Stone District





Takeo Yamazaki the primary elder of the village was walking through the streets of Iwagakure, Nodding in respect to those he passed in the street. Passing several shops selling food and colorful clothing Takeo would approach, a group of Jonin in special gear. In light of the Tsuchikage's absence, The Elders decided they would launch a project they had thought about ever since Taichi was given the Four Tails chakra demon. Their ANBU clothing was made to represent a group of shinobi that willingly seek and fight monsters of chakra. He would still have to pass this idea to his Son the Tsuchikage, Itami, but Takeo had faith his boy would pass the decree.

Speaking with him briefly, a gold-masked ANBU would flicker next to Takeo. Lean into his shoulder and whisper about Taichi's arrival. This information prompted Takeo to wrap his words with the Shinobi in front of him, as he headed off toward the direction of the Tsuchikage's Office, he sighed as he went. " Tachi is finally back, That's good. "

Takeo finally reached the office, pushing the door open and looking firstly upon Taichi. He strolled up to him and placed his hands on his shoulders. " Glad you are safe, We have.. " Takeo stopped short, the Tsuchikage's desk had a red glow slowly flashing behind the two Yamazaki's. " So a summit has officially been called then." Takeo sighed, " Taichi, wait here for your father to return, he is surely with the Hokage. We will gather any Shinobi we can and get supplies ready."

Takeo would then leave the room and head to a special meeting room with a large metallic stone with a crystal in the center. There a few shinobi with headgear and tubes were connected to the crystal, sending out widespread communication genjutsu to those in the village that call themselves Shinobi.

"Gather supplies we can spare and bring them to the Tsuchikage's courtyard." Takeo would then walk back into the Tsuchikage's office as they awaited Shinobi.


Location: Stone District
Posting Order: Elder/ANBU -> Taichi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.


Academy Student


It was just another pleasant day for Hibiki. Working in the forge quickly causes people to feel sunburnt if they're unprepared, which Hibiki, unfortunately for her, was. She thought refilling her crucible would be fine for a few moments but failed to realize that since she uses lava to heat it, it makes the inside insanely hot. The heat blasted her all across the body, causing a massive amount of pain. After recovering as much as she could, Hibiki retreated to her front desk, waiting for customers. Hibiki had an ice bucket to help with her heat burn, and she dumps ice water on her body now and then.

As it stands, Hibiki's not going anywhere for a while and might as well wait for customers who want to make orders. Not that she's had any embarrassing enough.


Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Hibiki ->
Post Time Limit (PTI): Take your time
Skip Points: ll


Owner and Founder
Staff member


Kaminari patrolled Iwagakure diligently. With both Lady Yudoku of the Kamizuru Clan and Tsuchikage Itami absent, she felt a heightened responsibility to ensure the village remained secure. Her rounds took her through the bustling streets of the Stone District, affirming her commitment to its safety. Eventually, her path led her to the renowned Hibiki Forge, a volcanic smithy famed for its master blacksmith, Jūryoku Hibiki. Cautious of the potential dangers posed by the molten lava inside, Kaminari paused at the entrance and called out, "Hey Lady Hibiki, are you okay?" Her voice echoed back, cutting through the heat-hazed air, as she awaited a response from the legendary artisan.

Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Hibiki -> Kaminari ->
Post Time Limit (PTI): 48-72 hours
Skip Points: ll​


Academy Student

As Hibiki poured another batch of fresh cold water on herself, she heard the sounds of another woman who had approached her shop. Looking briefly at who it was, I noticed that someone Hibiki didn't recognize yet knew her. It's probably some higher-up Jonin or a psychic. Her bets were on psychic. Anyway, Hibiki would quickly reply to the stranger who darkened her doorstep.

"Oh, yes, everything is fine. There was just a little accident in the forge today. Did you read the signs on the door, though?" Hibiki asked, referring to the signs she had out for The Volcano warning that molten lava was used in her forging process. She didn't want anyone injured if she asked for help with forging for any reason or if anyone touched it, god forbid.

