion trying to pull themselves from the heinous wreckage.

Her mind went numb and her body reacted of its own accord. She jumped over the bodies and debris, heading to the worst of the flames, the source of the explosion. In a singular motion, she withdrew both of her fans and snapped her wrists to unfurl them. Bringing the two together, she then flung the two apart, sending a raging whirlwind through the flames to extinguish the brunt of them as if blowing out the largest candle she had ever seen. She hoped to clear out the cabin - or what was left of it - and stop the flames from spreading even further. She had no idea if anyone was still inside - the diplomat, the Konoha shinobi, or even civilians, but clearing out the flames may give them an idea as to what happened, the source of the explosion, and potentially offer assistance should there still be anyone left alive. Her eyes flitted across the scene of destruction, looking for the shinobi, the diplomat, or the accursed assailants. Kazeemi hoped they would still be alive and silently rested her trust into her comrade and her healing abilities. Kiyoka’s strengths would prove pivotal in the coming moments.


Current Location: [Sand District - Thunder Rail Train (Flipped/Exploded)]
Current Post Order: [Kazeemi Sato-> Okami Kitsune -> Jin Tendo -> Gyoken Uchiha -> Kiyoka Uzumaki -> Story/Diplomat/Body Guards
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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