Rain District




In the heart of the vast lake that encircles Amegakure, a small island harbors an ancient, forgotten Shinto shrine. Veiled in a perpetual mist, the island appears as a ghostly silhouette amidst the rain that never ceases to fall, casting a melancholic atmosphere over the entire scene. The shrine is unreachable except by an old stone bridge, partially submerged in the lake’s dark waters. This bridge, though still standing, is fractured and treacherous, its stones slick with algae and time-worn cracks threatening to swallow any traveler who dares to cross. The shrine itself, once a sacred site, has been overtaken by nature and neglect. Its wooden beams are weathered and darkened from countless years of rain, rot, and abandonment. Sections of the roof have caved in, leaving jagged gaps where rainwater now freely pours inside, pooling on the floorboards that have begun to warp and splinter. The torii gate, a once-proud symbol of spiritual protection, stands broken and crooked at the entrance. Its red paint has long since faded, now a dull, splintered remnant of its former self. The gate leans at an unnatural angle, as if it could collapse into the lake at any moment, adding to the sense of fragility that surrounds the island.

A narrow stone path, worn smooth by years of rain and erosion, leads up to the shrine's entrance. Moss and lichen have taken hold along the edges of the path, creeping up the cracked stones as if seeking to reclaim them entirely. The steps leading to the shrine are slick and uneven, their once-sharp edges softened by time. Wild grasses have sprung up in the cracks between the stones, and the entire area feels as if it is slowly being swallowed by the natural world, forgotten by the people who once tended to it. Encircling the shrine are rows of gravestones, ancient markers of lives long passed. These stones are weathered and crumbling, with inscriptions worn down to near illegibility by centuries of rain. Some gravestones stand tall, though crooked, while others have fallen over, half-buried in the earth or leaning heavily against one another as if seeking support. The ground here is soft and muddy, waterlogged from the ever-present rain, causing some of the gravestones to sink deeper into the earth, as though they, too, are being pulled back into the depths from which they rose.

Ivy and creeping vines wind their way around the gravestones, binding them in a tangled web of green that speaks to years of abandonment. The once-sacred grounds have become overgrown and wild, with nature slowly reclaiming what was once cultivated by human hands. Yet, despite the shrine’s state of disrepair, there is a haunting beauty in its decay. The ivy, the moss, and the wildflowers that have taken root here seem to embrace the forgotten shrine, giving it a sense of quiet dignity even in its ruination. Inside the shrine, the interior is sparse and desolate. The altar, once adorned with offerings and tokens of faith, is now bare, save for a few rotting fruits and rusted coins left by the rare visitor who still remembers this place. Wooden prayer plaques hang loosely from rusted hooks, their once-vibrant messages now faded and smeared, rendered illegible by time and weather. The air within the shrine is damp and heavy, carrying the scent of wet wood and decay. Puddles of water dot the floor, reflecting the dim light that filters through the cracked roof, casting an eerie glow within the shrine’s interior.

The island feels like a place trapped in time, cut off from the rest of the world. The constant rain, the mist that hangs heavily in the air, and the quiet lapping of the lake’s waters create an atmosphere of isolation and sorrow. Yet, amid this stillness, there is an undeniable sense of history and memory that lingers in the air. The shrine, though abandoned and forgotten, carries with it the echoes of those who once visited, prayed, and lived their lives around this sacred place. The gravestones, too, seem to whisper stories of the past, tales of those who were once laid to rest here, their names and deeds now lost to time. The island is a testament to the impermanence of all things—a place where nature and memory intertwine, where the passage of time has worn away the surface, but the essence of what once was still lingers, haunting and beautiful.