"If you did, great. Were you interested in a custom order? Or are you here for a repair?" That was Hibiki's business mode. They can sell special weapons with unique methods involving some chakra via custom orders or regular shinobi weapons like katanas or kunai for anyone wanting to stock up.


Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Hibiki -> Kaminari ->
Post Time Limit (PTI): Take your time
Skip Points: ll





A week ago:

Wrapping up the meeting of the other kage, Itami knew it was time to gather any assets remaining in the Leaf District and take them back to the Stone. Firstly having the gold mask ANBU gathers Yudoku and has her escorted along with himself back to the Stone District via the fastest route.

After nearly throwing a fit about not being able to fish during the ship ride home, Itami got over it and returned to the Stone District in about four of the days since leaving the Leaf's Village. He instead thought of ways to approach the Allied Shinobi squads during this time. The district lacked distinct Shinobi, that would be able do much at this moment. He would for sure need an assistant able to help him with the paperwork of what he had in mind as his first task.

Secondly, he would have to deal with an upset Taichi that he was being sent off yet again. " Ah well, he has that beast to tame. " Itami thought. With the Jinchuriki of willing participants heading to Nagi Academy to be trained, not all the Kage were on board with this idea. Itami thought it would just build character and create bonds that might never have been seen in the past.

After a small bit of traveling Itami would start by preparing large carts with supplies to be put together, each with a large amount of medical supplies, food, water, clothing, blankets, jarred honey, seeds, and firewood.



As the morning crept upon them, Several of the gold mask ANBU would take the sides of a large cart headed by one of Itami's Summon bears. Each one was connected to a harness to pull the cart of supplies that was nicely strapped in and secure. Paper seals are placed on the packaging so that only the gold mask ANBU may release their bindings. Itami would walk out from under a colorful fabric overhanging the streets of Stone; " Awesome, these look good. Make sure they get to the Rain District in one piece. Momo and her cubs are good bears, they won't get lost. These packages look good. " Itami would say as he approaches the last of the carts in the line of several and pat the cart on it's rear corner.

Nodding to the squad of ANBU that are meant to shadow the carts, Itami would look around for Taichi and the other villagers he could send to protect these packages. Taichi was going so he could depart for Nagi island after the package arrived in the Rain District. Looking up the street Itami would spot Kaminari, peeking her head into Hibiki Forge. Itami left the ANBU to finish securing the package as he walked the few yards up the street to where Hibiki Forge was located and placed his hands on his hips allowing his large fur coat to sweep back; " Yo Kaminari, the forge is a strange place to see you looking into? Oh yeah, Do you know of anyone I can send with Taichi to watch over that package of supplies I'm having sent to the Rain District? Taichi's gonna take it on a boat across the way to Rain then catch another boat back to Nagi Island to get a head start on his new training. Would like it if someone else went with him. "

Itami poked his head into the Forge and looked around, a work of art this building was, and glad it didn't suffer that badly in the attack that was not too long ago. " Yo Hibiki, how ya doing? You know, if you're not busy would you mind doing a pretty cumbersome order? Was thinking of looking to the Technology District to see if there was some way we could make an allied shinobi tool or even some kind of Kunai that might give our allies and ourselves an edge in this mystery conflict we have found ourselves in. Might be worth your time to get a lead on it if this is something you'd wanna lead yourself. "

Itami's deep voice would stop rambling there as he looked on at the two Kunoichi and smiled. He continued to act like his half-bravado half meat head self, but inside Itami was worried about this looming threat. Tougher times were on their way and the whole world was going to have to band together to overcome it. His bones told him to leave the village and search for this threat, but he had to trust in his Shinobi and his allies that they would come through in his steed while he stayed at the ready for a threat that could ambush them when they least expect it.


Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Hibiki -> Kaminari -> Itami/ANBU ->
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​


Shiryu Nameplate.png

It felt like it has been a lifetime since he had left the academy when in reality it had only been a few years for the Chunin known as Shiryu Uzumaki who was currently sat on the ground looking up at the sky, sweat beading on his brow as his chest raised and fell rapidly as he tried to catch his breath.
"When is it i will get to meet my new team, i've been training here everyday non-stop while i wait."
Standing back up he dropped his canteen he had his water in on the ground and returned to the obstacle course he had been running. Taking a deep breath he focused himself and grounded his senses taking off sprinting he dodged and weaved between the tree trunk sections that were swinging along the course the air filled with the sound of the ropes as they groaned and twanged under the weight of holding the large chunks of wood.

Reaching the end of the segment of the course he was currently he pivoted on his right foot his right hand moving to one of the pouched on his waist behind him withdrawing several shuriken which he launched back the way he came, Each shuriken meeting its intended mark and severing the ropes that held up the tree trunk sections.

Closing his eyes time seemed to slow down as he inhaled deeply and drew his twin swords, In the blink of an eye he took off sprinting once again his blades like a streak through the air as he moved with precision cleaving each trunk into several pieces before skidding to a halt at the starting line before the pieces could even hit the ground he stood there and once again looked up at the sky.

Location: Stone District - Training Grounds


Owner and Founder
Staff member


Kaminari, renowned throughout Iwagakure as the Gravitational Princess, possessed an extraordinary ability to manipulate gravity. Her unique skill allowed her to alter the weight of objects, transcending the limits of conventional ninjutsu. Despite her decade-long residence in the village, she had never personally met Jūryoku Hibiki, the famed blacksmith of Hibiki Forge. Today, she ventured into the forge with a sense of duty, intent on introducing herself.

As she approached, Kaminari noticed Hibiki nursing a burn. Concern etched on her face, she quickly offered a jar of special honey healing ointment. "Here, use this. It’s a special honey ointment created by Lady Yudoku of the Kamizuru Clan. It should heal that burn in no time," she said, extending the jar towards Hibiki. Her cheeks flushed with a mild embarrassment when Hibiki mentioned a sign on the door she had missed. "Unfortunately, I didn’t read the sign, but thank you for letting me know. And no, I didn’t come to buy anything today. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after the recent attacks," Kaminari explained, her tone polite and sincere.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out from behind her, sparking a rush of excitement. "Lord Itami, you’re finally back and in one piece!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy as she embraced him like a long-lost family member. Relief washed over her as she learned that Taichi was also safe and headed to Nagi Island. "I can’t travel at the moment, but what about Shiryu Uzumaki? He’s at the Iwa training grounds," she suggested, confident in his capabilities as a seasoned chunin.

Her gaze then swept the area, searching for another familiar figure. "Where is Lady Yudoku, Master Itami?" Kaminari inquired, her concern for the well-being of her fellow villagers evident in her voice.

Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Hibiki -> Kaminari -> Itami/ANBU ->
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​


Academy Student

As she was handed a jar of honey, Hibiki looked surprised that she just had this on hand and gracefully accepted the honey ointment. "Oh. Thank you. I'll have to thank Lady Yudoku for this later if I can meet her." Hibiki said, wasting no time taking the honey and spreading it herself. "What's your name anyway?" Hibiki asked, unsure who she was exactly. With names, she's the worst at remembering.

After she finished speaking, she heard Lord Itami speaking to Kaminari. She was surprised to see the man here of all places; then again, she seemed to be one of the only smiths in the village. When Itami would pop his head in and speak to Hibiki directly about the order he wanted to make, Hibiki was slightly confused. She was pretty sure something was up and was unsure what he wanted her to figure out.

"Uh, Lord Itami, what exactly do you mean? I don't know the finer details of what's going on. Is there some file? Anything to hint at what I'm going for? If you want a lot of kunai, I can do that." Hibiki said, grabbing a notebook and scribbling down what Itami asked for her to make, which is so far: 'Buttload of Kunai.'


Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Hibiki -> Kaminari -> Itami/ANBU
Post Time Limit (PTI): Take your time
Skip Points: ll