Stone District



After a long and tedious journey to and throughout Konoha, and the long voyage back to the village after reuniting with Lord Kage Itami, Yudoku was indeed quite exhausted. A visit to the the compound's garden was in order. Yudoku made her way there through the dense woods that miraculous was spared from the destruction that the rest of the village sadly faced head on. Although this was the Stone Village, these woods provided the necessary environment for the Great Black Cherry Tree that protects her clan, and in turn, the village. An entrance to Hachinosu Gardens, the home of Queen Bee and her bee clan, was within that tree and only those who have signed the contract with her was allowed to walk through it. Right now, while she had the chance before being sent on another mission, Yudoku needed to recharge with a beeswax cleanse that she can only have within the garden. She smiles as she approaches the tree, arm outstretched. "Almost there."

"LADY YUDOKU!" A loud yell approaching from behind stops her, right before she could make it. "There's an member of the Anbu here looking for you." Yudoku drop her head, "So close.." she thought to herself, turning to give a sad smile to the clan member that came to get her before nodding and slinking away to find the Anbu looking for her. After receiving the message, Yudoku began to make her way to where the Anbu said Lord Kage was. "Well.. I guess this'll have to do." Pulling a small container filled with beeswax from a pouch on her belt as she walked, Yudoku rubs the concoction into her arms and face to help rejuvenate her own energy before tucking the container away and picking up the pace.


After just a few minutes, Yudoku finds herself darting through the village towards the blacksmith, seeing Lord Itami's towering figure in the distance. She finally gets to her destination, skidding to a stop just behind him.
"You were looking for me Lord Kage?"
It didn't take long for Yudoku to also notice Lady Kaminari, immediatley perking up.
"Lady Kaminari! I'm so happy to see you again."


Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Kaminari -> Hibiki -> Itami/ANBU -> Yudoku
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



"Oh. I'm popular today." Hibiki remarks as she hears someone calling out to the Tsuchikage and Kaminari - 'So that's her name.' Hibiki idly thought. - from outside her shop. She seemed to be getting more people around her forge, somehow. The Tsuchikage and some higher-ups in the Shinobi Pecking Order appeared. Truly, Hibiki had no interest in the politics of Shinobi ever since she opened The Volcano's doors. She wants to make weapons and that's all she needs to do.

It didn't seem like anyone other than Itami wanted an order from her so she'd wait for someone to ask for something that they might need by figuring out what a buttload of kunai would be. Maybe a ton of kunai is stored in one via fuinjutsu? So many questions and yet so little time and idea of what exactly she wants to do with this project. Maybe the many-in-one idea is the way to go for this sort of thing. Large-scale battles need the latest technologies. Oh, what material should she use? Obsidian seems to be the easy choice but it's too brittle for kunai. Things to think about for later, that's for sure.


Location: Stone District - The Volcano (Hibiki's Forge)
Posting Order: Hibiki -> Kaminari -> Itami/ANBU -> Yudoku
Post Time Limit (PTI): Take your time
Skip Points: ll