Mirai would find upon her arrival the essence of the depths awaiting her. The air’s haunting tension is palpable and the stench of rot is ever present no matter how hard she may attempt to avoid its aggressive smell. The lake she’d crossed despite the rain still had a mirrored finish reflecting the very depths of her soul back onto her with every footsteps perhaps a looking glass into the depths of one's being. Alas this was only truly the beginning of her end as far as the chase was concerned. It was only a matter of time before the layers began to unfold before her but until then things were only just beginning.
Location: Tavern on the Outskirts of the Rain District
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3



The old man attempted to brush off the dust with an air of authority, his eyes narrowing as he took in the surroundings. "Bashar, was it? Hmph, a fine name indeed," Yonrochi muttered, his voice carrying the weight of experience and hidden agendas. With a practiced, graceful motion, he attempted to accept the lighter, his gaze shifting skyward. The sight of the broken gate's smoke made his eyes widen ever so slightly even from this distance, though he quickly masked his surprise. "That was the main gate... strong enough to rival a Rashomon. This isn't an ordinary breach."

Yonrochi reached out with a firm hand, attempting to pat the man's back in a rare gesture of acknowledgment. "You did well, son. Now stand aside and watch why I'm the one leading this village." His voice was calm, but there was an underlying edge of command that brooked no argument. "Tokage! We're moving," he barked, his tone sharp as steel.

He expected another attack; something capable of breaking that gate wouldn’t stop at one strike. Without a moment's hesitation, Yonrochi attempted to turn, his metallic hand gleaming in the light as he dashed from the chameleon's mouth, his kage robe fluttering behind him like a storm cloud, the silver streaks in his gray hair catching the light.

Tokage, who had been bowing respectfully to Dr. Lori, felt a surge of nervous energy as he attempted to scurry away. The anxiety of the situation made his usually calculated movements clumsy, and he stumbled on the chameleon’s slick tongue. A few vials and Bunsen burners spilled from his satchel, rolling in the creature's saliva. His expression twisted with frustration, and he muttered under his breath, "Damn it, Tokage... contaminated by that filthy chameleon." He hastily attempted to scoop up the vials, annoyance evident in the tightness of his lips. As he did so he seemingly left a note behind from carelessness.


Shokaku Rengoku
Hidden Rain Village, Sector 7
Shadow District, Level 3
Unit 4B, Raindrop Tower
Near the Old Canal, Western Edge

Postal Code: 62710"

As Yonrochi moved ahead with a determined stride, Tokage scrambled to catch up, clutching his salvaged supplies. Despite the minor setback, his mind was already calculating the next steps, his eyes glinting with a cold, analytical focus. Yonrochi’s call to action pulled him from his thoughts, and he followed the older man’s lead, noting the Kage's smile—an expression that hinted at both the confidence of a seasoned leader and the unpredictability of a man who had seen far too much.


Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



"All knowledge attains its ethical value and its human significance, only by the human sense in which it is employed. Only a good man can be a great physician."
Hermann Nothnagel

The doctor, inugami sat there with Tokage, Yonrochi, and the civilians resting further back in Bashira's mouth. They only looked up from where they sat and noticed the broken gate. At the same time, the two men began chatting with the young man handing the elder Kage his lighter to use but didn’t catch what Yonrochi had said while offering his lighter. Still, when he noticed the old man's gaze fixated on something, Inugami looked where and eyes widened seeing the gate being breached, something big came and blew a massive hole into it, a hole wide enough to dwarf his large chameleon companion. Hearing Yonrochi speak about it the doctor replied "Whatever did it, it’s most likely here in the Village if the gate has been breached, I’ll need to get these people to safety" he said with slight worry in his voice but kept a strong appearance for the civilians who are looking to him to get them safety and that’s what he intends on doing. Witness Yonrochi attempt to pat the doctor's back, Inugami caught his hand in a strong handshake before Yonrochi and Tokage prepared to leave which Inugami nodded and allowed, noting how tough this old man was but worried about his physical health yet kept this thought to himself, however. When the two went to leave upon hearing Yonrochi, The First Amekage barked orders with a tone of steel, Tokage, the Nurse bowed respectfully he bowed back and watched as they dashed out of the mouth but noticed how clumsy he was and dropped a few vials and Bunsen burners he only seen in the science lab where his adopted sister works.

The doctor proceeds to help the two retrieve their things off Bashira's tongue but Tokage managed and exits the Chameleon's mouth right behind the elder Amekage "Yonrochi! if you insist on going I'll leave a chameleon scout with you so I know where to find ya in case things turn south but I must take these people to safety, stay alive until my return" he yells out to them then Bashira chimed in "It's a honor and pleasure meeting you both, Lord Amekage and Tokage" she bows respectfully to them then looks up at the destroyed gate, feeling a sliver of fear but she didn't show it and kept a strong face as she closes her mouth securing everyone from danger, jumps high in the air towards a half destroyed factory intact as she lands there but felt the metal roof begin to strain loudly from the immense weight that she leaps to another one but a much taller building that gave her better overlook of the area "Hmmmm I don't sense any chakra in the area, could the enemy already be deep in the city?" she thought to herself before using her ability to camouflage with her surroundings before she leaps from building to building, in direction of the hospital that is three blocks from them. The chameleon latched onto Yorochi's shirt within his kage cloak and crawled out and onto his shoulder "I am Katasuke, your eyes, and ears" he spoke with a rough tone that makes anyone think it been smoking far too many cigarettes.​

Inside Bashira's Mouth
Once his companion shut her mouth and began moving, the doctor was able to sit down and think about his next course of action once he got these people to safety if there was a threat still inside the village, they may target more areas that weren't hit from the explosion that obliterated half of the village, reminding the doctor of the old, ancient structures half buried in the water, from the first Uzushiogakure that was destroyed during the Third Ninja World War, a war that not only crippled the entire shinobi world but also brought ruin to other villages that were growing in power. Inugami had a hunch that their battle was far from over, that another attack was imminent and there were only so many of Ame's active-duty shinobi that could defend and fight enemies unless a full-scale invasion were to happen, no one would survive, not without aid and enough medics to save and care for the wounded. Feeling frustrated by the possibility this unknown enemy can bring he looks up from his train of thought and sees a piece of note on the organic floor before him, picking up the note and reads over it then reads over it again until his eyes widen upon reading the name he's been warned about "Shokaku Rengoku....shit of all things I have to deal with, this shouldn't be it" he huffs in more annoyance before stuffing it back in his cloak before getting into a lotus position and meditate on this revelation.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Yonrochi/Tokage
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
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Crashing into the ground with the force of a tempest, dust and rock erupted around Yonrochi and Tokage as they appeared on the slope, their presence commanding the attention of the battlefield with the aid of what seemed to be a chameleon on the old mans back aiding them. Kakoa stood back, his chin tilted upward with a casual arrogance, his demeanor daring anyone to challenge him. “Lord First… Ahem…” He cleared his throat, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

Yonrochi, despite the fatigue etched into his weathered face, stepped forward with the grace of a seasoned warrior. His once-pristine robes were now tattered, the wear and tear of battle evident. Bowing at a precise 90-degree angle, his movements were deliberate, almost ritualistic. Sweat glistened on his brow, and his eyes, slightly bloodshot, held a depth that spoke of countless struggles.

“Forgive me… as you can see, we’re closed for the day…” Yonrochi’s words carried a weight that hung in the air, the kind of tone that demanded respect. In the background, Kakoa couldn’t help but chuckle, recognizing the irony as he had used that very line earlier.

“I presume you fine people are searching for that little explosive device, yes!? Yonrochi’s voice took on a calculated edge, his mind whirling with possibilities. The temptation to reveal the Leaf ninja’s whereabouts gnawed at him, but the strategist within weighed the benefits of holding back. “I might recall seeing its trajectory during my… engagement.” His words dripped with a subtle suggestion, his hands disappearing into the folds of his robe like a magician preparing for a trick.

Yonrochi’s gaze flickered between the Mist ninja, Tokage and Kakoa, a silent negotiation playing out in his mind. What could he gain from this exchange? What price could he demand for the information he held? The tension in the air thickened, each breath laden with unspoken intentions. The battlefield might have quieted, but the real game was just beginning.

Location: Rain District Gates →
Posting Order: Yumaro → Kakoa Assistant Advisor → Suikotsu → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
Skip Points: ll[/hr]​





Suikotsu watching the actions of the 'Leaf' shinobi closely, would almost be taken by surprise by the crashing landing appearance of the beings known as Yonrochi and Tokage, however, Suikotsu wasn't the kind of person to have such jumpy actions. Instead the moment the one as Kakoa had taken a step back, Suikotsu was among them. He could tell by Higetsu's tone and demeanor the weapon they were searching for wasn't here, so it was likely sold or traded to give this run-down sorry excuse of a District something they needed.

“Forgive me… as you can see, we’re closed for the day…” Yonrochi spoke as if he was someone the mist shinobi should be aware of, wary even, Suikotsu cared not for this display.

“I presume you fine people are searching for that little explosive device, yes!?” Yonrochi's voice took on a harder edge as he gained, a false confidence when dealing with three of the seven swordsmen. “I might recall seeing its trajectory during my… engagement.”

The kage of rain had finished speaking, Suikotsu's chakra was building up to massive amounts and he did not care for this game anymore.
His method of movement was silent and fast, He wondered if the one known as Kakoa even noticed Suikotsu was standing between him and his kage now, the Executioner blade held at Suikotsu's waist with both hands. The jonin vestments ripping from Suikotsu's bones are being manipulated into a lariat of spears ready to fire at Kakoa, Tokage, and the Chameleon helper.

" Where is the sacred weapon of Kirigakure, I don't muse words or play games, If you value what's left of your people, your village, your life, Tell us and we will be gone from this wasteland. "

The build-up of chakra was Suikotsu allowing his bones to travel beneath his feet and into the ground, deep, setting up a root system, a plan B, He would reduce their non-shinobi survivors to zero if they received any sort of attack. Suikotsu knew this kind of method was what the others preferred, but realistically Suikotsu cared nothing for the people here, He only went on this mission to see how the other two, Yumaro and Higetsu, acted.


Location: Rain District Gates →
Posting Order: Yumaro → Kakoa Assistant Advisor → Suikotsu → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
Skip Points: ll[/hr]​




*Listen while you read*
Her steps felt wrong. Out of place. A simple glance around the environment identified the black and red form of her was a stark contrast to the world dyed blue around her.

Mirai's journey led her to a secluded Shinto shrine, a place pulsating with a profound and enigmatic energy. As she stepped onto the sacred grounds, she could immediately sense the dense, dark aura enveloping the area—this was unmistakably Yin energy. Unlike the vibrant, aggressive nature of Yang, Yin was subtler, deeper, and more mysterious, intertwined with the spiritual essence of the shrine.

Aware of the unique properties of Yin chakra, which could manifest in deceptive and intangible attacks, Mirai activated her Sharingan. The distinctive crimson swirls of her eyes began to analyze the flows of chakra around her, enabling her to see the otherwise invisible currents of Yin energy. This would be crucial in anticipating and countering any spiritual or chakra-based assaults directed at her.

To defend herself, Mirai knew she needed to employ a balanced approach. She prepared a series of seals, drawing upon her knowledge of both offensive and defensive jutsu. She focused on creating barriers that could absorb and neutralize Yin chakra, using her own energy to fortify her defenses. Simultaneously, she readied counterattacks that could disrupt the flow of Yin energy, potentially using her opponents' energy against them.

As she moved deeper into the shrine, Mirai remained vigilant, her senses heightened to detect any shift in the atmosphere that might signal an attack. The shrine, steeped in the ancient power of Yin, was not merely a place of worship but a bastion of hidden strength and secrets. Here, amidst the whispering winds and the shadowed paths, Mirai prepared to face whatever guardians or spirits were bound to the shrine, ready to use her full arsenal of techniques to maintain her safety and uncover the mysteries held within.
As Mirai advanced further into the heart of the shrine, her senses were sharply attuned to every nuance of her surroundings. The subtle rustle of leaves, the gentle shift of shadows as the light waned—it all painted a vivid sensory picture that she analyzed meticulously. Her defensive posture was not born of fear but of strategic necessity, as she prepared to counter any threats that might emerge from this spiritually charged environment.

Every step was calculated, her movements fluid yet deliberate, as she scanned for potential ambush points or subtle distortions in the landscape that might signify hidden dangers. The shrine, with its ancient stones and sacred seals, seemed to hum with a silent power, a resonance that only a deeply tuned shinobi could perceive. Mirai’s heightened vigilance was not just a testament to her training; it spoke of a shinobi who understood the stakes of venturing into such a potent spiritual locale.

Amidst this high alert, there lurked an almost imperceptible hint that something was amiss. The keen observer might note a certain lightness in her step, a nuance that suggested this might not be Mirai in her fullest essence. Perhaps the events of the past week had finally managed to catch up to her mentally. She had more than enough time recover all of her energy and chakra, but the mental strain may have caught up to the lord.


Location: Tavern on the Outskirts of the Rain District
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​


Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.




After the attack from an enemy who was a servant to the shadow world and the entity that commands them, has put a crater in the hidden village, so many lives were lost that day. Still, its people continued to remain strong with the Amekage, the same man who nearly got himself and others caught in a hostile negotiation Inugami took this threat from Mist District's swordsmen very seriously and made sure to make it clear for them to never return to rain district, However, Inugami didn't have that authority he sure as hell ain't going to aid them if they get injured or worse, threatening his people and kage is a line he'll never forgive them for crossing over a sword?! the Angel of Rain would cast down bad omen upon them, they'll suffer for their sins.​

A whole week of repairing and aiding with search and rescue using his chameleons to locate and identify bodies that were lost in the rubble caused by the explosion and most within the blast, only to find someone's shadow engraved into the ruins, a sight Inugami was not used to seeing despite his many years being a medic and doctor, this kind of death is worst but he has to do what is necessary to find and identify loved ones but this is beyond his ability to recover anything from this, he'll have to ask lord Yonrochi since he was in the thick of it with the enemy. Inugami would invest his money in more medical tools and tents for the wounded, the hospital has been filled up with a lot of people leaving the staff short-handed. Inugami came to the top of the roof after doing several surgeries, smoking a blunt as he observed the city scarred from the battle that took place last week, such a beautiful place was left damaged but they will recover, people of the rain always come back stronger.

As Inugami sighed in euphoria when he began to feel the effects of the blunt his is smoking, enjoying his peace outside the operating room and wails of pain or people screaming from nightmares, making it hard to handle a patient when they are agitated or experiencing illusions of the invasion, however, many of his other patients, who are medic-nin in training offered help in dealing with more patients who had minor injuries which he did not decline but had trouble with some who are too stubborn to sit down and rest from their injuries or exhaustion, hell, its getting to everyone but with food and enough rest, they should be able to keep the flow going, however, he was pulled out from his trip down memory lane by his assistant nurse and apprentice, Shaolin, came out the door and walks over to him holding a dark blue scroll but scrunched her nose when the smell of his blunt hit her nostrils "Doctor Iori, your chameleon came and gave me this before it left, something about a mission you applied for?" she asked in disbelief and worry which he turns around and smiles softly to his assistant "Yes, it is about time I get out and help others that needs it plus my own income isn't gonna keep the hospital afloat for long-term" he says before placing his hand on her head which made the woman looks down with her face take a slight shade of red, she wanted him to stay which the doctor can tell from her expression but knew she understands the life of being a shinobi.

Inugami quickly put out his blunt and secured it in his cloak before being handed the scroll by his assistant, he thanked her and patted her brown hair before jumping off the building doing a backflip, biting his thumb to draw blood and with a puff a smoke, a dark brown dog-size chameleon appeared on the side of the hospital which the mere sight of it frighten some patients but he didn't pay mind as it leap off the building down to the ground, taking off down the street.

Location: Rain City, Hospital
Post Order: Order: Inugami Iori
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​
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